Download - Alumni Letter

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&




    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by Ret4Lt48ol4 Ed2in 84

    Recabe! 9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and r

    ecorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as

    been deactivated)terminated at &+%% :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/eproposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool

    Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Over-all Chairman, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by you as 9ver-all

    8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade as t/eir(ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%% :4*4

    ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers for

    t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In ? 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of AklanDistrict of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Treasurer, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/eminutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of EducationRegion VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Auditor, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    We are looking for2ard for your presence and cooperation4 ./ank you

    and >od ,less4

    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Awards & Souvenir Program, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing andsustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    We believe t/at maintaining communication 2it/ t/e alumni means

    keeping you a part of our institution not only in t/e past! but also in t/e present and

    most importantly! in t/e future4

    We are looking for2ard for your presence and cooperation4 ./ank you

    and >od ,less4

    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Awards & Souvenir Program, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    In line 2it/ t/is! 2e are inviting you for a consultative meeting on

    Januar !"# $"!%# Satur&a at LNES 'roun $("" )M*

    We believe t/at maintaining communication 2it/ t/e alumni means

    keeping you a part of our institution not only in t/e past! but also in t/e present and

    most importantly! in t/e future4

    We are looking for2ard for your presence and cooperation4 ./ank you

    and >od ,less4

    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of EducationRegion VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Awards & Souvenir Program, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    sc/ool because t/ere 2ill be individuals 2/o 2ill initiate t/e reali1ation of t/e

    pro=ects of t/e association4

    In line 2it/ t/is! 2e are inviting you for a consultative meeting on

    Januar !"# $"!%# Satur&a at LNES 'roun $("" )M*

    We believe t/at maintaining communication 2it/ t/e alumni meanskeeping you a part of our institution not only in t/e past! but also in t/e present and

    most importantly! in t/e future4

    We are looking for2ard for your presence and cooperation4 ./ank you

    and >od ,less4

    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    Awards & Souvenir Program, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%:4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter



    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory ands/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    Solicitation & Prizes, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es yourcontribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter



    Secial !vents, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%:4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    December "#! $%"&


    Secial !vents, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter



    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    "ocumentation, #enue & Sound, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&

    NELSON NAM0AY"ocumentation, #enue & Sound, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory ands/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    "ocumentation, #enue & Sound, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es yourcontribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    .eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&


    "ocumentation, #enue & Sound, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%:4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&

    E+UAR+O )* RE)IE+A+

    "ecorum & Order, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western VisayasDivision of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&

    )olice O2cer RENE T* ARMENIO

    "ocumentation, #enue & Sound, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing and

    sustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    We are looking for2ard for your presence and cooperation4 ./ank you

    and >od ,less4

    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge

    Department of Education

    Region VI- Western Visayas

    Division of Aklan

    District of Kalibo II


    Linabuan orte! Kalibo! Aklan

    December "#! $%"&

    )olice O2cer /ICENTE T* ARMENIO

    "ocumentation, #enue & Sound, Ad Hoc Secretariat


    ,lessed day

    ./e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool teac/ing sta0 recogni1es your

    contribution being alumni of t/e sc/ool and 2e are very eager in establis/ing andsustaining a net2ork of individuals dedicated to t/e sc/ool! preserve its /istory and

    s/are skills and e3pertise for t/e continual development of our institution4

    5ence! 2e are 2riting t/is letter to formally inform you t/at from t/e

    minutes of t/e meeting dated 6anuary $#! $%%7! presided by *r4 Ed2in 84 Recabe!

    9ver-all 8/airman of t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat and recorded by *s4 essie L4 Andrade

    as t/eir (ecretary! t/e Ad 5oc (ecretariat /as been deactivated)terminated at &+%%

    :4*4 ./erefore! 2e /ave come up 2it/ t/e proposal of electing a ne2 set of o;cers

    for t/e Linabuan orte Elementary (c/ool Alumni Association4 ./is 2ill bene

  • 7/23/2019 Alumni Letter


    We believe t/at maintaining communication 2it/ t/e alumni means

    keeping you a part of our institution not only in t/e past! but also in t/e present and

    most importantly! in t/e future4

    We are looking for2ard for your presence and cooperation4 ./ank you

    and >od ,less4

    (incerely yours!

    RO+UL,O C* RESICO.eac/er ? In - 8/arge