Download - Alibasher Macalnas Resume

  • 8/10/2019 Alibasher Macalnas Resume



    Maranao Timber (Dalama), Ditsa-an Ramain

    Lanao del Sur, Philippines

    E-mail address:[email protected]

    Contact No.: 09493196601 (SMART)/ 09174704452 (GLOBE)

    Job Objective:

    To seek for a job that can utilize my gained expertise in my field of profession and impart it throughhelping the disadvantaged people and be a productive member of the society and to further enhance my

    knowledge and skills and be an asset in continuing efforts towards fostering development of the nation.

    Personal Data:

    Date of Birth: November 23, 1988

    Place of Birth: P. Quezon, MBRH, Cotabato City

    Gender: Male

    Civil Status: Single

    Religion: Islam

    Nationality: Filipino - Muslim

    Height: 5 5

    Weight: 85 kg

    Fathers Name:Monasir Randa Pandita Macalnas

    Mothers Name:Fatima Oti Dereposun


    Graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Magna cum Laude)

    Nursing Licensure Examination Passer (July 2011)

    Saudi Council Passers (May 2013)

    Member, Philippine Nurses Association

    IV Therapist Nurse as approved by the Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines,

    Inc. (ANSAP)

    Most Outstanding Staff Nurse, Integrated Provincial Health Office

    Educational Attainment:

    Post Grad: Mindanao State University Main Campus

    Marawi City

    2013 up to present (Master of Arts in Nursing major in Nursing Administration)

    College: Jamiatu Marawi al-Islamia Foundation Main Campus

    Moncado Kadingilan, Marawi City

    20072011 (Magna cum Laude)

    Secondary: Jamiatu Marawi al-Islamia Foundation Main Campus

    Moncado Kadingilan, Marawi City

    20042006 (3rd

    Honorable Mention)

    Cotabato City National High School Main Campus

    Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City


    Elementary: Sero Central Pilot Elementary School

    Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City

    19982002 (Service Awardee)

    Cotabato City Central Pilot Elementary School

    Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City


    Nursing Experience:

    NDP, Ditsaan Ramain RHU, Ditsaan Ramain January 2014 up to present

    RNheals, Ditsaan Ramain RHU, Ditsaan Ramain February 2013 to December 2013

    RNheals, Pantar RHU, Pantar, Lanao del Norte November 2011 to January 2013

    Staff Nurse, Mindalano Specialist Hospital, M.C. August 2011 to November 2011 Part-Time Instructor, JMIF, Marawi City June 2013 to March 2013

    Part-Time Clinical Instructor, JMIF, Marawi City March 2013 up to present

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Alibasher Macalnas Resume


    Seminars/ Trainings Attended:

    1. 2Month Training on Hemodialysis

    Northern Mindanao Medical Center

    JanuaryMarch 2014

    2. 1Month Training on Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

    Northern Mindanao Medical CenterDecember 2013January 2014

    3. Globally Emerging Infectious SeminarForum on

    AIDS, HIV and other Viral Infections

    Vector Borne Infections

    Infectious Diseases Prevention

    SM Cinema, SM CdeO, Cagayan de Oro

    December 16, 2012

    4. SeminarOrientation on Filariasis Mass Drug Treatment

    Crystal Inn, San Miguel, Iligan City

    September 13, 2012

    5. Regular IV Therapy Training Program accredited by ANSAP

    Mindanao Sanitarium and Hospital (now Adventist Medical Center), Iligan City

    May 2830 2012

    6. SeminarTraining on (SPEED) Surveillance on Post Extreme Emergencies and Disaster for Local Health


    Elena Tower Inn, Iligan City

    March 1516 2012

    7. SeminarWorkshop on (IMCI) Integrated Management on Childhood IllnessBuenvenido: Home for the Aged, Canaway, Iligan City

    October 11, 2010

    8. Seminar on Nursing Management and Leadership:

    Nursing: A Cocktail of Opportunities

    IPDM, Mindanao State University, Marawi City

    March 8, 2010

    9. Seminar on Substance Abuse:

    Acquiring Knowledge on Substance Abuse: Gaining Power to Build Healthy Society

    Merdekah Hall, SMD General Hospital, Marawi City

    March 03, 2010

    10. Seminar- Workshop on Mental Health Nursing:

    Making Difference in Other Peoples Lives

    NDRC Compound, Beach Club Road, Lanang, Davao City

    November 23, 2009

    Character References:

    Dr. Normallah M. Dimalotang-Alonto

    RHP, Ramain RHU

    Bago-a-Ingud, Ditsaan Ramain

    Norol-Anah D. Macapodi, RN, RM, MPA, MAN(CAR)

    PHN, Ramain RHU

    Bago-a-Ingud, Ditsaan Ramain

    Dr. Nur-Hannipah B. Derico, RN, MAN, PhD

    Dean, College of Health Science

    MSU, Marawi City

    Prof. Chona G. Limbaring, BSN, RN, MN, MAN(CAR)

    DEAN, College of Nursing, JMIF, Marawi City

    Del Carmen, Iligan City