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Page 2: Alaina and chloe

How many different ways are there to smoke?

1. Cigarettes2. Pipes3. Cigars4. Chewing tobacco

and much more!

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The average smoker will smoke 10,000 cigarettes in a year. That costs around $2,700.00. With that amount of money you could buy:

14 iPod touches at $189.00 each

337 stuffed animals at $8.00 each


1,036,800 ring pops at $0.75 each

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Smoking can really hurt you. By smoking you can be targets to diseases such as:


Heart failure,

Lung cancer,

Kidney cancer,

Heart attacks,


And sadly, there are many more...

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Smoking does not only hurt you, it can hurt anyone around you!

Don’t make me choke on your second had smoke…

When you breathe out smoke fumes you’re poisoning everyone around you. You can seriously injure people close to you.

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These people are smoking models and most likely have never even smoked in their life!!

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Smoking can cause some major effects on the appearance body such as:

Yellow teeth

Yellow hands

Smelly breath and clothes

Wrinkly skin

And TONS more!

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Every 8 seconds someone dies due to tobacco.

1 out of 3 smokers are estimated to eventually die from a tobacco-related disease.

People that smoke have 10 times as many wrinkles as a person that does not smoke.

U.S. cigarette manufacturers now make more money selling cigarettes to countries around the globe than they do selling to Americans

Most people start smoking at age 13

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How well did YOU pay attention? Time for us to find out!

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What age do most people start smoking?

Is it:

A.) 21

B.) 13

C.) 4

Answer: B

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Name three different ways to smoke.



