Download - Affiliate Description HFHArgentina

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    Hbitat para la Humani

    Since 2002, we offer families that live in inadequate conditions the opportunity to

    achieve a holistic solution to their housing problem. We foster

    community development by empowering the resources which already exist among

    the families and groups that make up the local community.

    made up of people who are passionate about

    focus on sustainability and the transformation of communities.

    According to the 2010 census, almost 3,5 million households are inadequate. This

    means that more than 10 million people suffer from this problem.

    People in Argentina

    according to 2010 census

    Humanidad Argentina

    e offer families that live in inadequate conditions the opportunity to

    achieve a holistic solution to their housing problem. We foster human and

    community development by empowering the resources which already exist among

    the families and groups that make up the local community. We are an organization

    made up of people who are passionate about the need for adequate housing, with a

    focus on sustainability and the transformation of communities.

    census, almost 3,5 million households are inadequate. This

    means that more than 10 million people suffer from this problem.

    Inadequate homes People with housing

    This represents a 25% of the

    e offer families that live in inadequate conditions the opportunity to

    human and

    community development by empowering the resources which already exist among

    We are an organization

    need for adequate housing, with a

    census, almost 3,5 million households are inadequate. This

    People with housing problems.

    This represents a 25% of the


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    Housing Needs

    The current Argentinean population is 40 million people. According to recent

    studies about 4,000,000 or 1/3 of homes are inadequate; a

    are recoverable. These homes lack such

    characteristics as a decent roof or

    water, sufficient space, or a bedroom or bathroom.

    This means that more than 10,000,000 people live in

    poverty housing. About 51% of the Argentinean

    population works in the informal labor market

    The Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires

    the greatest urban concentration of Argentina, the

    second one in South America (after Sao Paulo, Brazil)

    and the third one in all Latin America and the Caribbean (after the City of Mexico).

    The ongoing economic and social crises in the country have

    deepened the housing issue. Thousands of people are living in precarious houses

    with no guarantees or sufficient income to pay for a rent or pay for an installment

    of a mortgage loan. The City of Buenos Aires undergoes an additional phenomenon

    the existence of empty or under

    and basic services exist, and where there are families who pay amounts similar to a

    Housing Needs

    The current Argentinean population is 40 million people. According to recent

    r 1/3 of homes are inadequate; among these homes, 60%

    are recoverable. These homes lack such

    characteristics as a decent roof or floor, running

    water, sufficient space, or a bedroom or bathroom.

    This means that more than 10,000,000 people live in

    poverty housing. About 51% of the Argentinean

    population works in the informal labor market.

    The Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires constitutes

    the greatest urban concentration of Argentina, the

    second one in South America (after Sao Paulo, Brazil)

    and the third one in all Latin America and the Caribbean (after the City of Mexico).

    The ongoing economic and social crises in the country have worsened and

    deepened the housing issue. Thousands of people are living in precarious houses

    with no guarantees or sufficient income to pay for a rent or pay for an installment

    of a mortgage loan. The City of Buenos Aires undergoes an additional phenomenon

    the existence of empty or under-used properties in areas where the infrastructure

    and basic services exist, and where there are families who pay amounts similar to a

    rent on a monthly basis, to live in infrahuman

    conditions. The program of HPH

    started in Buenos Aires in the year 2007, with

    the challenge of using new methodologies

    adapted to the particular housing issues of this


    The current Argentinean population is 40 million people. According to recent

    mong these homes, 60%

    and the third one in all Latin America and the Caribbean (after the City of Mexico).

    worsened and

    deepened the housing issue. Thousands of people are living in precarious houses

    with no guarantees or sufficient income to pay for a rent or pay for an installment

    of a mortgage loan. The City of Buenos Aires undergoes an additional phenomenon:

    used properties in areas where the infrastructure

    and basic services exist, and where there are families who pay amounts similar to a

    rent on a monthly basis, to live in infrahuman

    HPH Argentina

    started in Buenos Aires in the year 2007, with

    the challenge of using new methodologies

    adapted to the particular housing issues of this

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    Our Projects

    Developing Neighborhoods

    The greater Buenos Aires area is home to 13,500,000 people. Five

    thousand sub-standard homes are located within the urban fringe zone, making up

    fully one fourth of the national housing deficit.

    The Province of Santa Fe to the north of Buenos Aires

    lacks 310,000 homes to satisfy housing needs. Roughly

    10% of the population lacks proper housing. The housing

    deficit is mainly concentrated around the City of Santa Fe,

    capital of the province and home to 850,000 people.

    Within this context, the Developing Neighborhoods Project

    project is to develop stable communities in urban fringes by strengthening

    resident's underlying abilities and optimizing existing resources within the

    communities in order to facilitate access to adequate housing.

    Developing Neighborhoods

    The greater Buenos Aires area is home to 13,500,000 people. Five hundred

    standard homes are located within the urban fringe zone, making up

    fully one fourth of the national housing deficit.

    to the north of Buenos Aires also

    lacks 310,000 homes to satisfy housing needs. Roughly

    of the population lacks proper housing. The housing

    deficit is mainly concentrated around the City of Santa Fe,

    capital of the province and home to 850,000 people.

    Within this context, the Developing Neighborhoods Project

    identifies families willing

    to improve their housing

    situation but lacking the basic knowledge and

    financial resources to do so. HPH Argentina

    facilitates community partnerships with public,

    private and non-profit organizations to work

    collaboratively on housing solutions.

    The objective of the Developing Neighborhoods

    project is to develop stable communities in urban fringes by strengthening

    resident's underlying abilities and optimizing existing resources within the

    communities in order to facilitate access to adequate housing.


    standard homes are located within the urban fringe zone, making up

    situation but lacking the basic knowledge and

    do so. HPH Argentina

    facilitates community partnerships with public,

    profit organizations to work

    collaboratively on housing solutions.

    he Developing Neighborhoods

    project is to develop stable communities in urban fringes by strengthening

    resident's underlying abilities and optimizing existing resources within the

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    Typical House Designs

    Seed House

    The Seed House is a kind of progressive

    important part of the house with respect to basic needs

    foundations, kitchen and bathroom installations,

    foundations for the complete house

    floor and successive enlargements over time as the families resources allow. Given

    that the Seed House project aims to complete only the first stage of const

    the methology has a strong training and empowerment component so that the

    family can complete construction on their own. Support and training during

    construction, coupled with help provided by HPHA Volunteers, architects and

    technicians, enables families to manage the

    a fast solution and the education and tools to support the social production of

    housing in order to continue the process of completing a home by their own means.

    Typical House Designs

    rogressive house. It begins with the minimum and most

    important part of the house with respect to basic needs. It includes: solid

    kitchen and bathroom installations, and the first two rooms

    foundations for the complete house. The design can accommodate a possible second

    floor and successive enlargements over time as the families resources allow. Given

    that the Seed House project aims to complete only the first stage of const

    the methology has a strong training and empowerment component so that the

    family can complete construction on their own. Support and training during

    construction, coupled with help provided by HPHA Volunteers, architects and

    amilies to manage the continued process. This gives the family

    a fast solution and the education and tools to support the social production of

    housing in order to continue the process of completing a home by their own means.

    he minimum and most

    . It includes: solid

    wo rooms and the

    The design can accommodate a possible second

    floor and successive enlargements over time as the families resources allow. Given

    that the Seed House project aims to complete only the first stage of construction,

    the methology has a strong training and empowerment component so that the

    family can complete construction on their own. Support and training during

    construction, coupled with help provided by HPHA Volunteers, architects and

    This gives the family

    a fast solution and the education and tools to support the social production of

    housing in order to continue the process of completing a home by their own means.

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    Noelias Story

    Noelia Fernandez, sitting in a purple room which she painted herself, smiles and

    admits that she still cannot believe she owns her own home. Two months ago, she

    left the precarious shack in which she lived for many years with her son, and moved

    into her new home, built with help from the Neighborhood Development project.

    Like many of her neighbors in the Un Techo para Todos (A Roof for All)

    neighborhood located in La Matanza

    government help, her best chance to own

    I attended a couple of HPHA workshops and saw that it was not just about

    receiving money to build a house. They taught us that

    effort; but a community commitment.

    Our salaries are not enough to hire a mason or a plumber or an electrician. Since

    we dont have enough capital, we need everyones cooperation to advance, says

    Noelia. She also highlights the importance of working on her own home. They say

    that bricklaying is hard work, bu

    it. It is heavy work but important, because building a house is the work of a

    lifetime. Noelia came to the neighborhood over three years ago and, after living

    with her father for a time, she was able

    Fernandez, sitting in a purple room which she painted herself, smiles and

    admits that she still cannot believe she owns her own home. Two months ago, she

    left the precarious shack in which she lived for many years with her son, and moved

    , built with help from the Neighborhood Development project.

    Like many of her neighbors in the Un Techo para Todos (A Roof for All)

    located in La Matanza - Noelia learned that rather than waiting on

    government help, her best chance to own a home was to join a self

    I attended a couple of HPHA workshops and saw that it was not just about

    receiving money to build a house. They taught us that Its not just an individual

    effort; but a community commitment.

    t enough to hire a mason or a plumber or an electrician. Since

    we dont have enough capital, we need everyones cooperation to advance, says

    Noelia. She also highlights the importance of working on her own home. They say

    that bricklaying is hard work, but it is one thing to say it and another to actually do

    it. It is heavy work but important, because building a house is the work of a

    lifetime. Noelia came to the neighborhood over three years ago and, after living

    with her father for a time, she was able to buy a small plot of land where she hoped

    Fernandez, sitting in a purple room which she painted herself, smiles and

    admits that she still cannot believe she owns her own home. Two months ago, she

    left the precarious shack in which she lived for many years with her son, and moved

    , built with help from the Neighborhood Development project.

    Like many of her neighbors in the Un Techo para Todos (A Roof for All)

    Noelia learned that rather than waiting on

    a home was to join a self-help program.

    I attended a couple of HPHA workshops and saw that it was not just about

    Its not just an individual

    t enough to hire a mason or a plumber or an electrician. Since

    we dont have enough capital, we need everyones cooperation to advance, says

    Noelia. She also highlights the importance of working on her own home. They say

    t it is one thing to say it and another to actually do

    it. It is heavy work but important, because building a house is the work of a

    lifetime. Noelia came to the neighborhood over three years ago and, after living

    to buy a small plot of land where she hoped

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    to build her home. After I had my son, I always dreamed that someday I would

    have my own house, she recalls. Before moving to the new house, she and her

    family endured the hardships of living in a precarious ho

    bronchitis and when it rained hard the house would flood. The worst was in April,

    when the house flooded and the moisture never left. Reflecting on her own

    experience, Noelia highlights womens role in improving living conditions in

    marginal neighborhoods. Women today have advanced a lot and have become

    heads of family. I know may women who

    kids, and the children give us the strength to keep fighting. Confronting the

    housing issues which affect urban settlements and precarious neighborhoods, the

    Neighborhood Development project seeks to strengthen the resources and the

    capability of neighbors to obtain adequate housing. Noelia started building her

    house in the Seeds of Hope 2012 event. D

    help from additional volunteer brigades and she was able to move into her new

    home before the end of the year.

    to build her home. After I had my son, I always dreamed that someday I would

    have my own house, she recalls. Before moving to the new house, she and her

    family endured the hardships of living in a precarious house: My son would get

    bronchitis and when it rained hard the house would flood. The worst was in April,

    when the house flooded and the moisture never left. Reflecting on her own

    experience, Noelia highlights womens role in improving living conditions in

    marginal neighborhoods. Women today have advanced a lot and have become

    heads of family. I know may women who like me struggle with one, two, three

    kids, and the children give us the strength to keep fighting. Confronting the

    fect urban settlements and precarious neighborhoods, the

    Neighborhood Development project seeks to strengthen the resources and the

    capability of neighbors to obtain adequate housing. Noelia started building her

    house in the Seeds of Hope 2012 event. During 2013, she continued building with

    help from additional volunteer brigades and she was able to move into her new

    home before the end of the year.

    to build her home. After I had my son, I always dreamed that someday I would

    have my own house, she recalls. Before moving to the new house, she and her

    use: My son would get

    bronchitis and when it rained hard the house would flood. The worst was in April,

    when the house flooded and the moisture never left. Reflecting on her own

    experience, Noelia highlights womens role in improving living conditions in

    marginal neighborhoods. Women today have advanced a lot and have become

    struggle with one, two, three

    kids, and the children give us the strength to keep fighting. Confronting the

    fect urban settlements and precarious neighborhoods, the

    Neighborhood Development project seeks to strengthen the resources and the

    capability of neighbors to obtain adequate housing. Noelia started building her

    uring 2013, she continued building with

    help from additional volunteer brigades and she was able to move into her new

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    Our Projects

    Fair Rentals

    In 2008, HPH Argentina commissioned an interdisciplinary study which identified as

    critical the situation of many families living in tenements, rental units, and rooming

    houses, and paying market prices for rooms in inadequate conditions.

    Issues such as overcrowding, structur

    children and the elderly, are alarming in this type of housing. As a consequence,

    informal rental situations end up being explosive.

    Families in the larger cities are forced to live in these places because, am

    reasons, they must put up financial guarantees in the form of property within the

    city, in order to rent formally; something that low income families cannot do.

    The Fair Rentals project was created with the objective of offering a solution to

    families living in this situation, thus addressing the housing problem within the

    urban context.

    The process is carried out through education,


    commissioned an interdisciplinary study which identified as

    critical the situation of many families living in tenements, rental units, and rooming

    houses, and paying market prices for rooms in inadequate conditions.

    Issues such as overcrowding, structural risks and health impacts, especially upon

    children and the elderly, are alarming in this type of housing. As a consequence,

    informal rental situations end up being explosive.

    Families in the larger cities are forced to live in these places because, am

    reasons, they must put up financial guarantees in the form of property within the

    city, in order to rent formally; something that low income families cannot do.

    The Fair Rentals project was created with the objective of offering a solution to

    amilies living in this situation, thus addressing the housing problem within the

    The process is carried out through education, training, and

    commissioned an interdisciplinary study which identified as

    critical the situation of many families living in tenements, rental units, and rooming

    houses, and paying market prices for rooms in inadequate conditions.

    al risks and health impacts, especially upon

    children and the elderly, are alarming in this type of housing. As a consequence,

    Families in the larger cities are forced to live in these places because, among other

    reasons, they must put up financial guarantees in the form of property within the

    city, in order to rent formally; something that low income families cannot do.

    The Fair Rentals project was created with the objective of offering a solution to

    amilies living in this situation, thus addressing the housing problem within the

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    Our Projects

    Remote Communities

    Throughout the world, the growth of urban

    increases the risk of exposure to natural disasters. Within

    that context, governments prioritize investments in large

    urban centers where the larger population concentrations

    imply larger numbers of exposed people.

    communities away from the great urban centers become a low priority in terms of

    strategic planning for addressing housing issues as well as for mitigating the risk of

    natural disaster. The Remote Communities Project was designed to help

    communities throughout the country which, due to their remote location, lack

    resources to address their housing needs.

    families that cannot afford to pay. These are very low cost solutions carried out

    almost entirely by volunteers.

    Underdeveloped transportation infrastructure which makes access to and from

    the community difficult for people and materials.

    Underdeveloped communication infrastructure (telephone and internet). High

    vulnerability to housing, social and environmental impacts affecting large part of

    the population.

    Limited or non-existing assistance from government or other aid agencies.

    Population size that allows a minimum of 30 interventions per mission with

    houses no further from each other than a 30 minute walk.

    Throughout the world, the growth of urban populations

    increases the risk of exposure to natural disasters. Within

    that context, governments prioritize investments in large

    urban centers where the larger population concentrations

    imply larger numbers of exposed people. As a consequence, a great nu

    communities away from the great urban centers become a low priority in terms of

    strategic planning for addressing housing issues as well as for mitigating the risk of

    The Remote Communities Project was designed to help

    throughout the country which, due to their remote location, lack

    resources to address their housing needs. This project offers minor repairs to

    families that cannot afford to pay. These are very low cost solutions carried out

    s. We define a Remote Community as follows:

    Underdeveloped transportation infrastructure which makes access to and from

    the community difficult for people and materials.

    Underdeveloped communication infrastructure (telephone and internet). High

    vulnerability to housing, social and environmental impacts affecting large part of

    existing assistance from government or other aid agencies.

    Population size that allows a minimum of 30 interventions per mission with

    no further from each other than a 30 minute walk.

    As a consequence, a great number of

    communities away from the great urban centers become a low priority in terms of

    strategic planning for addressing housing issues as well as for mitigating the risk of

    The Remote Communities Project was designed to help

    throughout the country which, due to their remote location, lack

    This project offers minor repairs to

    families that cannot afford to pay. These are very low cost solutions carried out

    We define a Remote Community as follows:

    Underdeveloped transportation infrastructure which makes access to and from

    Underdeveloped communication infrastructure (telephone and internet). High

    vulnerability to housing, social and environmental impacts affecting large part of

    existing assistance from government or other aid agencies.

    Population size that allows a minimum of 30 interventions per mission with

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    Many Attractions to visit in Buenos Aires

    Why visit Buenos Aires? There are actually many reasons why Buenos Aires is one of the

    most attractive cities in Latin America and, indeed, was elected in 2013 as the best tourist

    destination in Central and South America by readers of the prestigious trade pu

    Cond Nast Traveller. There are many

    Buenos Aires City a must.

    Food for all tastes

    Worth coming to the City of Buenos Aires to try traditional

    cuisine in one of the gastronomic centers, the re

    contribution of Italian and Spanish immigrants who arrived to

    Buenos Aires. In addition, Argentina is famous for the excellent

    quality of their beef, usually grilling, so it's also a good

    opportunity to enjoy a good roast

    Gardel, Piazzolla and Tango

    Buenos Aires is the world capital of tango, the

    sensual and nostalgic dance that is in close contact

    with the couple and that had among its most

    renowned interpreters Carlos Gardel and Astor

    Piazzolla. We suggest tango shows for tourists, the

    milongas (tango dance places) or schools where

    watching or playing this suggestive dancing.

    Many Attractions to visit in Buenos Aires

    visit Buenos Aires? There are actually many reasons why Buenos Aires is one of the

    most attractive cities in Latin America and, indeed, was elected in 2013 as the best tourist

    destination in Central and South America by readers of the prestigious trade pu

    There are many emblematic neighborhoods and attractions that make

    Worth coming to the City of Buenos Aires to try traditional

    cuisine in one of the gastronomic centers, the result of the

    contribution of Italian and Spanish immigrants who arrived to

    Buenos Aires. In addition, Argentina is famous for the excellent

    quality of their beef, usually grilling, so it's also a good

    opportunity to enjoy a good roast. Our wines are recognized worldwide.

    Buenos Aires is the world capital of tango, the

    sensual and nostalgic dance that is in close contact

    with the couple and that had among its most

    renowned interpreters Carlos Gardel and Astor

    tango shows for tourists, the

    milongas (tango dance places) or schools where

    watching or playing this suggestive dancing.

    visit Buenos Aires? There are actually many reasons why Buenos Aires is one of the

    most attractive cities in Latin America and, indeed, was elected in 2013 as the best tourist

    destination in Central and South America by readers of the prestigious trade publication

    emblematic neighborhoods and attractions that make

    zed worldwide.

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    More than 300 theaters

    If anything the City can boast in

    range of shows, which makes Buenos Aires

    city with the most intense theatrical activity in

    Latin America and the fourth with more

    worldwide, such as The Teatro Colon.

    Variety of museums

    The City also has a wide and rich variety of museums of national and international art, and

    other topics that harbor the most diverse, from museums, soccer shoes and puppets,

    costumes or even coins.


    If what you're looking is to go shopping, Buenos

    Aires will not disappoint you with the

    shopping, fashion and commercial circuits

    design as the Palermo Soho, Santa Fe Avenue or

    Florida Street. And for those looking for

    opportunities at lower prices, outlets areas

    excellent choices.


    If what you're looking is an intense nightlife, the city offers a range of possibilities

    shortage of restaurants, bars and nightclubs to disperse and meet new faces. Palermo, San

    Telmo and Puerto Madero are some districts that offer this type of activity.

    f anything the City can boast in its very wide

    ows, which makes Buenos Aires the

    city with the most intense theatrical activity in

    with more theaters

    worldwide, such as The Teatro Colon.

    The City also has a wide and rich variety of museums of national and international art, and

    ther topics that harbor the most diverse, from museums, soccer shoes and puppets,

    If what you're looking is to go shopping, Buenos

    you with the upscale

    shopping, fashion and commercial circuits

    Santa Fe Avenue or

    Florida Street. And for those looking for

    outlets areas are

    If what you're looking is an intense nightlife, the city offers a range of possibilities

    shortage of restaurants, bars and nightclubs to disperse and meet new faces. Palermo, San

    Telmo and Puerto Madero are some districts that offer this type of activity.

    The City also has a wide and rich variety of museums of national and international art, and

    ther topics that harbor the most diverse, from museums, soccer shoes and puppets,

    If what you're looking is an intense nightlife, the city offers a range of possibilities. No

    shortage of restaurants, bars and nightclubs to disperse and meet new faces. Palermo, San

    Telmo and Puerto Madero are some districts that offer this type of activity.

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    Pope Francisco

    Buenos Aires is the city where

    to the most significant places in his life. Get to know the neighborhoods and Monserrat Flores

    and the Metropolitan Cathedral, where he was born, spent his childhood and celebrated Mass

    for over 20 years.

    the current Pope Francisco was born,

    the most significant places in his life. Get to know the neighborhoods and Monserrat Flores

    and the Metropolitan Cathedral, where he was born, spent his childhood and celebrated Mass

    you can go to a papal tour

    the most significant places in his life. Get to know the neighborhoods and Monserrat Flores

    and the Metropolitan Cathedral, where he was born, spent his childhood and celebrated Mass

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    Football is the country's most popular sport, the one with the most players and

    popular recreational sport, played from childhood into old age.

    that declare allegiance to an Argentine football club

    part in the life of many Argentines. Even those supporters who usually do not attend the

    matches watch them on television and comment on them the next day with friends and co

    workers. When the Argentina national football team

    matches), streets tend to look completely deserted as everyone is watching the match.


    The Estancias are tightly linked to the history and essence of Argentinean culture. Surrounded

    with tradition, they shelter the p

    will give warmth to visitors after a long trip and home baked

    the hosts will always welcome everyone. Once opened, the gates invite to rest, enjoy peace

    and quietness.

    is the country's most popular sport, the one with the most players and

    popular recreational sport, played from childhood into old age. The percentage of Argentines

    that declare allegiance to an Argentine football club is about 90%. Foo

    part in the life of many Argentines. Even those supporters who usually do not attend the

    matches watch them on television and comment on them the next day with friends and co

    Argentina national football team plays (especially during world cup

    matches), streets tend to look completely deserted as everyone is watching the match.

    The Estancias are tightly linked to the history and essence of Argentinean culture. Surrounded

    with tradition, they shelter the past and present on both criollos and immigrants. A campfire

    will give warmth to visitors after a long trip and home baked bread and hot

    the hosts will always welcome everyone. Once opened, the gates invite to rest, enjoy peace

    is the country's most popular sport, the one with the most players and is the most

    The percentage of Argentines

    Football plays an important

    part in the life of many Argentines. Even those supporters who usually do not attend the

    matches watch them on television and comment on them the next day with friends and co-

    (especially during world cup

    matches), streets tend to look completely deserted as everyone is watching the match.

    The Estancias are tightly linked to the history and essence of Argentinean culture. Surrounded

    ast and present on both criollos and immigrants. A campfire

    bread and hot mate poured by

    the hosts will always welcome everyone. Once opened, the gates invite to rest, enjoy peace

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    Delta Tigre

    The City of Tigre is a destination neither foreigners nor local people should miss. Its

    attraction is the Fruit Market, a different, almost magical world. The port has three inner

    docks. Daily catamaran excursions leave from one of them to the Delta. The central docks

    concentrate the grocers boats, which supply the inhabitants of the i

    varied products. In the last harbor, the timbering boats full of popular and willow logs from

    the forested islands of the Delta are unloaded. The port of Tigre lodges the open market with

    streets full of the colors of rustic fabric, fu

    delicious jams and honey, brilliant fowers and of course, all the variety of native fruit co

    existing in absolute harmony. Sailing along the rivers and branches on board of modern craft,

    passengers will discover the natural paradise which is the Delta of Paran River.

    The City of Tigre is a destination neither foreigners nor local people should miss. Its

    attraction is the Fruit Market, a different, almost magical world. The port has three inner

    docks. Daily catamaran excursions leave from one of them to the Delta. The central docks

    concentrate the grocers boats, which supply the inhabitants of the i

    varied products. In the last harbor, the timbering boats full of popular and willow logs from

    the forested islands of the Delta are unloaded. The port of Tigre lodges the open market with

    streets full of the colors of rustic fabric, furniture and accessories made in cane and willow,

    delicious jams and honey, brilliant fowers and of course, all the variety of native fruit co

    existing in absolute harmony. Sailing along the rivers and branches on board of modern craft,

    over the natural paradise which is the Delta of Paran River.

    The City of Tigre is a destination neither foreigners nor local people should miss. Its main

    attraction is the Fruit Market, a different, almost magical world. The port has three inner

    docks. Daily catamaran excursions leave from one of them to the Delta. The central docks

    concentrate the grocers boats, which supply the inhabitants of the islands with the most

    varied products. In the last harbor, the timbering boats full of popular and willow logs from

    the forested islands of the Delta are unloaded. The port of Tigre lodges the open market with

    rniture and accessories made in cane and willow,

    delicious jams and honey, brilliant fowers and of course, all the variety of native fruit co-

    existing in absolute harmony. Sailing along the rivers and branches on board of modern craft,

    over the natural paradise which is the Delta of Paran River.