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Section of Dental-Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Surgery


Aesthetic rehabilitation in a patient with skeletal mandibular Aesthetic rehabilitation in a patient with skeletal mandibular

deficiency and open bite: Journey from splinted metalloceramic deficiency and open bite: Journey from splinted metalloceramic

prosthesis to all-ceramic crowns prosthesis to all-ceramic crowns

Rizwan Nazeer

Shizrah Jamal

Farhan Raza Khan

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J Pak Med Assoc

AbstractThis case report is of a 31-year-old female who presentedwith splinted and faulty metalloceramic prosthesis onmaxillary anterior teeth, which was responsible for localisedperiodontal disease and poor aesthetics. At multiple sitesthe ceramic had chipped off and the prosthesis colour didnot match with the adjacent healthy teeth. Amultidisciplinary approach of endodontics, periodonticsand prosthodontics was employed for this case. Thetreatment plan consisted of removing the faulty prosthesis,endodontic retreatment of inadequately root-treated teethand endodontics in the other coronally prepared abutmentteeth. Crown lengthening surgery was performed for thecorrection of periodontal pockets and high smile line andmaintenance of an adequate biological width. Afterperiodontal healing, all-ceramic individual crowns wereplaced on the maxillary anterior teeth along with a three-unit all-ceramic bridge for the replacement of the left uppermaxillary first premolar. The final results were aestheticallypleasing with good marginal fit. The patient was extremelysatisfied with the outcome as all her concerns wereaddressed. It is, therefore, advisable to consider placingindividual crowns rather than multiunit splinted prosthesiswhenever possible.

Keywords: Crown lengthening surgery; all ceramic crown;periodontal disease; high smile line


IntroductionPeriodontitis is an inflammation of the tooth-supportingstructures initiated as host response against oral bacteriaand dental plaque, resulting in soft tissue damage andcrestal bone loss.1 Timely diagnosis and control of activeperiodontal disease is very important. Failure to do so, leadsto tooth mobility and eventual loss of the affected tooth.The aetiology of periodontitis is multifactorial. The co-relation between restoration of tooth and adjacent

periodontium is undeniable.2 Faulty margins orinappropriate contours of any dental restoration may causeexcessive plaque accumulation and pose difficulty inmaintaining oral hygiene. It eventually provokes aninflammatory response in the surrounding tissues leadingto the development of localised periodontitis.3 Therefore,periodontal health status of any tooth is the mainprognostic factor that determines the long-term survival ofany restoration.4

All crown margins should be supra-gingival or at gingivallevel to avoid unwanted gingival tissue response, howeverin cases with aesthetic concerns, it is desirable to place sub-gingival margins. The sub-gingival margins should alwaysbe planned with caution to avoid biological widthimpingement.3 Biological width of any tooth is the distancefrom the base of the gingival sulcus to the crestal alveolarbone. This is approximately 2mm, which comprisesjunctional epithelium and sub-epithelial connective tissue.5If any restoration impinges on or traumatises the biologicalwidth, severe inflammatory reaction occurs, resulting inperiodontal pocket formation, apical migration ofjunctional epithelium and loss of clinical attachment.6 Thereconstitution of the biologic width can be donesuccessfully with crown-lengthening procedure which isindicated in cases with deep periodontal pockets whenadequate amount of keratinised tissues are present.3

Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crown is a full coverageindirect restoration that is widely used all over the world.7Due to its high strength, reasonable aesthetics,biocompatibility and cost effectiveness,8,9 it serves as adurable and versatile dental restoration.

The central core in a PFM crown consists of coping ofnickel-cobalt-chromium alloy, overlaid by several layers ofdental porcelain. This results in optimum colour match ofthe crown with the adjacent teeth. However, variouscomplications arise in PFM crowns over the period of time;the most common being porcelain getting chipped off anddull appearance due to presence of metal frame work,giving an artificial appearance.10

The present case report is of a 31-year-old female whounderwent faulty multiunit splinted metallo-ceramic


Aesthetic rehabilitation in a patient with skeletal mandibular deficiency and open bite: journey from splinted metalloceramic prosthesis to all-ceramic crownsRizwan Nazeer1, Shizrah Jamal2, Farhan Raza Khan3

1Department of Operative Dentistry, Bahria University Medical and DentalCollege, Karachi, Pakistan; 2,3Department of Surgery, Aga khan UniversityHospital, Karachi, Pakistan.Correspondence: Farhan Raza Khan e-mail: [email protected]

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restoration, resulting in poor aesthetics and establishmentof periodontal disease due to prosthesis by some dentistin another health facility. Although orthognathic surgerywas the ideal plan but patient did not want to opt surgery.Thus, With the help of multidisciplinary approach, weimprovised the facial aesthetics in a patient with gummysmile bearing short clinical crowns, deficient mandible andpocket of localised bone loss. Our management techniquedid not solve her dental problems but dramaticallyimproved her dental aesthetics to a pleasing smile.

Case presentationA 31-year-old woman presented to the dental clinics inJune,2018 at the Aga Khan University Hospital forreplacement of upper front dental prosthesis. Theprosthesis was placed approximately 12 years back for thecorrection of her proclined upper front teeth. The gingivaadjoining the prosthesis used to bleed on/off and wasassociated with bad breath. The ceramic coating of thecrowns had chipped off since then and had becomeunpleasant in appearance. She was otherwise healthy withno known co-morbidities and allergies. Dental historyrevealed that she had had multiple root canal treatmentsand multiple crowns.

Extra-oral examination revealed absence of any TMJtenderness, deviation or crepitus. However, she had mildlyincompetent lips and high smile line with irregular crownmargins. The profile was retrognathic, buccal corridors werewide and an occlusal cant was present on the left side.Intra-oral examination revealed satisfactory oral hygiene.A splinted metal-ceramic prosthesis extended from rightupper canine to left upper canine (tooth #13-23) and therewere splinted crowns on left upper first and secondpremolar (tooth # 24, 25). All crowns were bulky withoverhangs. Marginal gingiva around the prosthesis weresmooth, shiny and inflamed with periodontal pocketing ofapproximately 3 mm along with bleeding on probing. Thecrown margins were irregular, over contoured andexhibited poor adaptation. Porcelain was chipped off at thegingival surfaces of the crowns, resulting in exposure of theunderlying alloy. Crowns were bulky with poor anatomyand their colour did not match with the natural teeth. Anopen bite of approximately 0.5 mm was found on theclosure of posterior teeth. Pre-operative extra oral and intraoral pictures were taken. The panoramic radiographshowed splinted prosthesis and inadequate root canalfillings. Post-treatment periapical disease was present in allendodontically treated teeth with evidence of apical rootresorption in left upper lateral incisor. Diagnostic modelswere obtained for the case study. Pre-treatment records areshown in Figure 1. The problems included splintedmultiunit metalloceramic prosthesis with irregular margins,

inadequate root canal filling (13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 24), localisedchronic periodontitis with horizontal bone loss aroundmetalloceramic prosthesis and open bite (0.5mm) andexcessive overjet (6mm) with left maxillary occlusal cant.

Orthognathic surgery was initially advised for thecorrection of her baseline skeletal malocclusion. But thepatient was not ready for it and wanted the most aestheticand durable treatment plan without undergoing any majorsurgery. Therefore, after thorough discussion and with thepatient’s informed consent, assessment of all teeth forrestorability was planned after disassembly of the splintedprosthesis. Redo of endodontic treatments of all strategicteeth and endodontic treatment in vital teeth was planned


Vol. 71, No. 1-A, January 2021

Aesthetic rehabilitation in a patient with skeletal mandibular deficiency and open …….

Figure-1: Pre-operative records of patient with faulty prosthesis. A: Facial frontal and lateral profile, B: Occlusion frontal and lateral profiles,C: Incisal overjet and overbite, D: Preoperative panoramic Radiograph.

Figure-2: Crown lengthening surgery. A,B : Frontal and lateral profiles after pros-thetic disasssembly. C: Soft tissue marking prior to surgery, D: Post crown-lengthening, E: Temporisation after crown lengthening, F: Soft tissuehealing after three months.

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prior to crown lengthening surgery to improve pocketdepths, aesthetics and gingival zenith. Provision of newcrowns/bridge (all-ceramic) with improved aesthetics wasthe final plan proposed to her.

Initially, diagnostic casts were mounted on the semiadjustable articulator (Hanau Articulator, Teledyne HanauBuffalo, NY, USA)11 using Hanau facebow. A vacuum formedstent (3a Medes, Easy – Vac Gasket, Korea)12 was fabricated.The left upper first premolar was a broken-down root withinadequate ferrule; therefore, it was extracted, sutures wereplaced and a temporary acrylic bridge (Integrity, TemporaryCrown & Bridge Material, Dentsply, USA), fabricated usingvacuum-formed stent, was then luted with temporarycement (GC, Freegenol temporary pack, GC America).13

Following that, endodontic retreatments of allinadequately root-treated teeth (# 13, 12, 11, 21 and 22)and elective endodontic treatments on remainingabutment teeth (#23, 25) were done. Post-obturation x-raysshowed all teeth root canal fillings up to the length (figure3). In the subsequent appointment, markings were madefor crown lengthening surgery (gingivectomy) using anindelible pencil and 2-3mm marginal gingival tissues wereexcised (figure 2). Care was taken to maintain the biologicwidth. All the teeth were then prepared for all-ceramiccrowns and a new temporary acrylic bridge was fabricated.

Gingival tissues were allowed to heal for six weeks. Post-operative instructions were thoroughly reinforced. Afterthree months, gingival tissues showed remarkable healingwith significant improvement in aesthetics (figure 3).Periodontal examination revealed the maximum probingdepth of 1.5 mm with no bleeding on probing. Impressionswere obtained (Aquasil Ultra Putty Soft Regular and Aquasil

Ultra-Light bodies, DENTSPLY, USA)14 for all ceramic crowns.Interocclusal records were taken using bimanualmanipulation method. Working casts were then attachedon semi-adjustable articulator using interocclusal records(Hanau Articulator, Teledyne Hanau Buffalo, NY, USA).11 Thetemporary bridge was placed back. Impressions were sentto the lab for fabrication of all-ceramic crowns (# 13, 12, 11,21, and 22) and a bridge (#23-25) (IPS e-max Ceram, Ivoclarvivadent, Leichtenstein. Germany).15 After 10 days, bisquebake trial was done in which occlusion, shape and shade ofall ceramic crowns were evaluated and showed to thepatient. The patient wanted removal of ceramic from thelabial surface of incisal thirds to camouflage her protrudedprofile; therefore, adjustments were made accordingly. All-ceramic crowns were then glazed and bonded (RelyXUnicem, U100: Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement, 3MESPE).16 The final occlusal scheme was mutually protective(Lateral guidance on canines and anterior guidance wasevenly given by all anterior teeth. The overjet was 2 mmand overbite was 1 mm. Ideal incisors relationships couldbe achieved with orthognathic surgery; however, thepatient was extremely happy with the outcome of thetreatment. The anatomical shape and shade match of allceramic crowns was also appropriate. Oro-facial aestheticswere significantly improved. Post-treatment records areshown in figure 3. All endodontic and re-endodontictreatments were adequate and crowns were well-seated onthe margins. The patient was extremely satisfied with theoutcome as all concerns were well addressed.

DiscussionInadequate canal obturation is an important factor whichdetermines the success of any endodontic treatment. Itmay result in certain complications such as post-treatmentapical periodontitis, apical root resorption, etc.17,18 It isimportant to assess the quality of root canal obturationbefore planning any indirect restoration for endodonticallytreated teeth.17 It not only provides long-term success of arestoration, but also avoids financial burden on the patient.In our patient all endodontically treated teeth (# 13, 12, 11,21, and 22) were inadequately root filled and one tooth(#12) had apical root resorption. Therefore, we plannedendodontic retreatments in these teeth and elective rootcanal treatments in remaining teeth (#13 and 15) beforeplacing all-ceramic restorations. All root canals werethoroughly debrided and obturated up to the correctlength.

Open bite and mandibular deficiency in females can resultin excessive gingival display. Prosthodontic treatment inthese cases pose a big clinical challenge. High smile line isoften a concern with high aesthetic demands. It can becorrected by various methods which include crown


J Pak Med Assoc

R. Nazeer, S. Jamal, F.R. Khan

Figure-3: Postoperative records after root canal treatment and individual crownplacement. A: Facial frontal, B: lateral profile, C: Incisal overjet and overbite,D: Frontal View of Occlusion, E: Occlusal View of arch, F: Preoperativepanoramic Radiograph.

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lengthening surgery, orthodontics, orthognathic surgery,injecting botulism toxins or myotomies.19 The mostcommon method employed or extensively reported in theliterature for its management is crown lengthening surgery(gingival recontouring with or without osseous surgery).19

It establishes the desired gingival margin position whilesimultaneously avoiding violation of the biologic width.20

A waiting period of approximately 4-6 weeks is usuallyrequired for optimal healing of gingival tissues beforeobtaining impression for indirect full coveragerestoration.20,21 In our patient, aesthetics was a mainconcern due to high smile line, therefore we performedgingival recontouring of all the teeth. Biological width waspreserved and adequate time span was allowed foroptimum healing of gingival tissues. Ideal gingivalaesthetics were achieved and high smile line was replacedwith average smile line.

Dental malpractice/quackery does more harm to thepatient than any benefit, especially if it's related toirreversible interventions such as root canal and fixedprosthodontic treatment. Splinted prosthesis is usuallyrecommended in cases of dental implants which aresurrounded by poor quality bone. It is usually done toreduce the stress by disseminating it horizontally.22 Placingfused/splinted metalloceramic fixed prosthesis (singlecasting) in a situation where all natural abutments arepresent is a periodontal catastrophe. The individual unitcrowns are the standard of care in this situation as itensures integrity of periodontal tissues and offers ease inoral hygiene maintenance.23 In our patient multiunitporcelain fused to metal restorations were designedresulting in localised periodontal disease (inflamed,erythematous periodontal tissue with pocketing).Therefore, we replaced multiunit splinted PFM crowns withindividual crowns which facilitate interdental cleaning withdental floss and facilitated periodontal healing.

With advancement in various ceramic types, all-ceramicindirect full coverage restoration are the preferable indirectfull coverage restorations because of excellent aestheticsand durability.24 Lithium disilicate (particularly IPS E.max)crowns are now becoming popular in dentistry due to theirstrength and realistic appearance.24,25 Therefore, keepingin mind all the expectations of the patient, we placed all-ceramic E.max crowns. The patient was satisfied with thetreatment outcome.

Whenever natural teeth are prepared for full coveragerestorations, consideration should be given to individualcrown placement. It should be done to avoid unhygieniccircumstances eventually leading to periodontaldestruction. A prudent clinician should carry out treatmentplanning by focusing on the patient’s concerns. This include

selecting treatment modalities which have predictability,and longevity and are supported with scientific evidence.Aesthetics should be an integral part of treatmentplanning. An improved appearance brings self-esteem andboosts the self-confidence of the patients. In this case,maxillary prognathism would have been managed ideallywith orthodontic surgery, however, the patient rejected thesurgical option and the protruded profile was camouflagedwith multidisciplinary approach of endodontics,periodontics and prosthodontics.

ConclusionThe current case report elucidates step by stepmanagement of a patient presented with faulty multiunitsplinted metallo-ceramic restoration with advanceperiodontal tissues destruction. Initially crown lengtheningsurgery was performed along with placement of temporarybridge for six weeks, allowed healing of periodontal tissuesand correction of gingival aesthetics. It was followedplacement of individual all ceramic full coverage byrestorations for correction of dento-facial aesthetics and toensure integrity of periodontal tissues and offers ease inmaintenance of oral hygiene.

Disclaimer: None.Conflict of Interest: One of the co-author is Section head,Service line Chief.Funding Sources: None.

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J Pak Med Assoc

R. Nazeer, S. Jamal, F.R. Khan