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The Correlation Between Episiotomy, Perineal Laceration And Type Of Labor Toward The

Incidence Of Pospartum Urinary Retensio At dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Hospital Of

Kuala Kapuas In 2015-2016.

Filistea Winda Emilia1*


of Science Midwifery AKBID Sari Mulia Banjarmasin Indonesia

*[email protected]

Fitri Yuliana2

2Departement of Science Midwifery STIKES Sari Mulia Banjarmasin Indonesia

[email protected]

Rini Noviantina2

2Departement of Science Midwifery STIKES Sari Mulia Banjarmasin Indonesia

[email protected]


Objective: To analyze the correlation between episiotomy, perineal laceration and type of labor

toward the incident of postpartum urinary retention in Dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Hospital

Kuala Kapuas in 2015-2016

Method: The research used case control study and was conducted on March 13, 2017 - March 18,

2017 in Dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Hospital of Kuala Kapuas. The study was conducted on 130

postpartum mothers divided into 65 postpartum women who had urinary retention as cases with

total sampling technique and 65 postpartum mothers who could not retention urine as control by

purposive sampling technique. Then, the collected data were analyzed using Chi-Square test.

Results: The results of research shows an correlation of episiotomy with the incidence of urinary

retention p = 0.013, perineal laceration with the incidence of urinary retention p = 0.007 and the

type of labor with the incidence of urinary retention p = 0.024. Variables most at risk of postpartum

urinary retention events is perineal laceration with OR = 3,766.

Conclusion: There was an on going correlation of episiotomy, perineal rupture and the type of

labor toward the incidence of postpartum urinary retention.

Keywords: Episiotomy, Type of Labor, Urinary Retention, Perineal Laceration


Assessing the health status of the

community especially the health of mother

and child can be seen from a sustainable

program of Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs) replacing the Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs ) with a target in

2030 to reduce MMR to 70 / 100,000 live


According to a World Health

Organization (WHO ) report published in

2014 , Maternal Mortality Rate (AKI ) in the

world reached 289,000 people . Based on the

Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey

(IDHS ) in 2012 , Maternal Mortality Rate

(MMR ) in Indonesia is 359 per 100,000 live

births , but this number has decreased to 305

deaths per 100,000 live births based on the

2nd Sari Mulia International Conference on Health and Sciences (SMICHS 2017)

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


2015 Intercensal Population Survey


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR ) in the

province of Central Kalimantan in 2014

amounted to 101 / 100,000 live births

increased compared to the year 2013 of 75 /

100,000 live births (Central Kalimantan

Provincial Health Office , 2014 ) . The

number of MMR reported (1)in 2014 in

Kapuas District was 147 / 100,000 (2)live

births , this number decreased when compared

to the year of 2013 of 150 / 100,000 live


The cause of death Mother is divided into

two namely the direct cause and indirect

cause. The immediate cause of maternal death

is bleeding 40-60%, pre eclampsion 20-30%

and infection 20-30%. One of the causes of

bleeding and infection is postapital urinary


Urinary retention causes bladder

distension which then pushes the uterus

upward and laterally. This condition usually

prevents the uterus contracting well which

eventually causes bleeding. Postpartum

hemorrhage is one of them caused by

inadequate uterine contractions. Uterine

contractions weaken due to full post partum

bladder or by urinary retention

The incidence of urinary retention is a

problem that needs to be considered in the

postpartum period. This postpartum urinary

retensio hazard also results in uremia and

sepsis, even resulting in spontaneous rupture

of vesica urinaria. Trauma can occur in the

urethra and bladder during childbirth arising

from impulse during delivery as the baby

passes through the birth canal. The bladder

wall may develop hyperemia and edema. Pain

around the perineum due to vaginal laceration

leads to urinary tract and episiotomy resulting

in a burning sensation that decreases or alters

urinary reflexes13,17


The incidence of urinary retention in the

post partum period, according to Saultz

(1991) ranged from 1.7% to 17.9%. A study

conducted by Yip (1997) found a postpartum

retensio incident incidence of 4.9% with 150

cc urine residual volume as a normal volume

after spontaneous urination7. Postpartum

retention most commonly occurs after a

spontaneous vaginal birth, bladder

dysfunction occurs 9-14% after birth using

forcep, this number increases to 38%15


The study by Pribakti et al titled "Review

of postpartum urinary retention case at RSUD

Ulin Banjarmasin 2002-2003" showed the

incidence of post partum urinary retention of

0.38% of 1,891 spontaneous deliveries and

222 deliveries with vacuum extraction. The

highest age was 26-30 year age group

(36,3%) and partial majority was primipara

(54,5%). Based on the act of delivery was

spontaneous pervaginam 8 cases (81,8%),

vacuum extraction 2 case (18, 2%) and

cesarean sectio 1 case (1%)11


The results of preliminary studies that

have been done in hospitals dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas, it was found

that the incidence of urinary retention per year

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


is up and down. In 2014 there is 4.2% of

cases of 757 postpartum women, 2015

increased by 4.7% of cases of 877 postpartum

women, but in 2016 a slight decrease of

2.74% of cases of 837 postpartum women due

to in early 2016 dr.Obgyn at the Soemarno

Sostroatmodjo General Hospital was not in

place so most cases were referred to hospitals

that had dr.Obgyn.

Based on the above background, then can

dilakukukan research on the relationship

episiotomi, perineum rupture and type of

delivery with Retensio Urine Post Partum

Occurrence in RSUD dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas Year 2015-2016.


This research uses analytical survey

method with case control design. The sample

is divided into two case samples and control

samples. Cases are all postpartum women

experiencing urinary retention in the Nifas

room RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo

Kuala Kapuas period 2015-2016 as many as

65 postpartum mothers with total sampling

technique, while the control is all postpartum

who do not experience urinary retention in

space of Niras RSUD dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas used a ratio of 1:

1 matching age and parity with purposive

sampling technique. The inclusion criteria are

the history of labor now with normal vaginal,

vacuum extraction and caesarea section.

Exclusion criterion in this research that is

history of labor now with forcep extraction

because not done in RSUD dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas. Data collection

by using research form with data processing

using chi square test.


Characteristics of Respondents

Table 1 Frequency Distribution Characteristics of

Respondents in RSUD Dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas Year 2015-2016

No Characteristics Frekuensi Persentation

1 age < 20 tahun 6 4,6

20 – 35 tahun 106 81,5

> 35 tahun 18 13,9

2 Paritas Primipara 52 40

Multipara 74 56,9

Grandemulti 4 3,1

Table 1 shows that most of the puerperal

mothers in the hospital room drew dr. H.

Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas

between the ages of 20-35 years as many as

106 postpartum (81.5%) and most of them are

74 postpartum Mothers (56.9%).

Univariate Analysis

Table 2 Distribution of Variable Frequency of Univariate

Analysis in RSUD dr H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo

Kuala Kapuas Year 2015-2016

No Variabel Frekuensi Persentasi

1 Retension of Urin

Yes 65 50

No 65 50 2 Episiotomi

Yes 76 58,5

No 54 41,5

3 Perineal Rupture Yes 106 81,5

No 24 18,5

4 Type of Labor Normal 84 64,6

Vacuum Extraction 22 16,9

Seksio Casearea 24 18,5

Table 2 shows that postpartum in childbirth

room dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala

Kapuas with urinary retention of 65

postpartum (50%), 76 postpartum (58.5%)

episiotomy, perineum rupture 106 puerperal

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


mother (81,5%) and type of labor normal

delivery of 84 postpartum (64.6%).

Bivariate Analysis

Episiotomy Relationship with Retensio

Post Urine Particle Occurrence

Table 3 Relationship of Episiotomy with Retensio Postal

Urine Post Occurrence in RSUD Dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas Year 2015-2016

Episiotomi Cases Control Jumlah

n % n % n %

Yes 45 69,2 31 47,7 76 58,5

No 20 30,8 34 52,3 54 41,5

Jumlah 65 100 65 100 130 100

Chi Square p = 0,013 α = 0,05 p < α

Odds Ratio OR = 2,468 (1,205 – 5,056)

Respondents were subjected to episiotomy in

cases with post partum urinary retention of 45

people (69.2%), whereas in the control group

the most did not do episiotomy amounted to

34 people (52.3%). Chi Square test results

show p = 0.013 means there is a significant

relationship between episiotomy with post

partum urine retention incident in RSUD dr.

H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas

2015-2016 with the value of OR (Odds Ratio)

2,47 means that mother done episiotomy at

risk 2,47 times experiencing post partum


Relationship of the Perineum Rupture with

Retensio Postpartum Urine Occurrence

Table 4 Relationship of Perineum Rupture with Retensio

Postal Urine Post Occurrence in RSUD Dr. H.

Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas Year 2015-




Kasus Kontrol Jumlah

n % n % N %

Ya 59 90,8 47 72,3 106 81,5

Tidak 6 9,2 18 27,7 24 18,5

Jumlah 65 100 65 100 130 100

Chi Square p = 0,007 α = 0,05 p < α

Odds Ratio OR = 3,766 (1,385 – 10,239)

Respondents who experienced rupture

perineum in the case were 59 people (90.8%),

while the control group that experienced

rupture perineum amounted to 47 people

(72.3%). Chi Square test results show p =

0.007 means there is a significant relationship

between perineum rupture with post partum

urinary retention incident in RSUD dr. H.

Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas 2015-

2016 with OR (Odds Ratio) 3,77 means that

mothers who have perineal rupture are at risk

3,77 times have post partum urine retention.

Relation Type of Labor with Retensio Post

Urum Part Event

Table 5.Relationship Type of Labor with Retensio

Postpartum Post Urinary Event in RSUD dr H.

Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas Year 2015-


Jenis Persalinan Kasus Kontrol Jumlah

n % n % n %

Normal 46 70,8 38 58,5 84 64,6

Vakum Ektraksi 13 20 9 13,8 22 16,9

Seksio Sesarea 6 9,2 18 27,7 24 18,5

Total 65 100 65 100 130 100

Chi Square p = 0,024 α = 0,05 p < α

The highest number of childbirth in the case

group was normal delivery (46,7%), while in

the control group was 38% (58,5%). Chi

Square test results show p = 0.024 then p <α,

means there is a significant relationship

between the type of labor with postpartum

urinary retention incident in RSUD dr. H.

Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas in


Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6



1. Episiotomy

Episiotomy is often performed in

hospitals dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo

Kuala Kapuas due to rigid perineal reason

& accelerate labor process. In addition, an

episiotomy is performed for labor that

needs action, whereas the episiotomy is

not maternal cesarean section and the

mother with elastic perineum14


This is done to shorten the time in pushing

the baby out so as to prevent the

suppression of the baby's old head in the

bladder. Episiotomy is performed on the

indications of fetal distress and vaginal

delivery with complications2.

Episiotomy has a significant

relationship with maternal age, primipara,

fetal distress & second stage of the second

2. Perineal rupture

The number of postpartum women

who have rupture of the perineum caused

by almost all labor vaginally will certainly

cause rupture, but the rupture that occurs

differently is due to the episiotomy that

also occurs spontaneously. This rupture

can occur due to factors during labor such

as how to mistake the wrong mother, big

baby, elastic muscle of the perineum and

from the factor of the wrong helper in

making arrest on the perineum, whereas

that does not experience rupture perineum

because at the time of delivery by way

seksio sesarea10


Rupture of the perineum may be

affected by several factors, namely

maternal factors such as precipitate partus,

incorrect way of casting, parity, perineal

scarring, labor with action9.

3. Type of Labor

The most common childbirth is

normal delivery because medical

personnel at RSUD dr. H Soermarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas always

strives and strongly encourages the

mother to give birth normally which is the

most ideal childbirth. Normal delivery

occurs in an unpublished, induced, single

(fetal) pregnancy with anterior rear and

head presentation, excluding

complications, normal birth placenta,

normal infant, while for cesarean section

and vacuum extraction is avoided as much

as possible because it has more risks for

both mother and baby, except for certain


Older stage II mothers, having

compensated cardiac disease, fibrotic lung

disease and tired fatigue require

immediate labor by using vacuum

extraction, while mothers with a history of

SC, placenta previa, placental abruption

and abnormal fetal location require

delivery with cesarean section10


Normal birth is more ideal for

minimizing the complications, the

artificial birth (cesarean section & vacuum

extraction) is done on a particular


Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


4. Relationship Episiotomy with Retensio

Post Partum

Particular Event Episiotomy can

affect the occurrence of urinary retention.

Postpartum mother who performed

episiotomy in RSUD dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas after

childbirth mostly holds the BAK out of

fear and burning if the mother is BAK. In

addition, the fear of walking to the toilet

made Mother hold her urination as well.

Urinary retention occurs as a result of

episiotomy incision pain causing urinary

inhibition effects and resulting in a

burning sensation that decreases or alters

urinary reflexes. Episiotomy is one of the

risk factors causing urinary retention due

to decreased reflexes in the urethra with

statistical test results p = 0.0223,18


5. Relationship of the Perineum Rupture

with Retensio Postpartum Urine


Similarly, episiotomy, perineal rupture

performed can affect the occurrence of

urinary retention. Postpartum mother who

has rupture perineum in dr. H. Soemarno

Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas after

childbirth mostly hold BAK because of

the pain around the perineum area. In

addition, the perineal rupture that occurs

can be up to the bladder detrusor muscle

area thus decreasing urinary reflexes after


Urinary retention occurs as a result of

rupture of the perineum causing urinary

inhibition effects and causing a seizure

bladder. This study is also in line with a

study by Cavkaytar which states that

perineal rupture is one of the risk factors

that cause urinary retention caused by

decreased reflexes in the urethra with

statistical test results p = 0.001. However,

it is not in line with Pangadongan research

which states that there is no correlation of

perineal wound with postapital urinary

retention incident with statistical results p

= 0,2363,18


6. Relationship Type of Labor with Retensio

Post Urum Particle Event

The type of labor chosen by the puerperal

mother may also affect the occurrence of

urinary retention. Postpartum mother who

chooses delivery normally in RSUD dr. H.

Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas

will result in urinary retention due to long

fetal head arrest in the bladder detrusor

muscle. Postpartum women who choose

vacuum extraction may also result in

urinary retention as well as normal labor

because the second stage of the second

makes the fetal head suppress the bladder

so as to decrease the desire for the BAK.

In addition, cesarean section delivery may

also cause urinary retention due to the use

of epidural anesthesia which may decrease

bladder sensitivity to intravesical fluid


Postoperative and postpartum patients

constitute the most part causing acute

urinary retention. Urinary retention occurs

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


as a result of bladder trauma and

secondary edema due to surgery or

obstetrics, epidural anesthesia, narcotic

drugs, stretching or trauma of the pelvic

nerves. There is a long-term type of labor

relationship with the incidence of post-

saline urinary retention. The most

common type of labor in Zebrine studies

is the type of perabdominal labor18,20



From the results that have been done it

can be concluded that there is a relationship

between episiotomy, perineum rupture and

type of delivery with post partum urinary

retention incident in RSUD dr. H. Soemarno

Sastroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas in 2015 - 2016.


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