Download - African Lion

  • 1.Interdepending & Adapting
    Jamie Machin
    Class 6B
    October 2009

2. Introduction
On this project I chose an African Lion and a Zebra, because they are almost extinct.
I forgot to tell you what this project was about, its about SYIMBYOSES. Symbioses is a when one thing
depends on something to live. Like Panda and bamboo. So as we go along we will find,
the symbiotic relationship between an African Lion and Zebra. So get ready to learn.
3. Stage 1
African Lions
How a Lion Depends ona Zebra

  • Medium to large Antelope and Zebra`s are some of the main foodof African Lions.

4. African Lions usually hunt in the early morning, late afternoon and night. 5. When a Lion hunts it creeps up until it is about 10 meters from its prey and then attacks. 6. Lions wait in long grass for its prey. 7. African lions can sprint up to 60 km per hour! 8. Male lions weigh up to 440 pounds and female lionsweigh up to 330 pounds! Mmmm dinner time
9. The African lion & the Zebra
Stage 2
Zebra : I love playing with my family and friends who wants to play.
Lion : I want to play zebra.
Zebra: I can`t play with you. My mum warned me that you are dangerous and always wanting to hurt us.
Lion : But thats not fair. My dad tells me that we have to eat to survive.
Zebra : Well, why cant you eat some leaves?
Lion : We are carnivores and so weeat meat to survive. You wouldnt want me and my family to become extinct would you ?
Zebra: Of course not Lion, we both have enough to worry about with those humans, but I also have to worry about you !
Lion :OK, well happy running zebra, perhaps Ill see you around someday.
10. Stage 3
African Lion
11. Stage 3
12. Stage 4
They both live in dangerous& wild environments
They both have strong
plus hard teeth
The coat is
used for confusing
the hunter
The Mane
is used for
making it look
The Zebra
has strong
making it faster
If the lion didn't have
big forelimbs it wouldn't
be as fast as it is
13. No Lions were harmed in the making of this
Comic Strip
14. Stage 5
Don`t worry I`ll save us all! Ow !!!!!
Hear my roar itslike nothing youve heard before. No one can capture moi.
Then a hunter
This is Tim the
Where am I ?!?!
Food now now can I get
my claw down there
You can hear
how scared he is
He was quiet
he saw something
Still need to find out what this place is
Help, so cold!
Goanna tell my children about this
But the water
was so cold
We all know
how dumb he is
But after he
said that. He thought
if I have any.
He was not used
To all this snow and ice,
And still a little confused
15. Cool stuff
Stage 6
The stuff I didn't know about the Lion was:
It had four forelimbs, it looked taller because of its mane.
It could run up to 60 mph.
Stuff I knew about the lion:
It had pretty big teeth, it lives in the Savanna.
Stuff I thought was just strange:
It would eat the bones of its prey and would make sure
that only the skull remains.
All this happens to Zebras, Giraffes and many other
animals. This is part of nature, all this happens over and
over again. Like the water cycle ..its the circle of life.
16. A creature
Stage 7
And last but certainly not least we have the back on a lion there is a back bone near the rear end. This helps it keep balance. I have chose that for my last one.
Head of a lion it is the most dangerous part of the lions body.
The reason it is so dangerous is because of the teeth and the mane. I chose the teeth
This is a woodland creature.
some live on the savanna some live in the woods. They all have trouble blending in. So you don't see them with food a lot.
And me the Eagle my wings are one of the reasons I stay alive most of the time. I have chose this.
Fore limbs
Body of a lion the body of a lion hasnumerous part but the two main ones are. The Mane and the fore limbs. I chose both
Back Bone
17. So this
Plus this
Also this
And this
Is this
18. Stage 8
Notes on stages
On stage one it was all about how they have a symbiosis
On stage Two was a script for children instead of using words
like symbiosis.
On stage three was showing what is in there life what do they do
In there life.
On stage fourwas what the two animals had in common and
there differences.
On stage five it was showingwhat was most likely to happen in
that sort of situation.
On stage six at the end the message was like in the lion king:
It is the circle of life.
On stage seven I automatically knew what I was going to do, but I
had to explain.
19. Bibliography