Download - Alleluia! Christ is Risen! - Files/WAYFARER/04-The Wayfarer... · darnos vida nueva y llevarnos al Reino de su Padre eterno; iniciamos este tiempo de Pascua


Monthly Newsletter















’S E








Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Easter Sunday is the great feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus; it is a time to celebrate God's infinite love for humanity; we find in the Gospels the events which prepare the death of our Lord on the cross. We started our own preparation some weeks ago when we received the ashes as a sing of penance and the desire to change. The Easter Vigil is indeed a powerful celebration for Christians around the world; it is the mother of all vigils.

This Easter season which lasts fifty days will be an opportunity to get deeper into the great joy of the Resurrection of Jesus. John the Baptist said "This is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". Jesus, dying on the cross becomes Salvation for everyone who believes he is that lamb. The Gospel of John 20:1-18 explains how Mary Magdalene encountered Jesus that Easter morning; she saw the empty tomb and was sad; in our society there is the need to discover the risen Christ as Mary did that morning. Mary rejoiced and shared the good news that the Rabbi was alive; it is our task to share that we have a God who came out of the tomb in order to deliver us from our sins; there is hope of eternal life and renewal of our communion with our heavenly Father. Easter Sunday is a time to leave our sins behind and celebrate that things can be different if we let Jesus touch our souls; He also wants to give His holy presence to those who struggle to believe in Him; Jesus needs apostles to proclaim that he is risen and open to receive experience his love. Let us rejoice that we start this Easter season praising God for all the blessings that we have received through his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

For Alleluia! Christ risen The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! Amen. En este Domingo de Pascua nos alegramos que nuestro Dios ha resucitado para darnos vida nueva y llevarnos al Reino de su Padre eterno; iniciamos este tiempo de Pascua que dura cincuenta dias; que es un tiempo de gozo. Escuchamos en las narraciones en los evangelios como Jesucristo se presenta como el Resucitado para dar esperanza de vida eternal a todos los que aceptan que El es el cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, como Juan el bautista lo describe. Hoy la Iglesia tiene la tarea de proclamar que El ha resucitado para que todas las personas puedan experimentar la vida nueva. Que este tiempo de Pascua sea un tiempo especial de celebrar nuestra nueva vida en Jesus. Felices Pascuas!

Alex Reyes Candidate for Reception to the Episcopal Priesthood

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We have just been through Lent and are now in the Easter period in our liturgical calendar. Lent, a time to look inwardly, reflect, and repent of what we have done or left undone and what we have said and left unsaid. This is a period of change to a better self and outlook on life.

Hopefully, the liturgical events in our church will not be just something on a calendar, or something that is observed superficially; but rather something that is taken to heart and acted upon. In the Maundy Thursday observation of the washing of the feet of the apostles by Jesus, we see where he gave us the example of serving others. Now that our Lord is risen, it is time to ask ourselves how we can serve Him by serving others.

The following is part of a statement that is on the Diocese of the Rio Grande website:

So What Is Episcopal?

We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person.

Lay people exercise a vital role in our governance and ministry…

The following statement is St. Christopher’s Mission Statement:

Our Mission, as vessels indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is to proclaim the Gospel and teach the Faith; to bring Christ’s healing power to those who are wounded and hurting; to share our blessings with those in need; to administer the Holy Sacraments; and to live our lives to God’s glory, sharing the love of Jesus Christ with all people.

Put together, we can see that all lay persons should have a role in the ministry and governance in the church, our church. There are 28 ministries at St. Christopher’s; more than enough to go around for everybody to participate in and be a part of one or more of them. Two of these ministries are more for personal enrichment, but they do require one or two people to lead or assist in them; these are the Healing Service and the Bible Study ministries. Other ministries such as the Parish Life Coordinator do not have a person in charge, and yet others will require new participants when congregants can no longer perform their duties for any number of reasons.

Two such cases are those of Alex and Katie who will surely be assigned to other parishes in the future for their internships. They are both in one or more ministries as are most of the other congregants who are in ministries. One of the ministries that needs younger members is the Men’s Group. After meeting every month, an activity which may involve strenuous physical activity follows. Most of the members in this ministry are over 60 and may at times not be physically up to the task. The ministries of Treasurer and Accountant are headed by a very competent couple; Bruce and Holly. They have been in these positions for a long time, and it is imperative for someone to step up and be trained in these very important ministries. It is very important to realize that all people serving in one or several ministries also have lives outside the church, need to take vacations and attend to other family or personal matters just like everyone else. It takes commitment, caring and sacrifice to serve the Lord.

Coming in April or May is a pamphlet with a listing of the ministries at St. Christopher with a brief description of the duties. This is a time to reflect on how you can fulfill your requirement to serve our Risen Lord by serving others.

An update on the sale of the pecan grove: On Saturday, April 7, at 11:00 A.M., the Vestry will meet, and the Realtor/Broker; Mr. Juan Uribe, will be present to update us on the status, and to answer any questions or

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From the Senior Warden...

or concerns. Any congregation member is welcome to sit in on the open session of the Vestry.

As discussed in previous articles and announcements, the sale of the pecan grove was discussed and approved by the Vestry, a detailed evaluation of the land was made by a realtor, the matter was discussed with Bishop Vono in December, and all the principles in the Diocese approved the sale and are up to date on the progress of the listing.

The sale of the land was brought up initially due to the dire financial situation at St. Christopher. An added burden on the budget would be the land tax, watering rights fees, tree and land maintenance, infestation treatment, loss of revenue from the grove until production resumes, and expenses for harvesting, packaging, and selling.

Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

Acabamos de pasar por la Cuaresma y ahora estamos en el período de Pascua en nuestro calendario litúrgico. La Cuaresma, un tiempo para mirar hacia adentro, reflexionar y arrepentirte de lo que hemos hecho o dejado de hacer y lo que hemos dicho y dejado de decir. Este es un período de cambio a un mejor yo y perspectiva positiva en la vida.

Esperemos que los eventos litúrgicos en nuestra iglesia no será sólo algo en un calendario, o algo que se observa superficialmente; sino más bien algo que se toma en serio y se actúa sobre. El jueves durante la observación del lavado de los pies de los apóstoles por Jesús, vemos donde nos dio el ejemplo de servir a los demás. Ahora que nuestro Señor ha resucitado, es hora de preguntarnos cómo podemos servirle sirviendo a los demás.

El siguiente es parte de una declaración que está en el sitio web de la Diócesis del Rio Grande:

Qué Es Episcopal?

Nos esforzamos por amar al prójimo como a nosotros mismos y respetar la dignidad de cada persona.

Los laicos ejercen un papel vital en nuestra gobernanza y Ministerio…

La siguiente es la declaración de la Misión de St. Christopher:

Nuestra misión, como vasos habitados por el Espíritu Santo, es proclamar el Evangelio y enseñar la fe; para traer el poder curativo de Cristo a aquellos que están heridos y dolidos; para compartir nuestras bendiciones con los necesitados; para administrar los Santos sacramentos; y vivir nuestras vidas a la gloria de Dios, compartiendo el amor de Jesucristo con todas las personas.

En resumen, de ambos, podemos ver que todos deben desempeñar un papel en el Ministerio y gobernanza en la iglesia, en nuestra iglesia. Hay 28 ministerios en St. Christopher; más que suficiente para que todos participen y sean parte de uno o más de ellos. Dos de estos ministerios son más para el enriquecimiento personal, pero requieren que una o dos personas los guíen o asistan. Estos son el servicio de sanación y el ministerio de estudio bíblico. Otros ministerios como el Coordinador de Vida Parroquial no tienen una persona a cargo, y otros requerirán nuevos participantes cuando congregantes no puedan seguir desempeñando sus deberes por cualquier número de razones.

Dos de estos casos son los de Alex y Katie que seguramente serán asignados a otras parroquias en el futuro para sus pasantías. Ambos atienden a uno o más ministerios como son la mayoría de los otros congregantes que están en ministerios. Uno de los ministerios que necesita miembros más jóvenes es el Grupo de Hombres. Después de reunirse cada mes, una actividad que implica actividad física ardua sigue. La mayoría de los miembros de este ministerio son mayores de 60 años y pueden a veces no estar físicamente aptos para la tarea. Los ministerios de Tesorero y Contador están encabezados por una pareja muy competente; Bruce y Holly, que han estado en estas posiciones durante mucho tiempo, y es imperativo que alguien se anote para ser

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entrenado en estos ministerios tan importantes. La conclusión es que todas las personas que sirven en uno o varios ministerios también tienen vidas fuera de la iglesia, necesitan tomar vacaciones y atender a otros asuntos familiares y personales como todos. Se requiere compromiso, preocuparse por otros y a veces sacrificio para al Senor.

Próximamente, en abril o mayo, se les proporcionara un folleto con una lista de los ministerios en St. Christopher con una breve descripción de cada uno. Este es un momento para reflexionar sobre cómo puede cumplir su requisito de servir a nuestro Señor resucitado al servir a otros.

Tony Moreno, Sr. Warden


“Amar hasta que duela”, es una frase celebre de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, sobre esta frase hay muchas y bonitas reflexiones en la red. Hoy quiero compartirles una reflexion mia sobre esta frase y la lectura del Evangelio de San Juan en la celebración del Jueves Santo de este año.

El Jueves Santo todos sabemos que nuestra Iglesia recuerda tres cosas, la institucion de la Eucaristia, el

lavario de los pies y el mandato del Amor. Con el Jueves Santo termina la Cuaresma y da inicio el triduo

pascual (la pasión, muerte y Resurreccion de Jesús), a la que le sigue la cincuenta pascual hasta la fiesta de

la Asencion del Señor y la Fiesta de Pentecostes.

El Jueves Santo escuchamos el Evangelio de San Juan 13,1-17, 31b-35. Aqui San Juan nos narra que Jesus

y los Apostoles estaban celebrando la fiesta de la Pascua Judia con una Cena, comiendo hierbas amargas,

vino y pan sin levadura, de repente Jesus se levanta y lava los pies a los Apostoles, al terminar este gesto

les dice que entre ellos deben servirse, ayudarse, apoyarse y como ejemplo de esto El les ha lavado los pies.

En seguida les dice que se va a ir a clarandoles que a donde El irá, por ahora, ellos no pueden ir, terminado

este capítulo así “Un mandamiento nuevo les doy: que se amen los unos a los otros; como yo los he

amado, así también amensen los unos a los otros. En esto conocerán todos que son mis discípulos, si se

aman los unos a los otros”.

Amarnos unos a otros hasta que duela, y quiero entender este pensamiento en estos contextos”

Nos duele cauando nuestros padres mueren porque los amamos.

Hay dolor y tristeza cuando un hijo se va y estara lejos porque lo amamos.

Sufrimos y nos duele cuando cuando un hermano carnal esta enfermo porque lo amamos.

Nos duele cuando alguen de la congregación se va porque lo amamos.

El dolor de Jesus en la cruz fue porque nos ama.

El dolor y el amor se juntan en muchos otros ejemplo. Por lo pronto este Jueves Santo recordamos que

Jesus se hace presente en la Eucaristia porque nos ama y nos invita a servirnos los unos a los otros de

muchas maneras y amarnos hasta que nos duela.


"Love until it hurts", is a famous phrase of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. There are many and beautiful

reflections about this on the internet. Today I want to share with you a reflection on this phrase and the

reading of the Gospel of Saint John in the celebration of Holy Thursday of this year.

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From Padre Miguel

On Holy Thursday we all know that our Church remembers three things, the institution of the Eucharist, the washing of the feet and the mandate of Love. With Holy Thursday The Easter triduum begins (Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus), followed by the fifty days of Ester until the feast of the Lord's Assent and the Feast of Pentecost.

On Holy Thursday we hear the Gospel of St. John 13: 1-17, 31-35. Here Saint John tells us that Jesus and the

Apostles were celebrating the feast of the Jewish Passover with a Supper, eating bitter herbs, wine and

unleavened bread, suddenly Jesus gets up and washes the feet of the Apostles, at the end of this gesture they He

says that among them they should serve, help, support themselves and as an example of this He has washed

their feet. He immediately tells them that he is going to go and tell them that where he will go, for now, they

cannot go, and this chapter ends like this: "A new commandment I give you: love one another; as I have loved

you, so also love each other. By this all will know that they are my disciples, if they love one another. "

Love each other until it hurts, and I want to understand this thought in these contexts "

It hurts us when our parents die because we love them.

There is pain and sadness when a child leaves and will be far away because we love him.

We suffer and it hurts when a sister is sick because we love her.

It hurts us when some of the congregation leaves because we love them.

The pain of Jesus on the cross was because he loves us.

Pain and love come together in many other examples. For the time being this Holy Thursday we remember that

Jesus is present in the Eucharist because he loves us and invites us to serve each other in many ways and love

each other until it hurts us.

A Joyous Easter to All,

Padre Miguel Ramirez Centeno +

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Bishop’s Ridge/Camp Stoney

Summer Camp at Camp Stoney

*Online Registration is now open!*

For information and dates of each camping session and to register go to

Camp Stoney Mission Statement. Our mission is to encourage people of all ages to grow stronger in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, providing an atmosphere which promotes

learning, leadership development and Christian discipleship for the building of God's kingdom.

Mail in your medical forms and consent form to Camp Stoney no later than 2 weeks before the camping session to

Paula Mote at Camp Stoney 7855 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505.

For any further information call (505) 881-0636 or email the Youth & Young Adults (YaYA) Missioner/Director of Summer Programing at [email protected].

Scholarships are available ~ see Fr. JJ or Holly



11:15 a.m. EASTER EGG HUNT


(No Children’s or Youth Music Ministry)


Church is closed for Easter Week

In emergency contact Holly at 252-2475


8:00 a.m. MEN’S GROUP

Cleaning of Irrigation Ditch for upcoming irrigation of the Pecan Grove

and clean-up of church grounds ~ everyone welcome to come and help!



Rector out of town on Canon of Hispanic Ministry business

(No Thursday Eucharist and Healing service)


6:00—9:00 p.m.


St. Francis on the Hill 6280 Los Robles

Come and meet the candidates!

All members of the congregation welcome!



St. Luke’s, Deming

Delegates please mark your calendars!

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April at St. Christopher’s

Easter Day

Sunday, April 1

9:00 a.m.

Volunteers hide Easter eggs in the Pecan Grove

Adults and teens are needed to help!

10:00 a.m.

Festive Holy Eucharist

11:00 a.m.

Church Family Easter Egg Hunt in the Pecan Grove

For children age 12 and under

Toddlers age 3 and under will hunt in the


(Adults may accompany toddlers)

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Sue Fields 4 Camila Gonzalez 4 Yamel Dominguez 7 Yasmin Moreno 10

Jim Holley 11 Priscilla Dominguez 13 Gloria Rodriguez 17 Brianne East 18


Bruce and Holly Truesdale 26

SATURDAY, APRIL 7 9:00 a.m. MEN’S GROUP Irrigation Ditch cleaning



9:00 a.m. - 12 noon AUDIT COMMITTEE in the Founders’ Room

BIBLE STUDY 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 10 & 24

Everyone is welcome!


at St. Luke’s, Deming


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9:00—6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 at St. Francis on the Hill Episcopal Church 6280 Los Robles

Do not miss this opportunity for all members of the congregation

to meet and ask questions of the three final candidates!

The Rev. Canon The Rev. Canon Michael The Rev. Simon Charles Lucinda Ashby Buerkel Hunn Justice, Rector, Church Canon to the Ordinary Canon to the Presiding Bishop of the Good Samaritan Diocese of Idaho of the Episcopal Church Corvallis, Oregon

To view each candidate’s resume and essay answers, go to the Diocesan website at


If you would like a copy of your record of contributions for the first quarter of 2018,

please let Holly know via email at [email protected] or call her at 252-2475 and

she will print a copy for you!

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MARCH PRAYER LIST Please keep these members and friends of St. Christopher's in your daily prayers...

Mary Hernandez (Member), Lew Bishop and family (Members), The Martinez family, Betty and Jim Hol-ley (Members), Luis Garcia (Member), Mary Reyes (Cano), Ray Vega (Vega), Nora Butler (Gilbreath), Gary Welsh, The Schofill family (Truesdale) Kevin Salcedo, Joe Heidrick (Shinn), Christie Lechuga (Perez), Fernando Peña, Max & Levi Moreno (Moreno), Christy Darling, Leo Luevano (Maldonado), Jerry Brown (Shinn), Flor Alvarado (Bernal), Tamara Banda (Brooks), Octaviano Tavares (Rodriguez), Donna Hvizdos (Hudak), Maria Morgan (Anderson), Irma Lopez (Mowad), John Hudak (Hudak), Keni Langberg (Brooks), Mary Jensen (Brooks), David White (Brooks), Amanda Vallejo (Brooks), Skip Bambrook, Nancy Loiselle (Borrett), James Mowad (Mowad), Jo Ann Orr (Brooks), Bill Fields (Fields), Heather (Navidomskis) , Merle Ipson (Brooks), Mike (Moreno), Karina Bernal (Bernal), Ruth Holley (Holley), Manuel Vida, Helen Bell (Hudak), Joe (Bishop)

Almighty God, we commend to your care and keeping all of the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad:

Sgt. Charles Barden, Matthew Barnes, Jerry Carreon, Sgt. Jean-Louis Bishop, Army, Adam Garcia, Navy, Magie Gonzalez, Lt. Jody M. Daniels, Navy, Roberto Salgado, Mark Logan, USAF, PFC Jose Gonzalez, Oscar I. Gonzalez, Comd. Darren Rich, SP Woody Needler, SST. Tim Hayes and the families and friends of all who are serving at home and abroad

We update our Prayer List as needed. Please contact Holly to add or delete names



Once again, it is that time of year when our Pecan Grove will begin receiving water irrigation services. This year we are scheduled to receive eight (8) water irrigations with our first service beginning on Saturday, April 13th. To help with this water service and other much needed church maintenance and general clean-up services, a “church workday” is scheduled for 8:00 a.m., Saturday, April 7th. We are asking that our church men’s group and any other church member (teenagers as well as adults - male or female), please plan to help us on this workday. We need all of the help we can get!

Joe Maldonado Junior Warden


The Altar Guild will meet at 3:00 p.m. on March 31, Holy Saturday, to prepare the

church for the 6:00 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter and for Easter Sunday

All Altar Guild members please come and help!

-Carlisle Navidomskis




Saturday, April 14 Martha Cano and Carlisle Navidomskis

Menu: Green Mole and White rice

Saturday, April 21 Diana Marquez and Gloria Rodriguez

Menu: Bacon potato soup and Vegetable dish





Rector 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday through Friday Fr. Bernal will be also available on Saturdays by appointment.


and Church Office 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday

Administrator in Office at home on

Monday and Wednesday 852-3954 or 252-2475

Church Offices Closed on Friday


The Reverend Canon José J. Bernal Rector

The Reverend Miguel Ramirez Associate Priest

The Reverend Kenneth Anderson Deacon (Ret.)

Holly Truesdale

Parish Administrator

VESTRY Tony Moreno - Senior Warden

Joe Maldonado - Junior Warden Katie Hudak

Carlisle Navidomskis

Alex Reyes

Virgie Shinn



Our Mission, as vessels indwelt

by the Holy Spirit, is to proclaim

the Gospel and teach the Faith;

to bring Christ ’ s healing power to

those who are wounded and hurting;

to share our blessings with those in

need; to administer the Holy

Sacraments; and to live our lives to

God ’ s glory, sharing the love of

Jesus Christ with all people.


300 Riverside Drive El Paso, Texas 79915

Church Office: 915 859-9329



[email protected]




Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m.


Eucharist & Healing 10:30 a.m.

St. Christopher’s

Soup Kitchen


at 11:00 a.m.

2nd and 3rd Saturday of each month