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  • 7/28/2019 An Appeal to Ahmadi Brothers


    Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam5th Sept 1999

    BismIllah arRehman arRaheem

    An Appeal to Ahmadi Brothersby

    AB Ahtesham

    Former Ahmadi

    Peace be on those who follow the hidayah

    Brother Mohammed Usman Saheb is an active member of Ahmadiyya

    Movement who lives in Bait-ul-Hamd, the Ahmadiyya Centre in Karachi.

    On behalf of Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani, Ameer Jamaat Ahmadiyya, hehas recently performed a Mubahila with Mr. Illias Suttar regarding his

    book 'Can Ahmadis Answer?' I am amazed that Mirza Tahir himself is

    scared of doing face to face mubahila and had for several years been

    cheating his followers by pretending to do mubahila sitting in their

    houses. Thus I thought it was an opportune time to convey certain facts

    to you hoping that may Allah show some of you the right path. These

    facts are well known to a lot of you, but thought it expedient to turn a

    blind eye.


    I am a born Ahmadi, and from my childhood till adulthood, 21 long years,

    I remained not an ordinary Ahmadi but an active member of Jamaat and

    had diligently propagated Ahmadiyyat among the non-Ahmadis. Even

    today I stay as a tenant in the same building which is owned by the

    Jamaat and houses the Ahmadiyya Headquarter in Mumbai, India. 50years ago my father was converted to Ahmadiyyat by an Ahmadi

    Muballigh, Mr. Hakeem Mohammed Din by trapping him into the deceitful

    doctrine of Life or Death of Jesus. In those very few people had a clear

    idea about Ahmadiyya/Qadianiat. Like my father, many were trapped into

    Ahmadiyyat by the doctrines of Death and descent of Jesus and the

    Heavenly signs of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. They were usually kept in the

    dark about the real beliefs of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani Saheb till such time

    that they were brainwashed sufficient enough to withstand thepropaganda of opponents of Ahmadiyyat. The doctrine of Prophethood

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    and Messengership of Mirza Saheb was usually discussed quite late and

    that too with such mind boggling explanations that most people were left

    confused. My father converted because he was impressed with the talk

    and manners of Hakeem Mohammed Din and not because of Mirza

    Saheb's beliefs or writings. When Muslims boycotted my father, hemoved as a tenant into this building which is still owned by Ahmadiyya

    Jamaat and which houses its headquarter. More than half of the tenants

    of this building are Ahmadis.

    Anyway, I opened my eyes in this atmosphere and passed my childhood in

    the lap of Ahmadiyyat. I always considered Ahmadiyyat as the true and

    real Islam and all non-Ahmadis were misguided and kaafirs. My father

    was also such a staunch Ahmadi that because of his donations, his name

    was permanently affixed in the Bahishtee Maqbarah (The Heavenly

    Graveyard) in Qadian. If at any time I had a fight with the son of Molvi

    or other Qadiani neighbors, my father used to scold me.

    However with the passage of time, doubts started creeping into the mind

    of my father about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Saheb and his

    followers. Ultimately when the entire truth was realised, he reverted to

    Islam. He used to say that Ahmadiyyat is a false religion but I always

    considered it as true Islam and used to preach him hoping that he willrevert back to Ahmadiyyat. I used to argue with him about things like

    death of Jesus etc. but he would counter it by saying: This is all fraud

    and deception and we are being kept in dark; truth is that we

    ordinary Ahmadis are given small booklets from the Jamaat and the

    books written by Mirza Saheb are never shown to us.

    My father had privately embraced Islam but he was scared of revealing

    it to the Jamaat. When my grandfather and grandmother died one afterthe other, despite opposition from the Jamaat, they were buried in

    Muslim graveyard. Jamaat had become suspicious but my father

    continued to conceal his faith because he had to stay in the same building

    and continue to do his small scale business from the same place. He had

    no where to go. He would have lost his home and his business. This

    continued for a long time.


    My father did not participate in the propagation of Ahmadiyyat, but I

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    was such a staunch Ahmadi that I used to go among the non-Ahmadis and

    openly preach Ahmadiyyat. Over the years, one after the others, Ahmadi

    preachers kept changing. Some would stare at young girls, others would

    point at the houses of ladies and yet other would pass remarks at passing

    women saying: Look! your teacher is going etc. etc. Among them was MolviBurhan Ahmad Zafar. He was young, sharp and cunning like a fox.

    Jamaat would arrange several conferences (Jalsas), which used to be

    advertised well in advance, posters were pasted here and there,

    advertisements were given in the newspapers. On the day of Jalsa, hardly

    60-70 people would gather in a big hall but later these Molvis would make

    false propaganda that the Jalsa was extremely successful.

    There is a Sunni Muslim family living in my neighbouring flat, Mr. AbdulQadir Dabbawala. Molvi Burhan used to tell me and other young Ahmadis

    to tease them so that they may vacate the premises. At the instigation

    of Molvi Burhan Zafar, Ahmadi boys would deflate the tyres of

    Dabbawala's car, sometimes cut his telephone wire or repeatedly cut his

    water supply. Several times Ahmadiyya Mission filed case against this

    Sunni family to vacate the premises but the court always gave the

    verdict in favour of them to stay in the flat. Once Ahmadis complained to

    the police to stop the voice of Azan from the Sunni mosque. Afterprohibiting the Azan, police informed Mr. Abdul Qadir that he also has

    the right to do the same but he declined to stop the voice of Azan even

    if it is coming from the Ahmadiyya mosque.

    Failure of Molvi Burhan Zafar

    By chance in those days, Molvi Burhan Zafar arranged a Jalsa in Bandra

    area of Mumbai. In this Jalsa some non-Ahmadi Muslim molvis stood upand asked questions. Molvi Burhan instead of answering the questions

    asked them to visit the Mission house. These Muslim molvis distributed

    leaflets which mentioned certain unfulfilled prophecies of Mirza Saheb,

    like Marriage with Mohammedi Begum and Death of Abdullah Atham. This

    was the first time in my life that I had heard or read such a thing and

    considered these Muslim mullahs to be liars. Anyway when they came to

    the mission I made sure that I was there. I wanted to see the humiliation

    on the faces of these Mullahs but the Ahmadi Molvi and others got angryand chased me out of the mission saying that I am too young to be

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    present at such a meeting. Later I kept asking Molvi Burhan and others

    about the truth of these unfulfilled prophecies but they kept evading the

    issue, sometimes telling me about the story of Prophet Jonah, sometimes

    telling me that the prophecies were all fulfilled and the Mullah was lying,

    sometimes saying that there is no such prophecy mentioned in our books;then they would go on the pretext of bringing the books and would return

    empty-handed saying that the books have been borrowed by someone.

    After witnessing several such attitudes, gradually doubts started arising

    in my mind. Why is it that the Preachers of true religions (Ahmadiyya)

    have such a bad character? Why do they have to do false propaganda?

    What is it they are hiding in their books? I decided to find out the truth

    myself and asked them to give me the original books of Mirza Ghulam

    Ahmad Qadiani Saheb for reading. But the request was turned down.

    My father used to tell me that I should not ask too many questions from

    these Molvis. He told me that they have started harassing him. They had

    lodged complaints in Income Tax Dept., CID, Police, Municipality, Fire

    Brigade etc. Molvi Burhan had understood it very well that the loyalties

    of this family were in doubt. In 1990, my father became seriously ill.

    Taking advantage of his illness, Molvi Burhan took a notice to him in the

    hospital from Mirza Tahir to vacate the premises. After reading thisnotice suddenly my father became more ill. I fought with Molvi Burhan

    and other Ahmadis about it and even wrote a complain to Mirza Tahir

    about this heartless action of Ahmadis but no reply came. Finally my

    father died of this shock in August 1990. My brothers had already

    stopped going to Ahmadi mosque but I was still an Ahmadi and was scared

    of the Heavenly signs of Solar and Lunar Eclipses that some sort of

    divine punishment would descend on me. When Molvi Burhan tried tooffer funeral prayers of my father, my brothers stopped him and buried

    him in Muslim graveyard. Molvi Burhan labeled us a munafiqs in his Friday

    sermon and said that whoever will oppose the Jamaat will be destroyed.

    Expulsion from Jamaat

    Now everything was in the open. Ahmadis wrote in AlBadr Newspaper

    that we have been expelled from the Jamaat. I was still confused. But

    when Allah wills hidayah for someone, He provides the right opportunitiesas well. At the same time I came across some Anti Ahmadiyya literature

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    which gave answers to all those questions which were bothering me. On

    the other hands, Ahmadis had told me not to come to their mosques.

    Soon after, Ahmadis started teasing us systematically. 10-15 boys would

    gather in adjacent flat and would spend whole night singing, shouting at

    the top of their voice, banging at the adjacent walls. They were trying toprovoke a fight so that they can lodge complaints against us. They went

    to CID saying that we are agents of Pakistan, Municipality, Fire-brigade,

    Police, Court. They did not leave any stone unturned to harm us mentally,

    physically and financially. We would be called repeatedly to Police

    stations to intimidate us. Jamaat had started a relentless propaganda

    campaign against us saying that whoever would stand against would be

    destroyed and ultimately will have to come back to the Jamaat. Jamaat

    adopted every possible means that we would run away from this house, to

    have us ruined financially or to have us jailed so that we would ultimately

    apologised and revert back to Ahmadiyyat.

    When all else failed, they conspired to have me killed but the plan leaked

    out. Man who leaked the plan to us just vanished in thin air. Till this day I

    did not see him again. Jamaat also took help of Pathans of Mumbai to

    have the flat vacated. Ultimately they hired famous gangsters of Mumbai

    to have us 'liquidated', but AlHamdolillah it did not materialise. We madeseveral complains to police, but Jamaat Molvis would take people with

    long beards to the station, and the police would end up thinking that we

    are liars. Several people offered to help us against Ahmadis, but were

    bought out by them.

    Clash with Ahmadi Muballighs

    For the last 14 years I have been demanding Qadiani Molvis for RoohaniKhazain. Alas! Had they been truthful, they would have let me read it.

    But I know that now they will never give me, because if I have these

    books, I will show it to every ignorant Ahmadi what kind of rubbish Mirza

    Saheb has written and thus expose his deception. I declared Ahmadiyya

    as a false religion only because of fear of Allah and AlHamdolillah I am

    steadfast on Islam. I am true and sincere follower of Islam and now I

    preach against Ahmadiyya. What kind of fraud is this they they keep

    telling people about the coming of Mahdi, the death of Jesus and avoidtalking about the character of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani!!

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    After Molvi Burhan, another young muballigh came to Bombay. His name

    was Basit Rasool Dar. Now he has gone to Israel. After him came another

    one by the name of Shamshad. Everyone of them come to my mother and

    try to convince her to revert to Ahmadiyyat, but when I invite them for

    an open discussion or debate in front of public, they just run away.

    Dr. Ashfaq embraces Islam and Basit Rasool Dar runs away from


    On Friday, 10th January 1997, two Ahmadis invited me to have a debate

    in the Ahmadiyya Mission Mosque after the Friday prayers on this that

    they (Ahmadis) consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani only a Mahdi and

    not Prophet or Messenger as alleged by us (Ahtesham). I proposed that

    if I prove to them from the writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad that

    Ahmadis believe him to be not just Mahdi but also prophet and

    messenger, then they should all denounce Mirza Saheb and embrace

    Islam. Those Ahmadis who invited me for the debate accepted that.

    When I went to the Ahmadiyya Mission Mosque on the appointed time

    along with Maulana Sarfaraz and others, missionaries hid those two

    persons and we couldn't conduct any meeting.

    Molvi Basit Rasool Dar was present at the time. Maulana Sarfaraz tookthe opportunity to ask him in front of other Ahmadis: Does God have a

    son? He denied that. I told him that Mirza Saheb wrote his revelation

    from God in his book, AlBushra vol.1 p.49 that: "O My Son! Listen!" Basit

    Rasool rejected this quotation saying: This is not written by Mirza

    Saheb and it is an absolute lie. Now Maulana Sarfaraz said asked him

    to bring this book from their library and he will show this quotation. Basit

    Rasool Dar went out of the room and took refuge in his office from

    where he started shouting that Ahtesham has brought a molvi who does

    not even know the Kalima. Then I showed to the people present there

    copies from the books of Mirza Saheb revealing his anti-Islamic beliefs.

    As a result of this meeting, Dr. Ashfaq Saheb, who was an Ahmadi for

    the past 5 years and used to supply free homeopathic medicines to the

    people on behalf of the Mission, left Ahmadiyyat and embraced Islam.

    Ever since several people in different parts of the city have left

    Ahmadiyyat and embraced Islam. Fa AlHamdolillah ala zaalik.

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    Molvi Basit Rasool Dar runs away from Mubahila

    My uncle, Basheer Kala Afghan/Moosa Saheb, stays in Qadian and is a

    'Darwesh'. He had preached and converted many people to Ahmadiyyat.

    But he could not answer my questions satisfactorily and used to run away

    from arguing with me. Finally he got fed up from my pestering and gaveme the leaflet from Mirza Tahir entitled 'Open challenge of Mubahila

    to Enemies, Disbelievers and Liars', and said that this is the reply for

    those who do not agree.

    Thus when I was challenged for Mubahila, I accepted it. I wrote a letter

    and invited Mirza Tahir and all Muballigheen (preachers) of Jamaat

    Ahmadiyya, and not the common Ahmadis, for mubahila. On 26th July

    1996 I gave a written request to Molvi Basit Rasool Dar asking him thatif they are on the right path, they must come for Mubahila. But no one

    came for Mubahila despite repeated reminders. Then I told Basit Dar

    that his falsehood has been exposed and now I will proceed to London to

    do Mubahila with Mirza Tahir.

    Mirza Tahir hides in his house and Molvi Ata ran away from Mubahila

    I informed Basit Rasool Dar about my trip to London to do face to face

    Mubahila with Mirza Tahir. Similarly Dr. Rashid also informed the London

    Headquarter about my forthcoming visit. When I reached London in

    September 1996, I called the 16-18 Gressenhall Road (the Qadiani

    headquarter), Friday khutba was going on and I was told that Imam

    Saheb cannot come to the phone. By mistake instead of Molvi Saheb I

    asked for Imam Saheb, which immediately made them realise that I am

    not Ahmadi. Anyway when I reached their headquarter, the security

    people stopped me at the gate. They asked me whether I am Dr. Rashid?I replied in negative, then insisted in going inside. I said: Am I not

    allowed to pray in this mosque? You can search me and then allow me to

    go inside. Anyway after sometime they allowed me to enter the

    compound. I could see the nervous activity going on inside due to my

    presence. I made wudhu and then prayed separately. It was time for Asr

    prayers and the Muballigh, whose name I think was Ata-ul-Mujeeb

    Rashed, led the prayers. Mirza Tahir it seemed was to scared to see me,

    so he did not appear for jamaat prayers. After prayers Ata-ul-Mujeebtried to quickly go out but I caught hold of him and told him about the

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    reason for my visit.

    Me: I have come here to do Mubahila with Mirza Tahir.

    Ata: Write it down on a paper, hand it over to me and the

    Mubahila is done.

    Me: This method is against the sunnah of Rasoolullah SAAW.

    If you do not want to call Mirza Tahir from inside, then you

    have to do Mubahila yourself. But he started avoiding this

    topic and wanted to get rid of me.

    Ultimately he asked me: What is your status that you have

    come for Mubahila?

    Me: In his Mubahila challenge of 1988, Mirza Tahir

    challenged all enemies, disbelievers and liars for Mubahila.

    There is no condition that only Molvis are allowed to do

    mubahila. So please either you call Mirza Tahir or you who

    are the Muballigh of Jammat Ahmadiyya should do mubahila

    with me that the Jamaat is on the right path.

    Ata absolutely refused that saying: It is Mirza Tahir who has

    given the challenge and not me. You should do mubahila with


    But Mirza Tahir was so scared that he did not even show up for the

    prayers let alone talk to me or do Mubahila with me. Finally I returned

    reciting this verse: Jaa alHaq wa zahaq albaatil. Truth came and

    falsehood vanished.Dear Ahmadi Brothers!How long are these lies be propagated that no one came for Mubahila?

    Truth is that several Muslim scholars had challenged Mirza Tahir fro

    mubahila as well as Anti Ahmadiyya Movement and Khatme Nabuwwat

    people. Why do these Ahmadi Muballigheens give these false khutba that

    no one came for Mubahila? I wish you would realise the truth. Why do

    people repeatedly challenge Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his family

    for Mubahila? And Why do other people do Mubahila in place of Mirza

    Tahir? Ask them why do they not do the mubahila themselves? Ask them:

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    Why did Mirza Tahir hide away when I went for Mubahila? Please ask

    them why do they make others as sacrificial goat? Do they not know that

    when Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW invited the Christians of Najran

    for Mubahila, He took his family and came out for Mubahila. The proper

    way is that Mirza Tahir should come out himself for face to faceMubahila but I know he will never ever do it because he knows full well

    the doom that it spells.

    The escape of Muballighs from Debates and Mubahilas

    I invited Molvi Basit Rasool Dar for a debate under police protection but

    he declined. I asked to take Holy Quran in his hand declare that Mirza

    Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Saheb was truthful in his claims but he couldn't

    do that. Inspector Molvi Abdul Haq of Qadian abandoned the debate and

    ran away. Molvi Burhan Zafar kept challenging me to call the Muslim

    scholars and arrange debate; finally when I had enough knowledge, I

    challenged him for debate and Mubahila, he turned it down. I challenged

    the present muballigh Molvi Shamshad Saheb fro debate and Mubahila,

    he also turned it down. WHY? Till when they would keep running away like

    this? How long are they going to keep deceiving these ignorant Ahmadis

    with their lies? When will God gives these stupid Ahmadis insight so thatthey realise the deceit of their leaders and reject it? But he who wants

    to live a life of illusion, there is no cure for him.

    Muballigh Yusuf failed to get the reward of Rs. 10,000,000

    Recently from the headquarter of Jamaat a new Muballigh was sent to

    preach me. Muballigh Yusuf Saheb's task was to bring me back into the

    fold of Ahmadiyyat. In Andhra, on 11th June 1999, I presented Yusuf

    Saheb proofs from the books of Mirza Saheb about his anti-Islamic

    beliefs. I told him that if he can prove these quotations wrong, I will give

    him Rs. 100,000 but he didn't respond.

    Similarly he was asked: What is the meaning of Mahdi?He said: The Guided One.We asked him: Did Mirza Saheb have any teacher?He replied: There was no teacher who taught him.We said: If we prove that Mirza Saheb had teachers, would you leaveAhmadiyyat?

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    He changed his first statement and said: He had two teachers.We said: Three and if you count his father as well then there will be

    four teachers.

    At this point, I would remind the readers the conflicting statements of

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani.Writing his life story, he wrote:

    "When I was 6-7 years old, a Persian teacher was employed for me

    who taught me Holy Quran ....and his name was Fazal Ilahi..... at

    10 years of age an Arabic Teacher was appointed for me whose name

    was Fazal Ahmed .... and when I was 17-18 years of age I was

    taught by another Molvi Saheb, whose name was Gul Ali Shah, whowas appointed by my father in Qadian to teach me." (Roohani

    Khazain vol 13 p.180)

    However when he laid the claim for being Imam Mahdi, he conveniently

    ignored what he wrote earlier. He had no scruples about even making a

    false statement under oath:

    "Mahdi is not a student of anybody. I swear that this is exactly my

    condition. Nobody can prove that any human has taught me

    Quran." (Roohani Khazain vol 14 p.394)

    Like founder, like follower. Molvi Yusuf conveniently lied to hide the fact

    that Mirza Saheb received education by various teachers. Maulana

    Sarfaraz at this point offered Rs. 10,000,000 if Molvi Yusuf can prove

    from Quran of Hadith that Imam Mahdi will have a teacher. Alas! Molvi

    Yusuf could neither prove the anti-Islamic quotations wrong and earn Rs100,000 nor could he provide the proof of Imam Mahdi having a teacher

    and earn Rs 10,000,000.

    My Dear Fellow Ahmadis!I have spent a long part of my life among you. I therefore feel duty

    bound to convey the truth to you so that I am absolved from

    responsibility on the Day of Judgment. To convey is my job, to give

    hidayah is God's. With full enlightenment of heart today I swear upon

    Allah that in the light of his writings Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was aLIAR in his claims of Prophethood, Messengership, Messiahship,

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    Mahdihood; he was a LIAR, PERFECT HYPOCRITE, APOSTATE and

    KAFIR. What ever books have been written by scholars of Islam about

    Mirza Saheb, the quotations used are quite correct, page numbers might

    be different, but the quotations are as they are written in original books.

    The publicity done by the Jamaat Ahmadiyya that Anti Ahmadiyya peopleare writing false things and wrong quotations, is absolutely wrong,

    deceitful and treacherous disinformation for their public consumption.

    I, Ahtesham, former Ahmadi, Maulana Sarfaraz, Dr. Rashid of Dubai and

    Dr Ahmad Odeh, former Ahmadi of Sweden, openly challenge Ameer of

    Jamaat Ahmadiyya, Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani and all his Muballighs all

    over the world, to have an open debate on the life and character of Mirza

    Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, his beliefs, claims and his writings, in the

    presence of Ahmadis. Fix the date and place according to your

    convenience. InshaAllah, falsehood can never survive in front of truth.

    After the truth is revealed, only that person will remain in Jamaat who

    loves worldly benefits and possessions. The seeker of truth will sacrifice

    everything and take the path of Quran and Sunnah of Rasoolullah SAAW.

    "Your faith is not complete unless you love me more than your father, your son and all mankind." (Bukhari)

    This is the criteria my dear Ahmadis. Let me see whom do you love?

    Mirza Ghulam with all his false and deceitful doctrines or Holy Prophet

    Muhmmad SAAW with his true Islam? Now this is the test of your true


    If anyone wants to write to me, I will eagerly await for it. Please send me

    a registered letter otherwise the Ahmadis living in my building will tear

    any such letters. My address is as follows:AB Ahtesham

    Sarfaraz SalamRashid [email protected]://