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    21st March 2013

    SIP responses generated by the UAS or SIP servers.

    SIP Response Classes:

    1xx - Informational - Indicates the status of call prior to the completion.

    2xx - Success - Request has succeeded.

    3xx - Redirection - The client should try to complete the request at another server.

    4xx - Client Error - The request has failed due to error due to the client. The client may retry.

    5xx - Server failure - The request has failed due to server error. request may retry to another server.

    6xx - Global failure - the request has failed and can not retry to any server.

    1xx --Informational:

    100 Trying: This response is used to indicate the next node receives the request and stop the retransmission. This

    response is sent if there is delay in sending the final response more the 200ms.

    180 Ringing: The response is generated if UA receives the INVITE and started the ringing. It may used to initiate local

    ring back.

    181 Call is being Forwarded: This response is indication of call is being forwarded to different destination.

    182 Call Queued: The called server is overloaded or temporary unavailable. the server sends this status code to

    queue the call. When server ready to take the call, it initiates appropriate final response.

    183 Call Progress: This response may be used to send extra information for a call which is still being set up.

    199 Early Dialog Terminated:Can be used by User Agent Server to indicate to upstream SIP entities (including the

    User Agent Client (UAC)) that an early dialog has been terminated.

    2xxSuccessful Response s

    200 OK:Indicates the request was successful.

    202 Accepted: Indicates that the request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been


    204 No Notification: Indicates the request was successful, but the corresponding response will not be received.

    3xxRedirection Response

    300 Multiple Choice s: The address resolved to one of several options for the user or client to choose between, which

    are listed in the message body or the message's Contact fields.

    301 Moved Permanently: The original Request-URI is no longer valid, the new address is given in the Contact

    header field, and the client should update any records o f the original Request-URI with the new value.

    302 Moved Temporarily:The client should try at the address in the Contact field. If an Expires field is present, the

    client may cache the result for that period of time.

    305 Use Proxy: The Contact field details a proxy that must be used to access the requested destination.

    380 Alternative Service: The call failed, but alternatives are detailed in the message body.

    4xxClient Failure Responses

    400 Bad Reque st: The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax.

    401 Unauthorized:The request requires user authentication. This response is issued by UASs and registrars.

    402 Payment Require d:Reserved for future use.

    403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it

    404 Not Found: The server has definitive information that the user does not exist at the domain specified in the

    Request-URI. This status is also returned if the domain in the Request-URI does not match any of the domains handledby the recipient of the request.

    405 Method Not Allowed:The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not allowed for the address

    identified by the Request-URI.

    406 Not Acceptable:The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities that have

    content characteristics but not acceptable according to the Accept header field sent in the request.

    407 Proxy Authentication Re quired:The request requires user authentication. This response is issued by proxys

    408 Request Timed Out:Couldn't find the user in time.

    409 Conflict: User already registered.

    410 Gone: The user existed once, but is not available here any more.

    411 Length Required: The server will not accept the request without a valid Content-Length.

    412 Conditional Request Failed: The given precondition has not been met.

    413 Reque st Entity Too Large: Request body too large.

    414 Request-URI Too Long: The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than

    the server is willing to interpret.

    415 Unsupported M edia Type: Request body in a format not supported.

    416 Unsupported URI Scheme : Request-URI is unknown to the server.

    417 Unknown Resource-Priority: There was a resource-priority option tag, but no Resource-Priority header.

    420 Bad Extension:Bad SIP Protocol Extension used, not understood by the server.

    421 Extension Required: The server needs a specific extension not listed in the Supported header.

    422 Session Interv al Too Small:The received request contains a Session-Expires header field with a duration below

    the minimum timer.

    423 Interval Too Brief:Expiration time of the resource is too short.

    SIP Responses

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    424 Bad Location Information: The request's location content was malformed or otherwise unsatisfactory.

    428 Use Identity Header: The server policy requires an Identity header, and one has not been provided.

    429 Provide Referrer Identity: The server did not receive a valid Referred-By token on the request.

    430 Flow Failed: A specific flow to a user agent has failed, although other flows may succeed. This response is

    intended for use between proxy devices, and should not be seen by an endpoint (and if it is seen by one, should be

    treated as a 400 Bad Request response).

    433 Anonymity Disallowed:The request has been rejected because it was anonymous.

    436 Bad Identity-Info: The request has an Identity-Info header, and the URI scheme in that header cannot be


    437 Unsupported Certificate: The server was unable to validate a certificate for the domain that signed the request.

    438 Invalid Identity Header: The server obtained a valid certificate that the request claimed was used to sign the

    request, but was unable to verify that signature.

    439 First Hop Lacks Outbound Support: The first outbound proxy the user is attempting to register through doesnot support the "outbound" feature of RFC 5626, although the registrar does.

    470 Consent Needed: The source of the request did not have the permission of the recipient to make such a request.

    480 Temporarily Unavailable: Callee currently unavailable.

    481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist: Server received a request that does not match any dialog or transaction.

    482 Loop Detected: Server has detected a loop.

    483 Too Many Hops: Max-Forwards header has reached the value '0'.

    484 Address Incomplete : Request-URI incomplete.

    485 Ambiguous: Request-URI is ambiguous.

    486 Busy Here : Callee is busy.

    487 Request Terminated: Request has terminated by bye or cancel.

    488 Not Acceptable He re : Some aspects of the session description of the Request-URI is not acceptable.

    489 Bad Event: The server did not understand an event package specified in an Event header field.

    491 Request Pending: Server has some pending request from the same dialog.

    493 Undecipherable: Request contains an encrypted MIME body, which recipient can not decrypt.

    494 Security Agreement Required: The server has received a request that requires a negotiated security

    mechanism, and the response contains a list of suitable security mechanisms for the requester to choose between or a

    digest authentication challenge.

    5xxServer Failure Responses

    500 Server Internal Error: The server could not fulfill the request due to some unexpected condition.

    501 Not Implemented: The server does not have the ability to fulfill the request, such as because it does not

    recognize the request method. (Compare with 405 Method Not Allowed, where the server recognizes the method but

    does not allow or support it.)

    502 Bad Gateway: The server is acting as a gateway or proxy, and received an invalid response from a downstream

    server while attempting to fulfill the request.

    503 Service Unavailable: The server is undergoing maintenance or is temporarily overloaded and so cannot process

    the request. A "Retry-After" header field may specify when the client may re attempt its request.

    504 Server Time-out: The server attempted to access another server in attempting to process the request, and did

    not receive a prompt response.

    505 Version Not Supported: The SIP protocol version in the request is not supported by the server513 Message Too Large: The request message length is longer than the server can process.

    580 Precondition Failure: The server is unable or unwilling to meet some constraints specified in the offer.

    6xxGlobal Failure Response s

    600 Busy Everywhere: All possible destinations are busy. Unlike the 486 response, this response indicates the

    destination knows there are no alternative destinations (such as a voicemail server) able to accept the call.

    603 Decline: The destination does not wish to participate in the call, or cannot do so, and additionally the client knows

    there are no alternative destinations (such as a voicemail server) willing to accept the call.

    604 Does Not Exist Anywhere : The server has authoritative information that the requested user does not exist


    606 Not Acceptable : The user's agent was contacted successfully but some aspects of the session description such

    as the requested media, bandwidth, or addressing style were not acceptable.

    Posted 21st March 2013by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: SIP

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    20th March 2013

    SIP Servers:

    Proxy Servers:

    -A stateless proxy serverprocesses each SIP request or response based solely on the message contents. Once the message has been

    SIP Methods
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    parsed, processed, and forwarded or responded to,no information about the message is storedno dialog information is s tored. A

    stateless proxy never re-transmits a message, and does not use any SIP timers.

    -A stateful proxy serverkeeps track of requests and responses received in the past and uses that information in processing future

    requests and responses. For example, a stateful proxy server starts a timer when a request is forwarded. If no response to the

    request is received within the timer period, the proxy will

    re-transmit the request, relieving the user agent of this task. Also, a stateful proxy c an require user agent authentication.

    Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUA):

    An B2BUA is a type of SIP device that receives the SIP request, that reformulates the request and send it out as new request.

    Response to the request are reformulated and sent back to the UA in opposite direction.

    SIP Methods (Request):

    1.) INVITE: The INVITE is used to establish the media session between the users. An Invite usually has a message

    body containing the media session information as SDP. it also contains other information like QoS and security information. If

    INVITE does not contain the media information, the ACK message contains the media information of the UAC.

    A media session is considered established when the INVITE, 200 OK, and ACK messages have been exchanged between the UAC

    and the UAS. If the media information contained in the ACK is not acceptable, then the called party must send a BYE to cancel the

    sess ion, a CANCEL cannot be sent because the session is already established. A UAC that originates an INVITE to establish a

    dialog creates a globally unique Call-ID that is used for the duration of the call. A CSeq count is initialized (which need not be set to

    1, but must be an integer) and incremented for each new request for the same Call-ID. The To and From headers are populated

    with the remote and local addresses. A From tag is included in the INVITE, and the UAS includes a To tag in any responses. A To

    tag in a 200 OK response to an INVITE is used in the To header field of the ACK and all future requests within the dialog. The

    combination of the To tag, From tag, and Call-ID is the unique identifier for the dialog.

    Re-Invite: An INVITE sent for an existing dialog references the same Call-ID as the original INVITE and contains the same To and

    From tags. Sometimes called a re-INVITE, the request is used to change the session characteristics or refresh the state of the

    dialog. The CSeq command sequence number is incremented so that a UAS can distinguish the re-INVITE from a re-

    transmission of the original INVITE.

    UPDATE: A re-INVITE must not be sent by a UAC until a final response to the initial INVITE has been received instead, an

    UPDATE request c an be sent.

    AnExpires header in an INVITE indicates to the UAS how long the call request is valid. For example, the UAS could leave an

    unanswered INVITE request displayed on a screen for the duration of specified in the Expires header. Once a s ession is established,

    the Expires header has no meaning, the expiration of the time does not terminate the media session. Instead, a Session-Expires

    header can be used to place a time limit on an established sess ion

    2.)REGISTER: REGISTER message used to register the Address of record to Registrar server. The REGISTER method is used by

    a user agent to notify a SIP network of its current Contact URI (IP address) and the URI that should have requests routed to this

    Contact.The registrar binds the SIP URI of marconi and the IP address of the device in a database that can be used.



    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKus1812

    Max-Forwards: 70

    To: Marconi

    From: Marconi


    Call-ID: [email protected]

    CSeq: 1 REGISTER

    Contact: sip:[email protected]

    Content-Length: 0


    SIP/2.0 200 OK

    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKus19

    To: Marconi ;tag=8771

    From: Marconi


    Call-ID: [email protected]

    CSeq: 1 REGISTER

    Contact:Marconi ;expires=3600

    Content-Length: 0


    The Contact URI is returned along with an expires parameter, which indicates how long the registration is valid, which in this case

    is 1 hour (3,600 seconds).

    Marconi Registrar Server



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    To: Marconi ;tag=63104

    From: Te la ;tag=9341123

    Call-ID: [email protected]

    CSeq: 12 BYE

    Content-Length: 0

    4.) ACK: The ACK method is used to acknowledge final responses to INVITE requests. F inal responses to all other

    requests are never acknowledged. Final responses are defined as 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, or 6xx class responses. The CSeq

    number is never incremented for an ACK, but the CSeq method is changed to ACK. This is so that a UAS can match

    the CSeq number of the ACK with the number of the corresponding INVITE.

    An ACK may contain an application/sdp message body. This is permitted if the initial INVITE did not contain a SDP

    message body. If the INVITE contained a message body, the ACK may not contain a message body. The ACK may not

    be used to modify a media description that has already been sent in the initial INVITE; a re-INVITE must be used for this


    For 2xx responses, the ACK is end-to-end, but for all other final responses it is done on a hop-by-hop basis when

    stateful proxies are involved. The end-toend nature of ACKs to 2xx responses allows a message body to be

    transported. A hop-by-hop ACK reuses the same branch ID as the INVITE since it is considered part of the same

    transaction. An end-to-end ACK uses a different branch ID as it is considered a new transaction.

    ACK sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0

    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK1234


    To: Marconi ;tag=902332

    From: Tesla ;tag=887823

    Call-ID: [email protected]

    CSeq: 3 ACK

    Content-Type: application/sdp

    Content-Length: 100

    (SDP not shown)

    5.) CANCEL:The CANCEL method is used to terminate pending call attempts. It can be generated by either user

    agents or proxy servers provided that a 1xx response containing a tag has been received, but no final response has

    been received. CANCEL is a hop-by-hop request and receives a response generated by the next stateful element. The

    CSeq is not incremented for this method so that proxies and user agents can match the CSeq of the CANCEL with the

    CSeq of the pending INVITE to which it corresponds. The branch ID for a CANCEL matches the INVITE that it is


    CANCEL sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0

    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3134324


    To: Marconi

    From: Tesla ;tag=034324

    Call-ID: [email protected]

    CSeq: 1 CANCEL

    Content-Length: 0

    6.) OPTIONS: The OPTIONS method is used to query a user agent or server about its capabilities and discover its

    current availability. The response to the request lists the

    capabilities of the user agent or server. A proxy never generates an OPTIONS request.

    OPTIONS sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0

    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1834


    To: Marconi

    From: Tesla


    Call-ID: [email protected]

    CSeq: 1 OPTIONS

    Content-Length: 0

    7.) REFER:The REFER method is used by a user agent to request another user agent to access a URI or URL

    resource. The resource is identified by a URI or URL in the required Refer-To header field. When the URI is a sip or

    sips URI, the REFER is probably being used to implement a call transfer service. REFER can also used to implement

    peer-to-peer call control.

    REFER sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0

    Via SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9323249

    Max-Forwards: 69

    To: ;tag=324234

    From: Tesla ;tag=44432

    Call-ID: 3419fak32343243s1A9dkl

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    CSeq: 5412 REFER


    Content-Length: 0

    8.) SUBSCRIBE: The SUBSCRIBE method is used by a user agent to establish a subscription for the purpose of

    receiving notifications (via the NOTIFY method) about a particular event. The subscription request contains an Expires

    header field, which indicates the desired duration of the existence of the subscription. After this time period passes, the

    subscription is automatically terminated. The subscription can be refreshed by sending another SUBSCRIBE within the

    dialog before the expiration time. A server accepting a subscription returns a 200 OK response also obtaining an

    Expires header field. There is no UNSUBSCRIBE method used in SIPinstead a SUBSCRIBE with Expires:0 requests

    the termination of a subscription and hence the dialog. A terminated subscription (either due to timeout out or a

    termination request) will result in a final NOTIFY indicating that the subscription has been terminated.

    UA Proxy-Server Presence Agent




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    - In Forward bearer setup procedures, the terminating BICC node decides by its own whether it requires

    or not the originating BICC node to send an APM (Connected) message once the bearer is ready for use at

    the originating side.

    - In Delayed backward bearer setup procedure, APM(Connected) is never sent (BICC protocol).

    - In Fast backward bearer setup procedure, an APM(Connected) message shall always be sent (BICC


    Posted 10th January 2013by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: Call Flows,Codec Management,VOIP (Voice over IP)

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    3rd December 2012

    The interfaces and protocols supported towards the networks are mentioned below:


    Network Interf aces and Protocols

    Posted 3rd December 2012by Pramod

    Labels: Codec Management

    Core Network Architecture - Interfaces

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    23rd October 2012

    Codec Management has following goals:

    1.) Optimize the voice quality.

    2.) Optimize the bandwidth efficiency

    3.) Optimize the transcoder resource in MGW.4.) Optimize the delay

    Voice quality is measured in terms of the level, attenuation, delay, echo, and so on and may be used as a basis for the

    iQoS assessments for conventional VoIP. Voice Quality is measured in terms of R-value and below 50 are not

    Codec Management

    Codec Management Objectives

    Voice Quality:
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    Standards Intrinsic quality (R)


    ITU G.711(64kbps) 94.3

    ITU G.728 (12.kbps) 74.3

    ETSI GSM-FR(13kbps) 74.3

    ETSI GSM-HR (5.6kbps) 71.3

    ETSI GSM-EFR(12.2kbps) 89.3


    Transcoding can be harmful for voice quality of a call and should be avoided if possible. In 2G, BSC is in charge oftranscoding while MSC is the incharge of transcoding in 3G. We have intention to minimise the Transcoder

    to enhance the voice quality.


    Legacy networks use a consistent 64 kbps per channel. Use G.711, packet networks easily surpass 64 kbps.

    Therefore , compress codecs must be used on core. Compression ratio of 8:1can be achieved with compressed

    codecs along with the following techniques : silence suppression, AAL2/RTP multiplexing, IP header compression.

    The third goal of the codec management is to optimize the transcoder resources in the MGW. So, TrFO must

    be used whenever possible.

    Delay can be minimizedif reduce the number of transcoders. We can reduce the transcoding time in call.

    Posted 23rd October 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: Codec Management

    Bandwidth efficiency:

    Transcoder Resource s optimization:

    Optimization of delay:

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    19th October 2012

    In Early legacy telephone network, A call between the two mobiles involved with two transcoding function at both the

    end which decrease the voice quality. The Transcoding Function done by the TRAU (Transcoding and Rate Adaptation

    Unit) to compress and decompress the speech.

    TFO (Tandem Free Operation)enables to avoid the traditional double speech encoding / decoding in MS to MS callconfigurations. TFO uses in-band signalling and procedures for transcoders to enable compressed speech to be

    maintained between a pair of transcoders.

    So the main objective of TFO is the improvement of the voice quality for calls between 2 mobile subscribers, but no

    resource optimisation is introduced as transcoder functions are always present in the path.

    If TFO is activated between two end nodes, TFO Frames with compressed speech (e.g. AMR in LSB) as payload are

    TFO - Tandem Free Operation
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    carried over 8 or 16 kbit/s channels mapped onto the least or two least significant bits of the 64 kbit/s PCM speech

    samples. It is also carried the G.711 codec in MSB if it is not possible to achieve the TFO. So we can say that TFO is

    used to achieve the voice quality if possible.


    Tandem Free Operation is activated and controlled by the Transcoder Units after the completion of the call set-up

    phase at both ends of an MS-MS, MS-UE, or UE-UE call configuration. The TFO protocol is fully handled and

    terminated in the Transcoder Units. For this reason, the Transcoder Units cannot be bypassed in Tandem Free

    Operation. This is the key difference with the feature called Transcoder Free Operation (TrFO).

    Posted 19th October 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: Codec Management

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    17th October 2012

    In Early legacy telephone network, A call between the two mobiles involved with two transcoding function at both the

    end which decrease the voice quality. The Transcoding Function done by the TRAU (Transcoding and Rate Adaptation

    Unit) to compress and decompress the speech.

    Transcoder Free Operation (TrFO) is transport of compressed speech, which eliminates unnecessary coding and

    decoding of the signals when both end uses the same codecs. TrFO utilizes out of band signaling capabilities that

    include the ability to determine the negotiated codec type to be used at the two end nodes. If the two end nodes are

    capable of the same codec operations, it may be possible to traverse the entire packet network using only the

    compressed speech (of the preferred codec). TrFO is basic function of codec Management.

    Following are the benefits of achieving the TrFO:

    1.) Improve the voice quality because of elimination of coding and decoding of suppressed codecs.

    2.) We can optimize the resources by skipping the transcodes at both ends.

    3.) We can increase the bandwidth in the Core Network.

    4.) Increase the transmission delay by skipping the compression and decompression to G.711 codec.

    It can improve the voice quality and above features using the TrFo and TFO simultaneously.



    TrFO Operation

    Posted 17th October 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: Codec Management

    TrFO - Transcoder Free Operation

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    11th October 2012



    03 No route to destination

    06 Channel unacceptable

    08 Preemption

    0E Query on Release QoR

    10 Normal clearing

    11 User busy

    12 No user responding

    13 No answer from user (user alerted)

    14 Subscriber absent

    15 Call rejected

    16 Number changed

    17 Redirection to new destinat ion

    18 Call rejected because of a feature at the destinat ion

    19 Exchange routing error

    1A Non selected user clearing

    1B Destinat ion out of Order1C Invalid number format (address incomplete)

    1D Facility rejected

    1E Response to Status Enquiry

    1F Normal, unspecified

    22 No circuit/c hannel available

    26 Network out of order

    29 Temporary failure

    39 Bearer capabilit y not authorized

    51 Invalid call reference value

    52 Identified channel does not exist

    54 Call identity in use

    57 User not member of Closed User Group

    58 Incompatible destinat ion

    5F Invalid message, unspecified

    60 Mandatory information element is miss ing

    6F Protocol error, unspecified

    7F Interworking, unspecified

    Posted 11th October 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: SS7 Protocol Stack

    ISUP Release Cause Values

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    11th October 2012

    Serv ice Name HEX BINARY


    CLIP 11 00010001

    CLIR 12 00010010

    COLP 13 00010011

    COLR 14 00010100

    All Call Forward 20 00100000

    CFU 21 00100001

    All Conditional call forward 28 00101000

    CFB 29 00101001

    CFNRY 2A 00101010

    CFNRc 2B 00101011

    CD 24 00100100

    ECT 31 00110001

    CW 41 01000001

    CH 42 01000010

    CCBs-A 43 01000011CCBs-B 44 01000011

    MPTY 51 01010001

    AOCI (information) 71 01110001

    AOCC (Charging) 72 01110010

    All call Barring 90 10010000

    Outgoing call Barring 91 10010001

    Supplementary Service Codes
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    baoc 92 10010010

    boic 93 10010011

    boicExHC 94 10010100

    Barring of Incoming calls 99 10011001

    baic 9A 10011010

    bicRoam 9B 10011011


    CLIP: Calling Line Identification Presentation

    CLIR: Calling Line Identification RestrictionCOLP: Connected Line Identification Presentation

    COLR: Connected Line Identification Restriction

    CFU: Call Forwarding Unconditional

    CFB: Call Forwarding Busy

    CFNRy: Call Forwarding No Reply

    CFNRc: Call Forwarding Not Reachable

    ECT:Explicit Call Transfer

    CW: Call Waiting

    MPTY: Multi Party

    CH: Call Hold

    AOCI: Advice of Charge Indicator

    BAOC: Barring of All Outgoing Calls

    BOIC: Barring of outgoing International calls

    BAIC: Barring of All Incoming Calls

    BIC-ROAM: Barring of all incoming call while roaming.

    Posted 11th October 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: GSM

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    9th October 2012

    Here is UMTS subscriber call flow with the core network.

    MS-A MSC MS-B****************************************************************************************************

    ------- Initial_UE(CM_SERVICE_REQ) -->|

    ------------Dir_Trnx(AUTH_REQ) |

    ---------------SecurityModeCmd |

    -----Dir_Trnx(TMSI_RELOC_CMD) |

    ------ ------ -Dir_Trnx(SETUP) -->|

    ---------Dir_Trnx(CALL_PROC) PAGING ------ ------ ------- ------ --

    | Dir_Trnx(AUTH_REQ)----- ------- --| SecurityModeCmd ------ ------- ------

    | Dir_Trnx(TMSI_RELOC_CMD)------

    | Dir_Trnx(SETUP) ------- ------ ------

    | RabAssignReq ------------------------


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    |--> IuReleaseCmd ------ ------ ------- ------ --

    |9, MNC2->7 MNC: 97

    00 01 LAC: 1.Represent LAC in hex and put in two bytes

    00 01 CI: 1 represents CI in hex and put in two bytes

    17 12 message type and length of layer3

    05 TI flag, value and protocol discriminator (Mobility management).

    08 message type of LU

    70 Chiperkey sequence No.

    13 f0 79 ff fe Location Area Identification

    30 08 89 88 88 12 45 12 00 00 IMSI

    21 01 00 Mobility Management.


    01 00 13 05 12 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    01 Message Discriminator

    Location Update Message Decoding

    Location Update Flow :

    CM Service Request/Location Update Request

    Authentication Request
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    00 Ctrl Channel not further specified (00), spare (000), sapi (000)

    13 Length (19)

    05 Mobility Management

    12 Message Type DTAP

    01/02 Possible value for ciphering key sequence number

    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Authentication RAND

    00 00 00 00 00 00 00


    01 00 06 05 54 00 00 00 00

    01 Message Discriminator

    00 Ctrl Channel not further specified (00), spare (000), sapi (000)

    06 Length (06)

    05 Mobility Management

    54 Message Type

    00 00 00 00 Authentication SRES


    00 01 58

    00 Message Discriminator

    01 Length (1)

    58 Message Type


    00 0b 54 12 03 30 59 81 13 02 60 14 00

    00 Message Discriminator0b Length (10)

    54 Message Type

    12 Classmark Information Type 2

    03 Length (03)

    30 59 81 Class Mark

    13 Classmark Information Type 3

    02 Length (02)

    60 14 Class Mark

    00 end of Optional parameters.


    00 0e 53 0a 09 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 01

    00 Message Discriminator

    0e Length (15)

    53 Message Type

    0a Encryption Information

    09 Length (09)

    07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Encryption Information

    23 Cipher Response Mode (Phase 2)

    01 Spare/ IMEISV must be Included By The Mobile Station

    00 10 55 20 0b 17 09 33 05 70 87 70 35 17 01 f9 2c 01

    00 Message Discriminator

    10 Length (17)

    55 Message Type

    20 Layer 3 Message contents (Phase 2)

    Authentication Response

    Class Mark Request

    Class Mark Update

    Cipher Mode Command

    Cipher Mode Complete

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    0b Length (11)

    17 09 33 05 70 87 70 35 17 01 f9 Contents

    2c Chosen Encryption Algorithm

    01 No Encryption used


    01 00 0e 05 02 13 f0 69 00 03 17 05 f4 0f 2f 20 04 00 02 01

    01 Message Discriminator

    00 Ctrl Channel not further specified (00), spare (000), sapi (000)

    0e Length (15)

    05 Mobility Management

    02 Message Type

    13 F0 MCC1-> 3, MCC2 ->1, MCC3-> 0 MCC: 310

    69 MNC1->9, MNC2->6 MNC: 96

    00 03 LAC

    17 Mobility Identity

    05 Parameter Length

    f4 ST 0/Even Number of Address Signals / TMSI

    0f 2f 20 04 00 02 01 Identity Digits


    00 04 20 04 01 09

    00 Message Discriminator

    04 Length (04)

    20 Message Type

    04 Cause

    01 Length

    09 Extension bit (last octet) / Call Control Normal Event


    00 01 21

    00 Message Discriminator

    01 Length (1)

    21 Message Type

    Posted 6th October 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: Call Flows

    Location Update Accept

    Clear Command

    Clear Complete

    2 View comments

    27th September 2012

    The Signalling Conne ction Control Part (SCCP) message are used by the peer to peer protocol. Following are the

    SCCP message used by the peer to connection oriented and connection less services.

    Application that uses the service of SCCP are called Subsystems. Refer the SCCP structure

    [] for detail SCCP structure.

    Classes of service :

    Class 0Basic connectionless class - it has no sequencing control. i does not impose any condition on SLS,

    therefore SCCP message can be delivered in out-of-sequece.

    Class 1In-sequence delivery connectionless class - it adds the sequence control to class 0 service by requiring to

    insert the same SLS to all NSDU.

    Class 2Basic connection-oriented class - Assign the local reference numbers (SLR,DLR) to create logical

    connection. it does not provide the flow control, loss, and mis-sequence detection.

    SCCP Messages
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    Class 3Flow control connection-oriented class - Class 3 is an enhanced connection-oriented service that offers

    detection of both message loss and mis-sequencing

    1.Connection Request (CR): Connection Request message is initiated by a calling SCCP to a called SCCP to request the

    setting up of a signalling connection between two entities. On Reception of CR message, the called SCCP initiates the setup

    signalling connection. CR message have the Source Local Reference (SLR) as an address of originating entity. It is used during

    connection establishment phase by connection-oriented protocol class 2 or 3.

    2. Connection Confirm (CC): Connection Confirm message is initiated by the called SCCP to indicate to the callingSCCP that it has performed the setup of the signaling connection. On reception of a Connection Confirm message, the

    calling SCCP completes the setup of the signaling connection. CC message have the SLR as an address of called

    entity and DLR as the address of originating entity. It is used during connection establishment phase by connection-

    oriented protocol class 2 or 3.

    3. Connection Refused (CREF): Connection Refused message is initiated by the called SCCP or an

    intermediate node SCCP to indicate to the calling SCCP that the setup of the signalling connection has been

    refused. It is used during connection establishment phase by connection-oriented protocol class 2 or 3.

    4. Data Acknowledgement (AK): Data Acknowledgement message is used to control the window flow control mechanism,

    which has been selected for the data transfer phase. It is used during the data transfer phase in protocol class 3.

    5. Data Form 1 (DT1): A Data Form 1 message is sent by either end of a signalling connection to pass transparently

    SCCP user data between two SCCP nodes. It is used during the data transfer phase in protocol class 2 only.

    6. Data Form 2 (DT2): A Data Form 2 message is sent by either end of a signalling connection to pass transparently

    SCCP user data between two SCCP nodes and to acknowledge messages flowing in the other direction. It is used

    during the data transfer phase in protocol class 3 only.

    7. Expedited Data (ED): An Expedited Data message functions as aData Form 2message but includes the ability to

    bypass the flow control mechanism which has been selected for the data transfer phase. It may be sent by either end of

    the signalling connection. It is used during the data transfer phase in protocol class 3 only.

    8.Expedited Data Acknowledge ment (EA): An Expedited Data Acknowledgement message is used to acknowledge

    an Expedited Data message. Every ED message has to be acknowledged by an EA message before another ED

    message may be sent. It is used during the data transfer phase in protocol class 3 only.

    9. Inactivity Test (IT): An Inactivity Test message may be sent periodically by either end of a signalling connection

    section to check if this signalling connection is active at both ends, and to audit the consistency of connection data at

    both ends. It is used in protocol classes 2 and 3.

    10. Protocol Data Unit Error (ERR): A Protocol Data Unit Error message is sent on detection of any protocol errors. It

    is used during the data transfer phase in protocol classes 2 and 3.

    11. Release d (RLSD): A Released message is sent, in the forward or backward direction, to indicate that the sending

    SCCP wants to release a signalling connection and the associated resources at the sending SCCP have been brought

    into the disconnect pending condition. It also indicates that the receiving node should release the connection and any

    other associated resources as well. It is used during connection release phase in protocol classes 2 and 3.

    12. Release Complete (RLC): A Release Complete message is sent in response to theReleasedmessage indicating

    that the Released message has been received, and the appropriate procedures have been completed. It is used

    during connection release phase in protocol classes 2 and 3.

    13. Reset Request (RSR): A Reset Request message is sent to indicate that the sending SCCP wants to initiate a

    reset procedure (re-initialization of sequence numbers) with the receiving SCCP. It is used during the data transferphase in protocol class 3.

    14. Reset Confirm (RSC): A Reset Confirm message is sent in response to a Reset Requestmessage to indicate that

    Reset Request has been received and the appropriate procedure has been completed.

    It is used during the data transfer phase in protocol class 3.

    15. Subsystem-Prohibited (SSP): A Subsystem-Prohibited message is sent to concerned destinations to inform
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    SCCP Management (SCMG) at those destinations of the failure of a subsystem. It is used for SCCP subsystem


    16. Subsystem-Allowed (SSA): A Subsystem-Allowed message is sent to concerned destinations to inform those

    destinations that a subsystem which was formerly prohibited is now allowed or that a SCCP which was formerly

    unavailable is now available. It is used for SCCP management.

    17. Subsystem-Status-Test (SST): A Subsystem-Status-Test message is sent to verify the status of a

    subsystem marked prohibited or the status of an SCCP marked unavailable. It is used for SCCP management.

    18. UnitData (UDT): A Unitdata message can be used by an SCCP wanting to send data in a connectionless mode. It

    is used in connectionless protocol classes 0 and 1.

    19. Unitdata Service (UDTS): A Unitdata Service message is used to indicate to the originating SCCP that a UDT sent

    cannot be delivered to its destination. Exceptionally and subject to protocol interworking considerations, a UDTS might

    equally be used in response to an XUDT or LUDT message. A UDTS message is sent only when the option field in that

    UDT is set to "return on error". It is used in connectionless protocol classes 0 and 1.

    20. Extended Unitdata (XUDT): An Extended Unitdata message is used by the SCCP wanting to send data (along with

    optional parameters) in a connectionless mode. It is used for the segmentation of large message into more XUDT

    messages. It is used in connectionless protocol classes 0 and 1.

    21. Extended Unitdata Service (XUDTS): An Extended Unitdata Service message is used to indicate to

    the originating SCCP that an XUDT cannot be delivered to its destination. It is used in connectionless protocol

    classes 0 and 1.

    22. Subsystem Conge sted (SSC): A Subsystem Congested message is sent by an SCCP node when it experiences

    congestion. It is used for SCCP subsystem management.

    23. Long Unitdata (LUDT): Long Unitdata message is used by the SCCP to send data (along with optional

    parameters) in a connectionless mode. When MTP capabilities according to Recommendation Q.2210 are present, it

    allows sending of NSDU sizes up to 3952 octets without segmentation. It is used in Connectionless protocol classes 0

    and 1.

    24. Long Unitdata Service (LUDTS): A Long Unitdata Service message is used to indicate to the

    originating SCCP that an LUDT cannot be delivered to its destination. It is used in connectionless protocol

    classes 0 and 1.

    25. Subsystem-Out-of-Service-Request (SOR): A Subsystem-Out-of-Service-Request message is used to allow

    subsystems to go out-of-service without degrading performance of the network. When a subsystem wishes to go out-of-

    service, the request is transferred by means of a Subsystem-Out-of-Service-Request message between the SCCP atthe subsystem's node and the SCCP at the duplicate subsystems, node.

    It is used for SCCP subsystem management.

    26. Subsystem-Out-of-Service -Grant (SOG):A Subsystem-Out-of-Service-Grantmessage is sent, in response to a

    SubsystemOutofServiceRequest message, to the requesting SCCP if both the requested SCCP and the backup of

    the affected subsystem agree to the request. It is used for SCCP subsystem management.

    Posted 27th September 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: SS7 Protocol Stack

    0 Add a comment

    11th September 2012



    Why LTE? The first question came into mind is why LTE? we are having 2G and 3G well established in market, then

    what is the requirement of LTE or so called 4G.

    But before proceeding let me clear LTE is not considered as 4G but the 3.9G due to some limitation.

    To answer the question, the subscribers and business users are discovered the power of wireless broadband through

    the advanced phones. Today internet are used for video streaming, live video, You Tube, Maps, Social Sites and web


    Because of so much to do on internet, consumers wants the high speed in data transfer on the go and the solution is

    LTE. The standards of LTE developed by 3GPP.

    LTE Provides following features and application for users and business:

    LTE - Long Term Evolution
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    Improve QoS by decreasing the latency time.

    provide the connectivity for non-traditional device like cars

    provide the communication, entertainments, personal assistance.

    Improving the services

    Reducing the transport network cost.

    All IP Network (AIPN).

    2G/3G vs LTE:

    - 2G and 3G supports voice traffic on CS (Circuit Switched) Network and Data service on packet netwok

    - LTE provides voice and data over IP (packet network); single channel End to End and all-IP. however current release

    of LTE (3GPP Release 8) does not support voice over LTE.

    LTE Architecture:


    Entity Summery:

    MME (Mobile Management Entity): MME provides mobility and session control management.

    SGW (Serving Gate way): Routes and forwards the user data packets.

    PGW (PDN Gateway): Provides UE session connectivity to external packet data network (PDN).

    PCRF: Supports service data flow detection, policy enforcement, and flow based charging.

    eNodeB: Receive and sends radio signals to and from the antennas. Schedules uplink and downlink data to/from

    the UE. Provides Ethernet links to the EPC elements and o ther eNodeB.

    LTE eUTRAN architecture ele ments:

    MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output): Input output refers to the channels. It requires multiple antennas at

    transmitter and receivers. It increase throughput.


    LTE M odulation Techniques:

    OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple acce ss): OFDMA on the downlink, Minimal interference.

    easily adapts to frequency and phase distortions. It provides higher throughput in same bandwidth by the

    overlapping frequencies. It requires more power at transmission.

    SC-FDMA (Single-Carrier Freque ncy Division Multiple Access): SC-FDMA on the uplink, low sensitivity to

    carrier frequency offset. Chosen over OFDMA for uplink because OFDMA uses a lot of power. Lower throughput

    than OFDMA because no overlap and it require less power. It is used UL to convey UE battery.

    MM E Functionality:

    Communicates with the HSS for the user au thentication and subscriber profile downloads.
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    Communicates with the eNodeB and SGW for the session control and bearer setup.

    MM E Interfaces:

    S10:To other MMEs

    S1-MME: MME to eNodeB

    S6a:MME to HSS

    S11: MME to HSS

    S13: MME to EIR

    X1_1 and X2: to IRI for Lawful interception


    SGW Functionality:

    Serves as local mobility anchor for the UE - terminates the packet data network interface towards the eUTRAN.

    Support user-plan mobility - performs IP routing and forwarding functions and maintains data paths between the

    eNodeBs and the PGW.

    SGW Interfaces:

    S5 from the PGW (User and Control traffic)

    S8 from visiting SGW to Home PGW

    S11 to the MME (For Control Traffic)

    S1-U to the eNodeB (User Traffic)

    PGW Functionality:

    Provide the UE with the IP address.

    Connect user to PDN.

    Facilitates flow-based charging (Provides records to external billing systems)

    Serves as the cross-techno logy mobility anchor (Support mobility between 3GPP/non-3GPP access to Non-

    3GPP/3GPP access.

    Per-User based packet filtering.

    PGW interfaces:

    S5 from the SGW ( for the user and control traffic)

    S8 from the visiting SGW to Home PGW (Roaming, user and control traffic)

    SGi to the packet data network (User traffic).

    Gx to the PCRF (for the policy control)

    PCRF Functionality:

    Policy management entity that provides dynamic control of QoS and charging policies for the service data flows


    Decide how the SDFs will be treated by the PGW

    On the UE attachments, the PCRF:

    1. Receive the request for the policies for the default bearers.

    2. Retrieve the user profiles from SPR and executes the rule-sets for the decision for the policy and charging.

    3. Responds the PGW with the PCC rule.

    PCRF Interfaces:

    Gx to the PCRF (policy contol)

    Sp to the SPR (For the subscriber repository).

    Posted 11th September 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: 4G,LTE

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    10th September 2012

    For call related message, there are two type of solutions defined for portability Domain:

    A. Mobile Number Portability-Signaling Relay Function (MNP- SRF):it is based solution acts on

    SCCP addressing and also makes use of NP database.

    B. IN- Related Solution: IN based solution allows the MSCs to retrieve routing information f rom NPDB.

    A. Mobile Number Portability-Signaling Relay Function (MNP- SRF) Scenarios:



    Figure- Call related case - Signalling Relay Function (SRF) solution

    Call A.1: Call to a non-ported number:


    MNP Call Flows
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    Fig 1: Call to a non-ported number

    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the subscription network being the

    number range holder network, if the number is non-ported.

    2. When GMSCa receives the ISUP IAM, , it requests routing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the


    3. When the MNP_SRF/MATF receives the message, the MNP_SRF/MATF analyses the MSISDN in the CdPA and

    identifies the MSISDN as being non-ported. The MNP_SRF/MATF function then replaces the CdPA by an HLRB

    address. After modifying the CdPA, the message is routed to HLRB.

    4. When HLRB receives the SRI, it responds to the GMSCb by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN that identifies the

    MSB in the VMSCb.5. GMSCb uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCb.

    6. IAM requires special NOA

    Call A.2 : Call to the Ported Number Originating Network = Subscription Network Direct Routing:



    Fig 2: Call to the Ported Number Originating Network = Subscription Network

    1. MSA originates a call to MSISDN.

    2. VMSCa routes the call to the networks GMSCa.

    3. When GMSCa receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the


    4. When the MNP_SRF/MATF receives the message, it analyses the MSISDN in the CdPA and identifies the MSISDN

    as being ported into the network. The MNP_SRF/MATF function then replaces the CdPA by an HLRA address.

    After modifying the CdPA, the message is routed to HLRA.

    5. When HLRA receives the SRI, it responds to the GMSCa by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN that identifies the

    MSB in the VMSCb.

    6. GMSCa uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCb.

    [http:/ /

    Call A.3: Mobile Originated Call to a Ported or not known to be Ported Number OriginatingNetwork=Subscription Network Direct Routing
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    Fig3: Mobile Originated Call to a Ported or not know n to be Ported Number Direct Routing

    1. MSA originates a call to MSISDN.

    2. VMSCA routes the call to the networks GMSCA.

    3. When GMSCA receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the


    4. When the MNP_SRF/MATF receives the message, it analyses the MSISDN in the CdPA and identifies

    the MSISDN as not known to be ported or being ported to another network. As the message is a SRI

    message, the MNP_SRF/MATF responds to the GMSCa by sending an SRI ack with a RN + MSISDN;

    For the case the number is not known to be ported the routing number may be omitted.

    5. GMSCa uses the (RN +) MSISDN to route the call to GMSCb in the subscription network. Depending on

    the interconnect agreement, the RN will be added in the IAM or not.

    Call 4: Call to a Ported Number Indirect Routing



    Fig4: Call to a Ported Number Indirect Routing

    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the number range holder network.

    2. When GMSCa in the number range holder network receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routing information by

    submitting a MAP SRI to MNP_SRF/MATF.

    3. When the MNP_SRF/MATF receives the message, it analyses the MSISDN in the CdPA and identifies the MSISDN

    as being ported to another network. As the message is an SRI message, the MNP_SRF/MATF responds to the

    GMSCa by sending an SRI ack with a RN + MSISDN

    4. GMSCa uses the RN + MSISDN to route the call to GMSCb in the subscription network. Depending on the

    interconnect agreement, the RN will be added in the IAM or not.

    Call A.5: Call to a Ported Number Indirect Routeing with Refere nce to Subscription Network


    Fig5: Call to a Ported Number Indirect Routeing with Reference to Subscription Network
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    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the number range holder network.

    2. When GMSCA in the number range holder network receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routeing information by

    submitting a MAP SRI to the MNP_SRF/MATF. The TT on SCCP may be set to SRI.

    3. When MNP_SRF/MATF receives the message, MNP_SRF/MATF operat ion is triggered. The MNP_SRF/MATF

    functionality analyses the MSISDN in the CdPA and identifies the MSISDN as being ported to another network. As

    the message is a SRI message, the MNP_SRF/MATF function relays the message to the subscription network by

    adding a routeing number to the CdPA which information may be retrieved from a database. After modifying the

    CdPA, the message is routed to the subscription network.

    4. When MNP_SRF/MATF in the subscription network receives the SRI, it responds to the GMSCA in the number

    range holder network by sending a SRI ack with a RN + MSISDN.

    5. GMSCA uses the (RN +) MSISDN to route the call to GMSCB in the subscription network; Depending on the

    interconnect agreement, the RN will be added in the IAM or not.

    6. When GMSCB in the subscription network receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routeing information by submitting aMAP SRI to MNP_SRF/MATF. The TT on SCCP may be set to SRI.

    7. When MNP_SRF/MATF receives the message, MNP_SRF/MATF operat ion is triggered. The MNP_SRF/MATF

    functionality analyses the MSISDN in the CdPA and identifies the MSISDN as being ported into the network. The

    MNP_SRF/MATF function then replaces the CdPA by an HLRB address which information may be retrieved from a

    database. After modifying the CdPA, the message is routed to HLRB.

    8. When HLRB receives the SRI, it responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN that identifies the

    MSB in the VMSCB.

    9. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    B. IN- Related Solution:

    The following network operator options are defined for the MT calls in the GMSC:

    - Terminating call Query on Digit Analysis (TQoD)- Query on HLR Release (QoHR).

    The following network operator option is defined for MO calls in VMSCA and for forwarded calls in the GMSC and


    - Originating call Query on Digit Analysis (OQoD).

    Call B.1 Call to a non-ported number, no NP query required:


    Fig 6: Call to non-ported Number, no query required

    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the Number range holder network

    being the Subscription network.

    2. When GMSCB receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routeing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRB

    including the MSISDN in the request.

    3. The HLRB requests an MSRN from the MSC/VLRB where the mobile subscriber currently is registered.

    4. The MSC/VLRB returns an MSRN back to the HLRB.

    5. The HLRB responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN.

    6. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    Call B.2: TQoD Number is not ported
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    Fig 7: TQoD Number is not ported

    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the Number range holder network

    being the Subscription network.2. When GMSCB receives the ISUP IAM, it will send a database query to the NPDB as a result of analysis of the

    received MSISDN. The MSISDN is included in the query to the NPDB.

    3. The NPDB detects that the MSISDN is not ported and responds back to the GMSCB to continue the normal call

    setup procedure for MT calls.

    4. The GMSCB requests rou teing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRB, including the MSISDN in the


    5. The HLRB requests an MSRN from the MSC/VLRB where the mobile subscriber owning the MSISDN currently is


    6. The MSC/VLRB returns an MSRN back to the HLRB.

    7. The HLRB responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN.

    8. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    Call B.3: TQoD Number is ported


    Fig 8: TQoD Number is ported

    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the Number range holder network.

    2. When GMSCA receives the ISUP IAM, it will send a database query, including the MSISDN, to the NPDB as a result

    of analysis of the received MSISDN.3. The NPDB detects that the MSISDN is ported and responds back to the GMSCA with a Routeing Number pointing

    out the Subscription network.

    4. The call is routed to the Subscription network based on the Routeing Number carried in ISUP IAM message; also

    the MSISDN is included in IAM.

    5. The GMSCB requests rou teing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRB, including the MSISDN in the

    request. The capability to route messages to the correct HLR is required.
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    6. The HLRB requests an MSRN from the MSC/VLRB where the mobile subscriber currently is registered.

    7. The MSC/VLRB returns an MSRN back to the HLRB.

    8. The HLRB responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN.

    9. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    Call B.4: QoHR Number is ported


    Fig 9: QoHR Number is ported

    1. From an Originating Exchange a call is set up to MSISDN. The call is routed to the Number range holder network.

    2. When GMSCA receives the ISUP IAM, it requests routeing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRA

    including the MSISDN in the request.

    3. The HLRA returns a MAP SRI ack with an Unknown Subscriber error since no record was found for the subscriber

    in the HLRA.

    4. When GMSCA receives the error indication form the HLRA, this will trigger the sending of a database query to the

    NPDB, including the MSISDN in the query.5. The NPDB detects that the MSISDN is ported and responds back to the GMSCA with a Routeing Number pointing

    out the Subscription network.

    6. The call is routed to the Subscription network based on the Routeing Number carried in ISUP IAM message; also

    the MSISDN is included in IAM.

    7. The GMSCB requests routeing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRB, including the MSISDN in the

    request. The capability to route messages to the correct HLR is required.

    8. The HLRB requests an MSRN from the MSC/VLRB where the mobile subscriber currently is registered.

    9. The MSC/VLRB returns an MSRN back to the HLRB.

    10. The HLRB responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN.

    11. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    Call B.5: OQoD Number is not ported
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    Fig 10: OQoD Number is not ported

    1. A call is initiated by Mobile Subscriber A towards Mobile Subscriber B, using the MSISDN of the called subscriber.

    2. When VMSCA receives the call setup indication, it will send a database query to the NPDB as a result of analysis

    of the received MSISDN, including the MSISDN in the query.

    3. The NPDB detects that the MSISDN is not ported and responds back to the VMSCA to continue the normal call

    setup procedure for MO calls. Depending on database configuration option, the NPDB could either return a

    Routeing Number on not ported calls, as done for ported calls, or the call is further routed using the MSISDN

    number only towards the Number range holder network.

    4. The call is routed to the Number range holder/Subscription network based on the MSISDN or Routeing Number

    carried in ISUP IAM message.5. The GMSCB requests routeing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRB, including the MSISDN in the


    6. The HLRB requests an MSRN from the MSC/VLRB where the mobile subscriber currently is registered.

    7. The MSC/VLRB returns an MSRN back to the HLRB.

    8. The HLRB responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN.

    9. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    Call B.6: OQoD- Number is porte d


    Fig 11: OQoD- Number is ported

    1. A call is initiated by Mobile Subscriber A towards Mobile Subscriber B, using the MSISDN of the called subscriber.

    2. When VMSCA receives the call setup indication, it will send a database query to the NPDB as a result of analysis

    of the received MSISDN including the MSISDN in the query.

    3. The NPDB detects that the MSISDN is ported and responds back to the VMSCA with a Routeing Number pointing

    out the Subscription network.

    4. The call is routed to the Subscription network based on the Routeing Number carried in ISUP IAM message; also

    the MSISDN is included in IAM.

    5. The GMSCB requests routeing information by submitting a MAP SRI to the HLRB, including the MSISDN in the

    request. The capability to route messages to the correct HLR is required.

    6. The HLRB requests an MSRN from the MSC/VLRB where the mobile subscriber currently is registered.

    7. The MSC/VLRB returns an MSRN back to the HLRB.

    8. The HLRB responds to the GMSCB by sending an SRI ack with an MSRN.

    9. GMSCB uses the MSRN to route the call to VMSCB.

    Posted 10th September 2012by Pramod Kumar

    Labels: MNP,Mobile Number Portability

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    9th September 2012 H.248/MEGACO Protocol
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    H.248is protocol used be tween the MGC and MG in Master-Slave fashion. MEGACO is similar to MGCP. MGC uses

    this protocol to control the MG.

    MEGACO provide the following enhancement over the MGCP.

    - Support multimedia and multi point conference enhanced service.

    - Improve syntax for more efficient semantic message processing.

    - TCP and UDP transport support

    - Support either binary or text encoding.

    Message Structure:

    Message {

    Transaction { Action {

    Command {

    Descriptor {

    Package {

    Property { }}}}}}


    Message: Multiple Transactions can be concatenated into a message, which contains header, the version, and one or

    more Transactions.

    Syntax: MEGECA /version [sende rIPAddress]:portNumer

    Where: version = 1 to 99

    Sender IP address = 32-bit IP address

    Port Number = 16 bit value

    The message header contains the identity of the sender. The message identity is set to a provisioned name of the

    entity transmitting the message. The version number is two digit numbers, beginning with the version 1 for the present

    version of the protocol.

    Transaction : Command between the MGC and MG are grouped into the transaction.

    Each of which identified by Transaction ID. Transaction ID assigned by the sender. Transaction reply is invoked by

    receiver. There is one reply invocation per transaction.

    Transaction ( transact ionID { conte xt ID {{{{}}}})

    where Transaction ID = 1 to 4294967295 (a 32bit value)

    Context ID= null to 65535 ( 16bit value)

    Reply ( TID {CID})

    The TID parameter must be the same as the corresponding transaction request. The CID must be specifying a value to

    pertain to all responses for the actions.

    Transaction Pending is invoked by the receiver indicates that the transaction is actively being processed, but has not

    been completed. It is used to prevent the sender from assuming that the Transaction Request was lost if the

    transaction takes some time to complete. The syntax for command is :

    Pending ( TID {})

    The TID must be same as the corresponding Transaction request.

    The Root property normalMGExecutionTime is used to specify the interval within which the MGC expects a response

    to any transaction from the MG. Another Root property normalMGCExecutionTime is used to indicate the interval within

    which the MG should expect a response to any transaction from the MGC. Both of these properties are configurable by

    the MGC and have the following value ranges

    NormalMGExecutionTime = 100 to 5000 milliseconds

    NormalMGCExecutionTime = 100 to 5000 milliseconds

    Action: Action is a group of command to be executed in the same context. it does not have an own identifier.

    Context is identified by a Context_ID, which is assigned by the MG when the first termination is Added to a context. The

    context is deleted when the last termination is subtracted from a termination.

    Command: Command are used to manipulate the logical entity of the protocol connection model, context and

    termination. Commands provide the complete control of properties of the context and the terminations.

    Commands are:

    - ADD: The Add command adds a Termination to a Context. The first Termination add to a context creates a new


    Request: Add = Termination_ID { [MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

    Reply: Add = Termination_ID { [MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor][,ObservedEventsDescriptor][,StatisticsDescriptor] [,PackagesDescriptor] [,ErrorDescriptor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

    - MODIFY: The Modify command modifies the properties, events and signals of a Termination.

    Request: Modify = Termination_ID { [ MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

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    Reply: Modify = Termination_ID { [MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor]

    [,ObservedEventsDescriptor] [,StatisticsDescriptor] [,PackagesDescriptor] [,ErrorDescriptor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

    - SUBTRACT: The Subtract command disconnects a Termination from its Context and returns statistics on the

    Termination's participation in the Context. The Subtract command on the last Termination in a Context deletes the


    Request: Subtract = Termination_ID { [AuditDescriptor]}

    Reply: Subtract = Termination_ID { [ MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor]

    [,ObservedEventsDes[,StatisticsDescriptor[,PackagesDescriptor[,ErrorDescriptor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

    - MOVE: The Move command atomically moves a Termination to another Context.

    Request: Move = Termination_ID { [ MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

    Reply: Move = Termination_ID { [ MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor]

    [,ObservedEventsDescriptor] [,StatisticsDescriptor] [,PackagesDescriptor] [,ErrorDescriptor] [,AuditDescriptor]}

    - Audit-value: The AuditValue command returns the current state of properties, events,

    signals and statistics of Terminations.

    Request: AuditValue = Termination_ID {AuditDescriptor}

    Reply: AuditValue = Termination_ID { [MediaDescriptor] [,EventDescriptor] [,SignalsDescritor]

    [,ObservedEventsDescriptor] [,StatisticsDescriptor] [,PackagesDescriptor]}

    - Audit-Capability:Audit Capability commands returns the all possible propr ties, events, signals and statistics of the


    - Notify: The Notify command allows the MG to inform the MGC of the occurrence of events in the MG.

    Request: Notify = Termination_ID { [,ObservedEventsDescriptor] [,ErrorDescriptor]}

    Reply: Notify = Termination_ID { [ErrorDescriptor]}

    - Service Change: The ServiceChange command allows the MG to notify the MGC that a Termination or group of

    Terminations is about to be taken out of service or has just been returned to service. ServiceChange is also used by

    the MG to announce its availability to a MGC (registration), and to notify the MGC of impending or completed restart of

    the MG. The MGC may announce a handover to the MG by sending it a ServiceChange command. The MGC may also

    use ServiceChange to instruct the MG to take a Termination or group of Terminations in or out of service.

    Request: ServiceChange = Termination_ID { ServiceChangeDescriptor}

    Reply: ServiceChange = Termination_ID { (ServiceChangeDescriptor/ ErrorDescriptor)}

    Terminations:A Termination is a logical entity on a MG that sources and/or sinks media and/or control streams. A

    Termination is described by a number of characterizing Properties, which are grouped in a set of Descriptors that are

    included in commands. Terminations have unique identities (TerminationIDs), assigned by the MG at the time of their


    There are two type of terminations:

    Ephemeral Terminationsare created by means of an Add command. They are destroyed by means of a Subtract

    command. These exist only for the duration of their use. These are created and destroyed.

    Physical Termination: The physical terminations have the semi-permanent existence on the MGW. For example the

    TDM channels that are exist as long as its provisioned on the MGW.

    Context: Context is an association between collections of termination. There is special type of context called null

    context, which contains the terminations that are not associated with any other termination.

    Descriptors: Properties of the termination are organized syntactically into the descriptors. Parameters to the

    commands are called Descriptors. Many commands share same descriptors.

    - Modem Descriptors: Specifies the modem type and parameters.

    - Multiplex Descriptors:Associates with the media and bearer in multimedia calls.

    - Media Descriptors: Specifies the parameters of all media streams.These parameters are structured into two

    descriptors: a TerminationState descriptor, which specifies the properties of a termination that are not stream

    dependent and one or more Stream descriptorseach of which describes a single media stream.

    - Event Descriptors: Specifies the list of events that MG is requested to detect and report.

    - EventBuffer Descriptors: Specifies the list of events and their parameters that MG is requested to detect and buffer

    when EventBufferControl equals to lockStep.

    - Signal Descriptors: Specifies the set of signals that media gateway is asked to apply to terminations.

    - Audit Descriptors: Specifies the information is to be audited.

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    - Service Change Descriptors: Specifies the parameters between the MGC and MG when MG power up, termination

    state change, MG or MGC failure happens, or MGC handoff.

    - Digit Map Descriptors:A DigitMap is a dialing plan resident in the MG used for detecting and reporting digit events

    received on a termination.

    - Statistics Descriptors: The Statistics descriptor provides information describing the status and usage of a termination

    during its existence within a specific Context.

    - Package Descriptors: returns the list of package realized by the termination and it is used with the AuditValue


    - ObservedEvent Descriptors: notify event to MGC when detected used with the Notify Command.

    - Topology Descriptors:A Topology descriptor is used to specify flow directions between terminations in a context. The

    topology descriptor applies to a context instead of a termination.

    - Error Descriptors: Specifies the Error code.


    All properties, Events, Signals, and statistics used in the H.248 protocols are defined in packages. it is uniquely

    identified by the packageID. Following are the Package defined:

    - Generic (g): Signal Completion Event

    - Base Root (root): Defines the generic proper ties of MG i.e. max number of contexts, system times value and


    - Tone Generator (tg): define signal to generates the Tones.

    - Tone Detection (tonedet): Defines events for audio tone detection. Needed for detection the DTMF tones.

    - Basic DTMF Generators (dg): Defines signals for DTMF generation

    - DTMF Detection (dd): Defines events for DTMF detection.

    - Call Progress tones generators (cg): defines signals for call progress tones generation.

    - Basic Continuity (ct): Defines events & signals for continuity tests.

    - Network (nt): : Defines termination properties independent of the network type .

    - Real Time Transport protocol (rtp): RTP transfer of the multimedia stream.

    - TDM Circuits (tdmc): use for termination to support gain and echo control.

    - Generic Announcements: Allows to support announcement functionality at a MG. Announcement will be played

    endlessly by the MG, until the MGC stops the announcement.

    - Media gateway resource congestion hand ling (chp): Allows the MG to control its load.

    - 3GUP (threegup): Configures the User Plane functions in the MG

    - TFO (threegtfoc): Defines events and properties for Tandem Free Operation

    - Bearer characteristics (bcp) : Identify which bearer services are to be supported by a MG

    Posted 9th September 2012by Pramod

    Labels: H.248,MEGACO,VOIP (Voice over IP)

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    8th September 2012

    Mobile Number Portability (MNP):

    Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is the ability for a UMTS or GSM mobile subscriber to change the subscription network

    within a portability domain while retaining her original MSISDN.

    Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
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    Fig 1: General Architecture of Portabili ty for Calls

    Few Definitions to understand the MNP feature:

    Number Range Holder Network (NRHN):The Network to which number range containing the ported number has

    been allocated.

    For Example if a number which is in process of porting is belongs to Vodafone network, then the Vodafone treated as

    Number Range Holder Network (NRHN).

    Donor Network: A subscription network from which a number is ported-out in porting process. This may or may not be

    the Number range holder network.

    For example if a subscriber is ported-out from Vodafone to Airtel, then Vodafone network if called as Donor network. If

    this number range belongs to Vodafone then it also called NRHN so in this NRHN and Donor ne twork would be same

    i.e. Vodafone. but if this number is already ported in to Vodafone from Idea and again it is ported out to Airtel, then the

    Vodafone network is called as only Donor network and Idea would be NRHN.

    Number Portability Database (NPDB): A Database which provides portability information like Number is ported out or

    not (portability Status) and if ported out then provides the Routeing number (RN).

    Routeing Number (RN): A Routeing number route the call to recipient network or subscription network. This is

    provided by NPDB or MNP-SRF.

    Number Portability Status: Information indicating the status of portability for Mobile subscriber. Portability can be:

    - Own Number Ported Out

    - Own Number not ported out

    - Foreign number ported in- Foreign number ported out to foreign network.

    - Foreign number not know to ported

    Originating Network:Network where the calling party located.

    Subscription Network or Recipient Network: An recipient network for the Mobile subscriber in porting process.

    For Example if a number which is in process of porting is belongs to Vodafone network and ported out to Airtel, then


    would be Recipient Network in this case.

    Following routing methods are mentioned: these are the method implemented in portability domain based on

    the operator agreements.

    - Direct Routing: Direct Routing of calls is PLMN options that allows to ro