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    Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for

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    BY :


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    Sanlissy Puspa Pratiwi, (14040160), Menganalisa Penggunaan Teknik dalam

    Paraphrasing oleh mahasiswa Bahasa Ingris STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat.

    Skripsi. Program Studi Bahasa Inggris. STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat,

    Padang 2019.

    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Content Analysis. Penelitian ini

    bertujuan untuk menemukan dan menganalisa penggunaan teknik-teknik dalam

    paraphrasing yang di gunakan di dalam artikel jurnal mahasiswa lulusan ke 57

    prodi bahasa inggris di STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat. Instrumen dalam penelitian

    ini adalah berupa dokumen beberapa jurnal artikel mahasiswa prodi bahasa

    inggris lulusan ke 57. Di dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teknik

    random sampling dengan menggambil sampel 10% dari 108 artikel jurnal, jadi

    penelitian mengambil sample sebanyak 11 artikel jurnal dan menemukan

    sebanyak 14 data paraphrasing di dalam 11 artikel jurnal tersebut. Untuk

    mengumpulkan data peneliti mencari artikel jurnal nya di situs jim.stkip-pgri- yang di publis di Perpustakaan STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat dan

    mencari original text nya di situs google. Lalu peneliti mengelompokan artikel

    jurnal yang mengunakan teknik paraphrasing. Teknik dalam paraphrasing itu

    adalah make abstract ideas concreate, divide long sentence and combine short

    sentence, omitt unnecessary word, and using synonim. Hasil dari menganalisa

    data menunjukan bahwa dalam 14 data paraphrasing dari 11 artikel jurnal,

    peneliti menemukan 14 data yang menggunakan teknik make abstract ideas

    concreate, 1 data yang menggunakan teknik omitt unnecessary word, dan juga

    ada 1 data artikel jurnal mahasiswa yang menggunakan 2 teknik paraphrasing

    dalam satu data yaitu: jurnal artikel 2 di data 2.1 menggunakan teknik omitt

    unnecessary word dan make abstract ideas concrete. Di dalam 14 data yang di

    analisis, peneliti juga tidak menemukan seorang pun yang menggunakan teknik

    divide long sentence and combine short sentence dan using synonim. Berdasarkan

    dari hasil tersebut, bahwa siswa lebih sering menggunakan teknik make abstract

    ideas concreate.

    Kata Kunci: Teknik paraphrase, artikel jurnal

  • ii


    Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, the researcher would like to express praise

    and great gratitude submitted to almighty God Allah SWT who always gives her

    blessing, mercy, chance, health and that has helped the writer finishing this thesis

    entitles An Analysis Students’ Paraphrasing At English Department of STKIP

    PGRI Sumatera Barat.

    Futhermore, the researcher expressed her gratitude to Advisors; Suharni,

    M.Pd and Dra. Riny Dwitya Sani, M.M.Pd, who had guided, give precious time,

    support, attention, motivation, and knowledge to writer in writing and revising in

    process writing this thesis. The researcher too express her gratitute to examiners;

    Sri Imelwaty, Ph.D, M. Khairi Ikhsan M.Pd, and Hervyna Asti, M.Pd who have

    given their valuable contribution as eximiners in revising and complementing this

    thesis.The researcher would like to thank to Suharni, M.Pd and Belinda Analindo,

    M.Pd as Head and Secretary of English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera

    Barat. The researcher say to thank Syayid Sandi Sukandi, S.S., M.A., as validator

    toward the researcher’s instrument and Thanks to all lecturers who have given

    knowledges and useful suggestions to the researcher to finish this thesis.

    The researcher also to thank to her beloved father, mother, aunt, sister, and

    brothers who given love, pray, and support for this researcher, and also her to

    thank for best friends of 2014 E for their support, encouragement, motivation,

    suggestions, knowledge and many other things to finish this thesis during the

    study process in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

    Padang, February 2019

    The Reseacher

  • iii


    ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... i

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. ii

    TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iii

    LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................ v

    LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................. vi

    LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. vii

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

    A. Background of the Problem................................................................ 1

    B. Identification of the Problem .............................................................. 3

    C. Limition of the Problem ..................................................................... 3

    D. Formulation of the Problem ............................................................... 3

    E. Research Question .............................................................................. 4

    F. Purpose of the Research ...................................................................... 4

    G. Significant of the Reserch .................................................................. 4

    H. Definition of the Key Terms .............................................................. 5


    A. Definition of Academic Writing ....................................................... 6

    B. Paraphrasing ................................................................................... 7

    1. Definition of Paraphrasing ......................................................... 7

    2. Techniques in Paraphrasing ........................................................ 9

    C. Review of Related Finding................................................................ 15

    D. Conceptual Framework ..................................................................... 18


    A. Research Design ................................................................................ 20

    B. Source of the Data ............................................................................. 20

    C. Instrumention .................................................................................... 21

    D. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................... 21

    E. Technique of Data Analysis .............................................................. 23

  • iv


    A. Data Analaysis .................................................................................. 24

    B. Finding and Discussion .................................................................... 39

    C. Interpretation ..................................................................................... 41


    A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 42

    B. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 42

    REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 44

    APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 46

  • v


    Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 18

  • vi


    Table 1.1 Result Percentage Check Plagiarism in Journal Article...................... 3

    Table 3.1 Indicators of Technique in Paraphrasing ............................................ 22

    Table 4.1 The Result Use Technique of Paraphrasing in Journal Article ........... 40

  • vii


    Appendix 1. Document Article Journal .............................................................. 46

    Appendix 2.Validation of Technique in Paraphrasing ........................................ 60

    Appendix 3. Surat Izin Penelitian STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat ......................... 61

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    A. Background of the Problem

    Academic writing is an activity of writing where a writer is

    completing a learning assignment in an educational institution. The writer

    is required to think critically in developing ideas in academic writing and

    the words and grammar also the way organizing ideas are probably

    different from what the use. There are several types of writing in academic

    writing,there are reports, projects, essays, theses, papers, etc.

    STKIP PGRI SumateraBarat, a College of Teacher Training

    and Education which has the aim to produce professional educators.

    STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat has several departments, one of them is

    English Department. There is one subject that is given namely Academic

    Writing. It is aimed at guiding students to master the theoritical concepts

    of writing a scientific paper, so that they are able find to find problems in

    teaching English. Then, the students formulate the problem based on the

    background of the problem, examine theoritical theories related to the

    problem and give solution to problems based on appropriate methods,

    techniques or strategies.

    Then, at the end collage, students are expected to be able to

    write a scientific paper one of which can write a journal article where it is

    one to completeness qualify for a degree 1 in a college. When students

    write a scientific work students must pay attention to the requirements for

  • 2

    writing good scientific work, for example students must pay attention

    when paraphrasing writing. Paraphrase is important because it shows how

    to understand the source well enough to write in own word. It also gives a

    powerful alternative to using direct qoutes, which should be used as a

    source of material for research, providing it is appropriately references. In

    academic writing it is not acceptable to just copy and paste a source that

    will cause plagiarism.

    Based on Pre-Observation, the researcher took a journal article

    English Department student for data the researcher. Researcher took the

    journal article english department student graduated in 57 th

    and searched

    for journals on the website that was published

    at STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. Researcher used a random sampling

    technique, the researcher took the sample of journals artikel as much 10%

    of 108 journal article student department student graduated in 57th


    Therefore, the researcher takes 10% of 108 journals article become 11

    journals article to examine. Before the journal article was examined the

    researcher was checked from 11 journal article that had been obtained.

    Researcher used turnitin applications to check the plagiarism in journal

    article by English Department student. This result persentage plagiarism in

    journal article :

  • 3

    Table 1.1 Result Percentage Check Plagiarism in Journal Article

    No Name Percentage

    1 Journal article 1 10%

    2 Journal article 2 12%

    3 Journal article 3 4%

    4 Journal article 4 16%

    5 Journal article 5 15%

    6 Journal article 6 10%

    7 Journal article 7 20%

    8 Journal article8 29%

    9 Journal article 9 20%

    10 Journal article 10 27%

    11 Journal article 11 18%

    Average 16 %

    Based on the results of the plagiarism percentage in journal article,

    the researcher found the result of plagiarism from 11 journal articles. Low

    percentage from journal article 3 much as 4% and high percentage from journal

    article 8 much as 29% and the value of avarage of the 11 journal articles

    that have been in the check plagiarism much as 16%. So from that

    researcher wants to know the technique in paraphrasing that used by the

    English Department students in journal article.

    B. Identification of the Problem

    Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher

    found some phenomena about the Student’technique in paraphrasing. The

    researcher seen used technique in paraphrasing of journal article student

    English Department in graduated 57th

    the researcher seen paraphrasing

    part of Introduction in journals article at English Department STKIP PGRI

    Sumatera Barat. According to Davies (2011)and Fitzpatrick (2005) in

  • 4

    paraphrasing, there are some techniques that usually use; namely make

    abstract ideas concrete, divide long sentence or combine short sentence,

    omit any unnecessary, changing synonim, etc.

    C. Limitation of the Problem

    Based on the background of the problem and identification of the

    problem above, the researcher limitsto the student’s technique in

    paraphrasing writing in journal article part of introduction by English

    Department student of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.

    D. Formulation of the Problem

    Based on the limited of the problem above, the general problem of

    this research formulates as follow: what are student’s technique in

    paraphrasing in the journal articleby English Department student in

    graduated 57th

    of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat ?

    E. Research Question

    Based on formulation of the problem above, the researcher

    formulate research question: “What are techniques in paraphrasing used by

    English Department student graduated in 57th

    in the journal article while

    paraphrasing part of introduction of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat ?”

    F. Purpose of the Research

    In general, the purpose of the research is to identify student’s

    technique in paraphrasing in the journal article when writing paraphrasing

    part of introduction by English Department student graduated 57th


    STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.

  • 5

    G. Significance of the Reseach

    The result of this research the researche rhope to be useful

    references especially for the Student, the student can develop ideas in

    research writing thesis. So that student will get to improve paraphrase and

    they could be motivating to do the best. For lectures, they will know the

    student’s ability in writing paraphrasing in thesis can be good if the

    students make paraphrasing a text or passage. The last for researcher, this

    research can know more what techniques paraphrasing that used.

    H. Definition of the Key Terms

    To avoid misunderstanding of this research, the researcher defines

    the key terms that related to this research as follow :

    a. Student’s techniqueis a technique that used by English Department in

    paraphrasing writing.

    b. Paraphrasing is the art of rewriting information and ideas from reading

    in own word.

  • 6



    A. Definition of Academic Writing

    Academic writing is an activity or writing activity for the purpose

    of completing a learning task in an educational institution where the author

    is studying. Firstly, according to Whitaker( 2009: 2), Academic writing is

    the writing in a university courses to do. The teacher may have not all

    names for academic writing assigment. The example are essays, paper,

    research paper, termpaper, argumentative paper/essay, analysis

    paper/essay, informative essay, and position paper. All of it these assign

    have the same purpose and principles.

    Moreover, Irvin (2010: 8) state that academic writing is appearance

    of appraising that require to demonstrate knowledge and demonstrate

    proficiency with certain disciplinary skill of thinking, interprenting, and

    presenting. Researching is also a proces, so need to learn how to focus and

    direct a research project and how to keep track source information.

    Deciding on the methods to teach it are hard tasks to accomplish.

    Approach to teaching of academic writing in course of time. Early

    approaches involved controlled writing moving from paragraph to essay.

    Furthermore,according to Heilbron (2014: 1), Academic Writing is

    the process regularly of the topic that involve student in identify the

  • 7

    problem content of the task, show the need of subjects of the paper, system

    thoughts, and structure content clear, logically, and expressing make

    convincing. The tone of the word choose should be formal rather than

    conversational in style.

    In conclusion, based on the experts’ explanation above, Academic

    writing is writing activity that almost used in an educational where the

    author is studying. Academic writing also demonstrate knowledge and

    develop proficiency, with disciplinary skill of thinking, interprenting and

    presenting. In academic writing show the need of subjects of paper,

    thought system, logically, structure content clear and make convicing.

    B. Paraphrasing

    1. Definition of Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is one of the way to borrow the ideas of

    experts, also express in write and said by experts using different words

    in order to make it more likely in understand. According to Bailey

    (2011:50), Paraphrasing is modify the word of the text until diverge

    from the original source before, without having to become different

    significance. Paraphrasing is effective part in academic skill because to

    evaded the deed plagiarism. In writingparaphrasing must be

    comprehend of source.

    Moreover,Accordingto Davies et al.(2011:1), Paraphrasing

    is qoute from source’s expert and rewrite something that the reader

  • 8

    read into own word. Paraphrase contains some points from original

    passage. Usually do not change the meaning of the original passage

    and Paraphrasing provide must has some references. Paraphrase has

    the same essential meaning as the original and does not use the

    original words.

    Next, Burrow (2012: 1) state that Paraphrasing is rewriting

    the authours’ ideas in by using own word and without changing the

    meaning of original passage. Paraphrasing is important in writing like

    jurnalism, anonymising, and improving the quality of costumer written

    reviews. Paraphrasing important in writing like jurnalism,

    anonymising, and improve rewrite content with own word but have a

    similirity with the original text. Paraphrasing changing a few words,

    and there so that version of yourself is not identical to the original.

    In conclusion,based on the experts explanation above,

    Paraphrasing is rewriting the quotion from author into own word , in

    there so that version of yourself is not identical to original text.

    paraphrasing do not change meaning of the original passage and

    paraphrasing provided must have some reference and have same

    meaning. In academic writing when paraphrasing writing this

    importand to do in writing activity in order that avoid from plagiarism.

    2. Techniques of Paraphrasing

    There are several techniques in paraphrasing. According to

    Fitzpatrick (2005: 222-223) :

  • 9

    1. Use synonim or synonymous phrases. It means that, word that mean

    the same. This example :

    Original text : Germ are everywhere

    Paraphrase : Potentially harmful microorganisms are


    2. Change the form of words.Changing nouns to verbs, verb to nouns,

    adjectives to adverbs, and adverbs to adjectives.This example :

    Original : Storing food properly is important.

    Paraphrase : Proper food stroge is important

    3. Change the grammar. Changing the grammatical structure. This

    example :

    Original text : Bacteria, molds, and yeast cause food spoilage.

    Paraphrase : food spoilage is caused by bacteria, molds, and


    4. Change the point of view. For example, if the subject of the

    sentence is you, change the subject to we, or use an impersonal

    subject such as it or there. This example :

    Original text : You can kill microorganisms in soup by boiling.

    Paraphrase : We can kill microorganisms in soup by boiling.

    Paraphrase : It is possible to kill microorganisms in soup by


    5. Omit any unnecessary words or phrases that do not contribute to the

    meaning. This example :

  • 10

    Original text : the earlist method of food preservation was

    drying, which means removing up to 99 percent of

    he moisture in food.

    Paraphrase : the earlist method of food preservation was drying

    6. Change conjuntions and transition words.This example :

    Original text : Refrigeration slows the growt of microorganisms.

    However, it does not kill them.

    Paraphrase :Refrigeration slows the growth of microorganisms,

    but it does not kill them.

    7. Divide long sentence, and combine short sentences. The position of

    the layout of the sentences in the original text with paraphrasing be

    different and then combining sentences . This example :

    Original text :sometimes we cannot detect dangerous bacteria in

    food, so we should discard food that has passed its

    expiration date or is no longer fresh. For example,

    clostridium botulinum, which causes the disease

    called botulism, may be present without changing

    the appearance, smell, or taste of food.

    Paraphrase :sometimes we cannot detect dangerous bacteria in

    food such as Clostridium botulinium, which causes

    the disease called botulism, so we should discard

    food that has passed its expiration date or is no

    longer fresh.

  • 11

    Moreover, according to Davies et all (20l1:3), there are five

    techniques of paraphrasing :

    1. Using synonim

    It mean, that refer to good dictionary but pay attention to

    usage. Not all words that are synonims used in the same way or

    have same meaning. This is example in using synonim in

    paraphrasing. Example:

    original text : the need for investors to earn a commercial return

    may put upward pressure on prices

    Paraphrase : the need for profit is likely to push up prices.

    2. Using different paraphrasing parts of speech and different word

    order it means that can alsso explanation ideas consider changing

    word into different part speech, changing nouns into verb or

    adjectives into adverb.Example :

    Original text :The students became increasingly tired when the

    lecturer analysed the management strategy of Nike

    Paraphrasing : when the lecturer presented a framework of the

    key concepts, the studentsbecame increasingly tired.

    3. Change the sentences types explanation that sentence can changed

    by altering such things as word order, the number o clauses in

    sentence, the kind of clauses in a sentence and the kind of clauses in

  • 12

    a sentence and the kind linking used. This is example from change

    the sentences types. There are four sentences types :

    a. Simple sentence (one independent clause)

    Example : “Product awarness is strong”

    b. Compund sentences ( more than one independent clause)

    Example : “ product awareness is strong, but sales are lower

    than expected”

    c. Complex sentences ( a combination of an independent clause

    and one or more dependent clauses)

    Example : “ although product awareness is strong, sales are

    lower than expected”

    d. Combination sentences ( a combination of compound and

    complex sentences)

    Example : “ while product awareness is strong, sales are lower

    than expected, and investors are worried”

    4. Make abstract ideas concreate, it means that the passage long

    paragraph the students making the important point in paraphrasing

    and add more explanation the important point with used own

    word.but not change meaning. This can be done choosing simple

    and clear vocabulary. Example :

    Original text : this model provides a microeconomic theoritic

    rationale for why researchers have failed to find

    consistent evidence of the superiority of one

  • 13

    teaching technique over another in the production

    of learning in economics ( Becker,1997,p.9)

    Paraphrase : this accounts for why theorists working in the area

    found the following: a students that is taught with

    method A is no better prepared than if he is taught

    with method B. The evidence does not show that

    either A or B is better in terms of learning outcomes

    (Becker, 1997,p.9)

    5. Changing active voice to passive voice or vice versa it mean that

    change sentence written in the active voice into those in passive

    voice. Example :

    a. Active voice : She presented the report

    Passive voice : The report was presented by her

    b. Active voice :McDonald is implementing a diversification


    Passive voice : a diversification strategy is being implemented by


    Next, according to BedFord (2015: 1), There are techniques

    in paraphrasing:

    1. Using synonims it means that these are words/phrases that have the

    same/ similar meaning to the original. Use a dictionary to make sure

    the word choose is appropriate for the context.

  • 14

    Original text :Beam and Wood (2011) discovered that the major


    Paraphrase :Beam and Wood (2011) found that the main


    2. Changing active verb phrases into the passive, or vice versa it mean

    that see how this changes the wod order, which brings a much

    moore dynamic change. Example :

    Original text : Smith (2013) investigated revision techniques

    used by students.

    Paraphrase : revision techniques deployed by students were

    researched by Smith (2013)

    3. Changing word class it mean that word class refers to the type of

    word, such as noun, adjective and adverb. Example :

    Original text : Perez (2010) observed students’ focus in seminars.

    Paraphrase : observations made by Perez (2010) about

    students’ focus in seminars show that they pay more

    attention when exams are imminent

    4. Syntesis it mean that expected to bring in ideas, viewpointand

    researchfrom range of different writers and text types. This

    calledsyntesis as it brings a variety of separate items together in a

    new way.

    Example – handout writer’s paraphrase from two texts :

  • 15

    Wiliams(2005) asserts that single-sexed secondary schools enable

    girls to achieve greater academic success. Brookes (2006),

    however, maintains that mixed secondary education is better for all

    children as it enhances social development in preparation for adult


    In the conclusion, based on the experts above, so that

    students write good paraphrasing, students must pay attention to the

    techniques in writing good paraphrasing so that students do not copy

    the source of the expert and avoid plagiarism. In this research, the

    researcher take two expert to indicator of technique in paraphrasing for

    the research. Researcher take expert from pitzpatrick and davies

    because their theories suitable for reseacher.

    C. Review Related Finding

    In supporting the truth of this research, the researcher reviews

    some related findings which discuss the same problem with research. The

    first finding is reviwedcome from Diah (2012) entitled “The

    Effectiveness of Paraphrasing Strategy in Increasing University

    Students’ Reading Comprehension and Writing Achievement”the

    purpose in the research focused on seen effectiveness of paraphrasing

    strategy for students’ reading comprehension and writing achievement.

    The method in this research was qualitative research design. one of the

    way to increase students’ reading comprehension and writing achievement

    is by use of paraphrasing strategy in classroom instruction. Paraphrasing

  • 16

    strategies that used students’ reading comprehension and writing

    achievement were using synonims, changing active sentences to passive

    sentences or vice versa, and changing direct quatations to indirect

    quatations. It can be concluded in this research is while students’

    paraphrase the text they automatically analyze and comprehend the text

    well to bring their own analysis in to their own words. By releasing that

    important effect, it is able to be concluded that paraphrasing strategy is

    effective to be used in increasing students’ reading comprehension.

    Moreover, Paraphrasing strategy is effective in improving not only

    students’ reading comprehension but also their writing achievement.

    Moreover, the secondcome from Khairunissa (2014) entitle

    “Students’ Problem in Paraphrasing”.The purpose of this research was

    to describe problem in paraphrasing writing that used by student in

    seminar on ELT classof the seventh semesterin academic year 2013/ 2014.

    The method of this research was descriptive research. It was conducted

    with aims to find out the students ability in paraphrasing. the problems

    faced in paraphrasing and causes pf the problem in paraphrasing. The

    result this research was the analysis of the students’ paraphrase revealed

    that most of the students made mistake in changing order of ideas.

    Different result from the instrument occurred due to students’ lack

    understanding on criteria of a good paraphrasing.

    The last finding from Chi Do Na & Nguyen (2017) Entitled

    “Paraphrasing in Academic Writing: a Case Study of Vietnamese

  • 17

    Learners of English” the purpose in this research focused on seen

    Paraphrasing ability in academic writing of EFL Learners at a tertiary

    institution in Vietnam. The method in this research was qualitative

    research.This research also seen used Technique in paraphrasing. There

    are technique in paraphrasing : using synonim, changing word class, and

    changing word order. The participants were required to paraphrase a text

    of 288 words provided by the researcher. It can be concluded, the

    participants who were to paraphrase succussfully were seen to make more

    changes in vocabulary than in sentence structures. Particularly, using

    synonims was a popular technique among the participants.

    Based on related finding from three researches above. it can be

    concluded that their research same focus in paraphrasing and there are

    some difference with this research. The first related focused in

    paraphrasing technique in reading, the second related focused in

    effectiveness of paraphrasing strategy for students’ reading and writing

    achievement, and the last related focused in Paraphrasing ability in

    academic writing of EFL Learners at a tertiary institution in Vietnam. In

    contrast from three related finding above, the differences is the researcher

    analyze about Analysis Student’s Technique In Paraphrasing at English

    Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.The researcher will focus on

    identifying technique paraphrasing in journal article by English

    Department student Graduated 57th

    of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.

  • 18

    D. Conceptual Framework

    Based on the explanation the researcher creates the conceptual

    framework in following :

    Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

    Taken from Davies (2011: 3) and Fitzpatrick (2005: 222:223)

    The conceptual framework above tell that, the researcher analyzed

    and describe the student’stechnique in paraphrasing at English Department

    of STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat. The researcher see technique





    abstract ideas


    Divide long

    sentence or

    short sentence







  • 19

    paraphrasing in journal article by English Department student


    There were techniques in paraphrasing: make abstract

    ideas concreate, divide long sentence and combine short sentence, omit

    unnecessary word, and using synonim. In this research, the researcher will

    know what technique that used in paraphrasing writing by English

    Department student of STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat. The researcher

    analyzed to find data for the research.

  • 20



    In this chapter, the reseacher explained about the method to get

    the data of the research. There are some part and steps in the method of

    the research design, source of data, instrumentation, technique of data

    collection and technique of data analysis.

    A. Research Design

    This research used Content Analysis Research. Purpose of the

    research is to describe Student’s Techniques in Paraphrasing at English

    Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. According to Elo and

    Kyngas (2007:108) Content analysis is a research method for make

    replicable and valid inferences from data to the context, with the purpose

    of providing knowledge, new insights, a representation of facts and

    practical guide to action.

    B. Source of the data

    In this research, the researcher needed some journals Document of

    Students’ English Department graduated 57th

    In STKIP PGRI Sumatera

    Barat to get data and found the valuable data. To get the data about the

    Students’ technique in Paraphrasing, the researcher chose some journals

    Document of English Department student to get the data. The researcher

  • 21

    just seen part of intoduction from journal article at English Department of

    STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.

    C. Instrumention

    The instrument that used in the research was document or content

    analysis. According to Ary et all (2010:29) document or content analysis

    focuses on analyzing and interpreting recorded material to learn about

    human behavior. The material may be in public records, textbook, letters,

    film, or other document. in this research, researcher used journal article

    document as the data. The reseacher analyzed student’s techniques in

    paraphrasing and the researcher just see part of introduction from journal

    article at English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat.

    D. Technique of Data Collection

    The data collected from Paraphrasing writing in part of intoduction

    The researcher chose some journals from 108 students English

    Department in graduated 57th

    The researcher chose the random sampling

    technique. It is support of Gay and Airisian (2000: 134) Random

    sampling means that the researcher choose the samples randomly. It is

    common use sample 10% - 20% from the journal student at English

    Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Therefore, the researcher

    took 10% from 108 journals’s from student English Department in

    graduated 57th

    become 11 journals article students’s English Department.

    In gathering the data, the researcher has some steps for this the research.

  • 22

    The first step is collecting 11journals document from student’s English

    Department in graduated 57th

    at STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. The

    second step is read the document its purpose to make the data is needed

    by researcher. Then, the researcher takes the document as data of this


    Table 3.1

    Indicators of Technique in Paraphrasing

    No Techniques in



    1. Make abstract ideas

    concreate, changing


    Add more explaination or making the

    important point paraphrasing that used

    own words but same meaning.

    2. Divide long sentence

    or combine short


    Divide sentences then combining

    sentences may involve omitting

    unnecessary words or phrases

    3. Omit any unnecessary Remove the words of the original teks

    4. Use synonim These are words/ phrases that have the

    same/similar meaning to the original

    Taken from Davies (2011: 3) and Fitzpatrick (2005: 222:223)

  • 23

    E. Technique of Data Analysis

    After researcher collected the data, the researcher analyzed the

    data to answer the research quation and get the result of this research.

    According to Husein (2010:33), there are four stages of analyzes the


    1. Selecting , The researcher selected the data from journal article, the

    researcher just chosen part of introduction in journal article.

    2. Categorizing, in categorizing the data, the researcher categorize

    journal article that used technique in paraphrasing based on indicators

    of the technique in paraphrasing.

    3. Analyzing, after categorizing journal article , the researcher analysed

    them by used the technique in paraphrasing.

    4. Inferencing, write the findings of analysis in the students’ technique

    in paraphrasing would be inference

  • 24



    The researcher explained about data analysis, finding and

    discussion, and interpretation of research on Student’s Technique In

    Paraphrasing at English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.

    A. Data analysis

    In data analysis,the researcher searched to answer the research

    questions, in this research, the researcher useddocuments as the data

    researcher. Therefore, in collected the data during research process, the

    researcher collected the data journals article English Department student in

    graduated 57th

    , the researcher searched journal article on the website that was published at STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

    after that researcher searched original text based on the journal article that

    have been found and searched original text on situs google. In this

    research, the researcher used technique random sampling as collected the

    data from journals article. The researcher chose sample the data many as

    10% from 108 journals articleby student English Department in graduated


    and become 11 journals article for analyzing. In 11 journals article, the

    researcher found 14 data in paraphrasing. The purpose of this research,

    researcher seen technique of paraphrasing in journals article that used

    student English Department in graduated 57th

    at STKIP PGRI Sumatera

    Barat. Therefore, the data consisted of the result of student technique in

  • 25

    paraphrasing. And in this research, there are four indicators of technique

    in paraphrasing :make abstract ideas concreate, omitt unnecessary words,

    divide long sentence and combine short sentence, and using synonim.

    1. Make abstract ideas concreate

    In data analysis, the researcher found used the technique in

    paraphrasing in journal article. Most students that used technique make

    abstract ideas concreate with added explanation with used own word. The

    student used make abstract ideas concrete technique many as 14 data from

    11 journal article. All of journal article the students used the technique of

    make abstract ideas concreate.The analysis used make abtract ideas

    concrete technique from some data of Journals article that found.

    a. Datum 1.1 in journal article 1(appendix 1 page 46)

    In datum 1.1 from journal article 1, the student used make abstract

    ideas concrete technique in paraphrasing writing. The researcher seen in

    original text yet abstract idea and in part student paraphrasing, the student

    wrote paraphrasing more concrete idea because in student paraphrasing,

    the student wrote more informations and explanations that so be concrete

    idea in content student paraphrasing. Can be seen, this the student

    paraphrasing that student wrote more explanations “it means that satire is a

    way of heare in the form of social problems or person’s behavior by humor

    to make people feel unreasonable even funny because of entertainment”.

  • 26

    Original Text :

    Satire is a powerful art form which has the ability to point out the

    deficiencies in certain human behavior and the social issues which result

    from them in such as a way that the become absurd, even hilarious, which

    is therefore entertaining and reaches a wide audience

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Leboeuf (2007 : 4) “satire is a powerful art from which has

    the ability to point out the deficiencies in certain human behavior and the

    social issues which result from them in such a way that they become

    absurd, even hilarious, which is therefore entertaining and reaches a wide

    audience”. it means that satire is a way of heare in the form of social

    problems or person’s behaviorby humor to make people feel unreasonable

    even funny because of entertainment.

    b. Datum 2.1 in journal article 2 (appendix 2 page 47)

    Based on datum2.1 from journal article 2, the student used techniquemake

    abstract ideas concrete technique. Can be seen in original text yet abstract

    idea and in part student paraphrasing, the student wrote paraphrasing more

    concrete idea because in student paraphrasing, the student wrote more

    informations and explanations with own words that so be concrete idea in

    content student paraphrasing. This is the student paraphrasing that student

    wrote more explanations “first thing to notice in this definition is that

    perception done by a set of internal process and then will be interprets

    based on the perceivers mind”

  • 27

    Original Text :

    Perception is a set of internal sensational cognitive process of the brain at

    the subconscious cognitive function layer that detects, relates, interprets,

    and searches internal cognitive information in the mind.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Wang (2007: 1) Perception is a set of internal process that detects, relates,

    interprets,and searches internal cognitive information in the mind. The

    first thing to notice in this definition is that perception done by a set of

    internal process and then will be interprets based on the perceivers mind.

    c. Datum 3.1 in journaal article 3(appendix 3 page 48)

    In datum 3.1 from journal article 3,technique of paraphrasing

    used by student make abstract ideas concrete technique. This data can be

    seen“Academic writing is, essentially, the writing you have to do for your

    university courses. ”Change to be “academic writing is one of the subjects

    inuniversity courses ”that student wrote the important point in student

    paraphrasing above. And also can be seen in line to 5 of student

    paraphrasing that the studentwrote more information with own word but not

    change means. This is the student paraphrasing that student wrote more

    explanations “In academic writing, the students get knowledge about how to

    write an essay, paper, thesis, scientific article, etc.”

    Original text :

    Academic writing is, essentially, the writing you have to do for your

    university courses. Your instructors may have different names for

    academic writing assignments (essay, paper, research paper, termpaper,

    argumentative paper /essay, analysispaper /essay, informative essay,

  • 28

    positionpaper), but all of the assignments have the same goal and


    StudentParaphrasing :

    Whitaker(2009) that academic writing is one of the subjects in university

    courses. There are many different names for academic writing

    assignment (essay, paper, researchpaper,termpaper, argumentative

    paper/essay, informative essay, position paper), butallof

    thisassignmentshave the same goal and principles. In academic writing,

    thestudentsget knowledge abouthowtowrite an essay, paper, thesis,

    scientificarticle, etc.

    d. Datum 4.1 injournal 4 (appendix 4 page 49)

    Based onthe datum 4.1 from journal article 4, the student used

    technique make abtract ideas concrete. The researcher seen in original text

    less explanation and in part student paraphrasing, the student wrote more

    explanations and also can be seen in student paraphrasing, the student added

    some example in content so student paraphrasing be concrete ideas. This is

    the student paraphrasing that student wrote more explanations “Low or high

    students’ self esteem can determine students’ engagement. Students’

    engagement means students show positive attitude while learning such as the

    degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism passion that students show

    when they are learning or being taught.”

    Original text :

    A significant positive relationship exist between the students’ self

    esteem and students’ engagement

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Alhoot (2016: 114), self esteem has a significant positive relationship with

    student engagement. Low or high students’ self esteem can determine

  • 29

    students’ engagement. Students’ engagement means students show

    positive attitude while learning such as the degree of attention, curiosity,

    interest, optimism passion that students show when they are learning or

    being taught.

    e. Datum 5.1 in journal article 5(appendix 5 page 50)

    Datum 5.1 from journal article 5. The student used technique make

    abstract ideas concrete. In paragraph 1 from student paraphrasing that

    student wrote back sentence of original text. The researcher seen in

    original text less explanation and in part student paraphrasing, the student

    wrote more information and explanations in content so student

    paraphrasing be concrete ideas. This is the student paraphrasing that

    student wrote more explanations “It means that, English language is the

    one of language in the world that very important to communicate. English

    language is the one language that must be master by student, because

    english language is used in every where and every situation actually.”

    Original text :

    English language plays a very crucial role as the predominant tool for

    communication in the global community.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Prachanant (2012:117), English language plays a very crucial

    role as the predominant tool for communication in the global community.

    It means that, English language is the one of language in the world that

    very important to communicate. English language is the one language that

    must be master by student, because english language is used in every

    where and every situation actually.

  • 30

    f. Datum 5.2 in journal article 5 (appendix 5 page 51)

    Datum 5.2 from journal article 5, the student used

    technique make abtract ideas concreate technique. In the beginning of

    the paragraph the student wrote back sentence from original text in

    student paraphrasing. The researcher seen in original text less

    explanation and in part student paraphrasing, the student wrote more

    explanations and wrote some example from many tenses in the content

    so student paraphrasing be concrete ideas. This is the student

    paraphrasing that student wrote more explanations “It means that,

    grammar is one important skill in the teaching English language

    especially in writing. There are things that must be considered in

    teaching English language, especially about tenses. There are many

    tenses need to know, such as present tense, present tense continue,

    present perfect tense, etc. In writing, tense used should be appropriate.”

    Original text :

    Grammar is regarded as the most fundamental element of language

    learning for second language learners.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Krishnasamy (2015:51), Grammar is regarded as the most

    fundamental element of language learning for second language learners. It

    means that, grammar is one important skill in the teaching English

    language especially in writing. There are things that must be considered in

    teaching English language, especially about tenses. There are many tenses

    need to know, such as present tense, present tense continue, present perfect

    tense, etc. In writing, tense used should be appropriate.

  • 31

    g. Datum 6.1 in journal article 6 (appendix 6 page 52)

    Based on datum 6.1 from journal article 6, the student used

    technique make abstract ideas concrete. The student add more explanation

    with own word. In student paraphrase sentence, the student wrote back in

    paragraph 1 of original text. Can be seen in the original text yet abstract

    idea in context and in part student paraphrasing, the student added

    informations and the student wrote some example in content student

    paraphrasing, so can be seen that paraphrasing sentence above more long

    sentence or original text. This is the student paraphrasing that student

    wrote more explanations and give example in context student paraphrasing

    “A phrase does not contain a subject and verb, consequently, can not

    convey a complete thought. Furthermore, it contrasts with a clause,

    but clause does contain a subject and verb and it can convey a complete

    idea. Every language has words that are nouns. The parts of speech, noun

    is perhaps the most important in phrases. A noun is a word that

    identifies a person, animal, place, thing such as mother, Albert, cat, table.”

    Original text :

    A phrase as a group of words and, like everything else in grammar;

    relationship between and among word in the group are structured.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Gerot and Wignel in Sophya (2014:177) a phrase as a group

    of words and, like everything else in grammar; relationships between

    and among words in the group are structured. A phrase does not contain a

  • 32

    subject and verb, consequently, can not convey a complete thought.

    Furthermore, it contrasts with a clause, but clause does contain a

    subject and verb and it can convey a complete idea. Every language has

    words that are nouns. The parts of speech, noun is perhaps the most

    important in phrases. A noun is a word that identifies a person, animal,

    place, thing such as mother, Albert, cat, table.

    h. Datum 7.1in journal article 7 (appendix 7 page 53)

    In this datum 7.1 from journal article 7, the student used technique

    make abstract ideas concrete. It can be seen in the student paraphrasing

    the student add more ideas and explanation with own word but not change

    means from original text. The resercher seen sentence of student

    paraphrasing more long sentence from original text. This is the student

    paraphrasing that student wrote more explanations “encouragement is the

    process of facilitating the development of a person’s inner resources and

    courage towards positive movement. It can be conclude that

    encouragement is the process to help students believe and convident about

    their ability.”

    Original text :

    Encouragement is a process that focuses on the individual’s resources and

    potential in order to enhance self esteem and self acceptance.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Dinkmeyer and Eckstein (1996:16) encouragement is the

    process of facilitating the development of a person’s inner resources

    and courage towards positive movement. It can be conclude that

  • 33

    encouragement is the process to help students believe and convident about

    their ability.

    i. Datum 8.1 in journal article 8 (appendix 8 page 54)

    In this datum 8.1 from journal article 8, student used technique

    make abstract ideas concrete. In paragraph 1 from student paraphrasing can

    be seen that student wrote back sentence from original text. In paragraph 1

    from original text and student paraphrasing is same sentences but the in the

    next paragraph have the sentences is different between original text and

    student paraphrasing. the researcher seen between the original text and

    student paraphrasing add more information different with used own word. In

    student paraphrasing, the student added explanation with wrote function and

    noun forms in content from student paraphrasing so become concrete ideas.

    This is the student paraphrasing that student wrote more explanations

    “Because, noun functioned as subject, object or compliment. In noun forms,

    any singular and plural noun that can be used by the writer in writing a


    Original text :

    Who purposes that noun can name a person, a place, an object, an activity

    an idea or emotion, or a quantity. Based on the explanation researcher

    concludes that Nouns are very important in sentences because they are

    always the subject or doer of the action. Noun is a word to use to identify

    any of a class of people, place, or things.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    It is supported by Werner (2007:228) who proposes that noun can name

    a person, a place, an object, an activity an idea or emotion, or a quantity.

  • 34

    In conclusion, noun is a word to use identify a thing, people, or place.

    Noun has important role in grammar. If a writer does not use a noun, it

    makes the writing is uncomplete. Because, noun functioned as subject,

    object or compliment. In noun forms, any singular and plural noun that can

    be used by the writer in writing a sentence.

    j. Datum 8.2 in journal article 8 (appendix 8 page 55)

    Based on the datum 8.2 from journal article 8, the student used

    technique paraphrasing make abtract ideas concrete. In the beginning of the

    paragraph the student wrote back original text in paraphrasing and have same

    sentence between original and student paraphrasing but in the original text yet

    abstract idea and in part student paraphrasing added explanations with wrote

    caracteristics from plural in the context so become concrete ideas in student

    paraphrasing. This is the student paraphrasing that student wrote more

    explanations “Furthermore, plural is consisting of, containing, or pertaining to

    more than one.”

    Original text :

    That nouns typically inflect for number (singular or plural) and case

    (plain or genitive). Singular is referring to one person, thing and so on.

    Plural is referring to more than one. From the definitions about plural

    above, it can be concluded that plural do not described as a single thing or

    plural has more than one of the person, place, or thing in the real world

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Danesi (2006:31), nouns typically inflect for number

    (singular or plural) and case (plain or genitive). Singular is referring to

    one person, thing and so on. Plural is referring to more than one. It

  • 35

    applies to noun inflection: noun typically have contrasting singular and

    plural forms. A noun that names more than one person, place, or thing is a

    plural noun. Furthermore, plural is consisting of, containing, or pertaining

    to more than one.

    k. Datum 9.1 in journal article 9 (appendix 9 page 56)

    Datum 9.1 from journal article 9, the student used technique make

    abtract ideas concrete because can be seen from the original text yet abstract

    idea and in part student paraphrasing, the student wrote more explanations

    and more informations in the content from student paraphrasing so become

    concrete idea. This is student paraphrasing with added more explanations so

    become concrete ideas “It can be said that if the students not mastery the

    diphthong it may cause a problems in pronunciation because the meaning

    will be different if they not pay attention to the diphthong.”

    Original text :

    A diphthong is a kind of vowel sound with a special feature. There is a

    deliberate glide made from one vowel position to another vowel position,

    and which is produced in one syllable.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Ramelan (1999:73), states a diphthong is a kind of vowel sound with a

    special feature. There is a deliberate glide made from one vowel position

    to another vowel position, and which is produced in one syllable. It can

    be said that if the students not mastery the diphthong it may cause a

    problems in pronunciation because the meaning will be different if they

    not pay attention to the diphthong.

  • 36

    l. Datum 10.1 in journal article 10(appendix10 page 57)

    In this datum 10.1 from journal article 10, the student make

    paraphrasing with use technique make abstract ideas concrete.

    becausecan be seen that the original text yet abstract idea and in part

    student paraphrasing, the student wrote more explanations and more

    informations in content from student paraphrasing so become concrete

    ideas. This is student paraphrasing with added more explanations “. It can

    be a reason for students to increase their motivation to do something

    caused promise, appreciation and praise from teacher.”

    Original text :

    Extrinsic motivation which refers to doing something because it leads to

    a separable outcome

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Decy and Ryan (2000: 55) asserted extrinsic motivation refers to doing

    something because it leads to a separable outcome. It can be a reason for

    students to increase their motivation to do something caused promise,

    appreciation and praise from teacher.

    m. Datum 11.1 in journal article 11 (appendix 11 page 58)

    In this datum 11.1 from journal article 11, the student used make

    abstract ideas concrete technique in paraphrasing. The researcher seen in

    paragraph 1 from original text and student paraphrasing is same sentence. In

    the original text also still abstract idea and different with student paraphrasing

    that the student wrote more ideas with add explanation with own in

  • 37

    paraphrasing so become abtract ideas in content from student paraphrasing.

    This is student paraphrasing with added more explanations “. It means that

    student achievement is the foundation to achive the education goal. Good

    or bad student achievement in the school will influence the standard of the

    school. Because of that all of sides of school should give conributions to

    improve student achievement.”

    Original text :

    Student achievement is the basis of nearly every aspect of education.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Hattie and Anderman (2013:3) states that students achievement is the basic

    of nearly every aspect of education. It means that student achievement is

    the foundation to achive the education goal. Good or bad student

    achievement in the school will influence the standard of the school.

    Because of that all of sides of school should give conributions to improve

    student achievement.

    n. Datum 11.2 in journal articlee 11 (appendix 11 page 59)

    Datum 11.2 from journal article 11, the student used

    technique paraphrasing is make abtract ideas concrete technique. In

    paragraph 1 from student paraphrasing can be seen that student wrote

    back sentence of original text but in the original text yet abtract idea in

    the content and in part student paraphrasing, that the student wrote more

    expalanations so become concrete ideas. This is student paraphrasing

    with added more explanations “It means that, teacher can know the

    students achievement with giving a test after learning process. The

  • 38

    students who have understanding to the material can answer all of the

    question from teacher without cheating to other students.”

    Original text :

    Achievement is the student ability in computations and solving

    problems, which can normally be measured by written tests.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Evans (2007) defines that achievement is the student ability in

    computations and solving problems, which can normally be measured by

    written tests. It means that, teacher can know the students achievement

    with giving a test after learning process. The students who have

    understanding to the material can answer all of the question from teacher

    without cheating to other students. .

    2. Omit unnecessary word

    In data analysis, the researcher found used the technique in

    paraphrasing. omit unnecessary word it means that remove the words of the

    original. The researcher found 1 data in used technique parapahrasing.

    a. Datum 2.1 in journal article 2(appendix 2 page 49)

    In this datum 2.1 from journal article 2, the technique of

    paraphrasing that used by students wasomitting any unnecessary words.

    The researcher seen the student eliminate most of the words from the

    original text. Can be seen the student eliminate words from “sensational

    cognitive process of the brain at the subconscious cognitive function

    layer” and in part student paraphrasing so become “Perception is a set of

    internal process that detects, relates, interprets, and searches internal

    cognitive information in the mind.”

  • 39

    Original Text :

    Perception is a set of internal sensational cognitive process of the

    brain at the subconscious cognitive function layer that detects, relates,

    interprets, and searches internal cognitive information in the mind.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Wang (2007: 1) Perception is a set of internal process that detects,

    relates, interprets, and searches internal cognitive information in the

    mind. The first thing to notice in this definition is that perception done

    by a set of internal process and then will be interprets based on the

    perceivers mind. .

    B. Findings and Discussion

    In findings, the researcher classified the data in this research, there

    were four indicators of technique in paraphrasing which were make abstract

    ideas concrete, omitt unnecessary words, divide long sentence and combine

    short sentence, and using synonim. Paraphrasing of techniques in journals

    article using by English Department students graduated 57th


    Sumatera Barat.

    Related to research question that research stated in Chapter I “What

    are techniques in paraphrasing used by English Department student

    graduated in 57th

    in the journal article while paraphrasing part of

    introduction of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat ?”. based on the data journal

    article to get by researcher, total data of paraphrasing writing of 11 journals

    article many as 14 data of paraphrasing. From 4 techniques of paraphrasing

    based on indicators technique of paraphrasing the researcher found 2

    techniques of paraphrasing that used the student in 14 data paraphrasing from

    11 journals article. There are technique of paraphrasing used in journals

  • 40

    article: Make abstract ideas concrete and omit unnecessary word. This is the

    table of result use technique of paraphrasing in journals article.

    Table 4.1

    The Result Use Technique of Paraphrasing in Journal Article

    No Name Total data Technique in Paraphrasing

















    1. Journal article 1 Datum 1.1 √

    2. Journal article 2 Datum 2.1 √ √

    3. Journal article 3 Datum 3.1 √

    4. Journal article 4 Datum 4.1 √

    5. Journal article 5 Datum 5.1 √

    Datum 5.2 √

    6. Journal article 6 Datum 6.1 √

    7. Journal article 7 Datum 7.1 √

    8. Journal article 8 Datum 8.1 √

    Datum 8.2 √

    9. Journal article 9 Datum 9.1 √

    10. Journal article 10 Datum 10.1 √

    11. Journal article 11 Datum 11.1 √

    Datum 11.2 √




    11 journal


    14 data 14 data 0 data 1 data 0 data

    From the result of the data above, it can be concluded 14 data

    paraphrasing used technique make abstract ideas concrete, and 1 data

  • 41

    paraphrasing used omitt unnecessary word. and also 1 data journal article

    that used 2 techniques of paraphrasing in one data, it is: Journal article 2 in

    datum 2.1 used omitt unnecessary word and make abstract ideas concrete.

    This findings was supported by Chi Do Na & Nguyen (2017: 17) state

    that the Vietnamese learners of English encountered students’ technique in

    paraphrasing. the findings revealed that participants frequently paraphrase

    successfully to make more changed in vocabulary. The participant using

    synonims was a popular technique in paraphrasing by Vietnamese


    C. Interpretation

    Based on formerly findings and discussion, the researcher could

    made interpretation about students’ technique in paraphrasing at English

    Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. The researcher interpreted that,

    from all of the techniques of paraphrasing in 14 data paraphrasing from 11

    journals article, it was found that, the student more interested and understood

    in using technique of paraphrasing with make abstract ideas concreteand the

    researcher seen that the student not used technique in paraphrasing of divide

    long sentence and combine shortsentence and using synonym.

  • 42



    In this chapter, the researcher described several conclusion and

    suggestion. The conclusion were describe based on findings of the research

    as already discuss chapter four and suggestion were propose based on the


    A. Conclusion

    This research focused on Techniques in Paraphrasing used by

    English Department student graduated in 57th

    in the journal article while

    paraphrasing part of introduction of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. The

    researcher can be concluded14 data paraphrasing used technique make

    abstract ideas concreate, 1 data paraphrasing use omitt unnecessary word,

    0 data used technique divide long sentence and combine short sentence , and

    0 data in using synonim technique. no one of the students that used

    technique divide long sentence and combine short sentence and using

    synonim. And also 1 journal article that used 2 techniques of paraphrasing in

    one data, it is: Journal article 2 in datum 2.1 that used technique omitt


    B. Suggestions

    Based on research finding, there are some suggestion that should

    be considered. The suggestion as follow:

    Suggestion for the lecturer, the lecturer should give directive,

    more motivation, and knowledge in teaching writing subject especially

  • 43

    to apply the technique in paraphrasing writing in the class, so the

    students when write the thesis avoid plagiarism. Suggestion for student,

    the student should be more attention and be more focus in teaching

    writing especially in paraphrasing teaching so student can develop ideas

    in research writing thesis. So that student will get to improve paraphrase

    and they could be motivating to do the best.

  • 44


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  • 46


    Appendix 1

    Name : Journal Article 1

    Tittle : Satire in “Indonesia Lawak Klub” viewed from education aspect

    Datum 1.1

    Original Text :

    Satire is a powerful art form which has the ability to point out the

    deficiencies in certain human behavior and the social issues which result

    from them in such as a way that the become absurd, even hilarious, which is

    therefore entertaining and reaches a wide audience

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Leboeuf (2007 : 4) “satire is a powerful art from which has

    the ability to point out the deficiencies in certain human behavior and the

    social issues which result from them in such a way that they become

    absurd, even hilarious, which is therefore entertaining and reaches a wide

    audience ”it means that satire is a way of heare in the form of social

    problems or person’s behavior by humor to make people feel unreasonable

    even funny because of entertainment.

  • 47

    Appendix 2

    Name : Journal Article 2

    Tittle : Teachers’ perception on the use of authentic materialsim

    teaching english at SMPN 2x 11 Enam Lingkung

    Datum 2.1

    Original Text :

    Perception is a set of internal sensational cognitive process of the brain at

    the subconscious cognitive function layer that detects, relates, interprets,

    and searches internal cognitive information in the mind.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Wang (2007: 1) Perception is a set of internal process that detects, relates,

    interprets, and searches internal cognitive information in the mind. The first

    thing to notice in this definition is that perception done by a set of

    internal process and then will be interprets based on the perceivers mind.

  • 48

    Appendix 3

    Name : Journal Article 3

    Tittle : Structures and content of abstract in Journal article of students

    graduating in 54th graduation of english education study

    program at STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

    Datum 3. 1

    Original text :

    Academic writing is, essentially, the writing you have to do for your

    university courses. Your instructors may have different names for

    academic writing assignments (essay, paper, research paper, term paper,

    argumentative paper/essay, analysis paper/essay, informative essay,

    position paper), but all of these assignments have the same goal and


    Student Paraphrasing :

    Whitaker (2009) that academic writing is one of the subjects in university

    courses. There are many different names for academic writing assignment

    (essay, paper, research paper, term paper, argumentative paper/essay,

    informative essay, position paper), but all of this assignments have the

    same goal and principles. In academic writing, the students get

    knowledge about how to write an essay, paper, thesis, scientific article,


  • 49

    Appendix 4

    Name : Journal Article 4

    Tittle : Correlation between students’ self esteem and students’

    engagement at SMK N 7 Padang

    Datum 4.1

    Original text :

    A significant positive relationship exist between the students’ self

    esteem and students’ engagement

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Alhoot (2016: 114), self esteem has a significant positive relationship with

    student engagement. Low or high students’ self esteem can determine

    students’ engagement. Students’ engagement means students show positive

    attitude while learning such as the degree of attention, curiosity, interest,

    optimism passion that students show when they are learning or being


  • 50

    Appendix 5

    Name : Journal Article 5

    Tittle : Causes of Students mistakes in using simple past tense

    Datum 5.1

    Original text :

    English language plays a very crucial role as the predominant tool for

    communication in the global community.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Prachanant (2012:117), English language plays a very crucial

    role as the predominant tool for communication in the global community.

    It means that, English language is the one of language in the world that very

    important to communicate. English language is the one language that must

    be master by student, because english language is used in every where and

    every situation actually.

  • 51

    Datum 5.2

    Original text :

    Grammar is regarded as the most fundamental element of language learning

    for second language learners.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Krishnasamy (2015:51), Grammar is regarded as the most

    fundamental element of language learning for second language learners. It

    means that, grammar is one important skill in the teaching English language

    especially in writing. There are things that must be considered in teaching

    English language, especially about tenses. There are many tenses need to

    know, such as present tense, present tense continue, present perfect tense,

    etc. In writing, tense used should be appropriate.

  • 52

    Appendix 6

    Name : Journal Article 6

    Tittle : Students’ mistakes in translating noun phrases from indonesian

    into english

    Datum 6.1

    Original text :

    A phrase as a group of words and, like everything else in grammar;

    relationship between and among word in the group are structured.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Gerot and Wignel in Sophya (2014:177) a phrase as a group

    of words and, like everything else in grammar; relationships between and

    among words in the group are structured. A phrase does not contain a

    subject and verb, consequently, can not convey a complete thought.

    Furthermore, it contrasts with a clause, but clause does contain a

    subject and verb and it can convey a complete idea. Every language has

    words that are nouns. The parts of speech, noun is perhaps the most

    important in phrases. A noun is a word that identifies a person, animal,

    place, thing such as mother, Albert, cat, table.

  • 53

    Appendix 7

    Name : Journal Article 7

    Tittle : An analysis of teachers’ encouragement in motivating students to

    learn english at SMA Al Istiqamah Simpang Empat, Pasaman Barat

    Datum 7.1

    Original text :

    Encouragement is a process that focuses on the individual’s resources and

    potential in order to enhance self esteem and self acceptance.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Dinkmeyer and Eckstein (1996:16) encouragement is the

    process of facilitating the development of a person’s inner resources and

    courage towards positive movement. It can be conclude that

    encouragement is the process to help students believe and convident

    about their ability.

  • 54

    Appendix 8

    Name : Journal Article 8

    Tittle : An analysis of using singular and plurar noun in students’ writing ( a

    study at English Department Students of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat)

    Datum 8.1

    Original text :

    Who purposes that noun can name a person, a place, an object, an activity

    an idea or emotion, or a quantity. Based on the explanation researcher

    concludes that Nouns are very important in sentences because they are

    always the subject or doer of the action. Noun is a word to use to identify

    any of a class of people, place, or things.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    It is supported by Werner (2007:228) who proposes that noun can name

    a person, a place, an object, an activity an idea or emotion, or a quantity.

    In conclusion, noun is a word to use identify a thing, people, or place.

    Noun has important role in grammar. If a writer does not use a noun, it

    makes the writing is uncomplete. Because, noun functioned as

    subject,object or compliment. In noun forms, any singular and plural noun

    that can be used by the writer in writing a sentence.

  • 55

    Datum 8.2

    Original text :

    That nouns typically inflect for number (singular or plural) and case (plain

    or genitive). Singular is referring to one person, thing and so on. Plural is

    referring to more than one. From the definitions about plural above, it can

    be concluded that plural do not described as a single thing or plural has

    more than one of the person, place, or thing in the real world

    Student Paraphrasing :

    According to Danesi (2006:31), nouns typically inflect for number

    (singular or plural) and case (plain or genitive). Singular is referring to

    one person, thing and so on. Plural is referring to more than one. It

    applies to noun inflection: noun typically have contrasting singular and

    plural forms. A noun that names more than one person, place, or thing is a

    plural noun.Furthermore, plural is consisting of, containing, or pertaining

    to more than one.

  • 56

    Appendix 9

    Name : Journal Article 9

    Tittle : English second year students’ ability in pronouncing diphthongs ( a

    study at STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat)

    Datum 9.1

    Original text :

    A diphthong is a kind of vowel sound with a special feature. There is a

    deliberate glide made from one vowel position to another vowel position,

    and which is produced in one syllable.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Ramelan (1999:73), states a diphthong is a kind of vowel sound with a

    special feature. There is a deliberate glide made from one vowel position to

    another vowel position, and which is produced in one syllable. It can

    be said that if the students not mastery the diphthong it may cause a

    problems in pronunciation because the meaning will be different if they

    not pay attention to the diphthong.

  • 57

    Appendix 10

    Name : Journal Article 10

    Tittle : An analysis of factors influencing students’ extrinsic motivation in

    learning english at SMPN 3 Sungai abu, Solok Regency

    Datum 10.1

    Original text :

    Extrinsic motivation which refers to doing something because it leads to

    a separable outcome

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Decy and Ryan (2000: 55) asserted extrinsic motivation refers to doing

    something because it leads to a separable outcome. It can be a reason for

    students to increase their motivation to do something caused promise,

    appreciation and praise from teacher.

  • 58

    Appendix 11

    Name : Journal Article 11

    Tittle : The comparative study of certified and non certified english teachers’ on

    students’ achievement

    Datum 11.1

    Original text :

    Student achievement is the basis of nearly every aspect of education.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Hattie and Anderman (2013:3) states that students achievement is the basic

    of nearly every aspect of education. It means that student achievement is

    the foundation to achive the education goal. Good or bad student

    achievement in the school will influence the standard of the school.

    Because of that all of sides of school should give conributions to improve

    student achievement.

  • 59

    Datum 11.2

    Original text :

    Achievement is the student ability in computations and solving problem

    which can normally be measured by written tests.

    Student Paraphrasing :

    Evans (2007) defines that achievement is the student ability in

    computations and solving problems, which can normally be measured by

    written tests. It means that, teacher can know the students achievement

    with giving a test after learning process. The students who have

    understanding to the material can answer all of the question from teacher

    without cheating to other students. .

  • 60

  • 61