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Analysis of Development Strategy Based on Socialist Market Economy

1st Jing Xuan *

School of Marxism Northwest Minzu University

Lanzhou 730000, China [email protected]

3rd Jingjing Zhang School of Marxism

Northwest Minzu University Lanzhou 730000, China [email protected]

2nd Zikun Zhou School of Marxism

Northwest Minzu University Lanzhou 730000, China

[email protected]

4th Zongyuan Tan College of Electrical Engineering

Northwest Minzu University Lanzhou 730000, China

[email protected]

*The corresponding author: Abstract—Since the 18th national congress of Communist Party of China (CPC), president Xi Jin-Ping stands on the starting

point of the new era, who has absorbed the essence of people-based thought from China and foreign countries under the environment of market economy. At the same time, his rich experience in growth has inspired feelings of people and he has inherited the thought of subjective view of people on forerunner of Marxism, end so on. The above is viewed as the prerequisites and basis to form the development thought with the center of people. His thought has abundant theory connotation and value, which is of great historical significance for the theory of Marxism, communist party in power and great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Keywords—Market economy, arxism , velopment

I. INTRODUCTION AND SETTING Time is the mother of thought and practice is the source of theory. Stand in a new era and face new problems and challenges

[1, 2], the people-centered development idea is proposed by president Xi in the reports of 19th national congress of CPC. The specific performance is that people is the creator of history and is the fundamental force to determine future and destiny of CPC and country [3]. We must insist the dominant position of the people, adhere to the principle of building a party for the public and practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. Meanwhile, the mass line is implemented in all activities of governing the country. People’s yearning for a good and beautiful life is the purpose to strive for and the historical achievements are created relying on people [4].

Since governing the country by CPC, its purpose is serving the people wholeheartedly, whose mission is to try for happiness for Chinese and achieve great renaissance of Chinese nation. Always, the communists regarded the fundamental interests of the vast majority of people as the standing point and foothold. Since the reform and opening-up policy, the economy of China has acquired rapid development. Our life has reached beautiful vision, even appearing new four great inventions, namely high-speed railway, Alipay, shared bicycle and online shopping [5,6]. Nevertheless, the beautiful life has been dissatisfied by people. With the constant advance and improvement of living standard, people also persistently broaden the requirement of beautiful life. For example, they hope to have more democratic rights in political level, to obtain more equal education opportunities in culture level, to get happiness, justice and fairness in spirit level and to have more beautiful environment in ecology, etc. Hence, the communists have made a solemn promise, namely people’s yearning for a better life is their goal strived for [7]. CPC has always been closed to people, paid attention to the livelihood of people and listened the opinion of public. In the first session of the 12th national people’s congress, president Xi points out that we keep on listening to the voice of people, responding to the expectations of people, ensuring people to have the rights on equal participation and development and safeguarding the fairness and justice of society. Meanwhile, we persistently acquire new progress in certain aspects, namely every kid is in school, every one has work to do, every one has a roof over the herd and every sick is treated. We constantly achieve, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the vast majority of people and the development achievements are more fairly brought benefit to the whole people. On the basis of continuous development of economic society, we steadily develop towards common prosperity.

Historical materialism holds that the masses are the subject of history, the creator of social material and spiritual wealth and the decisive force for social reform [8, 9]. The great achievements are acquired by the reform and opening-up policy. It is no doubt that this is created by the vast majority of Chinese people. Since entering a new era, the new subjects faced are still inseparable from the strength and striving of the masses [10]. Completing the process of building of a moderately prosperous society has entered the final stage. Whether or not the beautiful vision on a moderately prosperous society is achieved is inseparable from the top-level design and specific layout of central committee of CPC, and the participation and dedication of the masses. President Xi indicates that the national constructions are the career of the all people, and the process of national development is the process of shared achievements for the all people. In addition, the realization of Chinese dream on the national prosperity and strength, national rejuvenation and well-being of the people need to be worked hard from generation to generation [11,12].

2018 8th International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS 2018)

Copyright © (2018) Francis Academic Press, UK DOI: 10.25236/emcs.2018.144579

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China is a socialist country under the leadership of the working class and the democratic dictatorship of people based on the alliance of workers and peasants [13]. The people are the master of the country, and the power of the government and CPC is endowed by the people. Therefore, the government and CPC always insist such a principle that they serve the people. President Xi makes a solemn promise that he is deeded as a national leader and is put in such position by the people, who puts the people in the highest position in his heart. Meanwhile, he always remembers the fact that the responsibility is more important than Mount Tai, and puts the safety, cold and warm of the people in mind. Also, he will have mutual affinity, share joys and sorrows and struggle together with the people [14]. He positively develops socialist democracy and ensures the right on the masters of the country for the people by different forms [15]. He provides various cultural activities of public welfare and industrialization, and offer the beneficial mass culture production and activities enjoyed by the people. He endeavors to improve the life level of the people, enhances the level of medical treatment and public health and education, and improve the social security and service system. This endeavor can increase the sense of gain for the people. Additionally, the living environment of the people is improved. A beautiful home for livable industry is built by improving the living environment and enhancing the construction of ecological civilization. This can increase more sense of belonging for the people [16].

II. MEANING VALUE OF IDEA Since its founding, CPC has gone through various periods of revolution, construction and reform. It can be said that CPC is

the choice of history and people. President Xi summarizes this profoundly: "president Mao requests that all communists must serve the people heart and soul; president Deng who asks us to do the work must consider the masses support and nonsupport; president Jiang puts forward that CPC must always represent the fundamental interests of the masses; president Hu proposes advice that CPC must get good implementation, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the masses as a starting point and foothold of all work, the session of the central committee of CPC clearly puts forward that people's yearning for a better life is our goal". "The people-centered development thought is proposed by president Xi, who is just standing at a new historical starting point to strengthen the sense of purpose of communists, to strictly require party members' behaviors and to strengthen the own construction of CPC. It is conducive to comprehensively promote strict governance of CPC. This is the fundamental magic weapon that keeps CPC in an invincible position. The masses are dreamers and dreamers. For thousands of years, thinkers and reformers such as Confucius, Tao Yuanming, Kang Youwei and Sun Yatsen have drawn an ideal blueprint for the common society. Since ancient times, people have been yearning for the "great society", but their dreams have not been put into practice. The baton of history has passed to our generation. Reform and opening-up policy have made us rich and achieved an overall well-off society. However, this is an unbalanced, inadequate and comprehensive well-off society, and we need to move towards a higher level of well-off society, namely an overall well-off society. The idea of people-centered development is born in the call of the times. The people are the creators of history, so we need to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people, work together to build a well-off society and build the Chinese dream.

In the ancient western society, the people-oriented thoughts expressed humanist. The ancient Greek thinker Protagora once proposed that man is the measure of all things. However, medieval religious theology seriously hindered human development. It was not until the Renaissance that he proposed breaking the theological shackles, pursuing human freedom and liberation and spreading humanism. Then, the enlightenment movement propagated the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity. In deep drawing of last century based on the lessons of the history of Europe, coupled with some countries and regions in the political unrest in recent years and the governments collapsed, president Xi brings up the ruling of CPC, which can jump out of the historical periodic law. He puts forward the idea on the development of the people as the center, persistence of complete strict governing idea of CPC and the thought of president Mao put forward in the 1940s giving full play to the role of the masses of the people. In addition, the government will not relax until the people supervise it. Only when everyone is in charge will there be no political subjugation. After 40 years of reform and opening up, China has greatly improved its productivity and accumulated material wealth. The principal social contradictions in China have undergone fundamental changes and socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The principal social contradiction in our country has been transformed into the contradiction between the people's ever-growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. Therefore, the people's demands for a better life are constantly expanding and improving. This not only satisfies the economic living conditions, but also promotes to produce new and higher requirements on democracy, health care, education, housing, ecological environment and other aspects. In addition, the basic national condition of China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time. The basic national condition has not changed. This national condition has put forward a new and higher request to CPC and people. Therefore, we must grasp the time topic closely, meet the new challenge and the test the thought of president Xi on "people as the center" that is also a new expression of Marxist people's view in the new era.

At the turn of the century and the turn of the millennium, in the face of major opportunities and challenges at home and abroad, the third generation of central collective leadership with president Jiang as the core puts forward the important thought of "three represents", namely CPC should always represent the development of advanced productive forces of China; CPC should always represent the direction of advanced culture of China; CPC should always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The starting point and goal of this theory are to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people. Based on the national conditions and the experience and lessons in practice, president Hu puts forward the scientific development concept of people-oriented. While pay attention to the speed of development, we also should pay more attention to the quality of development and coordinate all parties. And CPC always puts the implementation, maintenance, good, good development of the masses of the people's fundamental interests as a starting point and the foothold of CPC and the state all work. Also, CPC respects the principal position of the people, plays pioneering spirit of the people, protects rights and


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interests of the people, takes the path of common prosperity, promotes the all-round development of people, achieves the development to the people and relies on the people. Meanwhile, development achievements are shared with the people. Once, China has copied the central planning model for a long time. The central planning mode is the central planning system under the guidance of the Russian Stalinist, which is relatively complete planned economy theory and planned economy thought. These have affected the planned economies broadly and deeply in other countries, including our country. One regard planned economy as the basic feature of socialism and equal market economy with capital deservedly. This restricts and denies the function of market to some extent. We cannot deny the fact that the traditional planned economic system has such a function, namely it can develop economy quickly and satisfy certain requirement of the people. It should be due to that this economic system quickly mobilizes social resources, builds the key departments, promotes socialist industrialization, pays a positive role on the development of productivity and makes great changes to economy of China. But, as the change of time and conditions go, the completion of tasks of our socialism initial stage construction, the expanding economic scale of China and the increase of economic ties have changed greatly. The planned economic system of that kind of decision is highly reject market uniformly. If we do this by executive order configuration resources and exposing the disadvantages of egalitarianism, then the national economy is eventually stagnated. Plan and market economy not only have their own advantages, but also have their own limitations and shortcomings. The advantage scope of planned adjustment mainly lies in the macro-economic zone, which can effectively control the economic aggregate, but it is difficult to exert effective adjustment effect on micro-economic activities.

III. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION From the perspective of history and time, the CPC's thought of establishing the party for the public and ruling for the people

has been maintained and developed. The people have always been the main force of historical development. Catering to the aspirations of the people and highlighting the status and role of the people are the correct choice of the communist party. Also, these are an invincible secret weapon for CPC. To further understand the latest expression of Marxism people's view -- people-centered development thought of president Xi contains rich connotations and values. In practice, we will lead the whole party and the people of China to make continuous progress towards a new history and write a new chapter of victory.

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