Download - After Action Report 755th Tank Battalion


j, AAR # 598-R AFTER ACTION REFORT '755TH TANK ~ I ) N (M). 9 9 .."'04& THIS DOCUliENT IS THE PBOPERTY OF, AND SIDULD BE BETURNED TO, TH.t!: CLASSIFIED OOCU:\.r::T.NT SECTION, I.,."'lTEU,IG1'NCE DIVISION, 5-2, BUILDING T-5 (T-1782). 'l,. _ ------ 11. I. A.,. - NGRADED TO:_ r= E'"I ..L.. . ::. 'l\ AUTHOBlTY a TAG....... laaJ,qJAJr .",. tl4tt JAftALlOW (M) t.. f ' ..... I ... "'1:. /7- _______ Date IDitiMI a."" .. " ......,.......... ,9\,.II. .c.-.litS.c ......,.. b5a t.t..,. %Ji"'....., '" ItO ... ......... , ...... .,. . I. Ia IF ;JI... "'. A:I ,a.,-lOJ .... AU'........ .... ........ 111. ..31'.",., .......-..... ............... MIl .......... t ... b ........ ...... ...,.,u lfItJ- ,_ ..., It'l..... u........... t ...... '." ...... I ....". ...... ..... ,...,., 1/",*, ...... ' IU ... 'f_.. r., Gal I ,"_ltld. ....." .............. .,. .. " ......, .................-1..... '''''''' .. ia ,.'...... 1lOIO"...... 'at. PI .all1l", ,....,.....17........ Sa M...... ...., .... , ....... 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'''' ..................., ..0\" .... ..." .... .-...laM ., .............. .,. ""'''' ,,., 11.... th. Dt.91.......J...... .a........... a ...., ...... fNII 1111."", .. __.. .... .., Utt....., ....... """"'" .n..r. ft....... YtW&a1al ...1..... _ 15 Ie___ 1,1t, ... the .....,." 1 _b ... klttrw IIll '11) ..........t .... __ ft... fId......... th. '_l:, ,. "" Sa .etU.... pe.'''' "'\_t alala,,.., ...... AUI It. J..AJJDC. , aa.... I... "'.0 "'til .... (M).1- la, tI...... _U... 2. I., Joutaal IU., .... I,.,. lIto.coo ..... .:...: 11 - \ -[1 Q. BI: 1: HEADQUAR'JERS 755TH TANK BAT'lALIOlJ (PI.) APO 464, U.s. Army 1 February 1944 SUBJECT: Bs.ttle Report for THROUGH: Commanding Officer, 2nd Tank Group, A}'O 464, U.S. J,rmy. TO : The Adjutant General, Vi ashington, 25, D.C. 1. In compliaDCe with AR 345-105 and letter Headquarters NATOUSA, dated 8 January 1944, subject: "Historical Records and Histories of Organizations", file AG 314.7/322, and letter Headquarters Fifth Army, dated 22 January 191.4, same subject, file AG 314-AH, the following report of action against the enemy is submitted. MAPS: GSGS 4229, Italy, 1/50,000, Sheets 160 I, 161 III and IV. 2. General. Disposition of troops of thifi Battalion on 1 January 1944: The battalion, less the three medium tank companies A, B, and C, was at HlOlC35 (vicinity of VAIRANO PATENORA, Italy). Canpany A was at H066l88, near VENAFRO, with the second platoon at CR97274, near CASAl}.; sup- porting the l80th Infantry, 45th Division. ComIl8llY B was at HI701)7, near PRATA attached to EeadqU1:1rters VI Corps. Comrany C was at H076235, near S. OL:-'JET'l'O, attached to the 2nd Moroccan Infantry Division, (2 DIM) (French Expeditionary Corps) E. Situation. See attached overlay for positions of supported troops. The terrain laa very mountainous, precludir.g the use of tanks tmywhere except on the roads. Occasionally a spot large enough for tanks to get off the road could be found, but for the most part the roads in both 2 and 45th Division sectors were cut out of the sides of mountains whose slopes varied from thirty degrees to the perpmdicular. The weather was very cold, with frequent rain or snow. J.s the enemy retreated, he did a very thor0ugh job of destructi0n on and necessitating much hazardous the E.ngineers befort-J the tanh could move forward. All tank missions were to SUpf-ort the advance of the Infantry by direct fire cn enel:lY positions. . Action Against the Enemy: Period 1-4 Januery 1941.. Action at Ita]y. At 010600A January 1944, the battalion (less ComllSl1Y C, attact.ed to 2 D:!!,:) , waf, relieved - 1 .... of attachment to 2nd Tank Group and attached to the 45th Infantry DivisIon (U.S.). At 020800A January 1944, Company B left PRATA, Italy, arrlving at VAIRANO PATENORA at 020935A Jan\'y whera a Provisional Infantry Company of one hundred men was organized. Leaving the remainder of the company to maintain and guard their tanks and vehicles, the Provisional Company and the Mortar Platoon of Headquarters moved to H02520l. Here they were in 45th Infantry Division Reserve with the mission of supporting the Pro Company of the 645th Tank Destrqyer Battalion who were to prevent the enemy reoccupying the heights above VENAFRO. They were relieved on 8 January 1944. At 0730A on 2 January, the Second Platoon of Company A (1st Lt. Ricks), in support of the l80th Infantry, fired 250 rounds of HE 75mm at enemy positions on the northern slope of M. MOLINO (0974263). The exact location of the enemy shelters and gun positions were revealed by the tracks in the snow Bnri direct hits were observed. The tank crews reported seeing blankets and other blown into the air. A prisoner of war taken later stated that sixteen (16) enemy were killed by the tank fire. Lt. Ili.cks kept two tanks hidden in buildings in CASAIE in case of counterattack. The three other tanks reluained in defilade on the road at G996273, coming out to perfom the firing missions. On the third of January at 1400A, the three tanks again fired 250 rounds at susp!lcted enemy positions on M. MOLINO but there were no definite results. During these two actions the tanks received very heavy shelling, both artillery and mortar, without casualties. Col. Dulaney, C.O. of the IBOth Infantry, remarked that it was the heaviest he had seen. The tanks were often completely hidden by the smoke of bursting shells, but they kept on firing. The crews said later that it made the tanks rock occasionally and the gunn''Jrs had difficulties in seeing the target, but the tanks moved forward or back to keep the enemy observer making new adjustments for the precision fire required for a direct hit. Upon the relief of the 180th Infantry by 3DIA, the Second Platoon returned to Compe.ny A bivouac. Action for the 12 January to 23 January during advance from CASAlE TO S. r:LIA, Italy. At 090900A January 1944, the battalion was attached to the French Corps and relieved of attachment to the 45th Infantry Division. The F.E.C. attached the battalion to the 2nd Tank Group. Coopany C remained attached to the Second Moroccan Infantry Division (2 DIM). On 11 January, A was attached to the Third Algerian Infantry Division and at 121445A January the First Platoon (1st Lt. Teyssier) arrived in vicinity of CASAIE to support an attack en Hills 960 and 1Q.QQ by the Third Algerian Tiralliers Regiment. At 1630A the platoon was in position, one section at 0974267 under Lt. Teyssier and one section at 0987278 under Staff Sgt. Drew, to support by fire and overwatch the forward section. The attack began at 1700 after a delay of thirty minutes. The - 2 _ 3RTA advanced from M. MOLD-m to HUl 960, with the section under Sgt. Drew firing at SUBIScted enemy positions ahead of them. The Infantry occupied Hill 960 but were unable to take the crest of Hill 1000 and the tanks could not reach there because of its defiladed position behind the military crest. The rear section fired 300 rounds but because no targets presented themselves, the tanks under Lt. Teyssier did not fire. Several prisoners taken sald that on Hill 969 they knew the tanks would blow them to pieces if they revealed themselves b.Y firing and so they had no choice but to sUTTender. At 130300A January the Infantry again attacked in the direction of ACQUAFONDATA and found little resistance. Craterfl in the road at 0976268 were filled in during the night 12-13 January. The First Platoon follOl'led the Infantry into ACQUAFONDATA where they remained the night of 1314 January. On the 14th of January, the French Infantry was held down by fire from a bunker at G933286. They were too close for artillery fire so Lt. Teyssier suggested to the French that tank fire be used. He moved his platoon off the road and over difficult, rocky, terraced terrain to get them in a good firing position. The first round was a direct hit and the platoon put an even 100 rounds on the position and down the south slope to thoroughly soften it up. The French were delighted, and the Colonel commandir.g the 3 RTA made Lt. Teyssier an Honorary Corporal and his tan}: commanders Honorary Lance Corporals of the Regiment. During the night of 14-15 January 1944, the Flatoon moved down the ACQUAFONDATA-S. ELIA road to a position at 0922266. At 151300 A January the First Platoon fired 5eo rounds at the hills at 0905258 and G907264 assisting the 3 RTA in thpir successful attack on these hills. On 16 Januar-,)" 1944, the First Platoon shot down one enemy fighter at 1115A which exploded in the air. Another was shot down at l505A and crashed at 0924265. 2nd and 3rd Platoon, Company" moved to G9l2254 at 1600A hours. On 20 Jarruary 1944, the tank platoon of the 2nd Tank Group (Lt. Shidler) was attached to Company A and moved to vicinity of J;.CQUAF01iDATA. At 202130A January, a warning order from the 3 DIA was received that put the battalion, less one company, in the Bonjour Task Force (Lt. Col. Bonj our, 3 RSAR). Bonj our Task Force had the ."i55ion of taking CAIRO and ClEo !,:ARINO. However, the Commanding Gen8ra1 of the F.:!!:.G. had not attached the battalion to the 3 DIA. Action by tpis Task Force did not take place until the 25th action by Company C near.CA5DITO, Italy, on 23 and 24 January. At 2.31440A January and again at 241530A January, the Platoon, Company C, fired 65 rounds and 100 rounds resI=ective1y, of 75mm In!: at enemy positions on SAN CROCE (0945334) from a position at 0971328. French Infantry were very close to the targets but none were injured h'J the tank fire and for "SuI=erior marksmanship" by his platoon, 2nd Lt. Carl H. Ficke was awarded the Croix de Guerra on 27 January by General Henri Giraud, near CERASUh.LO, Italy, in the presence of General de Division Dody, General - 3 l'Armee Juin, and Brigadier General Roosevelt. Action near S. ELlA and CAIRO, Italy, 25-31 January 1944. On 24 January 1944, Companies A and B were supporting the 3rd DIA, an(l Canpe.ny C support'd the 2nd DlM. A coordinated attack between the 34th Infantry Division and the 3rd DlA (French) was planned for the morning of 25 January using armored vehicles, light and medium tanks, and tank destroyers (See overlay #1). Officers of Company B reported to Col. Bonjour at 0830A hours at G893245 to make a foot reconnaissance of the area in w\ ich they were to operate. Company A officers made a reconnaissance with Col. Raux, Canmanding Officer of the 4 RTT, for their operation. Orders issued by the 3rd DlA were sent by messenger at llOOA 24 January with verbal orders for messenger to give it to a Company B officer or a Company A officer. The message was also telephoned to Battalion Headquarter8, but never received. Lt. Col. Layne brought message to Battalion CP at 1615A. Company B was already alerted. The platoon leaders reported back to their Company CP at 1630A and Capt. Satmders, Company B Canmander, remained at the Assembly Area, in the vicinity 0885255. Maj or Fowler, S-3, headed the convoy which crossed the IP at POZZn.LI at 1650A. Due to traffic congestion on the ACQUAFONDATAS. ELIA road, Canpany B did not close into their Assembly Area until 0700A hours 25 January. The attack was scheduled for 0630A but was p08tponed until 0730A. Lt. Teyssier, Commanding Officer Company A, was injured by enemy artillery shelling the area 0923267 at 1500 hours which also caused one tank to barn and injured five enlisted men. Lt. 01enberger assu.d canmand of Company A at this time. The company then moved tOo their Asselllbly Area, vicinity of S. ELIA, G890265, with the attached platoon of 2nd Tank Group at G908256, the night of 24 January. A direct hit by an enemy artillery shell on the front slope plate of Lt. 01enbergerl s tank (G898254) made the tank unfit for canbat, however it was still mobile. Action 25 January 1944. See Overlay, Company A and Company B. Canpany A's three platoons attacked Hill 382 (CIE. IELVEDEaE) at 0645A in support of the Infantry of 4 RTT, using the 1st and 2nd platoons in fire and movement with the 3rd platoon overwatching from position in the vicinity of 0881264. The operation was successf'ul as the Infantry occupied the Hill and approximately 100 Germans were taken prisoner. One tank was badly mired in the mud, but was later recovered. In spite of heavy artillery and mortar fire by the enemy, no one was injured nor were any tanks damaged. The company then moved back to their Position at 1000 hours. Canpany B, operating with the Bonj our Task Force, attacked CAIRO and M.ARlNO 8Upportin8 the Infantry. The terrain was bad and during their attack, they had to pull tanks through mud and ditches. Canpany B, after supporting the Infantry in occupying MORINO, pulled back to their Rallying Position about 1300 hours leaving four tanks badly mired in the vicinity 0071268. No casualties were sustained during this action. At l630A, Company A, 2 platoons, moved out to the north side of the RAPIDO RIVER with 1llt - 4 some French tank destroyers to meet a German counter-attack, which never came, so the tanks moved back at dusk to the'ir bivouac area. Action 26 January. No combat oJ=eration, however foot reconnaissance across the RAPIDO RIVER was made by Company A and ComI;any B officers end men. Capt. Claude R. Hinson, Liaison Officer to 3 DIA, in a trip to A and B Companies, was stopt:ed by approximately 25 enlisted men of Company B about two miles from where their bivouac position was located. The men told Capt. Hinson that the Germans had counter-attacked last night (25 January), and Capt. Saunders, their Company Commander, had told them at 2000 hours to grab what they could. and get out. Capt. Hinson told them to stop the supply trucks of gas and ammunition which were coming in about thirty minutes and that he would continue on and investigate the situation and would send back for them if everything was normal. Capt. Hinson I s investigation proved that nothing had except that the caruna.nding officer of Company B was unfit for combat duty. The men and supplies came on to the company. Capt. Hinson reported to Lt. Col. Layne at the Battalion CP at 1615 A concerning the situation at Canpany B and Col. Layne radioed a message to Major Fowler to investigate the situation at Company B. The comaand of Company A changed at this time, since Lt. Olenberger, on advice from Capt. Iler, Battalion Medical Officer, to the rear CP of A for rest. At 1100 hours, Lt. Hicks assumed canmand. Action 27 January. Lt. Ricks with the 2nd :Platoon attacked with French Infantry in the vicinity G862285, firing on targets of op:portun-, ity and targets requested by the Infantry. The French Infantry requested tank fire on a church located at 0863285 which they knew had 15 Germans inside. The tank fire immediately neutralized the church strongpoint. In this church, the Germans were holding 10 French prisoners, including Lt. Col. Raux, the commanding officer of the 4th RTT under whom the tanks were tinge The French prisoners were freed and took the Germans prisoner. Later that afternoon while carrying some 200 German prisoners back, Col. Roux was killed by a mortar shell. The tanks fired on houses whicr. were occupied by Germans. One tank was overturned into a ditch and was unable to be pulled out. The French Corps credits tanks with capturing 100 prisoners during the afternoonI s mission. Lt. Col. Layne went to Company Bls area to investigate Capt. Saunder's condition. He relieved Capt. Saunders and ordered 1st Lt. George Palfreyman to take command of the company. Company B had no mission this date. Lt. Col. Layne returned to the Battalion Rear CP with Capt. George N. Sevigny at approximately 1800 hours. The bivouac areas of both A and B companies received heavy shelling during the night of 27-28 January 1944. Action 28 January. At 0530A, Lt. Ricks with the 2nd llatoon of Company A, and tM attached platoon of the 2nd Tank Group, left the bivouac - 5 L --------area for a in the vicinity of 08528 and 08620 and on up the lEI1WNTI: VALlEY with a task force of F'rench light tanks, tank de strClYers , and French Infantry. After completing tl:is wrich Lt. Picks re}:'orted as a "Field Day" and "Open Season", he pulled Lt. Olenberger'a tank, stuck since 25 January, back to Canpany A bivouac. The French were well pleased with the tanks operation, cl--aditing them with 100 prisoners of the 200 prisoners taken by the 4 RTT that day. Capt. Hinson, who was "located at the Battalion Forward CP one mile west of ACQUAFONDATA, received enemy fire at ll25A kiJling Sgt. Sinpson instantly, fatally injuring another enlhted man, and two other enlisted men badly wounded. Action 29 January 1944. The 1st Platoon of ComJ:6IlY A received orders to meet tr.e French Infantry at 0700 hours at 0866267 to repeat the same type of mission as the previous day--supporting the infantry in attack, on enemy positions on C. EELVEDEffi, 0050260 and 0060270. Lt. Robert C. Thompson was in charge of the five tanks and Lt. Ficks was along to observe. Enroute to meet the French, the fourth tank overturned when a bridge gave way at GS6826i, causing the de.ath of S/Sgt. Victor C. ,[eiss. Lt. Ficks returned to the bivouac area with three tanks while Lt. Thompson continued the mission with two tanks. Capt. Hinson reported to A and B C ompanid 1 positions to find out the condition of their tanks and personnel. Canpany B was in better condition for combat, so it was agreed upon between Lt. Palfreyman and Lt. Ricks that Company B tanks would take the next mission, since all orders were verbal and on the spur of the moment. Action 30 January 1944. Company B received orders at 0930A to report to attack position G85J258 and await orders to attack W.ARINO, G852255. Lt. Palfreyman, with two platoons, arrived at the attack position at ll30A and at 1500 hours received orders for the attack. The tanks attacked MORINO, GS52255, frontally, running over slit trenches, barbed wire entanglements and setting Anti-Pers anne 1 mines. The Infantry advanced in the tankI s tracks. At l730A, the Infantry had reached the crest of MORINO and consolidated their positions when the tanks returned to the bivouac area. Enemy artillery and mortar fire drove the Infantry off MARINO the night of 30 January. Action 31 January 1944. Company B received orders at 05JOA to repeat the same op:!ration as on the previous day, to support the French Infantry til retaking MORINO, G852255, for the third time since 25 January 1944. The mission was successful and the Company was back in the bivouac area by 08JOA. SECRET - 6 '0(. I g. Cf8!Anders: Battalion - Lt. Col. Clyde L. Layne, 020317 Canpmy A 1-16 JaDUal'1 - Capt. Jack (DI) Thanpson, 0296254 17-24 January - lat Lt. Roger J. Teyssler, 0398234 24-25 January - 1st Lt .Car1 .,. Olenberger Jr, 0405346 25- Janual'Y - 1st Lt. Charles L. Ricks Jr, 0456129 CanFMI B 1-27 January - Capt. Raymond 1f. Saunders, 0297827 28- January - 1st Lt. George R.Palfreyman, 0456000 CanFMY C - Capt. Charles H. Hiclalan, 0340989 Beadauartea Comnmv - Capt. Clabe C. Mackey, 0297041 Mortar Platoon - 1st Lt. Ewrt L. Huitt, 02046393 ~ . Des:oratisms yd Awards! 2nd Lt. Carl H. Ficke, 01015781, was awarded the Croix de Guam by General Henri Giraud, Ccumsnder of the Free French Al'IIies, for precision firing on )IT. CROCE, without endangering lives of friendly troops situated 7/Sths of the way up the mountain. The _dal was awarded in the presence of General de Division Dody, General l' Armee Juin, and Brigadier General Roosevelt, on 27 January 1944. 1st Lt. Roger J. Teyssier, 0)98234, was made an Honorary Corporal of the Third AlgerfAn InfantrY Reg1aent for valuable aid giwn to the Third Battalion of the 3rd Algerian Infantry Reg1aent for such firing frca his tanks as to enable the Battalion to attaj,n their objectiws. For the same reason, the following enlisted men were made Honoraty Lame Corponls in the same unit: S/Sgt. Lawrence Drew, l4OO5818 Sgt. Louis J. Schwamberger, 35202599 sgt. Ira C. Williamson, 38054355 Sgt. Clifford H. Schewe, 35121812 All personnel wounded in action or as a result or action,(enemy) during this period are entitled to the Purple Heart Meda]. :.. CasUAlties Inflicted on the Enem:y: Killed and wounded By 2nd Platoon, Canpany A, near CASAlE. 16 Source - Prisoner of war. Definitely ld.lled by Canpany A near ClE m m ~ ~ 5 Undetermined numbers were killed or wounded by Canpanies A and B frClll 25-31 January near CAIRO and ClE. m L V E D E ~ Known Total 21 ,...-- " L _.,.---''--.' ... .. 1 .. Prisoners: (Taken in joint action with Infantry) 100 by Com}:6nY A and 3 DIA, 27 January 125 by Canpany A and 3 DIA, 28 January 2 by Canpe.ny B and 3 RSAR, 30 January --l.. by ComI8DY B and 3 RSAR, 31 January 230 Estimated numbers as by French &. Casualties: Rank Ami Canpany Date H. Simpson, Tee 4 38029311 Hq Company KIA 28 January Victor C. Weiss S/Sgt 6884122 Company A KIA 29 January Stephen Serdula Tee 5 35020791 nGV 29 January S8.J1llllY P. Clark Pvt 20811595 Hq Company DClV 30 January Dinzel A. Clopton Tee 5 38029208 Canpany B DCN{ 29 January Marcellino G. Fresa Tee 4 38053849 Canpany C Dcrl 29 January iWU1IDED IN ACTION Robert C. Anderson Tee 5 12041445 Company A 24 January Hick Georgian Pfe 3502931] Comf.611Y A 17 January William G. Kerr Tee 5 33118455 Canpany A 17 Janua17 Roland J Weidner Cpl 38028900 Canpany A 17 January Horace B. Moretz Pfe 34176118 60mpany A 24 J anus17 Dewey Phillips Pvt 34703293 Canpany A 24 January Roger J. Teys5ier 1st Lt 0398234 Company A 24 January Louis J. Sehwamberger Tee 4 35202579 Company A 24 January Allred P. Podneek Cp1 32082245 Canpany A 24 January Robert E. Goodman Fvt 35725636 Canpany A 24 January Roy E. Signor Pre 39154836 Company A 24 January Joseph A. Roberge Pvt 6146324 Canpany A 24 January Mahlon V:. Lambert Pvt 16042965 ComJ:6llY A 27 January Thcrnas I. Thrasher Tee 5 38028972 CanJ:&DY A 28 January Milton E. Vla1ston Tee 5 380542'75 A 28 January Charles L. Ricks Jr. 1st Lt 0456129 Canpany A 28 Janua17 James L. MeAsldll Pre 38054739 Company B 27 January Richard P. Buckmaster Pfe 12041851 Hq 30 January Charles J. Reeder Pvt 35021671 Hq CanFfUlY 30 January Thomas II. J obnson Cp1 38020781 ComJ:6llY B 29 January h. Camnentsi It has been demonstrated in every aetion that Infant17 support is indispensable to action. The Infantry must advance elose enough to the tanks 50 that the fire of the enemy machine gun nests will disclose their eamouflaged positions and thus permit the tanks to locate - 8 ',.,' i', , ' , . and fire on these positions. If the Infantry does not accompany the tanis, the enemy permits the tanks to advance without being fired on, and when the Infantry eanes within range, the machine guns fire on them and pin them to the ground. The tanks have then advanced beyond these machine gun nests and in most instances cannot turn around and fire on them because of the narrow, wind"_r.g roads they are operating on in this mountainous area. r-. " //",/" / ,Lz;"L /"~ E L : ~ d r :3 Inels: Lt. Col., 755th Tank Bn (M) IT l-J ournal Commanding ff2-5 maps, 1/25,000 113-3 overlays 4 maps, 1/50,000 'l'HRUl.JGiU C_ndJ,. o.rn.o.r, all ... QroGIlp, A.PO u. s'. TV I 1be A4,3U'tu1't Oal, "...Id.l"_,, 2', D. C. 1. with All l45-lM ad letter Headq1auten MftUSA, dated 8 JIilJlUIU'f 1944, _j-n. aeo-d. ud ., QrpBl_tions", t1le AG 314.7/322, MIl JUth Aftq, dated 22 Jaauary 11.....0 _I' SEIROB reUand b' It 'lII&d1U11 otIIIpUT fit 7J1th fuJt h ud .wei te hi.... ana B0822lS !le&l" V:'N;:,ffiO. !he plate. et tak. fit 2IMI Tuk Gr_}) reUned troa to C..,..,. A. At 080400A Febz0uu7 1944 Lt. PUllau with tour toAnks lett ftoSait7 Q8CJ8268 aDd 01__ Y101IdV 08452?7 at O,3OA. Upotl arrival he noel.... eder. troa Major Ga_1et Cr ..vU... ot't1oer J\r'I'IOred Grouf) (PI ...) - ha... twe taDk. __ a with a French tnfuntr,r Captd.a t.ftard TERELIE but thi...r ft. later ouoelled. The Coml11IU'ld1Dc ott1oer B had tau """ plI'8eDJl81 r., three platoons and ca:Qr .. plaw. fit toke epen tiJII under o.aUti.e. Hie?lan was M e7CIM... CNW' .,.,.._.1 ....17 th1l"Cl c1q'" keep the t&nke opera"s.. ... te tatrio "atr1crU_ aDd the lWd beiJlc UDder enemy ob3er...Uta. ""fI6JM1t fit auppl1e .c1e at dabt u1Jaa armored balf'-tracks. !118 httalla C ad Peet .. ..... tzo. Yie1Jd.t7 SAlt MAriI;. 01. Nt1"l'0, lta.q 10"16235 te 'flobd.t7 s. nn ltal7 0891253 in order to prepare tft' the -SJc Pualt. At O909.3OA rebruar.r 1944 Lt. Cel. B-3cm- (french) Commandlac otfS.oao 3l'd -..s-t SpUd. Io10N0CUl fc....laanoe brought order .....1' 15 te Battal.1. c. at Peat. He wat 0ftI' the erder w1th the eIII rJJd1lll ott1.. "5th 1'u1t ..ttall. (M). ,-,.,,'Y-. ...,. IlRll.I .J. '!be Offioer, 75Sth T&Il.k Battalion C). CZ":lcljted the Cemmandir.g Of'ficer'. or cCIIIlp8Ilie. A aDd 1: wIth s1tuat1otl and tl1 l epwati-. to' take place lIb_ the tir. and date wa_ announced. \.. 13 taak. nre to operate toward T.dl'::.U. nth A. tanks ;;.ov U!, CAIRO TUEtLE reed t. junction of trail CAPO tI CRIA, ther, t;lOl'klns.] up tnil with tlna1 objective aa !IJXt:iE. For further details !"Nmch .mer JlWIlber 1S attached to S-J Jcumal 10 }'ebruary 1944. CotIIp6UQ" Hftd .rr- to Hrt to tr_e attrcI::ir:g tanks of A and:B. G and D in reserve. stubborn ene..v resistellce WE-_S encour.tereo Sl'la. very heavY concentrr.tions of enellV artillery ann ;;ortcl' fires was placed on our teJlks and infalltry e.t intervals throughout the cay. At 1600.8 a. coorciinated at':acE. was :::ad.e on ::AS.:::-utR':l". r..nd by 181SB tl:e infantry hao. occupiec' tr.( town. The t?_l'lks Cic not rnter tr.e to't.'n, but. gave'ect fire sl1pJort from 50 to 100 yaros o]ts1de the tOWn. The Assault Guns fired on rositions at the req'.lst of CO:1f;e,ny OOI!1!!P.nder, A. and silEDced an ene.. y :.nrtar position behind Hill 335 (G941006). General De l>!Onsabe!'t, COm- '\ ;;;andlng GC.11erp.l, :3 DIA saw the attrck on CASTET,KRT!:. prd he callec'!. the Batte-.lior. to [O.1s OF ?..lid eXY',:-essed :hi8 for the r>ction t? ciie in Pi ria,"; tLe ?Tench Infe..ntry to take Italy and S. COSl:! e ! . ;'-'0 0 l::a'.ny A 10st two (2) tanks. one (l) by AT nines and one (1) by eil'ect fire from- AIr weE-pan m' ..d C0T-2ny :e lost one (1) tE'nk by 2.rtillery f1re.7 period 13 1944. The FrE' Ir:fa.ntry we.s advancing toward ccP1'1:C. (Go'3Y.dvance as as tl:.E' inf,ntry. A he1:;eC' up a few strong points in CASTl!LJORTE. Italy n:)t' "::l en O'.lt curing tl'e fig:ting on 12 }:ay. ApproxilllLtely t:o ti:;.e road ti.l.!'c:gr. ULIAJ"O. Italy' rest'\8.ble to tanks. -2. .. . .. it.......\ . - , . . . , ('!Ow::a:-.:" C nnd one (1.) ! !"fl.ssec. .;ry;o:-,:' A !'A. :.n:.C. Ita\v Md supported the prench !r.fFllltry- att; c.k on l-!. RE.o\:'-'!. (38::E:-;19). At:7003 C ttnks gave excellent fire suprort on ::. :E(lC'Cn:.c to L.c 88th Infr-ntr:' tivision U. S. which wps on our left f'!.r:r-k. -':On:!p'l.;" A ..;)V E'c. S. CCS:;1 e DA:1Al:C. ItE'ly to S. ItH'.:. At 2100B to ;et so ...e rest r details see overla.y, Incl .,,3, r:ert :q,. :Battalion Lt. CO 1. I,. Layne, 020317 Co ;n;:'E'I1Y "N! capt. Charles L. Ricks, Jr, 0456129 Co ',many ":8 " ca:!')t. Fl'li.:;ene F._ ;ru>rpe, 0207661 II!,}" 1 - :.:ay 1st Lt. Hahil ton!.. C'e.tlin, 0390092 - :::. 1st Lt. Harold J. 0456030 Co '::')."1'.21 liD" 1 26 capt. Roger J. Teyssier, 039822'4 27 - 31 1st Lt. George R. palfreyuan, 0450600 ,... '.' ,", ' .. 23 .:;, '..: L ..... ..1" &AifitMttrtilill__.1 y' ct17ifrrbe .' " ,,-) y.', ,'Jl.yorth, llar1 J . pvt. 3M85213 :B l-lU 16 1944 y. !IOOle, Stanley W. er1 352021539 C l!IA 20 1944curti., William i.. Pfe. 35021663 C j.llA 20 1944 Tan .Alltyne, Elwood 7. pvt. D l':U 19 }f3.y 1944 Wounded in i.ction, HOspitalized J8p1noza, D&.v1cl N. pvt. 391'70926 Med tet Dri. 13 ]'errone, LOuis (NHI) pfc :32192913 C 'La l!% JliA.V 1944 . Mcat '.;:-l"7", J,ngU.. K. Sgt. 38028842 D Sli. 19 M.eY po at. :Burnap (N!1 ) let Lt 01015067 D StfA !.944 pick:ms, Ho-er r.,. C LIA 22 2.944 porter, ]Darl E. ". 2nd Lt 01014264- Atcbd DlA 13 )f3.y 1944 EVans, Garland (tria) Pvt. 35636840' :B VIA 14 1944 .Aldridge, HUbert (In.1I) ptc A I)ii. 14 1944 r1944..nch7, Wesley. J. Sgt. l3 llrli. 15 !11:{Techantz, Ru.8sell J. 36020929 C LIi. 15 Sfarlu. Ho'Warc 1'80 4 C VIA 15 1944 CorBino, Albert i.. pvt C Dli. 15 M3-Y 1944 Vollera, EdtJin w. ptc 38054733 D LIA 15 l-J3.y 1944 JOseph T. Pfc 32193077 :B IJ(A 16 }-;ay 1944 Slaugh'er, J'ii..:-:"i e L. Sgt. 39077835 i. DIll. 18 1944 7,ldon A. Tee 5 D StU. 19 :!.944Harrison, Gerald S. pvt. 36"36166 0 SWA 20 1;8.y 1944 :Barrera, Jose S. S/Sgt. 38029663 D nti. 21 l-flY 1944 J.t,'Ueller, oliver c. S/Sgt. 6833214 D nil. 21 1944 Rowan, Harry o. 15012558 i. DlA i'!lY 1944 ' :;',.,. t.,." 26 "j'!','.' < .4 in Actio!:, Hospitalized Contlo.. &.r.k ASl\', lie pfc 31210921 DWlr1, A 22 MB.V (l:LI) Pic Ttl" 22 _ 1944 1944A SltA 't:e.tson, E\"e:-ette v. 2nd Lt A StiA 22 1944 Tl"iolo, J. Pic A LIA 23 *'Y 1944 Hildge, :aill K. pvt. 3745q925 :B DiA 23 1944 ce.tl1n, F..a:li '.ton lie 1st Lt 0390092 n;A 23 1944. 1,., Action, DJ,ty HIli t t, E"rE'rt L. 1st Lt RCl L'iA 13 Hey 1944 }>u.11 !1IP.n , : tOll 4. 1st Lt 045(11)1 :B DTA J.944 14 !!off::lAJl, Ralph 1st Lt 01013668 :B DlA 14 )JI.Y 1944 Conn er, Sgt. 38029406 :B DiA 14 V.a.v 1944 Rowe J.1, Henry D. Jr, C"",:". M1951f4 :s D"A 14 ;;ey 1944 }.:ex w. Tec 5 35232644 Hq LWA 15 i.ffV 194.4 Sla.ter, George s. pfc 14065773 F 1l'lA 15 1944 Drew, :r.,ewrence (mI) S/Sgt. 14005818 A LIA 15 14lq 1944 Deece, Ricbard F. pfc 32193(3) :B LIA 17 1944:ua.ndor, JO Septl G. Sgt. 6144781 :B 17 1944 !forreC', Havard (lnl) pfc 342674(Y.. Mad :oet IlIA 17 1944 Wilkerson, Thomas A. Cpl. 34160086 .A. TtlA 18 Mt7 1944 ltobert c. 1st Lt 0456099 A LWA 18 Ma7 1944 Jenne, Burton J. Tee 5 35280391 Det DU, Sim1cek:, Alired J. pvt. 38054521 .A. ViA 22 Ma;r 1944 22 _ 1944R.1cga1la, :BelW.y pvt. 36$()2132 A DlA , Ricks, L. Jr., capt 0456129 .A. IlrIA 22 Mq lW. ]itZkie, EdWard L. S/Sgt 38028940 .A. LIJ. 22 )N 1944Tt1.rkalo, Henry (}T:cr) 2nd Lt OlD15671 A LlA 22 )fq 1944 J. 1st Lt 0456030 o ll4'A 22 __ 1944 Ficke, o.:-r1 H. 1st Lt 01015781 C DlA _ 1944 :w3 r anan, James :B. 1st Lt 0361521 Hq DiA M IH 1944 Har-t 1 ey, pfi.rd S. pvt. 32724431 serv LVA 25 1944 he 00lliilnt B: The operations of this :Battalion during the IJI)nth ot MaT haTe been extremely d1ffi cult. Tlle fortifiee,tiona of the Gustav Line and the Hi tier Line were not the only obstacles encountered, the terrain val vflr7 lIOuntainoUi _4 rugged sr. d the road net cpnsi ated IOO stly of winding, narrow, IDUJI. tain roadB. . Th1 a t1.on uacle it. imp>S8ible IOO st ot the time tor tanks to operate ott the road 8. The att.!'.cks then were canal1 zed down road. which _de it -7' tor the to deland against armred uni ts by placing J!! cans alone the ro84 _4 'b7 using roai'. blocks, blown bridges, road craters, .and_ 'allks ud A!l guns WE're a180 encountered.. '!her'f1re fro. wel1-c..,,... flagert rar.dared by tl.esc wel.'l.pons cannot be praised too highly. I consider the fire fro1l1 these the best ;dethod I have at llV d1sfX)1a.1 to clestroy AT guns and 8elf-pronel'.ed. AT gU118.0n one occasion the fire alone froi.1 these guns broke up a strong counter-a.ttt"c.k consisting of enenu tanks, Infalltry. px:.d self-propelled AT guIls. defini tely destroyed tvo !!t>zk V tanks and. severF..l other vehicles. The tank oo'!Ip8Jl1 was used to DDp up grou:rys of Q.c.uan. had been out off. The:v also followed the med1Ul1l tanks Clestroying resistance that the med1Ul..i tanks _d y-e.Sled. In IOloe instanoes, light t!U:'ks were used to ;"'roteot the flanks and ree.r of units engaged. . It was found in this oner::-tion that it is eBsential that every tIdIk be eo.\l.1rped. with a This :!3pttalion lost at leA-st three tanks and :mat of the crews in them because ff!Very tank vas not so _It is also very urgent tnat a truck, either a ton cargo or an :--:arts be Su.T' trw.!.sport radio repair equi ..tie t and A':. ::resent I ;;;ll:->ttec one of ..'{f l'lPPl.v trucks 01" this purpo.e t..E ::'09l'l of tl1is truck rre.]{es the sup:oly rro"Jlem !..ored.1fficult. '.r ;,E' nl'::nred., s wer e fc>'.l.UC to be un satisfacto Tl".EI,Y are too :.. eFV' ar.. c. 'r.i:f:f1oult to tow with F'. ton truok. We found that it wes DUCh L .. ore b1.e to add the 45 r')\1nds to tl: ' load of t:'le truck ratl".er than fow tl::.e t r!'i :"er. It is bel1evee:. tl:E.t a 3/4 ton truck should be supplied each truck woule solve t1".e proble:il of S'J.Prl1es to the different units of Cl \'!L:,.e-:1. it is not a.s one 11..'" :"f-tucck .... nee nrovec to be ul1sstisfe.ctory in wounded E!>.:tre:.,ely rough :!"icl1ng the womdec1 oomplained of tl-e unneCE'sss.:r;r j?rrille- r;ncl jolti:-.e; tl:.e;" receiveo. Tl..E' IiDSt criticaJ. '!)roblf'ili f!',cir-,; tHs :Battalion is the failurE' to tr?1'1e-c'l .a,r:rorect replace:!e.'1.ts. TUB :r:att&lion has been ov,,:::, nt-ver been aille to bet treinec ArllJred replace:nents. X:ien iE ,c(';::'(" it can tr:".in otb',r branches of tl:..e SP1'vicE'. tr.::,s C')l;.(j tion 'l:-ut in t; e t:o:.heo }.ost in cu.h't carmo)t 'be rer>lpcf:'c-, co :::b? t e;f:':' c':. (!' G:,r 0 -: .. r :;C" t on to a. ver," e'Ii:E . t:. . " - 'j ..... IIIIIIIIIIIIit .. .Ilnl'la!s.. ............................ . ".-!dI IAftjLD Date a . ' . , ..../.... ......--....... I. I. ,- . _..._ _ 4 11111' 1944 to I I !be OeDlral, ...1DctOD, 2', D. c. 1. Ja 0'",,_ witll. 345-105 ... latW:r b!aJ8A, c1at84 J..-, lCJ44, .".etl Beoarcl. aacl B1ator1e. ot OrgaDuat-iOU-,,ila M 'J14.,na,.- J..tteI' ,1nb clated 22 1..., 1*"', - ... .., ftl8. 'J144, the tel.l.eIdaI repart . ___ _"i. ap'a. the..... Sa 1III1IId.\te4. . 1Id111 .. 4l64, l!Q, l/lDO,ooo, Sb..u 120, 121, J 128, 129, 336, l37, 143, ]44, l5O,' 151. 159. a.SrV a. of th1. bat.u. aD 1 111D8 1944. 'bped"i_ fill ..,. . .' 1M Wtau. _ at"..... u.. haaIa C..,.. !lie J._ 0 I (m-.), Aua1l1" CJaa Plaw. aDd _ (1} plate. '.1 a.'.. C .. D _ t.atecl at 1365221. 'CMpe1J7 B (1IiDu), AaD ..Plat....... (1) ,a-- of 0.....'. C alii D _re Sa YJe1a1t7 fit OBFU I,]...,,.), mLY .,.,.,Sat ... ,aarUa ....a lIomrtam ,,,..'=.I . It. . . i . .' 1M W\all. W IIIOftc1. fna a zo.- .....__ UJIDU (1"I4D090) ,i ,. a_I ("',.,), l!ALt 1M 'Jl ...... ..".-t 1M ........a.s. ltd... .. enr2q 11, 11..'1_ .. .r 1 J_ ltU .. .. .. ...... .....',_ tezTd:A til. tab ___84 ll' 117 tile _ fit I'_ ad-"7 n"'DI ana. Due til., .oal4 4epltr.1........ " II" ... fta1I'iwc a nitt nazo .... _"]a 4e1'''''... __ tM IIlal at.", ,_. ,edU.... __ NI4 1Iri4ae.," u.... 111-.... .. 81w .. tile ...,.,.. .r ear ...... _!ala , ...., If ... (At) ......... III ..... _0atere4'!a ..leoW, ... ,..s.u.., -.. .. en" ...... tMt!a.. !be tazb ... .... _M7 _._- u.., ." ... te tIl.!IItaa\17. Oa IIJI80kl .s..i_ ' ..... '- ...... a no_'..... t.1It toro. aDd tlut e. w,_ Ie' 2M D r. ..-"'t . , Perlccl 2 JUDe 1944. .lt 053(11' the l8t Platocm of C e B .owd out d_ a1a ra.a te COLta'IIIlO (Gl69489). ,t O2OSCD the 31"4.llcer1aD SpUilleo....' ..... Be.s-t l"8lJ.ne4 the 4tb SpU1"'oan .lt 02081' the .lault ClaD PlatOCll, _ (1) plateoA 0Jt Ce C aD4 .. (1) plat.. fit c. D were araere4 to .on t. IIOBrIUIlCO (G200390) rr. DTO (G24025O). 0.. .(1) fit C re.'necl Dear .CII'l'KUIlCO GIl traU to SIGII (Gl.8S46O). 0. (1) platoca of c. C att.ctecl 1I0Z'th tr_ Gl984S1 at l2OCB. -Gla platOClD fit C. D 5a .lt 021SCG C. B reache4 1t .., COIDr.EBO (Gl69489). OM (1) plat.. f4 Co. C .t laeav zoe.1ataDce b7 arliille1"J" aDd j! t1re 1A tbe YkDlt7 fit COlD 'IBSO (crlOO480) aDd wi'thdNw at Q2l83Ca. 0. ta1lt cl1aablec1 'tv D hit .. tract aD4 ... b7 4Srect art1lJ.eq hit. 'erio4 3 JUDe 1944. Ce B with e!&bt (8) tanb left 1a op c..sltle'" Gat 1a dltt__ no__' ", taM t1lO (2) tuta per tuk tOl'Oe. 0. ..... 1IP h1&bwq 16 to YAlIICIIl'CIII . (Gl.OlS30), nachq there at ()3093QB. !be other 1iU'ee .wed lortIl'17 814e r..u taard twl(&ZWO (Glt"') .. PAJaTRIn (Q080600) t. Coni' the r1&bt tlaDt .r the diY1aSa. al1..e.r et tU battali- .". it7 COlD- . I' J'D&O (0169489) at 0312CXB. !wo taDb reache4 ZAGAJlOlA) dUK. 1'00000tdb rtIIIChe4 na1D1t7 fit at duk. Peri. 4 Ja. 1944. Ce B ac1YallCe4 tbrou&h ZAGABDlD aid prooeeded t. tb8 do1ldt7 or 1'960963 _ere aati-taDt t1re ... ncOUDteN4 lat. h the c1q. .er104 , Jae 1944. Co B a4TaJJCec1 .._ral.:q letbweet, t. the kat of aa. aDl &1'1'1.... at "8,." GIl Bi&hwq 14 after 8ft'8nl IIw'p .t1rId.lhe. ,.ita the ....,.. .ere thq tocat up det_iTe pcNIltlca _ :rna1pecl 1UIt1l rel1end OIl the 8th Ja.. 'er1ocl 6 JUDI 1944. !he batt.H .....s trGa CQIUIURO t.e r952640. !he.aft.... rout1lle :ro.a -.reb. Peried'1 J_ 1944. !he batt&u.... ordered to .,. to a ".. blTOUAC po.itlO1l at 1'8lO66" wh1ch ... aboUt 6 til._tar. tr. RCIII. Perl04 8 Jm. 1944. C. B ... :re11..c1 at 1'&1"... u4 the battal1e wh1ch blTOUaced at r&l2664. msA .985767), trALI. 1M bdtallon wa. IA1pportiq the 3d DIl in the &c1vance CD' IlIIIl (.,'115), rrALt. S.e OYerlq 11, SituatIon as of 1 Jaq 1944, ... OperatlODal Order 123 tor 1 Jul1' 1944 bQa the 3d DIl tor det.ued u.tNCt1C1lSe A. the. acivuce lcrth1rard proceeded, the eDeIl7 rear guard,Ma1ataDoe be_ stitt_ eapeoiallJ in the .ctor. where the terra1D . othrecl _twal ...... tar the JaDllUftZ' of Armor. Several strq po1nts were encoUDtere4 oa tJae patten 'ot aall araa, _chine sun, aartar, artUle17,'opeUecl aacl &e, IIlPPlaentecl b7 extend" use Jlines .. 4aolltlaaw ". . . ne .......s Or4erq rithdraw1Dc UDder accUI'ateq obtlerVed 'lap .1Sbre fire. oaea.a1onal cOUDtel'attaak1Dc to holcl 111,..taDt road.Bet.... h1&h poouDd tor ob...rvatlcmJ honnr, by the steaa, .rel.ItI*:a._ pre..... __ the IDled the ..., .... toroed to 11P*1J!iI &III.all .ounteratta were repa1aect. 'f16 tJ\.1.\'l (.{ J 1\ \-'l \ ' . ".\. . .' ................. . . .,' . , '-...", ,;:.. .. r ;"', , c. 'Giop Ag,hst Th. EpaR. Period 1 - 22 Juq 1944. The 4 Dill relieved 3d DIA and the batt.lion' wa. r.l1e'f'.d trOll .tt.chment ot the 3 DIl and .ttached to the 4 DIIII. The 894th Tank D.strcyer was. .ttached to the 4 Dill. The co-a,ncUn, General, 4 D* two Armored Groupe_nts ot tanks and !Ds under the o.......d. C,..ncl1n, Officer. of 755th Tank Battalion and 894th Tank Destro;rer Battalion to giv. c11rect support to the Bondis and Cornet Intantl"J' Groupe_nt.. S.e overlq 12. Period 1 .1'ul.7 1944. C supportiDa DUTal Groupement, 3 DU in advance CD SlENA (Q835185) had occupied RADI (Q864063) meetin, stitt resistance ,.peoialq trom artil1'17 tir.. Battalion less Company C was located in vicinit7 'V798961 awaiting orders trOll 4 DIOI who was in the process ot relieving the 3d DIl. Period 2 Jul.7 1944. COIIlp&D7 C encountered ditticulty due to the terrain, .mad areas and demolished bridges in keeping up with 1n!antr,y as the7 slo.q but st.adi17 adTanced on SIENA (Q835185). Companies A, B &n4 D pertormed _:lDt4naDc. CD vehicles aDd weapons. Lt Col. .ttanded Staft .etiDg at 4 . !C .t TroCRI CV774f116), rI'ALY to receive plans tar fUture operations. Lt Col Bevington, CO 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion in command ot two (2) platoon. Co B 755th Tank Battalion and one (1) platoon reconnaissance 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion, to support the Bondis Groupement on the division lett sector and CO 755th Tank Battalion in command ot Co C 755th Tank BattaliCD and Co A and one (1) platoon 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion to 8l1P!'01"t the Cornet Groupement on the division right sector. See Field Order 12!J !"rca 4 D. 2 Ju:q 1944 and lIovement Orders 3 1944.Period 3 Juq 1944. C supporting the inf'antry- ot 3d DIl reached Q842l70, the outskirts ot Sm:A. The C .G. 3d DII. was very anxious to occupy the town ot SIENA (Q835185) betore his division was completely reliev.d. See Special Instructions tor Occupation ot SIENA, 3d DIA 1 Juq 1944. Executive otticer 894th TD Bn contacted CO 755th TIc Bn to coordinate plans in the use ot tanks and TDs and work out means tor supply and evacuation. Company B moved to vicinity RJ t;fI06089 where the 1st Platoon came under command ot CO 4 RSII and the 2nd and 3rd Platoons j oinld the Bevington Groupe.ant. 'eriod 4 July- 1944. The layne GroupeJDant composed of Comp&r17 C, Ron and Assault Gun Platoons 755th Tk Bn 8.nd CompaDiY A and Ren Platoon 894th TD Bn assembled in vicinity ot S. COramA (t;fI53lc;o) working with Cornet Groupement, comprising 2 R'1'II ot 4 DO in their advance toward COLIE d1 VAL D'ELSA (Q673304). The Bevington Groupement reached the line Q650220 and Q688238. Companies A and D 755th Tk Bn in reserve at V798961 near TOOCHI, ITALY. II. MAGGIO (t;fI35226) was occupied by Cornet Groupement and parations were made to move on the town of COLIE di VAL D 'EISA (Q673304). The Assault Gun Platoon is firing position at Q759l95 near S. COLOMBA, TIALY. The Bevington Groupement was advancing toward MANSANELLA (Q663254) where they were stopped by a blown bridge at Q678259 .. . . ''J . 1Ja.'l,ll:ll ; "" \J ; , . Period 5 1944. The Cornet Groupement . advanced to vicinU,. ot BELVEDEr1E (Q698292) when approxlmate:q 100 e118JV Wantr7aen supported b7 tour (4) Mk VI tanks counterattacked One platoon ot TDs and one platoon ot tanks went into at Q69828> to aid in repell1ng the eDeIV counterattack. I.yne Groupement assembled :In vicinit7 ot Q'715265. Assault Gun Platoon IIOVed to r:(162249 Southeast ot 1I000000IOOICltI, rrALY. The Bevington Groupell8nt reached points Q652265 and Q66127l where the,. encountered DI&D7 AT mines, road blocks, cleao1itions and heav,y arti1ler,y tire. Period 6 J'uq The layne Groupe_nt supported the attack ot the First Battalion of 2 RTII in occuWing HU1 238 (Q6 in support ot the Bandis Groupemente Period 12 July 1944. Cornet and layne Groupe_nte reained in defensive positions while the Bondis and Bevington Grol'pemente attacked the town of SAN GIMIGNANO (Q608.355). The Amor of the Bevington Groupe_nt gaw the intantr,r supuorting fire trom vicinity Q5952.38. Bitter resistance was encountered and the intant1'7 was unable to take the town before darkness; however, they consolidated and held the ground gained. Period l.3 Juq 1944. Cornet and Le.)rne Groupements attacked BID 218 (Q668332) and MONTEMCRLI (Q675340) using OIle battalion ot inf'8I1t17, 0Il8 (1) platoon ot tanks aDd one (1) platoOll ot TDs. The attack belan at 150m and both objectives were occupied by 1700B. The Bondis and Bevington Groupementa occupied the town ot SAN GIMIGNANO (Q60835S) at 11000 atter a hard, long battle. At J.6 ,r"ld U 1':.144. il" .ult. Qt,. tiN. two, l:) t ::1::' !rlal eot.Jbliahe(! ;dt,h 1"M he h,,;'hld 1; titlM. 1:1;'1 oJ tlrd C, QlafJf\J:I,; .;"ha'i I."tm 0) ,?,,:e :z_ . .e .. Piti'!04 1... .',' i:r;tlt..... 1')(;er t',iQ t:,nk openl;d IIp with their c02.xial 30 cali"l-:lET rl2chine Qlns ':md 2n occi"lsion;.l high :c-xplosivc;, but the; Gt:xfiDns vl'cre so ',;ell dug in V!l:- only killed :0 fL'Yl. I c211cd for more infantry 2.nd in a fC','j minutes tVicnty ';\'orc I::2.rching do-vlD the road. Ti1G coordin2tcs of thE; gUll sent b2ck to our 1\'-7.'s and 21so to thu French artil1Lry silenced it in " after they st2.rtl.d firiq;. I Iv:rncd th2t it is better not to r1c;iJc;;ld on anoth"r sence .Aftl;r thc:t d::ty, "Nhl.l1 2.11otrkr unit told me to "Go ;:lli;c'-:.d,.v,-rytl1ing is clear!!, I first pGrson21 foot I borroITcd 3. when possible ClS it is OftL.i1 quid::c.;r 2nd morL thorough to m2kl: ':' tion vchicu12r 2.nd foot rc..c0l1n2i5s211C6. E:::ch should h::,v(; ::t for rcconn2issancc work and li2.ison. In this I oft"n h:"d ;T.y pl2.toon or just one scction fiftc(;n to t';[snty miles from my closGst LICllL.nt. Re:dio comm.unic,'l.tion sLldo:,. got fiC; in touch v:ith 2ny of :elY unit. I hc.d to send a tank milL.s to thL r0::-,r to ;J.'1Jcc contact vri th ::ly suppli(JS 2nd often it ",as most inconv(;nicnt. 1",1 O::-v-r-,tt 'J 'c'tscn/ 0/ L L '1 ItI E'[;::RET'l' 7. :A.;. 1st Lt., 12nk 3n. 0LCRET . . . 'eSLC&,T COlmAT REPORT AA1J BATTLe LeSSONS. ;J::,DIU:: PLATOON, COMPANY 11311, 757TH TJ.3K GATTALIOl'; At 0500 hours, 2 July}944, lIBII Company plc-.toen Vl2S ordc.:rcd tc gc into 2. firinf posi tien in the vicinity ef Nuova to support the of ssc:mcJ, light tanks and inf:mtry '\'Jorking tog(;thsr 2.fter -which VIe; ';,d'C t, follo','[ o1os.:.;ly to lend fire and support until the obj-.: ctive, Cas2. Lucicc, -,ms cbt2.incd. For the first several kilometers the advance was i)side i'rom sli[ll1.. skirr..ishes bebwen the French infantry and paratroopers acting as infantry, resulting in the obtaining of several German prLsoners of vvar. DJ.ring the advance, the Flench infantry took to moving along the ridges while the armor took the valleys where possible but it soon became necessary for the r.,ediums to move along the ridges so as to be iwr;;edi3.tely aV2ilable for reaching enemy strongpoints around the: !:',any in our sector. -,;hen the infantry YlaS set to ac1wmce or:. one of points, thE:: Y'lcdiuIns wc)uld co into position and fire on the point until the French CO;'lmandcr was satisfied that it Vias sufEciently reduced for the safe advance of the infaf1::,rJ. At that tin:e th;.; liGhts lflOuld dost;in on the area il!:'c'2:iic,tely by the infantry and as soon as the point was gained the mediums vrould mOVE: fOr'.io.rd and Gaku up a position to fire on the next point. This tJPe of mov8!:'.ent ,1:.\S carried out all riuring the 2.ttack and v:orked both smoothly and with benefit to the infantry. The only example of peor judsrne:nt l,;rl.S outrunning th, flank units so that ',[hon our objcctj-Je riElS obtainc::d at about 1430 hours, 'lrtil18ry cross fire lias terrific and took hC1vy toll of the inLmtry -'[l1i C11;:c.:S in uc:'nd to h2nd combat with D.H.. eDi.;my. Both friendly and e.;ncmy ';rt.illLry '.Jere supportinG th(;ir troops 2.S close 2S 100 and o.t timl's our ovm o.rtiller:)" rnbing in sr:loke ::;11-::11s lit 8rlOng the tanks. It 'iiClS the Fr' (1) oi'.Compa.r:,. i.. contir111ud firu'E on ; hEln'o (U5031,), E . .l1 from a fGsit:tor. ,t a: crcx:.:l J ned. :... :o.:;it!Otl::J were (s.. CwnteJ:-Attack Plan attached to s .. ,;; 0ctOt'0r \tUI to be executed on five (5) nc.tice. '1'anks in sox:o:odal""j' rO.l.e continued fIre expending 1587 rounds 75mm HE. Feriod 22 October 1?1J1-. A ";)tand-b7" alert he.1rl between 0,50G and 07JO hours. The f'ivision on tre defensive. A role whiah itS!! initially intended to last five (5) to six (6) dall. The Battalion \'taS att.Gchoo. to 91st Division A rU.llery. I;)ee 91st tntaat17 J)lrlaicm Pield Order ;I attaohed to3., Journal, 22 October 1944. ' Period 23 October 1944. One (1) plataon or Company II flf-a to 135th Infantry ;'egiment D1Id arrang8llentl were to IIIOYI them to L848284. GOII'Jf:nies A & C were attached to 362n4 lDtut., Reg:illeot &00 36,3rd h . .t'antry tor ccuDi...ttaek 1"0.1... DuriDg th1a ceriod Companies }.,B.'= C espeddad 7f!5 round. 7. III td"h atlltaoW17 2'e8Ulta. - 4 I - - .. .. " l)eriod 2.4 rl(toLt' 1':'44. Further prGp!,ratiOll.8 ".,ilre made tor . counter-attack, (See Cot-:nteI'-Atteck P1.en attached to S-3 Journal, 24th October 191.4). COIfIpnr:ies were In following ions. Company A bad one (l) platoon in direct suppert. viciIllty lB63;2f:2 ai' (, two (2) In indirect tiring at Canr.lI:!ny E hsd one (1) nlctoof1 (attached to 135th In.fQfltJ"1l eg1mer.t) !It L848284 (2) platC'r. r_"l-'p lhe t1 D1 ...,.. ;"Ih o--J.,.1.' 'lntantl'"1 \1 ttl ... ...:.1h.' tbe . ",:,t'. Alit and . Pr1.1. ..10.. ....,.:; . ...., Perl041S. aec1Mn' .'.-. . . IV' ewp... ,; ;".to \ .')tll\ the Pro'Y1'''ODal, . .' A _t": ',;i ", _ ......0 wdt (a'tt ., Dl'IlitOJl)., ",',_tU,4 be nlS:.".4 trom IV CorP't' .84th .u_1a ' .. -'. .Jlf)$tmenton 1a vlo1nl', ....... ... __ : "lyl.ioA Uti11ctr,.!'he 81gb' (8) tank. lett trom Q830000 at lBOOA and d 1n at Il30A. 'our (4) ot the 'a.llka were trom A aDd tol,lr (" from oompan, s. At l'.OOOA 1anu&rY 1145 Pla1d Order otvtaloDwe. reoelv.. 85th Intantry Dlvls10n prevloua la, Dl,ls1on sector 170700A Januar, 194'. Diyi.ion . ,o ..m:r1ete relief of tbe 1st British Dl'Y181on In posltion (Onnde . ...tor not later thaD leo.OOt. lallusry 1941i. All Tanke now 1n tor,w.j4 poal'lona were to suppert Infantry ieliment. whose slor. tbeT ... locetecl ill. Me.x1.11t'll!l number of 114 91Sr:ua tRck. Viera to support 4..t.A by i841reot tIre uneler 85th Intantr1 DiVision Ar'ille",: ooa Vol. (See 'leld order 11 "tib.ed to 8-3 Journal, 17 laa......., It.(.r. " :'." 191300A lecua.1'y 1945, .1 Instructions }6, ..., latent", . . 1)111110n, .er. received. The. I".':ruotions refld as f'ollm... Thr.e . (S) 1'D'. of 8O.5thTIlllk De.tto;et Battalion vie1n1ty 997118 undel'. operatIonal oOntrol ot '105\h feAk Batt8110n eff:jotlve 19 lanua.. , Ott,leer of. SOlth TD BAttalion ,d11 oontlaue to pro... ide neceslSary crew. tor the.e 'l'D's. The.s TD's wl11 oQntlnue .ent mission in plaoe, in aupport of 337th Intent\l'Y t... . Operational Instruot1on.s 1& attached to . J'ourAel. 19th ,.Jlu., .. Headquarters Oon.pany moved li . LlM'088, olosing at 1200A. . .. ' On the 20th January .. 8$\h Dl,,111on, was reoeived, whl ' Corps and 13 Corps. (Sea 3-1 lournsl ao laaua1"1 lNI'.", . oa 11.' I . . Corp.. . , 'hl. .'.O'h TUk Ul.i.t10na boundar1 of . Intent:r, U1J'DlL ,U'__>M.G 2&09SOA tallk. (,...,.0.rNIIII.... taaks of 1n AD.l-'.... atOll Art1ll., . "81'1'1, 01081 .... : .',' .'00 tile .....-......:It'D a& Y trOll l.83402aa, '0 , 'lonal 'Inatruotlou 17. b.'w. It .. " et'taehed . \., ,....... ",1.aJt. ' OIl ''''(1)(I,-_J..o10.84 n\r1 DiylB m&re '0 moved from yle$ultl_'ADA 'Q.HQOotr :'0' .. ___ OI.IAIO ( ',' eel Closillf! At 08OO/.. '01&1' am. Ho.l' of !he A.laul' IuD,., '.Ike PlnoOll 110".4 trom t,M91 7802'1le, 010 at 1100A. OIl. (1) , .IS.E'..................-" I '. tank (7'Ith1l) Company B moved from 9762" to 'flc1nlty (994588P). closed at 1300A in Ant1-tank role in edditlon to two () ('lema) tanka alrea.dy in place. The one' D.) 'aWe (Hmm) Company a vIcinity 975177 wasln oolJ118 support tenks in Anti-tank defen... ' . . ' Ont.he: "'h Jp.nuary 194.5 t1fO (2) t.nt. (M4AZ w/105mll Howl tael"s) A8sal1lt Gun Platoon from 1647088 at in an indirect tiring tour tanks 01' ASSIH.lli Oun Platoon alrGedy in pl&4e. Aau{' GWlPlet..ocn _s un4er the tiring oontrol ot the 328th Fl.1d. Artl11erlBa"ftllon. '1'h.e to'lr (4) tanklot Company A and the tour ,t) t . nka ot':Oo.paAy B in l11dl"!" ree" tirinl posi1iion at. 0751!71."._ u.nder firing qon'rol of the 4:Q3rd Field 'Artillery Bettellon. Company B J:1OY" PANNA 1to LS470ea vicinity COVIGtV.IO,e).oa1qtl' 1700IJ lenuar1 1945. One tank ot Company A and two tanka C..... B wer:t re".1lap-sed to ?60th '1'ank Battalion a.nd floved to i tna1r Ba".1!ODt8 seo'or. on 24 Janua.ry 194&. . .. ' .... '. ; ','. . ... 1.t 251S00A January '!'raln:1rig.lf8JIab,cn4we ,'t, If.adquarters 34th Infantry 01vision was 1'8001vo.. ""'.,40owaent oelle4 tor (j C:PX condueted by the Intflntry l the soundn$SB ot.tho Corps Counter-Attack Plan. It .a., ....... 'hat an eneruy stt8ck wad made alld tlntllly stopped at 1'.5 (see 'I'U ;fl. llq 34th InfAntry .01"ls1on' attache.' ,IOLlrrreltor 20 January 19(5) end thet at that time 363rd Intantry Regioent with one cornpftny ot this to (lountsr-attnck trom the vtc1n1ty ot P'OIC.''rCfrlt!, . no. "'as mada by this Battalion for th1s Cl'X. ' '" /!. . On 26 January H14:;, Como.", . rr.- vicinity (L867274)' to '9'101n1ty ( '..., . .. I"OSlJ)S at'. 0930A. The d1aposl tlon of troops ot' Battall.n '. .ththrouf,h tbb 31st 1945 was efj tollow.: AII.l4UX:\_)tle""'(aLX (5) M4A3 w/ HO\\l1 1.n an ..ct .. *.' ,.'a'. Q9?20!718 ..... under the control' of ,he. "hll 71.1. ..,Ie Ia. two (I) tanka (78mm) of COC!pen1 A ... t 1n an anti-tenk roleJ one (ll vicin1ty ot s. .llt aa. a..... ....1. .. l ll' ...,'... rUc (76ram) of COtlpany B was at 9'1517'1" . "tle three (3) tftnk8 in an."i-.'811k 'O.1."........ ,It" Co.mpsn,yA end tour (4) tanka ot Com.J)aIl1 ... .. .. pos1tion.8t 976277, under tiring A,r,tlller1 Bet.allon. the Uat'ta11on coa\izu184 '0 Ma. , ... ill' forward areaa. Their 10cat1olla are, '!We ,a,' ;..... ,1'101n.$.t,'__i two (2) tanka 'r10inity 997388; two . (2) t",,'1.1.J"."AitNft.O (Q8'1318); . two (2) tAnks (Cdn) vioinity ,e:S89th TD aattalion violnity 997328 continued pr 11\.: p].a aupport of S3Vth Infantry Hep:iment. !.t cloae 'Of IJlIeaatry Div1slon . continued defense of asstF,ned sector and lI.Il'ot positions 1n depth. On tile Front I.. 1ne eo t 1ve patrolling by tbelllt,ntry pre.,,,'-led. Tanka oontinued to support deteUfI. by indireot t1re under _____ 11. - 5 1- 1 Servic! . - 1-1. . 13-22 23-31 Detaehmen' i-31 0456042 03"8" - . "11'1111 J Artillery Qontrol. T6nka Bssembled in 01 ,Dtvle1oB otor vicin1ty COVIOLIAIO (L8470Be) were prepared to move on short notioe to repel counter-attecks. (for as of 31st Tenuary soe Overlay #3 attached this report). t. Casualties Inflicted on tho Unknown .' ......... ... 4 ... d. Oo.cunandlh,l. Batt!l11on 1-9 10-25 26-!1 Comr.n{ "A"-! lie!49j8rters C,ompa!!l e. Major Cleud.s 'R. Hinson 0342320 (lap' .Cherlss H !Uckman 0340'89 "'ajor Claude R. Hinson 0342310 capt. Henry Turkalo 0101H'11 Oapt.-';11ton A pullaan 0456101 Capt. lI::>rold J 045&030 3 Incla,' /11 .. 30urnal #2 .. . I. g. Ca!\!81t1 : IN ACTION, RANI: CODE DAn'341'16192 Zdward., Orman D. 'reo e SiA Norred, Revard (NUl) Teo I L'lIfA V."K.a Det Det:s&766620 We11Ioh, ',':'alter A.A., Jr,' ht. LIA Co "D" WOUND:ED IN, ACTION. DlJ"rY None. h. Comment.: 1. It 1s my opinion tl.nt there ttlI've bfl.n too many engaged in forward arees dlU'ixul; periods ot a static deten.l... nR'ture. It 1s very :llfficu.1t to perform n"e when tenkl ere performing dutie 2. It 1, poor to ol.ohrnge cr.,.1 wIthin a unit or ere'ftS of different un1ts and expect pr0p,8;'- _l,ll'.nsDce and sunply dieolp11ne be kept up toettlclent , 0 , . \ 11 '0' V1i5 - O'Jerlaya 1/50,000 1/25,000 11 2_ i a-______________________________________________________ _ J 75sxn 1'iJUC JAT'l'ALtat APQ /J:d. U..i. ANlY UtIDJZL"'T. Battle R..,ort tor 1945. 'l'lmWQB. CCWMD1' of t.hls Satitcllcz ty ;llli', :r81'..K al&tt..l1ca. rfcolved... trur 't.:4id 76,.tank."l l'Qli.e"t1d. PUlOfl 'by 4 !\,t (;J' th:: Ta:1k ;,;.;;;.t':'.ii.Han. ...,t oil ;r eepture. 27 Apdl COl!tP!Ul1 II . ,with ... platocn or -e" ant! 10_ Howl'_r ;.;.? .. S6Cticm, mlJIiPO". tbe 13Stb hegha:a\t. SI!1l.11 arms auG .,a;:.ollec ta..rtUlc:T fire "'!'it ""U:v.d. two of 0"Ul' t.a.ks emit 10_ ViWfi lmHke4 -' '" if ft." 0 l-:l'lOOked ooe @Sm' ",.m. ftB>t l111b cr"le platoIa et c...."., in 5\lppOrt t:Il the lJ)rd ;'.'1 ." ...... eu\ ... ark If{ rec1$tA4cie &1"l.!! taki. 1{jO tit .;as Apl'1l 1945. :ll_. nw....u.. til. 133..:1 to aop 'If .... I: ...u.. 15.&" l"M1.d.uce lI'th of fl!Pca7 9. MIl' .. PO una Sa ...'W10tDD7 et JlUtllJW. ........ 1;0 Ill' ....' JtOO92). tile "JM'. of' the ,ttallaa lilt..,,, .. til ........111" or "" .. rcvw -d.N WN""" to ..........._ ""'JAUIII' enS,.). 29 A:pd1194J. CHZ I II' -,- .......... 'o1ta /Ip!)Ol"tlag the a.1 C..... 7.. b .........\7., JitE3Cll. 410lled ir the ncllli.,. ., BlNaO .......1165 .... bloek. , flt."pcrt of the 13;:rd c__ r.... 'Ie1M. of tb. la'tJ1lan lfl 1'-' b th(p nc;tfl1t,. or n:JS5i .. ;(1 April CMprJX;1 'fi i'." r..d blMlts HUn l:;)tb f:.C': t:..; ,,'be Yic1.Y' ..t GII.LLUt;.n .. the lJJrd f'(:r, 'l the 'deln!\J" at BOS1( ()'C1C'7I . .5; to!"!llilt,' r('p.,c, ." 6 "'f't'l t. , "" J.. 'itast1cma J:lfth ....,. IngJn.... he4 as apectal eqaipaea"t Yeb1ole, 'l'ftcked, :tar aupld.blOU8 opunUcas ac:N88 the J!O RlVIR. F.e.rq 1n JIbe apl"SJlg, the ",. Taak Ba'ttalion was rel1ewd f14take and gl'V'IID lro "I'GtaU, for 'trathdD,. J.s elsewbfll"e 1n this battae ld.8't.aI7, the B3ttallon carr1ed em CllSRA'rIW .PACT ad OP.Ii:R.Ai'ICIi lIIPAC'f ltO!A.L. ut. these two GpeI'aUCIIl8, 1IId.ab. ware ocabt.Ded operat1au w!th the 1r.!:t.111h Elghtb ADq tONee, CCllpalQ""C .. o1"C1e:Nd to IlIiDl 3} 1IJ'anta:U.- ror pcaalble use ." the PO J.Ul'liRI in the 1"oz'tboca1.'ena1w of the 1":1.fth A.ftI3, launohed 8OII1f) dtqe lata than the akrt of the Ilghth Axwy dr.!:ve. A. related, W7!3' few of the total -.ber of a'ft1lab1e 1IJ'a:nta11. ware ueed-- 3) o W afti 1 able. B. .tat1aD. the erMII'I.1' " 24 ApzoU 194'. fort7 men of Caupany Cn, manning a total of a> Lmdlng Yeh:lGl.e., 'I_abel (Wa'Mr Bu.f'felo), aarried t.he RcS..,-t, th. 35l.stlJdUu,r RecS.-rt., C1d unite of the 85th IDtaatry Di-d.a1GD 8Jld the 9la\ across the PO RIYlil\, launching .floaR a lilt. la 'd.cdId.t7 o uvaE ,"413) near H:1ghway 12. The fb1rt 01'0aadl2g _8 made tmder art1l.le:r7" and SIdpel' fire at l!OOl3, lIT' 8 n,1"8t the 1n.f81'.l\r7, thaD peeps, t.l-&UerB, and suppU.e.. .l BID1lll bulldoll8r _8 al8D bome 8Cl'O.8 the po. I'a1rtaU OPe1'8Ucma for rainf'orc:lng and 'btdlcUng Up azt!auad 2.5 Apr.ll 1945, c1q and Dight. ..aaation of ouualUee,do., aDd ztU br.ldp ae ocm.stJouated aero. the PO RI'VliR. 26 .lpJ'll1945. Six FataU8, maned by the .. of OC"J""IQ' "0., oarded the IDt"8IIt17 R,.:'weJOrt &0:1088 the .wIGI RIVlIB. 8CftltJI. of Y.lRca (r6",) a't lJ1SB. reeps aDd tNUera W8I"e ...,.. at 2lOOi, aDd ..ntH,. \1p .-oeaiDp UDtU the ,.au. ratl.Jrea4 bztdce was 4t..lw.noed aDd put to ... at approacbaatel7 2'1ZiIXE Apr1l194S. 4. CcaIUR)ms, DEClLlrICE jN[)" AWARDS, CASU.urW, .t. I smderal "'t'4e ' .,,01' ..ben B. !'owle 0,.,231 .st:l" It I.o'be.rb w. aelllvecJat ''''''!!! .,. lapt. BsDs7 tUJ' 01015671 QsnaIl: It 1-.29 0456101 ,0-.30 OlD]J66S SllPI8l "C" 1-3 1st Lt. Carl H. Ficke 01015781 4-30 Capt. Harold J. DeBriDe 0456030 CCl'PIP% Itl!" 1-,30 lat Lt. Walter R. Gerwig OlD10764 .. ... .. . .. B. Servigg 1-30 1-30 Awards and Decorstims a Capt. {Jarrm :t;. Baker 040'316 Capt. um.8 Cohen 8471994 ftuyle Heart lia1R)1'JI8ll, Albert Laoey, Martin J. MeCk' ')Jligle, Lyle E. FOjUk, August Cobbs, Hobert V. Jr. Hanry liS. BoltOl'l, Ralph O. Mom.s, Wilbur W. lledlin, J._ h. Ho1cQlb, J. L. Bradley, Harold S. Jr. Pel'lea, A J. Hindman, Willard C. Eldreci, .Tames H. P1okeDe, Bcaer L. 'Ie4eJdAd, Jo..,,& S. 3802890