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Abrete a la Divinidad

Dejame abrirme a ti espiritu, muestrame el camino hacia Ti

Alineacion con la Divinidad desde el corazón

Deja que la divinidad te corrija(sane)

Reconocer, recordar tu naturaleza divina

Ascender todo lo que eres a la divinidad

Servimos a la divinidad, somos su conducto

Do you ever feel like you are all over the place? Then you need to be grounded/balanced.What is Grounding:

Grounding is a basic meditation technique. Its a form of balancing, connecting, centering oneself, which rids us of negative energy, by linking with Earth and sending energy into it. This will help you become centered again. Being centered allows you to remain calm and not allowing stressful situations, negative emotions or negative thoughts to affect your inner calm.How to Ground oneself?

For best results stand outside barefoot on soil/grass. Feet about hip distance apart. Close your eyes and visualize your feet growing roots from your hips down, going all the way down to the center of the earth. Your root chakra is your energy center, visualize it opening up and grounding you with the color red growing down into the earth. Now focus on your breathing whilst drawing in slow deep breaths. Hold your breath in for the count of three and let it out slowly. As you breathing feel the connection with Mother Earth. At the same time imagine your breath flowing down through your spine until it reaches the base of your root Chakra, where you will breathe out all of your mounted tension, anger, fear and negative thoughts that you are hanging onto. Let it all go out into the soil! Once you feel that you have got rid of all the negative energies in you body, then visualize in front of you a white light connecting mother earth to the heavens. Visualize stepping into the white light while focusing on your body, feel how the white light rejuvenates your body, feel the positive energy filling your body.


Sun-gazing: Why You Should Be Doing It!

The sun gives life to almost all beings on this beautiful planet we call Earth, including ourselves. We wouldn’t be here without the sun and we certainly wouldn’t survive long without it. The sun is responsible for the process called photosynthesis, which keeps plants alive, and growing, which in turn keeps those animals that eat those plants alive, and the animals that eat them. The sun also provides our bodies with what we need to make vitamin D and of course the light and warmth that we experience everyday. And nowadays, the sun is providing us with the energy to power many of our gadgets, electronics and even some of our homes. The sun truly is magnificent! Did you know that there is a way that you can experience even more of what the sun has to offer? You can do so by adding this simple practice into your daily routine, its called Sun Gazing.

The practice of sun gazing has some truly amazing benefits, not only for your physical health, but also for your mental well-being and spiritual development. Some of the benefits of sun gazing include:

Relief of stress and tension Increased energy Boosts production of the feel good hormones serotonin and melatonin Improved eyesight Reduces hunger pains –body is completely nourished by the sun (Some people claim to have been able to take part in this practice and not eat anything during the entire process which is usually about 9 or 10 months) Stimulation of the pineal gland Increased size of pineal gland Releasing of internal blockages Increased human potential

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