Download - Air Classification State of Art 20130110

Page 1: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Air C


N.N. yearperfo

We hthe Athan

We aClassdraw

We wcemean op

N.N. maint

: Plug & Grind 



Zoubov Enrs with an eormance.

have continuAir Swept Cothe given g

are always asifiers - builtwingswhich

would also lient, coal, limptimization

Zoubov Entain compet

ion State


ngineers Snviable repu

ued to mainoal Classifierguarantee fo

at your dispot by us - and we posse

ke to informme, raw matn of your pl

ngineers Stitive prices

of Art


SMCE has butation for r

tain our reprs. The last or productio

osal to suppd for all gen


m you that sterials or otlant.

SMCE is alw.

 DocumeRev 0 


been supplyreliability, lo

putation witAir Swept C

on increase a

ply you withneration Cla

should you nher, we can

ways ready t

ent type : Report


ing equipmeow maintena

h the most Classifiers hand lower e

h all replacemssifiers acco

need an incn make you

to offer you


ent globallyance costs a

recent thirdave achieve

energy cons

ment parts ording to th

crease in thean offer for

a continue


y for more thand excellen

d generationed better resumption.

for the Sidee original

e productionr

d service an

1 of 19 

han 66 nt

n units, sults

e Draft

n of


Page 2: Air Classification State of Art 20130110





Air Swof th

BecauadaptothercasesThereshut and b

Due and l



The dthere

* red

* elim

* red

* per

: Plug & Grind 

cially adap

wept High Ehe grindin

use the Air ted for anyr than provs the staticefore minimdown of thebaghouse.

to cleaner ower wear

ly suited for

roved coal

drastic reduefore:

duces the co

minates or r

duces the NO

rmits the us

pted for ap

Efficiency Clg installati

Swept (ASy type of veviding for thc classifier

mum disrupte mill for co

tailings a srate of the

r Ball race m

l combusti

uction of th

oal usage.

reduces the

Ox formatio

se of lower g


assifiers areion and im

S) separatorertical coal mhe reintrodu

installed iion of the m

onnection of

moother opmill interna

mills, roller b


he residue

residual CO


grade fuels.

 DocumeRev 0 

with air sw

e used on Amprove th

r is installedmill withoutuction of thn the mill

mill operatiof all the duc

peration of ls.

bowl mills a

on 200 µm


ent type : Report

wept coal

Air Swept cohe fineness

d independet any need he clean tai

can be mon is achievecting to and

the mill is

and naturally

m improves


oal mills to ins of the

ently near tfor changeilings into t

maintained, ed with an

d from the c

achieved w

y Air Swept

the burnin

ncrease thefinished p

the mill itses in the mithe mill. In completely

average of classifier to t

with less vib

ball mills.

g of the co

2 of 19 

e output product.

elf, it is ll itself, somes

y open. a week the mill


oal and








Page 3: Air Classification State of Art 20130110






Baueof thplant

The Haminves1900plantthe bspeci


: Plug & Grind 

ermeister e market, ats designed

founder oburg basedstments in 0, Bauermet went into business inialized equi


continuallyalways read to be both

of the busd businessinnovative

eister appliefull scale s

nto the proipment and

ter Air Cla

y adapts itsdy to fulfill th technically

siness, Ems in 1882 e developmed for worlserial produ

ocessing of d complete f

ssifier is u

 DocumeRev 0 

s tried and the special y and econo

mil Ludwig as a supp

ments wereld-wide patuction. Earlcocoa bea


sed for the

ent type : Report

proven equneeds of itomically so

Hermann plier of gr a major tents on thly 1900s alans, cocoa

e classifyin

uipment to ts customeround.

Bauermeisrain mills. part of co

heir equipmso marked powder an

ng of dry p

the requirers with proc

ster, starteEven backmpany pol

ment and ththe expan

nd chocolat

powders in

3 of 19 

ements cessing

ed this k then, licy. In he first

nsion of te with

nto two

Page 4: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




fractiaccurcompcombFeedshapcreatcoarsclassthe hinlet class

* Cuwell a* Ava* Mil* Eas 

: Plug & Grind 

ions, one aracy. The plete with bination wit material ise of the hted, in whicse materialifier along

housing wato classify

ification. Pr

t size can as primary ailable in did steel, stasy access fo

above and tBauermeistits own f

th any convs conveyed housing anch the mate. The fine with the aill and falls fy the coaroduct is th

be set withand secondifferent size

ainless steelor cleaning

the other bter ACLs afeeding anventional aiwith the md the rotaerial to be material is ir. The coadownward.

arse materhen discharg

hin the rangdary air voles for throul. and mainte

 DocumeRev 0 

below a detare designend productr swept mi

main supply ation of theclassified issucked inwrse materia. Air also enial again, ged throug

ge of 3 to lume. ughputs fro

enance thro

ent type : Report

termined cued to opert collectionlling systemof air to th

e separatins separatedwards throual is hurled nters the clproviding h a rotary a

150 µm by

m 50 lbs/h

ough inspe

ut size withrate in a cn system, m. he spiral hong rotor, ad into two fugh the rot

by centrifulassifier thra better

air lock.

y variation

to 20 t/h.

ction doors

h a high degclassifying or alterna

ousing. Due spiral curfractions, fitor and leavugal force aough a secyield durin

of rotor sp


4 of 19 

gree of system tely in

e to the rrent is ne and ves the against

condary ng the

peed as

Page 5: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Deveparticneedclasstonersize deasily


Origithe Tcontrcontr

: Plug & Grind 

elopments wcles and

d, Hosokawification aprs. Our clasdistributiony dispersibl


nally develoTurboplex isrolled by throller. Cutpo

within pownarrower

wa have depplications ssifiers, desns that are e.

oped as ons available

he speed of oints in the

wder procesr particle eveloped awithin ind

signed for euniform an

e of the firsas a single the classifi

e range of 1

 DocumeRev 0 


ssing have size di

a diverse rustries suceasy operatnd homoge

st classifieror multi-w

ier wheel w150 to 2.5 m

ent type : Report

led to demistributionsrange of cch as phartion and meneous, sph

rs using theheel classif

which is adjumicrons are

mands for . In resclassifiers trmaceuticalaintenanceherical, smo

e "deflector fier. Producusted usinge possible.

increasinglsponse toto meet dls, chemicae, produce pooth and d

wheel" prict fineness ig a frequen

5 of 19 

ly finer o this iffering als and particle dry and

nciple, is cy

Page 6: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Latesreducpossi Feat * Cana mil* Moscale* Cla* A w App * Min* Ton* Hea* Foo 

Deveparticneedclasstonersize deasily

: Plug & Grind 

st developmced pressurible.

tures / B

n be operatl forming a

odel sizes rae machines assifier desiwide range


neral powdeners. avy metal pod and feed

elopments wcles and

d, Hosokawification aprs. Our clasdistributiony dispersibl

ments in ATre drop and


ted either aa high efficieange from 5capable of gn ensuresof wear pro



powders andstuffs.

within pownarrower

wa have depplications ssifiers, desns that are e.

TP technolod turbo twin

as an indepency closed50 ATP Labhandling s

s a fines prootected des

nd pigments

wder procesr particle eveloped awithin ind

signed for euniform an

 DocumeRev 0 

gy include n for even f

pendent clasd circuit milb/R&D classeveral tonnoduct free osigns are av


ssing have size di

a diverse rustries suceasy operatnd homoge

ent type : Report

"NG" new gfiner produ

ssifier or oplling and clasifier up to ne/hr. of oversize vailable.

led to demistributionsrange of cch as phartion and meneous, sph

generation cts than we

perated in cassification multi-whee


mands for . In resclassifiers trmaceuticalaintenanceherical, smo

wheel for ere previou


el productio

increasinglsponse toto meet dls, chemicae, produce pooth and d

6 of 19 


n with


ly finer o this iffering als and particle dry and

Page 7: Air Classification State of Art 20130110





The needgraviinterr Feat * Use250-4* Use* We App * Cer* Che* Foo* Min 

: Plug & Grind 


Ventoplex d for any exity fed. Prorupting pro

tures / B

ed for sepa45 micron. ed for high ear protecte


ramics. emicals. od. nerals. 

"unit air cxternal airfloduct finen



arations in t

throughpued and iron


classifier" isow or prodness can b

the coarse t

ut applicatio-free desig


 DocumeRev 0 

s designedduct collectibe stepless

to medium

ons particulans available

ent type : Report

with an iion on the sly adjuste

fineness ra

arly for mine.

nternal fanclassifier wd during o

ange of app


n, eliminatiwith the unitoperation w


7 of 19 

ng the t being without

y d97 -

Page 8: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Founreduc50 yeearlyapplifood

In thcustotheir servicspeci

In thproduchemintern

In 2compbeenmuchconta


Air proc

Air csepahighlanywgene

The powdair syalone

: Plug & Grind 

nded in 192ction and sears the co

y versions ocations beyand pharm

he 1970s omers with

volume nce quickly ialist requir

he 1980s uced to th

mical and mnationally.

007 Britishplementary n fully integh broader rainment sys

nally a sub, British Re

mber of Phill

Classificacedures th

classifiers urated into y versatile

where betweration of di

same technder mixtureystem by ve. Commo

27, Britishsize controompany devof the jet myond the t


British Rema practica

needs weredeveloped

rements out

British Rehe tightly-cmineral ind

h Rema acrange of

grated into range of indstems when

bsidiary of ema has blips Rema G

ation and hat can be

use a techtwo distincand can b

ween 1 micifferential fo

nology cane in which tvirtue of th

on applicat

h Rema wal specialisinveloped its mill and vatraditional to a world-

ma introdul alternativ

e one-off, d to the ptsourced th

ma develocontrolled sdustries, w

cquired Poprocessing the produ

dustrial parn the produ

the well-kbeen an indGroup.

sieving used to c

hnique by ct fractionsbe used focron and orces on th

n be appliedhe underlyiheir shape,tions involv

 DocumeRev 0 

as an earlyng in millinown rangerious air clmineral pr-wide custo

uced its cove to acquirsmall or inpoint wherheir entire p

oped a ransize distribuwhich its C

owder Techequipment

uct range article procesucts are sen

known Shedependent

are the control par

which drys, either sir the prod300 micro

he particles

d to the seing fraction, density ove the re

ent type : Report

y pioneer ng, micronise of proprieassification

rocessing momer base.

ontract proring their ontermittentre many cproduction t

nge of its utions requChemical S

hnology Ltdt such as dand allows ssing applicnsitive or ha

ffield-basedprivate co

two morticle size.

y powders de of a spuction of pns. The teof differen

eparation ons experiencr mass, ra

emoval of

in the fieldsing and cletary equipn systems, markets int

ocessing seown capital t. Demand customers to the Britis

own micruired by to

Sales Divisi

d, a compdryers and our enginecations as wazardous.

d engineermpany sinc

ost comm.

of mixed pecified cutpowders wiechnology t sizes with

of the consce differentther than contamina

d of particlassificationment, introand extend

to fine che

ervice to pequipmentmeant th

with compsh Rema fa

ronised maodayÂ’s indon now m

pany supplmixers. Th

eers to addwell as inte

ring group,ce 1980 an

mon mech

particle sit point. Thith a particis based o

hin an air sy

stituent part forces wittheir partication in p

8 of 19 

cle size n. Over oducing ding its emicals,

provide t when

hat this plex or acility.

aterials dustrial markets

lying a his has dress a egrated

Edgar nd is a


ize are hey are cle size on the ystem.

rts of a thin the cle size primary

Page 9: Air Classification State of Art 20130110






The Aparticto mclosesystebe insepaFeatu

- Ope- Exc- Pre- Low- Low- Adj- Ope- Rob 




: Plug & Grind 

uction envcling operat

ge of sizes d

Aerosplit culate mateany tonnes

ed-circuit wem incorpornstalled in erate produures and be

erating partcellent sharecise on-strew system rew power coustable secerates undebust constru

vironments tions.

designed fo

is a high-erials and iss per hour. ithin a convrating feedexisting air ucts of excenefits:

ticle size rapness of cueam controesistance. nsumption.condary air er negative uction and

or the se

or throughp

efficiency s capable oThese forc

ventional mer, fan andsystems w

ceptional f

ange of 1 tout. ol of cut-poi

. system for pressure pbuild qualit

 DocumeRev 0 

eparation a

puts of betw

air-swept of handling ced-vortex

milling systed product-c

with a minimfineness ov

o 150 micro

int by varia

r optimisatiopromoting dty for long

ent type : Report

and recove

ween 5kgs a

classifier squantities funits are d

em or as ancollection eqmum of mover a wide


ation of roto

on of classidust-free enservice life.

ery of spe

and 10 tonn

suitable fofrom a few

designed ton independequipment. dification a

e range of

or speed.

ification effnvironment.

ecific mater

nes per hou

r processinw kilos per ho operate eient, “stand-The Aerosp

and will accf feed vari

ficiency. t.

9 of 19 

rials in


ng dry hour up ither in -alone” plit can curately iations.

Page 10: Air Classification State of Art 20130110












: Plug & Grind 


 DocumeRev 0 

ent type : Report

110 of 19 


Page 11: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Metsand s

* Theand i* Dewithiand l* Thcoal static

Metsis ideProdufiner The desirGyrotutilizerotar

: Plug & Grind 

so designs systems. O

e Metso gyis ideal for

elta-sizers an the rangelow power ce twin-conand coke pc vanes.

o's gyrotoreal for any sucts of 99.are obtainagyrotor ha

red cut pointors can beed in a clary air locks.

and manufur line inclu

yrotor, a rotany separa

are designee of 5 to 20consumptio

ne classifierproducts. Th

, a rotatingseparation 99% passiable for ultndles feed

nt and matee integratedassification

factrues a ludes gyroto

tating vaneation whereed to accura00 microns on on a conr is a provehis classifie

g vane air cwhere the ng 325 mera fine apprates from

erial densityd into a coonly system


 DocumeRev 0 

ine of air cors, delta-si

e air classifi the fines aately separinto distinc

ntinuous baen device fer has inner

classifier, sefines are 3

esh with anlications.

m 0.1 to 20y.

onventional m complete

ent type : Report

classifiers toizer, and tw

ier, separatare 35 meshrate dry poct fractionsasis. for air-strear and outer

eparates dr5 mesh of

n average p

00 tons pe

closed or oe with cycl

o suit a ranwin cone cla

tes dry solidh of finer.wders of m at high ex

am size clar metal con

ry solid parfiner. particle size

er hour dep

open dry gone, fan, d


ge of appliassifiers.

d particles

mixed particxtraction eff

assification es and adju

rticles by si

e of 5 micr

pending up

grinding circdust collect

11 of 19 


by size

cle size ficiency

of dry ustable

ize and

rons or

pon the

cuit; or tor and

Page 12: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Poittin 19FORPbetw

For desigproceThe cin moOur informsolutWe technchara

In orare ein theStateadditincreUsesminePartYieldThro

: Plug & Grind 

temill Gro933) and FOPLEX have

ween the tw

over 90 ygning innovessing. Thecompanies’ore than 10team of emation tections for ouhave deveniques. Theacteristics a

rder to achiequipped we air circuite-of-the-arttional pateneases yield. s: Powder cerals, slags, ticle size: fd up to 90 oughput: 1

oup was creORPLEX (fo

developedwo companie

years, POIvative solutiese solution’ expertise a00 countriesexperiencedchnology ar customer

eloped variese procesand goals.

eve more eith a variabt vary. t classifier cnted air sys

classificatioclinker, bla

feed 0-5 m% 10 T/h to 60

eated in 19unded in 1

d unique ees have gen

ITTEMILL ions for pow

ns are used and professs. d engineersand our tes, taking inious grindisses can b

efficient clable speed tu

consisting ostem which

n and sharast furnace m, cut poin

00 T/h

 DocumeRev 0 

994 through911). Throxpertise. Onerated sig

Ingénierie wder grindiin many in

sionalism a

s and skillest centre, nto account ing, classife associate

ssification aurbine so th

of a variablemaintains

p cut pointsslags.

nt 30-400µm

ent type : Report

h the allianughout the

Over the pgnificant gro

and FORing, micron

ndustries. re acknowl

led technicdesigns f

their specifying, dryined or com

and finer cuhat the part

e speed claparticles in

s from high


nce of POITeir long life,ast twelve owth in the

PLEX Indunizing, class

edged by le

cians, usingfully integrific requiremng, cryogebined acco

ut points, dticle speed

ssifying rotfront of th

hly scattere


TTEMILL (fo POITTEMIyears, syn

ir activities

ustrie havesifying, dryi

eading com

g state-of-rated tailorments. enic and iording to p

dynamic claand load lo

tor, rinsing e rotor and

ed feed curv

12 of 19 

ounded ILL and nergies .

e been ng and


-the-art r-made

nerting product

ssifiers osses

air, d


Page 13: Air Classification State of Art 20130110





Sinceinnovhas b

SWECinduspharmcentrand p

SWECglobefacilitand Sglobaservic

FloremanuEcuteachieand d

: Plug & Grind 

co Ecutec A

e 1917 SWvation. SWbeen finding

CO, a busstrial sepamaceutical rifuges, griparts.

CO has 13 e. Headquaties in MacoSingapore, al commitmce in the in

ence, Kentufacturing aec S.L. heaeve the besdifficult spa


WECO has ECO pateng solutions

siness unit aration eqseparators

nding mills

manufactuartered in on, GA, Tula joint-ven

ment, you cndustry . . .

tucky - SWavailability adquarteredst yield at vace conditio

Classifier &

been rested the deto custome

of M-I L.quipment. s plus seves, finishing

uring facilitFlorence, lsa, OK, Benture in Mecan be assno matter

WECO, A of this robu

d in Barcelovery low speons.

 DocumeRev 0 

& Air Classi

sponding esign of theers' process

.L.C., is a We ma

eral lines omills and

ties and ovKY, USA, S

elgium, Scotxico, and aured that Swhere you

Business ust turbo cona, Spain.ecific energ

ent type : Report


to markete first vibras needs eve

leading manufacture of complima wide var

ver 100 serSWECO alstland, Italy,a licensee inSWECO wil are located


Unit of Mlassifier fro. The purpogy consump

t needs watory separer since.


entary sepriety of aft

rvice officesso maintain, Poland, Sn Australia.ll provide yd.

M-I L.L.C.,om their recose of thes

ption while


with enginrator in 194

er of custorectangular

paration protermarket s

s surroundins manufapain, India. With this tyou with th

, announcecent acquisse classifieroccupying

13 of 19 

neering 42 and

omized r and oducts, screens

ing the cturing , China type of he best

es the ition of rs is to narrow

Page 14: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Ecuteto 6 from minecan bcustospeci

With pharmcomp

Ecutefine compand m


: Plug & Grind 

ec ALPHA Tmicrons. T150 micro

eral and chbe fed by gomized withific materia

more thanmaceutical,plete line of

ec, a businand ultra-f

plete integrmills.

ec is highlyons or beloec classifier

Turbo Air CThe ALPHA ons down temical prodgravity fromh either stal requireme

n 60 years, chemical,f separation

ness unit offine powderated turnk

y experienceow. Our adrs to make

Classifier forclassifier w

to 6 micronducts. Depm the top oinless steelents.

s of separa food, minn, sizing an

f SWECO, sers from 3key system

ed in a varidvanced rotthe finest c

 DocumeRev 0 

r fine particwas developns and is epending on or in the m, ceramic o

ation technnerals, papnd milling eq

specializes 00 micronss as well a

iety of dry tor design cuts at the

ent type : Report

cle classificaped for theespecially s

the finenemain airstreor polyureth

nology expeer, and maquipment.

in classifyis down to as precision

processes pand manuhighest ca

ation from e productionuited for d

ess requiredam from bhane for we

erience, SWany other


ing, coating1 micron.

n, stand-alo

particularlyufacturing tpacities. Ap


150 micronn of fine prdry powdersd, this equ

below, and ear protecti

WECO servindustries

g and grind. Ecutec pone air cla

y for productechniques pplications

14 of 19 

n down roducts s, both ipment can be on and

ves the with a

ding of rovides


cts of 5 enable include

Page 15: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




both zirco


In teunpre

We oultrafas 1

The prod

Theycentrenergfor lo

The Afrom for opossiminim

: Plug & Grind 

abrasives n oxide, ac

ther your em, Ecutec

erms of capecedented

offer four lfine particlemicron, Ecu

ALPHA aducts belo

y belong torifugal classgy consumong operatio

ALPHA clasbelow. Fo

optimum diible to intromise the en

and soft pctivated carb

needs inclhas the exp

pacity, fineperformanc

ines of hige classificatutec has a

ir classifiew 40 urn.

o the famisifiers. Theption. Theional lifetim

ssifier can br separatioispersion ooduce feednergy consu

products subon, foodst

ude plant perience an

ness of cutce.

ghly efficiention from Sclassifier to

ers have

ily of turboeir purpose ir solid con


be fed eithens below 2

of the feedd from the umption by

 DocumeRev 0 

uch as calctuff and che

optimizationd know ho

t, durability

nt, easy to SWECOair co fit your pr

been dev

o classifieris to achie

nstruction r

er by gravity20 urn the d. Where ctop of thereducing th

ent type : Report

cium carbonemical prod

on, extensow to help y

y and cost

maintain Eclassifiers. Frocessing n

veloped fo

rs with tureve the bereflects ECU

y from the product is

coarser sepe classifier he pressure

nates, talcuducts.

sion or a cyou achieve


Ecutec NEAFrom 300 m



or the pro

bulent air est yield at UTEC's phil

top or in thintroduced

parations aand this coe drop.


um, mica,

complete te your goal

ess, Ecutec

A Air Classifmicrons to

oduction o

flow, also very low s

losophy of

he main air from the

are requiredonfiguration

15 of 19 


turnkey s.

c offers

fier for as fine

of fine

called specific design

rstream bottom d, it is n helps

Page 16: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




The Aneceprocesifieravaila








: Plug & Grind 

ALPHA canssary, be essing abrar rotor andable on req

be supplielined wit

asive materd the bodyquest.

ed with a ch ceramicsrials or to py can be c


 DocumeRev 0 

ceramic class or polyprevent iroconstructed

ent type : Report

ssifier wheeurethane f

on contamin in stainle

el and the for wear nation. If ress steel. O


body itself protection equired, th

Other optio

16 of 19 

can, if when

he clas-ons are

Page 17: Air Classification State of Art 20130110




Our hiproduc

• They c• They f

specifi• With th• Adjust

High-The hifinishe

• Low e• Wear • Highes

: Plug & Grind 

gh-efficiency cction and proc

can be integrafulfil all requireic load. heir high-efficitable guide pla-efficiency cyigh-efficiency ced goods from

nergy consumprotection tailost possible lev

classifiers cancessing of cem

ated in all estabements for a m

ency and low ates and machyclone cyclones are athe air in the

mption due to mored to the provel of separatio

n be used for fiment, raw meal

blished millingmodern, third-g

energy consuhined rods allo

an integral comclassifier.

minimal loss ofoduct being claon

 DocumeRev 0 

ine classificatiol (cement plan

g cycles, from generation, hig

mption, they aow for optimal a

mponent in the

f pressure assified, which

ent type : Report

on in various ints), mineral co

ball mills to vegh-efficiency cl

are conducive adjustment of

e classifier cyc

h guarantees a

ndustrial enviroal and other m

ertical mills. lassifier and a

to efficient enthe degree of

cle and serve t

a long, mainte


ronments, likemineral raw m

re designed fo

ergy use. f separation.

to separate the

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Page 18: Air Classification State of Art 20130110






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: Plug & Grind  DocumeRev 0 

ent type : Report

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