Download - AIESEC parttime info booklet

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Information booklet

‘Up for a challenge?’


POSITIONS Information Booklet


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Dear student, Great that you are considering a parttime position within AIESEC Wageningen! Since 1948 more than 1 million students have chosen to fulfill a parttime or fulltime position within the largest international student organization in the world - AIESEC. By means of this information booklet we will provide you with the big picture of this organization, and what this organization could provide you. Worldwide there are more than 50,000 students from 110 different countries working for AIESEC. This is not only a huge network that you can connect with, but also at local level you will find many students with different backgrounds. Besides the diversity, AIESEC Wageningen offers much more. International contact, professionalism and personal development are main topics within an AIESEC board year, both full-time and part-time. What your AIESEC experience will be precisely is for you to decide. Do you want to work in a close team, learn how to build a good strategy, have contact with multinational organizations or do you want to go to a national or international conference? These are among the possibilities and are only a small part of all experiences you will have during an AIESEC board year. We hope that after reading this booklet you will have a good image of all the things AIESEC can offer you and hopefully you will be even more interested to apply for a part-time board position. If you have any further questions, you can always come to our office (Generaal Foulkesweg 37) and have a chat or you can contact us via [email protected]. Enjoy reading and hopefully we will see you soon at AIESEC! On behalf of AIESEC Wageningen, Marieke van Deelen Local Committee President 2012-2013

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Table of Content

History of AIESEC ..................................................................................................................................... 3

AIESEC Wageningen ................................................................................................................................ 4

General Activities .................................................................................................................................... 7

Member Activities AIESEC Wageningen .................................................................................................. 9

Available Board Positions – Fulltime ..................................................................................................... 11

Available Board Positions – Part-time ................................................................................................... 11

Make a Move team (MaM team) ...................................................................................................... 11

Outgoing Exchange Team (OGX team) .............................................................................................. 12

Incoming Exchange Team (ICX team) ................................................................................................ 12

AIESEC Programs ................................................................................................................................... 14

Application Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 15

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History of AIESEC

In 1948, seven students of Western Europe came together in Stockholm. They founded what

has grown out to be the largest international student organization, AIESEC.

AIESEC is an acronym for Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences

Economiques et Commerciales: an organization set up for students in economics and

business related studies. Nowadays, AIESEC is no longer an economics and business

related organization, because it is open for students of every academic major.

With the idea of recovering the relations between European countries after the Second World

War, the founders of AIESEC set up the following goal: no more war! They believed they

would achieve this goal by giving individuals the experience of living and working abroad

themselves. By giving people cultural experiences, they would create mutual understanding.

Students would not only get aware of different cultures, but will also learn and face

challenges by doing an internship as well. As a fulltime and part-time member you will not

only give people the opportunity to do this, you will also experience it yourself in a way.

The vision of AIESEC is: “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential”

The means to this vision are formulated as follows:

“Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their

leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society.”

Currently, AIESEC has grown from 7 to over 110 countries. We have become the largest

student organization in the world and we are the largest NGO in the world, after the United

Nations. Within these countries, an AIESEC board is present in 1,500 cities in the world and

more than 50,000 students are active members at this moment. They make it possible for

students around the world to go on an international internship or go for an international

project (for example, the Ambassadors Program and NOUR program).

Currently, there are about 13,000 international exchanges realized each


"I commend AIESEC's continuing efforts to develop the future business

leadership of our countries” Nelson Mandela

"The United Nations has long recognized that the imagination, ideals and energies of young men and women are vital for the continuing development of the societies in which they live. And since its inception in 1948, AIESEC has contributed to this development by serving as an agent of positive change through education and cultural exchange. In an era of globalization, your programs have helped young people around the world to develop a broader understanding of cultural, socio-economic and business management issues." Kofi Anan

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AIESEC Wageningen

A sparkling year full of surprises is what you can expect when you choose to fulfill a fulltime

or part-time position within AIESEC! You will work together in a group of 20 enthusiastic

students for one year. Our four pillars explain what benefits AIESEC offers you.

Accelerate your growth

- Professional work environment - Learning by doing - Personal feedback & coaching

Personal and professional development of board members is an AIESEC focus point. Through our (international) network, contacts in the business world and a drive to improve, we are constantly setting ourselves up to deliver high quality services to our clients. Within AIESEC you will experience a professional work environment. As a board member you will have the opportunities to learn in this environment and enjoy the responsibilities that come with it. To make the most of a board position, AIESEC offers you trainings, personal coaching and feedback sessions to grow further. Accelerate your growth personally and professionally. We believe that most growth comes through a process of learning by doing. We see in success as well as room for error important factors in achieving results.

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Develop a global mindset

- International work environment - Opportunities abroad - International conferences

AIESEC is an international student organization located in 110 countries. Worldwide some 60.000 individuals are active AIESEC members. AIESEC offers an international work environment with numerous opportunities to get in touch with different people and cultures and develop a global mindset. There are opportunities to collaborate with international colleagues, meet up with AIESEC trainees doing internships in the Netherlands and have regular contact with AIESEC offices abroad. The ability to participate in one of the 470 international AIESEC conferences organized during the year is another unique option. Finally, AIESEC offers you opportunities to go abroad. Take the next step and do an internship or project abroad, help other AIESEC entities or apply for an AIESEC board membership in another country.

Expand your network

- Team work - National involvement - Partner companies

Globally, AIESEC is the largest student-run network. You have the opportunity to expand your network and meet people. Within AIESEC you will work in teams. Throughout a year you will build friendships on a local, national and international level. Apart from this professional interaction with clients and partner companies, AIESEC offers opportunities to get in touch with prospective employers and discover the many opportunities present.

Enjoy participation

- Celebrate success - Great people - Work hard, play hard

Besides a learning experience, an AIESEC board year means loads of fun. You will enjoy participation in many social activities. These include team weekends, dinners, team building activities, conferences, weekly drinks and more. You will get to know and work together many great people. At AIESEC we aim to celebrate results, achievements and success. Therefore, an AIESEC board year can be characterized by a ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality: we aim at providing our services as professional as possible but we strongly acknowledge the value of pleasure and fun during and after work.

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Structure The structure of AIESEC Wageningen is as follows: the Executive Board (EB) is the full-time

board of AIESEC Wageningen, consisting of a President, a Vice-President and the three

coordinators of the teams. These three coordinators are leading their own teams with part-

time members: the Outgoing Exchange team, the Incoming Exchange team and the Make a

Move team. Schematically the structure looks as following:

Local Committee President

Outgoing Exchange


International affairs

External Relations


Social media

Incoming Exchange


Acquisition Managers (3x)

Account Managers (3x)

Make a Move Coordinator

Account Managers


External Relations


Special Projects


Online positioning manager

Vice President

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General Activities Throughout a year with AIESEC, you will get many chances and opportunities to develop yourself. In line with our mission, AIESEC focuses a lot on the development of its members. The opportunities that AIESEC will offer you are a unique chance and will speed up your personal development. As a member you can attend trainings, reception weekends, national and international conferences and many other international opportunities. All these opportunities will be explained more extensively below. Trainings Cycle

If you become a member of AIESEC Wageningen you will go through the trainings cycle. The goal of this cycle is to bring a structure in the personal development and trainings of the members. It will also make you aware of the different development and training phases you will go through. Every member can receive about 15 training moments a year. Keep in mind that the learning experience that AIESEC offers is for 80% the work that one actually does in AIESEC, not solely the trainings on itself. 1. Self-Assessment: E.g. Feedback, personal goal setting and personality tests. 2. Kick-Off: National, local, team, system and functional takeover. 3. Practical: Skill development: e.g. Interviewing, writing, sales, time management. 4. Personal: E.g. Inhouse days, personal management, application & assessment trainings. Reception Weekends Every year, AIESEC committees in the Netherlands organize five different reception weekends together. These weekends are meant to give the foreign trainees an insight into the Dutch culture and the several AIESEC cities. The special things about these weekends are that you really get in touch with trainees from all over the world and with AIESEC members throughout the whole country. So, you will meet students from for example Australia, Brazil, China, Spain and all the 250 AIESEC members from the Netherlands.

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National Conferences During these two-day conferences (organized twice a year) all the AIESEC board members gather together, to get to know each other and to share experiences. These two days consist of trainings and policy sessions, where everyone thinks about the short and long term strategic direction of AIESEC the Netherlands. And most of all, it is all about fun and getting to know new people!

International Conferences Every year AIESEC worldwide organizes more than 350 international conferences! Every member of AIESEC is able to attend these amazing conferences. The special thing about such a conference is that you are able to interact with hundreds of students from all over the world. Nearly every conference is about personal development and about leadership. It is a unique experience to learn more about other cultures and countries together with students who do the same work for AIESEC but in a completely different country

and reality. Next to that it is really amazing to meet so many people to build up a great international network. LC Wageningen went, for example, to Switzerland last year – and it was awesome.

Board Position in Another Country AIESEC offers you the opportunity to fulfill a board position in a Local Committee or even a Member Committee of another country. This gives you the opportunity to develop yourself, not only on a personal level, but also on a professional and cultural level. At this moment Dutch students can fulfill leadership positions in Denmark, Brazil, Bahrain, Ghana, Qatar and Jordan.

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Member Activities AIESEC Wageningen A great board year is what you can expect if you decide to apply for AIESEC. For a whole year you will work intensively together with 20 enthusiastic students. In this year you will learn to deal with different kinds of people, learn how to manage your time, to plan, to coordinate, to organize and many more things! It is extremely useful to commit yourself one year to an organization that wants to grow in quality and quantity and where your personal development is centralized. The great thing about AIESEC is that it is a national organization that results in the fact that both quality and professionalism are one of the key elements within the organization. The professional way of working, the huge responsibilities and the contact with your team, students, companies and organizations make an AIESEC year amazing. Time As a part-time board member you are part of your team, but also of AIESEC Wageningen. This means that you will spend more or less 10-15 hours a week on your team and AIESEC. You will be working 1/3 of your time for your team, 1/3 of your time on function specific tasks and 1/3 of your time for AIESEC in general. Thursday evening is AIESEC evening. You will have dinner and a meeting with your own team. AIESEC Wageningen has a LC meeting once every two weeks on Tursday evening at Café Daniels, where important and fun things will be discussed. After your team meeting or LC meeting we will have drinks with the LC and the trainees and have a great evening (and night) together! Besides that, you will have an office shift once a week for half a day, where you can work on your projects and function specific tasks. General Job Description As mentioned before, more or less 1/3 of your time you will be working for AIESEC in general. To give an idea of what this means a short overview is provided below.

Reception The reception of foreign trainees who do an internship in Wageningen is a responsibility of the whole LC. Once in a while activities are organized (with a so-called ‘family system’) to interact as much as possible. These activities can be anything, like having dinner, going to the cinema, go bowling etc. This way you really get to know people from all over the world.

Promotion Activities Once in a while AIESEC Wageningen is promoting itself or its activities, such as the Make a Move Career Week or Outgoing exchange internships and projects. To make sure that as many students will get familiar with the products that we can offer, the whole LC will help a bit in order to make these promotional activities a big success. This can be done for example by handing out flyers or doing a lecture talk and make students enthusiastic about going abroad, participating in a Make a Move activity, or joining our organization as a mamber.

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Attendance at LC Meetings and Activities During a LC meeting the most important topics remaining AIESEC Wageningen will be discussed. This is the reason why your presence is required.

Furthermore, you also have to be present at LC activities such as kick-off, policy and take-over weekends. These activities are important to determine the objectives of AIESEC Wageningen and laying the foundation for your term and passing it on to your successors. To keep AIESEC Wageningen sustainable and to improve the overall quality, we need the entire LC.

National and International Conferences We will promote the opportunity of going to national and international conferences in the LC, so if you get the chance to join, do so!

Events of Other Teams For you and for the rest of the LC, it is nice if you attend as many activities as possible of other teams. Therefore most of the times you and your team will try to help out other teams in order to make each event or activity a big success. This way team activities become AIESEC Wageningen activities.

Take Over After your AIESEC year you are going to take over your position and tasks to your successor. In order to keep growing and improving every year, we really need the whole LC to transfer all the knowledge as good as possible. This is essential for a good start of the next year and for the continuity of AIESEC Wageningen.

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Available Board Positions – Fulltime Availability: Currently there are no fulltime positions available. You can apply in March/April 2013. The positions start in July 2013.

Available Board Positions – Part-time In these positions you will be part of one of the three teams of the Local Committee (LC) and contribute to its performance. On average, you will spend 10-15 hours per week on AIESEC. The two teams (with the available positions) will be described as following:

Make a Move team (MaM team)

In November we are looking for (starting 1st of January):

1 Account Manager (10-15 hours a week);

1 Special Projects (10-15 hours a week);

1 Online Positioning Manager (10-15 hours a week). The Make a Move team yearly organizes several activities to prepare students for the labor market. In order to achieve this you will organize career related spring activities, application and assessment trainings and on top to that, you will get the chance to organize the Make a Move Career Event. The goal of the Make a Move Career Event is to offer students the possibility to orientate generally or more specifically on the labor market. This year we will apply an entirely new and state of the art business concept to achieve this goal! In comparison with the exchange teams, Make a Move is more business minded and deals with event management. Available positions:

Account Manager

Being responsible for acquiring the companies and keeping in touch with the companies that are attending the Make a Move Career Weeks in the Netherlands.

Special Project Being responsible for the spring activities and the application and assessment training of Make a Move and the extra activities at the Make a Move Career Events.

Online Positioning Manager

Being responsible for the online presence of Make a Move. Acquiring companies to join the online network and promotion towards students to participate in this network.

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Outgoing Exchange Team (OGX team) In November we are looking for (starting 1st of January);

1 Marketing Manager (10-15 hours a week);

1 Process Manager (10-15 hours a week) As a member of the OGX team you are responsible for the outgoing exchange program. Together with both your coordinator and the other OGX team members you select, support and prepare students who wish to go abroad with AIESEC. Also, you will learn how to select suitable students and it will be a challenge to continuously find an appropriate internship for these students. Furthermore, you get the opportunity to contact people from Kenya, India, Finland, Ghana, Peru or any other of the 110 countries in which AIESEC is located. Every member of the OGX team is, next to his/her function, also a student coach for students going abroad. Responsibilities of a student coach are:

- Ensuring enough participants for the outgoing exchange program via setting up and executing an efficient marketing plan;

- Selecting suitable students through interviews; - Supporting, preparing and sending away students; - Helping the selected students to find a suitable internship; - Keeping contact with AIESEC offices abroad and students that have been sent (OGX

team); "To me, AIESEC is not just an organization that gives me a lot of opportunities to develop myself. What is fascinating is the way that AIESEC changes my perspective towards world. I found out that by the openness of the members (all around the world) and the value that we share together, working with people that I haven't met from different countries is not difficult. Being able to balance work and fun within the team is easy due to the positive vibe that the team has. Someday I will look back through this year and proudly say that I am an AIESEC'er!" Winindra Yudista - Marketing manager & Student coach

Available positions:

Marketing Manager Being responsible for the the entire marketing process of OGX. You will think about target groups, the message and innovative channels of promotion. You don’t need to possess photoshop skills

Process Manager Organising information sessions, scheduling all interviews, informing students on the possibilities within AIESEC, organising selection evenings and case assessments, and structuring the whole OGX process.

Incoming Exchange Team (ICX team) In November we are looking for (starting 1st of January);

1 Accountmanager (10-15 hours a week); As a member of the ICX team you are responsible for the Incoming Exchange program. This means that you are the link between international academic students and Dutch companies

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in the Wageningen region. Together with both your coordinator and the other ICX team members it is your responsibility to create as many quality traineeship opportunities as possible.

Main responsibilities: - Creating quality traineeships - Contact local companies - Arranging formalities - Organizing social activities trainees Available positions:

Account manager Being the contact person once the company has decided to hire a trainee. Relationship management is a key focus. Additionally, matching international students to the desired profile of the company and consequently arranging the formalities.

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AIESEC Programs also for non members International projects and internships Want to gain experience abroad? Really get to know a new culture? Live and work in a new environment for a while? AIESEC offers international projects and internships in more than 100 countries; all year round; varying from 2 months to a year; from volunteer work in a developing country to management positions in an international company. Ambassadors Program The Ambassadors Program offers 1st and 2nd year students an unforgettable international summer! You will be an ambassador of the Netherlands in another AIESEC country, doing a humanitarian project and helping local AIESEC departments. Your ticket will be sponsored and you’ll stay with local people. For more information: NOUR Program Always been fascinated by the Arabic culture? The NOUR Program aims to create mutual cultural understanding between Arabic and Western cultures. During the summer you can do a management or development program. For more information: Meet a Mentor This program is an extension from Make a Move. This Meet a Mentor program selects in cooperation with top companies the best students in the Netherlands. Spread of several months, you will have six contact moments with top companies. This way, you will get a really good impression of your potential future career, the atmosphere and culture of a firm and you can extend your personal network with many valuable contacts. For more information:

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Application Procedure Expectations What does AIESEC expect from you? If you are interested in joining AIESEC Wageningen, these are some aspects we would like to see in the applications:

- Enthusiastic people with a good motivation for joining AIESEC; - Students with a global view and international interests; - Team players; - Ambitious people who want to achieve something in today’s world; - Pro-activity; - Good social skills; - The ability to cope with stress; - Commitment to the organization and your function.

Applying If you would like to apply you have to mail or hand in your letter of motivation, CV (both in English). By handing in your application, you will apply for AIESEC in general, but you can indicate your preference for a certain position in your motivation letter. The deadline of application is Friday November 25th at 23.59h (Dutch time). You can send your application to [email protected], or hand it in at our office at Generaal Foulkesweg 37 (clockhouse building). After handing in your application you will be contacted as soon as possible to make an appointment for an application interview. By then you will receive all the information you need for the interview. Interviews will be held in week 28. More Information? Would you like more information, come to our information session:

- Tuesday November 20th, 17.30h, C406 Forum Building If you have any further questions, mail [email protected], call 0317-483139 or walk by at our office at Generaal Foulkesweg 37 (the Clockhouse building).

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