Download - An Open Letter To ALL Internet Marketers Who Are FED UP With The Lies, Hype, And Seemingly Endless Stream Of “Get Rich Quick” Programs Which Over Promise,


An Open Letter To ALL Internet Marketers Who Are FED UP With The Lies, Hype, And Seemingly Endless

Stream Of “Get Rich Quick” Programs Which Over Promise, And

Under Deliver…

A Top 100 Apex Elite Affiliate From Clickbank “De-classifies” The

Secrets That Zoomed Him To A $100,000+ Online Income In Less

Than 1 Year...

If You’re Sick And Tired Of Trying Courses That Simply Don’t Deliver, And Want To

Start building An Auto-Pilot Business With Multiple Income Streams Faster And Easier Than You Ever Dreamed Possible No Matter

What Your Experience Level Is...

...Then Keep Watching As A Top 100 ClickBank Apex Elite Member Speaks

Out And unlocks your door to unlimited wealth and success, so you too can create the lifestyle you've always

dreamed of!

(And best of all – for a very limited time you can get your hands on

personal training for a FRACTION of the

normal cost...)

Who Is Charles Kirkland?


•Online Marketer

•Offline Marketer

•ClickBank Apex Elite member

Are you tired of buying product after product – only to discover

that you need OTHER products, tools, software, and experience

that you DON’T have?

Are family members and friends telling you that this online business

stuff will NEVER work... and pressuring you to quit chasing a “silly pipe dream” because you don’t have

any RESULTS to show for it?

Are you struggling to take the “next step”, and actually apply

the information you already have to make money online...

and itching create the dream lifestyle you deserve?

If so, then please pay close attention–because it very well may be the most important video you EVER watch if

you’re serious about creating a wildly

successful online business...

If you’ve been struggling to achieve “lift off” and get a real start on your own online

business... you’re probably very wary of all the products out there that promise

“massive online success” and “push button autopilot cash generation” products

(or anything along those lines)....

And it hardly even matters what the product is anymore...


List Building



Affiliate Marketing

Keyword Software / Services

Backlinking Software / Services

Article Writing



Home Study Video Courses

And much, much more!

“Sorry For The LameInfomercial Sarcasm”

But This Begs The Question...

“Why can’t anyone just tell me the REAL secrets

to starting a successful online business?”

Just like you, I bought into the lies, and failed at each turn. I wanted the success

and riches, the vacations, and the freedom it would bring to

me and my family...

I knew it was out there...

After all, there were success stories floating around about people

making millions of dollars online everywhere...

And to be honest...

I knew the 'dot com' boom had only just begun... and there was no way I was going to miss out on this virtual “gold


So the possibilities were there – All I needed was the right knowledge to build

my own million dollar empire!

From where I am now, it’s crystal clear to me how different

(and how much easier) it all could have been...

And pay close attention here, because...

“This is The Difference Between Failing Over And Over

(And Eventually Quitting)... And Earning A Jaw Dropping Six Figure Income Like This...”

Here is some proof of my earnings, as well as cold, hard proof that can’t be

faked unlike much of the “proof” floating around the internet.

Rapid List Growth

This is just 5

hours of sales

on any average


The Money Every Day. . .

Every Month. . .

I Made Over $5,351.83 in 1 Day

I’m not just showing you these figures to brag – in fact, I rarely let people see the “inside” of my accounts... I just want you

to know that it IS possible to make money online - and if I can do it – you

can do it too – but you MUST follow my instructions word for word...

“And Just So You Know These Aren’t Faked Unlike Many Other

“Income Proofs” Online...”

Recognition. . .

Private Mastermind

I’m also a ClickBank Apex Member (One of the top 100 affiliates on

ClickBank – the largest affiliate network online)...

“Even More Proof: My Position In

Affiliate Contests Among The Biggest Names In Online Marketing”

Respect. . .

I’m #9 In This JV Contest

Now you’re probably very interested in learning about how I’ve STOOD OUT

from hundreds of thousands of competitors online...

and how I’ve managed to create my own massively successful online business, aren’t you?

I’m about to “spill my guts” on everything I’ve done to create a mind boggling online

income... but to really understand why THIS system

works (and others pale in comparison), you need to know these 3 major problems that are probably holding you back right now...

Big Problem #1: You Only Get Parts Of The Internet Marketing Puzzle –

Then You Have To Figure Out The Rest Alone...

I.E. You get a product on how to create your product...

but then you need to write the sales copy... but then you need to need to set up the

website... and payment links... and a sales funnel... and build a list... then learn how to

drive traffic...

See what I mean?

None of them are COMPLETE “systems” that take you ALL the way to profiting from

your online business... instead, they give you tidbits of information that you can’t apply

unless you have all the OTHER elements in place.

And chances are, you’ll encounter some “roadblocks” in the way – then be left

scratching your head trying to figure out how to solve it so you can proceed.

You need a support system to stay on track - so you don’t get “lost in the

noise” of the internet marketing world... otherwise, you may feel overwhelmed

and unable to APPLY anything you learn!

Big Problem #2: Fake “Gurus”, and Newbies Selling

Misleading Information About Internet Marketing, To Other Hopeful

Internet Marketers...

...and in the process, you most likely end up getting recycled, BAD information about

internet marketing that will KEEP you struggling rather than taking logical, progressive steps towards building a

SUCCESSFUL online business.

Example? “Take action!” is one of them.

You’ll see many so called internet marketers yelling this out from the rooftops - but they’ll

never tell you that taking the RIGHT action is more important than just blindly following

some lame amateur marketing advice that’s been beaten to death already.

This is why so many people get frustrated, and suffer from “information overload”.

What you need is a simple, up-to-date system that WORKS from a proven expert in his field...

Big Problem #3:

Everyone Competing With The Same Techniques – Making It Damn Near

Impossible To Make A Living Online...

Everyone is competing in the same niches, same keywords, the same coveted top spots on Google, writing articles about the same things, working on blogs about the same

subjects... is it any surprise that most people simply slave away for little or no results...?

Its tough when you put so much time, energy, and money into a project – only to find out

that it won’t even work, because the methods you’re using are outdated or simply don’t work in today’s extremely competitive IM


...and that’s why you need a little something called “innovation”

– IE. A system that almost NOBODY else is using!

And when I say “nobody” – I mean that only a few people know that

these methods exist... and even fewer are actually USING...

As more and more people lose their jobs in a rough economy, people turn to the

internet for a source of income to support themselves and their families – hoping one day they will be able to set

up their own successful online business...

“...One By One, They Angrily Quit, And Call “Internet Marketing” A

Silly Pipe Dream – And End Up Going Back To The 9-5 Grind”

And I don’t blame them...

Because I know just how difficult it is – when I first started, I got promised heaven and earth,

but when the products delivered – they always left some major chunk of information out deliberately to get me to buy more stuff!

I was absolutely FED UP.

It wasn’t just me either – my family and friends had told me for years

to stop wasting my time with this “internet stuff”, because it was

just a “scam”.

Little did they realize how enormous the potential to make an income online is...

And as close as I got to quitting, I’m grateful that I never listened to them... otherwise

today I might be working in some lame office job, slogging it out

day after day on a construction site, or maybe even flipping burgers...

It was only when I discovered my very own “formula” for success that I could “stick it” to everyone who laughed at me for having a

dream of my own successful online business...

“Are You Tired Of Staring Into Cyberspace For Hours, Weeks, And Even

MONTHS Without Any Results To Show For It?”

Isn’t it about time someone just gave you a COMPLETE, step by step system that really

works... and does what it says it will do?

Earlier, I told you about my status as an Apex Elite Member of Clickbank (In a moment I’ll

tell you exactly why that’s VITAL to your success).

And over the last few years, the state of the “internet marketing”

niche has quickly dwindled down into virtual oblivion.

I mean, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to find legitimate, up-to-date information that

you can use to start earning money online...

And just to prove my point...

“Approximately 95% Of The People Who Try To Make

Money Online…NEVER Even Make A Single Dollar!”

A quick Google search will bring up thousands of results from frustrated people, all racking their brains to figure out how all

this whole “internet marketing” thing works...

I know EXACTLY how you feel.

Because I was in your shoes before...


You’re NOT Alone, And It’s NOT Your Fault!

Making Money Online Was NEVER Supposed To Be A Wild Goose Chase…

And if you’re anything like me – your time is far too valuable to spend months (and even years) trying to figure out how

the internet marketing game really works...

Don’t get me wrong...

Starting and running a successful online business – selling information products from the comfort of your own home for

massive 6 or 7 figure incomes is exciting and very doable (with the right

techniques and information)...

But if you’ve been a reader of my blog for any length of time – you

know just how difficult it’s been finding methods that work

for the long term...

I tried and failed so many times that Thomas Edison would

be proud!

...but seriously – if someone had just taught me EXACTLY what to do without sending me on a “goose chase” to find a COMPLETE system that just worked, I

would have been successful many years ago.

But you and I both know that it’s NOT that easy.

Instead, when I first got started online...

“All I Found Were Pathetic, Desperate Marketers Trying To Make A Buck By

Selling Me Rehashed, Old, And Outdated Information That Just

Didn’t Work In An Already Overcrowded Marketplace”

A year later, after spending so much time going from course to course, I had finally “cracked the code” to earning big bucks online and even made it into the

very lucrative top 100 affiliates for Clickbank – I had become an “Apex

Elite” member.

Unfortunately, most people throw in the towel before they even have

that crucial “breakthrough” where everything finally starts to

make sense...

Instead, they get stuck...

They spend months “learning” how to do stuff from tons of different eBooks, video courses, audios... and STILL don’t make

any progress

They think they need to know every latest and greatest technique out there

to break into the internet marketing lifestyle... and buy tons of “tools” that do nothing but cause more confusion (and

a severely drained wallet)...

They only know “bits n pieces” of the puzzle as I mentioned before... and buy everything under the sun, hoping that

“this one will work...” – yet nothing happens.

Does this sound like you, or anyone you know?

If so, you’re going to love what I have in store.

In fact...

“This Could Be YOUR “Breakthrough” Between Making a Comfy 6 Figure

Income Online Which Snowballs And Keeps Growing...

Or Continuing To Struggle Day After Day...”

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re barely scraping by in the online

world, or you grind it out on some other job.

We both know that taking the RIGHT action more important than mindlessly staring at a computer screen wondering

what to do next...

So where do you begin?

How do you know EXACTLY what steps to take, in order to build a successful online business without constantly

having to deal with information overload, confusing or conflicting ideas, and losing

steam half way through a project?

As you hoped – there is a way.

And here’s the REAL truth about online marketing...

“You Can’t Create A Successful Online Business...

If You Don’t Know What One Looks Like!”

Isn’t it about time someone just cut through the BS and took you by the

hands to show you the REAL methods to creating

money online...

...look, this isn’t going to be just another Ebook or “home study course” – no.

I’m going to literally spill everything I know - every breakthrough I’ve EVER

come across and give you an all access pass to the highly classified “inner

workings” of my entire business model...


And for the first time ever, you get the chance to “sneak peak” at a world class SUPER affiliates EXACT strategies - to

fulfil YOUR dreams: make a 100% passive income from information products and achieve the dream

lifestyle you deserve!

But here’s the most exciting news of all...

Not Only Are These Simple, “Look Over My Shoulder” Type Instructional

Videos – But You Also Get Direct Access To ME To Help You Succeed

Throughout Your Entire Training Period…

I have taken into account almost all the problems that every new, intermediate,

and advanced marketers face – and condensed YEARS of grueling training into a complete, single course you can

follow step by step – on screen with video.

When you’re finished with these specialized training materials (combined

with solid coaching), you’ll be able to take your skills ANYWHERE across the virtual world – and plow through almost

any internet marketing challenge!

In other words – you’ll be FULLY armed with all the skills you need to

succeed online...

There’s only so much I can say without “giving away the farm”...

but by the end of this letter, you will know enough to make the right,

life changing decision today.

So without further ado, please welcome my brand new...

Online Entrepreneur Coaching

This is unlike any “Internet Marketing” course you’ve ever stumbled across

online... let me explain why:

It works for anyone...

Whether you’re an experienced internet marketing professional

(I can help you take your business to all new heights with the latest internet

marketing strategies)...

...or whether you’re a wet behind the ears, green as grass newbie...

Now you too, have the power to quickly and easily implement a system which

destroys the main reasons why people fail – and takes you by the hand ALL

THE WAY until you’re profiting, and comfortable

enough to handle your business alone!

“So Let’s Check Out EXACTLY What You’ll

Get When You Sign Up Today...”

Tap into the most underused, misunderstood, yet EXTREMELY effective traffic generation technique available right now: PPV (Pay Per

View) traffic – Discover the secrets behind generating ENORMOUS amounts of traffic

through this method – we’ll dig in deep and cover every aspect of this to getting groundbreaking

results to build your list, explode your profits, and ZOOM you to the dream lifestyle in record time...

The “Free Web Traffic” guide... this handy report will act as your roadmap to effectively using traditional traffic generation skills... everything you need to successfully generate, and monetize free

traffic is covered – you’ll never need another guide on keyword research or SEO ever again!

Rapid Fire list building strategies to get HOT PROSPECTS lightning fast... yeah, we all know

“the money is in the list” – so the more subscribers, the more money you make – but this

time, we’ll throw all the “traditional” ways of list building out of the window – and use these

amazing, innovative techniques to build our list up to five times faster!

How to get huge amounts of PPC (Pay Per Click) traffic while paying the LOWEST amount of money humanly possible... clicks anywhere

from X are available – so you can profit massively without risking your bank account (you’ve

probably heard “horror stories” of people that have lost THOUSANDS in PPC – but this will

virtually reduce your risk to NOTHING because you’re pretty much guaranteed to profit!)

A quick and easy way to extract money from Facebook... it just wouldn’t be a complete

“system” if we left out the largest internet mogul of our current time – Facebook recently overtook

Google as the most popular site – find out how to tap into it while other marketers still fight over the

same scrap of meat on Google! (it’s amazingly fast, simple and effective – in fact, you could base your entire online business from Facebook alone!)

The “3X Method” for TRIPLING your profits... while taking advantage of other people and

leveraging their time, money, and effort to create YOUR online business. Just imagine other people doing most of the work... while you quietly watch

your subscriber list, profits, and “popularity” expand at mind-boggling speeds!

How to get a flood of customers with A simple video marketing tactic that will drive HUNDREDS of leads every single day... fact, more than you could handle —

without having to endure the usual frustration, stress and struggle!

Email secrets for building deep relationships and create raving fans... these 5 vital tips will

have subscribers hanging onto your every word... and WAITING to line YOUR pockets with cold

hard cash! (I learned this tactic DIRECTLY from Frank Kern – and it will

EXPLODE your email profits).

Access to my tested, highest performing landing pages which convert like CRAZY... you won’t have to spend months tweaking and getting

designers to create high end landing pages for you – I’ve already done that – and now you can

take MONTHS of traffic driving, testing, and tracking and get the benefits of a well designed,

extremely effective landing page without the hassles of doing the

work yourself.

How to get JV’s to promote your products and what they are

really looking for... most people struggle to get JV’s (possibly the easiest, most profitable way to make HUGE

chunks of cash instantly) COMPLETELY WRONG! Find out what

Joint Venture partners really want to see from you and your product – and say hello

to effortlessly creating highly profitable partnerships quickly WITHOUT having to “guess”

what they might want...

A simple formula for writing killer articles that suck traffic like gangbusters... Warning: This may result in floods of new customers — in fact, more than you could handle — without having to endure the usual frustration, stress and struggle

that comes from “sitting duck” articles which don’t get read, clicked, or drive traffic!

How to get a whole days work done – without working... put your productivity on steroids and see exponential growth of your online business and its profits. Once you see how little effort is actually required (because you can get most of

the work done for you), you’ll struggle to understand why you spent so long running around

in circles getting nowhere! (creating a 6 figure income and living the dream lifestyle has

NEVER been easier...)

A step by step course on how to do affiliate marketing PROPERLY the first time round...

unfortunately, the internet is cluttered with outdated, useless

information in perhaps the most abused “online business” system of all time... we’ll separate the “wheat from the chaff” so to speak, and give you the rundown on what works today so you can get

started IMMEDIATELY...

An absolutely BIZARRE anomaly which resulted in 17,192 unique visits to my site from Google in less than 24 hours... I’ll go behind the

scenes and uncover the reasons why this happened so you can literally copy the entire process and achieve outstanding, extremely

profitable “boosts” like these...

Find niches in minutes with these sneaky (and time saving) tips and tricks... listen – finding a

niche doesn’t have to be difficult. Many marketers will bombard you with information on how to “find

a low competition niche and monetize it” – rubbish. With this quick process, you’ll dial down

into a niche quickly and begin using all the monetization techniques from PPV and our

subscriber lists (way faster than having to do complicated “research” stuff)...

Become an EXPERT info product creator (the most valuable skill you can possess as an

internet marketer)... think about it: you’ll discover the real secrets behind creating the kinds of

products that people are DESPERATE for – and best of all – they are EASY to create and sell

effortlessly because people want them so badly...

It’s all made super easy to understand with step by step screen capture

“look over my shoulder” video. You’ll see exactly what

simple steps you need to take.

The video is UNCUT, RAW, and will FORCE you to succeed... all you need to do is just repeat what you see on the

screen. Simple.

“Not Only That – But You’re Also Going To Get Access To These

INVALUABLE Bonuses... But You Must Act Quickly”

Most of these bonuses require much of my time – I genuinely want to see you succeed and help you as others have

helped me...

But that also means I have to spend time with you to ENSURE you’re getting

results and not getting overwhelmed with information, and that you know how

to carry out the instructions...

Unfortunately, my TIME is extremely limited... and there are only so many

members I can train up to become expert internet marketers at a time!

That’s why I’m offering these LIMITED bonuses to

fill up my quota ...

TIME LIMITED BONUS #1 Ongoing Monthly Training To Keep

You Focused, On Track, And Get Your Most Pressing Questions


Look – Inside the course, I’ve laid out everything in a “look over my shoulder”

kind of way so you know EXACTLY what to do.

But inevitably, you may run into some “roadblocks” that prevent you

from moving forward.

I struggled with this myself for many years.

I took 1 step forward, and then 2 steps back!

There was ALWAYS a little “something” that I couldn’t

quite figure out...

That’s why I decided to add even MORE value to the course and GUARANTEE

you’ll succeed as long as you follow the instructions I give you (whether it’s

personal training or a group session).

Here’s how this will take place...

You’ll get access to 12 LIVE "Call In" Days Each Year To Help You Break Through

The Blocks That Are Stopping You From Achieving Massive Online Success


1 Day each month, you'll get a special number so you can call in and get your “head scratching” questions answered

by me personally!

If you ever get lost, stuck, or don't know what to do next - this is the perfect opportunity

to get it handled.

Instead of sitting around surfing the internet – you’ll be lead by me personally on what parts of your business you should be focusing on

to avoid costly mistakes and grow it as FAST as possible...

I normally charge $497 per hour for personal calls - so you’ll literally be

“ripping me off” – it’s for your own good though! Take advantage while you still




This BIZARRE, yet little known secret used by the "Gurus" that allows you to

"tap into" your prospects mind and control his actions to make you money...

These “under radar” methods will help you pin-point emotional hot buttons of

prospects – so you’ll know what you need to do to

have them eating out of the palm of your hand!

You'll know every fear he or she has - so we can craft the PERFECT solution for his wants and needs (which means

we'll make a killer product that they cannot resist buying - if you do this right,

your products will literally sell themselves!)

This is perhaps what the greatest direct response ad specialist of all time (Gary Halbert) was talking about... when he said the ONLY advantage he wanted would be to market to a STARVING


By using this method, you won’t ever have to “guess” about

what will sell and what won’t...

Instead, you’ll save yourself hundreds of hours of effort and time that would otherwise be spent on projects that

wouldn’t work out from the beginning!


Online Entrepreneur Video Library... (RRP$497)

Inside, you’ll discover...

The exact strategy that earned me $5,351.83 in just ONE day

How I got over 3000 Subscribers in 1 Day

5 secret traffic sources where you can get traffic for less than 1 cent each (I'll show you how to monetize the traffic

too, so you're NEVER actually “spending” money – but rather, investing

- for a GUARANTEED return!

How to leverage FREE traffic and build your list on autopilot

How to get work done for only $2.50 per hour (forget about paying freelancers extravagant

hourly rates) - and get the same HIGH QUALITY work done for you on the cheap! You'll never be

chained to your computer struggling to get something working - because someone else will

be running it for you while you enjoy life to the fullest!


MUST Make Before You Even Attempt

To Start Online Marketing... (RRP:$97)

Failure to do this is the reason why 99% of online marketers fail.

You’ll also learn how to avoid SUCCESS KILLING people... these parasites will eat away your time,

energy, and resources if you're not SUPER careful and know what to look

out for...

In fact, I don't recommend doing business AT ALL unless you know how to avoid them - yes, they're THAT bad!

TIME LIMITED BONUS #5 What The Most Successful

Entrepreneurs Are Doing To GUARANTEE Their Success Year

After Year... (RRP:$97)

...and why the ones NOT doing this will suddenly fail!

Once you become aware of these all too common “pitfalls” that many marketers face (especially after achieving a little

success –thinking “I’ll be OK” and neglecting their business)...

Don’t make this mistake – many online marketers have lost their entire business

models (and income streams) as a result of NOT following these

instructions (and it happens more often than we

like to admit)...

You’ll be prepared to keep your business running smoothly at all times

while putting in as little effort possible to maintain it!

TIME LIMITED BONUS #6 Monthly Interviews With REAL

“Underground” Experts... (RRP:$197)

Each month, I'll grill the TOP underground marketers and discover their secrets to creating almost unreal

online incomes...

And when I say “underground” – It’s NOT in the usual sense where it’s

thrown around as a hype word for poor products.

What I DO mean, however, is that you'll NEVER, EVER hear about these

kinds of strategies in the "mainstream" (where stuff is usually "dumbed down" for the masses to

keep them buying junk product after junk product).

You’ll be armed to the teeth with the LATEST working strategies and be

miles ahead of the competition – who are still slaving away on old, over-

competitive techniques that don’t work!


That Have Been Tested By Me Personally

So YOU Don’t Have To (RRP: $197)

As you know, it gets pretty expensive "trying" new traffic strategies - especially

if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

Let me "take the fall" for you and find out what works and what doesn't so you

don't have to waste your time or money!

I'll also provide real life case studies so you KNOW that whatever I link you to isn't some hocus-pocus guru junk

that promises the world - yet doesn't deliver...

TIME LIMITED BONUS #8 2 LIVE Online Seminars Every

Month – Where I Go In-Depth On What I’m

Doing For My Own Business... (RRP: $497)

If you’re still skeptical – and think I’m just some greedy guru who is only

giving you half the story, think again!

You’ll be getting a front row seat to the “Inside” of my latest brain-children and

discover techniques, tips, and tricks that nobody else would DARE talk about (they’d be too busy keeping their mouths shut, and profiting instead of giving it away to the

general public)...

...and these are what’s working for ME on MY business – and when it comes to

my business – I’m as serious as a heart attack.


Because my income and lifestyle depends on it – I’ll hold nothing back and reveal the best strategies that are

working for me, and how you can apply it to your own

online business!

“Due To The Constraints Of My Time – I Am FORCED To Limit

These Bonuses To The First1000 Customers Only...”

So don’t risk it – Invest today. I’ve kept the price rock bottom low (which you’ll find below) so you can at least check it out and make sure it’s something you’ll

enjoy and be able to follow.

This is STRICTLY first come, first served – and the fortunate few who

get access to the entire system and bonuses will be among the few

internet marketers out there who can successfully implement a COMPLETE

business plan – start to finish – and with personal coaching if you ever get stuck.

I know you may be skeptical.

In fact, I know how difficult it is to find real, reliable experts in the

field of “internet marketing” to teach you the ropes without spending a


And most Ebooks, video courses, and other “educational” material out there

don’t come from people using the techniques themselves! (Ever hear of

ghost writers?)

I’ll Even Take All The “Risk” Off Your Hands...

“You Can Get Access For A Measly $1 For An Entire 14 Days...”

If you decide you simply don’t enjoy the course for the first 14 days – simply

cancel and you won’t be charged any further fees.

To keep up the quality in this course, it’s a FLAT rate of just

$97 per month.

I don’t like putting “hidden continuity” into my offers – and that’s why I’m being

up front with you from the beginning.

There are NO hidden fees, and you’ll get THOUSANDS of

dollars worth of REAL value every single month.

Just the live calls and coaching bonuses are worth far more than

the entry price alone...

But the course, along with that, these EXTREMELY limited bonus packages are worth almost a whopping $2000

every month!

“Here's What You're 100% GuaranteedTo Get With This

Groundbreaking System...”

I’ll make sure every second you spend inside the

Entrepreneur Coaching Club counts...

There is no “filler” to make the content seem bigger than it is – just straight to the point

stuff that WORKS – so you can hit the ground running

and be on your way to massive online success!

But that's not all...

This stuff has been tested, proven, and refined into a science... I’ve taken the time to put this comprehensive course together so

you’ll waste no time wondering what the next step is –

and even if you do – I have the bonus calls and webinars every month to

make sure you stay on track.

In fact, once you gain access to the Entrepreneur Coaching Club, you'll

be ready to tackle most internet marketing challenges head on.

For example, with this life-changing system you get...

Straight to the point videos – which you can follow along so NO stone

is left unturned...

You’ll see everything right before your eyes in “real time” so you can

effectively apply everything you learn and see it in action before beginning

It’s all in a detailed, step-by-step format to eliminate “information overload” and

being “stuck”...

The latest and greatest breakthroughs in internet marketing and REAL insider


You get direct access to me to help you in case you feel lost, or confused

about anything

I’d be AMAZED if there was another system offering this much REAL

value at the price I’ll be offering today.

I’ve said all I can say... now there’s only one more question you need to ask

yourself before you invest in this powerful system and training today...

How Much Are You Willing to Invest In Yourself ?

What is it worth to condense 10 years of online marketing knowledge, and package it all in such a way that it

almost GUARANTEES you succeed? (unless of course you refuse

to take action).

Where will you be next week?

Will you be looking for the next system that promises instant riches and success... or will you decide to

change your entire internet marketing career for

the better today?

If you’re still reading – you have carefully considered

all I have to say...

And hopefully decided that even though you will pay just 1 measly dollar for entry – a monthly payment of just $97 is still a

FRACTION of this systems true worth!

“Why Would You Want To Take Chances With Your Business

Success By Not Trusting a REAL Internet Marketing Expert?”

Its' a lot cheaper in the end to invest in this system now - and learn everything you need to know correctly the FIRST

time around...

If you decide NOT to invest – what will be the price?

Will you needlessly carry on the frustrating cycle of buying product after

product with no results to show for it?

Or will you take the “easy” route and invest in the groundbreaking

Entrepreneurs Coaching Club for a small fee and see DRAMATIC leaps in

your online profits?

By investing in this system, you’ll shave months, (most likely YEARS) off the

learning curve and begin making huge incomes far sooner than you think. It’s

not an “expense” at all.

Can’t wait to meet you and watch over your shoulder

as you succeed!

See you inside soon!

This offer is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. This offer won’t be up

forever and is selling out quickly – especially because of the high value bonus material...

remember, my time is extremely limited due to how much time can be committed for a single

group of trainees.

Invest today and save thousands on monthly training for a

VERY limited time...

Lock in your position today and guarantee yourself

a successful future!

Remember, you have absolutely NOTHING to lose... give it a shot for just $1 today and decide if it’s worth

your time or not.

I guarantee you it will be worth every penny of the subsequent $97 fee. Keep in mind, not only are you getting a full blown training course – but you’re also getting HANDS ON, PERSONAL training from me!

You will be forced to succeed (unless you refuse to take action as I mentioned earlier), and there are no “hidden” fees - you can cancel at ANY time if you feel it’s not for


If you're ready to take control of your future and achieve

the dream lifestyle you deserve – click the order button below!

You’re still here. You’re obviously interested. You know you don’t want to continue living

with the same poor results you’ve achieved up until now... trying system after system with

nothing to show for it... you owe it to yourself to at least get a FAIR chance at achieving

success with a proven system, from a proven expert in his field...

Accept my offer on a RISK FREE basis and finally start your own

successful online business!Just click the

order button below

Like always, I’m releasing a limited number of copies of this training program and

then it’s going back into the vault.

I’m one of only 100 super affiliates in the ClickBank

Apex Elite program.

There are only 99 other people who can teach you what I

know about affiliate marketing.

I have used these same strategies and techniques to

become a marketing sensation…

…and to go from a broke, scared human being to one of the top 100 super affiliates in ClickBank in only 12 months.

If I can do that, just imagine what you can do.

I have made getting the Online Entrepreneur training simple. Just click the link below to

get started.

If you want to experience a totally unfair advantage in

marketing, you have to have this training.

I'll see you on the inside...

Remember, 100% of the risk is on me.

If you aren’t 100% satisfied with my training, just ask and

I’ll give you a fast refund.

You have the next 30 days to test out my training risk free.

Click the button below to get instant access now and start

changing your life!

Some of the techniques and strategies that I am sharing

with you today have only been available to my $5K coaching students…until


Just click the button at the bottom of this video now to

secure your spot!

How will tomorrow be any different than today?

Stop fooling yourself. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different


Like always, I’m releasing a limited number of copies of this training program and

then it’s going back into the vault.

For a Limited Time:

$1.00 TodayThen Just $97 Per Month after Your 14 day Trial

Click the Link Below