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  • 7/29/2019 Ambiguous Capital II


    Essay Number 14

    August, 2000

    Ambiguous Capital (Part II):

    The Restructuring of China's State-owned Enterprise Sector

    By Satya J. Gabriel

    Reformers in the Communist Party of China (CPC) have recognized for yearsthe need to improve the performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).[1]

    After two decades of experimenting with various restructurings, the condition of

    these enteprises is worse than ever, despite steadily increasing labor productivity

    (which has been more than offset by eroding market conditions and the strain ofbank loans dating back to a time when the obligations generated by such loans

    were not taken seriously by senior SOE managers who had been accustomed to

    grants from the central authorities). During that time, SOEs suffered sharp drops

    in cash flow, interest coverage ratios, accounting profit margins (reflecting a

    pervasive inability to generate sufficient surplus value to meet claims on enterprise

    cash flow), and, on average, a more than fifty percent reduction in the value of the

    surplus product (as measured by the residual over the wage fund plus depreciation

    of existing machinery and facilities). Although some SOEs have prospered under

    reform, most have suffered from the increase in competition over both output and

    input markets, as well as constraints on their ability to raise the rate of exploitation

    (mainly via a reduction in real wages and benefits). Thus, although the value of

    labor power and the cost of means of production have increased somewhat, the

    drop in the total value generated in SOEs has been much larger than might have

    been anticipated at the start of the reform process. It is, therefore, insufficient to

    rely on rising labor productivity to solve the problem. Some SOEs may be able to

    generate increased sales simply by producing cheaper goods, but not all. SOE

    senior management must improve their strategies for competing over output

    markets in order to generate the necessary surplus value/cash flow to meet all

    existing obligations and have sufficient retained value to finance a major

    technological and marketing overhaul. Anything less will only lengthen the period of

    pain in the SOE sector and present the possibility of a larger economic crisis.

    Although the percentage of the labor force that is employed in SOEs has steadily

    fallen (to around 41% in 1997, according to the State Statistical Bureau), it

    remains clear that the success or failure of the SOEs is critical to the overall

    success or failure of the Chinese economy and the legitimacy of the CCP's

    continued monopoly control over government. The ability of the former commune

    enterprises, now called town-village enterprises (TVEs), and private enterprises to

    absorb the labor that is being made redundant (and subject toxia gang, formal

    layoffs) by restructuring in the SOE sector has proven insufficient to maintain the

    previous level of employment. The erosion in the financial position of small and

    medium sized SOEs, those controlled at local levels and operating outside of

    strategic sectors, such as mining and energy production, petrochemicals, steel and

    other basic materials, and defense related manufacturing, has been particularly

    rapid as the "Letting go of the small" policy has been implemented. Letting go of

    the small (and medium) sized SOEs, which tend to have a higher debt-equity ratio

    than larger, centrally controlled SOEs, is a priority for a central government that

    wants to wean SOEs from state subsidies so that more funds are available for

    value enhancing modernization projects. The cost is the displacement of larger

    numbers of workers, since the small and medium SOEs often have higher labor to

    total capitalization ratios than the larger more secure enterprises. Unemployment

    rates and income inequality are both rising (along with the crime rate, which

    remains relatively low by international comparisons, but has been positively

    correlated to unemployment rates).

    The cost of keeping the SOEs alive continues to rise, however, and the

    government is becoming increasingly desperate to find a solution. The losses

    suffered by the 46% of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) who are operating in

    deficit is particularly frustrating to the Chinese government, which has been forced

    to choose between providing heavy subsidies to these enterprises to keep them in

    business (adding to a rising national government deficit) or closing them down and
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    increase the level of unemployment dramatically. Given the weakness of China's

    social safety net, which will be a subject of a future essay, a drastic increase in the

    rate of unemployment carries the rather serious risk of generating social unrest and,

    as previously indicated, delegitimizes one-party-rule in China.

    Passage of the Corporation Law in 1994 (which received the official imprimatur of

    the Fifteenth National People's Congress in 1997), established the notion of

    "Keeping the large and letting go of the small," provided a legal framework for the

    corporatization of SOEs (as well as the sale of non-strategic SOEs to private

    domestic or foreign investors) and for discrimination against locally controlled/non-

    strategic enterprises in determining which firms would gain subsidies. This law was

    also designed to reduce the degree of ambiguity about control over enterprise

    capital, fiduciary responsibilities of managers, and rights of owners to sell assets.

    A further step in weening the vast majority of SOEs from government support was

    the establishment in 1998 of a recapitalization program modelled after the US

    government's rescue of the savings and loan sector in the 1980s. The Chinese

    government established four asset management companies to take over assets of

    SOEs who were unable to pay existing debt. The state-owned banks holding

    these non-performing loans were allowed to write-off debt related to these asset

    transfers, providing the banks with improved balance sheets and more liquidity for

    making future loans. The hope was that the SOEs, with reduced existing debt,

    would take this opportunity to get their financial houses in order and focus on

    improving profitability to avoid future problems. The banks had an incentive to

    improve their lending practices, providing future loans only to those firms who

    could demonstrate the capability to generate sufficient cash flow to pay such loans,

    providing an additional incentive for SOE managers to improve their strategic

    planning and implementation.

    What is the likelihood that SOE managers will succeed at improving their firms?

    What was wrong with these enterprises in the first place? Are the problems faced

    by the SOEs unique to state-owned enterprises? In order to answer these

    questions we need to examine the operating conditions of state-owned enterprises,

    to uncover the problems that generate poor operating results, and compare these

    conditions and problems to the environment in other firms, including the highly

    successful town-village enterprises (TVEs) discussed in the previous essay.

    In Western corporate finance it is usually assumed that the primary mission of

    corporate management is value creation: managers are assumed to select those

    assets and activities that will generate the higher net present value for the

    enterprise. Never mind that this may not always be the case. If agency problems

    were not so serious in the United States, the subject of agency costs would not be

    so prominent in the b-schools. In any event, if managers are to be valuemaximizers, they must be able to identify and then implement investment projects

    and restructurings of present assets that result in higher overall net present value for

    the portfolio of enterprise projects/investments. Are managers in the SOEs both

    motivated and empowered to do this?

    For most of the history of the SOEs the answer was an unambiguous no. SOE

    managers were neither rewarded for nor empowered to engage in value creation.

    SOE managers were governed by the dictates of a central plan created by

    bureaucrats and political leaders in Beijing and provincial capitals. Managers were

    simply informed of output quotas and other outcomes expected to be generated by

    their firm. The managers had very little influence over either the choice of inputs

    and outputs, output targets, prices set forth in the plan, or the parameters used in

    the design of the plan. Managers also had very little influence over investment

    decisions that would determine their relative success at meeting plan targets.

    Nevertheless, because managers operated within a noncompetitive market undersoft budget constraints, these institutional rigidities and inefficiencies did not pose a

    serious threat to enterprise survival. Perhaps even more to the point, managers'

    performance evaluation was based largely on political factors, so the existing

    environment also did not impede their attainment of personal success.

    The pragmatic modernist leadership in Beijing was, however, concerned about the

    growing drain on national budgetary resources and the pace of technological

    innovation and invention (which is rising, but not quickly enough to guarantee the

    future success of Chinese firms in global competition with "Western" capitalist

    transnationals). They had the example of the USSR to demonstrate the risks of not

    solving the problems created by centralized planning and market monopolies. And

    they had the example of the rural reforms to demonstrate that changing incentives

    could result in positive changes in output and reduced dependency on national

    budgetary funding. It was, therefore, clear that something had to be done to

    change the incentives for SOE management. It is not surprising, then, that much ofthe early tinkering with the way SOEs operate involved shifting more decision-

    making authority to managers and away from the external bureaucracy.

    The first attempt at decentralizating authority took place in Sichuan Province. It

    was another of the "crossing the river by feeling for stones" experiments that has

    come to epitomize the reform era. In 1979, managers in 84 industrial enterprises

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    were given decision-making powers --- in both investment and operating areas ---

    that had previously been vested in the external bureaucracy. In particular, the

    managers were given partial authority over equipment and materials purchases,

    labor hiring and assignment, and pricing. As an incentive for the managers to make

    good decisions, they were also allowed to retain, for use in the enterprise, a larger

    share of the surplus generated. Whether the authority or the incentive was

    sufficient to result in value maximizing behavior is open to debate. However, the

    pragmatic modernists who were then in power in Beijing decided the results were

    sufficient to generalize the reforms. Gradually other managers were granted the

    same powers that had allowed the Sichuan managers to gain greater control over

    their enterprises.

    The result has been less than uplifting. The percentage of total industrial output

    attributable to SOEs continues to decline. In 1978, at the beginning of the reform

    process, SOEs generated about 78% of industrial output. By 1997 the SOE

    share had fallen to about 27%. Overcapacity in the SOE sector has gone from

    problem to crisis proportions. Attempts to sell off SOE assets to reduce this level

    of overcapacity has also been met with less than stellar success.

    To put it in blunt terms, SOEs continue to bleed red ink. Gross margins have

    fallen steadily over the past two decades. I would estimate that the surplus

    generated by SOEs (using data from the State Statistical Bureau) has fallen by

    more than half since 1980. In 1997, 46% of SOEs were operating in deficit.

    Based on the failure of some SOEs to even meet wage obligations to their current

    work force or to satisfy tax demands from state officials (who managers would

    rather not antagonize), a subset of SOEs are not generating a surplus at all (or just

    enough to pay those managers). In any event, the falling surplus (realized in cash

    flow) is insufficient to meet the claims arising from SOE's debt meaning that the

    SOE crisis is also a banking crisis.

    It is not surprising that the reengineering of SOE management processes has been

    relatively ineffective. SOE management culture, shaped in the context of

    monopoly, soft budget constraints, and political rewards, was well ingrained in

    management. It should not be surprising to find that many "old school" managers

    would be resistant to changing their ways. And even those managers willing to

    change may have very little training in new ways of doing things. In the absence of

    an active market for corporate control, change in management behavior is likely to

    remain sluggish, leading to more negative net present value decisions, destroyed

    surplus value, and lost time in the race to transform China's SOE sector into one

    comprised of world class firms capable of competing with Western transnationals.

    The experience of the SOEs has many parallels in the United States and other

    more technologically advanced capitalist nations. For example, the experience ofutility companies post-regulation is, to a significant extent, analogous to that of

    these SOEs, where utility managers faced with competition and changes in the

    regulatory environment have had to learn new management practices. The

    transition is neither easy nor pleasant and some utility companies are likely to run

    into trouble. The relatively high amounts of debt carried by traditional utilities has,

    to a significant extent, shielded them from the market for corporate control,

    creating a resemblance to the conditions faced by SOE managers. As with the

    SOEs, it will take time to weed out those utility company managers who are

    unable to effectively adapt to the changing economic and political environment.

    The utilities do, on the other hand, face the very real prospect of bankruptcy,

    which provides an important disciplinary mechanism for utility company managers.

    They can only destroy so much value before they are forced out.

    Most SOEs, on the other hand, continue to be protected from the sharp edge of

    hard budget constraints. It will take time to create the proper political conditionsfor some SOEs to exit industries where there is sizable overcapacity and for

    surviving firms to undergo the necessary technological and cultural transformation.

    In the real-world Darwinian struggle for survival those firms that adapt best to the

    changing economic, political, and cultural circumstances are more likely to survive,

    if not prosper. Adaptation is not simply a question of shifting economic practices

    from less to more efficient, however. It never is in any capitalist social formation.

    SOE managers who can decode the new rules of the game and figure out how to

    manipulate not only economic variables but political parameters will have an

    advantage over those managers who continue to act as if the present mirrors the

    past. Nevertheless, some economic institutions have been born or reborn into this

    new environment (the government is restructuring many of the larger SOEs into

    keiretsu-like multi-enterprise groups) and do not have the burden of adjustment.

    In this context, the crisis for SOEs (the dinosaurs in this Jurassic landscape)

    provides opportunities for newly evolved firms, whose managers are unburdened

    by the old rules or the old obligations. [2] To be more specific, the crisis in theSOE sector has created enormous opportunities for the TVE and private sectors

    in a process analogous to, although on a much grander scale than, the

    opportunities created in telecommunications by the breakup of AT&T.

    The Chinese economy continues to transform rapidly with SOE restructuring

    speeding up (providing lucrative opportunities for consultants), TVEs (which are
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    also government-owned) expanding and also undergoing structural changes, and

    rapid growth in private enterprises, as well as new competition from foreign and

    joint venture firms. Joint venture firms, in particular, have been gaining market

    share in the domestic market since the central government changed its 1980s-era

    policy of requiring these partnerships of foreign and domestic firms to orient their

    production to the export market. The overcapacity in the SOE sector can be

    resolved (as opposed to reproduced) by a combination of exit and Keynesian

    macroeconomic management (increased aggregate demand can help some SOEs

    to become profitable, although this is not a panacea --- firm management must

    develop an effective strategy for taking advantage of the market opportunities

    produced by higher demand). In other words, even in an environment of increasing

    aggregate demand, a lot of firms need to disappear altogether, some need to be

    merged or taken over. The resulting unemployment problem can be partially

    solved by creative government policies that encourage more entrepreneurship,

    particularly self-employment (the ancient class process), including partnerships of

    ancient producers.[3]

    China's entry into WTO will provide an additional institutional setting for continued

    movement along the current path of reform --- away from the old state monopoly

    capitalism towards decentralized and competitive capitalism. As firms become

    subject to the discipline of hard budget constraints and exit, management incentives

    to focus on generating value (through positive net present value investments and

    management practices) are likely to increase. This will mean that Chinese firms are

    likely to become leaner and meaner, posing an even greater challenge to their

    competitors in other nations. Perhaps firms in the "West" and"East" should look

    at the problems in the SOE sector in China and count their blessings.

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    [1] State-owned enterprises are herein defined as enterprises owned and under the

    bureauc ratic control of either central or provincial govern ment authorities. These en terprises

    are component parts of the overall governmental bureaucracy. The managers of SOEs

    received instructions/commands related to investment, the acquisition and use of technology

    and inputs, and the composition of output from higher level authorities within the context of

    the overall national plan. State owned and controlled banks were closely linked to these

    SOEs and providing necessary financing for investment. (Additional comments added on

    December 7, 2003): In later essays a distinction is made between state-owned and state-run

    (directly controlled) enterprises. This amendment was made after reading Stephen A. Resnick

    and Richard D. Wolff's 2003 text, Class Theory and History. There is no reason to ass ume

    that the simple fact of state ownership of all or a majority of shares in an enterprise should

    necessarily imply that the s tate controls the appropriation and distribution of the s urplus

    value generated within that enterprise. However, when the s tate does directly control the

    appropriation and d istribution, as in the cas e of ent erprises that are integrated within the

    state bureaucracy (state-run enterprises), then this has important implications that warrant

    categorizing such enterprises in a different way than enterprises that are s imply state-owned

    (or privately owned, for that matter). State-run enterprises (SREs) employ workers to createvalue in circulation of products or intermediate goods or machines, bu t they are also often

    commanded to create use values that are not realized in the market or in other forms of

    circulation, such as in the provision of health care, education, housing, food, and clothing to

    employees and their families. Thissocial welfare function of SREs creates a very different

    type of balance s heet, income, and cas h flow statement than might be the case under an

    arrangement where the firm is not required to serve such a social function. Thus, the flow of

    surplus value back into the firm in the form of these social welfare use values may be an

    important reason that the firms operate in deficit (when viewed in income statement terms).

    You can read more on this in later essays .

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    [2] (note add ed 4 Febru ary 2004) Yi-min Lin makes the a rgument th at th e growth in relatively

    autonomous capitalist firms in China has led to a transformation in political processes within

    the state and Party such that the agents of the state (and Party) have become more

    independent of central authority and free to trade public authority and assets for personal

    gain. Thus, agents of the s tate become de facto agents of capitalist firms, receiving shares of

    distributed capitalist surplus value in exchange for providing the managers in these firms

    with acces s to pub lic as sets and/or guarantees that public authority will be exercised in ways

    beneficial to these managers. SeeBetween Politi cs and Ma rket s: Firms, Competitio n, and

    Institui onal Chang e in Post-Ma o Chin a; Cambridge: Cambridge Univers ity Press, 2001.

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    [3] It seems unlikely that the number of communal enterprises will expand. The Chinese
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    government has shown little or no interest in communism and this is unlikely to change.

    Indeed, reliance on the rhetoric of communism has already largely given way to nationalism

    and modernism as justifications for the existing political arrangement.

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    Copyright 2000-2005 Satya J. Gabriel, Mount Holyoke College. All

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