Download - Analysis professional magazine covers


ANALYSIS- Professional magazine covers.

ANALYSIS- Professional magazine covers.


The masthead on this front over has been covered up partly by the main image connoting that this magazine is very well known and popular as the masthead does not need to be fully displayed in order for the audience to know what the magazine is called.

The creator of the magazine has used a Bold, white font to allow the masthead to stand out the most on the magazine, they have made it the largest text on the cover to allow it to stand out more and attract the attention of the audience.

They have used a gothic font to continue with the theme of the magazine.


The main image is of the famous rock singer Andy Biersack they have used this image to attract more readers as he is a very popular artist and has a wide range of fans that would be interested in reading about him.

Direct address has been used in this image to attract the reader and make them feel more of a connection between the fan and the artist therefore drawing the audience in.

The code of attire used in this shot is a pair or red and white shorts to remain with the colour scheme.

There is no writing covering Andys face so the audience can clearly see who it is.


The main coverline has been written in the same colour font as the masthead and a different colour to the other coverlines, they have done this to allow the reader to know that this is the main article and that it is he most important on the page.

They have used a slightly smaller text to the masthead so it stands out but is not the main thing on the cover as they need the reader to notice the masthead first in order for the reader to want to buy it again.


The use of a famous, well known band has been used to grasp the readers attention and make them want to buy it because there is a possibility that they will not like the band on the cover used for a main images, so if they see a band they do like then it will intrigue them and make them want to buy it.

The use of the colour yellow has captured the attention of the reader as it is a very vibrant colour making the reader look at the article and see the repetition Bigger.Badder.Back! to attract the reader and grab their attention.

The bold text used has been used to attract the reader and make us feel like the magazine is screaming at us and shouting about how important it is.


The buzz word has been used to grab the readers attention and make them think that by buying this magazine they will get more for the price they have paid.

It is also a way of the magazine telling the audience other articles that could be inside.

In this magazine they have used a buzzword to tell the reader what other artists will be in it and what type of article it will be but also to tell them that a gig guide is included so they have the opportunity to see their favourite artists.


The barcode in this magazine has the issue number, website and date on it.

The issue number allows the reader to see if it is a popular magazine depending on how many issues have been published because if there is more magazines published then it is a more popular magazine and as we can see it has 1590 issues to date so we can clearly see that it is a very popular magazine.

The date on the magazine tells us if it is a monthly or weekly magazine judging by when other issues have been published allowing the audience to know when the next issue will be out for when they can buy it.

The website on the magazine is a way for readers to get more information on the magazine and pre-order copies, it also allows them to find out more about the articles published and get in touch with the magazine and enter any competitions.



The word contents has been created with a bold, white text and different shapes surrounding it including skulls and bottles. This could have been used to aspire to the target audience by having bold messy designs to draw the reader in. it has also been used so that people can easily find the pages that they need by just flicking to this page quickly.


The main image is of Loz- a famous well known rock artist. They have used this image of Loz singing to attract the readers whho like this artist.

They have covered the majority of the page with this image to display to the reader that he is one of the main artists in this magazine and that a double page spread will probably be based on him/his band.


This is a way for the fans to see what type of magazine it is and what different things happen in each issue.

This editors letter has been written in small white writing on a black background to continue with the colour scheme and allow it to be easy to read.

The language used is informal and directly talking to reader to draw them in and feel more included in the magazine.


HEADINGS- The headings are in a black, bold font written on yellow boxes to allow it to stand out and attract the reader and make it easier for the audience to know what each section is about.

TEXT- The text is in lack and orange with some articles in bold to allow the reader to understand what is the most important parts of each section. The page numbers are placed inside each text box in a messy but chronological order for each section making it lightly hard for the reader to find the article they are looking for.

Double page spread.


The title ROCK OR BUST! is in bold yellow and white text to make it the most stood out text on the page. It is in vibrant colours to attract the reader and make them want to read this article over another.

The minimalistic text for the title will draw the reader in as they are intrigued to find out about the article and what the title is representing.


The main image is of a different singer to the front cover as the audience might not like the singer on the front cover so the magazine has multiple double age spread articles to get a wider audience therefore bringing more money into the company.

The singer is not using direct address which is unusual for a double page spread but it is still an effective image as we can see who the artist is and that he is passionate about his work and that he must be very talented to be in a magazine so therefore bringing more viewers in as they would like to know more about him.


The other images used in this double page spread are images of rehearsals with the band which will make people want to read it as they feel like they will get ore of an insight than other fans have and possible find out about more things than they already know.

The images have silly commentary mocking the artists in a nice way to make the audience laugh and want to read on.

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