Download - AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Page 1: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

AGENDA Student Assembly Date: Thursday 14th March 2019, 5:30pm – The Venue

1. Attendance and Apologies None

2. Minutes of the previous meeting – Thursday 31st January 2019

3. Matters Arising None

4. Elections None

5. Motions to change Bye-laws a) Motion to Change the name of the Sports Federation Committee

6. Motions

a) Motion to provide suitable activities in Freshers week for Mature Students and Families b) Motion to lobby the University to provide child friendly spaces on campus c) Motion of No Confidence in the Community Campaigns Officer (Sohaib Arshad)

7. Officer Reports

a) President Report b) Vice President CHLS Officer Report c) Vice President CEDPS Officer Report d) Vice President Student Activities Officer Report e) Vice President CBASS Officer Report f) LGBT Officer Report g) Disability Officer Report

Reports not received by: International Students Officer Community Campaigns Officer BME Officer Environmental and Ethics Officer

8. Student Matters None

9. Urgent Business None

Page 2: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Attendance and Apologies

No apologies given.

Page 3: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

UBS Student Assembly Minutes

Student Assembly Date: Thursday 31st of January 2019, 5:30pm – The Venue

Members in Attendance

President Ranjeet Rathore

Vice President Student Activities George Wardle

Vice President College (CBASS) Anvitha Paruchuri

Vice President College (CHLS) Maria Valada

Disabled Students Officer Sean Cullen

LGBT + Officer Finn Grice

International Students Officer Om Sai Jaman Jyothi

Chair of Student Assembly Sahil Hamid

Student Assembly Community Members Awais Khan

Student Assembly Community Members Ridhima Malhotra

Student Assembly Community Members Garvit Gupta

Student Assembly Community Members Moin Asghar

Student Assembly Community Members Hamza Hamad Arif

Student Assembly Community Members Unaiza Rizwan Kazi

Student Assembly Community Members Manjyot Singh Kalara

Student Assembly Community Members Abir Khan

Student Assembly Community Members Vasundhara Seth

Student Assembly Community Members Abir Khan

Student Assembly Community Members Anusha Adil

Student Assembly Community Members Malik Kamran

Student Representative for the Education Department

Donna-Marie Holder

Student Representative for the Brunel Business School

Kanishq Batra

Assembly Rep for LBIC Vaibhav Agarwal

Non-Members in Attendance

Student Juror Gabriela Condrat

Student Juror Carol Slattery

Student Juror Maximilian Mollenhauer-Starkl

Student Juror Ashmit Chopra

Student Juror Una Brown

Student James Farmer

Apologies Sent by

Vice President College (CEDPS) Peri Sherif

Community Campaigns Officer Sohaib Arshad

Student Representative for the Arts and Humanities Department

Jake Pointer

Page 4: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,


Environment & Ethics Officer Anastasia Walters

Black and Ethnic Minority Officer Iqbal Miah

Student Assembly Community Members Pritesh Milan Shah

Student Assembly Community Members Tamanna Miglani

Student Assembly Community Members Safdar Anvar

Student Assembly Community Members Muhummad Amun Masud

Student Representative for the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department

Mars Burke

Student Representative for the Life Sciences Department

Mohamed Fidow

Student Representative for the Electronic and Computer Engineering Department

Jason Francis Xavier

Student Representative for the Law Department

Priscilla Peralta

UBS Staff In Attendance

Student Voice Manager Rebecca Davies

Head of Education & Advocacy Patsy Headlam

Student Voice Intern Sophie Charlotte

Campaigns Coordinator Yasmin Bowmer

Chair accepts all apologies 1. Minutes of the previous meeting – Thursday 29th November 2018 Passed Indicatively 2. Matters Arising

No matters arising.

3. Elections

a) Approve the Supplementary Election Regulations (see Appendix A and B)

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that

exist every year for elections, that are carried over. We sit as a democracy committee each year and discuss

any potential changes we want to make to the Supplementary Election Regulations. These are written in

clear language so that everyone participating understands behaviour expectations. Ultimately, we want a

free and fair election, and for everyone to behave appropriately towards each other as candidates and as

students. We do not want to see fraudulent voting, etc. The decision was made this year to make voting

exclusive to ballot stations, except from between the hours 7am-10am, so that anyone not on campus can

vote. This is a result of significant issues in the last election.

Page 5: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Because of the inclusion of ballot station voting, there will be additional regulations over elections. If it is

raining, you might be allowed flexible access to the atrium for example. Typically this is not allowed. Our

committee will meet and decide on issues like this.

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: Can all students, even those on campus, vote online?

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Yes they can.


b) Approve NUS as the returning Officer

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: We have an independent returning officer for all our elections.

The chief executive or their nominee will act as a deputy. We do however require impartial oversight. The

NUS will appoint a returning officer, to act for all SU’s.


c) Elections Committee

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: It is the time of year where we require an Elections Committee.

This sub-committee will oversee elections and make rulings, in relation to conduct. Currently, we only have

three people sitting on it and we need more. If you sit on this committee you cannot run in the election or

actively campaign.

Donna Marie-Holder, Maria Valada and Anvitha Paruchuri take these spaces.

4. Motions to amend bye-laws

a) Motion to remove the post of Community Campaigns Officer

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: The Community Campaigns Officer role was created in

2016, with the idea of improving the relationship with the wider community. It emerged at a time when

the University did not have a good image among locals. However, it is felt among Officers that the role is

not working, and not much is being done by the people elected into the role. Brunel Volunteers actually

do far more with the local community, and this kind of work is under the VP Officers and President’s remit

too. As such, we believe the role is obsolete and would like to remove it.

Student: Surely the local community will not be attended to and engaged with properly if this role

is removed.

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer: The current Community Campaigns Officer has had every

opportunity to fulfil this role, and has not. Ultimately, removal of the role will not have a

considerable impact on community relations.

Student: What does the role actually entail?

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: It involves all matters relating to the

community off-campus. It is developing local-based projects, fostering good relations and

Page 6: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

promoting the image of Brunel students. This can be done by the VP Officers, the President

and through Brunel Volunteers.

Student: Has the reputation of Brunel students improved sufficiently, do you have any evidence

that demonstrates this?

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: The point is not that community

relations are sufficiently improved and so the role is obsolete. It is that the responsibilities

of the Community Campaigns Officer can be delegated among pre-existing roles.

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Because of the previous issues between Brunel

and the local community, there was once a scheme and funding in place from Hillingdon

Council. This funded a full-time member of staff, who significantly improved the

relationship through out-reach events and meetings. The outcome was very positive. This

role does not exist anymore.

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: Also, if this passes, the position will simply cease

to exist at the end of the academic year. The role will continue until June.

Student: If the responsibilities will for the most part be within the remit of the President, it is

important to ask whether or not the incumbent President feels he would be happy to take them

on. Can you?

Ranjeet Rathore, President: Yes I would be happy to do so. I am part of local meetings with

the local community, with confidential access that a part-time officer would have. At first

I was against this, but ultimately I agree.


b and c) Motion to limit proxy voting and c) Amendment to ‘Motion to limit proxy voting’

Ranjeet Rathore, President: Proxy voting allows members to vote on behalf of other Union members in our

General Meetings. However, there can be biases as it currently stands and there is no cap on how many

proxy votes can be used in our AGM. Consequently, we want to limit this to 10, so that no single person

has a monopoly on decision making in the meeting.

Sahil Hamid, Chair of Student Assembly: There is also an amendment to this Motion, from Sean Cullen.

Please elaborate.

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer: I agree with the motion. My only caveat would be to add 10 pre-

determined votes to the cap of 10 other discretionary proxy votes.

Sahil Hamid, Chair of Student Assembly: In case people do not understand the role of proxy votes and how

they operate, Bex will explain.

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Proxy voting was introduced a year ago following the

Unions move to become an incorporated charity. It is akin to asking a friend to vote for you in your

behalf, if you cannot attend a meeting. They will fill in a form that states you have given this person

permission to vote on your behalf. A pre-determined vote is where the individual states on the form

how they want to vote. Proxy votes also count towards quoracy.

Page 7: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Motion Passes

Amendment Passes

d) Motion to change the voting rules for Liberation Officers

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer: When you run for a position as a liberation officer, only those who self-

define within that liberation group can vote for you. The idea of this motion is to change this, so that like

in College elections, anyone can vote for the candidates. This will allow those who may well be within the

liberation categories but who haven’t formally self-defined, the ability to vote for representatives. It will

also enhance awareness and overall student engagement.

Sahil Hamid, Chair of Student Assembly: Does anyone have any arguments against this?

Finn Grice, LGBT+ Officer: I respectfully disagree. Liberation Officers are unpaid and part-time.

My loyalty is to the LGBT+ community and its best interests. This motion will ultimately invite

stigma to liberation groups. Candidates with more radical positions or who look different will be

disadvantaged. We feel that Brunel is not an intolerant place. People outside of these liberation

groups may not know what the relevant issues are to the communities affected. Elections are a

popularity contest, by extending voting to the general student population, this will reduce our

liberation officer elections to exactly that.

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: This is a really difficult decision.

Because I can understand that if a friend wants to vote for their friend to be LGBT+

Officer, but not being able to because they are themselves not LGBT+. I can really

understand where Finn is coming from though. It’s tricky.

Student: How does self-identification work?

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: So everyone has an online voting profile, within

this you can select self-identification into liberation categories. When you have done that,

the positions will appear for you to vote for. The data is held on the membership system,

nowhere else. About 4 people within the Union have access to it. It is used only for voting

in elections.

Student: For a passionate advocate, does the current system not encourage people to self-define

for the purposes of voting and for supporting a cause they care about?

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Yes, that happens. It happens in the election for

Woman’s Officer often. However, there is no way to limit this. We have to rely on self-

identification. I wouldn’t want the information to verify. For example, not all disabled

students are registered as such with Brunel.

Finn Grice, LGBT+ Officer: If you have friends within the liberation group, I would suggest being an

ally for them through helping with campaigning and just providing practical support.

Student: Is this your opinion or the opinion of the community you represent?

Page 8: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Finn Grice, LGBT+ Officer: Both. This opinion is widespread within the LGBT+

community here at Brunel. I know this from my discussions with LGBT+ students.

Student: If people are able to self-define into the voting system anyway, does this not highlight a

major ineffective flaw? Perhaps this needs to be looked at,

Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: It is the same system used across all

Student Unions. There are some unavoidable issues, but ultimately it is the only

way. This is not data we want to keep or necessarily try to verify. It is personal and

may not align with University records for good reason.

Finn Grice, LGBT+ Officer: Ultimately, the LGBT+ community at Brunel is small and I do not want our voices

to be drowned out by those who are outside of the community. We are asking people to act in good faith.

I do not support this motion, my community does not support this motion. We have experienced issues on

campus. I hope you will consider these issues.

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer: It is a risk, this could be a mistake. But we will never know unless we try and

see what happens. Hopefully, people will act in good faith and this will address the wider issue of

engagement. VP Officers receive votes in the thousands, Liberation Officers can sit in the same meetings

and have high-level responsibilities with a comparatively tiny mandate. This will address the balance.

Motion does not pass

d) Motion to remove the post of Mature and Part-Time Students Officer

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer: I have spoken with representatives of the Mature and Part-Time Students

group that are here today. The idea of this motion is to remove this position and replace it with other roles

that better suit and serve the Mature and Part-Time Students affected. This post could ultimately be

revived with someone who is passionate and able to commit to the role.

Student: What will replace this representation?

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer: There will be seats up within this meeting, Student Assembly

Committee places. These positions will be more flexible, and will ensure their student

voice is not lost. If they want to have a campaign, it can be proposed at an executive

meeting and the reps can collaborate with Officers to make it work. It will ultimately be an

easier commitment.

George Wardle, Vice President Student Activities: It is also important to note that before he resigned, the

Mature and Part-Time Officer for this academic year was neither a mature student or a part-time student.

It was quite ridiculous really. We have members from the group here who have liaised with Bex, and they

support this motion.

Student: I am on the committee of the Mature Students group. We consulted with Bex and ran a R.O.N

campaign against the previously mentioned former Mature and Part-Time Officer. We believe that our

personal commitments make a full officer position impossible for many. Smaller roles would work better

as an alternative. That is not to diminish the role.

Page 9: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Maria Valada, Vice President CHLS: Will the two positions be taken by committee members of your


Student: No, there will be an election for those positions.

Student: The student union needs to reflect the true demographics of students on campus. Mature and

Part-time students represent a large number of the overall student population. Our voices matter, and our

issues should be advocated for. We need a fresher, broader look at this.

Motion Passes

6. Motions

d) Motion to support the Post Study Work Visa Now campaign Om Sai Jaman Jyothi, International Students Officer: The post-study work visa scheme was an idea

initially born and championed in Scotland, under the name ‘Fresh Talent Scheme’ in 2005. It was soon

integrated into a UK wide system from 2008. International students pay staggering amounts of money in

tuition fees, visa costs, and NHS bills – they are being treated like cash cows. The international student

community contributes £20.3 billion to the UK economy annually - never mind the cultural diversity,

global outlook, and internationally relevant skills they bring to the UK. A graduate visa would allow

International Students to remain in the UK. We should support the campaign.

Student: We would need to ensure that this is above-board, as I personally know that there are

agencies that exploit this situation.

Om Sai Jaman Jyothi, International Students Officer: This is very much an above-board,

comprehensive and authentic campaign.

Ranjeet Rathore, President: This scheme is supported by the SNP, and loads of other NGO’s and

organisations. Britain used to be the most popular country in the world for graduates. After this change

in legislation, we have fallen behind.

Motion Passes

7. Censure

Censure on Om Sai Jaman Jyothi, International Students Officer is debated and Student Assembly votes to

not censure him.

Sean Cullen, Disability Officer is officially commended for his work, as recommended by the scrutiny

committee. This passes.

8. Officer Reports

Chair of Student Assembly, Sahil Hamid: We do not have time for report summaries, so we will simply

allow questions and vote on the reports

a) President Report

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b) Vice President CHLS Officer Report


c) Vice President CEDPS Officer Report

Does not pass

d) Vice President Student Activities Officer Report


e) Vice President CBASS Officer Report


f) International Students Officer


g) Community Campaigns Officer


h) BME Officer


i) LGBT Officer Report


j) Disability Officer Report


k) Environmental and Ethics Officer

7. Urgent Business

The NSS has previously not been supported by the Union. However, we will now support the survey

because it no longer publicly supports tuition fee rises.


Page 11: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Motion to change Bye-Laws

Title: Motion to Change the name of the Sports Federation Committee

To: Student Assembly

Meeting: March 14 2019

From: George Wardle

Date: 7 March 2019

Union Notes

1. The democratic body that over sees club/sport based activities in the Union is currently called

“Sports Federation Committee”

2. In 2017 the sporting activity of the Union was rebranded as “Team Brunel”

Union Believes

1. Following the vast changes that have been made over the years within student activities and the

rebranding that has taken place in relation to sports clubs, the name Sports Federation

Committee is no longer reflective of the brand it is part of.

2. As a result we believe that “Sports Federation Committee” should be renamed to “Team Brunel


Union Resolves

1. To change all references in the Bye-laws to “Sports Federation Committee” to be “Team Brunel


2. For the Union to move to using this new name for the Committee with immediate effect.

Proposer: George Wardle Seconder: Maria Valada

Page 12: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Motion A

Title: Motion to provide suitable activities in Freshers week for Mature Students and Families

To: Student Assembly

Meeting: March 14 2019

From: Una Brown, President of the Mature Student and Carers Society

Date: 4 March 2019

This Union Notes

1. It has been noted in previous meetings that there is lack of provision on Campus for mature students and those with families. This is particularly true during Freshers week where the focus of attention is on young students and the activities they might prefer.

2. Many mature students, and those with caring responsibilities begin their academic career feeling isolated and find engagement in extracurricular activities difficult for a multitude of reasons. If we provide good quality, high profile events and drop-in venues during Freshers week, Headstart week and perhaps week 1 of the new term, this issue may be alleviated and give a basis of friendship and support from the beginning of their time at Brunel. This opportunity will have a significant impact on their engagement, enjoyment, success and wellbeing throughout their time studying.

3. Mature students, parents and carers make up a significant proportion of the student faculty at Brunel and more needs to be done to ensure this population feel welcome, know their needs are understood and that provision is made to alleviate the difficulties faced in accessing higher education.

This Union Believes

1. More should be done to help parents and carers settle in well to Brunel without feeling isolated. 2. There is lack of provision and accommodations made to meet the needs of this group of

students. 3. Providing additional events during Freshers, Headstart week and the beginning of term will help

mature students and carers more successfully integrate into student life. 4. Providing better support for this student population will significantly enhance their success and

wellbeing at Brunel. 5. Personnel and finance should be allocated to this endeavour from the Freshers week budget. 6. The Student Union Officers should work closely with the Mature student and Carers’ society and

the Widening Participation Team to ensure a successful events calendar is provided during Freshers week and beyond.

7. Ensuring parents and children of students have a positive experience of their time at Brunel furthers the agenda of increasing access to under-represented groups in higher education.

This Union Resolves

1. To work with the Mature Students and Carers Society and the Widening Participation Team to provide an appropriate, effective and meaningful timetable for mature student and families during Freshers Week and other key times at the beginning of term.

Page 13: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

2. To speak to mature students and parents in order to identify the most beneficial activities and timings of events.

3. To explore successful activities and ideas used at other universities and identify impact of this provision.

4. To provide proposals to the next Student Assembly meeting to be actioned before the new academic year – September 2019.

This Union Mandates

1. Student Union mandate to include events for mature students and families in the Freshers Week Programme.

2. The Freshers Week officers to work with the Committee of the Mature Students and Carers Society and Widening Participation Team to design an appropriate programme.

3. To allocate a budget to facilitate the programme. 4. Student Union and Mature Student and Carers Society to provide further details to next meeting

with a view to mandating the actions required.

Proposed by: Una Brown Seconded by: James Farmer

Page 14: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Motion B

Title: Motion to lobby the University to provide child friendly spaces on campus

To: Student Assembly

Meeting: March 14 2019

From: Una Brown, President of the Mature Student and Carers Society

Date: 4 March 2019

This Union Notes

1. It has been noted in previous meetings that there is lack of provision on Campus for children of students and staff, this was evidenced by the fact there were no changing facilities available and the union actioned the request of a student to petition the university to remedy this situation.

2. Further, during school holidays and other times of high stress, parents need occasionally to come to Campus and bring their children with them. Currently there are no child friendly places where students can study, access to the library or have a meeting with tutors or peers with children present.

3. Mature students, parents and carers make up a significant proportion of the student faculty at Brunel and more needs to be done to ensure this population feel welcome, know their needs are understood and that provision is made to alleviate the difficulties faced in accessing higher education.

4. Providing a child friendly space where children can enjoy campus safely with their parents will help alleviate the challenges parents face, particularly around deadlines and busy times.

This Union Believes

1. More should be done to help parents and carers manage their dual responsibilities while studying at Brunel.

2. There is lack of provision and accommodations made to meet the needs of this group of students and facilitate their continued participation.

3. Providing a room where parents can study and collaborate with other students with their children is a simple means of providing support for parents who are studying.

4. Ensuring parents and children of students have a positive experience of their time at Brunel furthers the agenda of increasing access to under-represented groups in higher education.

This Union Resolves

1. To work with the Mature Students and Carers Society to lobby the university for this provision. 2. To provide a workable proposal to the next Student Assembly meeting to be actioned before the

new academic year – September 2019 3. To identify a room in a central, accessible and convenient location, near the library. 4. To propose that on one afternoon/ evening per week Student Ambassadors facilitate stories or

games to enrich the experience for families. 5. Nots that this is not a space for parents to leave children unattended.

This Union Mandates

Page 15: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

1. Student Union to identify and make available a suitable space to be allocated. 2. The Committee of the Mature Students and Carers Society to lobby University for the space and

provide suitable resources. 3. Student Union and Mature Student and Carers Society to provide further details to next meeting

with a view to mandating the actions required.

Proposed by: Una Brown Seconded by: James Farmer

Page 16: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Motion C Title: Motion of No Confidence in the Community Campaigns Officer (Sohaib Arshad) To: Student Assembly From: Peri Sherif (Vice President CEDPS) Date: 07/03/2019

This Union Notes

The Community Campaigns Officer was elected into their position In the Spring elections March 2018 and took office in June 2018

The Officer did not attend the training in the summer.

The Officers manifesto claimed they would do the following:

o Online blog and discussion forum.

o Ensure campaigns and events in Brunel receive substantial funding and support union activity.

o Bring national campaigns to the university.

o Increase engagement between the societies to promote equality and diversity.

o Increase student participation in community campaign

The Officer has attended 2 out of the 5 executive committee meetings, and sent apologies to the other meetings they could not attend

This Union Believes

The Community Campaigns Officer has not delivered on any of their manifesto points

The Community Campaigns Officer has not delivered any campaigns within their remit. This includes campaigns within the local community (off campus), as outlined in the posts job description.

Those officers who are not fulfilling their duties in line with the bye-laws are liable to be democratically removed from office

This Union Resolves

That Student Assembly pass a motion of no confidence in the Community Campaigns Officer, removing him from his current position in office, thusly banning him from running for any future position (as outlined in our bye laws).

This Union Mandates

The Union to fulfil the requirements of this motion

Proposed by: Peri Sherif Seconded by: Finn Grice

Page 17: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Officer Reports

a) President: Ranjeet Rathore Ranjeet Rathore (President)

Objective/Manifesto point: Isambard Prayer room carpet change

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Finding the need

of new carpet in


Complex prayer



Meet with

relevant the

union staff

member who can

facilitate the


between the

union and the

university estates



Find out who to

contact within

University and

book meeting


Sent out an email

with the pictures

attached of how

bad and worn

and torn the

carpet is.


Take them on the

tour of the prayer

room and explain

them/make them


already where

there is a lack of

services by the


Met with


services to assess

the metrics for

how things are

being cut and

students are


Met with the

carpet to

professionals and

agreeing on the

carpet change

along with the

university staff in


The proposal was

agreed and has

been sent off.


Waiting for the

carpet company

to get back in

touch with the

union on better

quality carpets

because they

initially suggested

hard surface

carpets for the

To see if we can

get the better

quality carpets

and agree on

dates for the

final work to


The work has

been completed

and the students

are happy with

the SU’s

intervention and

helping them

with having an


praying facility.

Due to cuts made by the

university and their constant

negligence of providing

adequate services to our

students, this was going to have

a severe impact over students’

satisfaction and us as union

fulfilling the promise of our core

values of being accessible and

proving a welcoming, safe and

friendly environment for all.

Actively taking positive

interventions to drive equality

and remove barriers to inclusion.

We the union has had meeting

with the university and the

industry professionals to ensure

that we should provide a better

quality service starting from the

prayer room carpet which has

been neglected since last 10

years of it being installed.

Once the university’s estate

department has drawn a

business case and the dates for

the renovation work in the

prayer room has been agreed we

are on the move of delivering

the promise of our core values

to our membership and making

a positive change happen.


Page 18: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

feel what the

student has to go

through 5 times a

day for 365 days

of the year.


Agreeing on the

dates of the

renovation work

and commencing

the work as



Once the

carpeting is done,

opening the

facility to public

for daily use.


Thank all the


involved in the

project. Happy

students = Happy



prayer room.

Which are not

very health and

safety and

suitable as well.

New carpet has

been installed in

the prayer room

meeting all the

requirements and

the students are

well happy with


Objective/Manifesto point: Creating A Successful Islamophobia Awareness Month

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

See what

happened last

year and assess

what can be done

this year/what

can be improved



Had an initial chat

with the students

who have been

actively involved

in this campaign

since last year or

two years and

discuss informally

what we can do

differently. This

Finalise a full

plan for the

campaign this


Will introduce

the students to

Jasmin who has

been involved in

the campaign

Due to the record levels of

Islamophobia and anti-Muslim

bigotry, this IAM campaign is to

ensure that misconceptions are

dealt with, how people can ally

to help stop these attitudes

toward Muslims and to create a

better understanding of the


Page 19: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Get some

external speakers

as well as internal



Hire the IAM



Provisionally set

up the Hijab

Experience in the



Set up the

Football Charity



Hand out



Have a successful



year’s aim is to

break the stigma



staring from


Met with Yasmin

to draw up a

project plan for

the campaign.

Introducing new

bits to the

campaign to keep

it more student

engaging and fun.

The exhibition

was successfully

completed with

over 50+ posters

in the display

talking about

Islam and


everything in very



The talk on



individuals and

their impact on

history” was

completed on the

15th of November

and it was very

well attended

with 80% full


since last year or


Re-brand the

campaign name




Month” to



Month”. This is in

lines to eradicate

the victim

mentality from

our younger



Budget approved

from the


committee for

the IAM


experiences that Muslims have

to go through each day.

Objective/Manifesto point: Wudu/Ablution facilities

Page 20: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Find out the

relevant contacts

from the


Provost to initiate

the wudu facility



Set up a meeting

with the

university Estates

department to

look at the



Invite the student

body to share

their first-hand

experience of the

current wudu

facilities provided

by the university.


Set up a joint

meeting with

Union + Students

+ University to

take the project



Look at what the

university has to

offer from their

end and

negotiate the

best terms for the



Met with the Vice

Provost of the

university and

took the contact

of him.

Set up initial

meeting with the

students to

discuss the issue

they are suffering

from and get

statics from them

to back the case.

Had a meeting

with the

university to raise

the issues that

our students are

facing because of

lack of services.

The current

Wudu facility has

been shut by the


because of health

and safety

concerns. So,

there is no wudu

facility now. The

work to have

wudu facility has

been speeded up


The university to

come back with a

drawing proposal

of the building

and where they

can fit the wudu


Share the

drawing proposal

with the students

and take it from



Meeting with the


department to

propose new

location for the



Due to the record levels of

complains and decrease in the

student satisfaction with the

university provided services in

the area of Isambard Amenities

the union took up a stand for the

students to represent them and

get the best level of services

available for them. The

university had previously spent

hundreds of thousands of

pounds on services which were

not practical and fit for the

purpose they were built for so

the aim of this project is to fix

the services which revolve

around the daily needs of the

students. This new project plan

will cost less and save more

money and most importantly

will increase the student’s

satisfaction and a good brad

name of the Students Union.


Page 21: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Agree on the

project initiation

dates and clear

up the space for

the work to



Thank the

university for

their work.


Check if

everything is

functioning and

students are

satisfied with

what the

university has


for them and

feedback to the

university and

thank all the

parties’ involved.


Objective/Manifesto point: Multi-Faith room to Safe Space

Project Plan

Research about

the needs of

Brunel students

about if they

want a multi-faith

room on campus.


Do in-depth

researches about

how other


What’s done?

Initial fact finding

about if there is a

real need of such

facility on


Surveyed the


students as it is

most likely to be

used by

What’s next?

Waiting for the

university to get

back to me after

the initial


Come to a


agreement on

which place best

serves the needs

of the students.


This project will consider this

under-researched element of

faith and diversity with a view to

producing comprehensive and

practical guidance for use across

the sector. It will aim to

investigate in detail the difficult

questions of faith in this context,

such as the issues of the use of

shared space, praying together

and how to make people of all

faiths (and none) feel that the

Ach %


Page 22: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,


something of this



Check which is

the best location

to serve the

needs of



Draw up a

proposal for the

university backed

with the research

and the needs of

the students.


Set up a meeting

with the relevant

staff members of

the university to

take the plan



Come to a mutual

agreement on the

space and

location for the




Wait for the

completion of the



Open the doors

of the new-multi



Research on what

are the ground on

which the

university will

support such a

project which sits

perfectly with

their policy

around student’s

satisfaction and

the governmental

rules and

regulation which

supports this

project, example:

Equality act 2010,

Human rights act


Initial meeting

with the


department to

take the project


Rolling out a

short survey to

find out what

religious groups

will be keener on

having a

centralised multi-

faith room.

Propose a

motion in the

student assembly

to support

“Having a multi-

faith prayer room

in Library”.

Working on the

proposal to have

more beneficial

use for out

student. After

the proposal is

done I will

present it to the

university for


Handed in the

proposal for the

safe space to the

library services

team. Waiting to

hear back from


space is genuinely open and

available to them without

resorting to the negative

management approach.

The project will ask how a

positive approach in this space


Facilitate good campus

relationships and

improve the student


Promote genuine

interfaith dialogue.

Enable effective risk

management – for

example identification of

warning signs relating to

radicalisation or


Showcase the student

community that the

students union

genuinely cares about its

membership and wants

to promote a safe,

respectable and a

progressive religious

integration in Brunel.

Page 23: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

faith facility to

our membership.


Objective/Manifesto point: Off campus Kitchen facility

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Brunel saw a rise

in commuter’s

students in last 2

years. The

university did the

intake of


students but did

not look into

providing better

services to make

their student

experience and

facilities better.

Mia and I are

working together

to improve the


provisions for the

off campus

students. Where

they can bring in

food from home

and heat the food

on campus and

eat it between

their breaks and

manage their


Have spoken to

the vice-provost

of the university

and raised the

issues with the



The issue has



and the work has


As part of the


annual space

audit the

university is

identifying places

to put the kitchen




places where this

kitchen facility

can be put in


Raised the


students issue in

the university

senate meeting

and got a

positive response

and support on

the project.

Waiting for the

university to

come back to the

union with an

update on what

location have

they chosen for

the kitchen


To make the time of our

commuters students the best it

can be while they are at Brunel.

Other reason why the kitchen

facility is our centre of focus as

not every student is rich enough

to afford buying food from

outside. It is about us as the

Students Union ensuing that all

the students are looked after in

the best possible manner does

not matter if they are on or off

campus students and their day

to day experience can be made



Objective/Manifesto point: Improve the disability provisions across campus

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Page 24: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Tackle the


around hidden

disabilities. This

project is about

taking strides

towards making

the university an

even more

inclusive and



environment for


For many people



Bowel Disease

(IBD), the sudden



need to use a

toilet is a genuine

and recognised

symptom of their

condition. Whilst

they may not

look ill on the

outside they are

affected from


symptoms that

affect all aspects

of their lives.

Have raised the

issue of


signage with the


management of

the university.

They have then

the work ahead

to be recognized

and put the right

measures to have

awareness raised

of hidden


Waiting for the



department to

get back to us

with an update.

Consulted the

Union Disability

officer and got

his approval and

support on the


The university’s


department has

agreed to update

the signage on

the toilets.

Urge the

students to point

us the toilets

which does not

have these

signage so we

can get it fixed


The signs, placed on accessible

toilet doors, will urge customers

to remember not all disabilities

are visible. They are intended to

make students with conditions

like Crohn's disease; autism,

anxiety, and inflammatory bowel

disease feel they can use

disabled facilities without facing

criticism from other shoppers.

"We want to make sure all our

students feel comfortable using

our facilities – including those

with disabilities that aren’t

always obvious,"


Objective/Manifesto point: Free Print credits

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

All students have

experienced the


challenges that

accompany the

"privilege" of

In talks with the

Pro-Vost of the

university to

make this idea

into reality for

students and

Need to identify

the exact

number of level

three and



The purpose of this policy is to

implementation of a robust and

cost effective printing

management service in line with

the digitalization of the recent

education model. Where


Page 25: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,


education. Yes

you're given a

loan, but what

about those extra

incremental costs

that slowly adds

up. Ink has

quickly become

the most

expensive liquid

on the planet -

something you

learn very quickly

when you

undertake an

academic degree,

which requires

printing on a

mass scale.

Especially for the

third years who

really needs

printing support

especially during


period. This

project is to

reduce the

financial burden

for students. The

idea is simple:

free printing to

put money back

into students’


ease the financial

burden from


Head of the


customer services

has been involved

in the


along with other

allies on the


students in the


Waiting for the

student data

from the


Test the free

printing scheme

with third years

and roll it out to

other level of

students in the


possible the University seeks to

deliver teaching and learning

materials and documentation in

digital form so it can be accessed

from any location but in many of

the courses printing and

photocopying of certain study

materials is a must such as the


Moving forward we will adapt a

definition of “reasonable”

amount of printing and

photocopying into account.

Environmental Impact – save

those trees Saving trees, in a

manner of speaking yes, but the

production of paper has an

impact beyond just felling trees

grown as a commercial crop.

To play your part, please ask

yourself these questions

• Do I really need to print/copy

or will a digital version suffice?

• Have I securely backed---up my

work --- and, if so, is it still

necessary to print out a copy?

• Can I remove the need to

photocopy by scanning instead,

with the scanned document

being sent to my email box?

It’s about asking those questions

and not exploiting the services

that are hard earned for your

own benefit. “This policy will put

money back into student’s


Objective/Manifesto point: Postgraduate students accommodation contract

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Page 26: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,



contracts end

before their

dissertation hand

in date each

September. This

results in our

resident PG

students handing

in their

dissertation early

before they

vacate or finding

alternative off



during a busy

study period.

Students’ course

lengths are

required to be 52

weeks so as not to

affect the visa

regulations or

negatively impact

on the student


The proposal

moving forward is

i.e. students will

be allocated to

the Isambard

Complex with an

additional 200

rooms rotating

between PG and

returner UG’s in

either Galbraith or

Fleming Hall.

PG course

officially starts on

Monday of

fresher’s week

(week 0) with the

Raised the issue of

contract lengths

interfering our PG

students during their

dissertation hand in

period and room

moving out period.

Mia and I raised it at

the university



University’s senior

managers since then

picked the issue and

has managed to get a

proposal for 37 weeks

for UG returning

students reducing it

from 38 weeks.

University has

presented the new

proposal for


contract length and it

was approved

successfully in the


Present the

proposal in

the SWEC

meeting and

get approval

from it to take

it to the



If approved,

this would be

piloted for

two academic

years 19/20

and 20/21

entrants. At

the end of the



will be given

as to how

successful the

new process

has been and




opportunity to

review and

feedback so a

decision can

be made for


n for future


Accessing the

major risk

which is

cleaning the

800 rooms, 88

staff members

would be

required to

PGT campus contracts end

before the student’s

dissertation hand in date each


This results in our resident

PGT students handing in their

dissertation early before they

vacate or finding alternative

off campus accommodation

during a busy study period.

Students’ course lengths are

required to be 52 weeks so as

not to affect the visa

regulations or negatively

impact on the student


There are some very major

benefits such as:

PGT students are able

to stay on campus

until the dissertation

submission date.

Positive impact on

student experience

for PGT students.

Reduction in PGT



Page 27: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

dissertation hand

in date being

Tuesday of

fresher’s week

(week 0) the

following year.

Currently all

returning UG


contracts are 38

weeks in length,

this proposal

would see 800

students being

offered 37 week

contracts with the

balance (approx.

1000) being

offered 38 weeks.

This change would

allow the students

to hand in their

dissertation and

then vacate their

room following


work 10hr


Objective/Manifesto point: Diwali

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

“Diversity is at the

heart of Brunel”

we pride

ourselves on

having students

from over 130


Diwali at

Brunel demonstra

tes the unity of

Met with all the

societies and

designed the Diwali

event as per their

needs and


Mutually decided the

food menu for the


Got all the

booking done

for the event.


the food price

and quantity

with the food

caterers on

After two years of a

successfully sold out event

where last year over 11

societies took part in, which

was one of the biggest events

of the year.

We believe that students will

have a much more enjoyable

and impactful university

experience, by making friends


Page 28: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

various diverse

societies working

on masses

with the Union of

Brunel Students to

organize an

inspirational and

entertaining stude

nt event

called Diwali,

every year.

Booked rehearsals

facilities for the

societies to practise

their performance for

the grand cultural


Designed the show

order for the event by

asking all the societies

who wants to go in

what order.

Did fire marshal

training with ESGW


Complete the event

with a successful

evening followed by

an after party in The


campus for

the evening.

Did final

rehearsals on

the actual

stage before

the event.

Decorated the

venue for the


Do volunteers


Do risk


for the


from across the globe and

immersing themselves in

other cultures. We therefore

want to bring students from

all backgrounds

together, increase cultural

awareness and encourage

cross-cultural integration

throughout campus under our

One Brunel Banner.

Objective/Manifesto point: Increasing the food diversity at Brunel

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Brunel has a very

diverse student

population, we

have students

from around the

world, and the

IAM Halal Food

festival is to

celebrate the best

of this vibrant

Spoke to different

student groups and

came up with the idea

of having a halal food

festival in Brunel.

Got an approval from

the students.

Take the


proposal to

the catering


Discuss a price

point for the

food dishes

that will be


FESTIVAL which is one of its

kind, an irresistible street food

to exotic international

cuisines food experience here

at Brunel as the success story

and showing the demand and

the need of food diversity on


In the food festival we have

got lots of halal food and


Page 29: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

community with


This food festival

is an opportunity

to embark on a

tantalizing Halal

journey from

around the globe

as you experience

the world food

here at your

footsteps in


Use the food

festival as an

opportunity to

give students a

chance to taste

food from around

the world and

teach them about

their culture suing

food (a good


starter). If

successful we

intent to have

more world food

options available

to our students in

the long run.

Take the proposal to

university food


Posters for the event

has been made.

sold in the

food festival.

Negotiate a


cut from the

caterers so

that the split

can go to a



Decide the

food stall

locations for

the day.


volunteers for

the day to

help with

setting up and

selling the


drinks to excite everyone from

the fussiest of eaters to the

most adventurous of foodies.

The Food Festival offers an

opportunities and great

familiarities to a broad group

of people in trying

experiencing the food

diversity here at Brunel.

The menu for the food festival


Afghan Chicken


Nigerian Jollof with

Chicken Stew and


Turkish lamb pizza


Lebanese Batin Rahib

with Halloumi &


The food festival is on the 23rd

of November from 11:00 to

4:00 and treat your taste


Objective/Manifesto point: PWC opportunity challenge Funding Quiz

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

To host an


Challenge quiz

night for our clubs

and societies. Go

head-to-head with

teams from UK

universities in our


knowledge quiz-

Gave the opportunity

to our societies

administrator and she

relayed it down to all

the societies and



for the event.

Look for more

national level


for our


groups for


purpose and



Go head-to-head with teams

from UK universities in our

general knowledge quiz-style

competition - demonstrate

your intellectual prowess and

you could be crowned

national champions with

prizes to match.


Page 30: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

style competition

- demonstrate

your intellectual

prowess and you

could be crowned


champions with

prizes to match.

Our Opportunity

Challenge gives

student clubs and

societies the

chance to

compete against

each other with

financial funding

up for grabs to

help support your

club or society.

The winners

receive £1000

prize money.

Where our team if

winner goes head

to head with

other national

teams in the final

round competing

for £5000 prize


Confirmed Brunel’s

place in the quiz and

invited the quiz

master for the


Successfully delivered

the quiz with a

houseful venue.

Where we had teams

from clubs and

societies with 2-3

students per team.

Where they

can use the

chance to



new and get

new exposure

for the future

through union

being the



Our Opportunity Challenge

gives student clubs and

societies the chance to

compete against each other

with financial funding up for

grabs to help support your

club or society. We'll run

separate regional heats across

the UK, with the winners of

each receiving a prize of

£1,000. These teams will then

enter the national final which

will be held at an exclusive

event in PwC's More London

office (with travel expenses

for the final reimbursed) to

battle it out for an additional

prize of £5,000.

Objective/Manifesto point: Food Bank on campus

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Every day there

are many students

sometime know

and sometimes do

not know here in

our university

who go hungry for

reasons many

reasons such as

being on a low

income. A simple

Our Initiatives

- Collect food boxes

for sharing and

donation of non-

perishable food.

- Scheme in

development for

sharing of perishable

food among students,

Check the


every month

at the food


cupboard and

keep refiling

the cupboard.

There are many students who

are classed as estranged

students and there are various

other categories of students

such as home and

international students who

stays on campus during the

university closer for whatever

reasons and they find it

difficult to live when many

shops are closed especially


Page 31: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

box of food makes

a big difference,

with foodbanks

helping prevent

crime, housing

loss, breakdowns

and mental health


The project plan is

to help local

foodbanks and

charities provide

food for those

who need it.

Along with this an

attempt to reduce

the amount of

food waste from

our halls of


such as pasta, rice, tin

beans etc.

- Use of large student

support base to

encourage University

affiliated places to get

on board to support

this project.

- I have been in touch

with Brunel

chaplaincy and they

have provide me with

a designated area

where the food will

be brought along and

be kept for students

to take it.

- Work along with


ambassadors to do

the food collection

and bring it to the

chaplaincy and

donate the access to

the Hillingdon Food


- The foodbank has

already been

launched and is open

for students to use,

there is a big attempt

from the comms

department to do a

big push in terms of

promoting the food

bank available for our


At the end of

terms keep

doing the food



from the halls

of residence

to reduce the

food waste on

campus and

put the non-


food to good


If this scheme



then we will

look at

expanding the


provided to

our students

and offer

more food and



during Christmas timing, so

providing an in-house service

which students can use it

whenever needed.

Also, this service is not taking

away the ARC or the Student

Centre food bank vouchers

but this service is to made to

reduce the paper work and be

located on campus and open

for longer time and easy

access, easy walk in and out of

the space and open to

donation and you do not need

to answer to anyone when

collecting the food but it is

help your self-service.

Objective/Manifesto point: Lockers in Bannerman Centre/Library

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Lockers are vital

these days with

Successfully lobbied

to the university to

Will do an

analysis report

Along with this it gets really

difficult when you are


Page 32: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

the increase in

value of a

student’s bag

having valuable

items such as

laptops, books

and other

electronic items.

Moreover, with

the group


students coming

to Brunel we need

a place where our

students can store

their belonging

safely. Therefore

to serve the

students to best

of our ability we

are providing the


cater to the needs

and the demands of

our students that

there is a real need

for lockers to store

our study material

and valuables safely.

Found out the dates

for the library foyer

renovation so go on

board with the new

refund plans and

managed to get the

lockers part of the

renovation plan so

that they can be

launched at the same

time as the launch of

the library foyer.

Identified an ideal

area which is

accessible by all the

students and pitched

the area for the


Identified which

lockers will be best

for the students and

did a risk assessment

of if they lose the keys

and other thing and

we concluded that

gym type lockers

where you put £1 and

get the key to use it

will be the best

lockers to use as they

having these lockers

will not cost our

students and at the

same time they are

serving the purpose

of the lockers

with the

library team if

they served

the purpose of

it and were

not misused

and students


returning the

keys and not

holding on to

it for long


If successful

we will put


elsewhere on

campus as

well so that

more students

can be


from the


studying in library and you

want to take a break but you

have jo one to keep an eye on

your stuff, so now all you

need to do is put a pound coin

in the locker and you get a

personal locker to put all your

valuables and go and take

your break.

Page 33: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

of the safely storing

the valuables.

By the end of the

December, we got the

lockers put in and

now they are ready to

use by all the


Objective/Manifesto point: The Money Guide

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

The Money Guide

from the Union of

Brunel Students.

In this guide,

you’ll find lots of

great ways to save

money because

let’s be honest,

you are a student

- We know that

you don’t have a

lot of disposable

income and that

it’s exceptionally

easy to get into a

situation where

you can’t pay for



Whilst we’d

always want to

campaign to

ensure that

students have

more money in

their pockets,

we’ve decided to

write this short

booklet to help

students save the

money they have,

and make it go


Since November 2018

the union has been

working to prepare

the money saving


Have done the initial

research on the guide.

First draft is ready

and is shared with the

union staff and the

officer’s team for


Once the draft

have been

approved. We

will launch it

to the wider


community to

help spread

the message

about smart


Creating a guide which helps

teach our students on

effectively and smartly

budgeting while at the



Page 34: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

throughout your

time at University.

Objective/Manifesto point: Christmas Dinner

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Plan and organise

Christmas dinner

for those staying

over the festive

breaks and not

going back to their

homes for the

holiday period.

Get funding for

the Christmas

dinner and pre

place the order

for the food to be

served on the day.

Set up services

counter for offering

from hot drinks to

juices to everyone

arriving at the

venue. Setting up

food service stations.

9:00AM Arrival at

meeting house for the

food set up (we had

already arranged the

furniture a day in

advance). 10:00AM

started preparing the

Turkey for oven.

Put the turkey in oven

at 11:00 and


started the

preparation for hot


Arranged the snacks

and the food items

that students had

brought on the food


Labelled all the food

items. Divided the

attendees into small

groups and giving

them board and small

group games to play

such as Jenga,

monopoly, UNO cards

and various other


Plan for next

year and how

can we

improve the


standards of

the event and

make it more

inclusive and

increase the


of the dinner.

Lead the team of volunteers

on the day of Christmas

dinner and we started off the

day with preparing the food to

be cooked for the event. We

did the initial prep such as

washing the vegetables,

defrosting and cleaning the

turkey and setting the venue

up with decorations

installation around the hall

and finally changing the

traditional layout of meeting

house seating house to a big

circular dinner table

layout. Later breaking the

attendees into small groups

and giving them board and

small group games to play

such as Jenga, monopoly,

UNO cards and various other

games. Following the board

games session, I did a small

speech which consist thanking

everyone for their presence at

the dinner and special thanks

to the volunteers and later we

served everyone with the

delicious traditional Christmas



Page 35: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

- 15:30 got everyone

seated in the circular

dinner layabout.

15:45 did a small vote

of thanks to thank all

the volunteers for

helping out and to all

the students for

coming to the dinner.

Encouraged everyone

to use the buffet


18:00 finished

dinner service.

By 19:00 everyone

left. I did all the

dishes. Volunteers

cleared up bins and

relayed the meeting

house into original

setting. 20:00 I did

final checks and

locked the venue and

handed the keys back

to security.

Objective/Manifesto point: Friends of Team Brunel – Increasing funding for Team Brunel

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %


stay tuned

Objective/Manifesto point: (Team Brunel Hijab) Tackling BME students participation in Sports

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Like the other

institutions and

organisation we

have a

responsibility to



improve sporting

We started doing our

findings by asking our

BME students. What

seems to be the

barrier in stopping

them from taking part

in sports?

At the end of

the year we

will do a




normal hijab

and sporting

A 2017 study by Sports

England found just 18% of

Muslim women participate in

regular sport, against 30% of

the UK's female population as

a whole. "Muslim women

were of course participating in

sports on their own and in


Page 36: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

performance and

raise standards in

sport and physical

recreation for our


For some time we

have been

concerned that

people from Black

and minority

ethnic (BME)

groups may not

be getting as

much from sport

as they might.

The concern with


participation is


it might serve to

recruit new talent;

allows sectors of

society to enjoy

what are thought

to be the benefits

of sport; and in so

doing help to

unite the nation.

The project plan is

to work with our

VPSA and student


department and

execute the work.

We asked different

communities about

their reasons of non-


Students suggested

different sports which

they would like to see

in Brunel which would

make them join the

teams and not shy

away from


After the initial

findings we managed

to settle for the most

common sports which

our BME communities

would like to

participate in. We

started the work with

the worlds most

played sports


SOCCER). We invited

lots of BME societies

and groups in Brunel

to take part in the

football game which

was also for charity.

Raising money for

draught crisis in

Yemen, with a

message “Football

against Famine”.

hijab and the

impact it has


Get in touch

with other


and share this

best practise.

As we have

got the

national and


coverage for

the work our

VPSA, Student


manager and I

have done

let’s make the

most of it.

Do target


marketing to

attract more


students to try

the Hijab.

private, but they weren't

really going out to

competitions, or using sport

as a social tool to get involved

in activities."

“The traditional hijab is

basically a cloth you wrap

around your head and then

pin down. You can’t really run

in it, it’ll literally fly off. The

pins come out and it falls off –

it’s not comfortable.

“The new hijab is made of

really light, high-quality

material which is light on the

head, and contains small

pores which allows the skin to

breathe more easily.” It’s

great. Really lightweight,

really easy to wear, really

comfortable – it feels like

you’re wearing nothing on

your head, which is amazing,

especially when doing sports.

Page 37: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Vice-President CHLS: Maria Valada

Objective/Manifesto point: CHLS Contact list

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

List all key contacts

for the students


Contact all services

and confirm their

details (50%)

Finalise the

document and send

it for approval from

CHLS SMT (60%)

Send the document

to all the students

via TPO (100%)

Contact all the

services to

confirm their

contact details,


hours and


Ensure the

document will

be updated

every academic


Request to retire


Life Sciences students received the document on 18th January

Clinical Sciences students received on w/c 28th January

It is not clear for some

students about the different

services the university offers.

This document aims to

facilitate signposting and

empower students to look

for these services

independently and according

to their specific needs.


Page 38: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: Body Positivity Week

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Plan the key activities of the week, and how to promote the campaign (20%) Confirm Student Activities plans for the week (to avoid overlap with Varsity and Sports Ball) (30%) Schedule of the week (50%) Advertisement plan with Yasmin and Comms (80%) Recruiting volunteers for the campaign (85%) Delivering campaign (100%)

Mind-map with campaign ideas Meeting with Yasmin to plan the campaign (15th January) Meeting with Comms to organise campaign and ensure everything is scheduled to avoid overlapping with Varsity and Team Brunel Ball (early February – date TBC)

Schedule photoshoot for the main campaign promo. Write Article linking mental health to body positivity.

This campaign is part of the Annual campaigns schedule. Previously titled “eating Disorders awareness week”, I have decided to rebrand it in order to attract more students, and also talk about some social problems briefly mentioned during Mental Health Week (e.g. society’s perception of social media and the influence of the Media) Scheduled for: 25th to 29th March 2019


Page 39: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: LBIC Buddies

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Initially discussion

with Manager of

Student Services


Meeting with Brunel

Volunteers (50%)

Discussion and Action

Plan for the project

integration into Brunel

Buddies, including

recruitment and

student matching


Delivery (100%)

Initial discussion

with both Brunel

Volunteers and LBIC,

on how to implement

the scheme.

Formal meeting on

how to differentiate

the students during


(Meeting with LBIC

Student experience

manager and Brunel

Volunteers Manager

on the 9th January)

Delivery is now

with Brunel

Volunteers and


This objective is part of

the year plan to improve

LBIC students’

integration/ transition to

Brunel University. The

idea is to add an option to

the already existing Brunel

Buddies scheme, with the

functionality of matching

former LBIC students with

the new ones.


Page 40: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: Uni Mental Health Day

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Plan the key activities

of day, and meet with

the Student Welfare

team to run




Schedule of the day


Edit interview about

the impact of social

media on mental

health (60%)

Advertisement plan

with Yasmin and



Recruiting volunteers

for the campaign


Delivering campaign


Interview with

Peter Eldred,

counsellor from

Brunel Wellbeing

(October 2018)

Meeting with

Student Welfare

team (early

February – date


Meeting with

Comms to

schedule social

media and edit

Peter Eldred’s


University’s annual day on

Mental Health. Lead by

student services and the

welfare team, which they

usually use to advertise

their services, workshops

and extra support

available during exam



7th march 2019


Page 41: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: CHLS Academic Societies

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Project proposal

to Heads of



Draft/edit the


constitution for


societies, with a



structure (30%)

Discussion with

the Societies

Guild committee

about the

society’s approval


Meeting with

Paul Hellewell

(Vice-provost and

Dean for CHLS) to

approve the

proposal with the

list of Academic

Societies and

discuss funding


Recruit students

for the



Launching events

for the Life

Sciences and

Clinical Sciences

societies (100%)

Idea was mentioned in the November’s CMB, and discussed with both Heads of Department

Proposal with a list of societies, and changes to the society’s rules (to ensure continuity)

Meeting with Paul Hellewell to discuss the project and funding (1st March) Contact students via TPO and/or student reps, to form committees

Students need more networking

opportunities, including a

platform that can help them

build social and professional


Academic societies will stimulate

the student’s contribution to the

college and their student

experience, by empowering the

students to organise their events

and freely express their

interests, creating great

management and CV building



Page 42: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: Academic feedback

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %


Training for

academics and

admins (20%)


regulations on

feedback criteria

for all courses

(policy) (40%)



documents for all

students – ready

for Welcome

Week, along with

an email or letter

from me

explaining the

changes and the

gains from the

service. (65%)

Agree with ADSE

and Vice-Dean

Education on a

system or

platform to

monitor the


feedback quality

and effectiveness


Following the

Lifesciences DMB

meeting, it was

minuted that all

programme leads

should remind all

academic to take

register for the

August trainings

with the

WiseFlow team (I

have already

confirmed with

Claudia Cox- the





responsible for

WiseFlow- that

the majority of LS

CHLS academics

have signed up)

Use the CHLS

Education catch-

up meetings to

discuss a possible


framework for all

the CHLS courses.

Use the NSS

results as

evidence for the

discussions with

the College and

Vice-Provost of


College focusing

on the


of Wiseflow,

which can either

help or delay this

point. Likely to

be a yearlong


CHLS is introducing WiseFlow as

their online coursework

submission platform, and

potentially the platform for

digital assessments.

Academics need to be trained on

how to use the programs, and

because BBL will be restricted to

classroom resources only.

This new college project is the

perfect timing to introduce my

manifesto point on ‘Academic

and Student feedback’, as it is

possible to digitally establish the

criteria consistency and

effectiveness of the academic

feedback on coursework or

assessments. This is also a strong

point of interest from the ADSE,

who is whiling to make the all-

necessary changes to the

briefing and feedback

regulations of the departments,

especially life sciences, during

the next year.


Page 43: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: BTEC attrition rate and student engagement

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %


Exchange project

with the Uxbridge

College (25%)

Action plan with

the ASK , based

on the data from

the past years



with CHLS

departments and

the Academic

Skills department,

on extra


designed for the

transition, and


advertisement of

the ASK week.


Meeting with the

Life sciences DTL

to plan the extra

support and how

to embedded into

the different

modules (70%)

Student Focus

groups to discuss

these sessions


ASK trial sessions

(Term 2)


Met with

members of staff

from the

Uxbridge College

from both

Applied Sciences

and Sport

Sciences to

discuss the

structure of the

classes and


criteria, and also

to compare the

new BTEC

framework (RQF)

with the old

framework (QCF).

Meeting with the


Ask the College


Manager to help

with data

collection and the

focus groups.

Contact level 1


and/or UG

Divisional leads

to identify the

key modules

students struggle

the most and

how to

implement and

advertise these


Choose a date for

the focus groups and

how to recruit

students (BTEC


Create an informal

drop-in session, for

all students to

directly talk to me

about their academic

problems and

opinion on the extra

help they need.

Meeting with the

key academics and

ASK to discuss the

implementation and

delivery of the


As part of the Student

Success project and all the

plans to fight the attrition

rate, the university is finally

investing the talking the

differences between the

BTEC students and a-level

students, and their struggles

when adapting.

The meetings are led by Katie

Osmon, the transition project

manager from the Academic

Skills department, and the

short-term goal is to

differentiate the RQF and the

QCF when applying to

university. However, there

are no plans to change the

offers policy relating to the

type of BTEC for 2018/2019

and 2019/2020 – Andrew

George is in conversation

with Pearson, but does not

agree it is a relevant concern.

The College LS DTL is

involved in the project as



Page 44: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

University entry



from RQF and

other BTEC, and


of “Study Skills

Lab” for the next

academic year


Unsuccessful first

round of Focus




Joint projects with another Officer/Chair/Liberation officer

Joint with: VP SA George Wardle and Student Centre (Well@Brunel)

Objective/Manifesto point: Mindfulness Month

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach


Plan the key

activities of the



Meet with key

stakeholders to

discuss the

collaboration with

the main university

services, including



Contact external

companies for

activities University

and Union cannot





Planned a rough

guide of what

activities we


Started to meet

up with key


met with some

W/C 4/02 and

then meeting

more W/C 11/02

Contacted an

external contact

with regards to

the Petting Farm

Continue to meet

with key

stakeholders and



Start putting

together a more

formal guide and

finalise timetable

Submit Comms

ticket to ensure

artwork/promo is

produced in time.

Especially for the


Month guide

A 4 week programme covering

various elements of student

wellbeing and study support.

This will be the last campaign of

the year, and probably one of

the most important ones, since

directly links to student

wellbeing, managing stress and

academic performance.


29th April to 24th May 2019


Page 45: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Devise weekly

schedule with

activities and get

Freshers Fayre type

guide printed


Advertisement plan

with Yasmin and




volunteers for the






Joint with: Student Centre and BME Officer (Iqbal Miah), LGBTQ+ Officer (Finn Grice), and Disability

Officer (Sean Cullen)

Objective/Manifesto point: Report and Support review

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach


Initial meeting

with the student

services (20%)

Review the

literature (50%)

Group discussion

on the changes

the union wants

to present (75%)

Presentation of

the suggestions to

the Student

Meeting on the

4/12/2018, with

Stephen White

and the “Culture

Shift” (software



Review the

literature by the

end of January



feedback and

send it to the




Page 46: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Centre and lobby

for the changes to

be active mid-

term 2 (100%)

Objective/Manifesto point: Motion to create the post of European Union (EU) Students’ Officer role

Successfully presented a motion, during General Meeting, to add an EU Officer to the Executive

committee, coming next academic year.

Page 47: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Peri Sherif (Vice-President CEDPS)

Objective/Manifesto point: Women in STEM and Women in Leadership Campaign

Project Plans What’s done? What’s next?

Context Ach %

Page 48: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Brainstorm and create a draft of how the campaign is going to look like (event ideas, timeline, key contacts) 10% Create a proposal for funding and budget of campaign (BIASSC/student union / meet with Robyn to discuss options) 20% Plan event 1 30% Event 1 50% Plan event 2 60% Event 2 80% Get feedback for the campaign and measure its impacts 100%

Met with Giselle (WiBEC ) and Petra Gratton to see what the university does to support Women in STEM and see how we can collaborate with them and brainstormed extra ideas for the campaign with them Discussed funding sources with Robyn and who in the university to speak to Researched organisations for the university to join such as WES and WISE and what benefits there are from joining Met with Giselle and Petra and a draft project plan has been created with budgets Met with Henrietta Spalding to discuss E&D Joined University Athena Swan assessment team Booked Meeting w vice deans E&D and E&D director for WISE memberships

Set up the Women in leadership conference Video for campaign Meeting w vice deans E&D and E&D director Promoting University Athena Swan Talks and applications

Encouraging and empowering women to join, continue and succeed in STEM and Leadership courses, careers and positions


Objective/Manifesto point: Peer Mentoring Scheme in CEDPS

Page 49: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Find out more info about PAL and how it works,where it works well,etc. 10% Talk to Academics within the college about what they think 40% Meet Andrew Williams and talk about how to adapt PAL to CEDPS 60% Finalise how it would work for the college and get the academics’ buy-in 70% Use PAL leaders and student Reps to promote engagement with the programme 90% Monitor engagement, get feedback and set targets for improvement areas 100%

Asked Maria about PAL as she was PAL leader previously and talked to different academics and the dean of students about it and what they think of it. Disucussed with David Smith and mentioned at the College management board Meeting with Andrew booked on the 28th August Met with Andrew Williams for a preliminary discussion and identifying where in CEDPS it works and where they fall short Met with Andrew Williams for a preliminary discussion and identifying where in CEDPS it works and where they fall short

Andrew left the university so project put on hold for the time being


Objective/Manifesto point: College Academic societies funding

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next?

Context Ach %

Page 50: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Proposal with a List of CEDPS societies Impact of joining societies on mental health and attrition rates Idea was mentioned in the college CMB and discussed with Jilly and Mariann Meeting with Paul Worthington ( College DOO) And Stefaan Simons (College Dean) for further discussion Draft criteria was sent to Paul and Stefaan for approval College Approved 5K funding as a starting point to trial for the first term PO raised and college invoiced

RETIRED Extra 3.5 K for the year funding secured

Different departments in CEDPS college already give funding to academic societies but its not clear on what basis and there isn’t a formal process of getting that money. A college-wide societies pot is proposed where the union would manage and divide the money in that pot according to funding proposals and engagement of the societies (15K of funding hopefully) Impact : Increase in number of Union affliated CEDPS academic societies Free up money for other socities from the general society fund More activities the societies can do More engagement of CEDPS students with the union and myself


Objective/Manifesto point: Non academic enhancements

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next?

Context Ach %

Page 51: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Created a working group

with David Smith , Paul

Worthington, Matthew

Smith, Jeremy Baxter

To discuss non-academic

areas of improvement

Issues discussed were :

Technical software/

computer availability,

List of labs and which are

open 24 hrs


Online page produced

with computer lab

access hours and

students eligible along

with a list of software

available at each-

Will be updated to

include New Wilfred

Brown access

Painting the towers labs

and putting posters up


Towers Ground

floors,but tower D have

been painted and

redecorated as a start.

More work to be done

and move up the towers

Having a lobby eating

area at towers entrance


Only being explored for

tower C lobby area , as

it’s the only 24 hr facility



Page 52: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

PG study space for the

college –

Some Computer rooms

out of hours access is

specific to PGT students

Safety of college study

spaces and how well lit

they are—

CCTV is being looked at

Workshop skills as an

initial lab-

Possibility being

explored for next

academic year as well as

getting more automated

machinery to have

students sccessing labs

out of hours without

safety hazards

Wilfred Brown 24hr

access to Comp Science


MATLAB access for

students on personal


Possibility escalated up

to the university for

discussion as the extra

cost is huge.

An open access software

alternative list will be

published along with a

list of software the

university have a license

key for students so they

would be able to

Page 53: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

download on their


Page 54: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: Women in Leadership conference

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next?

Context Ach %





Room booked



Speakers invited,

Most confirmed

Sponsors Contacted

Partnership with PDC

and WiBEC




Catering provision


Stall booked refreshers

for initial promo

Online Page delivered


on of








The vision of the conference is to

empower and inspire a new

generation of women to become

leaders in society, especially in

light of recent studies showing

that women don’t apply for jobs

unless they are 100% qualified or

over qualified, whereas men are

confident if they just meet 60%

of the criteria.


Objective/Manifesto point: Student Success Project

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next?

Context Ach %

There is no project

plan as this a


initiative working

in partnership

with the students

union in its third

year running so

there is no stages

to the project and

no completion till

the funding stops.

Feedback Stall

Black History Month

(helped Radya) and

secured the funding

+ Film Nights

Liberated Library

Engineering curriculum

and reading list review

Role Models campaign










Page 55: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Creative Project


LL Closing


Objective/Manifesto point: CEDPS Contact List

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next?

Context Ach %

Use Maria’s

document as

template and put

the relevant

contacts in (20%)

Contact all

services and

confirm their

details as well as

take it to non



group (50%)

Finalise the

document and

send it for

approval from

CHLS SMT (60%)

Send the

document to all

the students via

TPO (100%)

Edited the document

and its now with the non

academic enhancements

group to review and

add/delete people as


Got inspo from Maria’s CHLS

Contact List so creating one for

my college


Joint projects with another Officer/Chair/Liberation officer

Joint with: Aayushi- Women’s Officer Objective/Manifesto point: Breast cancer Awareness month

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Breast Cancer Now and CoppaFeel chosen charities

Charity Cake sale Stalls ( Netball and Snow Club helped)


Awareness/charity Campaign

for early detection of Breast



Page 56: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Pink night – Cohosted by Brunel Netball BoobBall- partnership with Active @ Brunel Breaststroke for Breast Cancer- hosted by Brunel Swimming

6 teams of 5


participated in

boob ball+ 3

teams that paid

donation but

didn’t play

-£1154.00 + 5

euros raised for

charity and been

divided and sent

to Coppafeel and

Breast Cancer


-150 paper tickets

sold for Pink

night +25 sold

online + more on


-50 people swam

for breast cancer

-Gave out 70 pins

& roughly 500

promo materials

Women’s officer only helped

with 2 stalls and one planning


Joint with: Finn Grice Objective/Manifesto point: Pronoun Badges

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Budget agreed for

pronoun badges




Only helped with the initiation

and ordering of the pronoun

badges. It is Finn’s Campaign


Page 57: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

George Wardle (Vice-President Student Activities)

Objective/Manifesto point: Rainbow Laces

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %


Done by LGBT


All planned!

Date for Rainbow

Laces BUCs

Wednesday =

20th February

Laces have been

ordered and are

ready to be

handed out to

team captains

Need to talk with


officer and


Meeting with

Finn and Yasmin

to get up to


I am very much

the support act

Need to order

rainbow laces

and select a date



Need to email

out the Sports

Chairs with

regards to their


Support our LGBTQA+ students 85%

Objective/Manifesto point: SPP Revamp

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Look into the



Program and

ensure it is fit for


Explore ideas to

increase offering

to enhance our

top teams


Having a planning

day on 4th March


conversation with

main stakeholder.

Chatted with

Sports Fed

committee with

regards to their

thoughts on SPP

Research! Email

out chairs of SPP

and see what

their thoughts


Create proposal,

approved by

Sports Fed

Committee and

send to main


Help deliver an SPP which does

enhance our top teams

performances, which will directly

result in more BUCS points and

greater exposure on the sporting



Page 58: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

to discuss SPP,

gym offering and

A@B links

Objective/Manifesto point: Society Ball

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Survey to ask

whether this is


Collate findings

and present to

Cabinet and

Societies Guild

Draft up

proposal, with

proposed budget

and costs

Meet with Dawn

to discuss best


Survey and

presentation to

Cabinet and SG

Started the draft

Date selected 26th


Food, ticket

prices and ents

stuff all done.

Submitted a

Comms ticket

Finish off the


Meet with Dawn

to start

organising event

Need to speak to



ion with regards

to a performance


Issue with

staging as

Distribution only

has 2 stages

which are sturdy

so will have to

use the current

staging which is

less sturdy.

Potential to use

gymnastic matts

over the staging

to make it more


Waiting on

Comms for

promo and ticket


Introduce a Societies Ball so our

society members have the same

event and recognition as our

Team Brunel members


Objective/Manifesto point: Society Storage

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Plan is to get new

storage for

Societies as the

Received email

from Brunel Links

Email Brunel

Links with

potential for

Current Society storage is not fit

for purpose.


Page 59: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

current ones are

out of date and

not fit for


Approx. quoted

cost is around


Society with


Had discussions

with Cabinet

however money

is tight.

Spoke with

Student Activities

and we could

potentially use

money from

Societies yearly

funding pot

them doing a



project to raise

£500 towards


Brunel Links have

secured funding

from St Johns


Waiting on

finalised quote

from Dave so we

can go back to

Brunel Links with

funding amount

needed from St


We ran a survey and 19 societies

said they needed some kind of


Joint projects with another Officer/Chair/Liberation officer

Joint with: Maria VP CHLS

Objective/Manifesto point: Mindfulness Month (29th April 24th May )

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach


Decided what we

want the

programme to

look like

Meet with key

stakeholders to

see whether our

plan can be met

with University

and Union


Planned a rough

guide of what

activities we want

Started to meet

up with key

stakeholders, met

with some W/C

4/02 and then

meeting more

W/C 11/02

Contacted an

external contact

Continue to meet

with key

stakeholders and



Start putting

together a more

formal guide

Submit Comms

ticket to ensure

artwork/promo is

produced in time.

A campaign to help our

students manage stress and

perform their best during


A 4 week programme covering

various elements of student

wellbeing and study support.


Page 60: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

sessions and


Contact external

companies for


University and

Union cannot do

Devise weekly

schedule with

activities and get

Freshers Fayre

type guide printed

with regards to

the Petting Farm

Especially for the


Month guide

Page 61: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Objective/Manifesto point: One Brunel (Culture Integration)

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Planning the



Meet with



along with

VPSA and



officer to


the events of





Societies to

be involved

in the



Work with

events and

Students to

plan the





There were students

from 30 countries

representing their

culture through

fashion at the Fashion

Show which was

attended by 200


Plan culture

carnival for one

world week

Its Culture integration campaign

to build a community in Brunel.

This campaign encourages cross-

culture integration throughout

the campus, increase culture

awareness and reduce culture

gap. This campaign will give the

students a platform where they

could showcase their culture to

create unity among students and

It also facilitates in reducing

culture segregation and racism.

Global awareness and

international collaboration

during the formative years

results in more rounded

individuals, encouraging our

students to see things from

different perspectives and

helping them to make informed

decisions, acquiring transferable

skills that will be useful to them

and will remain with them for



Objective/Manifesto point: Bring in Speakers (Promotion)

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Vice President CBASS: Anvitha Paruchuri

Page 62: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Discuss with



and people


Decide on

who to bring

and the

outcome of

the speeches


Talk to the

speakers and

Put together

a timetable



any other


s i.e- booking

the room

and making









Spoke to business life

and PDC to bring in

speakers as a joint


Help with

promotion with

different events

Bring in speakers to talk about

the carer they succeed in. giving

the students an in-depth talk

about the challenges that they

make face in their career journey

and how to overcome them.

This already exists


Objective/Manifesto point: CBASS Treasure Hunt to increase engagement in CBASS

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Discuss with



and people


Decide on

funding and

Done with treasure

hunt was attending by

70 freshers from


Done CBASS Treasure hunt is targeted

at the freshers of CBASS to help

them understand various

services provided by the

university and where they are

located. The treasure hunt will

make the students go around

the whole campus and answer


Page 63: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,



Create the


hunt using

the app


Buy the gifts




Delivery 1


Delivery 2


various riddles and question

regarding the university.

Objective/Manifesto point: CBASS Day

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Discuss with



and people


Submit a

paper to




Finalise the

date and









During the student

rep social, Ideas for

Cbass day were

discussed with the

students reps and

department heads.

Organise a

working group of

student reps to

develop the ideas

To showcase different talents in

Cbass, through various activities

This is also increase engagement

in Cbass. This also gives a

opportunity for lectures and

students to build a good



Page 64: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Prepare a

itinerary for

the day

Buy the gifts




Delivery 1


Delivery 2


Objective/Manifesto point: CBASS Student Rep Social

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Planning the



Meet with



along with

VPSA and



officer to


the events of





Societies to

be involved

in the



Plan the

event along

with project

The event took place

on Feb 6th 2019 and

was attended by over

??? students reps

from CBASS

Done This event is to enhance and

empower our student reps by

facilitating in building



Page 65: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,



Organise the







Objective/Manifesto point: SLTAs

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %




Finalising the






planning the










Organise the



Send out



Acquire funding for

ACP committee.

Long list nominees

Short list nominees

Planning the



This event is to enhance and

empower our student reps by

facilitating in building



Page 66: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Joint projects with another Officer/Chair/Liberation officer

Joint with: Women’s Officer- Aayushi

Objective/Manifesto point: International Women’s day



Objective/Manifesto point: Contact List for CBASS students

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Got the Draft


Created a

rough draft


Make a list

of various


from the



Email the



office hours


Draft the

contact list



with the



Sent to Both

the TPO’s to

send to the



Got the draft from


Made the draft for the


Made a list of

individuals to contact

Have to Email

various university


regarding office

hours and



VP CHILS, Maria has done a

contact list for CHILS student to

make it easier for students to

find information regarding who

to contact for various academic


This would give clarity to the



Page 67: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach


Currently in the

process of putting

together a plan

Working with the women’s

officer to deliver events on

international women’s day


Joint with: VP CDEBS

Objective/Manifesto point: Sexual violence Awareness

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach


Raise sexual


awareness on


Planning how to

approach the



Page 68: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

LGBT+ Officer: Finn Grice

Objective/Manifesto point: Produce pronoun badges for students and union staff to be given out in

union buildings. This will increase student inclusivity and promote the union as a welcoming

environment for transgender students.

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Discuss ideas with Peri 5% Find a Fairtrade compliant/fairly inexpensive printer 10% Have idea approved by exec committee 50% Design badges 60% Have designs approved by exec 80% Order badges 95% Place badges in union reception 100%

Discussed with




University about

their badges and

which printer

they used

Idea approved by



approved by exec

Designed badges

Had designs

approved by exec

Ordered badges

Collected delivery

Placed badges in

Union reception

Edinburgh Uni was one of the

first universities to introduce

pronoun badges and received

backlash for doing so from


Printing company


Objective/Manifesto point: Give out pride flag stickers to lecturers for them to stick to office doors to express solidarity with LGBTQA+ students Project plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Find bumper sticker style pride flags for a reasonable price from a Union compliant seller 10% Speak to leaders of each University department and ask about


where to buy


Contacted heads

of departments

Had budget

approved by exec


Will now be distributed at stalls

during LGBT history month as



Page 69: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

distributing stickers among staff 25% Have budget approved by exec 50% Order 75% Put details of campaign on staff intranet 90% Hand out stickers 100%

Posted on staff


Gave out stickers

to staff and

students at

events held in

LGBT history


Stickers have

been given to all

lecturers in Marie

Jahoda, Gaskell

and CHLS

Objective/Manifesto point: LGBT history month campaign Project plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Events: Bake sale x 4 Film night Zine launch Rainbow laces (in collaboration with Student activities officer) Arts @ Artaud concert Memorial service Mario Kart Tournament Raffle LGBT students in higher education panel Rainbow merchandise stall Pride march

Set up zine email

and start taking



descriptions of

memorial and

pride for ticket


Ordered all

catering, bake

sale items and


All events carried

out apart from

zine which had to

be cancelled due

to lack of





winners of the


Collect raffle


Send money to


The campaign aims to increase

LGBT visibility on campus and

make Brunel feel more inclusive.

As well as celebrating LGBT

students, we want to focus more

on education, history and actual

steps we can take to improve

the inclusion and wellbeing of

LGBT students at Brunel.

Target: Engage 500 students,

raise £400 for charity, launch

LGBT society Zine

Met target of engaging 500

students, but zine was cancelled.

The total amount of money will

be around £200 once the raffle is

finished. For more details refer

to the campaign evaluation.

Charities: Mermaids, Spectra,

Diversity Role Models.


Page 70: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Due to fundraising not being as

successful as was hoped, we

decided to focus only on Spectra

Objective/Manifesto point: Halsbury building name change

Project plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Lobby the

university to

change the name

of the Halsbury


This will be done

by passing a

motion in


meeting in

support of the

name change.

I will also work

with Mike

Thomas (Chair of

LGBT staff

network) and

Ranjeet to

coordinate a joint



Motion passed in



Met with Vice


Talked to her

about the

importance of

changing the

name for the

LGBT community

on campus, and

agreed her


Proposal passed

through ethics


Proposal passed

through Staff

Senate with


statement from

me and Mike.

Council meeting

to discuss the


scheduled for

19th March. If the

proposal passes

this meeting, the

name change will

go ahead.

Agree on a

different name

(potentially the

Alan Turing



if the proposal is

rejected at the

council stage, I

aim to organise

protests outside

of the building

and a student


The Halsbury building is named

after the 3rd Earl of Halsbury,

Tony Giffard. Giffard was Vice

Chancellor of Brunel from 196-

1997. He was also a peer in the

House of Lords, and during his

time in office, he introduced the

private members bill that later

became section 28.

Section 28 was an infamous

legislative article which

institutionalised homophobia in

the public sector. Giffard is

quoted in Hansard as saying

‘(Gay people) are reservoirs of

venereal diseases, including

syphilis, gonorrhoea and AIDS’.

He also referred to gay men as

child molesters.

The LGBT community at Brunel

feels that it is necessary to

rename the building in light of

these comments, and to signal

clearly to students and staff that

homophobia is not tolerated at

Brunel. In light of recent

homophobic and transphobic

attacks, this action is clearly



Objective/Manifesto point: Transgender Student Policy

Page 71: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Project plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

To work with the Student Equality and Diversity manager to draft and implement a policy for transgender students.

Consultation with

staff and students

about what a

policy should look


First draft


Second draft


Approval of policy

in Staff Senate

Small event to

mark the policy

going live on

Friday 29th March

Despite legislation on the issue

being 15 years old, Brunel has

not historically treated

transgender students with

respect. This policy will help staff

understand the unique issues

transgender students face, and

how to best support them, both

practically and emotionally,

during their time at university.


Objective/Manifesto point: London Pride 2019 Project plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

To have a joint


group marching

at London Pride


This will increase

the visibility of

the LGBT

community at

Brunel and bring

together staff and


Dan Roberts from

the LGBT staff

network has been



meetings in



request to

University to

allow staff and

students to

march as one


Get approval

from the

university for the

joint marching


Receive tickets

Last year, Brunel was

represented by two groups at

London Pride: one for staff and

one for students.


Page 72: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Disability Officer: Sean Cullen

Objective/Manifesto point: Ensuring investment is spent wisely for accessibility issues

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Secure the

funding 10%

Meet with


heads to go


proposed plans


Arrange for

deadlines for

works to be

completed 50%

Building works to

be completed


Review changes

and evaluate

effectiveness 90%

The funding has

been secured and

some small

changes have




The area at the

back of the union

has been fixed

Remodelling of

the bridge has

now been

completed, and

the bridge has

been greatly


To follow up with

estates and other

departments in

order to arrange



Last year the day in the

wheelchair campaign secured

£200K to address the

accessibility issues on campus.

The plan for this year is to

ensure the proposed projects

are implemented and that all

areas are addressed and fixed.


Objective/Manifesto point: Mental health peer support group

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Get Student

minds trained

facilitators 25%

Organise sessions

times and venues


Hold the Term 1

sessions 75%

The student

minds sessions

are all booked in

for Mondays in

term 1 at the

meeting house.

The introduction

session was

Finish the course

for this Term and

review feedback

form attendees

Arrange for the

mental health

campaigns to fall

under the remit

Student Minds is a charity that

Brunel has partnered with to

provide mental health peer

support sessions. The

facilitators were trained last year

with funding from the wellbeing

team and union.


Page 73: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Review the terms

progress and

arrange for

sessions in Term

2 and next

academic year


completed with

13 participants

The first term

was a partial

success with


dropping nearer

the end

The attendance

this term has

dropped to 0.

of future

disability officers


advertising and

speaking to

comms to

promote student


Sessions for


month are also

being arranged

The group is now established,

despite taking some setbacks it

is functioning and progressing on

to help students.

Objective/Manifesto point: parking project

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Review parking

regulations at

Brunel 25%

Created and

overview report

and submit to

senate 50%

Follow up with

departments to

ensure proposed

actions are

followed 75%

Follow long term

actions outlined

in report 100%

The parking

report was

submitted to the


It was agreed

that the report

would be passed

onto estates and

security for them

to action the


One of the

estates senior


team has

reviewed the

report .

Some parking

spaces have

already been

repainted inline

with the




for the parking

Trying to arrange

a meeting with

the estates

person in charge,

this is proving

difficult due to

their other work


Parking at Brunel is a sore topic

for disabled students.

Disabled parking bays are

constantly misused by students,

staff, and visitors resulting in

lack of availability for the

students who need them.

A report was collated which took

into account all the current

parking issues relating to

disabled bays as well as

suggesting solutions to the

highlighted issues.


Page 74: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,


s (Halsbury bays)

Objective/Manifesto point: improving engagement

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

There is no set

plan for this as it

needs to evolve

as the year goes

on to see what

the students

respond to and

what engages



awareness week

was held and

highlighted some

areas for

improvement in

relation to


Engagement in

the Disability

officer FB page

has increased

following some


Engagement has

increased with

more people

liking the

facebook page,

Student are also


confidence to

message the

facebook page

with issues

Introduce more



platforms for

students to

utilise such as

social media


Continue to


update the FB

page with news

and current


Engagement from disabled

students is quite low, as

students to not identify as

disabled, or it does not play

enough of a part in their lives to

be a defining factor.

The aim of this campaign is to

find the best way of engaging

students to learn more about

disability and the help available.


Objective/Manifesto point: Disabled toilet access

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Speak with senior

management and

raise the issue


The issue was

raised at the

student task

force meeting.

Lease with

student welfare,

DDS, and estates

I received a message from a

student who was upset about

the abuse of disabled toilets.


Page 75: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Arrange for a

solution to the

issue 75%

Check solutions

are implemented

properly 100%

to decide the

best option

Let the student

know when its all


Follow up with

estates to ensure

actions are being


This was highlighted to the

students when they could not

access toilets when needed

twice in one week because of


The student wanted something

to be done.

I have liaised with the student

and they are happy for the doors

to have an entry mechanism for

disabled students only, this will

be difficult but possible.

Objective/Manifesto point: Mental heal provisions for recent graduates

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Speak with senior

management and

raise the issue


Arrange for a

solution to the

issue 75%

Check solutions

are implemented

properly 100%

The issue was

raised at the

student task

force meeting.

The welfare

manger explained

that the


funding would be

difficult to get as

the current scope

for counselling is

only to provide

help to return to

study not for

entire life


Lease with the

manager of

student welfare.

Work out what

can be done to

help students in

these situations

I recently found out that unlike

the PDC there is no mental

health support for recent


I want to change this because it

is well known that transition

year students struggle with

mental health, and it does not

seem right that when we

graduate we are abandoned.

I also want to extend this to

students on abeyance.


Objective/Manifesto point: Report and support

Project Plan What’s done? What’s next? Context Ach %

Speak with senior

management and

raise the issue


The issue was

raised at the

student task

force meeting.

All feedback has

been submitted,

once changes are

implemented the

another review

The report and support website

is designed to be a place where

student can report mental

wellbeing issues for themselves

or others.


Page 76: AGENDA March 2019, 5:30pm The Venue 2. January 2019...Rebecca Davies, Student Voice Manager: Within the constitution and bylaws there are certain laws that exist every year for elections,

Arrange for a

solution to the

issue 75%

Check solutions

are implemented

properly 100%

Lease with the

manager of

student welfare.

Pass on

suggestions to


will be


At the moment the forms are

not set up for mental health

issues, and could lead to

someone being in crisis if take

the wrong way.

8. Student Matters


9. Urgent Business
