Download - Abstract arXiv:1806.05343v2 [cs.CV] 29 May 2019


Convex Class Model on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds

Kun Zhao∗, Arnold Wiliem, Shaokang Chen, Brian C. Lovell

School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia


The effectiveness of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) manifold features has been proven in various computer visiontasks. However, due to the non-Euclidean geometry of these features, existing Euclidean machineries cannot bedirectly used. In this paper, we tackle the classification tasks with limited training data on SPD manifolds. Ourproposed framework, named Manifold Convex Class Model, represents each class on SPD manifolds using a convexmodel, and classification can be performed by computing distances to the convex models. We provide three methodsbased on different metrics to address the optimization problem of the smallest distance of a point to the convexmodel on SPD manifold. The efficacy of our proposed framework is demonstrated both on synthetic data and severalcomputer vision tasks including object recognition, texture classification, person re-identification and traffic sceneclassification.

Keywords: Convex models; SPD manifolds

1. Introduction

Despite of the recent fast progress in computer vi-sion, most of effective machine learning paradigms de-mand large numbers of labeled samples to obtain a highperformance. However, collecting a large number of la-beled samples is often difficult, time-consuming and ex-pensive. For instance, obtaining large reliable and bal-anced data in medical imaging is quite challenging [1].Limited training data may fail to represent the true dis-tribution of the data and can cause severe problems suchas overfitting. In this paper, we tackle the classificationtasks with limited training data where the data are inthe forms of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matri-ces. In various applications, data is often representedin terms of SPD matrices. For example, the Diffu-sion Tensor Imaging (DTI) represents each voxel by aSPD matrix [2, 3]. Tuzel et al. [4] introduced SPDfeatures for texture matching and classification, whereregion covariance matrix were used as one image de-scriptor. Region covariance matrices were believed tobe discriminative as the second-order statistics of re-gional features are captured [4, 5]. In the context of im-age set classification or video-based classification, rep-resenting image sets or videos via set-based covariance

∗Corresponding author.Email address: [email protected] (Kun Zhao)

also has proven to be effective in several computer vi-sion tasks [6, 7]. As the second-order statistic of a setof samples, the covariance matrix encoded the featurecorrelations specific to each class, which leads to dis-criminate image sets/videos of different classes [6, 7]. IfEuclidean geometry is utilized on these SPD matrices, itmay cause unacceptable results such as the swelling ef-fect which occurred in DTI [3]. To overcome this prob-lem, Pennec et al. [2] proposed to endow a Riemannianmanifold on these SPD matrices, which preserves thenon-Euclidean structures originated from these data. Itis also noteworthy that although manifold features arerobust to certain variations, they still do not addressall possible variations in image domain, such as whitenoise [8].

Inspired by the success of nearest convex modelsfor classification tasks with limited data in Euclideanspace [9, 10, 11, 12, 13], we propose a novel frame-work on SPD manifolds, here called Manifold ConvexClass Model (MCCM), which serves as a generalizationof convex model from Euclidean space. More specifi-cally, the proposed MCCM represents each class usinga convex class model which includes all convex combi-nations of the data points within the class. Classificationis then performed by computing distances to the convexclass models.

Figure 1 illustrates the concept of our proposed Mani-








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Figure 1: Conceptual illustration of the proposed Manifold ConvexClass Model (MCCM). Given two classes of SPD points, C1 and C2,for each class, we construct a convex model by the convex combi-nations of the points within the class under certain conditions. Weclassify the SPD point Y to class C2, as the distance between the con-vex class model of class C2 and the point Y (refer to Eqn. (10)) issmaller than that of class C1 .

fold Convex Class Model (MCCM). We consider a con-vex model to represent each class. To classify a SPDpoint Y, we compute the smallest distance between theconvex class model and the point Y. As shown in Fig-ure 1, dcvx(Y,C1) = dg(Y, A), dcvx(Y,C2) = dg(Y, E).The generated point E is produced from a convex com-bination of points in C2, and dg is the geodesic distancedefined in Eqn. (4). MCCM classifies Y to C2 as theconvex model distance dcvx(Y,C2) < dcvx(Y,C1). How-ever, the nearest neighbor approach incorrectly classi-fies Y to C1 as it finds the nearest point A in C1, B in C2and the geodesic distance dg(Y, A) < dg(Y, B).

Unfortunately, due to the non-Euclidean structure onmanifolds, it is not straightforward to construct a con-vex class model. This paper starts by investigating theexistence of convex model on SPD manifolds. Then, weformulate the classification problem based on the con-vex model. More specifically, the contributions of thiswork are listed as follows:

• Proposing a novel mathematical framework, herecalled Manifold Convex Class Model (MCCM), tosolve classification tasks with limited training datawhere the data are in SPD matrices; especially,we define the convex combinations and the nearestdistance to convex model over the SPD manifolds;

• Proposing a solution to the optimization problemof the framework, MCCM-FM, which preservesthe intrinsic manifold structure by the use of AffineInvariant Riemannian Metric (AIRM); to reducethe computational complexity, two approximatesolutions are provided: MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE;

• The experimental results show that MCCM sig-nificantly outperforms other intrinsic classifiersand has competitive performance to recent meth-ods on several computer vision applications: ob-

ject recognition, texture classification, person re-identification and traffic scene classification;

• Providing additional analysis on the approximationerrors and running time of the three proposed solu-tions;

• Compared with the Geodesic NearestNeighbor(Geo-NN) in terms of the sensitivityto noise and limited training data, the proposedframework, especially MCCM-FM, is more robustto image noise and less sensitive to the number oftraining data.

We presented a preliminary version of the classifica-tion approach based on convex model for SPD pointsin [14]. We note that the work discussed here differsfrom the one in [14] in three aspects. First, in this work,we explore and study the convex model topic from themanifold intrinsic geometry. This leads to a solutionto solve the convex model optimization problem, whichseeks to preserve the intrinsic structure as much as pos-sible. In our previous work, we only presented one ap-proximate solution. Second, in this work, we present al-ternative solutions to the optimization of convex modelon SPD manifolds, which are more efficient and effec-tive. Third, in the experimental section, our previouswork only reported results on three applications: ob-ject recognition, texture classification and person re-identification. In this paper, we also explore one ad-ditional application: traffic scene classification.

We continue this paper as follows. Section 2 brieflydescribes the geometry of SPD manifolds. Section 3reviews the related work. Section 4 presents the pro-posed MCCM methods over SPD manifolds. Section 5shows the experimental results for four computer visionapplications. Section 6 provides further analysis on theproposed MCCM methods. Section 7 summarizes themain findings and presents the potential future work.

2. Symmetric Positive Definite Manifold

The Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) manifold isone specific type of Riemannian manifold. It is asmooth manifold where the tangent space is endowedwith a Riemannian metric [2]. The Riemannian metricallows us to define various geometric notions such as thegeodesic distance. One of the most popular Riemannianmetrics for SPD manifolds is the Affine Invariant Rie-mannian Metric (AIRM) [2] defined as:

〈x, z〉Y = Tr(Y−1 xY−1 z

), (1)

where x and z are tangent vectors (symmetric matri-ces, not necessarily definite nor positive) on the tangent


space at point Y, and Tr(�) is the matrix trace. A pointz on the tangent space at Y can be mapped to the SPDmanifold by the following manifold exponential func-tion [2]:

expY(z) = Y12 exp(Y−

12 zY−

12 )Y

12 , (2)

where exp(�) denotes the matrix exponential. The in-verse function of Eqn. (2) maps a point Z on the SPDmanifold to the tangent space at Y:

logY(Z) = Y12 log(Y−

12 ZY−

12 )Y

12 , (3)

where log(�) denotes the matrix logarithm.The geodesic distance between two SPD points is de-

fined as the length of the shortest curve on the mani-fold. A widely used distance function is defined usingthe Affine Invariant Riemannian Metric (AIRM) [2]:

dg(X,Y) = || logX(Y)||X =


12 YX−

12 )) , (4)

where Tr is the matrix trace computation. The AIRMpossesses some useful properties such as invariance toaffine transformations of the input matrices.

Another widely used distance function for SPDpoints is derived from the Log-Euclidean metric [3]:

dLE(X,Y) = || log X − log Y||F . (5)

Compared to the distance dg defined in Eqn. (4), thecomputational cost of dLE defined in Eqn. (5) is oftenless due to the use of Euclidean computations in the ma-trix logarithm domain.

3. Related Work

In the recent literature, to solve classification prob-lems for SPD points, kernelized learning methods arecommonly used [15, 16, 17]. Nevertheless, choosingan appropriate kernel has been shown to be non-trivialfor manifolds and a poor choice of kernel might lead toinferior performance [17, 18]. Feragen et al. demon-strated that most of the kernels applied on Rieman-nian manifolds either ignored the intrinsic structure orthe positive definiteness constraint [18]. An alternativemethod to classify SPD points is to map all the man-ifold points onto a tangent space at a designated loca-tion [4, 15]. Once mapped, any Euclidean-based clas-sifiers can be employed. Unfortunately, this mappingmay adversely affect the performance since it will sig-nificantly distort the manifold structure in regions farfrom the origin of the tangent space [16].

Therefore, developing classification methods that in-corporate the intrinsic structures on manifolds is crit-ical to process these data appropriately. In its sim-plest form, one could use Geodesic Nearest Neigh-bor that utilized the geodesic distance along the man-ifolds [2]. It has been shown that this approach canachieve good accuracy. However, it is generally sub-optimal when the training data is scarce and do not suf-fice to cover the class regions. Recently, several sparsecoding methods on SPD manifolds were proposed inthe literature. Sivalingam et al. [19] proposed tensorsparse coding for SPD manifolds. Since their methodused log-determinant divergence to model the loss func-tion, it suffers from high computational complexity.Also, the manifold structure is not well-preserved bythe log-determinant divergence, thus the accuracy is notoptimal. Ho et al. [20] proposed a nonlinear gener-alization of dictionary learning and sparse coding onSPD manifolds using the geodesic distances. Similarly,Cherian et al. proposed Riemannian sparse coding forSPD manifolds [21], which minimizes the geodesic dis-tance to the matrix addition of weighted SPD points.However, as shown in our experiments, sparse codingand dictionary learning on SPD manifolds is usually noteffective when the training set is relatively small.

To solve the classification problem with limited dataon SPD manifold, we intend to generalize the con-vex model developed in the Euclidean counterpart. InEuclidean space where data is represented by vec-tors, convex models such as affine hull [22], convexhull [23, 24], bounding hypersphere [25] and bound-ing hyperdisk [13], are used to tackle the limited dataproblem. For instance, given a set of points S = {xi}


xi ∈ Rd, the convex hull of S is the intersection of allhalf-spaces which contain S. Alternatively speaking,the convex hull C, generated from the set S, includes allpossible convex combination of the members in S:

C =


wi xi



wi = 1, wi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, ...,N . (6)

The convex hull distance of a point y to C is defined asthe minimal distance of y to any point in the convex hullC by the following:

d2cvx(y,C) = min ||y − x||22 = min ||y −


wi xi||22 ,



wi = 1, wi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, ...,N .


The convex models have been used in numerous differ-ent applications, for instance, image registration, hand-written shape detection and Glaucoma detection [26]. Inthe computer vision community, convex model is also


widely used to address image classification problems,such as face recognition and object recognition [4, 27].Thus, the similar benefits could be obtained if it is ap-plied to the more complex data represented using SPDmatrices. To that end, in our work, we generalize theconvex model from Euclidean counterpart to SPD man-ifolds.

4. Manifold Convex Class Model (MCCM) for SPDManifold

The success of convex model in Euclidean space in-spires us to extend this model to solve the classificationproblem over SPD manifold, especially when the train-ing points are limited. In the following part of this sec-tion, we first introduce the definitions related with Man-ifold Convex Class Model (MCCM). Then we furtherprovide three practical solutions for the optimization ofthe nearest convex model classification on SPD mani-folds.

4.1. Definitions for Manifold Convex Class ModelIn Euclidean Space, one way to construct a convex

model of a set of points S is to use the intersection ofall half-spaces that contain S. However, it is not trivialto generalize this convex model construction formula-tion to the SPD manifold due to the space curvature.SPD manifolds generally do not admit half-spaces [28].Therefore, one may wonder whether a convex model ex-ists and can be formulated in the SPD manifold space.To that end, in [28], Fletcher et al. used the horoballas the replacement of half-space on the SPD manifolds.The horoball is a ball fixed at a point, whose radius is al-lowed to grow to infinity. In Euclidean space, a horoballgenerates a half-space passing through a fixed point. InSPD manifold space, a horoball is not flat due to thecurvature of this space [28]. However, it is guaranteedto be convex and closed, acting as an effective proxyfor the half-space to define the construction of a con-vex model in SPD manifolds. More specifically, givena group of points S on the SPD manifold, S = {Xi}


the intersection of all horoballs containing every singlemember of S would yield a ball hull. The ball hull isa convex model containing all the points in S on SPDmanifolds [28]. Figure 2 illustrates how the horoballscan be used to construct a ball hull. This horoball con-cept is reformulated on SPD manifolds using a convexfunction called the Busemann function [28]. We referreaders to [28] for further details.

As a convex model exists in SPD manifolds, the nextstep is to study on how to use this concept for our prob-lems. To use the convex model as the tool to perform

Figure 2: An illustration of a ball hull constructed by the intersectionof horoballs [28].

the classification tasks, there are two questions to be ad-dressed: (1) Which is the most suitable convex modelformulation on SPD manifold for our purpose, and (2)for a query point Y, how to compute the distance be-tween Y and a convex model?

Inspired by the Euclidean counterpart, the most con-venient way to define a convex model of the set of SPDpoints is to use all the convex combinations of the pointset. Here, we adapt this formulation into SPD manifoldas follows.

Definition 4.1. The convex model of a group of SPDpoints S = {Xi}

Ni=1, is a convex set that contains all the

convex combinations of these points and is formulatedas:



wi Xi, s.t.N∑


wi = 1, wi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, ...,N ,


where wi ∈ R+0 and

⊕is the convex combination oper-

ator over the SPD manifold.

The definitions and properties of convex combina-tion operator in a metric space can be found in Teranand Molchanov’s work [29]. Moreover, Ginestet et al.[30] proposed to use the weighted Frechet mean, whichminimizes a weighted sum of squared distances, as aconvex combination operator in a metric space. Theyfurther showed that the Frechet mean operator actuallyallows the construction of convex models in a metricspace [30]. Following this intuition, in the metric spacespecified by a SPD manifold, we can construct the con-vex model of the given points by computing Frechetmeans. Thus, the convex model on a group of SPDpoints then can be illustrated using the following defi-nition:


Definition 4.2. The weighted sum of squared distancesallows the construction of a convex model CS PD for thegroup of SPD points, S = {Xi}



X|∀X ∈ arg minX


widg2(Xi, X), s.t.


wi = 1, wi ≥ 0



where dg is the geodesic distance and wi ∈ R+0 is the

weight of the i-th point Xi.

This definition shows that the convex model of S is theset of all X that minimized the weighted sum of squareddistances to each point Xi within S. Note that unlike theother Riemannian manifolds, the weighted mean solu-tion in SPD manifolds always exists and is unique [31].

After we present the mathematical definition of aconvex model in SPD manifolds, we then need to de-fine how to compute the distance between a querypoint Y and the convex model CS PD. According toUdriste et al. [32], the distance between a query point Yand a convex model CS PD can be defined as the smallestgeodesic distance from a point to a convex model on themanifold:

dcvx2(Y,CS PD) = min dg

2(Y, X),∀X ∈ CS PD . (10)

Although Udriste et al. [32] describes this, it is still notclear how to address this optimization problem. In ourwork, we will describe several ways to address this.

4.2. Classification Based on Manifold Convex ClassModel

Assuming that we have the solution for Eqn. (10), weare ready to define the classifier based on the nearestconvex model on SPD manifolds. Similar to Euclideanspace, given a m-class classification problem, the clas-sifier based on the nearest convex model on SPD mani-folds can be formulated as:

F(i) = arg mini


iS PD) , (11)

where CiS PD defined in Eqn. (9) is the convex class

model for the training class/category i (i = 1, ...,m,where m is the number of classes/categories). To clas-sify a query point Y, one needs to compute the distancebetween Y and each convex class model Ci

S PD. Finally,the query point Y would be assigned the label of thetraining class wherein the geodesic distance between theconvex class model Ci

S PD and Y is the smallest.It is important to solve the optimization problem pre-

sented in Eqn. (10). In the following sections, we de-scribe three solutions to address this. More specifically,we first present a solution that seeks to preserve the in-trinsic structure as much as possible. Then, to speed upthe computation, we propose two approximate solutionsbased on different relaxation conditions.



a b

Figure 3: Geodesic distance between SPD points.

4.3. Manifold Convex Class Model Based on FrechetMean — MCCM-FM

To solve the optimization problem in Eqn. (11), oneneeds to compute the distances between the query pointY and each convex class model in the training set. Asshown in Eqn. (10), this can be carried out by determin-ing the point X in the convex class model, which has theminimum distance to the query point Y. The point X isone member of the convex model which is describedby Eqn. (9). When the weights {wi}

Ni=1 are fixed, X be-

comes the weighted Frechet mean solution of the pointsin CS PD [31]. Thus, convex model defined by Eqn. (9)contains all the possible weighted Frechet means whichare generated by varying the weights {wi}

Ni=1 under the

constraint of weights summation equals one. By usingEqn. (9) we can rewrite Eqn. (10) as follows:

dcvx2(Y,CS PD) = min d2

g(Y, X),

s.t. X = arg minX


wi d2g(X, Xi),


wi = 1, wi ≥ 0 . (12)

Note that due to the weighted Frechet mean formula-tion, the above problem requires us to solve anotheroptimization problem in the regularization part. Thismakes solving the above problem extremely challeng-ing. To this end, we first examine how the geodesic dis-tance dg is derived. As described by Pennec et al. [2],the geodesic distance between A and B can be deter-mined by calculating the magnitude of the vector ~abin the tangent space at A, where a = logA(A) andb = logA(B) are the projection of both A and B ontothe tangent space at A, respectively. The vector magni-tude can be calculated by using the given Riemannianmetric (i.e. the AIRM). Figure 3 illustrates this relation-ship. It is noteworthy to mention that the distance of allgeodesic passing through A can be determined by cal-culating the magnitude of vectors in the tangent spaceat A [2].

We will exploit this fact to address Eqn. (12). The


aim of our framework is to find the smallest geodesicdistance from Y to the points in the convex model. Thus,preserving the geodesic distances between Y and allpoints in the convex model are critical. To that end, wesolve the problem in the tangent space at Y, where theaforementioned geodesic distances are fully preserved.Note that, in the tangent space at Y, Y becomes the ori-gin 0. Thus, Eqn.(12) can be rewritten as follows:

dcvx2(Y,CS PD) = min ||


wi logY(Xi)||2Y , s.t.N∑


wi = 1, wi ≥ 0 .


Finally, we substitute the AIRM in Eqn. (1) and Eqn. (3)into Eqn. (13). We have the following optimization tosolve:

arg min{wi}




wi logY(Xi)||2Y

= arg min{wi}




(wiY12 LiY

12 )Y−1


(wiY12 LiY

12 )) ,

= arg min{wi}




(wi Li)Y12 Y−1Y



(wi Li)Y12 ) ,

= arg min{wi}


Tr(Y12 Y−1Y



(wi Li)Y12 Y−1Y



wi Li) ,

= arg min{wi}




wi Li)2) ,



wi = 1, wi ≥ 0 ,


where Tr is the trace of a matrix and Li =

log(Y−12 XiY−

12 ). Note that our MCCM-FM formulation

is similar to the sparse coding formulation discussedin [20]. Different from the work presented in [20], ourwork does not consider the sparsity constraint. Also,unlike the sparse coding which does not impose positiveweights, we constrain the weights to be always positive.In addition, we solve the optimization problem for eachclass separately.

4.4. Manifold Convex Class Model based on a ConfinedSet MCCM-CS — MCCM-CS

Solving the optimization problem presented inEqn. (14) can be computationally expensive. To re-duce the computational complexity, we propose anotherapproach by relaxing the regularization of Eqn. (12).More specifically, we relax the weighted Frecher meanconstraint by considering the following property (referto [33] for proof):

X = arg minX


wid2g(Xi, X) , (15)

where X �N∑

i=1wiXi. Note that � represents the Loewner

order. X �N∑

i=1wiXi means X −


wiXi is positive semi-

definite. Thus, one can utilizeN∑

i=1wiXi as a relaxation of

the regularization in Eqn. (12). However, to ensure thedistance function:

dcvx2(Y,CS PD) = min d2



wi Xi) , (16)

is convex, one needs to further narrow down the setrepresenting the convex model using weights from the

set: A :={


i=1wi Xi � Y,


wi = 1 ,wi ≥ 0}

. This means

Y −N∑

i=1wiXi is positive semi-definite. In other words,

the convex model can be constructed by only using theweighted convex combinations of samples which under-determine the query point Y. For the convexity proofof the function in Eqn.(16), we refer readers to [21].Note that, the difference between our work and the workin [21] is that we restrict the sum of wi to be equal to oneand the optimization is based on each class.

Following [21], to solve the above optimization prob-lem on this restricted set, we first rewrite the objective

function in Eqn. (16) by setting M =N∑

i=1wi Xi:

f(w) = d2g(Y,


wi Xi) = || log(Y−12 MY−

12 )||2F

= Tr{log(Y−

12 MY−

12 )> log(Y−

12 MY−

12 )



where w is an N-dimensional vector whose elements arethe set of linear combination weights {wi}

Ni=1. Then the

partial derivative of the above function can be definedas follows:

∂ f∂wi

= 2 Tr

log(Y−12 MY−

12 )(Y−

12 MY−

12 )−1 ×

∂(Y−12 MY−

12 )





∂(Y−12 MY−

12 )

∂wi= Y−


Y−12 = Y−

12 XiY−

12 .

Substituting Eqn. (19) to Eqn. (18), we have:

∂ f∂wi

= 2 Tr{log(Y−

12 MY−

12 )Y

12 M−1 XiY−


. (19)


In the implementation, we used the Spectral ProjectedGradient method (SPG) [34, 35] to solve the optimiza-tion. We name this proposed solution as MCCM-CS.

4.5. Manifold Convex Model Based on LE Metric—MCCM-LE

In this section, we describe an approach, here calledMCCM-LE, based on the LE Metric presented inEqn. (5). This is due to the high computational com-plexity suffered by the AIRM and one of the advan-tages of using LE metric is that the calculation couldbe hundreds of times faster. More importantly, it hasbeen shown that the weighted mean solution calculatedusing the LE metric is similar or in some cases is evenequal to the solution of the weighted Frechet mean cal-culated using the AIRM [3]. This gives us confidencethat the approximation of the convex class model uti-lizing LE metric will not severely affect the accuracy.We can rewrite the optimization problem presented inEqn. (12) as follows:

dcvx2(Y,CS PD) = min

∥∥∥∥∥∥∥log Y −N∑


wi log Xi






wi = 1, wi ≥ 0 ,


where ‖ · ‖F is the Frobenius’ norm; log(·) is the matrixlogarithm function that maps from the manifold spaceinto the tangent space at the identity. Note that as thetangent space at the identity is Euclidean, log(X) cannow be represented explicitly as log(X) =

∑Ni=1(wi Xi).

Expanding the above equation, we can express the opti-mization problem as:

arg min{wi}


∥∥∥∥∥∥∥log Y −N∑


wi log Xi



= arg min{wi}


[(log Y · log Y)

− 2N∑


wi(log Y · log Xi) +



wiw j(log Xi · log X j)],



wi = 1, wi ≥ 0 . (21)

Since Euclidean geometry applies in the spacegenerated by the LE metric, we can simply vector-ize the point A = log(X) as shown in [2]: Vec(A) =


2a1,2, a2,2,√


2a2,3, a3,3, ...,√

2a1,d, ...,√

2ad−1,d, ad,d]>.Also, the term log Y · log Y in Eqn. (21) is constantand can be excluded from Eqn. (21). Finally, theoptimization problem is rewritten as:

arg minw

w>Dw − 2 Vec(logY)D , s.t. e>w = 1,w ≥ 0 , (22)

where D = [Vec(log X1) · · ·Vec(log XN)], e =

[1 · · · 1]>. The above problem is a quadratic optimiza-tion problem and we used the public code developed byCevikalp et al. [27] for our experiments.

5. Experimental Results

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposedMCCM framework, we evaluate the proposed ap-proaches on four computer vision tasks: object recogni-tion using ETH80 object dataset [36], texture classifica-tion using Brodatz dataset [37], person re-identificationusing ETHZ dataset [38] and traffic scene classificationusing UCSD traffic dataset [39]. Note that, these fourdatasets possess limited training data, such as the num-ber of training data is quite small or the data is imbal-anced. To obtain a reliable performance statistics, theexperiment is repeated ten times. The average perfor-mance is then reported.

For our comparisons, we considered three baselineclassifiers on SPD manifolds: (1) Geodesic Near-est Neighbor (Geo-NN)— the geodesic distance inEqn. (4) was used. (2) Kernel SVM (KSVM)—an effective implementation of KSVM, LibSVM [40],was used in conjunction with the Stein divergence ker-nel [41] which has excellent performance for SPD man-ifolds [42]. (3) Sparse coding (SPD-Sc)— the state ofthe art solution of SPD sparse coding proposed in [21]was used. Once the sparse coefficients were determined,the sparse coding classifier proposed in [43] was used asthe classifier.Object Recognition Using ETH80 Dataset— TheETH80 dataset [36] contains eight object categorieswith ten different object instances in each category. Foreach object instance, it provides 41 images of variousviews as a image set (refer to Figure 4 (a) for exam-ples). We use the same protocol for all methods. Morespecifically, we used five randomly chosen instances percategory for training. The other five image sets per cat-egory for testing. To generate SPD points, we used the80-dimensional DCT coefficients as the feature vectorfor each image and then computed the 80 × 80 covari-ance matrix of each image set.

The experimental results for this dataset are summa-rized in Table 1. The maximum accuracy of 93.3% isachieved by MCCM-LE, which is nearly six percent-

Figure 4: (a) Sample images from ETH-80 object dataset [36];(b) Sample images from BRODATZ texture dataset [37]; (c)Example images from ETHZ data set [38]; (d) Exampleframes from UCSD traffic dataset [39].7

Table 1: Average accuracy on ETH80 dataset [36]Method Accuracy (%)

CHISD [27] 73.5AHISD [27] 77.3SANP [44] 75.5

SPD-Sc [21] 88.5KSVM 89.5Geo-NN 87.3

MCCM-FM (proposed) 92.3MCCM-CS (proposed) 90.5MCCM-LE (proposed) 93.3

Table 2: Average accuracy on Brodatz dataset [37]Method Accuracy (%)

LE-SR [45] 66.3TSC [19] 79.8

RLPP [46] 86.1SPD-Sc [21] 77.6

KSVM 82.6Geo-NN 84.9

MCCM-FM (proposed) 88.0MCCM-CS (proposed) 88.0MCCM-LE (proposed) 87.8

age points better than Geo-NN. We also compare ourproposed methods with the Convex model based ImageSet Distance (CHISD) [27],Affine Hull based Image SetDistance (AHISD) and Sparse Approximated NearestPoints (SANP) [44] methods. Our MCCM methods out-perform all these methods. Note that CHISD, AHISDand SANP are Euclidean-based convex model meth-ods. The performance improvement of the proposedapproaches compared to CHISD,AHISD and SANP issignificant. This could be attributed to using manifoldfeatures and the nearest convex class model to performthis classification task.Texture Classification Using Brodatz Dataset— Wefollowed the protocol presented in [19] for this dataset.This protocol includes three subsets with differentnumbers of classes: 5-class-texture; 10-class-textureand 16-class-texture. Each image was resized to256 × 256 pixels and divided into 64 regions. Afeature vector for each pixel was calculated usingthe grayscale intensity and absolute values of thefirst- and second-order derivatives of spatial features:

F(x, y) =

[I (x, y) ,

∣∣∣ ∂I∂x

∣∣∣ , ∣∣∣∣ ∂I∂y ∣∣∣∣ , ∣∣∣∣ ∂2I∂x2

∣∣∣∣ , ∣∣∣∣ ∂2I∂y2

∣∣∣∣] . Then, each re-gion was represented by a covariance matrix formedfrom these feature vectors. For each scenario, five SPDpoints per class were randomly selected as training, andthe rest were used for testing.

Table 3: Average accuracy on the ETHZ dataset [38]Method Accuracy (%)PLS [47] 77.3HPE [48] 84.2

SPD-Sc [21] 90.1KSVM 89.5

Geo-NN 87.1MCCM-FM (proposed) 93.4MCCM-CS (proposed) 92.0MCCM-LE (proposed) 90.6

Table 2 compares the proposed MCCM-FM, MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE to various methods. Note that thenumber of training data per class is only five. The pro-posed methods significantly outperform all the base-lines. This corroborates the previous findings in theEuclidean space [24], that suggest the manifold convexclass model is generally more robust to a small num-ber of training samples. Compared to the recent meth-ods such as Log-Euclidean Sparse Representation (LE-SR) [45], Tensor Sparse Coding (TSC) [19] and Rie-mannian Locality Preserving Projection (RLPP) [46],the proposed methods perform better.Person Re-identification Using ETHZ Dataset— TheETHZ dataset [38] was captured from a moving cam-era, containing wide variations in the appearance of peo-ple (refer to Figure 4 (c) for examples). The dataset isdivided into three sequences. Sequence 1 contains 83pedestrians captured in 4,857 images, sequence 2 con-tains 35 pedestrians captured in 1,936 images, and se-quence 3 contains 28 pedestrians captured in 1,762 im-ages. In this experiment, to demonstrate the advantageof our proposed methods, only 10 randomly selectedimages per class were used as training set, while the restwere formed as testing. To generate the SPD features,we first resized all the images into 64 × 32 pixels. Thenthe SPD features were generated by computing covari-ance matrix of the pixels feature vectors defined as:

Fx,y=[x, y,Rx,y,Gx,y, Bx,y,R′x,y,G

′x,y, B



′′x,y, B



where x and y represent the position of a pixel, while Rx,y,Gx,y and Bx,y represent the corresponding color informa-tion, respectively. In this experiment, 10 randomly se-lected images per class were used as training set, whilethe rest were formed as testing.

Table 3 shows the performance of different methodson this dataset. The proposed methods are the besttwo among all methods and achieve considerably betterresults than the three baselines: Geo-NN, KSVM andSPD-Sc. Furthermore, the proposed methods signifi-cantly outperform Partial Least Squares (PLS) [47] and


Table 4: Average accuracy on UCSD dataset [39]Method Accuracy (%)

LDS [49] 87.5CS-LDS [49] 89.1

SOA [50] 95.2DNLSSA - RBF Kernel [51] 94.5

SPD-Sc [21] 90.9KSVM 93.7Geo-NN 91.3

MCCM-FM (proposed) 94.1MCCM-CS (proposed) 94.5MCCM-LE (proposed) 94.1

Histogram Plus Epitome (HPE) [48]. This could be at-tributed to the efficacy of our proposed classifier withmanifold features.Traffic Scene Classification Using UCSD Dataset—This dataset comprises 254 video sequences col-lected from the highway traffic in Seattle over twodays [39] (see Figure 4 (d) for examples). There arethree different classes: heavy traffic (44 sequences),medium traffic (45 sequences) and light traffic (165 se-quences). This dataset is unbalanced since the light traf-fic data is nearly four times the number of heavy trafficdata. We follow the common practice [39] to split thisdataset into the training and test. To generate the SPDpoints, each frame in one sequence was downsized to140 × 161 pixels and further normalized by subtract-ing the mean frame and dividing the variance. Then,we applied the two dimensional Discrete Cosine Trans-form (DCT) on the frame and used the DCT coefficientsas the feature vector for each frame. In the considera-tion of successive frame variation of each sequence, wegenerated the SPD manifold features by computing thecovariance matrix of 15 successive frames in each videosequence.

We compare the performance of our convex classmodel methods, MCCM-FM, MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE with the baselines, Geo-NN, KSVM and SPD-Sc.Table 4 shows our methods outperform all of these base-lines. In addition, Table 4 also presents the perfor-mance of the recent methods such as Linear Dynam-ical Systems model (LDS) [49], Compressive SensingLDS (CSLDS) [49], Spatio-temporal Orientation Anal-ysis (SOA) [50] and Non-Linear Stationary SubspaceAnalysis (DNLSSA) [51]. The accuracy of our meth-ods is considerably better than both LDS and CSLDS.We achieve competitive performance to DNLSSA andSOA. It is noteworthy to mention that DNLSSA andSOA are considerably more complex. As SOA requiresmatching distributions of space-time orientation struc-ture and DNLSSA solves an optimization problem in

the kernel space with manifold regularization. Further-more, our methods do not require any parameter tuning.

It worthy to note that our proposed MCCM meth-ods achieved much better performance than SPD-Sc inall experiments, especially on Brodatz (10.4 percent-age points better). We conjecture that the improvementcould be attributed to the regularization used on theweights wi as the convex model constraints and mod-eling each individual class as one convex model.

6. Further Analysis

In this paper, we have discussed our experiment re-sults suggesting that our proposed methods outperformthe baselines and the recent methods in each dataset. Inthis part we perform further study on the three proposedmethods. In particular, two analysis are presented: (1)running time analysis; (2) analysis on the approximationerror generated by the proposed method and (3) compar-isons with Geo-NN in terms of sensitivity to noisy dataand limited training data.

6.1. Running time analysis

To perform this analysis, we timed each method run-ning time to perform the whole experiment comprisingcalculating the prediction label for each query. Note thatour approach does not need time for training. The exper-iments were performed on an Intel 3.40 GHz processorusing Matlab.

Table 5 shows the running time for the three methodson the four applications. As MCCM-FM requires opti-mization process based on Frechet mean (See Eqn.(15)Section 4.2), it becomes the slowest method of thethree. MCCM-CS using the matrix additions whichwill speed up the computation, especially on ETHZdataset (12.2 times faster than MCCM-FM) and UCSDdataset (5.5 times faster than MCCM-FM). Comparedto MCCM-FM, MCCM-LE is significantly more effi-cient. The speed up achieved by MCCM-LE is 41.7times on UCSD dataset, 18.8 times on ETHZ dataset,12.3 times on ETH80 dataset and 8.5 times on BRO-DATZ dataset. It is noteworthy that despite its ex-tremely fast running time, MCCM-LE does not suffermuch performance loss. The worst drop in accuracy of

Method ETH80 BRODATZ ETHZ UCSDMCCM-FM 46.04s 279.62s 28486.08s 110.03sMCCM-CS 46.15s 160.74s 2338.49s 19.83sMCCM-LE 3.74s 33.09s 1511.71s 2.64s

Table 5: Time comparison: The run time of MCCM-FM, MCCM-CSand MCCM-LE on each dataset.


MCCM-LE is reported in ETHZ dataset with 2.8 per-centage point drops from MCCM-FM. However, giventhe 18.8 times speed up gained by MCCM-LE, this per-formance drop is an excellent trade off. This also cor-roborates the work of Arsigny et al. [3] stating that thesolution of the weighted mean calculated using LE met-ric is fairly similar or in some cases could be the same.All our methods depend on the weighted mean accuracyto compute the convex model distance.

6.2. Analysis of approximation errors

The crux in solving the optimization problem to cal-culate the convex model distance in Eqn.(13) (referto Section 4.2) is on the implicit formulation of theweighted mean. As shown in MCCM-FM, MCCM-CSand MCCM-LE, once this is formulated in an explicitform, the problem can be addressed. To achieve this,we perform three variants:

• MCCM-FM exploits the tangent space at the querypoint. In this space, any distance to the querypoint represents the true manifold geodesic dis-tance. Thus, this allows us to consider the manifoldgeometric structure whilst solving the optimizationproblem. However, this has an assumption that re-quires the query and the convex model should berelatively close.

• MCCM-CS considers Euclidean linear combina-tion. The set of points produced by this form is saidto be under-determined by the mean [33], whichmeans instead of seeking an arbitrary approxima-tion of the weighted Frechet mean points, we con-fine all the approximate points to have the Loewnerpartial order with the Frechet mean.

• MCCM-LE is motivated by the work of Ar-signy et al. [3] suggesting that the Frechet meansolution using the LE metric is similar or the sameas the Frechet mean solution using the AIRM.

Given these approximations, one may ask how muchimpact of the errors generated by these in calculating theconvex model distance is. To answer this, we performan experiment using a synthetic dataset. In this experi-ment, a query, Y and a convex model, CS PD were given.We assume that the true X which minimizes Eqn.(13)(refer to Section 4.2) was also given. We then usedMCCM-FM, MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE to computethe convex model distance from CS PD to Y. Unequiv-ocally, as we already knew the true X, then it was easyto compute the correct convex model distance. Finally,

we evaluated the error by the absolute value of the dif-ference between the correct distance and the estimateddistance. In addition, we evaluated the error when thequery point was progressively moved further away fromthe convex model.

To simplify the analysis, we considered a three-pointconvex model. Note that the results from this analysiscould be easily extrapolated to n-point convex models.Here, we constructed a convex model C3 by using threerandomly generated SPD points X1, X2 and X3. Let M1be the mean of these points. The three points were gen-erated in such a way that the geodesic distance betweenevery point to M1 is equal.

Let M2 be the mean of X1 and X2 and the geodesicdistance from M1 and M2 as D. We generated a set ofquery points {Qi}

4i=1, along the geodesic from M1 to M2.

By doing this, the correct nearest point from Qi to theconvex model C3 is M2 (i.e. X = M2). This is because,Qi is on the geodesic passing M2 and M1 ∈ C3 and therecan be only one unique geodesic in SPD manifolds [2].

As mentioned, we progressively moved the querypoint Qi along the geodesic passing M2 and M1. Thedistance from the query points {Q1 · · ·Q4} to M1 wasset to 5 × D, 10 × D, 100 × D and 200 × D. Figure 5 il-lustrates our experiment set-up. The tests were repeated50 times and we reported the average absolute error inTable 6.

As expected, the further the query from the convexmodel, the more error will be produced. However, wefound that the errors of all three solutions were signif-icantly small even when the query point was very farfrom the convex model. The error produced by MCCM-FM is the lowest for all settings. MCCM-FM is de-signed to solve the problem by attempting to preservethe manifold topological structure as much as possible.MCCM-LE performs as the second best approximationmethod. The error generated by MCCM-CS is higher

Figure 5: Experiment set-up for the approximation error analysis. X1,X2, X3 are randomly generated SPD points; M1 is the Frechet meanof these three points; M2 is the Frechet mean of X1 and X2; D denotesthe geodesic distance from M1 and M2.


Distance 5 × D 10 × D 100 × D 200 × DMCCM-FM 1.97e-04 3.18e-04 1.53e-03 3.35e-03MCCM-CS 8.71e-02 8.72e-02 8.72e-02 8.75e-02MCCM-LE 6.06e-02 6.06e-02 6.14e-02 6.19e-02

Table 6: The average error of MCCM-FM, MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE evaluated using synthetic data.

than MCCM-FM and MCCM-LE, however it is stillextremely small. These results provide two sugges-tions: (1) the approximation used in MCCM-FM is themost accurate as it considers to preserve the manifoldstructure; (2) the error of all three methods is extremelysmall. This means, the approximation will not signifi-cantly give adverse effect on the accuracy of the classi-fier utilizing the convex class model. This may explainthe good performance achieved by all three methods infour datasets.

6.3. Comparisons with Geo-NN

As mentioned in the section 1, Geo-NN is sensitivegiven a small number of training data. Our methodstackle this problem by representing each class by a con-vex model that implicitly increases the number of train-ing data. In this section, we further demonstrate our ad-vantage over Geo-NN on a more challenging dataset–Maryland”in-the-wild” dataset (ML) with thirteen dif-ferent classes of dynamic scenes [52]. This dataset con-tains 130 video samples that capture large variationsin illumination, frame rate, viewpoint, image scale andvarious degrees of camera-induced motion and scenecuts (refer Figure 6 for examples). We used the lastlayer of the CNN trained in [53] as frame descriptors.We then used PCA to reduce the dimensionality of theCNN features to 400. To generate the SPD point, wecomputed the covariance matrix of the frame descrip-tors in one video. Note that, to demonstrate the advan-tage of our methods for small training sets, we randomlyselected five SPD points per class as the training set,the remaining points as the testing set. The experimentswere conducted 10 times and the average performanceis shown in Figure 7. The performance of our meth-ods are significantly better than Geo-NN. MCCM-FMachieved 63.7%, which is 17.7% better than Geo-NN.

In the meantime, we performed an empirical experi-ment on ETH80 by adding artificial points into the train-ing data for Geo-NN. These artificial points were ran-domly generated using the weighted Frechet means ofthe training points [31]. More specifically, a set of ran-dom weights were progressively generated for comput-ing the weighted Frechet means of each class. The re-sulting means were then added into the training class.

Figure 6: Examples of Maryland in-the-wild scenes data set [52].From left to right and top to bottom: Avalanche, Iceberg Collapse,Landslide, Volcano eruption, Chaotic traffic, Smooth traffic, Forestfire and Waterfall.

Figure 7: Comparison results between the proposed methods andGeo-NN on ETH80 dataset with strong noise and Maryland (ML)Dataset. Our proposed methods MCCM performed considerably bet-ter than Geo-NN.

Figure 8: Generate synthetic training data for Geo-NN on ETH80dataset. 160 synthetic points are required by Geo-NN to achieve com-parable performance to MCCM-FM. Note that the performance ofMCCM-FM is obtained without using any synthetic points.

Shown in Figure 8, we found that 160 artificial train-ing points (four times as large as the number of originaltraining data) was required for Geo-NN to achieve thecomparable accuracy with MCCM-FM.

Unfortunately, this process is extremely expensive, asthe generation of these 160 artificial points which usedweighted Frechet mean required 22min. While, the av-erage running time for all the MCCM methods to per-form the whole experiment on the ETH80 is less than


a minute. This indicates the additional advantage ofMCCM over the intrinsic approaches such as Geo-NNwhen only a small number of training data is available.

We also investigated the noise sensitivities of ourproposed methods and Geo-NN. In this part of exper-iments, we added Gaussian noise with zero mean and0.01 variance to the images of ETH-80 dataset. Thenwe re-generated the SPD features for the training andtest dataset using the same process in Section 5. Re-sults in Figure 7 indicate that when strong noises occurin the images, the proposed MCCM-FM method con-siderably outperforms Geo-NN. This suggests that themanifold convex model distance is a much better mea-surement than Geo-NN for classifying noisy images.MCCM-LE is the second best method which is 3.5%worse than MCCM-FM. MCCM-CS is the one that wasmost adversely effected by image noise. We can con-clude that, among the different solutions in the convexmodel framework, MCCM-FM that mostly preservedthe intrinsic manifold structure is the best choice whendealing with noisy images.

7. Conclusions

In this work, we presented the Manifold ConvexClass Model (MCCM) for classification tasks with lim-ited training data on SPD manifolds. To solve theoptimization problem posed when performing nearestconvex model computation, we studied three differ-ent solutions MCCM-FM, MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE.MCCM-FM is designed to solve the problem by tryingto preserve the manifold structure as much as possible,whilst MCCM-CS and MCCM-LE are the approximatesolutions that possess lower computational load. Exper-iments were performed on four computer vision appli-cations where our proposed methods showed superiorperformance than several recent methods. A promis-ing future direction is to utilize the existing deep learn-ing architectures with the objective function designedby our proposed framework.


This work has been partly funded by Sullivan Nico-laides Pathology, Australia and the Australian Re-search Council (ARC) Linkage Projects [Grant num-bers LP130100230, LP160101797]. Arnold Wiliem isfunded by the Advance Queensland Early-Career Re-search Fellowship.


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