Download - About PURE RAW Chocolate & CacaoCeremony

Page 1: About PURE RAW Chocolate  & CacaoCeremony

Journey to Your

with MOTHER EARTH’sPURE RAW chocolate !


How does ChocolateOpen the Heart?

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Mystical Mind

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Cacao - Raw Chocolate

Where to start...My Journey into my heart.

Well, I was introduced to the concept of "journeying medicine" when a dear friend invited me to a Goddess Circle for a Cacao Ceremony I was curious...described as the "black gold" of the Mayans; treated like money and treasured for its transformative properties.  Now, I know that chocolate has been acknowledged by the American Medical Association as one of the world's healthiest foods. in fact, some consider it to be the #1 source of magnesium of any food.  Also, research has shown dark chocolate to also be the #1 antioxidant food, with approximately twice as many antioxidants as red wine and three times as many as green tea. 

Now, the Mayans considered cacao one of their most powerful deities and travelled up to 1200 miles to get their cacao while they had TWO journeying plants growing right under their feet, hauling back enough cacao to fill up the over 800 little cups found at an archaeological dig - at 8 people per pound per ceremonial dose - that would be one long and heavy haul, and with mushrooms and peyote right there, what did they know about cacao that made them go to all of this trouble for their “journey”?

Well, it must be about INTENTION.  You see, Cacao takes you on an amazing journey to the heart. And the best way to illustrate this, as I see it, is

to tell my own story...orchestrated beautifully by the Universe, of course...

So, I've decided to go to the Goddess Gathering - I had been meaning to make it to a Goddess Gathering for some time and this one just worked out (wink) - and through a few circumstances, (wink wink) I find myself sitting in a very cold room (open window turned out to be the culprit), with the ceremony starting an hour late (whatever) after I had been lost for an hour getting there (weird road sign that everyone else ignored) and a few other little things that had me very witchy and twitchy. And I was starting to think that this had better be very, very good or I was going to be very, very annoyed (what a setup!). 

Yes, in hindsight, I do see how, if I weren't SO freaking annoyed about everything, there wouldn't have been enough of a contrast for even me to see the gift of Cacao, as I can be very analytical - in my head. The neutral mind is my gift, apparently, any time I want to claim it.

Chocolate contains an abundance of Phenylethylamine (PEA) and Anandamide, two chemicals that can make your brain feel focused and happy – in fact, Anandamide’s

name was created from the Sanskrit word Ananda which means “bliss”.

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So we're given our Cacao and cautioned only to drink 60% of it as we must allow the body to assimilate before the full dose can be drank as it can have a "detoxifying" effect and that is best to gage before consuming a full dose.  In fact, one of the properties of drinking cacao is that it flushes the liver - of anger!  Well, “circumstances” had me all topped up in that respect by the time the mug met my lips!

So I start to drink this very bitter luke-warm chocolate (I have since been told that it can be hot and not affect the integrity of the journey as cacao can take temperatures above 115 degrees – the usual threshold for anything “raw”- and maintain integrity) and am thinking "If this has no effect, I have just paid $65 for a cup of cold cacao!  And it doesn't even taste all that great!  It’s all grainy! And where's the yummy?  Where is the sweetness, the smoothness, the creeeeaaaaammmmmm?!!!!!"  Well, all that stuff - it just gets in the way of the cacao - the more you add to it, the slower your body processes those beneficial chemicals mentioned earlier, the slower the assimilation in the organs, the slower the path to the heart of all the hormones activated by all of those amazing properties that they've been telling you belong to chocolate but have failed to mention are not found in a box or a bar! The chocolate in the box or the bar will not take you where real chocolate, raw, undiluted chocolate, will take you, as that chocolate is so processed it no longer resembles CACAO!

Anyway, I'm in this STATE.  And then...I start to feel it.  Everything is softening.  Love is literally moving into my mind where critical thinking had been just moments ago...I no longer cared about the temperature of the room (it was warmer though, I'm sure of it) or the crazy journey to the place or anything that took place before I started sipping this transformative elixir!  Ever heard it said that "the longest journey we EVER take is only 18 inches long and it’s the journey from our head to our heart"? Wanna take a short cut?

Now, I'm not saying do Cacao instead of your personal work!  Please.  But what a joy – to be given this gift – to be transported into such deliciousness. And since we never return to the exact same place that we left, what a Blessing!

And then (back to the Goddesses) we did some transformational breathing.  I have done and witnessed plenty of breathing so I was not necessarily expecting anything in particular, but neither was I prepared for the visioning that I received.  Without going into detail, I was shown and I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, through the vision I received, that I am the Divine Feminine (of course!) and it is my job, my JOY and my PURPOSE to embody that to the very best of my ability, to never forget that is my purpose, in what is left of my lifetime, this time.

I could hardly wait to get Paul to try it!!!  As the Universe would have it, that was only a week away!

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It was at the mixed ceremony (men and women) that I sampled the Ecuadorian Cacao purchased locally. I was nervous that it have the same effect, as I wanted Paul to have an equally impactful experience (control freak to the end).  Well, this journey could not have been more different for me!  And no less impactful!  What I see now, in hindsight, is that I truly stepped into the Divine Feminine during that second ceremony.  I honoured male and female; I met each person in the room at my deepest, most Divine Feminine.  Paul, being Paul, went deeper into where he likes to live most of the time anyway, and would always, if the world would either stop interrupting him or join him! we are both committed to bringing Cacao to our work, to our play and to our community.

And between ceremonies I had scoured the Internet and found a Sacred Cacao Ceremony Shaman in Guatemala.  His reply to my first email to him

was that if I was "in town" to "come to my house for a Ceremony - take the steep road down the hill - I'm the first house on the left".  It felt so welcoming!  Since, we have Skyped and emailed and I have learned as much as I can about Sacred Cacao Ceremony from this distance, and have found there isn't much info available to be had, really, other than word of mouth, and through our Guatemalan Chocolate Shaman, Keith, the Real Willy Wonka! If you are interested in diving into the mystic

you can find Keith at

In, Swedish, scientist Carl von Linnaeus thought Cacao to be so important that he names the genus and species of the chocolate bean tree Theobroma Cacao – the literal translation being, “food of the Gods”! Just what the Indigenous Native Americans called it." (Naked Chocolate, David Wolfe)

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So what else do we know about Cacao! Caca was the food of ancient Aztecs, used for 1000’s of years as a delivery mechanism for foods. In fact, as one of the most chemically complex foods on the planet, we barely comprehend the power of raw Cacao and how it helps open capillaries and assists in increasing absorption of food, so anything taken with it is better absorbed by the body – put some in your morning smoothie!

Packed with minerals, nutrients and vitamins loaded with Anandamides the “Bliss Chemicals” – it just makes us feel great and the PEA in raw cacao is an adrenal-related chemical - also created in our brains naturally and released when we “feel love” - that also increases focus...perhaps that’s why we get a “little obsessed” when we first fall in love?

Raw cacao is also rich in calcium, vitamin C (sorry, doesn’t exist in processed chocolate) and iron (314% of the daily iron that we need). It is also the #1 antioxidant content food in the world and has chromium and magnesium which are also the #1 nutrients deficient among North Americans - magnesium is excellent for heart health while chromium helps balance blood sugar! Raw Cacao also has omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), while cooked chocolate contains rancid omega 6 or trans fat which can cause inflammation.

And it doesn’t matter how you “take your cacao” – all of these benefits are there whether you’re drinking it or chewing on the beans or the little broken bits known as nibs or in powder form – just eat it!

Here are some contraindications from the Chocolate Shaman of Guatemala - if you should not partake, you will see yourself described here.

Contraindications: Those who are toxic (as with an intervention like chemotherapy), or need a dietetic detox, may become nauseous 5-6 hours after a large dose, as the bitter stimulates the liver... if so drink water!  

Those into fasting or a raw diet may ‘overdose’ on even a small quantity. Fasting before a ceremonial dose is not necessary - and I don't recommend it for first-timers as an empty system may accelerate assimilation and bring on bitter-related nausea.  Normal or light eating a few hours beforehand is fine.  Cacao acts as a food...  

Many antidepressants do NOT mix with the tryptophan and MAO inhibitors in cacao... Google your meds!

Heart conditions: cacao increases heart rate significantly, and is a vasodilator, reducing blood pressure.  Go easy at first if you have a very low blood pressure.  Real chocolate is fatal to dogs (and I hear parrots and horses) who genetically lack the enzyme to metabolize Theobromine... and so have a heart attack.

No more than an ounce (28 gm) with pregnancy or breast feeding, and not that much until you know cacao and understand your own pace with it. 

If you get migraines from coffee, be cautious with cacao.  Go easy on the caffeine or coffee in the hours before a ceremonial amount of cacao... too buzzy, no focus.  Coffee and cacao as mocha is fine... but a poor combination in ceremony.  The general agreement is that there is little caffeine in cacao... it is mostly a sister molecule, Theobromine (it takes a sophisticated chemical test to tell them apart, hence the frequent statements about caffeine in cacao). 

Reminder: headache, including next day - drink water!  (Theobromine is diuretic.)  Taking a small amount of cacao before sleeping (try 0.3 oz/ 8.5 gm) will help you remember your dreams... I find it works better than alcohol or caffeine which is sometimes recommended for this purpose.

So, in summary, no coffee, no food a couple of hours before, and no hot bath that morning.

No, no, no and know, know, know! Know yourself, know your limits, know what you want and go for it! 

FACT: Cacao (Chocoloate) is one of the most

chemically complex foods on the planet.

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Cacao Ceremony with Paul and Kathie Scott

And if you’re in British Columbia, Canada, join us for our Awakened Heart Sacred Cacao Ceremony .

We have blended practically every teaching Paul and I have taken to create a Journey with the Holy Bean.

As Oneness Blessings Givers, we love and enjoy a breathing method from Oneness called Ananda Mandala - it is very to the point – and we add another 8 chakras to the first 7 with a vortexing meditation. In my training as a Kundalini Yoga Instructor, we learn the profound effects of opening energy pathways and our participants are having great results with this add-on to Ananda Mandala – truly, truly transformative shifts. We also offer the Oneness Blessing, enhanced with the Cacao too!

I place the Ceremony group on a Quantum Bio-Feedback Protocol with the emphasis on Body to Soul Connection, Aura Cleansing and Chakra Balancing with some physical aspects such as Spinal Alignment - for Pranic flow – and clearing of the major Miasm showing for the group.

One ounce (28 gm) per person is enough for many inner activities and may bring on deep emotional release.  Certainly sufficient for open-heartedness.  Everyone is different.  Many have experienced emotional release or energetic blending with the Cacao Deva from munching one bean or from the first sip. 

A ceremonial dose taken after about 3pm will likely have you awake late, unless you are tired from emotional release... although the occasional person can nap on a full ceremonial dose (it is called resistance).  If you allow your density up, and then block its release, expect a 'chocolate hangover' the next day until the energies dissipate or you get them repressed again.  It is just energy... it has to go somewhere.  You will have 30-40% more blood flowing to your brain with cacao... no pharmaceutical drug does this.  Your skin will have almost double the oxygenation... touch is different if your intent or heart is involved.  The heart connecting also contributes to cacao being called an aphrodisiac.

A larger or full ceremonial amount of cacao combined with aerobic activity or a hot spring/ tub/ sweat could make anyone nauseous.  Taking cacao on a food or liquid occupied stomach, or with food, will slow assimilation - which you might want sometimes.  This works well with something like hiking, or long hours of focused creative activity.  Cacao has long been considered marvellous trekking nourishment (although the vasodilatation might lead to extra heat loss at sub-zero temperatures). 




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Cacao “food for the Shift”, in combination with an

Awakened Heart Meditation, and the Chakra Ascension

Breathing guided by Paul and Kathie Scott can be a

powerful catalyst for personal transformation. Luxuriate in

the Spirit of Cacao, in the earthy essence of the sacred

food for the shift! You’ll be amazed – it really is “just

chocolate”! Raw cacao actually does everything you’ve ever

heard chocolate can do but haven’t ever found in a bar or

a box – it is a natural, potent, anti-oxidant, heart-opening

super food! Prepared as close to the traditional Mayan way

as we know with purified water and a dash of cayenne


3 Hour Cacao Ceremony & Meditation

Open your heart, connect to your Source and

Unlock the Mysteries of your Soul with Cacao.

A pure raw chocolate experience.


Image by Fir0002/GNU

Cost: $45/person $80/couple

3-hour Sacred Journey...

includes...breath-work, meditation, Cacao and

delicious snacks.

Call for Current [email protected] or by

calling Kathie at


Awaken Your

A “Mother Medicine” that takes you on a

journey, not a “trip”,

Page 9: About PURE RAW Chocolate  & CacaoCeremony

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