Download - AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

Page 1: AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

FNQROC Board meeting No. 52 Monday, 10 October 2016 Page 1 of 2


Far North Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group

Monday, 10 October 2016 AT 1.00 pm

Civic Reception Room, Cairns Regional Council

1. Chair’s opening remarks

2. Welcome to Country

3. Apologies

4. Presentations

5. Minutes

Minutes of FNQ RRTG Meeting No. 51 held on Monday 8 August 2016 at Cooktown

Pages 1- 7

6. Business arising out of Minutes

7. Minutes of Technical Committee Meetings

RRTG TC meeting – 1 September 2016 Pages 8-14

ACTION 88.2: Request RRTG Board seek a response from the Minister of the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on the timing of an announcement regarding successful BEEF roads applications.

ACTION 88.3 : Steve Cosatto to present draft 2017/2018 (fixed) and 2018/2019 (indicative) TIDS programs to the Board for consideration.

8. Adoption of 4 year forward program

Pages 15-16 (print on A3)

9. Works Program update, 2016/17

Page 17

10. Update from the Roads & Transport Alliance

11. Incoming & Outgoing Correspondence

Meeting No. 52

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FNQROC Board meeting No. 52 Monday, 10 October 2016 Page 2 of 2

12. Joint Purchasing & Resource Sharing (if any issues)

13. Road Safety (if any issues)

14. Asset Management (if any issues)

15. General Business

16. Next Technical Committee Meeting No. 89

Monday 31 October 2016 (Cairns)

17. Next RRTG Meeting No. 53

Monday 12 December 2016, Cairns at 1.30 pm

Page 3: AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No.51 - 8 August 2016

Page 1 of 7


Meeting No 51

Meeting FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting

Date 8 August 2016

Time 1.30pm

Venue Events Centre, 3 May Street, Cooktown

1 Attendance

Name Organisation

Cr Peter Scott (Chair) Cook Shire Council (Mayor)

Cr Tom Gilmore Mareeba Shire Council (Mayor)

Mr Peter Franks Mareeba Shire Council (CEO)

John Kremastos Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Cr Trevor Pickering Croydon Shire Council (Mayor)

Cr Bing Chew Croydon Shire council (Deputy Mayor)

Mr Bill Kerwin Croydon Shire Council (CEO)

Cr Annette Hayden Tablelands Regional Council

Cr Bob Manning Cairns Regional Council (Mayor)

Cr Ross Andrews Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council (Mayor)

Ms Janelle Menzies Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council (CEO)

Ms Linda Cardew Douglas Shire Council (CEO)

Cr Julia Leu Douglas Shire Council (Mayor)

Mr Tim Cronin Cook Shire Council (CEO)

Cr Desmond Tayley Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

Ms Darlene Irvine FNQROC

Ms Amanda Hancock FNQROC

Mr Steven Cosatto FNQROC

Ms Sandra Burke DTMR Far North District (Director)

Mr Greg Hoffman (observer) LGAQ

2 Apologies

Name Organisation

Ms Michelle Connolly DTMR, Director (Government Partnerships)

Ms Jo Lencz TMR RAPT Team

David Goodman Cassowary Coast Regional Council (Chair of RRTG Tech Comm)

3 Acceptance of previous minutes

Moved: Cr Desmond Tayley

Seconded: Cr Annette Haydon

“That the minutes of the 50th FNQ RRTG Board Meeting held on 20 June 2016, be confirmed with an amendment to the attendance list to include Arron Hieatt (LGAQ).”



Page 4: AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No. 51 - 8 August 2016

Page 2 of 7

4 Business Arising out of Previous RRTG Minutes


FNQROC to write a letter to the Road Alliance advising of the difficulties associated with the financial accounting process for ATSI and RRTG TIDS programs

FNQROC Not Complete – TMR has

transitioned its finance system so

this should be resolved


The decision regarding expenditure of TIDS on State roads be included in the next FNQRRTG Agenda 8 August 2016

FNQROC Discussion Paper refer agenda Pages 9 - 15

5 Minutes of Technical Committee Meetings

No meeting since last FNQRRTG Meeting

6 Incoming & Outgoing Correspondence

6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia

Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

6.2 Invitation to attend NHVR forum in Brisbane on August 26, Darlene emailed invite August 4.

7 Joint Purchasing & Resource Sharing

Darlene Irvine advised that Regional Reseal program had commenced in Yarrabah and Douglas.

8 Update from the Roads and Transport Alliance

No comment

9 Road Safety

No comment

10 Asset Management

No comment

11 General Business

11.1 Election of Chair and Deputy Chair

The Board positions were declared open.

Ms Darlene Irvine called for nominations for the position of Chair


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FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No. 51 - 8 August 2016

Page 3 of 7

Cr Peter Scott

NOMINATED by Cr John Kremastos

SECONDED by Cr Warren Devlin

Cr Scott accepted the nomination for Chair.

There being no further nominations Cr Peter Scott was declared elected as Chair of the FNQ RRTG

The Chair called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chair

Cr Tom Gilmore

NOMINATED By Cr John Kremastos

SECONDED By Cr Warren Devlin

Cr Gilmore accepted the nomination for Deputy Chair

There being no further nominations Cr Tom Gilmore was declared elected as Deputy Chair of the


11.2 Etheridge Shire council request to transfer of Funds to State Controlled Road:

Discussion carried over from RRTG Board meeting No.50

Councillor Warren Devlin provided background to discussion.

General Discussion

Michael Kitzelmann advised that the costing figures shown in page 9 of agenda

required amendment, see table below.

R2R 2016/17 $1,707,560

TIDS 2016/17 $ 686,600

Etheridge Shire Council Reserves $ 343,000

R2R 2017/18/19 $1,035,014

Total $,3,771,574

TMR advised that on the Georgetown Forsyth Rd there were 56,000 road


Cr Warren Devlin and Michael Kitzelmann left meeting at 1:53

It was queried why project wasn’t on TMR horizon, considering ESC were prepared to

put in $3 million of funding ie where has the joint planning been, appears this issue

has identified a disconnect. Ms Burke advised TMR has 2000klms of unsealed roads.

This road has not been identified as a high priority under Beef Roads or from road

accident or fatality data and therefore was not as high a priority as other TMR roads.

Cr Warren Devlin and Michael Kitzelmann returned to meeting at 1:58


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FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No. 51 - 8 August 2016

Page 4 of 7

Darlene provided background on RRTG project prioritisation process and referred to

the FNQ RRTG Works Program Development and Management Process.

What is to stop councils submitting State Road projects which may prioritise higher

in areas such as traffic, economic and safety for e.g. Burke Development Road?

TMR advised their projects were prioritised and inputted into a 2 year fixed and two

year indicative program.

Question was raised, what process is in place for other councils to consider projects

pending the result of this discussion? The answer is that in our process we had

allowed time for councils to submit additional projects for the 2017-18 onwards

program based on the decision of the RRTG.

Ms Irvine advised that the motion needs to be clear and detailed as it will set a

precedent for all member councils going forward.

Cr Devlin and Michael Kitzelmann were adamant that this was not setting a


After several proposed motions failed to get support Cr Peter Scott proposed the

following motion:

“That the TIDS allocation of $686,600 to Etheridge Shire Council for the Forsyth Einasleigh Rd project be reallocated to the Forsyth Georgetown road on the basis that this project is their priority and ranks high once applying the prioritisation tool, in addition it is noted that Etheridge is applying an additional $3 million towards the project.”

Moved: Cr Trevor Pickering

Seconded: Cr John Kremastos


It was noted that the overarching issue of expending TIDS on a State road has not been

resolved and may need further discussion.


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FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No.51 - 8 August 2016 Page 5 of 7

12 Adoption of FNQ RRTG TIDS Works Program 2016/2017 Works Program

Moved: Cr Warren Devlin

Seconded: Cr John Kremastos

“That the proposed Works Program 2016/2017 as shown on page 16 of the agenda be endorsed.”


TMR Project

Number Road Authority Road Name Network Project Cost($) 2016-2017 2017-2018

277/LGSR/2 Mareeba Shire Council Springmount Road LRRS $530,000 $265,000

216/LGSR/58 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Flying Fish Point Road LRRS $145,000 $72,500

277/LGSR/3 Mareeba Shire Council Oak Forest Road LRRS $750,000 $375,000

220/LGSR/16 Cook Shire Council Lakefield National Park Road LRRS $410,000 $205,000

216/LGSR/59 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Bryant Street LRRS $150,000 $75,000

220/LGSR/17 Cook Shire Council Lakefield National Park Road LRRS $410,000 $205,000

281/LGSR/5 Tablelands Regional Council Danbulla Forest Drive LRRS $1,500,000 $750,000

221/LGSR/8 Croydon Shire Council Croydon - Richmond Road LRRS $698,000 $349,000

275/LGSR/3 Douglas Shire Council

Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road LRRS $510,000 $255,000


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FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No. 51 - 8 August 2016 Page 6 of 7

TMR Project

Number Road Authority Road Name Network Project Cost($) 2016-2017 2017-2018

273/LGSF/2 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Back Beach Road ATSI $175,412 $175,412

281/LGSR/2 Tablelands Regional Council Cashmere - Kirrama Road LRRS $1,000,000 $500,000

281/LGSR/3 Tablelands Regional Council Cashmere-Kirrama Road LRRS $300,000 $100,000

Etheridge Shire Council Georgetown - Forsyth Rd State LRRS $3,771,574 $686,600

220/LGSR/12 Cook Shire Council Railway Avenue NON LRRS $640,000 $320,000

281/LGSR/4 Tablelands Regional Council Sluice Creek Road LRRS $1,300,000 $650,000


Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Allocation ATSI $29,273 $29,273

264/LGSR/39 FNQRRTG Management LRRS $142,866 $142,866

Croydon Shire Council Croydon - Richmond Road (Beef Roads) LRRS $3,500,000 $350,000

264/LGSR/36 Tablelands Regional Council Gunnawarra Road LRRS $750,000 $285,499 $89,501

TOTAL $5,791,150


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FNQROC – FNQ Regional Roads & Transport Group Board Meeting, Meeting No.51 - 8 August 2016 Page 7 of 7

13 Next Technical Committee Meeting No. 87 – 1 September 2016 (Cooktown)

14 Next RRTG Meeting – No. 52

Date: Monday 10 October 2016

Venue: Cairns

Time: 1.30pm (time to be confirmed) (following the FNQROC Board Meeting)

The meeting closed at 3:15pm.


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1 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September



Meeting Far North Queensland Regional Roads & Transport Group

Date Thursday 1 September

Time 2:45pm

Venue Cooktown

The meeting opened at 2.45pm.

1 Attendance

Name Organisation

David Goodman Chair Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC)

Ashley Greenwood Deputy Chair Tablelands Regional Council

Cosatto Steve FNQROC

Ringer Michael Cairns Regional Council

Andrew Foster Mareeba Shire Council

Irvine Darlene FNQROC

Garry Pickering Croydon Shire Council

Jo Lencz Roads and Transport Alliance

Bishes Pokharel Cook Shire Council

Daryl Jones TMR

Michael Kriedemann Douglas

Victor Mills WWASC

David Trotter CCRC

2 Apologies

Name Organisation

Dawn Lake Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

Sandra Burke Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR)

David G Hamilton TMR

Jennifer Damon TMR

Robert Uebergang Cook Shire Council

Arron Hieatt LGAQ

Michael Kitzelmann Etheridge Shire Council (ESC)

Garry Fletcher ESC

3 Acceptance of previous minutes:

MOVED Ashley Greenwood SECONDED David Goodman

Minutes of Technical Committee No. 87 Friday 3 June April 2016 Cairns accepted as true and correct.



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2 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September

4 Minutes of previous RRTG Meeting

For noting:

RRTG Board meeting No. 51 Monday 8 August (Cooktown). For noting a copy of the minutes can be accessed

5 Actions Arising from Previous Minutes No. 87 3 June, Cairns

Item No. ACTION Owner Completed

86.6 Councils to complete SOI’s for their 2016/17 TIDS projects by June 3 meeting. All other SOI’s to be completed prior to the August meeting.

All Councils

86.10 Dave Hamilton to follow up Regional Road Safety Coordination meeting details and to forward to Steven Cosatto for distribution.


86.11 All Councils to review 2016/17 Capital Works projects and to advice Steven Cosatto should projects include Culvert renewals.

All Councils

87.6.1 Darlene Irvine to discuss Road Closure matter with Paul Taylor Acting Commissioner


87.6.2 Michael Ringer to raise topic at the next Road Safety meeting. CRC

87.6.3 Dave Hamilton to provide contact within the Road Safety team of TMR and Local Representative events coordinator.


87.6.4 Brian Hughes and Darlene Irvine to discuss the inception meeting of subcommittee.


87.6.5 All councils to email Darlene Council officer responsible for Road Closures for Community Events.


87.7.2 Dave Hamilton to consolidate all TMR administered funding programs into one spread sheet which would include monthly forecasting to forward to Steve Cosatto for distribution.

TMR Closed out

87.7.3 Steve Cosatto and Dave Hamilton to draft issues paper regarding difficulties and overlapping of financial accounting for ATSI and RRTG TIDS programs for presentation to Board.

TMR and FNQROC Deferred

87.7.4 That the FNQ RRTG draft a letter to Roads and Transport Alliance requesting simplification of the financial accounting process for RRTG and ATSI TIDS.

FNQROC Deferred

87.7.5 Steve Cosatto to amend Works program Development and Management draft to include - Councils may apply, through the prioritisation process, for TIDS funding to assist them in meet funding requirements required for other State or Federal programs on LRRS Roads.


87.7.7 Croydon, ESC, TRC and Cook Councils to provide SOI’s prior to June 30. Croydon, Etheridge and TRC

87.7.9 Steve Cosatto to forward invite to group for Service Now briefing of Project Prioritisation Tool..

FNQROC Tablelands, Cook and Douglas Councils review their programs and advise that their 17/18 TIDS projects are able to be brought forward into the 16/17 year.

TRC, Cook and Douglas Douglas to confirm chainages to Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road. Douglas Steve Cosatto to forward out adopted 4 year program to include unfunded projects (ranked in priority not alphabetical) with basic Project Prioritisation spreadsheet

FNQROC Councils to provide projects for input into Project Prioritisation Tool ALL

87.10.1 Regarding TIDS funding to State Controlled Roads Councils are asked to provide additional comment to Steve Cosatto, by cob Friday 10 June, and to ensure their RRTG representatives are briefed on the topic.


87.10.2 FNQROC present a discussion paper to the RRTG Board meeting June 20, regarding the opportunities, risks and benefits associated with the allocation of TIDS funding to State controlled roads.


87.12.1 Jen Damon to facilitate workshop (teleconference) for Technical Committee work shop of Issues effecting councils regional connections.

TMR Steve Cosatto to request EOIs for PN5 Stormwater Drainage) workshop. FNQROC Outstanding


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3 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September

Item No. ACTION Owner Completed Steve Cosatto to keep councils informed of Route Assessment Training. FNQROC Steve Cosatto to request EOIs for Bridge Construction and Maintenance Workshop.

FNQROC Outstanding

6 Election of Chair and Deputy Chair.

The Chair and Deputy Chair positions were declared open.

Darlene thanked David Goodman for his participation and the assistance he has provided to Darlene and

the Tech Coordinator.

6.1 Steven Cosatto called for nominations for the position of Chair

Ashley Greenwood

NOMINATED by David Goodman

SECONDED by Michael kriedemann

Ashley Greenwood accepted the nomination for Chair.

There being no further nominations Ashley Greenwood was declared elected as Chair of the FNQ


6.2 The Chair called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chair

Michael Ringer

NOMINATED By David Trotter

SECONDED By Victor Mills

Michael Ringer accepted the nomination for Deputy Chair

There being no further nominations Michael Ringer was declared elected as Deputy Chair of the


7 Business arising out of previous Technical Committee minutes.

7.1 (Action 86.11) All Councils to review 2016/17 Capital Works projects and to advice Steven Cosatto should projects include Culvert renewals.

Ashley Greenwood provided additional background on proposed collective collaboration -

ACTION 88.1: TRC to develop worksheet identifying type of culverts required, number off and when and distribute to MSC, CCRC, Cook and TMR for populating and return to TRC.

7.2 (Action 87.7.2) Dave Hamilton to consolidate all TMR administered funding programs into one

spread sheet which would include monthly forecasting to forward to Steve Cosatto for distribution.

Action closed out: Following last TC meeting Roads and Transport Alliance has released version 1.1

of the Operational Guidelines which included required administration documentation within the


7.3 (Action 87.7.3) Steve Cosatto and Dave Hamilton to draft issues paper regarding difficulties and overlapping of financial accounting for ATSI and RRTG TIDS programs for presentation to Board.


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4 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September

Action to be reviewed in December 2016, to gauge if TMRs new accounting system had reduced the difficulties.

ACTION 87.7.3 : Steve Cosatto and Dave Hamilton to draft issues paper regarding difficulties and overlapping of financial accounting for ATSI and RRTG TIDS programs for presentation to Board.

7.4 (Action 87.7.4) That the FNQ RRTG draft a letter to Roads and Transport Alliance requesting

simplification of the financial accounting process for RRTG and ATSI TIDS.

Action to be reviewed in December 2016, to gauge if TMRs new accounting system had reduced the difficulties.

ACTION 87.7.4: In December 2016, gauge if TMRs new account system has reduced financial

accounting difficulties, if not, the FNQ RRTG draft a letter to Roads and Transport Alliance

requesting simplification of the financial accounting process for RRTG and ATSI TIDS.

7.5 (Action 87.10.2) FNQROC to present a discussion paper to the RRTG Board meeting June 20, regarding the opportunities, risks and benefits associated with the allocation of TIDS funding to State controlled roads. – Update Darlene Irvine.

Darlene reiterated motion that was passed at the Board’s 8 August meeting No 51.

“That the TIDS allocation of $686,600 to Etheridge Shire Council for the Forsyth Einasleigh Rd project be reallocated to the Forsyth Georgetown road on the basis that this project is their priority and ranks high once applying the prioritisation tool, in addition it is noted that Etheridge is applying an additional $3 million towards the project.”

Darlene advised that the transfer of funds was a once off and that no precedence has been set. General discussion: Tech Committee agreed to await further direction from the Board prior to any amendment of the Works Program Development and Management Process.

8 2016/17 – 2019/20 TIDS Works Program.

8.1 2016/2017 – Councils to provide status update. FNQ RRTG TIDS Works Program 2016/2017

TMR Project Number

Road Authority Road Name Project Cost($) 2016-2017



277/LGSR/2 Mareeba Shire Council

Springmount Road $530,000 $265,000 Commences in Oct

216/LGSR/58 Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Flying Fish Point Road $145,000 $72,500 Delivering in house complete be Dec

277/LGSR/3 Mareeba Shire Council

Oak Forest Road $750,000 $375,000 Commences in Oct

220/LGSR/16 Cook Shire Council

Lakefield National Park Road

$410,000 $205,000 Already commenced completion end of Sept

216/LGSR/59 Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Bryant Street $150,000 $75,000 Awaiting cast in situ box culvert- completion February march

220/LGSR/17 Cook Shire Council

Lakefield National Park Road

$410,000 $205,000 Already commenced completion end of Sept


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5 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September

Members advised that as at meeting date there had been no official announcement regarding successful Beef Roads funding applications. ACTION 88.2: Request RRTG Board seek a response from the Minister of the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on the timing of an announcement regarding successful BEEF roads applications.

8.2 Moderation of draft 2017-2020 program - refer attachment document

Group acknowledged:

That with the finalisation of the transfer of funds to the State Controlled project and the agreement of the Board to utilise TIDS allocation to assist with Beef Roads funding that the 2016/17 program was now fixed.

That in the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 years the transfer of identified savings towards the end of the financial year was a problematic process often having to be done via email, due to time limitations. In an attempt to avoid this situation occurring in the future the group agreed to over allocate funding of between 5-10% and to review process at the EOFY.

It was acknowledged that there were a number of projects within the list that had been there for some time and that existing listed projects should be reviewed and councils forward programs should be reviewed for projects to be considered for future funding.

Councils agreed to review their 2019/2020 programs and provide advice at next TC meeting in October.

ACTION 88.3 : Steve Cosatto to present draft 2017/2018 (fixed) and 2018/2019 (indicative) TIDS programs to the Board for consideration.

281/LGSR/5 Tablelands Regional Council

Danbulla Forest Drive $1,500,000 $750,000 Go to market in September with completion by Dec

221/LGSR/8 Croydon Shire Council

Croydon - Richmond Road

$698,000 $349,000 Commence October finalise December

275/LGSR/3 Douglas Shire Council

Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road

$510,000 $255,000 Currently under construction finalising be early Oct

273/LGSF/2 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

Back Beach Road $175,412 $175,412

281/LGSR/2 Tablelands Regional Council

Cashmere - Kirrama Road

$1,000,000 $500,000 Go to market in September with completion by Dec

281/LGSR/3 Tablelands Regional Council

Cashmere-Kirrama Road

$300,000 $100,000 Already built yet to be claimed

Etheridge Shire Council

Georgetown - Forsyth Rd

$3,771,574 $686,600

220/LGSR/12 Cook Shire Council

Railway Avenue $640,000 $320,000 Commence in Oct finish in November

281/LGSR/4 Tablelands Regional Council

Sluice Creek Road $1,300,000 $650,000 Go to market in September with completion by Dec

272/LGSF/3 Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

Allocation $29,273 $29,273

264/LGSR/39 FNQRRTG Management $142,866 $142,866

Croydon Shire Council

Croydon - Richmond Road (Beef Roads)

$3,500,000 $350,000

264/LGSR/36 Tablelands Regional Council

Gunnawarra Road $750,000 $285,499 $89,501 Commence April 2017 finish June


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6 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September

ACTION 88.4: All councils to review their existing and forward programs for projects to be considered for future funding.

9 Roads & Transport Alliance. – Jo Lencz

Advised that the Operational Guidelines and appendices had been finalised and distributed.

Provided an overview of Reimbursement forms and EOFY Acquittal forms.

Advised that feedback regarding documents contained within the Appendix could be provided through Steven Cosatto and presented at the Coordinators forum Tuesday 4 October.

ACTION 88.4: Members to review TMR claim documents and provide feedback to Steve Cosatto.

9.1 SCDF request for projects. All responses should be made by return email to be received no later

than Tuesday 20th September 2016.

Roads and Transport Alliance has distributed correspondence to understand the level of interest from RRTGs in the proposed initiatives outlined below.

They have requested RRTG review table and rank projects in order of preference, with ‘1’ being the most preferred and ‘6’ being the least preferred priority project.

Refer below:

Your RRTG’s ranking

Project type and description Indicative 50% cost to RRTG

Contract management systems review – based on the work already undertaken by the North West Queensland RRTG, this initiative will provide interested RRTGs with easy-to-use contract and procurement documentation customised to councils requirements, plus associated training in the use of this documentation. The documentation, at a minimum covers the following procurement types:

Construct Only (major works)

Construct Only (minor works)

Design and Construct

Consultancy Services

Plant Hire (panel of providers)


‘First and last mile’ freight study – based on the pilot study in Toowoomba and Western Downs RRTGs, this initiative will provide interested RRTGs with a focused plan that examines the opportunities for heavy vehicle freight on the local road network. In particular local road linkages with the State road network which would provide productivity benefits to the road freight industry and the regional economy.


TMR Pre-qualification – as competition for TMR works increases, many councils are considering achieving higher levels of pre-qualification. This provides councils the opportunity to bid for greater packages of work and gives confidence to TMR that councils have the requisite technical, managerial and financial capacity to efficiently deliver road and bridge construction contracts.


Regional airport plan – based on the work already undertaken by the Outback RRTG, this initiative will provide interested RRTGs with a stocktake of current airport assets and apply a gap analysis to inform strategic planning and investment decisions in order to meet future service level targets.


Strategic planning workshop – under the Roads and Transport Alliance Operational Guidelines 2016, “ a dedicated workshop should be convened with RRTG members at the start of a program development cycle to determine/review the strategic transport objectives for the region.” (p13) This initiative will provide interested RRTGs with a structured and facilitated approach to conducting this workshop.

$ 3,000

Other Statewide Capability Development Fund project proposals: (please provide details below as well as a 50% project cost estimate)

$ _______


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7 FNQ RRTG TC Meeting No.88 Thursday 1 September

ACTION 88.5: Steve Cosatto to distribute SCDF priority correspondence to members for response by 20 September 2016.

10 Next meeting

Next meeting will be 28 October Cairns Regional Council.

The meeting closed at 5:30

Minutes prepared by Steven Cosatto – FNQROC Regional Infrastructure Projects Coordinator.

Item No. ACTION Owner Completed

87.7.3 Steve Cosatto and Dave Hamilton to draft issues paper regarding difficulties and overlapping of financial accounting for ATSI and RRTG TIDS programs for presentation to Board.

TMR and FNQROC Defer until

Dec 2016

87.7.4 In December 2016, gauge if TMRs new account system has reduced financial accounting difficulties, if not, the FNQ RRTG draft a letter to Roads and Transport Alliance requesting simplification of the financial accounting process for RRTG and ATSI TIDS.

FNQROC Defer until Dec 2016 Steve Cosatto to request EOIs for PN5 Stormwater Drainage) workshop.

FNQROC Steve Cosatto to request EOIs for Bridge Construction and Maintenance Workshop.


88.1 TRC to develop worksheet identifying type of culverts, number of and when required and distribute to MSC, CCRC, Cook and TMR for populating and return to TRC.


88.2 Request RRTG Board seek a response from the Minister of the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on the timing of an announcement regarding the successful BEEF roads applications.


88.3 Steve Cosatto to present draft 2017/2018 (fixed) and 2018/2019 (indicative) TIDS program to the Board for consideration.


88.4 All councils to review their existing and forward programs for projects to be considered for future funding.


88.5 Members to review TMR claim documents and provide feedback to Steve Cosatto.


88.6 Steve Cosatto to distribute SCDF priority correspondence to members for response for response by 20 September 2016.



Page 17: AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

Fixed Fixed Indicative IndicativeTOTALS Allocation $5,791,150 $5,791,150 $5,791,150 $5,791,150 $3,048,322

Listed Below $5,891,150 $6,059,140 $6,082,045 $2,940,236 $8,302,100Difference from Allocation ‐$100,000 ‐$267,990 ‐$290,895 $2,850,914 ‐$5,253,778

Non LRRS Maximum Allocation $1,158,230 $1,158,230 $1,158,230 $1,158,230 $609,66420% Listed Below $320,000 $344,000 $1,027,000 $372,500 $1,482,500

Difference from Allocation $838,230 $814,230 $131,230 $785,730 ‐$872,836

Record ID Road Authority Work Type Road Name Rank Network Project Start

Project End

Total Project Cost($)

TIDS 2016-2017

TIDS 2017-2018

TIDS 2018-2019

TIDS 2019-2020 TIDS Beyond

156 Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Capability and development Annual allocation 0 ATSI $146,365 $29,273 $29,273 $29,273 $29,273

158 Cairns Regional Council Upgrade bridge The Boulders Road 24 LRRS 3.38 3.41 $100,000 $50,000185 Cairns Regional Council Upgrade bridge The Boulders Road 28 LRRS 3.38 3.41 $100,000 $50,000138 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Flying Fish Point Road 64 LRRS 3.53 3.54 $145,000 $72,500166 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Structural rehabilitation Bryant Street 67 LRRS 0.985 1.00 $150,000 $75,000187 Tablelands Regional Council Replace bridge Cashmere-Kirrama Road 59 LRRS 26.43 26.44 $300,000 $100,000208 FNQRRTG Capability and development 0 LRRS $714,330 $142,866 $142,866 $142,866 $142,866189 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Construct to seal standard Back Beach Road 111 ATSI 5.6 9.60 $616,000 $175,412192 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Lakefield National Park Road 15 LRRS 1.3 2.60 $410,000 $205,000205 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Lakefield National Park Road 25 LRRS 0 1.30 $410,000 $205,000207 Douglas Shire Council Construct to seal standard Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road 49 LRRS 13.41 13.75 $510,000 $255,000201 Mareeba Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Springmount Road 1 LRRS 5.4 6.70 $530,000 $265,000159 Tablelands Regional Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Gunnawarra Road 98 LRRS 7.5 8.50 $750,000 $285,499 $89,501155 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Railway Avenue 81 NON-LRRS 1.33 2.66 $640,000 $320,000204 Croydon Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Croydon - Richmond Road 31 LRRS 134.2 138.20 $698,000 $349,000206 Croydon Shire Council Widen and seal Croydon - Richmond Road 65 LRRS 98.98 108.98 $3,500,000 $350,000200 Mareeba Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Myola Road 14 LRRS 3.2 4.30 $750,000 $375,000167 Tablelands Regional Council Replace bridge and approaches Cashmere - Kirrama Road 58 LRRS 23 24.00 $1,000,000 $500,000152 Tablelands Regional Council Replace bridge Sluice Creek Road 35 LRRS 0.2 0.21 $1,300,000 $650,000199 Etheridge Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Georgetown - Forsyth Rd 60 LRRS 11.77 25.30 $3,771,574 $686,600165 Tablelands Regional Council Replace bridge Danbulla Forest Drive 39 LRRS 13.19 13.22 $1,500,000 $750,000190 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Flying Fish Point Road 9 LRRS 2.74 2.75 $45,000 $22,500203 Croydon Shire Council Upgrade floodway Croydon-Richmond Road 18 LRRS 17.38 17.48 $45,000 $22,500191 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Alexander Drive 16 LRRS 1.975 1.99 $115,000 $57,500193 Cook Shire Council Install floodway Battlecamp Road 42 LRRS 32.6 32.64 $120,000 $60,000194 Cook Shire Council Install floodway Battlecamp Road 42 LRRS 34.5 34.54 $120,000 $60,00057 Cook Shire Council Install floodway Battlecamp Road 42 LRRS 36.5 36.54 $120,000 $60,000

151 Cairns Regional Council Footpath construction Kenny Street 68 LRRS $150,000 $75,000211 Mareeba Shire Council Seal to provide overtaking opportunity Ootann Road 52 LRRS 16.8 18.20 $830,000 $83,000202 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Bingil Bay Road 7 LRRS 5.155 5.17 $60,000 $90,000209 Cairns Regional Council Widen shoulder(s) and sealing Lake Street 71 LRRS $180,000 $90,00058 Cairns Regional Council Widen shoulder(s) and sealing Redlynch Intake Road 66 LRRS $200,000 $100,000

110 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Alexander Drive 19 LRRS 0.465 0.49 $210,000 $105,000112 Cook Shire Council Replace bridge with culvert Lakefield National Park Road 46 LRRS 59.9 60.00 $230,000 $115,000111 Tablelands Regional Council Upgrade bridge Cashmere-Kirrama Road 48 LRRS 69.7 69.71 $230,000 $115,000121 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Reconstruct pavement Bingil Bay Road 61 LRRS 2.055 2.26 $250,000 $125,000212 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen existing pavement East Feluga Road 104 NON-LRRS 5.55 6.50 $845,000 $344,000 $172,000

6 Croydon Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Croydon - Richmond Road 11 LRRS 193.5 197.50 $698,000 $175,000 $175,000149 Tablelands Regional Council Seal to provide overtaking opportunity Ootann Road 54 LRRS 86.6 91.00 $3,800,000 $190,000 $190,000195 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen and seal Tully Gorge Road 102 LRRS 0.03 0.80 $650,000 $325,000196 Tablelands Regional Council Upgrade bridge Gunnawarra Road 51 LRRS 31.6 31.63 $560,000 $280,000197 Mareeba Shire Council Widen existing pavement Oak Forest Road 3 LRRS 3.518 5.53 $590,000 $295,000198 Mareeba Shire Council Upgrade bridge Leadingham Creek Road 2 LRRS 2.62 2.64 $600,000 $300,000137 Tablelands Regional Council Upgrade bridge Tully Falls Road 29 LRRS 31.5 31.51 $600,000 $300,00069 Douglas Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road 47 LRRS 0 1.85 $668,000 $334,000

136 Croydon Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Croydon - Richmond Road 31 LRRS 189.5 193.50 $698,000 $349,000150 Croydon Shire Council Form improve drainage and running surface Croydon - Richmond Road 4 LRRS 193.5 197.50 $700,000 $350,00070 Tablelands Regional Council Upgrade bridge Tully Falls Road 30 LRRS 31.5 31.51 $700,000 $350,000

180 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Flying Fish Point Road 27 LRRS 2.555 2.57 $740,000 $370,000181 Mareeba Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Chewko Road 17 LRRS 12.4 14.40 $1,310,000 $655,000182 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Capability and development various 0 ATSI $60,673 $13,456 $47,21775 Croydon Shire Council Construct approaches Yapper River Road 79 NON-LRRS 18.9 38.71 $40,000 $20,000

188 Croydon Shire Council Upgrade floodway Croydon - Richmond Road 21 LRRS 17.45 17.55 $45,000 $22,500

Draft 2016‐2020 (two year fixed and two 

year indicative)


Page 18: AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

4 Croydon Shire Council Upgrade floodway Croydon - Richmond Road 21 LRRS 22.6 22.70 $45,000 $22,500123 Cook Shire Council Install culvert Archer Point Road 80 NON-LRRS 2.42 2.44 $100,000 $50,000179 Tablelands Regional Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Sluice Creek Road 86 LRRS 4.2 4.30 $110,000 $55,000210 Mareeba Shire Council Install floodway Euluma Creek Road 74 LRRS 7.913 8.04 $160,000 $80,000131 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Replace culvert Flying Fish Point Road 13 LRRS 4.81 4.82 $170,000 $85,000186 Douglas Shire Council Bikeway / Footpath construction Cape Tribulation Road 124 LRRS 14.9 16.20 $250,000 $125,000145 Mareeba Shire Council Seal to provide overtaking opportunity Ootann Road 53 LRRS 78.2 80.20 $1,320,000 $132,000183 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen and seal Upper Murray Road 97 LRRS 1.5 2.21 $300,000 $150,000214 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Rehabilitate and widen Walter Lever Estate Road 83 LRRS 0.75 1.50 $300,300 $150,150144 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Battlecamp Road 41 LRRS 23.7 25.50 $530,000 $265,000213 Mareeba Shire Council Construct to seal standard Mount Mulligan Road 56 LRRS 0 1.02 $630,000 $315,000133 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Railway Avenue 81 NON-LRRS 2.66 4.00 $640,000 $320,000134 Etheridge Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Forsayth - Einasleigh Road 69 LRRS 32.367 34.37 $686,600 $343,300215 Croydon Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Croydon - Richmond Road 10 LRRS 197.5 201.50 $698,000 $349,000163 Mareeba Shire Council Replace bridge Springmount Road 76 LRRS 10.43 10.50 $770,000 $385,000173 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Battlecamp Road 50 LRRS 25.5 27.30 $800,000 $400,000132 Mareeba Shire Council Widen and seal Lockwood Road 96 NON-LRRS 0 2.63 $930,000 $465,0003 Cairns Regional Council Construct bridge Cook Street 36 LRRS 1.5 1.75 $1,500,000 $750,000

162 Tablelands Regional Council Upgrade bridge Curtain Fig Tree Road 55 LRRS 3.5 3.52 $1,750,000 $875,00099 Croydon Shire Council Upgrade floodway Yapper River road 72 NON-LRRS 96.89 104.50 $40,000 $20,000

106 Croydon Shire Council Upgrade floodway Croydon - Richmond Road 21 LRRS 22.6 22.70 $45,000 $22,500107 Cook Shire Council Install culvert Archer Point Road 88 NON-LRRS 47.4 47.65 $150,000 $75,00051 Tablelands Regional Council At-grade intersection improvement Theresa Creek Road 107 LRRS 2.8 2.90 $300,000 $150,00094 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen and seal Flying Fish Point Road 109 LRRS 4.9 5.15 $305,760 $152,88095 Mareeba Shire Council Upgrade floodway Ootann Road 100 LRRS 47 47.06 $350,000 $175,000

169 Tablelands Regional Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Danbulla Forest Drive 108 LRRS 3 3.70 $500,000 $250,000100 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Reconstruct pavement Butler Street 95 LRRS 0.44 0.58 $550,000 $275,000103 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Poison Creek Road (Minke Road) 89 NON-LRRS 2.8 4.00 $555,000 $277,500104 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen and seal Flying Fish Point Road 103 LRRS 3.95 4.80 $648,000 $324,000105 Croydon Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Croydon - Richmond Road 31 LRRS 138.2 142.30 $698,000 $349,00086 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Construct roundabout Butler Street 105 LRRS 0.96 0.98 $1,300,000 $650,0009 Cook Shire Council Concrete overlay on deck Poison Creek Road 130 NON-LRRS 6.35 6.37 $30,000 $15,000

139 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Route lighting Fitzgerald Esplanade 136 LRRS 0.34 0.69 $60,000 $30,00032 Yarrbah Aboriginal Shire Council Reseal Workshop Road 133 ATSI 0 1.33 $32,200 $32,20022 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Reseal Sawmill Road 120 ATSI 0 1.80 $48,500 $48,50017 Tablelands Regional Council Footpath construction Sixth Avenue 124 NON-LRRS 0 0.30 $100,000 $50,000

117 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Route lighting Fitzgerald Esplanade 135 LRRS 0 0.34 $120,000 $60,00020 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Route lighting Grace Street 136 LRRS 0 0.90 $132,000 $66,000

170 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Route lighting Flying Fish Point Road 136 LRRS 0.15 0.98 $140,000 $70,000140 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Route lighting Mourilyan Road 136 LRRS 0.9 2.50 $148,000 $74,00029 Tablelands Regional Council Footpath construction Parkview Street & First Avenue 124 NON-LRRS 0 0.60 $200,000 $100,00030 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen and seal Murray Falls Road 115 LRRS 3.18 3.70 $211,000 $105,50021 Mareeba Shire Council Widen and seal Frazer Road 121 NON-LRRS 0.28 0.51 $250,000 $125,0007 Mareeba Shire Council Widen and seal Chewko Road 117 LRRS 0.4 1.00 $280,000 $140,00011 Tablelands Regional Council Widen and seal Theresa Creek Road 131 LRRS 2.3 6.80 $350,000 $175,0008 Tablelands Regional Council Widen and seal Grove Street 132 LRRS 0.4 0.70 $350,000 $175,000

171 Tablelands Regional Council Widen and overlay Curtain Fig Tree Road 119 LRRS 3.5 4.40 $400,000 $200,000114 Cook Shire Council Asphalt resurfacing (<75mm) Charlotte Street (Bank Street) 134 NON-LRRS Bank Stree Seaview $455,000 $227,50062 Tablelands Regional Council Widen and seal East Barron Road 122 LRRS 6.7 7.80 $500,000 $250,00091 Tablelands Regional Council Widen and seal Glendinning Road 127 LRRS 0.7 2.10 $500,000 $250,000

126 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Poison Creek Road 89 NON-LRRS 4 5.20 $555,000 $277,500125 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Poison Creek Road 89 NON-LRRS 5.2 6.40 $555,000 $277,500118 Etheridge Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Forsayth - Einasleigh Road 62 LRRS 27.767 30.07 $686,600 $343,300101 Etheridge Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Forsayth - Einasleigh Road 70 LRRS 34.367 36.27 $686,600 $343,300116 Etheridge Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Forsayth - Einasleigh Road 75 LRRS 30.067 32.37 $686,600 $343,300119 Cook Shire Council Shoulder sealing Charlotte Street 112 NON-LRRS 2.32 2.93 $820,000 $410,000172 Cook Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Battlecamp Road 101 LRRS 6.8 9.13 $890,000 $445,000102 Cairns Regional Council Widen and overlay Cook Street 123 LRRS 0.43 0.78 $1,000,000 $500,00014 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Construct roundabout Flying Fish Point Road 116 LRRS 5.15 5.20 $1,100,000 $550,000

184 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Construct roundabout Mourilyan Road 118 LRRS 1.76 1.79 $1,100,000 $550,00016 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Rehabilitate and widen Bingil Bay Road 106 LRRS 6.71 7.69 $1,365,000 $682,50023 Etheridge Shire Council Construct to new sealed 2 lane standard Forsayth - Einasleigh Road 63 LRRS 37 41.07 $1,372,000 $686,00012 Cassowary Coast Regional Council Widen and seal Murray Falls Road 113 LRRS 0 3.18 $1,400,000 $700,000

182 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Capability and development various 0 ATSI $47,217


Page 19: AGENDA - · 10/10/2016  · 6.1 Ref:4761 Thank you letter from DTMR regarding supporting Queensland Northern Australia Beef Roads programme submission (#5161746)

FNQ RRTG TIDS Works Program 2016/2017

TMR Project Number Road Authority Road Name Project Cost($) 2016-2017 2017-2018 Comments

277/LGSR/2 Mareeba Shire Council Springmount Road $530,000 $265,000 Commences in Oct

216/LGSR/58 Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Flying Fish Point Road $145,000 $72,500 Delivering in house complete Dec

277/LGSR/3 Mareeba Shire Council Oak Forest Road $750,000 $375,000 Commences in Oct

220/LGSR/16 Cook Shire Council Lakefield National Park Road $410,000 $205,000 Already commenced completion end of Sept

216/LGSR/59 Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Bryant Street $150,000 $75,000 Awaiting cast in situ box culvert- completion February march

220/LGSR/17 Cook Shire Council Lakefield National Park Road $410,000 $205,000 Already commenced completion end of Sept

281/LGSR/5 Tablelands Regional Council Danbulla Forest Drive $1,500,000 $750,000 Go to market in September with completion by Dec

221/LGSR/8 Croydon Shire Council Croydon - Richmond Road $698,000 $349,000 Commence October finalise December

275/LGSR/3 Douglas Shire Council Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield Road

$510,000 $255,000 Currently under construction finalising be early Oct

273/LGSF/2 Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

Back Beach Road $175,412 $175,412

281/LGSR/2 Tablelands Regional Council Cashmere - Kirrama Road $1,000,000 $500,000 Go to market in September with completion by Dec

281/LGSR/3 Tablelands Regional Council Cashmere-Kirrama Road $300,000 $100,000 Already built yet to be claimed

Etheridge Shire Council Georgetown - Forsyth Rd $3,771,574 $686,600

220/LGSR/12 Cook Shire Council Railway Avenue $640,000 $320,000 Commence in Oct finish in November

281/LGSR/4 Tablelands Regional Council Sluice Creek Road $1,300,000 $650,000 Go to market in September with completion by Dec

272/LGSF/3 Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

Allocation $29,273 $29,273

264/LGSR/39 FNQRRTG Management $142,866 $142,866

Croydon Shire Council Croydon - Richmond Road (Beef Roads)

$3,500,000 $350,000

264/LGSR/36 Tablelands Regional Council Gunnawarra Road $750,000 $285,499 $89,501 Commence April 2017 finish June