Download - African elephants


African elephants

The African elephant is the largest land mammal. It has a heavy, grey body with four legs and a short tail that ends in a bunch of hair. The rest of the body is hairless. The head is large with two huge ears, two small eyes, a trunk and two teeth called tusks.

The African elephant's eyesight is not very good.

These huge animals can weigh up to 5.4 ton


The African elephant lives in Africa, south of the Sahara desert in tropical forests, savannah areas, deserts and river valleys.

Eating habits

Elephants drink water by sucking it up with their trunks and spraying it into their mouths.

Elephants eat mainly leaves and grass and they drink a lot of water (190 litres per day). They eat in the morning, in the evening and during the rest of the day.

Up to 200 kg of food is needed daily.

Some pictures

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