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  • Albania 2030: A National Spatial Development Vision | 1

    ISBN: 978-9928-175-45-8

    TIRAN 2014

  • ALBANIA 2030 MANIFESTOA National Spatial Development Vision

    What is Spatial Planning? What are the technical and graphical tools for representing a spatial plan? What are some of the initial ideas and inspirations for developing such a plan for Albania?

    MANIFESTI SHQIPRIA 2030Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Kombtar Hapsinor

    far sht planifikimi hapsinor? Cilat jan mjetet teknike dhe grafike pr t prgatitur nj plan hapsinor? Cilat jan disa ide dhe inspirime fillestare pr t zhvilluar nj plan t till pr Shqiprin?


  • MANIFESTI SHQIPRIA 2030, Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Kombtar Hapsinor

    far sht planifikimi hapsinor? Cilat jan mjetet teknike-grafike pr t prgatitur nj plan hapsinor? Cilat jan disa ide dhe inspirime fillestare pr t zhvilluar nj plan t till pr Shqiprin?

    ALBANIA 2030 MANIFESTOA National Spatial Development Vision

    What is Spatial Planning? What are the technical-graphical tools for representing a spatial plan? What are some of the initial ideas and inspirations for developing such a plan for Albania?

    Autor: B.Aliaj, E.Janku, L.Allkja, S.DhamoKshillimi: D.Shutina, R.Toto, A.Gjika, A.Di Raimo, Sh.Lushaj

    POLIS UniversityIF, Inovation FactoryIKZH, Research and Development Institute Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat DevelopmentMetro_POLIS Architecture Studio

    ISBN: 978-9928-175-45-8

    Shtypur nga: Shtypshkronja PegiRadaktimi: B.Aliaj (Shqip), E.Janku (English)Layout & Design : E.Janku

    Kontakt:Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiran-Durrs, Km 5, KasharKodi Postar 1051, Kutia Postare 2995Tiran, AlbaniaTel: +355.(0)4.2407420 / +355.(0)4.2407421Fax: +355. (0)4.2407422 Mob: +355 (0)69.40.88111 Email: [email protected] Website:

    Tiran, Nntor 2014

    Mirnjohje /Acknowledgements

    Kushtuar gjith stafit t Institutit Co-PLAN dhe Universitetit POLIS, q gjat gjith ktyre viteve, nga 1995 n 2014, kan vn energjit e tyre profesionale e intelektuale n funksion t misionit qytetar pr krijimin e nj shkolle alternative t planifikimit n Shqipri, dhe ndrrs pr nj vend modern!

    To all the people of Co-PLAN Institute and POLIS University, who from 1995 to 2014 have been putting their own professional and intellectual energy to the cause of creating a new alternative planning school in Alba-nia, and to the dream for a better country!



    KAPITULLI 1: Sfondi i Prgjithshm...................................................................................14

    KAPITULLI 2: Brthama Teorike........................................................................................32

    KAPITULLI 3: Gjuha Hartografike dhe Vizualizimi..............................................................70

    KAPITULLI 4: Shqipria 2030, Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Kombtar Hapsinor....................88

    KAPITULLI 5: Konkluzione dhe Rekomandime................................................................156



    CHAPTER 1: Background....................................................................................................15

    CHAPTER 2: Theoretical Core.............................................................................................33

    CHAPTER 3: Cartographic Language and Vizualization......................................................71

    CHAPTER 4: Albania 2030, A National Spatial Development Vision...................................89

    CHAPTER 5: Conclusions and Reccomendations..............................................................157


  • 8 | Shqipria 2030: Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Hapsinor Kombtar Albania 2030: A National Spatial Development Vision | 9Pejzazh Rural, Veriu i Shqipris / Rural Landscape, North of Albania, N.Xhufka, 1990

  • 10 | Shqipria 2030: Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Hapsinor Kombtar Albania 2030: A National Spatial Development Vision | 11


    Prof. Dr. Besnik AliajDoc. Sotir Dhamo

    MSc. Eranda JankuMsC. Ledio Allkja

    Prof. Dr. Besnik AliajDoc. Sotir Dhamo

    MSc. Eranda JankuMsC. Ledio Allkja

    This innovative study was undertaken on the framework of the research units of POLIS University, namely: IF, Innovation Factory and R&DI, Research and Development Institute. It tries to summarize for the first time in Albania some theoretical-practical bases, and concrete ideas over the issues of spatial-territorial visioning, planning and development.

    Territorial planning in general is a relatively new science even for the most developed countries, and is mainly related to the historic processes and consequences of industrialization and urbanization. Meanwhile the field of National Development Spatial Planning and Policies represents a newer and unexplored science of appli-cation, even for the most powerful economies of the world. Meanwhile it absolutely represents an innovative and very powerful instrument for a countrys modernization, its economic performance, and for the good governance. In this aspect, and beyond modesty, such document represents a unique moment, and almost historic for Albania, considering the fact that authorities finally understood its importance and have already undertaken similar initiatives, which are still under process. We hope that Albanian 2030 Manifesto will serve as a first milestone for drafting such ambitious plan, based on the feedback that POLIS University and Co-PLAN are offering today, at the methodological context, answering some critical questions like: What does spatial planning represent? Which are the visualization instruments that relate to it? And above all which are some potential analysis and inspiring projections for the development of Albania in the coming 2 decades?

    The group of authors: Prof.Dr. Besnik Aliaj, MSc. Eranda Janku, MSc. Ledio Allkja and Doc. Sotir Dhamo, recognize with high gratitude the contributions of many colleagues of the academic-research staff, thesis researchers and PhD students, etc. Not being able to mention all of them we intend to underline the fact that such document also reflects many conclusive ideas and extraordinary life experiences extracted from the experience and history of cyclic evolution of the local professional and intellectual core, from Co-PLAN to POLIS University.

    Ky studim inovativ sht realizuar n kuadr t njsive krkimore t Universitetit POLIS: IF, Innovation Factory dhe R&DI, Instituti pr Krkim dhe Zhvillim. Ai tenton t prmbledh pr her t par n Shqipri disa baza teorike, praktike dhe ide konkrete mbi shtje t vizionimit, planifikimit dhe zhvillimit territorial-hapsinor n nivel kombtar.

    Planifikimi i territorit n trsi sht nj shkenc relativisht e re edhe pr vendet m t zhvilluara, dhe lidhet kryesisht me proeset historike dhe konsekuencat e industrializimit dhe urbanizimit. Ndrsa Plan-ifikimi dhe Politikat Hapsinore t Zhvillimit Kombtar prfaqsojn nj fush akoma m t re dhe t paeksploruar edhe pr ekonomit m t fuqishme t bots. Por ndrkoh ato prfaqsojn absolutisht nj instrument inovator dhe shum t fuqishm pr modernizimin e vendit, t performacs s tij ekono-mike, dhe t vet qeverisjes s mir. N kt aspekt, dhe prtej modestis, ky dokument prfaqson nj moment unikal, dhe pothuaj historik pr Shqiprin, duke konsideruar faktin se edhe autoritetet e vendit kan kuptuar m n fund rndsin e tij dhe kan ndrmarr edhe ata nisma konkrete.

    Ne shpresojm q Manifesti Albania 2030 do t shrbej si nj gur i par kilometrik pr hartimin e ktij plani ambicioz, n baz edhe t feedback-ut q Universiteti POLIS dhe Co-PLAN japin sot n kuptimin metodologjik mbi pikpyetjet q ekzistojn se: far sht vet plani hapsinor? Cilat jan instrumentat e tij vizualizues? Dhe cilat jan disa nga analizat dhe projeksionet potenciale e inspiruese pr zhvillimin e Shqipri, pr dy dekadat n vijim?

    Grupi i autorve Prof.Dr. Besnik Aliaj, MSc. Eranda Janku, MSc. Ledio Allkja dhe Doc. Sotir Dhamo, me mirnjohje njohin kontributin e mjaft kolegve t stafit akademik-krkimor, studentve diplomant dhe PhD, etj. N pamundsi pr ti prmendur t gjith ne duam t evidentojm faktin se ky dokument naty-risht reflekton edhe mjaft ide konkluzive dhe msime t jashtzakonshme t nxjerra nga prvoja dhe historia e evoluimit ciklik t brthams intelektuale autoktone prej Co-PLAN, tek Universiteti POLIS.

  • 12 | Shqipria 2030: Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Hapsinor Kombtar Albania 2030: A National Spatial Development Vision | 13Pamje Hapsinore e Ballkanit pa Kufij / Spatial View of the Balkans without Borders

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    1.1 Introduction: Planning in Albania1.1 Hyrje: Planifikimi n ShqipriCHAPTER 1: BACKGROUNDKAPITULLI 1: SFONDI I PRGJITHSHM

    1.1.1 Urban Development Models 1945-19901.1.1 Modelet e Zhvillimit Urban n Periudhn 1945-1990

    From the beginning of the 1990 Albania was one of the most centralized planned economies, where govern-ment practically owned everything and controlled all forms of territorial developments. Two main criteria characterized the urban development and the whole process and structure of urbanization in the country: the combination of concentration and centrality (Aliaj, 2003, Making Cities Work). The main planning instru-ment during this period was the so-called Regulatory Plan for living urban areas, which was very rigid and did nothing more than showing where and what was the use of each building, with very poor appliance of architectural standards.

    Even though an official national spatial plan was still not to be mentioned, the interventions and policies tak-en by the authorities of the time were somehow the first steps toward a national spatial planning conception. Although, this was done on the basis of top-down principles and centralizing objectives. This was represented by the governments aims on the economy of the country, which was directly related with territorial impact and development. The governments top aims were to set-up and prioritize the development of new indus-tries. Based on this economic policy, the main principle for taking the decisions in relation with the industrial allocation, were by setting up these industries nearby raw-material and thermo-energy sources, as well as near the consumption centers, which in most of the cases was followed with the foundation of new industrial cities. On this context the main priorities of the government of the time were to ensure the harmonious de-velopment of industry and agriculture, in favor of the general progress of the countryside, and the support of the intensification of agricultural production. Related to this last intervention, the government aimed to use it as a barrier for preventing urbanization. Authorities neither wanted, neither could afford quick urbanization and its consequences. But this accumulated and exploded after the 80s. Meanwhile, before this period the government aimed to improve the living conditions in less-favored agricultural areas, and to concentrate the resources in well-suited regions of high productivity, in order to keep the population there and occupied with the agricultural activities. But during the 80s the sustainability of such centralized spatial planning system collapsed totally.

    Nga fillimi i viteve 90-t Shqipria ishte ende nj nga ekonomit m ekstreme t planifikimit t cen-tralizuar, ku autoritetet ishin praktikisht prgjegjese pr do gj dhe kontrollonin t gjitha format e zhvillimeve territoriale. Dy kritere kryesore karakterizonin zhvillimin urban dhe t gjith proesin dhe strukturn e urbanizimit n vend deri n kt periudh: nj kombinim mes prqendrimit t zhvillimeve t vendbanimeve dhe qndrsis s zhvillimit hapsinor (Aliaj 2003). Instrumenti kryesor i planifikimit gjat ksaj periudhe ishte i ashtuquajturi Plan Rregullator pr zonat urbane t banimit, i cili n vetvete ishte shum i ngurt dhe nuk bnt asgj m shum, se sa thjesht t tregonte se ku dhe far prdorimi kishte do struktur, me nj aplikim shum t dobt t standardeve arkitektonike. Ndrsa n zonat rurale territori qeverisej kryesisht nga politikat dhe instrumentat e sektorit t bujqsis dhe mbrojtjes, kombin-uar me transportin publik interurban.

    Edhe pse gjat ksaj periudhe akoma nuk mund t flitej pr nj plan kombtar hapsinor t mirfillt, ndrhyrjet dhe politikat e ndrmarra nga autoritetet e kohs prfaqsonin deri diku edhe hapat e par drejt nj konceptimi kombtar t planifikimit hapsinor, edhe pse kjo praktik u realizua n baz t pari-meve centralizuese nga lart-posht dhe objektivave pr prqndrimin e zhvillimit urban. Kjo prqasje shprehej prmes synimeve dhe objektivave t qeveris pr zhvillimin e ekonomis s vendit t lidhur kryesisht me ngritjen dhe zhvillimin e industrive t reja, t cilat orientonin n mnyr t drejtprdrejt edhe zhvillimin e territorit. N themel t ksaj politike ekonomike qndronte parimi i vendosjes s zonave t reja industriale n afrsi t lnds s par, pran burimeve termo-energjitike, si dhe pran qendrave t konsumit. N t shumtn e rasteve kjo praktik u pasua me themelimin e qyteteve t reja industriale. N kt kontekst prioritetet kryesore t qeveris s kohs ishin: sigurimi i zhvillimit harmonik t industris dhe bujqsis n favor t zhvillimit t prgjithshm t zonave rurale, si dhe mbshtetja e intensifikimit t prodhimit bujqsor. Ndrkoh n kt periudh u investua pr prmirsimin e kushteve t jetess n zonat me rendiment m t ult: pr sa i prket bujqsis prmes politikave t subvencionimit; ndrsa fuqia puntore u prqndrua n rajonet m produktive, n mnyr q t stimulohej zhvillimi i bujqsis

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    (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2009). N kt mnyr synohej t parandalohej urbanizimi i shpejt dhe pasojat e tij, t cilat qeveria e kohs as nuk i donte, e as nuk mund ti prballonte. Por me fillimin e viteve 80-t qndrueshmria e ktij sistemi planifikimi hapsinor ekstremisht t qndrzuar dshtoi trsisht, duke u br shtrati ideal i zhvillimeve kaotike q ndodhn me rnien e Murit te Berlinit, edhe n Shqipri.

    1.1.2 Transition of Planning System 1991-2014From the beginning of the 90s Albania became a more open and a democratic country, so on the following years the Albanian Parliament approved two planning laws, namely Laws of Urbanism, No. 7693 (1993) and No. 8405 (1998), which changed many times on the later years. Both these laws presented the general regulations for the development, location and architecture of the structures, based on the land use. Even though the second law made some new changes and improvements compared to the first one, it still didnt succeed on recognizing the recent changes of the territory: the informal developments and the ownership transference, from the state to the private sector, otherwise known as the privatization process. Therefore, yet, failing to set national spatial planning and development objectives.

    However it must be specified that until 2006 territorial planning in Albania was mainly based on the tradi-tion of the so called Urbanism, with the culture of blueprint authoritarian planning, mostly with physical objectives. In 2006 the government decided to reform legislation and move towards more abstract rules and principles of decision making related with spatial planning, regional planning and national policies, influ-enced by two main forces: (i) the bottom up pressure coming from the local initiatives, mainly represented by Co-Plan, Institute for Habitat Development, a local NGO inspired by the Dutch Planning Schools; (ii) and the political influence of the international partners/donors in Albania, mainly represented by the development assistance programs like World Bank, UNDP and USAID, and the Dutch and Austrian Technical Assistance in Albania. The 2006 Legalization Reform, for the first time articulated the term Spatial Planning, but despite the recognition of such need, no Spatial Plan was drafted indeed. Instead, a policy document was drafted, but never turned into a legal document and a spatial plan. Furthermore, capacity building programs did not associate the initiative, in order to prepare the un-experienced local/regional governments, which were not yet able and trained to cope with the new spatial concepts (Toto, 2012).

    However, despite the new reform law, which was approved by the parliament, in 2007 a law for the formal-ization and integration of the informal settlements in Albania was approved, also associated by a process of self-declaration of the informal constructions. In addition, a national areal survey, and the respective GIS applications developed into a national system, including a national registry of planning initiatives and de-velopment permits.

    In 2009 the parliament approved the new Territorial Planning law, which was a framework law for emerg-ing spatial planning concepts and development processes, but it was still very detailed on some other aspects, and its implementation was totally depended by the relevant bylaws and specific regulations, which were yet not fully completed. Its also important to recognize that the present Territorial Planning Law is a legal instrument, which brought new spatial development concepts and practices in comparison to the previous laws. These new concepts amongst other include the introduction of new compulsory development instru-ments such as the detailed local instrument/ plan (Albanian: PDV/ IDV), in order to avoid the plot based development and allow for the transference of development rights, etc. Few changes were made to this law for electoral purposes during 2013, but there still remain the same concepts for the territorial planning law in Albania (obo, Toto, 2010).

    On 2014 the new government initiated the reform for the administrative and territorial reorganization of the country, which started with proposals to consolidate existing local governments and reorganize regions. So far the government has been on favor of the proposal with the 61 LGU and there is still no decision made regarding the reorganization of the country in regions, although several proposals have been taken in consid-eration. However it is very important to mention the 5 main priorities that the government has on drafting: (1) the National Plan of Albania; (2) the Plan of the Albanian Riviera; (3) the Durrana Plan; (4) the Plan of the North Region of the Alps of Albania; (5) and to formulate the Program for the Revitalization of the Urban

    1.1.2 Tranzicioni i Sistemit t Planifikimit gjat viteve 1991-2014N fillimin e viteve 90-t Shqipria u b nj vend m i hapur dhe m demokratik. N vrazhdn e ndry-shimeve drastike Parlamenti Shqiptar miratoi dy ligje pr planifikimin e territorit, t ashtuquajtura Ligji pr Urbanistikn, prkatsisht Ligji Nr.7693 i vitit 1993, dhe Ligji Nr.8405 i vitit 1998, t cilt qen ob-jekt ndryshimesh e amendimesh t vazhdueshme n vitet e mvonshme. T dy kto ligje parashtronin rregullat e prgjithshme t zhvillimit urban, t vendndodhjes dhe arkitekturs s objekteve n t gjith territorin e Shqipris, me prjashtim t tokave bujqsore. Por edhe pse ligji i dyt solli disa ndryshime t reja n praktika dhe bri disa prmirsime n krahasim me at t mparshmin, ai srish nuk arriti t ishte i suksesshm n lidhje me njohjen e ndryshimeve t ndodhura n territor gjat dekads s par t tranzicionit post-komunist. Pr m tepr ky ligj injoronte fenomenin n rritje t ndrtimeve informale dhe problemet q ekzistonin me ndryshimin e sistemit t pronsis, nga pron shtetrore n private (Toto, 2010). Ndr t tjera, ligji dshtoi edhe n lidhje me vendosjen e objektivave pr t adresuar shtjet e zhvillimit dhe planifikimit kombtar hapsinor.

    Megjithat duhet t theksohet se deri n vitin 2006 planifikimi i territorit n Shqipri ishte prgjithsisht i bazuar n traditn mesdhetare t ashtuquajtur t Urbanizmit, me karakter autoritar dhe me kulturn blueprint t planifikimit q prfaqsohej nga objektiva me karakter fizik. N vitin 2006 influencuar nga dy forca kryesore: (i) s pari presioni nga posht-lart, i cili vinte nga iniciativat komunitare dhe profesio-nale lokale, ku mund t veohet Co-PLAN, Instituti pr Zhvillimin e Habitatit, nj OJF e inspiruar nga shkol-la hollandeze e planifikimit; (ii) dhe s dyti influencat politike t partnerve ndrkombtar n Shqipri, prgjithsisht t prfaqsuar nga programet e asistencs pr zhvillim si Banka Botrore, UNDP, USAID dhe asistenca teknike Austriake e Hollandeze n Shqipri (Aliaj 2008); autoritetet vendosn t reformojn thellsisht legjislacionin e planifikimit urban, pr t lvizur drejt rregullave e principeve m abstrakte t vendimmarrjes n lidhje me territorin, prfshi planifikimin hapsinor e rajonal, dhe politikat kombtare t planifikimit t territorit n trsi.

    Vlen t prmendet se gjat ksaj periudhe reforma pr legjislacionin pr her t par artikuloi termin planifikim hapsinor. Por prve njohjes s nevojs pr hartimin e ktij instrumenti, hartimi real i nj Plani Hapsinor dhe Dokumenti Politikash Territoriale nuk arriti t materializohej. N vend t tij u draftua nj dokument politikash, i cili gjithsesi nuk u shndrrua dot kurr n nj dokument ligjor dhe n nj plan hapsinor. Pr m tpr programet pr ngritjen e kapaciteteve nuk e asistuan m tej kt ini-ciativ, n mnyr q t prgatisnin autoritetet vendore dhe rajonale t qeverisjes, t cilt nuk gzonin asnj eksperienc n t kt drejtim dhe nuk ishin t gatshm t prballeshin m konceptet e reja t planifikimit hapsinor (Toto, 2012).

    Ndrkoh, paralel platforms pr reform mbi planifikimin hapsinor depozituar dhe debatuar n Par-lament nga Co-PLAN gjat 2003-2005, n vitin 2007 u aprovua gjithashtu nj tjetr ligj me impakt territorial, ai pr legalizimin dhe integrimin e ndrtimeve informale, i ndjekur ky edhe nga proesi pr vet-deklarimin e ktyre ndrtimeve. N t njjtn koh u realizua edhe fotografimi i par ajror kombtar n vend dhe u ngrit sistemi i t dhnave baz sipas sistemit GIS (Sistem Gjeografik i t Dhnave), i cili u shoqrua me ngritjen e regjistrit kombtar pr planifikimin e territorit dhe dhnien e lejeve pr zhvillim.

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    N vitin 2009 Parlamenti miratoi ligjin e ri pr Planifikimin e Territorit, i cili n krahasim me ligjet e mparshme solli bashk praktika dhe koncepte t reja pr zhvillimin hapsinor. Por ky ligj u konsiderua t ishte nj ligj korniz pr disa nga kto koncepte dhe proese q prezantonte, dhe zbatueshmria e tij varej plotsisht nga aktet nnligjore dhe rregulloret prkatse (Shutina, 2010). Disa nga kto koncepte t reja ndr t tjera prfshijn Planet e Detajuara Vendore (ose IDV), t cilat jan t mirprcaktuara me ligj; in-strumenta t veanta t kontrollit t zhvillimit; lejet e zhvillimit dhe proeset e lejeve t tjera pr punime ndrtimore (Toto, 2010). M von gjat vitit 2013 pr arsye elektorale ky ligj psoi disa ndryshime, por n thelb vazhdojn t mbeten t njjtat koncepte dhe praktika pr planifikimin e territorit n Shqipri. Edhe projekt-ligji m i fundit (2014) n kt fush riorganizohet rreth t njjtave koncepte, prezantuar q gjat reforms s 2009-s.

    N vitin 2014, autoritetet iniciuan edhe reformn pr riorganizimin administrativ dhe territorial t vendit, proes i cili nisi me hedhjen e propozimeve pr konsolidimin e njsive ekzistuese vendore dhe riorga-nizimin e rajoneve. Gjat procesit t hartimit t reforms u propozuan disa versione pr riorganizimin e njsive t qeverisjes vendore, ndr t cilt u votua n Parlament nga mazhoranca versioni me 61 njsi t reja, por nuk ka ende asnj vendim n lidhje me riorganizimin e rajoneve, pr t cilt gjithashtu jan hedhur disa propozime mbi tryez. Prkrah ktyre iniciativave qeveria ka br t ditur synimin edhe pr disa projekte kryesore planifikimi strategjik n shkall t madhe, duke prfshir hartimin e: (1) Planit Kombtar Hapsinor; (2) Planit t Riviers Bregdetare ne jug t vendit; (3) Planit t Korridorit Durrana pr zonn metropolitane Durrs-Tiran; (4) Planit t Rajonit Verior t Alpeve t Shqipris; (5) Programin e Rivitalizimit t Qendrave Urbane t qyteteve kryesore te vendit, etj.

    Si prfundim, mund t thuhet se pas ndryshimeve t viteve 90-t e deri n ditt e sotme Shqipria sht zhvendosur nga nj ekstrem n tjetrin. Kaluam nj periudh, kur vendi ishte nj nga ekonomit m liber-ale t Europs Lindore, ku praktikisht nuk bhej fjal pr politika t zhvillimit hapsinor dhe ku autoritetet qeverisse nuk gzonin pothuajse fare autoritet dhe kontroll mbi zhvillimin e territorit. Me gjith prp-jekjet pr reformimin e legjislacionit t planifikimit, me prjashtime t vogla pothuajse asgj nuk pati sukses n zbatim, veanrisht n nivel rajonal e kombtar, dhe me gjith prpjekjet e vazhdueshme gjat viteve t fundit, qeverisja dhe zhvillimi territorial ende mbeten t keqkuptuara nga profesionistt dhe t keqprdorura nga politikant (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2010).

    Centers of the main cities of Albania.

    As a conclusion, after the changes of early 90s till now-days, Albania practically shifted to another extreme. It has been one of the most liberal economies of the former Eastern Europe, with practically no spatial planning policies and no control of authorities over the territory. Despite several attempts to reform the planning leg-islation, almost nothing has been working on the ground level, especially at national scale. In spite of efforts made over the last decades, territorial development and administration still remain misunderstood by pro-fessionals and mishandled by politicians. (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2010). The planning system will continue to go into further changes, because of regular political changes and economic recession. Therefore its instability will remain a main issue for the coming years, until a balance is reached from inertial pressures of transitional developments. However the big urbanization and construction boom, as well as consequences of informality are coming at ease, thanks to the relatively small size of the country and completion of urbanization as well.

    Kontrasti midis qendrave t kuruara politikisht dhe drams s strehimit me pun vullnetare / The contrast between the idiologically curated urban centers, and the drama of housing on the peripheral neighborhoods

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    Natyrisht sistemi i planifikimit do t vazhdoj t psoj ndryshime pr aq koh sa vendi vijon t kaloj prmes transformimesh t vazhdueshme politike, sociale dhe ekonomike. Ndaj dhe qndrueshmria e ktij sistemi do t mbetet nj problem n vitet e ardhshme, deri n momentin kur t arrihet nj ekuilibr ndaj presioneve t brendshme q vijn nga evoluimi i proesit t zhvillimit. Megjithat urbanizimi i der-itanishm masiv dhe bumi i ndrtimeve q e pason, po ashtu edhe pasojat e informalitetit po vijn duke u qetsuar, fal madhsis s vogl t vendit si dh fal konsumimit t urbanizimit t egr t vendit.

    1.1.3 Problemet e Planifikimit dhe PasojatGjat 20 viteve t fundit i ashtuquajturi urbanizim tradicional, n kuptimin e zbatimit strikt t parimeve t kodeve dhe distancave, sht shndrruar m shum n nj lloj alibije administrative pr densifikimin dhe mbi-shfrytzimin korruptiv t toks, se sa nj mjet pr manaxhimin urban. Njrzit morn situatn n duart e tyre duke ndrmarr zgjidhje individualiste dhe t paorganizuara, me qllimin e vetm pr t shmangur mimet e larta, si dhe proedurat shpesh her t korruptuara t administrats publike (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2010).

    Kjo praktik nxiti iniciativa kaotike dhe shtyu m tej informalitetin n t gjith vendin. Si pasoj sot, rreth 90% e bizneseve dhe 80% e pronave vlersohen t ken t paktn nj shkall t caktuar ektra-legaliteti (Qeverina Shqiptare, ILD Peru / UNDP, 2007). Ky fenomen dominues ka rezultuar n probleme serioze mjedisore, n zhvillimin e nj sistemi arbitrar t pronsis, n mbi-densifikimin e qendrave kryesore t banimit, si dhe n humbjen e toks kryesore bujqsore n vend.

    Ndaj edhe prpjekjet e planifikimit hapsinor, sidomos n shkall urbane kan dshtuar, si pasoj e mungess s instrumenteve t planifikimit, mungess s vizionimit rajonal e kombtar, dhe pr m tepr si pasoj e konfuzionit q ekziston midis njsive t nivelve t ndryshme t qeveris dhe kompetencave q ato gzojn. Proesi radikal i ndryshimeve npr t cilin kemi kaluar, stimuloi dhe inkurajoi m tej urbanizimin e pakontrolluar, si dhe ndryshimin e strukturave ekonomike, duke rrezikuar potenciale t pazvendsueshme hapsinore dhe natyrore t vendit ton.

    1.1.3 Planning problems and consequences

    During the last 20 years the so considered traditional urbanism, in the sense of strict application of the prin-ciples of codes and distances, has become more a kind of administrative alibi for the corruptive over-ex-ploitation and densification of land, rather than an urban management tool. People have taken matters into their own hands, undertaking extreme individualistic solutions, and aiming to avoid inflated prices and often corrupt procedures of public administration (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2010). So in the overall, this led to cha-otic initiatives and informality, which spread all over the country. Practically 90% of businesses and 80% of properties are considered to have at least a certain degree of informality (Albanian Government, ILD Peru/UNDP, 2007). This resulted in serious environmental concerns, development of an arbitrary property system, over-densification of the main living centers, and loss of agricultural land.

    Therefore, efforts of spatial planning, especially at the urban scale have been failing, among others, because of the lack of planning instruments and lack of national/ regional visioning, as well as confusion among different ministries over such competency. Such a radical process of changes has been promoting further ur-banization and displacement/changes of economic structures, while threatening irreplaceable spatial and natural potentials of the country.

    B. Aliaj, Misteri i Gjasht, 2008: Ekonomia Informale / Extra Legal Economy

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    1.1.4 New Territorial Realities and ChallengesOn these conditions, Albania met with a new reality over its territory at the brink of EU accession. According to the latest INSTAT, Population and Housing Census of 2011, peripheral regions in the north and south of Albania have been nearly abandoned, while the central and western ones, although have been more dy-namic on the urban growth perspective, they still have not kept apace with population growth. Whereas the population has tripled in the capital region, and developed land has doubled without proper physical and social infrastructure, thereby creating a problematic urban model (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2010). This in return harms future development of the country, especially high expectations on tourism, agriculture and energy developments (Aliaj, 2008).

    On top of that, more than 2 decades after the social-political changes of early 90-s, Albanian administration has not been able yet to develop and approve a spatial vision at the national scale, not mentioning the total lack of professional capacities on the way this vision must develop and be visually represented. This conse-quently harms economic growth and prosperity and is worsened by the failure of authorities on establishing a stable property registration system, and fair property restitution inherited by the past. Authorities need to also learn how to formulate understandable policies and translate them properly into policy and cartographic representations, in order to ease their implementation and easily address them to their aimed institutions and audience.

    So far no one has been contributing to these aspects, so its crucial to work on both directions: the instruments of visioning, and techniques of visualizing. This includes the use of statistical basis, with a constructive dose of creativity, in order to synthesize and reach to aimed scenarios and proposals regarding the national eco-nomic, environmental and spatial development.

    In conclusion despite the fact that Albania has entered a radical and quick process of change, and that there has been a combination of a set of inherited problems, it must be emphasized that the lack of national spa-tial development policies and plans has been seriously harming the sustainable growth of the country. This is a result of both, lack of understanding at political/ decision-making levels, as well as poor professional capacities at specialized institutions. Therefore the sustainability of future growth and the solution of the accumulated problems need now a qualitative jump at strategic level. The drafting and implementation of a national spatial development plan is considered as the next strategic step to be undertaken by Albania, to adapt to the standards of the EU family.

    E.Janku, 2014: Sarand, Rritje e Paplanifikuar / Saranda, Unplanned Growth

    N kto kushte, n prag t antarsimit t saj n BE Shqipria u prball me nj realitet t ri territorial. Sipas t dhnave t fundit t Censusit t Popullsis dhe Banesave (INSTAT 2011), rajonet m periferike n veri dhe n jug t Shqipris jan zonat me prqindjen m t lart t popullsis s braktisur, ndrsa ultsira perndimore q prkon n pjesn m t madhe me zonn metropolitane dhe m t zhvilluar t vendit, edhe pse ka qen zona m dinamike n lidhje me rritjen ekonomike-urbane, srish nuk ka arritur t ruaj nj intensitet t qndrueshm t rritjes s ksaj popullsie. Ndrkoh q popullsia n kto zona ka psuar nj trefishim gjat 10 vjearit t par, gjat dekads s fundit, zhvillimi i toks sht dyfishuar pa iu siguruar infrastruktura e duhur fizike dhe sociale, duke krijuar kshtu nj model urban problematik (Aliaj, Dhamo, Shutina, 2010). Kjo n ann tjetr ka dmtuar zhvillimin e ardhshm t vendit, duke vn n rrezik potencialet e pazvendsueshme bujqsore, turistike dhe energjitike. (Aliaj, 2008).

    Pr m tepr, m shum se 2 dekada pas ndryshimeve sociale dhe politike t pas viteve 90-t, adminis-trata shqiptare akoma nuk ka arritur t krijoj dhe aprovoj nj vizion kombtar hapsinor pr vendin, pa prmendur ktu edhe mungesn e kapaciteteve profesionale pr hartimin e metodologjis s hartimit t ktij vizioni strategjik si dhe materializimit t tij grafik pr nj komunikim transparent publik. Kjo si pasoj ka dmtuar rritjen ekonomike dhe prosperitetin n vend. Gjendja sht rnduar akoma m shum edhe nga dshtimi i autoriteteve pr t krijuar nj sistem t qndrueshm kombtar t regjistrimit t pronsis dhe t kthimit t pronave historike, probleme kto t trashguara nga e kaluara. Autoritetet duhet t inkurajojn kapacitetet autoktone shqiptare t hartojn politika t kuptueshme politikisht, dhe t prkthyera n materiale t qarta vizualizuese teknike publike, n mnyr q ato t kuptohen m leht nga institucionet dhe audienca e synuar, pr t lehtsuar sidomos proesin e zbatimit t tyre.

    Deri tanim pak-kush ka kontribuar n kto aspekte, ndaj sht shum e rndsishme q t punohet n t dy drejtimet: hartimin e instrumentave dhe politikave t vizionimit, dhe identifikimin e teknikave dhe instrumentave t vizualizimit t ktyre politikave. Kjo prfshin prdorimin shkencor t bazs statistikore, duke i shtuar ksaj t fundit n mnyr shum konstruktive nj doz krijuese, n mnyr q t realizohet si duhet analizimi dhe ngritja e propozimeve inspiruese, si dhe sintetizimi i skenareve t mundshme pr realizim lidhur me zhvillimin ekonomik, social, mjedisor dhe hapsinor t vendit.

    Si prfundim pavarsisht faktit se Shqipria ka hyr n nj proes ndryshimi rrnjsor dhe t shpejt, dhe pavarsisht se momentalisht kemi t bjm me nj kombinim problematikash t trashguara ndr vite, arsyeja kryesore q ka vn n rrezik zhvillimin e qndrueshm t vendit ka qen pikrisht mungesa e planeve dhe politikave kombtare pr zhvillimin hapsinor territorial. Kjo vjen si rezultat i mungess s t kuptuarit t rndsis s shtjes n nivelet m t larta politike e vendimmarrse, si dhe nga mungesa e kapaciteteve profesionale n institucionet e specializuara dhe prgjegjse. N kto kushte vlen t thekso-het se sht tejet e rndsishme dhe urgjente t bhet nj kaprcim kualitativ e strategjik n kt aspekt. Draftimi dhe zbatimi i nj plani hapsinor kombtar duhet konsideruar si hapi i ardhshm strategjik, pr nj vizion t unifikuar zhvillimi pr Shqiprin, duke plotsuar kshtu edhe kushtet pr aderimin ton n familjen Europiane.

    1.1.4 Realitetet e Reja Territoriale dhe Sfidat

  • 24 | Shqipria 2030: Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Hapsinor Kombtar Albania 2030: A National Spatial Development Vision | 25Bashkia Kamz, Simbol Informaliteti n Shqipri / Kamza Municipality, Symbol of Informality in Albania

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    1.2 Qllimi i ktij dokumenti

    1.3 Metodologjia

    N shum vende jan autoritet kombtare ato q ndrmarrin nismn t hartojn sisteme pro-aktive dhe t integruara t planifikimit hapsinor pr t inkurajuar investimet dhe pr t lehtsuar zhvillimin e tyre t qndrueshm (Alterman 2001, Komisioni Evropian 1997). Dhe n t vrtet sht fakt q pikrisht mungesa e ktyre iniciativave ndr t tjera ka shkaktuar zhvillime kaotike dhe ka nxitur manifestimin e informalitetit e shprhapjen urbane n shum nga vendet e Europs Jug-Lindore, duke prfshir edhe Shqiprin.

    Frymzuar nga konteksti shqiptar dhe nevoja pr t siguruar nj zhvillim t qndrueshm n t ardhmen, ky dokument ka si qllim t draftoj nj seri konceptesh hapsinore, n ndihm t hartimit t nj vizioni kombtar hapsinor pr zhvillimin territorial. Gjithashtu duke qen se ndr vite ka qen pjesrisht prob-lem edhe vizualizimi jo cilsor, ai q ka penguar kuptimin drejt t politikave t zhvillimit, rrjedhimisht kjo ka impaktuar edhe nivelin e cilsin e zbatimit t ktyre politikave n territor. Ndaj ky dokument tenton t prezantoj gjithashtu disa udhzime pr t kryer nj vizualizim t qart t politikave hapsinore t zhvillmit t territorit kombtar.

    Deri m tani nuk sht kryer asnj pun krkimore pr t adresuar apo mbshtetur krijimin e nj vizioni kombtar hapsinor pr zhvillimin territorial t Shqipris. Ndaj edhe ka qen shum e rndsishme q puna pr krijimin e ktij dokumenti t nisej me studimin e disa rasteve, ku zbatimi i politikave t zhvillimit hapsinor sht kryer relativisht suksesshm. Pr kt arsye jemi bazuar n dy metoda krkimore:

    Faza e Par e Krkimit (Desk Study):

    - Studimi pr mbledhjen e t dhnave parsore (kryerja e intervistave, diskutimeve n grup, pjesmarrja n konferenca etj.);- Studimi i teorive ndrkombtare dhe raporteve e materialeve vendore pr kt fush (t dhnat sekond-are); - Studimi i rasteve krahasimore t s njjts natyr me at q ky dokument krkon t krijoj (t dhnat terciare).

    Rishikimi i literaturs s specializuar n lidhje me aplikimin e politikave hapsinore n disa nga vendet e Bashkimit Europian q jan pionere n kt fush, dha inpute pr t kuptuar se si funksionon planifi-kimi hapsinor, dhe se si mund t aplikohet ai n kontekstin ton. N kt pik, t kuptuarit e debatit t ngritur pr at q ndodh n shkalln kombtare, duke kryer intervista me persona ky, profesionist dhe vendim-marrs ka qen tejet i rndsishm. Pjes e rndsishme e ksaj faze ka qen edhe pjesmarrja n konferenca, workshope e takime q lidhen me kt tem, apo shtje t tjera t ndrlidhura n kuadrin e integrimit ton Europian.

    Nj pjes tjetr e rndsishme e puns krkimore pr hartimin e ktij dokumenti ishte edhe analizimi i raporteve vendore dhe ndrkombtare pr t identifikuar prpjekjet e bra n lidhje me zhvillimin hapsinor. Duke ju referuar kontekstit t vendit, krahas literaturs s shkruar, dy burime t rndsishme informacioni ishin: (i) Instrumentet Statistikore zyrtare nga viti 1990, deri m sot, sidomos dy Censuset e fundit t Popullsis dhe Banesave; (ii) Hartat dhe Fotografimet Ajrore t para viteve 90-t dhe deri m sot, sidomos fotografimi ajror i vitit 2007 gjat proesit t legalizimit, i ndrmarr nga Agjencia ALUIZNI.

    1.3 Methodology

    1.2 The aim of this document National governments in some countries, take the lead on creating a proactive and integrative spatial plan-ning system that can encourage investment and facilitate more sustainable development (Alterman, 2001; European Commission, 1997). Indeed it is a common fact for most of the Southeastern European countries (including Albania), that the lack of such initiative results nowadays in sufferings from chaotic growth and informal developments manifested in sprawl of urbanization.

    Inspired by the Albanian context and its need for future sustainable development, this document aims to help on drafting a series of national spatial concepts, which will be used to formulate an overall national spatial development vision for the territorial development. Since there is a lack of understanding of planning policies regarding the poor communication and poor cartographic language, which also affects their imple-mentation, the product of this research is also followed by some guidelines on how to make a proper and understandable translation of spatial planning policies into clear cartographic materials and well-visualized documents.

    So far, there has been no research work done to address or support the creation of a spatial development vision for Albania, so it was quite essential to first start the work with the observation of other cases, where spatial development policies have been implemented. In order to collect this information, the work was based on two types of research methods:

    First Phase of Research (Desk Study):

    - Field study (interviews, group discussions, meetings, conferences, etc. also considered as primary data);- Reading and reviewing of local/international reports and literature (secondary data);- Case studies (tertiary data).

    The revision of the specialized literature on the applied spatial policies in the EU countries and other cases, which are leading on this aspect, gave input on learning how spatial planning works, and how to apply it on our context. At this point, evidencing the progress of such debate on the national scale, by interviewing key-stakeholders, professionals and decision makers was very crucial. An integral part of this phase was also the participation in conferences, workshops and meetings organized in Albania on this subject, or other related issues, on the framework of EU integration of the country and national spatial development policies.

    The reading and reviewing of local/international reports and literature, was particularly important for identi-fying the international efforts made on this subject. Regarding the Albanian situation related with this topic, despite the published written materials, there were also two main local sources that provided the necessary information: (i) Statistical instruments from the official data since the 1990s; especially the 2001 and 2011 Population and Housing Censuses; (ii) Maps and areal images before the 90s and up to date, especially the maps of during late 80-s of the National Institute of Military Topography; and the national areal survey of 2007, during the legalization process undertaken by ALUIZNI.

    Two case studies were also taken in consideration: the case of The Netherlands and the one of Italy, as two Eu-ropean examples that have applied Spatial Planning policies. Meanwhile, the research considered also Koso-vo and Macedonian examples, as local practices. Inspirations were also drawn from the America 2050 of

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    Gjithashtu jan marr n konsiderat dy raste studimore: (i) rasti i Holands; (ii) dhe ai i Italis; si dy shembuj Europian t zbatimit t politikave t planifikimit hapsinor. Ndrkoh, hulumtimi konsideron gjithashtu praktika rajonale nga vende si Kosova dhe Maqedonia. M tej sht konsideruar edhe vizioni Europa 2020 dhe Amerika 2050 hartuar nga Shoqata Amerikane e Planifikimit Rajonal, e cila shrbeu si nj mjet inspirimi dhe reference, n lidhje me planifikimin e infrastrukturs kombtare dhe programin e politikave q lidhet me nj sr shtjes q kan t bjn m transportin, qndrueshmrin dhe zhvil-limin ekonomik n shek. XXI.

    Faza e Dyt e Krkimit (Action Research):

    Pas mbledhjes s t dhnave n fazn e par t krkimit puna konsistoi n formulimin e nj sr parimesh t rndsishme t vlefshme pr vizionimin n kontekstin shqiptar. Kjo m tej u pasua me draftimin e nj serie konceptesh hapsinore, t cilat derivonin nga principet e sipr-prmendura. Rezultatet u sintetizuan n nj vizion t vetm t prgjithshm hapsinor kombtar, i cili adreson veanrisht tre fusha kryesore: (i) shtjet e zhvillimit t territorit, (ii) shtjet e ekonomis; (iii) dhe ato sociale. Prmes prdorimit t metodave t vizualizimit do hap pune sht ilustruar dhe pasuruar me baz kartografike n mnyr q t jet sa m i kuptueshm dhe lehtsisht i aplikueshm, si nga profesionistt dhe autoritetet qeverisse, por gjithashtu edhe nga publiku i gjer e njerzit e thjesht.

    Pas prftimit t produktit t par t ktij dokumenti u organizuan nj seri takimesh dhe prezantimesh me profesionist t ndryshm, ekspert t huaj, krkues, praktikues dhe student, n mnyr q puna t mund t merte komente konstruktive pr prmirsime e pasurime t mtejshme. Tre faza prfaqsojn kt hap t puns:

    - Testimi i rezultateve me nj panel t ngusht e t przgjedhur ekspertsh n nj diskutim grupi t foku-suar n formn e kshillit teknik (eksperte nga Universiteti Polis, nga Instituti Co-PLAN, dhe Studioja Metro_Polis, n periudhn Maj-Qershor 2014);- Mbajtja e nj workshopi me student t programeve PhD dhe MSc t profilit Planifikim Urban, pr t testuar kuptueshmrin e dokumentit t prftuar dhe pr t marr komente (periudha Shtator 2014);- Testimi final i produktit t dokumentit me nj grup t gjer ekspertsh dhe praktikuesish (periudha Shtator- Tetor 2014), n kuadr t debateve t Bienales Ndrkombtare t Arkitekturs n Tiran: TAW, Tirana Architecture Weeks.

    1.4 Kontributi pr Teorin e Fushs dhe ShqiprinKjo pun krkimore prpiqet t ndrtoj prkundrejt vakumit t krijuar n Shqipri n kushtet e ekono-mis s tregut dhe liris s veprimit, si pasoj e mungess s tradits s hartimit t politikave dhe planeve kombtare pr zhvillimin hapsinor kombtar. Elementt e mparshm, t cilt preknin sado pak aspektet kombtare t zhvillimit t vendit nuk kan qen t qndrueshme pr shkak se jan aplikuar nga sisteme autoritare, duke mos u konsideruar si nevoja t vrteta t vendit dhe shoqris. N kt mnyr zhvillimi lokal kombtar sht prballur me konkurencn gjithnj n rritje n shkall globale midis shteteve t ndryshme. Kjo sht prkeqsuar m tej me rnien ekonomike pr shkak t reensionit global, dhe hum-bjen e mjaft aseteve e burimeve kombtare pr shkak t mungess s zgjidhjeve kreative dhe inovative.

    Ndaj edhe puna krkimore q sjell ky dokument, edhe pse nj kontribut modest, sht pr momentin nje produkt unik praktik dhe teorik, me shpresn q t jet i dobishm pr autoritetet shqiptare gjat ndrmarjes s vendimeve n shkall kombtare. Ndrkoh vet propozimi lidhur me vizionin kombtar hapsinor mund t shrbej si nj laborator edukues mbi shkencn e re t planifikimit hapsinor n Shqipri e rajon.

    Regional Plan Associations national infrastructure planning and policy program, which provides leadership on a broad range of transportation, sustainability, and economic-development issues impacting Americas growth in the 21st century.

    Second Phase of Research ( Action Research):

    After the output of the first phase of the research process, the work consisted on formulating a set of principles relevant for visioning on the Albanian context. Then the work continued with the drafting of a series of spatial concepts deriving from this set of principles. The results were after synthesized on a general national spa-tial development vision, which addresses especially three main fields: territorial, economic and social issues. Through the use of visualization methods, each working step was visually illustrated and cartographically represented, in order to be understandable and easy to use, not only by the practitioners and professionals, but also by the mass audience and lay people.

    As soon as the first outcome-product was ready, there were organized a series of meetings and workshops with professionals, practitioners and students, in order to test the results, get feedback and improve the ma-terial. This consisted on:

    - Testing the results with a selected panel of experts, on a focused group discussion;- A one day workshop organized with students to observe their understanding and reaction to the outcome;- Final testing and discussions with experts and practitioners.

    1.4 Contributions to Theory and SocietyThis document tries to build against the vacuum that is created in Albania by the lack of tradition of national spatial development policies and plans, on the conditions of market economy and freedom. Previous ele-ments of national visioning have not been sustainable in the long run, due to the fact that they have been imposed by authoritarian means and not understood as a real need of the country and society, facing grow-ing competition among nations at global scale, and the need for creative solution, facing economic recession and waste of national resources.

    Therefore this work is a modest practical and theoretical contribution for Albania with a hope that it could be useful also for the Albanian authorities, while undertaking action at such level. In return the Albanian case of national spatial visioning might serve as an interesting learning laboratory for the new science of spatial planning in Europe and beyond.

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    MetroPolis, 2013: Parku Rajonal Dajt-Adriatik/ Dajti- Adriatic Regional Park

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    2.1 Planifikimi HapsinorKAPITULLI 2: BRTHAMA TEORIKE

    2.1.1 far sht Planifikimi Hapsinor?

    Shumica e vendeve sot prballen me probleme q lidhen me mnyrn se si ato jan zhvilluar dhe rritur, sidomos n varsi t karakteristikave si industrializimi, urbanizimi, fragmentarizimi, vshtirsit ekono-mike, segregimi social si dhe probeme t tjera t lidhura me kto shtje. Nj prej mjeteve dhe aktivi-teteve kryesore q ka lidhje me kt fush zhvillimi dhe kontekstin prkats gjithprfshirs, e q ka t bj me vendimarrjen n vende dhe aktivitete t caktuara sht planifikimi hapsinor. Ky i fundit mbetet nj disiplin e re dhe sfiduese, jo vetm pr Shqiprin por gjithashtu edhe per vendet e tjera Europiane dhe jo-Europiane. Vlerat, principet objektivat e planifikimit hapsinor dhe perspektivat e ardhshme t tij, jan t debatueshme dhe t diskutueshme n t gjith botn, n pikmpamje t ndryshme.

    Por m kryesorja sht se njerzit, krysisht planifikuesit urban dhe profesionist t tjer duhet t kupto-jn se far sht n t vrtet planifikimi hapsinor, sa i dobishm sht ai dhe se si mund t aplikohet sukseshm pr t arritur rezultate m t mira jo vetm n nivel lokal por edhe at rajonal dhe kombtar. Kjo sepse planifikimi hapsinor i referohet metodave t prdorura nga sektori publik pr t influencuar ndarjen e njerzve dhe aktiviteteve n hapsira n shkall t ndryshme (European Commmision, 1997), dhe n kt mnyr, ai ka nj impakt nga nj shkall e vogl n nj shkall m t madhe, nga perspek-tiva territoriale, n probleme m t thella q impaktojn territorin. N kt pik, sht e rndsishme t theksohet rndsia e planifikimit hapsinor si nj disiplin shkencore, nj teknik administrative, dhe si nj politik e zhvilluar si nj qasje shum disiplinare dhe gjithprfshirse (Kshilli Europs, 2013). N t njjtn koh, sht e rndsishme t prmendet se shtje t tjera si prdorimi i toks, rajonalizimi, transporti dhe planifikimi mjedisor, jan disiplina t tjera profesionale, t cilat prfshijn dhe e adresojn planifikimin hapsinor.

    Sot mund t thuhet se Planifikimi Hapsinor sht nj instrument ky n themelimin e kornizave t qn-drueshme pr zhvillimin social, territorial dhe ekonomik brenda dhe midis shteteve (UNECE, 2008). Pra, kjo nnkupton siprmarrjen pr krijimin e nj organizimi territorial racional t prdorimeve t toks, si

    2.1 Spatial PlanningCHAPTER 2: THEORETIC CORE

    2.1.1 What is Spatial Planning?

    Its a fact that most of the countries today are facing severe problems with the way they have developed and grown, characterized by fragmented urbanization, economic difficulties, social segregation, and many other related and consequent problems. As one of the main tools and activities concerned with working on such a comprehensive field and context, relating decision- making to specific locations and activities, spatial planning still remains a new scientific discipline and a challenge, not only for Albania, but also for most of the other European, or non- European countries. Spatial planning values, its principles and objectives, and other prospects for the future, are debated and discussed worldwide, from different perspectives.

    But whats crucial, is that people and especially planners and other practitioners, should understand what really spatial planning is, how it is useful and how to contextualize and successfully apply it, for meeting aimed results and better realities, not only locally, but also regionally and nationally. And this because spatial planning refers to methods used by the public sector to influence the future distribution of people and activi-ties in spaces of various scales (European Commission, 1997), and as such, it has an impact from a small scale to a big one, from a territorial perspective, to more deep problem- related issues, that impact these territories. At this point, is also important to emphasize the importance of Spatial Planning as a scientific discipline, an administrative technique and a policy developed as an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach (Council of Europe, 2013). On the mean time, its important to mention that land use, regional, transport and environmental planning, are other professional disciplines, which involve and address spatial planning.

    As such, spatial planning is a key instrument for establishing long-term, sustainable frameworks for social, territorial and economic development, both within and between countries (UNECE, 2008). According to this, it is undertaken with the aims of creating a more rational territorial organization of land uses and the link-ages between them, to balance demands for development, with the need to protect the environment and to achieve social and economic development objectives.

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    dhe lidhjen midis tyre pr t balancuar krkesat pr zhvillim, me nevojn pr t mbrojtur mjedisin me synimin pr t arritur objektiva zhvillimi sociale dhe ekonomike.

    N vijim mund t themi se planifikimi hapsinor sht nj instrument planifikimi q ka nj funksion rreg-ullues dhe zhvillues. Ai sht nj mekanzm rregullator, qeveriss (n nivel lokal, rajonal ose kombtar) q duhet t jap aprovim pr aktivitetet e ndryshme n territor. Planifikimi hapsinor sht edhe nj mekanizm zhvillimi q duhet t elaboroj mjetet e zhvillimit pr t siguruar shrbime dhe infrastruktur pr t themeluar orientime pr zhvillimin urban, pr t ruajtur burimet kombtare n territor, dhe pr t t krijuar incentiva pr investimet, etj (UNECE, 2008).

    2.1.2 Rndsia e Planifikimit Hapsinor

    Planifikimi hapsinor sht nj mjet tepr i rndsishm pr t promovuar zhvillimin e qndrueshm dhe pr t prmirsuar cilsin e jetess. Si nj qasje ndrdisiplinore dhe gjithprfshirse, ai sigruron hapsir pr t konsideruar shtjet ekonomike, sociale dhe mjedisore, n nj balanc ku do komponent ndikon t tjerat, dhe t gjitha sbashku ndikojn mnyrn se si ne zhvillojm territorin. Planifikimi hapsinor sht i rndsishm pr t arritur prfitime ekonomike, sociale dhe mjedisore, duke krijuar kushte m t qn-drueshme dhe t parashikueshme pr investimet dhe zhvillimin, duke siguruar prfitime pr komunitetet nga zhvillimi si dhe nga prdorimi i kujdesshm i toks dhe burimeve natyrore pr zhvillim (UNECE, 2008).

    Bazuar tek UNECE*, planifikimi hapsinor prmban tre lloje prfitimi t cilat konsistojn n shtje ekono-mike, sociale dhe mjedisore:

    Prfitimet ekonomike t planifikimit hapsinor konsistojn n marrjen e vendimeve n mnyr m efiente dhe konsistente, duke promovuar kshtu zhvillimin, i cili u prgjigjet nevojave t komuniteteve lokale dhe mbshtet cilsit mjedisore n zonat urbane e rurale, t cilat n vetvete nnkuptojn m shum kushte t favorshme pr investim dhe zhvillim. Duhet t prmendim gjithashtu se planifikimi hapsinor ndihmon n identifikimin e toks n zona t caktuara, pr tiu prgjigjur nevojs pr zhvillim ekonomik; duke siguruar q kjo tok sht e mirpozicionuar n lidhje me rrjetin e transportit dhe fuqin puntore, duke promovuar rigjenerim dhe rinovim urban e social. Synimi i prgjithshm i planifikimit hapsinor, par n kndvshtrimin ekonomik, sht q t siguroj m shum qndrueshmri dhe besim pr investime.















    REGULATORY FUNCTION Government has to elaborate upon

    Government (at local, regional and/ ornational level) has to give approal for given activities.

    development tools for providing services and infrastructure, for establishing


    directions for urban development, for preserving national resources, and for establishing incentives for investments.


    Fushat q adresojn dhe adresohen nga Planifikimi HapsinorFields that address and are addressed by Spatial Planning

    To continue, as a planning instrument Spatial Planning has a regulatory and a development function. As a regulatory mechanism, governments (at local, regional and/or national levels) have to give approval for given activities. As a development mechanism, governments have to elaborate upon development tools for providing services and infrastructure, for establishing directions for urban development, for preserving na-tional resources, and for establishing incentives for investment, etc. (UNECE, 2008).

    2.1.2 Importance of Spatial Planning

    Spatial Planning is a very important tool for promoting sustainable development and improving quality of life. As an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach, it provides space for social, economic and environ-mental consideration, on a balance where each component affects the others, and all together affect the way we develop. Spatial Planning is critical for delivering economic, social and environmental benefits by creating more stable and predictable conditions for investment and development, by securing community benefits from development, and by promoting prudent use of land and natural resources for development (UNECE, 2008).

    According to UNECE spatial planning shares three main benefits that consist on the economic, social and en-vironmental approaches:

    The economic benefits of Spatial Planning consist on making decisions in a more efficient and consistent way, promoting development, which meets the needs of local communities and supports environmental qual-ity in both urban and rural areas, which means more favorable conditions for investment and development. We should also mention that Spatial Planning helps on identifying land in appropriate locations, to meet the need for economic development; ensuring that this land is well placed in relation to the transport network and the labor force; and also promoting regeneration and renewal. At the very end, the overall goal of Spatial Planning, seen on the economic perspective, is to provide more stability and confidence for investment.

    The social benefits of Spatial Planning start with the consideration of the needs of local communities in policy development, and how spatial planning as a tool improves accessibility, when considering the location of the new developments. Other benefits consist on spatial planning being a promoter of the re-use of vacant and derelict land, particularly where it has a negative impact on quality of life and economic development potential.

    UNECE- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

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    Prfitimet sociale t Planifikimit Hapsinor fillojn me konsiderimin e nevojave q komunitetet kan n zhvillimin e politikave humane, dhe se si ky planifikim prmirson aksesin pr njerzit e bizneset, duke konsideruar pozicionin me efikas t zhvillimeve t reja. Prfitime t tjera konsistojn edhe n promovimin e riprdorimit t tokave vakante, vecanrisht atje ku ka nj impakt negativ n cilsin e jets dhe poten-cialin e zhvillimit ekonomik.

    Pr t konkluduar me prfitimet mjedisore, prfitimet e planifikimit hapsinor jan t lidhura fort me promovimin e rigjenerimit urban e mjedisor si dhe prdorimin e duhur t toks, ndrtesave dhe infras-trukturs. Kshtu mundsohet riprdorimi i tokave t zhvilluara m hert, pr t minimizuar ndrtimin n zonat e tjera t shndetshme. Prfitime t tjera konsistojn n konservimin e aseteve t rndsishme mjedisore, historike e kulturore, si dhe mbrojtjen e zonave pr rekreacion dhe pasuri natyrore. N kt per-spektiv planifikimi hapsinor inkurajon edhe efiencn energjitike n kornizn e zhvillimit dhe siguron q t adresohen rrisqet potenciale mjedisore.

    2.1.3 Nivelet e Planifikimit Hapsinor

    Planifikimi hapsinor shprndan role dhe prgjegjsi midis niveleve lokale, rajonale, kombtare dhe ndrkombtare, me qllimin pr t siguruar orientim pr metoda t prshtatshme vendim-marrjeje, dhe shpesh rezulton n krijimin e planeve hapsinore. UNECE nnvizon tri nivele si m posht:

    Niveli Lokal

    Vendim-marrja prshkallzohet nga niveli lokal n at rajonal, ndrkoh aplikimi i politikave dhe vendi-meve vjen nga lart n nivelin lokal dhe sht kjo shkalla n t ciln merren vendimet m s shumti. T prkthyera n plane t detajuar kto vendime adoptohen n kt nivel, ku qeveria lokale duhet t bash-kpunoj n prgatitjen e procesit, pr t siguruar mbulimin e zonave urbane, si dhe t ndrtoj burime dhe aftsi t mjaftueshme. Partneriteti me autoritetet rajonale sht gjithashtu i rndsishm sepse i siguron prshtatjen e politikave lokale me strategjit rajonale.

    Niveli Rajonal

    Megjithse rajonet mund t variojn n madhsi, ato duhet t jen territore t mdha me karaktere t njjta, pr t adresuar shtje zhvillimi funksional n mnyr konsistente. N shkalln rajonale, qllimi i planifikimit hapsinor konsiston n interpretimin dhe adoptimin e politikave nacionale dhe prioriteteve n kt shkall t caktuar, duke siguruar nj plan strategjik t prgjithshm pr t adresuar ndrlidh-jet funksionale planifikuese dhe paternat e zhvillimit duke siguruar orientim dhe asistenc pr autoritet lokale pr t krijuar instrumente t caktuara planifikimi. Planet hapsinore n nivelin rajonal jan par edhe si mjete t rndsishme pr t sigurar koherencn dhe integrimin nprmjet strategjive t fushave t ndryshme, si sht zhvillimi ekonomik, burimet mjedisore, zhvillim i qndrueshm, zhvillim rural, mbrojtja e trashgimis e kulturs, dhe zhvillimi i turizmit.

    Niveli Kombrtar

    Qeverit kan pr qllim t krijojn nj korniz referuese pr planifikimin hapsinor, e cila siguron nj sistem m proaktiv dhe integrues, me qllimin pr t ndihmuar zhvillimin e qndrueshm. Qeverit za-konisht themelojn nj korniz t mjeteve t planifikimit dhe proedurave pr t orientuar punn dhe pr t prcaktuar kompetencat midis nivelit qndror dhe lokal, duke u siguruar q kto njsi t bashkpuno-jn konform kufijve gjeografik dhe sektorial.

    To conclude with the environmental benefits, Spatial Plannings benefits are strongly related with the pro-motion of regeneration and the appropriate use of land, buildings and infrastructure, also promoting the use of previously developed (brown-field) land, to minimize the development on green-field lands. Other bene-fits consist on conserving important environmental, historic and cultural assets, and as well on protecting and enhancing areas for recreation and natural heritage. On this wide environmental perspective, Spatial Planning encourages energy efficiency in the layout and design of development and makes sure to address potential environmental risks.

    2.1.3 Levels of Spatial Planning

    Spatial planning divides and shares roles and responsibilities between local, regional, national and transna-tional levels, with the intention of providing guidance for appropriate methods of decision-making, and often results on the creation of spatial plans. As the UNECE indicates, these three levels work as below:

    Local Level

    Scaling from national to regional levels, the application of policies and decisions comes to the local level, and is at this scale that most of the planning decisions are made. Translated on frameworks or detailed plans, these decisions adopt to this level, where local governments should collaborate on the preparation process, to ensure coverage of contiguous urban areas and to build sufficient resource and skills. Partnerships with regional authorities are also very important, as they ensure conformity of local policies and decisions, with regional strategies.

    Regional Level

    Although regions may vary in size, they should be large territories of relatively consistent character, in order to address functional spatial development relationships in a consistent manner. On regional scale, the scope of spatial planning consists on interpreting and adapting national policies and priorities on this specific scale, providing an overall strategic plan to address functional planning relationships and development patterns, and providing guidance and assistance to local authorities on the creation of specific local planning instru-ments. Spatial plans on regional level, are also seen as important tools for ensuring coherence and integration among strategies of different-fields, such as economic development, environmental resources, sustainable development, rural development, heritage, culture and tourism.

    National Level

    National governments aim to create a reference framework for spatial planning, which provides a more pro-active and integrative system, in order to facilitate the sustainable development. These national governments establish a framework of planning tools and procedures to guide the work and determine competences be-tween the regional and local levels, making sure also, that these units cooperate and work in conformity with each other across geographical and sectorial boundaries.

    Transnational Level

    Another important level, on which Spatial Planning works, is the transnational one, represented by the trans-national perspectives. These approaches have grown on importance in spatial planning and territorial devel-opment policy at different scales, and its clearly visible especially through the increase of cross-border and transnational cooperation, within the planning and policy arena between individual countries, in macro-re-gions and in Europe (ESPON, 2011). This is an imperative also for spatial planning in Albania, because we are

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    Niveli Ndrkombtar

    Nj nivel tjetr i rndsishm, n t cilin planifikimi strategjik punon, sht ai ndrkombtar, i cili pr-faqsohet nga perspektivat ndrshtetrore. Kjo qasje ka rritur rndsin e planifikimit hapsinor dhe politikave t zhvillimit t territorit n nivele t ndryshme, dhe sht qartsisht m e dukshme n ras-tet e rritjes s bashkpunimit ndrkufitar dhe ndrkombtar, apo n arenn e politikave t planifikimit nprmjet shteteve t ndryshme n rajone t mdha dhe n Europ (ESPON, 2011).

    Kjo sht nj domosdoshmri edhe pr planifikimin hapsinor n Shqipri, sepse jemi nj komb me nj popullsi gjysma e s cils jeton jasht kufijve shtetror, duke prfshir shtetet kufitare si Kosova, Maqe-donia, Mali i Zi dhe Greqia.

    E fundit por jo m pak e rndsishme, sht se bashk me dokumentet politike pr do nivel, del n pah gjithashtu edhe prkthimi grafik i ktyre politikave dhe planeve. Kontekste dhe shtete t ndryshme pr-faqsojn ndryshime n proeset e planifikimit dhe metodologjive t aplikuara, ndryshime t cilat jan t bazuara n nivel planifikimi, n nivel detajesh, si dhe n ndryshimet e metodave t vizualizimit.

    Kto diferenca tregojn gjithashtu se si kuptohet dhe kryhet planifikimi n sisteme dhe nivele t ndryshme qeverisje, dhe se si kjo m von prkthehet nga dokumenta politikash n materiale grafike dhe formash t tjera vizuale, t prdorshme pr orientimin dhe implementimin n nivele t ndryshme planifikimi. Duke kaluar nga niveli ndrkombtar n at kombtar dhe lokal, n t njjtn koh nnkuptohet edhe kalimin nga harta m t prgjithsuara, n harta dhe grafika m t detajuara. sht shum e rndsishme pr t kuptuar se si duhet t bhet ky kalim, dhe se si t krijohen materiale grafike t kuptueshme, me qllim pr ti br ato m t prdorshme n do nivel qeverisjeje, nga t gjith aktort e prfshir.

    Nivelet e Planifikimit HapsinorSpatial Planning Levels

    a nation with almost half of population living outside the state boarders, including bordering countries like Kosovo, and adjacent communities and minorities in Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece.

    Last, but not least, together with the policy documents for each level, come also the graphical representations of these policies and plans. Different contexts and countries represent also differences in the planning process-es and methodologies applied, and of course based on each given planning level, the levels of detailing and visualization methods change. This also indicates differences in how planning is understood and conducted in different planning systems and levels, and how this is later translated from policy documents into maps and other visualization means, useful for guidance and implementation at regional and national levels. Shifting from transnational and national levels, into the local level, of course means also shifting from more general-ized and abstract maps, into clearer and more detailed maps and graphics. Its very important to understand how this shift should be done, and how to create understandable cartographic materials, in order to make them useful on each governance level and by all the actors and/or practitioners.

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    2.2 Sistemet e Planifikimit n Europ2.2.1 Katr Klasifikimet Kryesore

    N kontekstin Europian, do shtet antar menaxhon e rregullon zhvillimin e vet hapsinor si dhe pr-dorimin e toks, me synimin pr t arritur objektivat e synuara, nprmjet sistemeve respektive rajonale dhe kombtare, ku sistemet e planifikimit sbashku me transportin, bujqsin dhe mjedisin luajn nj rol shum t rndsishm n pikturn e madhe t vendit. Sot kemi nj kompleks shembujsh t sistemeve t planifikimit hapsinor n Europ, kshtu q sht tepr e rndsishme t kuptojm se si ato funksionojn, pr t mundur t realizojm m pas analiza krahasuese. Ndrkoh sistemet hapsinore t planifikimit n familjen Europiane klasifikohen duke u bazuar n dy qasje kryesore: (i) n klasifikimet e sistemit ligjor e administrativ, me t cilat planifikimi operon; (ii) dhe n aplikimin e kritereve, t inspiruara nga tradita e ti-pologjive territoriale ideale (Nadin, Stead, disp 172.1/2008). Bazuar n kt argument, mund t thuhet se sot ekzistojn katr shkolla t sistemeve t planifikimit q adresojn klasifikimin n mnyra t ndryshme.

    Megjithse shtete t ndryshme t Europs kan sisteme t ndryshme planfikimi hapsinor, adaptimi i vazhdueshm i tyre (duke prfshir ktu adaptimin e marrveshjeve ndrkombtare territoriale me impa-kt pr planifikimin hapsinor kombtar) ka adresuar sfida t prbashkta pr konkurueshmrin globale dhe qndrueshmrin lokale. Kjo tendenc n fakt po na on drejt nj konvergjence t prgjithshme t vet konceptit dhe shkolls s planifikimit hapsinor.

    Midis ndryshimeve t shumta q po ndodhin, disa duken t jen shtje t natyrs institucionale dhe legjislative, dhe disa t tjera reflektojn nj transformim m t prgjithshm t llojit t planifikimit hapsinor (Nadin, Steaf disp 172.1/ 2008). Si rezultat i ksaj, duke konsideruar variacionet q lidhen me kushtet ekonomike, sociale dhe politike ndrmjet shteteve t ndryshme antare t BE-s, mund t thuhet se nj qasje universale ose nj model i vetm Europian i planifikimit hapsinor n praktik sht gati e pamundur. Por nga ana tjetr, prafrimi sa m i madh i modelit duket si nj nevoj pr forcimin e elementve t prbashkt, veanrsisht ata, t cilt jan n qndr te debatitit Europian n planifikim si nj metod, e cila siguron konvergjencn dhe bashkpunimin midis politikave sektoriale t ndryshme (Raporti pr Politikat e Komunitetit dhe Planifikimit Hapsinor, 1999).

    Orientimet e dhna nga BE pr politikat e planifikimit hapsinor, natyrisht konsiderojn faktin q ato duhet t prshtaten, q tiu prgjigjen nevojave t do shteti. Por sht e rndsishme q kjo prshtat-jeje t konsideroj dhe proesin kontekstualizues, prandaj autoritetet duhet t themelojn nj vizion t prbashkt dhe orientim konsistent pr zhvillimin hapsinor. Kjo duhet t bazohet n prdorimin efient t burimeve, qeverisjen e mir, partneritetin publik-privat, si dhe vendimarrje efektive pr sa i prket investimeve.

    2.2 Spatial Planning Systems in Europe2.2.1 The 4 main classifications

    On the European context, every member state manages and regulates spatial development and land uses for meeting the agreed objectives, through their national and/ or regional planning systems, where the Spatial Planning system, alongside others like transport, agriculture and environment, plays a very important role on the bigger picture. Today we have several examples of the EU spatial planning systems, so its very import-ant to understand how they work, and to start the work on the basis of a comparative analysis.

    To start with, the Spatial Planning systems in the European family are classified according to two main approaches: beginning from the other classifications of the legal and administrative systems within which planning operates; and by seeking to apply a wider set of criteria, producing a similar set of ideal types (Na-din, Stead, disP 172.1/ 2008). Based on these criteria, four main studies of the planning systems address the classification differently.

    Although the different countries of the EU might have different spatial planning systems, the continuous adaptation (including the adaptation of the formal national arrangements for planning to address common challenges of global competition and sustainability) is leading to a general convergence. Among the changes, some seem to be detailed institutional and legislative matters, and some others reflect a more general trans-formation of the style of spatial planning (Nadin, Stead, disP 172.1/ 2008).

    As a result, also considering the variations in political, cultural and economic conditions between the different member states, a single universal approach, or a single European model of Spatial Planning is not possible. But on the other hand there seems to be a strengthening of the common elements, particularly those that are central to the European debate on planning as a method of securing convergence and coordination between various sectoral policies (Report on Community Policies and Spatial Planning 1999). Guidelines given for Spatial Planning policies, must be adapted to suit the needs of each country, and its important that after this adaptation and contextualization processes, authorities should establish a shared vision and consistent direction for spatial development, based on the efficient use of resources, good governance, public-private partnerships, and effective decision making with regards to investments.

    Davies et al. (1989)

    Common lawEngland

    NordicDK, FL, SE


    AT, DK, FI, DE, NL, SE

    Comprehensive IntegratedAT, DK, FI, DE, NL, SE, BG, EE, HU, LV, LT, PL, RO, SL,

    SV ( BE, FR, IE, LU, UK)

    Land UseRegulations

    IE, UK, BE

    Land Use RegulationsBE, IE, LU, UK

    (PT, ES, CY, CZ, MY)

    Regional EconomicFR, PT, DE

    Regional EconomicFR, DE, PT, (IE, SE, UK)

    HU, LV, LT, SK

    UrbanismGR, IT, ES, PT

    UrbanismGR, IT, ES,

    CY, MT

    BritishIE, UK

    GermanicAT, DE

    NapoleonicBE, FR, IT, LU,

    NL, PT, ES


    Napoleonic CodesDK, DE, FR, NL

    Newman, Thornley



    Farinos Dasi (2007)

    DAVIES, 1989


    CEC, 1197

    Dont give specic name to the 2 groups, but contrast England and other systems based on their legal frameworks.

    Concentrates on a classication of planning systems according to legal and administrative structures, drawing on ve European legal families.

    Identies ideal types of planning traditions. Each country may exhibit combina-tions of ideal typesof dierent degrees.

    FARINOSI DASI, 2007The ESPON project took the EU Compen-dium traditions as a starting point and examined how countries, including the transition states of central and eastern Europe, were moving between them.

    Klasifikimi i Familjeve t Planifikimit n EuropClassification of Planning Families in Europe

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    2.2.2 Familjet e Planifikimit sipas C.E.C*

    Ky klasifikim sjell katr tradita kryesore t planifikimit dhe n kt rast fjala tradit sht prdorur pr t theksuar mnyrn sesi forma t ndryshme t planifikimit jan konsoliduar thellsisht n kushtet komplekse historike t do vendi. Katr traditat e planifikimit Europian jan lloje ideale t sintezs s kompleksitetit miks e real t fenomenit observues. Ato shrbejn si masa ndaj realitetit q mund t kra-hasohet, si prshembull: n nj moment t caktuar n koh dhe hapsir, nj akt planifikimi n nj vend t caktuar mund t prezantoj cilsit e nj tradite t vetme ose nj kombinim traditash. N disa raste, vet kriteri i aplikuar adreson edhe natyrn e sistemeve n operim, por gjithsesi tipologjit ideale, akoma theksojn struktrurn formale t planifikimit.

    Qasja gjthprfshirse e integruarKorrespondon me familjen ligjore t planifikimit n at zon gjeografike q ajo mbulon. Vet emri sug-jeron se sistemi i planifikimit krkon t siguroj n mnyr t qart nj mas t integrimit vertikal e horizontal t politkave midis sektorve dhe juridiksioneve t ndryshme territoriale.

    Planifikimi i prdorimit t toksKorrespondon me familjen ligjore e administrative britanike, dhe ka si qllim kryesor rregullimin e ndry-shimeve t prdorimit t toks.

    Qasja e planifikimit ekonomik rajonalNdthuret me familjet napoleonike dhe gjermane (Franc dhe Gjermani).

    Tradita e UrbanizimitLidhet me traditn napoleonike, por fokusohet vetm n Europn jugore e mesdhetare.

    2.2.2 Planning Families according to C.E.C

    This classification brings four main planning traditions and on this case the word tradition is used to empha-size the way that forms of planning are deeply embedded in the complex historical conditions of particular places. The four traditions of spatial planning are ideal types that are a synthesis of the real complex mixture of observable phenomena. They serve as measures against which reality can be compared, such that at a point in time and space, a planning action might exhibit features of more than one ideal type/ tradition. To some extent, the criteria also addresses the nature of systems in operation, though the ideal types still emphasize the formal structure of planning.

    The Comprehensive Integrated ApproachCorresponds quite well to the Scandinavian legal family in the geographical area it covers. The name suggests that the planning system explicitly seeks to provide a measure of horizontal and vertical integration of poli-cies across sectors and jurisdictions.

    Land Use PlanningCorresponds well to the British legal and administrative family and has the much narrower scope or purpose of regulating land-use changes.

    The Regional Economic Planning ApproachCuts across the Napoleonic and German legal families (France and Germany).

    The Urbanism TraditionFalls within the Napoleonic tradition, but for southern Europe only.

    C.E.C- Commission of the European Communities

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    2.2.3 Familjet e Planifikimit sipas ESPON*

    2.2.4 Sistemi Planifikimit Shqiptar prball Klasikifimeve Europiane

    Studimi i ESPON nis me klasifikimin e C.E.C n baz t tipeve ideale t familjeve Europiane t planifikimit dhe prpiqet t bj nj kategorizim t ri, sipas ndryshimeve dhe levizjeve n kto familje planifikimi. Ky studim i jep rndsi m t madhe ndarjes s kompetencave t lidhura me planifikimin n nivele t qeveris, me nj analiz t mir t strukturave t shtetit, decentralizimin e kompetencave, veanrisht t formave t ndryshme t qeverisjeve lokale, rajonale dhe qndrore. sht fakt q tashm familjet e plan-ifikimit po shprndajn shum informacione e dije n saj t proesit t europianizimit, duke udhhequr nj proes t shndetshm konvergjence edhe n vet familjet e planifikimit. Gjithashtu sht mjaft e rndsishme t thuhet q megjithse kto familje planifikimi marin shum nga njra-tjetra, ato srish mbeten unike dhe me dallime t qarta.

    Q prej vitit 2000, kur Shqipria u njoh zyrtarisht nga Bashkimi Europian si nj vend kandidat potencial, vendi yn nisi negociatat pr Marrveshjen pr Stablizim dhe Asociim, e cila u arrit n vitin 2006. Meg-jithse Shqipria i prmbushi hert t gjitha kriteret pr tu ber nj vend kandidat, aprovimi zyrtar mbeti pezull gjat, deri n vitin 2013 pr shkak t nj politike t paqart midis dy partive kryesore politike. Edhe pse gjat ksaj pune krkimore, ka ndodhur ky evoluim, duhet t jet e qart se rajoni i Ballkanit Perndimor, prfshi edhe Shqiprin, do t bhen pjes e Bashkimit Europian rreth viteve 2020. Si u pr-mend edhe m sipr Shqipria ka nj munges t perspektivave t zhvillimit dhe planifikimit hapsinor, nj cilsi tipike pr t gjith Ballkanin Perndimor. Madje Shqipria nuk mund t prcaktoj n mnyr t qart, as se cils nga familjet e planifikimit i prket. Megjithat duke u bazuar n krahasime relative mund t thuhet q deri n vitin 2006 planifikimi territorial n Shqipri sht bazuar n shkolln e tra-dits s urbanizmit, e cila prgjithsisht konsideron dimensionet e planifikimit fizik e dizajnit urban. Por q prej vitit 2006 dhe n vazhdim, autoritetet e reformuan legjislacionin bazuar n traditn e integrimit gjithprfshirs, e cila krkon t krijoj nj set t plot t rregullave dhe principeve abstrakte pr planifi-kimin hapsinor dhe rajonal, rrjedhimisht edhe politikat kombtare.

    N t majt, klasifikimi i familjeve Europiane t planifikimit n 4 tradita t planifikimit hapsinor, bazuar n Kompendium; N t djatht, lvizjet mes stileve t planifikimit hapsinor dhe karakteristikave t shteteve t reja, brenda familjeve t planifikimit.

    On the left, Classification of the EU 15 in the 4 traditions of spatial planning, according to the Compendium; On the right, Movement within the EU 15 between the Styles of spatial planning and characterization of New Member States.

    Vizualizimi i Koncepteve Decentralizim dhe Dekocentrim / Vizualization of the Concepts of Decentralization and Decocentration.

    2.2.3 Planning Families according to ESPON

    2.2.4 Albanian Planning System versus EU Classifications

    The ESPON study starts from the C.E.C classification of ideal types and tries to make a new categorization according to the changes and the movements in the EU planning families. It gives more emphasis to the dis-tribution of powers relevant to planning among levels of government with a finer analysis of state structures and the decentralization and devolution of competences, especially the varying forms of regional governance and local powers. There is enough evidence that spatial planning families are sharing a lot of information and knowledge due to Europeanization processes, thus leading to a convergence in planning families as well. But its also important to say that although they take a lot from each other, they still remain unique

    Since the 2000 Albania was officially recognized by the EU as a potential candidate country and it started ne-gotiations on a SAA- Stabilization and Association Agreement, which was successfully agreed and signed on 2006. Although Albania has completed all the conditions to become a candidate country, its official approval has been kept pending for the last few years, because of an internal political back-clash between the two main political parties. Although a positive answer is expected during the time this research will be developed, it must be clear that the Western Balkan region, including Albania, are expected to jump into the EU only by 2020.

    As its said above Albania lacks national spatial planning and development perspectives, a feature, which is typical for the whole Western Balkan. As such we cant make a clear definition regarding the planning family, where we might belong. However based on relative comparison it could be said that until the 2006 territorial planning in Albania was based on the school of Urbanism tradition, which generally considers the dimen-sions of physical planning and urban design. But from 2006 and on, authorities reformed the legislation according to the Comprehensive Integrated tradition, which seeks to create a complete set of abstract rules and principles for the spatial and regional planning, as well as the respective national policies.


    ESPON- European Spatial Planning Observation Network

  • 46 | Shqipria 2030: Nj Vizion pr Zhvillimin Hapsinor Kombtar Albania 2030: A National Spatial Development Vision | 47

    2.3 Raste Studimore

    2.3.1 Rasti Gjithprfshirs dhe Integrues i Holands

    Ky nn-kapitull do t ilustroj dy traditat e familjeve t planifikimit hapsinor n BE: (i) rasti holandez, i cili sht konsideruar botrisht si ushtrimi m i avancuar i planifikimit hapsinor n shkall kombtare; (ii) dhe rasti Italian, si nj nga prvojat m t shtreszuara administrative t nj suksesi relativ n kon-tekstin e tradits mesdhetare. Nse rasti i par paraqet nj objektiv t fundm pr tu arritur, rasti i dyt sht nj referenc rajonale m e afrt pr Shqiprin, jo vetm n kontekstin a hartimit t planeve por edhe t zbatimit.

    Me nj siprfaqe prej rreth 41,864 km dhe popullsi prej rreth 17 milion njerz, Holanda prfshin n vetve-te 3 territore prbrse: a) Territori n Europn kontinentale, b) Antilet e Holands, c) dhe Aruba. Shumica e vendi prbhet nga ultsirat prgjat detit, apo tok e rimarr prej ktij t fundit, sepse nj e katrta e vendit gjendet nn ose n nivelin e detit.

    Holanda sht e njohur pr rajonin Randstad, q sht nj strukrur sopra-ubane (konurbacion) prbr nga qytetet kryesore holandeze si: Amsterdam, Roterdam, Hag dhe Utrecht. Randstad mbulon 26% t territorit t vendit, dhe n t jeton 46% e t gjith popullsis s tij. Vendimet e planifikimit hapsinor merren n nivel kombtar, rajonal dhe lokal. Vizionet hapsinore e qeveritare, krahinat dhe komunat nuk prshkruajn vetm pritshmrit e zhvillimeve hapsinore, por edhe se si do t drejtohen kto zhvillime dhe si zbatohen ato n do nivel.


    Qeveria lokale n Holand sht e prbr nga 12 provinca dhe 418 komuna, nj numr i cili erdhi si rezultat i bashkimit e konsolidimit nga 431 njsi n vitin 2009. Pavarsisht ksaj strukture, Hollanda ka edhe lloje t ndryshme t organizmave administrativo-rajonale, q prbhen nga komuna t shumta t cilat funksionojn si qytete-rajone. Shteti prqendrohet dhe sht prgjegjs pr shtjet, t cilat jan me rndsi strategjike e kombtare, t tilla si sigurimi dhe prmirsimi i aksesit, qendrushmria, etj. Vizioni

    2.3 Case Studies

    2.3.1 Comprehensive Integrated example of The Netherlands

    This sub-chapter will illustrate two traditions of spatial planning families in EU: the Dutch case, which is considered globally as the most advanced exercise of spatial planning at national scale; and the Italian case, as one of the most str