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Acceptance & Functional Testing with Codeception

Joe Ferguson October 10th 2015

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Who Am I?Joe Ferguson

PHP Developer

Twitter: @JoePFerguson

Organizer of @MemphisPHP

@NomadPHP Lightning Talks

Passionate about Community

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One late night coding session of fighting with tests…

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I found

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hey, I’m everyone…

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Example Test

Sample taken from

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You gotta be…


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Codeception• Selenium WebDriver integration• Elements matched by name, CSS, XPath• Symfony2, Laravel, Yii, Phalcon, Zend Framework• PageObjects and StepObjects included• BDD-style readable tests• Powered by PHPUnit• API testing: REST,SOAP,XML-RPC• Facebook API testing• Data Cleanup• HTML, XML, TAP, JSON reports• CodeCoverage and Remote CodeCoverage• Parallel Execution

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Types of Testing




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Unit TestingIn computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source

code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to

determine whether they are fit for use.

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Functional TestingFunctional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and a type

of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal

program structure is rarely considered (not like in white-box testing). Functional testing usually describes what the system


Functional testing does not imply that you are testing a function (method) of your module or class. Functional testing tests a slice

of functionality of the whole system

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Acceptance TestingIn engineering and its various subdisciplines, acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine if the requirements of a specification or contract are met.

In software testing the ISTQB defines acceptance as: formal testing with respect to user needs, requirements, and business processes conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies the acceptance criteria and to enable the user, customers or other authorized entity to determine whether or not to accept the system.

Acceptance testing is also known as user acceptance testing (UAT), end-user testing, operational acceptance testing (OAT) or field (acceptance) testing.

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How I think about types

Unit tests test your functions and methods.

Functional tests test parts of your application.

Acceptance tests test your interactions.

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Isn’t unit testing enough?

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It might be, how high is your coverage?

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How do you know methods work together?

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Functional tests allow you to test individual scenarios in

your application

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Acceptance tests allow you to test the interactions in your


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Where do we start?

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Install Codeception

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Eh…wait a minute…

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Better way to install*


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Add to PATH

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Bootstrap Codeception

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Configure Codeception

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Run Codeception

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Add Laravel5 Helper

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Codecept build

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Our First Test

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Login Form

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Login Form Template

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Generate Functional Test

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Writing our test

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Click on what?

Click on ‘Copy CSS Path’

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How to run tests

codecept run // runs all tests

codecept run functional // run functional tests

codecept run functional tests/functional/AdminCanLoginCept.php // run single test

Can also add -vv or -vvv for detailed output

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Run our test

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What are we testing?

The route ‘auth/login’ shows us a login form

Submitting login form performs some action

Dashboard (after successful login) displays

Some success text exists “Hello admin!”

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What are we NOT testing?

Navigation on the page

“Remember Me” functionality works

Password Reset works

User is actually an admin

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Functional testing tests a slice of functionality of the whole system

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We don’t care about

Navigation on the page

“Remember Me” functionality works

Password Reset works

User is actually an admin

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We care about

$I->wantTo('ensure an admin can log in');

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What if our test fails?

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Update our password

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Run Our test

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Failed tests output

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Test will pass when…

the user exists in the database

the routes (get and post) work as expected

login form view renders properly

dashboard view renders properly

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Framework Modules

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Using Laravel5 Module

amOnAction is translated to the /auth/login url

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Test Passes

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Check the DB for user

seeRecord() will fail if the user does not exist

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User is in the database

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Check for errors

Useful for checking that error messages are returned

dontSee() ensures text does not exist on view

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Testing your API

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Generate API Suite


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Test API Create User

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Now we know slices of our application work

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Acceptance Testing

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Testing Real(ish) things

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Using a real(ish) browser

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Add PhantomJS

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Configure acceptance.suite.yml

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Export your Database

php artisan migratephp artisan db:seed

mysqldump -u homestead -psecret homestead > tests/_data/dump.sql

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Our 1st acceptance test

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Test passes

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That looks a lot like our functional test!

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Functional Test runs via PhpBrowser

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Acceptance Test runs via PhantomJS

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Testing Elements via XPath

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Use XPath to submit form

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Even more specific

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Checking specific elements

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Using XPath for form fields isn’t very easy to read.

XPath isn’t very easy to read…

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When to use XPath?

When you can’t add an ID or Class on an element

When you want to ensure styles/formatting (error messages, flash messages, etc)

When testing navigation elements

When testing any dynamic elements

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Acceptance failures come with screenshots!

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Log in and look for content that doesn’t exist

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Test Failed!

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We see our content does not exist on the page

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Some issues…

PhantomJS pretty broken on Travis-CI

Acceptance tests are SLOW (and memory hogs)

Acceptance tests aren’t unit tests, it can be hard to find WHAT is causing the tests to fail

Functional & Acceptance tests aren’t replacements for unit tests, but can be easier to write if your app isn’t written to be testable

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Codeception Resources

Writing Acceptance Tests:

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Testing Resources

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