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Page 1: Alliance Party manifesto 2011

Manifesto 2011

For the common good

Page 2: Alliance Party manifesto 2011


For the common goodThe Alliance wants a better New Zealand for everyone.

We believe all people should be able to have secure well-paid work, quality, free education and health care, affordable housing and power, a safe sustainable environment and the right to make decisions about their lives and their communities.

The Alliance is different from most political parties. We don’t receive big donations from big business or organizations pushing hidden agendas. We represent people who care about others and who know there is a better way to run things.

Our goal is for a free society where all individuals are able to reach their full potential and lead happy and productive lives.

We want to create an equal and fairer country and a more democratic society. We want a New Zealand where people are put first.

We need a New Zealand where people are put first.

To find out more: • visit our website • email us at [email protected] • or write to us at PO Box 2505, Dunedin 9044, New Zealand

Authorized by T. Dowie, 1427 Leeston Road, Doyleston.

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Income TaxKey goal: The Alliance has a fair tax system to pay for a future in which New Zealanders are healthy, well housed, well educated, and in work. All New Zealanders will have access to public goods such as health and education, which will be paid for by tax.

A total of $2.5 billion extra in tax will be paid by the top 10%, particularly those who earn over $100,000 per year, to give tax relief to the bottom 90%. Alliance income tax is part of a total package that will finance extra spending of $6.82 billion per year on health, education, transport and housing that benefits all of us. About 30% from a new capital gains tax, and 23% mainly from higher taxes on casino profits, a carbon tax, restoring the land tax, and inherit ance taxes at 20 cents in the dollar, beginning at $1 million. The remainder will come from increased taxation on corporations making excessive profits.


The Alliance would gradually phase out GST, starting with essentials such as food, and put in its place a financial transactions tax (FTT) at the low rate of two cents per $100. The FTT would be charged on withdrawals only, not de posits. If you spent $26,000 per year and withdrew a weekly total of $500, FTT would be 10 cents. Compare that to GST on a family’s weekly food bill – 15% of $200 or $30 a week. GST is a regressive tax that hits the poor at the same rate as the rich. It also burdens business with unnecessary compliance costs.

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EducationKey goal: Free education for all. Free education for all is a right, not a privilege.

• The Alliance will abolish the Student Loans Scheme and immediately write off all loans.• We will introduce a living allowance for all tertiary students at the level of the Unemployment Benefit.• We will fully fund the public education system from early childhood to tertiary level, including removal of tuition fees.• We will reduce class sizes to a maximum of 20 pupils in all primary and secondary schools.• We oppose bulk funding of schools.• The Alliance will abolish National Standards for primary school children and return to the pre-2010 assessment system.• We will address the workload issues of teachers struggling to cope with multiple assessments under NCEA.

EconomyKey goal: A productive economy operated in the interests of all New Zealanders, to ensure secure jobs and a fair distribution of wealth.

• The Alliance will investigate the feasibility of the Government imposing penalty taxes or surcharges on New Zealand and foreign based companies who uplift their operations and export jobs offshore. • All State Owned Enterprises and government departments will be required to run a strictly buy New Zealand policy in terms of product procurement or tenders.

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HealthKey goal: Quality and free public health care.All people deserve good health care. By providing all people with free, high-quality health care, we avoid the suffering and cost of dealing with problems that have been left untreated.

• The Alliance would increase health funding over three years from 6.8% to 8% of GDP and seek an agreement with other parties to maintain it at that level. • We would immediately add spending of $1.4 billion to our public health service. This means free doctors’ consultations, the removal of prescription charges, and reduced waiting lists.• We will put more resources towards public health initiatives such as sexual and reproductive health. • We will address urgent needs in mental health care and in the disabilities sector.• We will introduce free hearing and eye tests, and free dental check-ups.• We will make child health a national priority.• We will keep remaining rural hospitals open and plan hospital services so that 90% of New Zealanders are less than 60 minutes away by road.• We will support the full election of all District Health Board members and ensure that their managements are fully accountable to their Boards and the communities they serve.• The Alliance will seek to fully fund and reverse all cuts made to DHB funded domestic and personal assistance services for older disabled people.

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HousingKey goal: Affordable housing for all people.The Alliance will help get people into a home they can afford – our priority is housing for all.

• The Alliance will introduce low-interest, no-deposit loans for low-income workers and beneficiaries to enable them to buy homes.• We will increase the number of state houses being built to ensure adequate supply of quality affordable housing.• We will help councils and other agencies providing pensioner flats and social housing with loans at below market interest rates, but only if rents are set at less than 25% of household income. • We will establish a public housing construction agency employing builders and apprentices to build state houses, and to modernise and insulate existing state houses.• We will introduce capital gains taxes to reduce speculation and end the instability of the housing market. • We will introduce rent controls and stronger tenancy protection.

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Workers’ RightsKey goal: Secure, well-paid jobs. The Alliance will help workers in low-paid and insecure jobs, reduce the working week and increase the minimum wage.

• The Alliance will increase the minimum wage to $17 per hour.• We will introduce a 35-hour working week with no loss of pay.• We will immediately introduce five weeks’ annual leave. • We will introduce greater protections for casual workers.• We will ensure responsible contracting – where private business gets public money to deliver services, they will be required to meet national standards in pay and conditions.• We will improve paid parental leave – workers who become primary caregivers should get 12 months’ paid parental leave and their partners should get two weeks’ paid parental leave.• We support the right to strike: workers should have the right to strike to enforce their Collective Agreement, to oppose lay-offs, to support other workers and for political reasons.• Workers should have a say in the way work is organised. We will push for stronger employment legislation to ensure greater workplace democracy.• We will ensure genuine full employment promoted by public-financed regional economic development and public works’ programmes.

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EnergyKey policy: Affordable, secure power for the people. Electricity will be taken back by the people for the public good – providing affordable, reliable power for all.

• The Alliance will introduce 100% public ownership of electricity generation, lines and retail companies.• We are committed to long-term planning of electricity supply.• People’s wellbeing comes first in the provision and supply of electricity and gas, and free market policies will be abolished.• We will make it illegal for energy companies to arbitrarily cut off electricity or gas supply.• We will support the development of renewable resources.• We will introduce price controls on supply of electricity and gas to residential customers.• We will take major steps to improve energy efficiency and reduce relative use of electricity.

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Environment and Climate ChangeKey goal: A future for our world. We can only protect our environment by creating an economy based on need and sustainability.

• The Alliance will take into account the full impact of new projects and services to ensure sustainable development.• We will strengthen the Resource Management Act and open up public debate on all developments of significance.• We will reduce pollution caused by too many cars, by investing in buses, trains and ferries, which will be under public ownership and control.• We will regulate the provision of water, electricity and gas to domestic consumers to ensure that no one is denied these basic necessities because they cannot afford to pay.• We will minimise waste by encouraging recycling, the reduction of packaging, and ensuring that products are made to be reused, repaired, recycled or composted.• The Alliance in Government introduced legislation to require the mandatory labelling of genetically modified food. We support a cautious approach to genetic modification.• Climate change is one of the greatest threats to our natural environment. New Zealand should be a world leader in finding solutions for climate change. We aim for carbon neutrality by 2030. The fight against climate change cannot be successful without international solidarity. To this end we will support any stronger, progressive international climate change agreement that is not dictated by the needs of private capital.• We will abolish the carbon trading scheme.

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Children and Young People• The Alliance will restore a Universal Child Benefit. • We will introduce universal, quality childcare for all pre-school children.• We will introduce free school meals for children.• We oppose youth rates.

Senior Citizens• The Alliance will increase superannuation to 72.5% of the average after-tax wage.• Superannuation will be available at age 55 at reduced rates until age 65 to reflect the growing need for public provision from an earlier age. • We will end all means testing of senior citizens needing long-term care. • We will subsidise telephones and transport for senior citizens.

Women• The Alliance will extend pay equity to the private sector. Pay inequities will be reduced when we have free childcare and after-school care, and when the work that women commonly do is rewarded with decent pay.• We will introduce 12 months’ paid parental leave for primary caregivers and two weeks’ paid parental leave for their partners.• We recognise the contribution of women in unpaid work. • We will introduce work–life balance provisions to address workers’ family responsibilities.• We support more effective strategies and increased funding to protect women from violence.

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TransportKey goal: An integrated national transport system based around public ownership.We will invest in high quality, affordable and environmentally sustainable transport.

• The Alliance will promote publicly funded, fully integrated transport systems, such as rapid bus and rail systems in urban areas.• We will rebuild the national rail network as part of a publicly operated and integrated transport system that utilises rail and coastal shipping to reduce road freight.• We will return the national airline and airports to 100% public ownership and operate them as a public service.• We will maintain the New Zealand road system to a high standard.• We will end privatisation, such as public–private partnerships and toll roads, and shift a significant amount of funding from road construction to public transport infrastructure.• We will improve regional infrastructure to ensure that people and goods have ready access to places of work, distribution areas and ports.• We will return ports into 100% public ownership and introduce cabotage to rebuild New Zealand shipping.• We will promote research into new transport fuels and seek to decrease reliance on oil.

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JusticeKey goal: Safe and secure communities. Secure and well-paid jobs, free education and health care will reduce crime rates and lead to safer communities.

• The Alliance is committed to an adequately resourced police force that works with the community to prevent problems and provide speedy responses to crimes.• We will establish a Victims Compensation Board to oversee a fund to help victims of crime.• Young people under 18 years will not be incarcerated with adults and will be kept in a special environment.• We are committed to improving access to mental health services so that New Zealanders who need help get it before they commit a crime and end up in the prison system. •The Alliance supports a comprehensive independent review of existing drug legislation with a view to promoting harm minimisation and drug use reduction.• The Alliance will oppose the proposed Search and Surveillance Bill.•The Alliance believes in the need for District Court judges to countersign all police, and other state agency interception warrants. • The Security Intelligence Service, Government Communications Security Bureau and External Assessments Bureau will all be disestablished. • All police emergency calls will be handled by police officers locally not civilians at remote locations.• Restorative Justice Programmes aimed at addressing the causes of crime and healing the effects of crime will be increased.

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Broadcasting andCommunicationsKey goal: A high-quality public broadcasting service and world-quality internet service for all New Zealanders.

• The Alliance guarantees low cost and reliable internet access for all New Zealanders, regardless of where they live.• We will return the “last mile” of the telephone network to public ownership.• We will build a world-quality publicly owned broadband infrastructure with reduced access costs for the public.• The Alliance will re-introduce a Public Service Broadcasting Charter covering both TVNZ and Radio New Zealand.• We will ensure public ownership of significant broadcasting organisations in both radio and television.• We will retain TVNZ 7 as a commercial free public service channel with adequate funding.• We support the continued funding of Maori TV – the community focus of Maori TV shows what a non-commercial broadcaster can do.• We will introduce legislation which protects and restores live free-to-air broadcasting of significant national sporting events and series.• The Alliance will end all government funding of private commercial broadcasting interests and invest any savings made into public broadcasting.

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Social securityKey goal: a New Zealand free from poverty where all people enjoy a good basic standard of living.

• The Alliance will work towards the establishment of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) system replacing all non-accident, veterans and age related benefits.• The Alliance will as an interim measure raise all benefits back to pre-1991 levels immediately and provide Christmas bonuses and other additional payments to support beneficiary households. • The Alliance will re-establish Work and Income as a separate operational entity and re-name it the Department of Social Security with an emphasis on providing public service to beneficiaries and all other disadvantaged New Zealanders.• The Alliance will establish an independent Social Security Ombudsman to investigate complaints laid by beneficiaries. • The Alliance will adequately fund ACC and beneficiary advocacy groups and establish independent beneficiary advocacy offices as part of the Social Security Ombudsman network.• The Alliance will support a re-write of the Social Security Act 1964 and associated legislation.

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Global Peace and JusticeKey goal: Play our part as a world leader in building a better world for all, free of war and injustice.

• We support the cancellation of all third world debt.• We reject free-trade agreements that threaten local control of water, electricity, transport and telecommunications. • We support the rights of all countries to insist that imported products meet environmental, health and labour standards.• The Alliance opposes the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and will bring our troops home from both conflict zones • We support the Palestinian people in their struggle against military occupation.• The Alliance will close down the Waihopai, Tangimoana and other spy bases.• The Alliance will establish a smaller, more compact New Zealand Self Defence Force charged with strictly national defence, regional and UN peacekeeping, maritime surveillance and civil defence duties.

Disabilities• The Alliance supports decent pay and conditions for all disability support workers including those with individualised funding arrangements and with service providers.• The Alliance will legally require all government departments, state owned enterprises and crown entities to implement the New Zealand Disability Strategy and the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People.

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Local GovernmentKey goal: Local communities will own and control services such as water, waste disposal and public transport.

• The Alliance supports well-researched long-term planning that works in the interests of the community.• We will require rates to be based on ability to pay.• We will introduce Single Transferable Voting (STV) for local government elections.• There will be no more asset sales of public services.• Any further local body amalgamations will be approved by referenda.

State ServicesKey goal: Ensure a well resourced and capable public service to deliver first class services.

• The Alliance will retain and increase state sector employee numbers as required across the public service.• The National Government’s cuts to the public service will be cancelled immediately.

Public AssetsThe Alliance was founded on the principles of public ownership and control of water, electricity, telecommunications, railways, ports and airports. We have consistently campaigned to prevent the sale of these assets and if possible their return to public ownership.

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Treaty of WaitangiKey goal: The Treaty of Waitangi is the basis for a genuine partnership between tangata whenua and the rest of the people of New Zealand.

• The Alliance supports redressing land and other grievances.• We will create an accelerated Treaty settlement process with increased resources to the Waitangi Tribunal.• We support the safe-guarding of Maori customary rights.• We support the democratic organisation of iwi and urban Maori to ensure all Maori benefit from land and other compensation gained under the Treaty settlement process.• We will promote Te Reo as the “first” language of New Zealand, including in the education system.

Other PoliciesThis Manifesto covers the main points of our policies. For full details of these and other Alliance policies,• visit our website• email us at [email protected] • write to us at the address on the back page of this manifesto.

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Alliance Alternative Budget 2011Given a just and equitable revenue system, New Zealand would have all of the funds it needs to turn our society around and give everyone access to a decent life. Alliance policy would raise an extra $6.82 billion, of which $3.375 billion from a range of taxes (including the new capital gains tax), and $3.445 billion from taxes on corporations making excessive profits.

Income tax ratesFirst $10,000 tax free$10,000–$48,000 17.5 cents in $$48,000–$70,000 30 cents in $$70,000 - $100,000 40 cents in $$100,000 - $200,000 50 cents in $$200,000 upwards 60 cents in $ As for additional taxes:Capital gains tax $2,000 millionDeath duties $385 millionLand tax $495 millionCarbon tax $275 millionGaming duty $220 millionGST (removed on food) [–$1,950 million]Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) [+$1,950 million]NETT $3,375 million

Note the FTT is not counted as extra revenue because it is entirely dedicated to removing GST from food.

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I. Health and child poverty The Alliance would increase spending on health to 7.55% of GDP immediately, to rise to 8% by the third year and urges that this 8% of GDP be adopted by all parties – as a set health vote for the foreseeable future – to take the funding of health out of politics. This would add $1.4 billion dollars to the projected health vote for a total of $14 billion, an increase of just over 11%. We invite all parties to unite on this as a step towards a first world health plan in order to end the disgrace of third world diseases in our country and to allow for new technology and our ageing population.

Extra expenditure

(1) Making doctors’ consultations free $500 million(2) Removing prescription charges $200 million(3) DHBs & Hospitals (meet debt – salaries) $242 million(4) DHBs & Hospitals (cut waiting lists) $165 million TOTAL $1,107 million

II. Transport

(1) Upgrade New Zealand railways $700 million(2) Other such as subsidies to urban transport $300 million

TOTAL $1,000 million

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III. Education and housing

(1) Make tertiary education free $1,200 million(2) No repayment on student loans $1,000 million(3) Reducing class sizes $10 million(7) Abolishing school fees $70 million(8) Early intervention inclusive education $30 million(9) State houses $2,000 millionTOTAL $4,310 million

GRAND TOTAL $6.82 billion in extra spending balanced by our $6.82 billion in extra revenue.

The six criteria the Alliance evaluates its budget and tax plan on:

Equality: Progressive tax, lifting benefits, greater equality of educational credentials in general (and for women and Ma ̄ori in particular) will reduce inequality of disposable income.Employment: Many programmes (state houses, extra health and education spending, better transport) will create jobs.Growth: Education and health are the best long-term investment in growth you can have.Environment: The carbon tax, urban transport, monitoring water quality, and reduced inner-city congestion (see land tax) will all make a contribution.Inflation: The extra revenue we raise matches our extra spending.Balance of payments: Our mix of extra revenue–expenditure will provide extra spending power to the poor. Compared to the rich, they spend more on domestically produced goods than on imported goods.

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c$25recommended cOther$___________c$10minimumwaged c$5minimumunwaged


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Affordable housingThe Alliance will help get people into a home they can afford – our priority is housing for all.

Power for the people Electricity will be taken back by the people and operated for the public good – providing affordable, reliable power for all.

Secure jobsThe Alliance will protect workers in low paid and insecure jobs, reduce the working week and increase the minimum wage.

A future for our worldAn economy based on need and sustainability – not greed – is the answer to protecting the environment. Quality health care All people deserve good health care. The Alliance will properly fund public health with a dedicated health levy.

Free education Free education for all is a right, not a privilege. Student loans are out of control. Let’s drop the debt and give young people a good start in life.

Keep our public assetsThe Alliance will keep our public assets in public ownership for the common good of all people. We will even buy back some assets for the benefit of future generations.

Real democracy New Zealanders have the right to make decisions about their lives and their communities and not to be dictated to by anti-democratic private interests.