Download - alien invaders

  1. 1. Alien invaders
  2. 2. There were three aliens that lived on there home planet Zeno and they were called Bip, Bop, Pop.
  3. 3. When they reached adult hood, they were each giving the same mission to invade the earth.
  4. 4. They each had to take turns, so if one of them failed, they would have a backup to finish the mission
  5. 5. Pop was the most unfortunate of the three because Pop had the fewest resources to work with, all Pop had was left over garbage
  6. 6. So Pop thought if I polluted the earth with garbage everything would die then we could invade.
  7. 7. Bop had more options on how to deal with the mission at hand, Bop could use the resources that were available to him which was a little better but not the best.
  8. 8. Bop thought what if I unleashed my monstrous pet upon the earth and when everyone died we could invade then.
  9. 9. Bip was the most fortunate of the three aliens because he was son of the king of Zeno, he had access to all kinds of resources such as food, water, intelligence, etc.
  10. 10. Bip thought he would create a massive army of elite warriors and start a global invasion on earth.
  11. 11. Unfortunately before any of them could put their plans into action a black hole was passing by and swallowed the planet Zeno in one gulp, so no invasion occurred.