Download - Act 3 scene 2


SiMania Admods: The Musical!

Act Three, Scene Two You're the One that I WantWritten by: ilovereecee

Hello and welcome back to SiMania Admods: The Musical! Act 3, Scene 2 You're the One that I Want. This is the second chapter written by me, ilovereecee/Katie. I have had a lot of fun playing this generation since we finally get to see who Rolfe chooses for his bride, their marriage and start of their life together!But before we can get to that, we need to check in with the spares, so I hope you can hold your anticipation just a minute longer ;)

First up is the oldest of the third generation, Friedrich! He has just completed his lifetime want to become General in the military field. Yay Friedrich :)

Friedrich and his wife Marisa love to entertain guests! So any little accomplishment is a great reason for a party. Thus, Friedrich's LTW completion leads to dinner with the family, dancing and even some bubble blowing in their condo.

Friedrich and Marisa opted out of having children, but they do have lots of nephews! Twin sister to Friedrich is Lisel. She has three boys with her husband Matthew Hart. They've done some growing up since you saw them last. Calhoun is now a teenager, Sonny and Kenickie are children.

Liesl is a knowledge aspiration and has the want for her children to be accepted into private school. So the Headmaster is invited over for dinner and a tour of the home. The family scored 90/90 points and the three boys are accepted!

Here's a picture of the whole family together. Liesl and Matthew's genes mixed a little oddly, but I don't think the boys turned out too bad! Let's move on over to Brigitta's home and see what's going on there!

Bri and her husband Chuck have twin boys named Eugene and Rizzo. Chuck has been hankering for another baby since the boys were toddlers, but Brigitta has other plans in mind as you can tell by her face lol! Two active boys are enough for her!

Eugene and Rizzo couldn't look any less like twins if they tried. Eugene, on the right, takes after his father. Rizzo got an odd mix of genes and looks like neither of his parents really! And now let's head on over to Kurt's house to see how he and Ashlee are doing.

After their wedding, Kurt and Ashlee decided to buy their own home. They got a nice little two bedroom bungalow together. It's a good thing they got a place of their own, too! They're now expecting their first baby together.

Ashlee's pregnancy resulted in twins! She had two girls, yay for girls! I thought this entire generation was going to be made up of all boys!The girls are named Patty and Sandra Dee!

Sandra Dee is named after a song that Rizzo sings making fun of Sandy Olsen for being such a goody-goody.

Patty is named after Patty Simcox, the first girl that Sandy Olsen befriends at Rydell High. Sandy likes her a lot, but the Pink Ladies (Sandy's eventual good friends) make fun of Patty and run her off.

Patty and Sandra Dee are loved and adored as babies and are about to get even more attention now that they are toddlers! Patty has black hair from her Grandpa Mark and Sandra Dee has long brown hair from her parents. Aren't they so cute!?

And I know everyone is anxious to see who Rolfe is going to marry, so let's head back to the main house and see who he as chosen!

In the main legacy home, things are gloomy. If you remember, when we left the family last, Mark Encore, generation two heir, had just passed. His death is still fresh on the minds of his wife Kea and youngest son, and our heir, Rolfe.

Adding insult to injury, the next morning around 11 am, Grim Reaper showed up again! This time he came to collect Bernice, the elder family dog. Kea witnessed Bernice's passing, which I'm sure didn't help her mourning at all.

With all the deaths in the family lately, Rolfe is feeling stressed out! He's currently working toward his second lifetime want to become an education minister. Thankfully, vacation time is tomorrow morning for this family! Rolfe has already booked the hotel for himself, his future spouse and Kea too.

And speaking of Rolfe's future wife, here she is! Marsha Trimble was date number 49/50 1st dates Rolfe needed to complete his first LTW. In the last chapter the potential spouses were narrowed down to Marsha and Brandi. Rolfe went on identical dates with both, and came out with two chemistry bolts for Marsha and one for Brandi. This was the deciding factor on who would be his wife. Now Marsha is all moved in and looking stunning with her makeover!

It's the morning of vacation for our Encore family, plus Marsha Trimble, and everyone is busy preparing for the three day get-away. Kea is still having a hard time with Mark's passing. I'm hoping a vacation is just what she needs to start moving forward.

Rolfe is busy making sure Cha Cha and Leo are bathed, fed and loved before everyone leaves them for the weekend. Marsha is busy getting in a last minute workout for her beach bound body.

It's here! It's here! The cab is finally here! Rolfe, Marsha and Kea are off to their fantasy vacation to Twikki Island for some much needed R&R.

Your nephew Calhoun asked if you would like him to pick up some foundation at the drug store to cover up your blue skin Rolfe. Kea joked over pineapple surprise. He said he'll have it all ready for when we get back home!

That kid is really something else, Mom!---------------------Their first day on vacation was spent at Twikki Beach Boardwalk eating the local cuisine and learning fire dancing!

They also got in some shopping, sand castle building and sun bathing. Well, the ladies sunbathed anyway!

So Marsha is a romance aspiration and it definitely shows! All on vacation Rolfe and Kea want to go on tours, build sandcastles and dig for shells. Marsha wants to woohoo with Rolfe, woohoo in the sauna and woohoo in the hammock. Definitely a romance aspiration!

Well this trip is amazing so far, isn't it!? Rolfe said while sitting by the fire with his two main women.

Definitely! Kea agreed.

Absolutely. Seconded Marsha.

Since we're all having such a good time, Rolfe shifted to one knee, Why don't I just go ahead with the rest of my plans for the evening?

Oh my gosh, Rolfe! Marsha gasped, cupping her mouth.

Will you marry me, Marsha?

Oh Rolfe, of course! Marsha admired her new engagement ring. I thought this night couldn't get better, but oh my gosh! Yes, yes I'll marry you!!

The next morning all Kea wanted to do was soak in the hot springs. So they went to the Ancient Ruins of Numchuck where she could do just that. I think seeing her son propose made Kea miss Mark even more.

I'm so glad you said yes Marsha! Also, I was thinking... what if we went back to the campfire tonight and got married? Let's skip all the planning and stress. We're already here in paradise! It would be perfect.

That sounds perfect, babe. This vacation just keeps getting better and better!

Thankfully, right now Marsha doesn't fear a wedding to Rolfe. So they're going to be married only a day after the proposal to prevent Marsha from going into aspiration failure!

Rolfe and Marsha decided on South End Beach as the perfect wedding destination. Marsha donned a gorgeous short wedding dress, Rolfe a nice suit and Kea a long formal gown.

The wedding was quick and beautiful. The waves lapped at the newlyweds ankles as they said their vows. Finally came the kiss and Marsha became Mrs. Rolfe Encore!

The last day of vacation was spent on the beach after the wedding, then everyone packed their things and headed back home feeling very rested and blissful. Rolfe went back to work immediately and achieved his second lifetime want of becoming Education Minister. Now his third lifetime want is to become a Professional Party Guest.

A feeling of joy isn't the only thing that was brought back from vacation! Marsha brought home a full belly too! All those wants to woohoo paid off on vacation. She is now pregnant with her first child, or judging from how many sets of twins have already been born to Rolfe's siblings, Marsha is more likely pregnant with her first children lol.

Marsha's body does not handle pregnancy very well. At all! She is constantly hungry, tired and has to pee all the time. She sleeps pretty much from sundown to past sun up. By the time her sleep bar is full, all the others are in the dangerous red zone!

Kea doesn't care about Marsha's pregnancy side effects! All she cares about is the grandbaby inside her daughter in law. She's been wanting a new grandchild since Rolfe and Marsha married on the beach.

Marsha was taking a shower when she went into labor. So she hopped out and, naked as a new babe in front of the butler, she gave birth to a little girl!! She is named Sandy :)Her namesake is Sandy Olsen, main character of Grease. She is the new, goody-goody, naive Australian girl in town who falls for the high schools bad-boy Danny Zuko.

When Rolfe got home from working as a free lance photographer, he saw that Marsha was without her usual belly and rushed upstairs to meet his new daughter! Such a good daddy.

Marsha is a primary romance aspiration and has many romance wants, such as: fall in love with two sims, meet someone new and make out with three different sims... Not exactly good wants to have for a new wife and mother, so to help her stay happy I declared her a secondary family aspiration, which helps a little. Also, she and Rolfe go on dates all the time around the home, which keeps them both very happy.

Usually once they get past the usual wants (tell a dirty joke, tickle and slow dance), Marsha's wants turn toward woohoo. She wants to woohoo with Rolfe, she wants to woohoo Rolfe in the car. It skyrockets their date bar and gives Marsha lots of aspiration boost. Win win, in my opinion!

All of us simmers know where lots of woohoo leads! If you said pregnancy, you're right! Marsha is with child again. Last time was difficult enough, but with this pregnancy she got morning sickness as well. Plus being tired and hungry all the time. Here we go again!

Marsha isn't the only one carrying a baby in her belly; after a few tries, Cha Cha and Leo are now expecting their own pups!

With Rolfe working nights and Marsha sleeping through the majority of the day, Kea helps take care of little Sandy as much as needed. Not that she minds, she actually loves cuddling up to her granddaughter. Rolfe is a great help too, once he gets home from work, he always checks up on his sweet baby girl.

For Sandy's birthday celebration, the entire family is invited over. Of course, the children and toddlers stay home with nannies. Before the candles were light, someone turned on the tunes and it wasn't long before a smustle dance off started!

Everyone stopped dancing in time to support baby Sandy however. Once Rolfe brought the little girl up to her cake to blow out the candles, all of her aunts and uncles were cheering and tooting horns in her honor!

Sandy aged into quite the cutie! I was a little worried to see how Rolfe and Marsha's genes would mix together, but their firstborn is gorgeous. She also has a very extreme personality! 10 neat, 10 outgoing, 2 lazy, 10 playful and 1 mean point!

The poor, poor Encores! They can't have a good party without the cops being called, can they!? Once again it looks like one of spares children must have called in a noise complaint. Party poopers!

Marsha, who is very pregnant now, slept through the entire party and half of the next morning! She's turning out to be quite the absent parent in little Sandy's life! Oh well, we'll blame it on the rough pregnancy.

Rolfe is moving up the slacker career ladder very quickly. His third lifetime want is to become a Professional Party Guest. He is now a freelance web designer, so he's very well on his way.

Kea is very much an involved grandmother to Sandy. Since Rolfe works a lot and Marsha is constantly sleeping or stuffing her face, someone has to tend to our sweet girl.

Thankfully since Kea has been taking care of Sandy, Marsha was able to catch up on sleep. Finally, since Sandy was born, she gets to interact with her mother! And it looks like Marsha is making up for lost time. She taught her baby girl to talk, her first word was high chair, and became best friends with Sandy while teaching her a nursery rhyme!

Sandy is capturing the hearts of everyone in the home. Everyone has wants that revolve around her. Rolfe doesn't want to teach her things, he just wants to play games with her! What a true pleasure sim!

Marsha's second labor didn't end up with her naked before the butler, but it did result in another little girl! (Yay for girls, I was worried that they were going to have all boys since I was running low on boys names due to the spares having all boys). This little girl is named Marty, after Marty Maraschino from Grease. She is the pretty, sassy, flirty member of The Pink Ladies.

When I say everyone in the house loves Sandy, I mean everyone! Even Cha Cha and Leo like to get in some cuddle time with their favorite toddler. At first I thought maybe it's just Cha Cha's pregnancy hormones, but then Leo started waiting in like to get a snuggle. It just must be Sandy's charm!

Sandy has officially mastered all of the toddler skills! The afternoon before her birthday, Kea taught the little girl how to walk. She spent the rest of the afternoon toddling around the house getting into everything. And chasing down the dogs for a cuddle.

Sandy isn't the only ray of sunshine in the house anymore! Now that Marty is here, the attention is divided. This time Marsha actually interacts with her newborn! Rolfe continues to be an attentive father as well.

Marsha's mother of the moment award may be taken away soon. She's pregnant again, and we all know what that means! Endless eating, vomiting and sleeping seventeen hours a day.

Kea was just on the phone inviting over the entire family to celebrate Sandy's birthday when the Grim Reaper showed up and ruined the party... literally!

In light of recent events, Rolfe and Marsha decided not to throw a ranging party. Instead, they quietly celebrated Sandy's birthday with just the immediate family. Kea would have enjoyed a big bash, but Rolfe is torn up about losing his mom and is in no mood to entertain.

Even poor Sandy is remembering her Grandmother tonight! It's a bittersweet night saying goodbye to Kea and seeing Sandy grow into such a cute child on the same evening.

To celebrate Sandy growing older, I had Marsha make a yummy cheesecake! Okay, the real reason is because Lydia suggested I cheesecake twins into the family for better chances of getting the blue skintone into this generation! Here's hoping!!

When Sandy went to sleep, Marsha tucked in her and kissed her on the head. Rolfe took a moment to grieve the loss of his mother. Poor guy, being so strong in front of his wife and daughter while his heart is breaking.

Like father, like daughter! Both Rolfe and Sandy are mean and cheat at chess. The only difference is, Rolfe sucks at it and gets caught every time. Sandy gets away with it. Poor, dumb Rolfe ;)

Marsha's belly is getting bigger and bigger every day! I'm getting excited and hoping for a baby with blue skin this time. Maybe Marsha will be nice and give us just that?

Marty is now a toddler! And what a cutie she turned out to be. She inherited the Encore eyes, yay! I couldn't get a good picture of her, because she kept pouting about being tired. She's just like Marsha during pregnancy ;)

We have puppies!! Cha Cha had two black male puppies and one white female puppy. They are named Doody, Putzie and Frenchy.

Doody and Putzie are members of the T-Birds and friends with Danny. Frenchy is the dumb beauty school drop out Pink Lady who wants to drop out of school to go to beauty school. She ironically tries to dye her hair, and it turns out pink!

Marsha is being a much more hands-on mother this time around with little Marty. When Sandy was born, Marsha didn't touch her again until she was a toddler. Now Marsha is already best friends with her little girl and even rolls wants to teach her the necessary toddler skills.

Sandy is a fantastic big sister to little Marty. They are building a great relationship because Sandy interacts with her quite frequently throughout the day. She even passed along her knowledge of nursery rhymes.

Rolfe has completed another lifetime want! He is now a Professional Party Guest, yay Rolfe! Sweet Sandy runs out to congratulate her daddy with a big hug. Rolfe's new and fourth LTW is top the entertainment career.

School is coming quite naturally for Sandy. She only had to bring homework to the house once or twice before she stopped bringing it home (I have a hack that allows kids to not bring homework everyday if they have a high grade in school). She's going to be a smart girl, I can tell already!

Sandy is not only smart, but super friendly too. She loves her family and that includes the dogs. Right now she wants to befriend Cha Cha, so they spend tons of time together. I love both of their faces in this picture! Cha Cha is so excited, and Sandy is just... I'm speechless lol. Her face is hilarious!

Doody, Frenchy and Putzie get lots of attention too! When Marty isn't playing with her arts and crafts table, the pups line up to get in some cuddle time!

Having three puppies in the house, means quite the mess! But I did notice something, when Rolfe was scolding Putzie... he got the blue mask from Leo!! :)

Rolfe was teaching Marty to walk one evening while Marsha was snoozing on the couch. She woke up from her nap and gave birth to twins! I was really hoping for a baby with blue skin, but alas... Danny was the first born of the twins and Viola is the youngest twin.

Danny's namesake is Danny Zuko, leader of the T-Birds and resident bad boy of Rydell High. He falls for good-girl Sandy Olsen and struggles to continue to look cool and impress Sandy at the same time.Viola's namesake is the waitress at the Frosty Palace who wisely advises Frenchy not to drop out of high school to go to beauty school.

The Headmaster was invited over for dinner the night after Danny and Vi were born. Marsha showed him around the spacious home, which he didn't seem impressed with at all! .That is until we got the bathroom. Then he loved it!What a weirdo!

Rolfe was in charge of cooking, since he has maxed cooking skill points, and he completely flubbed up the lobster. It was too late to cook another dish, so the Headmaster and Rolfe chatted over burnt lobster the color of charcoal. Thankfully, the Headmaster didn't seem to mind and Sandy was accepted into his instiution.

Rolfe and Marsha are now the proud parents of four since the twins came into the family. Without the help of Mark and Kea, things are a bit chaotic! Someone is always crying, hungry or dirty. Rolfe works nights, so this leaves Marsha alone to deal with four young children. Like I said, chaotic.

And to top things off, Marsha is preggers again! Maybe I should have waiting a little while longer before having them try for a baby. Oh well, we're all going to cross our fingers for a blue baby this time! I don't want the skintone to die out just yet.

Rolfe and Marsha are really coming together as a team to parent all four children. Rolfe is home during the day, so he helps Marsha with the twins. Marty is pretty much always content in her nursery, thanks to the snapdragons. Sandy goes to school during the day, which helps things a little too.

The butler attempts to help during the times that Rolfe isn't home and Marsha is sleeping. But, bless his poor heart, he is horrible with the kids. No matter what the problem is, he always feeds them a bottle! So if they are dirty, tired, need a bath, etc... his solution is to always feed them a bottle!

It's time for birthday! Tonight Marty, Danny and Viola are aging. Marsha invited over the aunts and uncles, but (surprise) it wasn't long before the cops got called. Even though, they weren't doing anything!!

Marty aged into a very pretty young lady. She inherited her father's eyes, which are the family eyes. So maybe if we can't get the blue skintone to carry on, we can at least get the eyes!?

Danny also got the Encore eyes! He and Viola aged into cute toddlers. They have striking features, I'm hoping they grow into them a bit more as they get older. Danny's personality is 7 neat, 8 outgoing, 2 active, 8 playful and 1 nice. Vi's is 10 neat, 7 outgoing, 9 active, 5 playful and 4 nice. She is the first and only child right now to have more than 1 nice point. She's still mean however.

Now that Danny and Vi are toddlers, their parents team up once again to tackle the toddler skills! It didn't take long before the little ones were walking all over the place and using their words.The two older children are learning too. The weeknights are dedicated to studying for Sandy and Marty. They are both smart, but I have to say Marty is quite the fast skiller! She knocked out three skills in one night.

Rolfe and Marsha were upstairs playing with the twins when the labor pains struck! This time just one little baby was born. A girl named Betty. Her namesake is Betty Rizzo. The sassy, say-anything leader of the Pink Ladies. Rizzo is reluctant to accept Sandy into the group at first, even making fun of her for being so Sandra Dee, but in the end approves.

The puppies are all grown up! From left to right is Doody, Frenchy and Putzie. The boys got longer hair and Frenchy looks a lot like Bernice, to me! I still love that Putzie got the blue mask from Leo.

After talking with Lydia and Roxy, we have all decided that Marsha should get pregnant one more time in hopes for a blue baby. Thus, Marsha's montage of morning sickness!

The more kids Rolfe and Marsha have, the more they interact with their babies. When Sandy was born, Marsha didn't touch her from right after birth until she was a toddler. Now both parents are completely involved in their kids life. Maybe they were just nervous about being first time parents with Sandy?

Not only are the kids spending lots of time with their parents, but they also spend quite a bit of quality time with each other as well. Danny and Viola naturally spend a good chunk of their day with each other, them being twins and all. It wasn't long before they became best friends! So cute.

It's offical now! Marsha is expecting her last child with Rolfe. I really, really hope this baby has the blue skintone!

We haven't seen much of this big guy since Brigitta last was living here. She wanted to befriend him and become a werewolf. I wanted to give it a go, but Balin the wolf never showed back up after his first encounter with Bri. I've read somewhere that wolves show up more frequently when children are living on the lot. Maybe that's why he is back he wants to come in and get to the five kids!

It's birthday time for four of the five kids in the home! Sweet Marty cheers on three of her siblings as they are about to age. First up is Sandy aging into a teenager. Then, Danny and Viola are going to be children!

Sandy aged into such a lovely teenager. It's too bad she didn't inherit the Encore eyes, she is so pretty and would make a great heiress! Maybe she'll have the recessive blue skin? ;)Sandy rolled pleasure as a primary aspiration (like father, like daughter once again) and wealth as a secondary aspiration.

Danny and Vi aged into cute kids! I really like Danny's eye shape and color. I kept trying to figure out why the twins looked a little different from their siblings, and I realized they have much fuller lips than the rest of the Encores born into this generation. Especially the top lip!

Birthday time isn't over just yet! We've still got the littlest member of the family to age. Baby Betty is now a toddler. I think she resembles Viola quite a bit. With one differing factor, Betty has the Encore eyes. Her personality is 5 neat, 8 outgoing, 9 active, 3 playful and 1 nice.

Right away, Rolfe gets a couple of awesome parent points by teaching Betty out to walk and talk. Marsha took care of Betty the most when she was little, so there was a significant difference in her relationship with both parents. Rolfe teaching her both skills really helped them to bond.

Ghost Kea is kind of a major jerk! The night of everyone's birthdays, she was roaming around the house. She wasn't bothering anyone until the kids went to sleep. All of a sudden, I see Vi get out of bed, even though she is still tired, and Kea jumps out and makes a mean face at her! Very un-grandmotherly, shame on you Kea.

Mark on the other hand is a friendly ghost. He doesn't make mean faces or scream in the horribly paranormal sounding voice like Kea. When he jumps out, he is always smiling and making silly gestures with his hands. Of course, it still scares the family members (I'd be scared if I saw a ghost even if they were just petting a dog). But at least he isn't being intentionally mean in the afterlife.

Thanks for coming over for dinner again, Headmaster! Sandy loves your school and we were hoping that Marty, Danny and Viola could be accepted as well. They love school, don't you kids?

Oh yeah! I really like math! It's my favorite subject right now. I even help Danny and Vi with their homework when I know how.

I like birds!...* face palm * Really, Danny, really? You're supposed to just agree and say you like books or something. Way to pick up on the conversation there, buddy.

Overall, the night went well despite Danny's bird comment. The three children got accepted with a score of 90/90.

Unless you looked at Marsha's aspiration, you wouldn't have a clue she is a primary romance aspiration. She loves to spend time with her children and rolls the wants to be best friends with the ones she isn't with already. She also rolls various wants to play, talk and snuggle with different kids throughout the day. So cute!

Marsha really has come a long way from ignoring her first newborn to now when she rolls wants all revolving around her children. Now she is best friends with Danny! I don't see how though, Danny takes advantage of his mother while playing chess and cheats pretty much every other move. In fact, pretty much every child does this. It runs in the family.

The final baby is here! He doesn't have blue skin, but his big sisters don't seem to mind! They all ran to their mom when she went into l labor and cheered when Tom was born. Tom is named after athletic superstar Tom Chisum who likes Sandy and he also managed to catch Sandy's eye. When Danny realizes this is when he decides he needs to step it up to impress Sandy and get her back!

With that, dear readers, we are going to say goodbye to the family for now. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter, I've been having so much fun playing them this turn! Look back next time to see how Sandy, Marty, Danny, Viola, Betty and baby Tom continue to grow. As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read. Especially this time since it was a pretty lengthy chapter!See you next time!ilovereecee/Katie