Download - Aleksandar Maćašev / Book


to stephen j. gee


GoiNG iN foR ThE KiLLBy Steven Heller

steven heller was an art director at the New York Times for 33 years. He is the author of over 100 books on design and popular culture, and he is the co-chair of the MFA Designer as Author program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. He received AIGA Medal for Lifetime Achievement in 1999.

i became aware of aleksandar macasev when I was introduced to The Joseph Goebbels project. I was both seduced and appalled. Was this the Dr. Frankenstein who took the brain of the evil propagandist, Herr Geobbels and joined it to the body of conceptual satire? In fact, the project was a multimedia attack on the information and disinformation glut that used the infamous Nazi minister of mind-control and socalled enlightenment as its poster child. Dredging up the Nazi past is always charged, but plastering Belgrades streets with posters featuring Goebbels was asking for trouble. Macasev, who was graduated from the faculty of architecture, University of Belgrade, in 1998 and teaches interactive design at the BK Academy of Arts in Belgrade, understood the issues raised and the responses received. He is no wanton gag-maker, his work is a marriage of wit and savvy, anger and skepticism. In a 2006 interview I asked him, Why didnt you base your iconic image on Hitler himself? Joseph Goebbels was the media mastermind, not Hitler, he said about ultimate opportunist. He was a left-wing (almost Communist) activist at the beginning. Realizing that he didnt need a weathervane to tell which way the wind was blowing, he switched to a much more plausible option: the fascist one. And he was a totally non-Aryan type: crippled, refused from the army service, black-haired and brown-eyed. But he had a hypnotizing voice of a messiahspooky, but fascinating. You can easily recognize the type in many of todays politicians and media personas. This was the response of someone who has done his homework who understood and could manipulate word and image for best advantage. But, I asked, doesnt this project run the risk of making a villain into a hero? Part of the point is that I can create a heroic icon out of a villain, he explained, by using the power of an iconic advertising image. You place a convincing huge outdoor image in front of the masses, presented in the form of a positive campaign, and people are likely to perceive the image as heroic. But I think the majority of the people who saw the campaign still perceived him as a villain. My attitude in the whole project was to avoid dichotomies: villain-hero, truth-lie, good-bad ? I am just offering imagery and a broad statement. Joseph Goebbels is much more about the Joseph-Goebbels state of media culture and not about the man himself. I have to say, as much as I try to avoid making Nazis the symbol of anything but evil, I believe Macasev is not just flagrantly playing with matches. His work may have shock value indeed it may ignite some fires in the mind (and elsewhere), but his work is an expression of cynicism and hope. It is the audiences job to determine which is which. As an explanation of his motives, Macasev told me: The power of the media is such that people often believe what they are told. Thats the power of media. You cannot see with your own eyes or experience personally every single detail about some news that you have heard or seen. In theory, you can choose to believe in it or not by using your common sense. My message is that there is no truth or lie. Everything is just a story or a message and you can choose to believe in it or accept it. Healthy skepticism for a healthier life. And yet there are dichotomies in Macasevs work or at least profound contrasts. Page after page of this book is peppered with ideas, but an idea alone is nothing without a means of communicating it. On one level, this book is a real beauty, a model of good design. But thats the big lie (as Goebbels would say) of Macasevs strategy. Make it pretty, seduce the prey, then go in for the kill.


stiven heler je 33 godine radio kao art direktor lista New York Times. Autor je preko 100 knjiga o dizajnu i popularnoj kulturi, a trenutno je na poziciji potpredsednika master programa Dizajner kao autor na School of Visual Arts u Njujorku. Dobitnik je AIGA medalje za ivotno delo 1999. godine.

za aleksandra maaeva sam saznao kada sam se susreo s njegovim projektom Joseph Goebbels. Bio sam istovremeno zaveden i zgroen. Da li je u pitanju doktor Frankentajn koji je uzeo mozak zlog propagandiste her Gebelsa i spojio ga s telom konceptualne satire? U stvari, taj projekat je predstavljao multimedijalni napad na (dez)informativnu zaguenost, gde je kao glavni motiv upotrebljen zloglasni nacistiki ministar kontrole uma i tobonje prosveenosti. Izvlaenje nacistike prolosti na svetlost dana uvek je praeno nabojem, ali prelepljivanje ulica Beograda posterima s Gebelsovim likom bilo je znak da neko trai nevolju. Maaev, koji je zavrio arhitektonski fakultet u Beogradu 1998. i koji je u to vreme predavao interaktivni dizajn na Akademiji umetnosti BK, je dobro razumeo pitanja koja je postavio, kao i reakcije koje su usledile. Ne radi se ni o kakvom razuzdanom aljivdiji. Njegov rad ini spoj domiljatosti i znanja, besa i skepticizma. U okviru intervjua koji sam s njim obavio 2006. godine upitao sam ga: Zato za svoju ikoniku predstavu nisi odabrao samog Hitlera? Jozef Gebels je bio medijski mozak operacije, a ne Hitler, odgovorio mi je on o ovom ultimativnom oportunisti. Na poetku je bio leviarski (gotovo komunistiki) aktivista. Shvativi odakle vetar duva, preao je na stranu koja je delovala kao dobitna na stranu faizma. Bio je totalno nearijevski tip: sakat, nesposoban za vojsku, crnokos i smeih oiju. Ali imao je hipnotiki glas mesije sablastan, ali ushiujui. Takve osobine danas moete vrlo lako prepoznati kod mnogih politiara i medijskih linosti. Bio je to odgovor nekoga ko je dobro uradio domai zadatak ko razume slike i rei, i u stanju je da njima manipulie tako da dobije pravi rezultat. Ali, upitao sam, ne postoji li opasnost da se u ovom projektu od zloinca napravi heroj? Upravo je to deo poente, mogunost da kreiramo heroja od zloinca, objasnio je, kroz upotrebu moi ikonikih reklamnih slika. Ako postavite veliku i ubedljivu sliku na ulicu pred mase i predstavite je u formi pozitivne kampanje, velika je verovatnoa da e ljudi da je percipiraju kao pozitivnu. Mislim da je veina ljudi u ovoj kampanji ipak videla Gebelsa kao zloinca. Moja namera u itavom projektu bila je da izbegnem dihotomije: herojzloinac, istina-la, dobro-zlo. Ponudio sam sliku i sveobuhvatnu poruku. Joseph Goebbels nije rad o Gebelsu, nego o gebelsovskom stanju medijske kulture. Bez obzira na to to naciste ne mogu da vidim kao simbole bilo ega sem istog zla, moram priznati da mi se ini da Maaev nije neko ko se bezono igra vatrom. Njegov rad moda poseduje element oka i zbilja moe da zapali poneku vatru u glavama (kao i na drugim mestima), ali je njegov rad istovremeno izraz cinizma i nade. Na publici je da odlui za ta je ta. Da bi objasnio svoje motive, Maaev mi je rekao: Mo medija je takva da ljudi esto veruju u ono to im je reeno. Jednostavno, ne moete lino iskusiti ili se sopstvenim oima uveriti u svaki detalj vezan za vest koju ste uli ili videli. U teoriji, na osnovu zdravog razuma birate da li ete u neku informaciju verovati ili ne. Moja poruka je da ne postoje ni la ni istina. Sve je samo pria ili poruka u koju ete verovati ili ne. Zdravi skepticizam za zdraviji ivot. Pa ipak, u radu Aleksandra Maaeva ima dihotomija, ili bar dubokih kontrasta. Stranice ove knjige su bogate idejama, ali ideje ne bi bile nita bez sredstava kojima se komuniciraju. Na jednom nivou, ova knjiga je prava lepotica i uzor je dobrog dizajna. Meutim, lepo je, po Maaevu, samo gebelsovska Velika La. Uini neto lepim, namami plen i baci se na njega.


Art / Umetnost Interior Graphics / Enterijerska grafika Promotional Material / Promotivni materijal Illustration / Ilustracija Type Sketches / Tipografske skice Identity / Identitet Ads / Oglasi Apparel / Odea

Europa, illustration, 2008 / Europa, ilustracija, 2008. europe by designers exhibition / izloba europe by designers 20 / 21 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Family Portraits, personal project, 2006 / Family Portraits, lini projekat, 2006. 22 / 23 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Human After All v.2.00, installation, 2007 / Human After All v.2.00, instalacija, 2007. printed whiteboard screen / tampani whiteboard paravan. 24 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Human After All, wallpaper installation, 2005 / Human After All, tapet instalacija, 2005. 25 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Joseph Goebbels, poster no.2, 2005 / Joseph Goebbels, plakat broj 2, 2005. art project in the form of a media campaign that addresses the nature of media and mass-communication. the basic premise is that joseph goebbels is the father of contemporary media culture. / umetniki projekat u obliku medijske kampanje koji se bavi prirodom medija i masovne komunikacije. osnovna pretpostavka je da je joseph goebbels otac savremene medijske kulture. 26 / 27 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Joseph Goebbels, poster no.1, 2005 / Joseph Goebbels, plakat broj 1, 2005. 28 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Joseph Goebbels, poster no.3, 2005 / Joseph Goebbels, plakat broj 3, 2005. 29 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Joseph Goebbels, media campaign, 2005 / Joseph Goebbels, medijska kampanja 2005. 30 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost


Joseph W Goebbels, poster, 2006 / Joseph W Goebbels, plakat, 2006. variation of the poster using right-wing media logos / varijacija postera sa logoima desniarskih medijskih kompanija. 31 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Black Pixel, sample box, 2003 / Black Pixel, kutija sa uzorcima, 2003. printed version of the black pixel website ( / tampana verzija web sajta black pixel ( 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

Populated area, outdoor prints, 1999 / Naseljeno mesto, ulini printovi, 1999. a series of posters and printed interventions questioning the purpose and meaning of the urban environment / serija plakata i tampanih intervencija koje se bave svrhom i znaenjem urbanog okruenja. 36 / 37 | PRiNT : Art / Umetnost

A Bug in the Ear, interior graphic, 2007 / Buba u uhu, enterijerska grafika, 2007. telenor office building lounge / predvorje telenorove poslovne zgrade.

38 / 39 | PRiNT : Interior Graphics / Enterijerska grafika

LOWE/Idols and Friends, interior prints, 2008 / LOWE/Idols and Friends, enterijerska grafika, 2008. (interior design by maja lali / dizajn enterijera: maja lali) 40 / 41 | PRiNT : Interior Graphics / Enterijerska grafika

Pleasure and Pain, chocolate wrapper, 2009 / Pleasure and Pain, omot okolade, 2009. promotional material for the solo exhibition "high anxiety" in ljubljana, slovenia / promotivni materijal za samostalnu izlobu "high anxiety" u ljubljani, slovenija. 42 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Challenge the Wall, calendar, 2007 / Challenge the Wall, kalendar, 2007. 2008 calendar for telenor corporation / kalendar za 2008. kompanije telenor

43 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Young Serbian Designers, 2009 / Young Serbian Designers, 2009. 44 / 45 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Nadeda Petrovi Memorial (with Mirko Ili), 2007 / Memorijal Nadede Petrovi (sa Mirkom Iliem), 2007. poster / plakat catalog / katalog 46 / 47 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

ERSTE machine, sponsorship campaign, 2007 / ERSTE maina, sponzorska kampanja, 2007.

48 / 49 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

sponsor of this book

/ sponzor ove knjige ERSTE machine, sponsorship ads, 20072010 / ERSTE maina, sponzorski oglasi, 20072010. 50 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Serbia Remixed, poster, 2006 / Serbia Remixed, plakat, 2006. 51 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Mran Baji: BACKUP, book, 2007 / Mran Baji: BACKUP, knjiga, 2007. 52 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Das is Kunst, book, 2007 / Das is Kunst, knjiga, 2007. 53 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

PUNC'T, poster, 2005 / PUNC'T, plakat, 2005.

54 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Memefest Balkan, poster, 2006 / Memefest Balkan, plakat, 2006. 55 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Mirko Ili Comics | Illustration | Design | Multimedia, exhibition promotional material, 2005 / Mirko Ili Strip | Ilustracija | Dizajn | Multimedija, promotivni materijal izlobe, 2005. illustration: mirko ili mousepad, outdoor print / mousepad, ulini print 56 / 57 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Serbian Fags in Slovenia, flyer, 2004 / Pederi iz Srbije u Sloveniji, flajer, 2004. 58 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

On Time, poster, 2006 / Na Vreme, plakat, 2006. 59 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

We Are Not Angels 2, movie promotional material, 2004 / Mi nismo aneli 2, promotivni materijal filma, 2004. posters, postcards / plakati, razglednice. 60 / 61 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

Illustration for David Albahari's stories, Emzin magazine, 2008 / Ilustracije za prie Davida Albaharija, Emzin magazin, 2008. "time is on our side", "the hourglass' destiny", "the wrong train", "secret", and "runner" / "vreme je na naoj strani", "sudbina peanika", "pogrean voz", "tajna" i "trka" 62 / 63 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija

Let In, illustration, 2005 / Let In, ilustracije, 2005. 64 / 65 / 66 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija

Discontent, poster, 2007 / Neizdr, plakat, 2007. 67 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal

The 13th card of a nonexistent tarot deck, Kvart magazine, 2009 / Trinaesta karta nepostojeeg Tarot pila, Kvart magazine, 2009. 68 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija

Brave New World, a mural proposal, 2007 / Vrli novi svet, predlog za mural, 2007. 69 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija

Homemade fashion editorial, Kvart magazine, 2008 / Kuni modni editorijal, Kvart magazin, 2008. 70 / 71 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija

2010, illustration, Kvart magazine, 2009 / 2010, ilustracija, Kvart magazin, 2009.

72 | PRiNT : Promotional material / Promotivni materijal



Aleksandar Maaev

Accept and Proceed, illustration, 2007 / Accept and Proceed, ilustracija, 2007. 73 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija

Vintage socialist signs, 2010 / Soc-realistike firme, 2010. 74 | PRiNT : Type Sketches / Tipografske skice

Presentation slide, 2009 / Slajd iz prezentacije, 2009. Personal tag cloud, 2009 / Lini tag cloud, 2009. 2009: points of interest/influence tag cloud, 2009 / Tag cloud objekata interesa/uticaja za 2009. godinu, 2009. 75 | PRiNT : Type Sketches / Tipografske skice

Moleskine sketches, 20082010 / Moleskine skice, 20082010. 76 / 77 | PRiNT : Type Sketches / Tipografske skice

Non-Hollywood movies, illustration, Huper magazine, 2008 / Neholivudski filmovi, ilustracija, Huper magazin, 2008. 78 / 79 | PRiNT : Illustration / Ilustracija






Logos, 20042010 / Logotipi, 20042010.

80 / 81 | PRiNT : Identity / Identitet




BizArt 07


Swatch, 2002 / Swatch, 2002. 82 | PRiNT : Ads / Oglasi

Toyota, 2002 / Toyota, 2002. 83 | PRiNT : Ads / Oglasi

Head and Shoulders shampoo, 2002 / Head and Shoulders ampon, 2002. 84 | PRiNT : Ads / Oglasi, 2002 /, 2002. 85 | PRiNT : Ads / Oglasi

Ongoing series of calling cards, 20042010 / Serija linih vizit kartica, 20042010. 86 / 87 | PRiNT : Identity / Identitet

Random t-shirt collection, 20062010 / Nasumina kolekcija majica, 20062010. 88 / 89 | PRiNT : Apparel / Odea

Men in Drag (Random t-shirt collection), 20062007 / Men in Drag (Nasumina kolekcija majica), 20062007. 90 | PRiNT : Apparel / Odea

Summer 2010 (Random t-shirt collection) / Leto 2010 (Nasumina kolekcija majica) silkscreen, 2010 / sito tampa, 2010. 91 | PRiNT : Apparel / Odea

(Converse) RED: Macbeth, sneakers, 2007/ (Converse) RED: Macbeth, patike, 2007. (Converse) RED: Faux Two-Tone, sneakers, 2007 / (Converse) RED: Faux Two-Tone, patike, 2007. 92 / 93 | PRiNT : Apparel / Odea


Blog Art / Blog umetnost Video / Video Animation / Animacija Web Art / Veb umetnost Web Design / Veb dizajnwebsites, videos and animations are available through and veb sajtovi, video klipovi i animacije su dostupni na i

Chromatweet, nano-blog, 2009... / Chromatweet, nano-blog, 2009... a nano-blogging exercise whereby each post consists of a single color. the daily diary entry is compressed into one piece of information: color. rules: one chromatweet per day, every day. no white (ffffff) or black (000000). the title of every post is the hexadecimal code of the color. / nano-blogging eksperiment gde se svaki post sastoji od samo jedne boje. dnevni blog unos je sabijen u jednu jedinu informaciju: boju. pravila: jedan chromatweet dnevno. nema bele (ffffff) ili crne (000000). naslov svakog posta je heksadecimalni kod boje. 96 / 97 / 98 | SCREEN : Blog Art / Blog umetnost

chromatweet samples, acrylic paint on canvas, 2010 / chromatweet uzorci, akrilna boja na platnu, 2010. chromatweet annual sheet, mikser expo exhibition (kvart magazine selection), 2010 / chromatweet godinji print, izloba mikser expo (selekcija magazina kvart), 2010. 99 | SCREEN : Blog Art / Blog umetnost

Margins, visual blog, 2008... / Margine, vizuelni blog, 2008... an ongoing art project in the form of a visual diary. it is a collection of ephemeral graffiti, improvised installations and readymades in various homes i have lived in (or still live in). / tekui umetniki projekat. kolekcija privremenih grafita, improvizovanih instalacija i redimejdova u stanovima u kojima sam iveo ili i dalje ivim. 100 / 101 | SCREEN : Blog Art / Blog umetnost

Sidewalk tweets, visual blog 2009... / Sidewalk tweets, vizuelni blog, 2009... sidewalk chalk twittering in the streets of new york, photo documents / tvitovanje po ulicama njujorka, kreda na ploniku, foto dokumenti. 102 / 103 | SCREEN : Blog Art / Blog umetnost

River of Crime (with Stephen Gee), video, 2006 / River of Crime (sa Stivenom Dijem), video, 2006. 104 | SCREEN : Video / Video

Little Boxes (with Stephen Gee), video, 2007 / Little Boxes (sa Stivenom Dijem), video, 2007. 105 | SCREEN : Video / Video

Film Center of Serbia, promotional video clip, video, 2006 / Filmski centar Srbije, promotivni video klip, 2006. 106 | SCREEN : Animation / Animacija

(F)art collection, 5 Flash animations, 2004 / (F)art collection, 5 Flash animacija, 2004. character design: sanja bunjevaki / dizajn likova: sanja bunjevaki. 107 | SCREEN : Animation / Animacija

Finlandia Vodka, promotional Flash animation, 2002 / Finlandia Vodka, promotivna Flash animacija, 2002. 108 | SCREEN : Animation / Animacija

Copy&Waste, website, 2004 / Copy&Waste, veb sajt, 2004. 109 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

Pixel Savanna, iGoogle theme, 2008 / Piksel savana, iGoogle tema, 2008.

110 / 111 | SCREEN : Web design / Veb dizajn

Unstable Portrait of Joseph Goebbels, website, 2004 / Nestabilni portret Jozefa Gebelsa, veb sajt, 2004. 112 / 113 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

Pink Pixel, website, 2003 / Pink Pixel, veb sajt, 2003. interface detail / detalj interfejsa. 112 / 113 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

Jpeg_dicks, series of desktop images, 2003 / Jpeg_dicks, serija desktop slika, 2003. 114 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

Selja, website, 2003 / Selja, veb sajt, 2003. 115 | SCREEN : Animation / Animacija

Kontrola, website and email campaign, 2003 / Kontrola, veb sajt i email kampanja, 2003. an internet based artwork dealing with viruses. the starting point for the work is the assumption that computer viruses can only infect computers and human viruses can only infect humans. the goal was to create a virus that could infect both computers and humans. since both computers and humans use language, the kontrola virus is linguistic. in practical terms, the virus used in this project is a lie, rumour or gossip. a rumour about a fictional virus, "babel/rrose", was spread through emails. / internet umetniko delo koje se bavi virusima. osnovna pretpostavka je da kompjuterski i bioloki virusi dolaze iz dva zasebna sistema. cilj je bio pronai/kreirati virus koji moe da napadne i raunare i ljude. zajedniki sadralac kompjuterskog i humanog sistema je jezik, pa je odatle virus projekta kontrola lingvistiki. praktino, stvarni virus koji je upotrebljen u ovom projektu je la, glasina ili tra. glasina o izmiljenom virusu babel/rrose je proirena putem email poruka. 116 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

Black Pixel, website, 2003 / Black Pixel, veb sajt, 2003. interface details. detalji interfejsa. 117 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

Folie deux (with Andrej Dolinka), website, 2001 / Folie deux (sa Andrejem Dolinkom), veb sajt, 2001. 118 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost

:) (with Andrej Dolinka), chat perfomance, 2002 / :) (sa Andrejem Dolinkom), et performans, 2002. 119 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost, web site, 2003 /, veb sajt, 2003. 120 | SCREEN : Web design / Veb dizajn

Yugomuseum, web site, 2003 / Yugomuzej, veb sajt, 2003. 121 | SCREEN : Web design / Veb dizajn

Center for Contemporary Art Belgrade, web site, 2003 / Centar za savremenu umetnost Beograd, veb sajt, 2003. 122 | SCREEN : Web design / Veb dizajn

New Moment, web site, 2001 / New Moment, web site, 2001. cd: dragan sakan

123 | SCREEN : Web design / Veb dizajn


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ADz, web site with spoof commercials, 2002 / ADz, veb sajt sa reklamnim parodijama, 2002. 124 / 125 | SCREEN : Web Art / Veb umetnost


Consuming Images / Potronja slika series of paintings, tempera on cardboard, 2000 / serija slika, tempera na kartonu, 2000. Motel / Motel 128 | PAiNT

Star / Zvezda 129 | PAiNT

For Free / Besplatno 130 | PAiNT

Sleepers / Spavai series of paintings, tempera on cardboard, 1999 / serija slika, tempera na kartonu, 1999. 131 | PAiNT

Fast Forward series of paintings, oil on cardboard, 1998 / serija slika, ulje na kartonu, 1998. Zoomin' Rumour Hunger

132 / 133 | PAiNT

Basil's Tryptich, oil on cardboard, 1997 / Vasilijev triptih, ulje na kartonu, 1997. 134 / 135 | PAiNT

Body / Telo series of paintings and drawings, mixed media, 1995 / serija slika i crtea, mixed media, 1995. 136 / 137 / 138 / 139 / 140 / 141 | PAiNT


Spatial Re-semiosis, spatial interventions, 1997 / Prostorna resemantizacija, prostorne intervencije, 1997. a series of spatial interventions in an abandoned house in beej addressing the semiotics of elements of architectural space. (concept with andrej dolinka). / serija prostornih intervencija u naputenoj kui u beeju koje se bave semantikom elemenata arhitektonskog prostora. (koncept sa andrejem dolinkom). 144 / 145 / 146 / 147 / 148 / 149 | SPACE

aleksandar maaev was born in Beej, in former Yugoslavia, on 3 August 1971. After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Maaev worked in the advertising industry and taught web design at the BK Academy in Belgrade. Since 2004 Maaev has been a freelancer. His work has been published in various journals including Print, Step, Concept, Design Week UK and Voice: AIGA Journal of Design, and books such as "Onehundred at 360, Graphic Design's new global generation", "Anatomy of Design", "Designology 300" and "Limited Language: Rewriting Design". In addition to extensive web publishing of his work, Maaev writes numerous blogs. Presently, he lives and works in New York City.

stephanie skirvin, print magazine


alice twemlow, step magazine

fiona sibley, design week uk

aleksandar maaev se rodio u Beeju 3. avgusta 1971. godine. Posle zavretka studija na arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu radio je u reklamnoj industriji i predavao je web dizajn na BK Akademiji umetnosti. Od 2004. godine radi kao slobodan umetnik i dizajner. Radovi su mu publikovani u mnogobrojnim magazinima ukljuujui Print, Step, Concept, Design Week UK i Voice: AIGA Journal of Design, kao i u knjigama "Onehundred at 360, Graphic Design's new global generation", "Anatomy of Design", "Designology 300" i "Limited Language: Rewriting Design". Uz intenzivno objavljivanje radova na Internetu, Maaev pie i za mnogobrojne blogove. Trenutno ivi i radi u Njujorku.

stefani skervin, print magazine


elis tvemlou, step magazine

fiona sibli, design week uk


ThAnkS / hVAlA:ana adamovi belef centar andrea brbakli sanja bunjevaki svetlana opi slaana danojevi mia david andrej dolinka tatjana drapin stephen gee ksenija graovac steven heller mirko ili marko jobst jennifer kabat damir krkobabi ana krsti vesna kuki maja lali maja m marinkovi vladimir melentijevi milica peki jasna rackov ladislav raievi saa relji tatjana risti sava ristovi dragan sakan ivan savi slavia savi gordana stanii zorica stojkov jelena stojkovi zoran subotiki anica tucakov tukan print ivana veljkovi borut vild

SPEcIAl ThAnkS / POSEBnO SE zAhVAljUjEM:rajko i milka maaev nada mrdalj

Supported by the Ministry of culture of the republic of Serbia / Podrano od strane Ministarstva kulture republike Srbije

ALEKSANDAR mAAEv / BooKPrInT / ScrEEn / PAInT / SPAcE Publisher / Izdava: Mikser Books, Beograd / Belgrade For the publisher / Za izdavaa: Maja Lali Editor / Urednik: Aleksandar Maaev Photos / Fotografije: page / strana 24: Andreja Leko 25/3: Vesna Peri 39: Andreja Leko 44: Marko Obradovi 4647: Mirko Ili's photo archive / foto arhiva Mirka Ilia 57: Mirko Ili's photo archive / foto arhiva Mirka Ilia 88: Ana Kosti 99/2: Dragan Mileusni 138141: Dragan Radakovi 144149: Branislav Milovanov 150: Tijana Bulatovi 157/1: Ana Adamovi 159/4: OK Magazine photo archive / foto arhiva magazina OK Design / Grafiko oblikovanje: Andrej Dolinka Printed by / tampa: Standard 2, Beograd / Belgrade, 2010 Print run / Tira: 800 ISBN 978-86-84537-01-2

cIP - , 766:659.133.1(497.11)20(083.82) 7.071.1:929 .(083.82) , , 1971Aleksandar Maaev : book : print, screen, paint, space / [urednik, editor Aleksandar Maaev ; fotografije, photos Andreja leko ... et al.]. - Beograd : Mikser Books, 2010 (Beograd : Standard 2). - [160] str. : ilustr. ; 30 cm Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Tira 800. - Str. [16-17]: Bacanje na plen / Stiven heler. ISBn 978-86-84537-01-2 a) , (1971-) - cOBISS.Sr-ID 178458636

ISBN 978-86-84537-01-2