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Godin said the inspiration came to him when he "watched the democrats lose the election He stated that although both candidates told lies, the candidate that won told the more believable lie. In particular, he noticed Karl Roves's ability to tell a story, noting that he's a "very good liar."

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QUICK FACTS : Seth Godin said the inspiration came to him when he "watched the Democrats

lose the election [in 2004]."He stated that although both candidates told lies, the candidate that won told the more believable lie. In particular, he noticed Karl Rove's ability to tell a story, noting that he's a "very good liar”.

Before its publication, All Marketers Are Liars was serialized in Fortune Magazine.

It made the Amazon Top 100 bestseller list, and received press in the Miami Herald, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune.

It’s the seventh published book by Seth Godin, and the third in a series of books on 21st century marketing.


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"I wasn't being completely truthful with you when I named this book. Marketers aren't liars. They are just storytellers...

I was trying to go to the edges. No one would hate a book called All Marketers Are Storytellers. No one would disagree with it. No one would challenge me on it. No one would talk

about it."

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Seth Godin advises marketers that what matters is not the quality of their goods but the good feelings generated by their "storytelling." In our complicated, cynical world, we all want to hear a story that we

can believe; a story that fits our worldview; a story that we intuitive

embrace and then share with our friends. If the story grabs us on a deep gut level,

Godin insists, it doesn't matter that it contains a little white lie.

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Stories are necessary to help consumers deal with the deluge of information they face every day, godin writes, and truly great stories

"succeed because they are able to capture the imagination of large or important audiences." A great story, he adds, is true, makes a promise,

is trusted, is subtle, happens fast, and often appeals to our senses. Great stories don't contradict themselves, and they match our

worldview by agreeing with what we already believe.

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The book is not really about the fact that marketers lie (although some do). It is about the fact that consumers tell themselves lies all the time to justify buying what they want rather than what they truly need.

At times the book is simplistic and repetitive, and it never fully gets into the meat of how to create and disseminate a marketing story. Still, Godin will intrigue you

With that change of gears, Seth Godin postulates that it’s then the purchaser of the product or service who becomes the liar. The marketer tells the story. The potential customer creates the lie.

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Are all marketers truly liars, or do the business customers the ones who create the lie? Seth answers that question very well with the fake liar’s noses.

While Seth Godin begins with the disarming premise that marketing people are liars, he softens that stance to marketers are story tellers.

Our internal worldview, which frames all of our perceptions of things around us, determines if a story is true from our point of view. Seth understands that one person’s worldview is not like another. In fact, the book postulates one thousand worldviews held by millions of people. Worldviews range from a very few people to many millions.

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In All Marketers Are Liars, Seth Godin picks up where his

bestselling Purple Cow left off, digging even deeper into the

concept of making remarkable products and services, and

explaining the need for effective storytelling in

successful marketing. With a distinct voice and a clever wit, Godin develops a clear case for using focused psychology

to improve marketing

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“Marketing, apparently, makes wine taste better. Marketing, in the

form of an expensive glass and the story that goes with it, has

more impact on the taste of wine than oak casks or fancy corks or

the rain in June.” (p. 4)

“It’s time we realized that there may be no more

powerful weapon on Earth [than marketing].” (p. 107)

“Kiehl’s customer’s are measuring the price paid compared to the experience of purchasing and the way that using the product makes them feel, it’s a no-brainer” (p. 12)

“People clump together into common worldviews, and

your job is to find a previously undiscovered

clump and frame a story for those people.” (p. 38)

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