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Actuator Networks for Navigating anUnmonitored Mobile Robot∗

Jeremy Schiff§, Anand Kulkarni†, Danny Bazo§, Vincent Duindam§,Ron Alterovitz§, Dezhen Song‡, Ken Goldberg§†

§ Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770, USA† Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1777, USA

‡ Dept. of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77843-3112, USA{jschiff|anandk|dbazo|vincentd|ronalt|goldberg}, [email protected]

Abstract—Building on recent work in sensor-actuator networksand distributed manipulation, we consider the use of pure actu-ator networks for localization-free robotic navigation. We showhow an actuator network can be used to guide an unobservedrobot to a desired location in space and introduce an algorithmto calculate optimal actuation patterns for such a network. Setsof actuators are sequentially activated to induce a series of staticpotential fields that robustly drive the robot from a start toan end location under movement uncertainty. Our algorithmconstructs a roadmap with probability-weighted edges based onmotion uncertainty models and identifies an actuation patternthat maximizes the probability of successfully guiding the robotto its goal.

Simulations of the algorithm show that an actuator networkcan robustly guide robots with various uncertainty modelsthrough a two-dimensional space. We experiment with additiveGaussian Cartesian motion uncertainty models and additiveGaussian polar models. Motion randomly chosen destinationswithin the convex hull of a 10-actuator network succeeds withwith up to 93.4% probability. For n actuators, and m samplesper transition edge in our roadmap, our runtime is O(mn6).

Keywords: Sensor Networks, Actuator Networks, RoboticNavigation, Potential Fields, Motion Planning


As robots become smaller and simpler and are deployed inincreasingly inaccessible environments, we need techniquesfor accurately guiding robots in the absence of localization byexternal observation. We explore the problem of observation-and localization-free guidance in the context of actuatornetworks, distributed networks of active beacons that imposeguiding forces on an unobserved robot.

In contrast to sensor networks, which passively observetheir environment, actuator networks actively induce a physicaleffect that influences the movement of mobile elements withintheir environment. Examples include light beacons guiding

*This research is supported in part by NSF CISE Award: Collabo-rative Observatories for Natural Environments (Goldberg 0535218, Song0534848), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), NIH(F32CA124138), by NSF Science and Technology Center: TRUST, Team forResearch in Ubiquitous Secure Technologies, with additional support fromCisco, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Symmantec, Telecom Italia and UnitedTechnologies, and by the AFOSR Human Centric Design Environments forCommand and Control Systems: The C2 Wind Tunnel, under the Partnershipfor Research Excellence and Transitions (PRET) in Human Systems Interac-tion.

Fig. 1. An actuator network with sequentially activated actuators triplets(shown as squares) driving a mobile robot toward an end location. The robotis guided by creating locally convex potential fields with minima at waypoints(marked by ×s).

a robot with an omni-directional camera through the dark,electric fields moving a charged nano-robot through a fluidwithin a biological system, and radio transmitters on sensormotes guiding a robot with a single receiver. We consider anetwork of beacons which exert a repellent force on a movingelement. This repellent effect models many systems for whichpurely attractive models for beacon-assisted navigation arenot realistic or practical. The repulsive effect of an actuatornetwork permits the guided element to pass through specificpoints in the interior of a region while avoiding contact withthe actuators themselves, unlike traditional attractive modelsfor beacon-assisted navigation. Due to their simple structure,actuators can be low-cost, wireless, and in certain applicationslow-power.

In this paper, we consider a specific application of actuatornetworks: guiding a simple mobile robot with limited sensingability, unreliable motion, and no localization capabilities. Amotivating scenario for such a system emerges from the poten-tial use of low-cost robots in hazardous-waste monitoring andcleanup applications, such as the interior of a waste processingmachine, nuclear reactor, or linear accelerator. Robots in theseapplications must execute cleanup and monitoring operations

in dangerous, contaminated areas where, for safety or practicalreasons, it is impossible to place human observers or cameras,or to precisely place traditional navigational waypoints. Inthis scenario, an actuator network of radio or light beaconsmay be semi-randomly scattered throughout the region to aidin directing the robot from location to location through theregion. By shifting responsibility for navigation to a networkof actuators which directs a passive robot, smaller and morecost-effective robots may be used in these applications.

We consider the 2D case, where the actuator network con-sists of beacons at different locations in a planar environment.The actuator network is managed by control software thatdoes not know the position of the robot, but it is aware ofthe positions of all of the actuators. Such software may beeither external to the system, or distributed across the actuatorsthemselves, as in the case of a sensor network. We assumeonly that the robot’s sensor is able to detect and respondconsistently to the strength and direction of each actuationsignal. Such a general framework accurately represents awide variety of real-world systems in use today involvingdeployed navigational beacons, while significantly reducingthe technical requirements for both the beacons and the robots.

We present an algorithm that sequentially switches betweensets of actuators to guide a robot through a planar workspacetowards an end location as shown in Figure 1. Using three non-collinear actuators, each one generating a repellent force fieldwith intensity falling off inversely proportional to the squareof the distance, we generate potential fields that drive the robotfrom any position within the convex hull of the actuators toa specific position within the interior of the triangle formedby the actuators (the local minimum of the potential field).The optimal sequence of potential fields to move the robotto a specific point within the interior of the workspace isdetermined using a roadmap that incorporates the possiblepotential fields as well as uncertainty in the transition model ofthe robot. Despite this uncertainty and the absence of positionmeasurement, the locally convex nature of potential fieldsensures that the robot stays on track. We present results fromsimulated actuator networks of small numbers of beacons inwhich a robot is successfully guided between randomly chosenlocations under varying models of motion uncertainty. Withas few as 10 actuators in a randomly-placed actuator network,our algorithm is able to steer a robot between two randomlyselected positions with probability 93.4% under motion un-certainty of 0.2% standard deviation Gaussian Polar motionuncertainty (perturbing the robot’s magnitude and angle withadditive Gaussian motion uncertainty).


There is a long history of investigation into the charac-teristics of potential fields induced by physical phenomenaand how objects are affected by these fields. Some of theearliest work, related to the study of gravitational, electric andmagnetic fields, as well as topological properties of such fields,was pioneered by Newton, Gauss, Laplace, Lagrange, Faraday,and Maxwell [1], [2].

Potential functions for robotic navigation have been studiedextensively as tools for determining a virtual field which arobotic element can follow to an end location while avoidingobstacles. See Choset et al. [3] for an in-depth discussion.Khatib proposed a model where an end location is representedas an attractor, obstacles are represented as repulsers, and theoverall field is determined by the superposition of these fields[4], [5]. While these fields are typically referred to as potentialfields, they are actually treated as vector fields that provide thedesired velocity vector for the robot at any location in space.While moving, the robot performs simple gradient descent onthis space. Motion planning requires defining attractive andrepulsive fields such that the robot will always settle at a localminimum created at the end location. Several extensions existto this classical approach, for example to prevent the robotfrom getting stuck at a local minimum [6] and to deal withmoving obstacles [7], [5].

Rimon and Koditschek addressed this problem by determin-ing the attractive and repulsive potential functions necessaryto guarantee unique minima [8]. They accomplished this bydefining functions over a “sphere world” where the entirespace and all obstacles were restricted to be n-dimensionalspheres. They discovered a mapping from this solution to othertypes of worlds such as “star-shaped worlds”, allowing fora general solution to this problem. Connolly et al. [6] useharmonic functions in the repulsive and attractive functions toavoid local minima. In our work, we also address the problemof local minima, but are restricted in our choice of potentialfunctions.

Whereas past research has treated modeling a robot’s en-vironment and guidance instructions as an arbitrary virtualpotential function, our work considers a network of actuatorswhich emit signals from given, fixed positions and explicitlymodels physical phenomena. In our formulation, these actu-ators are the sole contributors to the potential field, ratherthan the environment or guidance information. In addition,the potential fields in our algorithm transition at discrete timesteps, and problems related to local minima are avoided bysteering the robot through waypoints, rather than directly fromstart to end location.

The concept of distributed actuation has been studied invarious contexts. Li et al. [9] examined how to directly applypotential functions in a distributed fashion over sensor net-works, focusing on formulating the algorithm in a distributedmanner. Pimenta et al. [10] addressed the robot navigationproblem by defining force vectors at the nodes of a graph.They assume, however, that nodes can be arbitrarily added tothe graph, contrary to our problem formulation in which theactuators are provided as input and are fixed. Finally, researchin distributed manipulation has examined how to leveragemany actuators to perform coordinated manipulation, focusingprimarily on the use of vibratory fields to place and orient parts[11], [12], [13], [14], [15].

To actively construct potential fields to steer a mobile robotsubject to uncertainty in motion and sensing, we build onprevious results in motion planning under uncertainty [16].

Motion planners using grid-based numerical methods andgeometric analysis have been applied to robots with motionand sensing uncertainty using cost-based objectives and worst-case analysis [17], [18], [16]. Markov Decision Processes havebeen applied to motion planning with uncertainty in motion,but these methods generally require state sensing and are notdirectly applicable to actuator networks [19], [20], [21], [16].

In this paper, we consider a hybrid sensing uncertaintymodel: the actuator network cannot sense the mobile robotbut the mobile robot can sense the potential field. Lazanasand Latombe proposed a landmark-based approach in whichthe robot has improved sensing and actuation inside landmarkregions, reducing the complexity of the motion planningproblem to moving between these regions [22]. An actuatorin an actuator network can be viewed as a generalizationof a landmark that can be controlled and can exert influ-ence over the mobile robot at arbitrary distances. As withsensing uncertainty, this paper considers a hybrid actuationuncertainty model: the actuator network generates a precisepotential field with no uncertainty while the mobile robotis subject to uncertainty in its motion. To address motionuncertainty, Alterovitz et al. introduced the Stochastic MotionRoadmap (SMR), a sampling-based method that explicitlyconsiders models of motion uncertainty to compute actionsthat maximize the probability that a robot will reach an endlocation [21]. As in SMR, we use the objective of maximizingprobability of success over a roadmap. But unlike SMR, whichassumes perfect sensing, the maximum probability path for anactuator network must be computed before plan execution isbegun since sensing feedback is not available.


A. Assumptions

We consider the control of a single mobile robot in aplanar environment, influenced by an actuator network. Then actuators are located at known positions xi ∈ R2. Eachactuator can be controlled independently to produce a signalwith piece-wise constant amplitude ai(t) ≥ 0. Each actuatorgenerates a radially symmetric potential field Ui of the form

Ui(x) =ai

|x− xi|(1)

The direction and magnitude of the gradient of this field canbe observed from any location x ∈ R2 and are given by thevector field Fi

Fi(x) =∂Ui

∂x= −ai(x− xi)

|x− xi|3(2)

i.e. the signal strength |Fi(x)| is inversely proportional tothe square of the distance to the actuator, as is common forphysical signals.

The aim of the actuator network is to guide a mobilerobot along the direction of steepest descent of the combinedpotential field U(x) =

∑i Ui(x). The position of the robot

as a function of time is denoted by p(t) ∈ R2, and the robotis assumed to have sufficient local control to be able to move

approximately in a given direction vector v (relative to its owncoordinate frame). The desired motion direction v is equal tothe direction of steepest descent of the combined potential fieldU and is hence given by the vector sum

v = −∑


Fi(x) =∑


ai(x− xi)|x− xi|3


Under this control strategy, each of the actuators serveseffectively as a “robot repulser”, causing the robot’s directionof motion to be determined by the total combined force fromall actuators. We only assume that the robot can continu-ously measure the direction and strength of the superimposedactuator signals. In particular, no global position sensors orodometry is required. Its motion is described by a generalmodel p = R(v), which may include stochastic componentsto represent sensor and actuator uncertainty, or general un-certainty in movement across the workspace due to viscosityin a fluid environment, uneven terrain causing wheel slip, orsimply unreliability in the robot’s design.

The design of a suitable sensor for the robot to measurethe actuator signals depends on the type of actuation used.For light-based actuation, one could use an omni-directionalcamera. Each actuator signal from a certain direction causesa specific spot in the image to light up with a brightnessdepending on the actuator strength and distance. The desiredmotion vector v can then be computed simply by adding theforce directions corresponding to all image pixels, weightedby their brightness.

A centralized controller is assumed to know the location ofthe actuators and to be able to control the actuator amplitudesin a time-discrete manner. It does not have other sensing infor-mation; in particular, it cannot measure the robot’s position.

B. Inputs and Output

The inputs of the control algorithm are the initial locationp0 = p(0) ∈ R2, the end location pe ∈ R2 of the robot, andthe locations of each actuator xi ∈ R2. The actuator locationscan either be determined a priori, or via some localizationscheme. The key aspect is that the actuators will not observeor track the robot.

The proposed algorithm returns a sequence of actuatoramplitudes {ai(tj)} at discrete time instants tj that maximizesthe probability that the robot successfully moves from the startlocation p0 to the end location pe. If no path from p0 tope can be found, the algorithm returns the empty sequence.Each set of amplitudes contains exactly three nonzero valuescorresponding to a particular triangle of actuators and anassociated start and destination location. The use of onlythree actuators at a time has the advantage of simplifyingthe analysis of the system and potentially reducing powerconsumption of the network by limiting the number of activeactuators at any time. To conserve power, all idle actuatorscan go into a low-power state. Each time instance is separatedby a sufficiently large duration that a robot starting at theassociated start location will by this time either have migratedto the associated target location moving at minimum velocity

or will be outside the actuator triangle and get progressivelyfarther away. This time is determined by the minimum speedof the robot.

C. Motion Uncertainty

To investigate the utility of actuator networks in steeringrobots with uncertain motion, we considered two uncertaintymodels R(v): one using additive random Gaussian noise on therobot’s Cartesian coordinates, and one using additive randomGaussian noise on the robot’s polar coordinates. In otherwords, the Cartesian motion uncertainty model describes theuncertain motion of the robot as[



]= p = R(v) =

[N(vx, σ


N(vy, σ

2)] (4)

while the polar motion uncertainty model is given by[px


]= p = R(v) =

[r cos(θ)r sin(θ)


where r and θ are drawn from Gaussian distributions as

r = N(|v|, σ2

)θ = N

(atan2(vy, vx),




To solve the problem of finding a valid actuation sequence(if one exists), the algorithm first generates all possible


)triangles that can be formed using the n actuators. Then,it computes the incenters of these triangles (as discussed inSection IV-A) to be used as local minima of the potentialfields. These incenters define the vertices in a graph, and thenext step of the algorithm is to determine the weights of allpossible edges between the vertices. We define the weightof an edge to be the probability that the robot successfullynavigates from one vertex to the other, as defined by the robotmotion model R(v). The resulting graph defines a roadmapfor the robot, and the last step of the algorithm is to insert thestart and end locations into the roadmap and determine the pathbetween them that maximizes the probability of successfullyreaching the end location.

A. Local control using actuators triplets

The following assumes the actuators we choose are notcollinear. Consider a potential field U generated by an ac-tuators triplet i, j, and k (and all the other actuators inthe network set to zero amplitude). If the amplitudes of theactuator triplet is strictly positive, the potential field will have alocal minimum at some point inside the triangle. This locationis called the waypoint of the potential field. In our globalalgorithm, we may traverse many waypoints to get from thestart to the end location. The final waypoint is defined to bethe end location. For a given triangle structure, we definethe feasible region as the set of locations that can be madewaypoints, that is, local minima of the potential field. Thefeasible region is clearly strictly smaller than the triangledefined by the active actuators.

For a given waypoint x, C(x) is the capture region of awaypoint as the set of all points x ∈ R2 such that, when

Fig. 2. Examples of two different triangles and three different waypoints(denoted as circles) and their capture regions (shaded areas) for both triangles.The incenter of each triangle is marked with a ’+’.

Fig. 3. Example of a triangle with its incenter.

following the direction of steepest descent from x, one willeventually arrive at x. Some examples of capture regions forvarious triangles and waypoints are given in Figure 2.

For a point x to be a local minimum of the potential field,the gradient ∂U

∂x at x should be zero, and the Hessian matrix∂2U∂x2 should be positive definite. This means that the actuatoramplitudes ai, aj , ak > 0 must be chosen such that


∂x(x) =







= 0 (6)

The space of ai satisfying Equation 6 is a one-dimensionalvector space, but since both Equation 6 and the signature ofthe Hessian are scale invariant, checking whether x is in thefeasible region reduces to 1) checking whether the elementsof any solution vector ai of Equation 6 have equal sign (allpositive or all negative), and if so 2) checking whether for achoice of positive ai the Hessian at x is positive definite.

In the global control law described in the following section,we choose a specific point in each triangle to be the waypoint,namely the incenter. The incenter of a triangle is the centerof its inscribed circle, or equivalently, the intersection of thethree angle bisectors of the triangle’s vertices (Figure 3).In extensive simulation of many different triangles shapes,the incenter was always found to be in the feasible region,and when chosen as the waypoint, the capture region of theincenter was found to generally be larger than other centers,including the centroid. While the incenter has performed well,other ways of determining waypoints can be considered. Aformal proof of these favorable properties of the incenter isthe subject of future work.

Algorithm 1 The Actuator Network Algorithm1: triangles ← computeTriangles(actuatorLocations)2: vertices ← computeIncenterLocations(triangles)3: graph ← computeEdgeWeights(vertices)4: path ← computePath(startVertex, endVertex, graph)

B. Global control using switching potential field

To extend the previously described static local control lawfrom an actuator triplet to a full actuator network, we define aroadmap that robustly guides the robot from its start location,via the incenters of successive triangles defined by actuatortriplets in the network, to its end location. The steps in thealgorithm are as follows (Algorithm 1):

1) Compute all(n3

)triangles that can be generated by the

n actuators in the network.2) Compute the incenters of the triangles and designate

these incenters as vertices in a graph.3) For every pair of vertices (v1, v2) in the graph, add a

directed edge from v1 to v2 if v1 is in the capture regionof the potential field with local minimum at v2. Use therobot motion model R(v) to compute the probabilityP (v2|v1) that the robot moves from v1 to v2 in thispotential field. Set the edge weight to be the negativelog of this probability: − logP (v2|v1).

4) The weighted graph forms a roadmap for the robot. Addthe start location and end location to the graph andrun Dijkstra’s algorithm [16] to obtain the optimal pathfrom start to goal, or, if no such path exists, the emptysequence.

The resulting shortest path is a sequence {vi} of vertices, or,with the exception of the start and end location, a sequenceof incenters. We can robustly drive the robot from incenterto incenter by successively switching the amplitudes such thatthe next incenter vi+1 in the path becomes the new waypoint.Since the point vi is in the capture region of vi+1, the robotwill be driven to the end location. Even though no positionsensing mechanism for the robot is used, and even though therobot model contains stochastic components, the convergentnature of the potential fields will ensure that the positionmotion uncertainty does not grow unbounded. As long as theactuators do not move, step 4 can be repeated using the sameroadmap to solve multiple queries for different start and endlocations.

C. Computational Complexity

In step 1 with n actuators, we explore O(n3) triangles. Forstep 2, it takes O(1) time to compute an incenter location andassociated actuator amplitudes, thus it takes O(n3) to completethis step. For step 3 with m rejection samples per edge, thereis an edge for each pair of incenters, thus this step will takeO(mn6). For step 4, there are O(n3) vertices and O(n6)edges. Because Dijkstra’s algorithm takes O(|E|+|V | log |V |),step 4 takes O(n6). Thus, the total runtime is O(mn6).

While this result is polynomial in m and n, for certain appli-cations requiring very fast construction of actuation strategiesfor very large actuator networks, it may be desirable to furtherreduce this runtime. The most immediate way to reduce theruntime is to not consider all possible


)triangles. Instead,

we can modify step 1 in Section IV-B only use triangles ofreasonable size (not too small or too large) or discard trianglesfor which the capture region is fully contained in the captureregion of other triangles.

It is also important to note that the computation of theroadmap is an offline procedure that must be carried out onlyonce during the preparation of the roadmap for a given actuatornetwork. In addition, many implementations of an actuatornetwork may self-correct for an increased number of actuatorsby providing additional resources for computation along witheach actuator. The (notably parallel) problem of computingedge weights could be solved using distributed computationacross the computation elements.

D. Implementation aspects

To compute the motion probabilities for the edge weightsin step 3 of the algorithm, we perform rejection samplingwith m samples. For an edge from v1 to v2, we computethe robot motion from v1 by integrating the robot velocityR(v) using Euler integration. If, after a certain integrationinterval τ the robot is within some small distance ε of v2,we consider the motion successful, and failure otherwise.Thus, each edge’s weight is determined by the percentage ofsuccessful transitions from v1 to v2. Valid values for ε dependon the specific robot’s size relative to the workspace andsensitivity to motion uncertainty, while τ depends strictly onthe size of the region and the natural velocity of the robot. Forinstance, τ may be defined as the maximum amount of timerequired for a robot to move linearly between any two pointsin the planar region at its minimum velocity with no motionuncertainty, and ε may be set to 1% of the minimum distancebetween any two actuators. Tighter bounds are possible forfaster movement. Even though v1 may be in the capture regionof v2, sensor and actuator uncertainty (as captured by R(v))can cause the robot to move temporarily outside the captureregion, after which it will diverge and not succeed in reachingthe current waypoint. The probability of success is determinedby the fraction of the samples that successfully reach thewaypoint.

The weights of the edges are taken to be the negativelogarithm of the probability of success. The probability ofsuccessfully reaching the end location along a certain path isequal to the product of the probabilities of successfully movingalong the edges of the path. Since multiplying probabilities Pi

is equivalent to adding log-probabilities logPi, maximizing theprobability of success along a path is equivalent to minimizingthe sum of the negative logs of the probabilities along a path.Thus, we can efficiently compute the path with the maximumprobability by using Dijkstra’s algorithm from p0 to pe usingthe negative log of the probability at each edge.

Fig. 4. Simulation result averaging over 100 trials of an actuator networkand 100 start-end location pairs, with n = 5 . . . 10 actuators and twoplacement strategies: border placement and interior placement. Results foreach are shown with start and end locations chosen randomly across the entireworkspace or only within the convex hull of the actuators. These simulationsused 0.01 standard deviation polar motion uncertainty.


All simulation experiments were implemented in Matlaband executed on PCs with a 2.0GHz Intel processor and 2GBof RAM.

We fixed the workspace to be 5 × 5 units, and usedm = 10 rejection samples. We explored the algorithm’seffectiveness under a variety of actuator location distributions(Section V-A) and motion uncertainty models (Section V-B).For every choice of actuator network and robot uncertaintymodel, we randomly chose k = 100 start and end locations inthe workspace, computed the optimal paths using Algorithm 1,and simulated the motion of the robot in the actuator network.

For a given actuator network topology, we compute theaverage probability of the robot successfully traveling froma random start location to a random end location.

A. Varying Actuator Placement

We randomly placed n ∈ {5, . . . , 10} actuators throughoutthe workspace according to two distribution models. In thebordered distribution strategy, each actuator was placed ata location chosen uniformly at random on the border ofthe workspace. In the interior distribution strategy, actuatorswere scattered uniformly at random throughout the entireworkspace. For each actuator placement model and for eachpossible number of actuators from 5 to 10, 100 randomactuator geometries were produced. The robot motion modelwas set to have zero motion uncertainty and a probabilisticroadmap was constructed according to the above algorithm.

The results are shown in Figure 4. We examine the twocases where 1) the start and end locations are within theconvex hull of the actuators and 2) the start and end locationsare anywhere in the workspace. In the first case, the datasuggests that the border selection strategy performs just aswell as the interior selection strategy. Because the convex-hulleliminates start/end locations that are outside the convex hull

and therefore impossible to reach, we can see that there isno robustness advantage for one method over another. As thealgorithm performs comparably in the convex-hull restrictedtest, the border-selection method is better in the full-workspaceexperiment, because on average, its convex hull will cover alarger area, which in turn means more start/end locations willbe reachable.

As would be expected, increasing the number of actuatorsincreases the probability of success with the workspace model.We can see that the probability of success also improves aswe increase actuators for the convex-hull method. We discussthis property further in Section V-B.

The simulation results suggest lower bounds on the effec-tiveness of smart actuator placement strategies. Better resultscan be obtained by (deterministically) optimizing the place-ment of actuators to 1) maximize the area of the workspacethat falls into the capture region of at least one triangle, and 2)maximize the connectivity between points in the workspace,particularly when likely start and end locations are knownin advance. Such an optimal-placement algorithm will be thesubject of future research.

B. Varying Motion Uncertainty

For networks of n ∈ {5, . . . , 10} actuators, we examinedhow the probability of successful completion varied for boththe Cartesian motion uncertainty model described in Equa-tion 4 and the polar motion uncertainty model described inEquation 5. We experiment with different errors (standarddeviations σ ∈ {0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2}). The results are sum-marized in Figure 5, and Figure 6 shows an example of theroadmap generated by the algorithm.

The figure shows that increasing the motion uncertaintywill result in reduced probability of success, for both motionuncertainty models and any number of actuators. Under largemotion uncertainty, the robot is more likely to drift outsidethe capture region, resulting in failure to reach the nextwaypoint and hence to successfully complete the path to theend location.

Because these examples are only of start/end locationswithin the convex hull, adding actuators has two effects. As weincrease the number of actuators, the area of the convex hullwill become larger, which means that the average path lengthbetween start/end goals in the convex hull increases, makingthe effects of the motion uncertainty more significant. Moreactuators also means more flexibility in the number of paths,due to an increased number of incenters and overlapping trian-gles. As we increase the number of actuators, the incrementaladdition to the convex hull will decrease, and the number ofadditional waypoints will grow quadratically with the numberof new actuators. Thus, for larger motion uncertainty models,the probability of success first decreases and then increases.This effect is more extreme depending on how significant themotion uncertainty is.

For 10 actuators, standard deviations of 0.0, 0.01, 0.05,0.1, and 0.2, and Cartesian motion uncertainty, the averageprobabilities of success are 94.5%, 93.4%, 82.5%, 49.6%, and

(a) Average success rate under Cartesian motion uncertainty.

(b) Average success rate under polar motion uncertainty.

Fig. 5. Comparison of the results of varying Gaussian motion uncertainty fora fixed set of actuator locations under two motion uncertainty models, withstart and end locations chosen within the convex hull of the actuators.

19.8%. For Polar motion uncertainty, the average probabilitiesof success are 93.3%, 91.0%, 49.8%, 32.4%, and 12.2%.


We consider the problem of localization-free guidance of arobot using an actuator network of beacons for use in steeringsimple, low-cost robots. The Actuator Networks system andalgorithm steer unmonitored robots between points using anexternal network of actuators and a probabilistic roadmap. Ouralgorithm was able to produce relatively high probabilities ofsuccessful navigation between randomly-selected points evenin the presence of motion uncertainty.

The low number of actuators necessary for successfulsteering in our technique has important consequences for therobustness of these methods in practice. An inexpensive way toguarantee continuous operation of an actuator network is to usemore than the minimum number of actuators required for high-probability performance; as an example, with 20 actuatorsunder border placement and 1% Cartesian motion uncertainty,even if half of the actuators eventually fail, the probability ofcompletion would not drop significantly.

(a) Triangles and corresponding in-centers (denoted ∗) generated from 8randomly placed actuators.

(b) Roadmap showing edges betweenincenters and an example path (thickline) through the network.

Fig. 6. Example of a simulation of the actuator-networks algorithm with n =8 actuators and Cartesian motion uncertainty with σ = 0.01. The actuatorsare placed randomly on the border of a square workspace, the incenters ofall possible triangles between them form vertices in a roadmap with edgescontaining the probability of successful transition by activation of an actuatortriplet.

We plan to explore several extensions in future work. Thetechnique of actuator networks can be extended to considerobstacles in the workspace. An obstacle can affect an ActuatorNetwork in three ways: (1) the obstacle restricts the motion ofthe mobile robot in the workspace, (2) the obstacle blocks thesignal from an actuator, and (3) the obstacle causes multi-patheffects as the signals from the actuators reflect off the obsta-cles. To model case 1, we can represent obstacles implicitlyin the graph via the edge weights encoding transition successprobabilities. As discussed in Sec. IV-D, we estimate theprobability P (v2|v1) of successfully moving from vertex v1to vertex v2 by simulating the robot’s motion as it follows thegradient of the signal generated by the actuators. If the mobilerobot’s motion intersects an obstacle during a simulation, wedetermine that a failure has occurred in our rejection samplingstep. For case 2, we can modify the simulation so the gradientused by the mobile robot does not include signal from aparticular actuator if a line segment between that actuator andthe mobile robot’s current location intersects an obstacle. Sincethe probability of success for edges in the graph will decreasewhen obstacles are present, the number of actuators necessaryin order to find a feasible plan will increase. Case 3 is knownto be difficult to model effectively, and is a significant problemfor certain domains such as RSSI localization. As future work,we can also evaluate how different multi-path models willaffect the robot by including this in the determination of theedge-weights in a similar fashion as case 2.

We would also like to explore the alternative problem ofdesigning an algorithm for placement of actuators.


We thank the members of the UC Berkeley AutomationSciences Lab for their feedback and support, including partic-ularly helpful contributions from Ephrat Bitton, Jijie Xu, andMenasheh Fogel. We also thank Claire Tomlin, and ShankarSastry for their support.


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