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Alien Hand Syndrome

By Sally Oh

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The sufferers of alien hand feel that they have no control over the move-ments of the 'alien' hand, but that, in-stead, the hand has the capability of acting independent of their conscious voluntary control.

Alien hands can perform complex acts such as undoing buttons, removing clothing, and manipulation of tools.


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They are believing it "possessed" by some intelligent or alien spirit.

Affected hand is viewed as "way-ward" and sometimes "disobedient" and generally out of the realm of their own voluntary control, while the unaffected hand is under normal volitional control.

“Alien Hand Syndrome”?

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Due to damage in the me-dial motor frontal region of the brain.

Disconnection occurs be-tween different parts of the brain that are engaged in different aspects of the control of bodily move-ment.

Result of damage to cor-pus callosum as the brain's e-mail server.

Brain Function of Alien Hand

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Karen Byrne • Victim of

‘Alien Hand Syndrome’

• Both left hand and leg

• Karen had surgery at 27 , which had dominated her life since she was 10.

• Her surgeon cut her corpus callosum.

•  Suffered for 18 years.

• Found a medi-cation

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• “Dr. Strangelove or : How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb”

• Wheelchair-bound nuclear war expert and former Nazi.

• 1964