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"Learning humility, purity and simple-living from those who don't take too much from theearth ...

Targeting the problems of hunger, diseaseand o ression that sadden their lives ...Inspiring in each other trust, Confidence andsupport for one another..."

Seva, Sangharsh, Nirmaan

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About AID India - Delhi Chapter• The Delhi Chapter of AID came into being on a cool 26th

 January morning, in the year 2004. The Delhi Chapter andits various initiatives and projects have since journeyeddown a memorable path.

Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhiji

underprivileged, but has also carved a niche out in eachand every volunteer’s heart and soul.

• Delhi is the capital of the country and therefore the DelhiChapter is not only strategically important but also vitalfor the growth and effectiveness of the movement.

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About AID India - Delhi Chapter• AID Delhi has built its forte in the realm of Education,

possessing a strong foundation in various non –formaleducation projects all over NCR.

• Being run by a group of young motivated professionals,

creation. It has influenced and impacted many lives andcreated long lasting happiness in lives of many peoplespecially that of the underprivileged children.

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AID India - Delhi ImpactAID Delhi through its various projects and initiativesacross NCR has been able to influence:

Around 410+ Children between age of 4-15 years who are

provided with non-formal education at different projects.

Children are not only provided with the right educationbut also with regular Health and Nutrition Support.

With a team of around 150 Volunteers which actively

takes part in different initiatives and AID Delhi has built a

bond of love and trust between the volunteers,

children, and their parents.

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AID India - Delhi ImpactThe children under different projects are of migrantworkers who keep on moving from one location to otherand have no access to educational facilities.

AID Delhi Volunteers visit these places, talk to the

parents of the children and motivate the children to study.

Volunteers regularly do basti visits to inform every parentabout their child’s progress and interact with the children

and their parents.

Significant improvement has been observed

in the learning, reading, writing and eating

habits of the children.

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AID India - Delhi Impact• Areas of work-

 – Environment

 –  Women Empowerment

 – Relief and Rehabilitation

 – Right to Information Initiatives

 – CSR Initiatives

 – Livelihood Generation

 – Health Initiatives

 – Social Justice Movements

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AID India - Delhi Impact• Our Collaborations:

 – KHOJ Foundation

 – Parichay

 – Kalpavriksh

 – Chintan

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AID India - Delhi ImpactAID Delhi has also organized various campaigns in Delhi to

support various causes and initiatives. Some of which are:

Candle Vigil in Dec 2008 against Mumbai terror attacks.

 ree an a on r ve w a pvr s .

Candle Vigil for farmers suicide on Oct 2, 2007.

Part of coalition of GM-free India Campaign.

Fund Raising Drives for Bihar Flood Relief.

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AID India - Delhi Birthday Celebrations

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AID India - Delhi Birthday Celebrations

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AID IndiaAID IndiaAID IndiaAID India ---- NCR ProjectsNCR ProjectsNCR ProjectsNCR Projects

Unnati and DishaUnnati and DishaUnnati and DishaUnnati and Disha




AashayeinAashayeinAashayeinAashayein(North Delhi)(North Delhi)(North Delhi)(North Delhi) JaagritiJaagritiJaagritiJaagriti(Dwarka)(Dwarka)(Dwarka)(Dwarka)

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•Prayas was initiated by a few AID volunteers in 2006 as anight school which aimed at helping a few adolescent childrenlearn to read and write.

•It then developed into a community development project

non formal education.

•Regular Picnics, Nutrition and health drives are organized for

the children.•5 children from Prayas were admitted to regular school last yearand around 25 children are targeted to get admitted inschools this year.

Project Coordinator: Arun Raj

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PRAYAS, NoidaPRAYAS, NoidaPRAYAS, NoidaPRAYAS, NoidaSab ko mahsoos ho zindagi ki kushiyan …

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AashayeinAashayeinAashayeinAashayein• Start: March 2006

• Location: Near Vishwavidyalaya MetroStation.

• Around 30 Children are taught regularlyon weekends by a team of Volunteers.

• Goal: To develop the skills of Reading, Writing and Arithematic in the children.

• Coordinator: Neeru Malhotra

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AID India Delhi Chapter AID India Delhi Chapter AID India Delhi Chapter AID India Delhi Chapter 

 Aashayein Aashayein

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Unnati, GurgaonUnnati, GurgaonUnnati, GurgaonUnnati, Gurgaon

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• A non-formal school targeting children ofconstruction labourers and Underdeveloped families.

• Started in January 2007 

• Located at Jharsa Village, Gurgaon

Unnati, GurgaonUnnati, GurgaonUnnati, GurgaonUnnati, Gurgaon

• Has a Regular Teacher with a Full-Time setup.

• About 40 students are taught 4 hours a day and

6 days a week.

• Regular Nutritious food is provided to the childrendaily.

Project Coordinator: Puneet Sharma

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Regular School Education ProgramRegular School Education ProgramRegular School Education ProgramRegular School Education Program

@ Unnati@ Unnati@ Unnati@ UnnatiUnder this program, we identify the most deserving students in our project and get them admitted intoregular good schools in Gurgaon.

for growing and learning so that they have a chanceto look beyond the current horizons set by theirfamily, peer group and community.

Last year 4 Students were admitted to Vivek PublicSchool in Gurgaon and this year 12 Studentsare going to be admitted.(Funded by different Volunteers)

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Children in Action…Children in Action…Children in Action…Children in Action…

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Some memorable moments…Some memorable moments…Some memorable moments…Some memorable moments…

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Unnati TeamUnnati TeamUnnati TeamUnnati Team

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Disha, GurgaonDisha, GurgaonDisha, GurgaonDisha, Gurgaon

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• The school caters to around 50 children from 3-4surrounding slums consisting of families of ragcollectors.

• Started in January 2009

Disha, GurgaonDisha, GurgaonDisha, GurgaonDisha, Gurgaon

• Located at Jharsa Village, Gurgaon

• A Full-Time center with a regular teacher has been

set up where classes are held from 9 am to 1 pm,6days a week.

•Project Coordinator: Anshul Sachdev

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Disha, GurgaonDisha, GurgaonDisha, GurgaonDisha, Gurgaon

• The school plans to provide nutritious food to thechildren daily in between the classes.

• As and when we identify any deserving student,we plan to mentor him/her individually and preparefor re ular school admission. RSEP

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Children at Disha….Children at Disha….Children at Disha….Children at Disha….

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• Start: Feb. 2009

• Location: Near Sector 13 Metro Station,Hotel Construction Site.


• roun ren are aug regu ar yon weekends by a team of Volunteers.

Goal: To impart basic elementary educationto the underprivileged children ofconstruction workers at differentconstruction sites in Dwarka and

help them rise and become

successful citizens of this countr .

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•  Jaagriti aims at not only providing thechildren with the right education but alsoteam them about good health, hygiene,cleanliness and values of life which are asessential as the basic textbook knowled e.

• A full time center has been set up with ateacher for regular teaching of the


• Project Coordinator: Anchit Goel.

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Work in action @ JaagritiWork in action @ JaagritiWork in action @ JaagritiWork in action @ Jaagriti

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Parichay and AID DelhiParichay and AID DelhiParichay and AID DelhiParichay and AID Delhi

•• TheThe objectiveobjective ofof ParichayParichay isis selfself--sustainabilitysustainability withwith thethe broaderbroaderaimaim ofof makingmaking thethe individualsindividuals moremore awareaware andand dignifieddignifiedcitizenscitizens.. ParichayParichay startedstarted inin 20012001 encouragesencourages students’students’participationparticipation inin variousvarious activitiesactivities likelike makingmaking ofof handicrafts,handicrafts,keepingkeeping inin viewview thethe needneed toto impartimpart vocationalvocational educationeducation toto


•• ParichayParichay--AIDAID collaborationcollaboration hashas provedproved veryvery successfulsuccessful.. AIDAIDhashas supportedsupported ParichayParichay inin manymany activities,activities, andand hashas helpedhelpedimprovedimproved thethe generalgeneral lotlot ofof childrenchildren inin numerousnumerous waysways..

•• TheThe NutritionNutrition programprogram hashas beenbeen startedstarted byby AIDAID DelhiDelhi atatParichayParichay toto addressaddress thethe problemproblem ofof malnutritionmalnutrition

amongstamongst thethe childrenchildren..

Parichay Coordinator:Parichay Coordinator: Vijay BhaiyaVijay Bhaiya

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Parichay and AID DelhiParichay and AID DelhiParichay and AID DelhiParichay and AID Delhi

•• BasicBasic nonnon--formalformal educationeducation isis providedprovided toto allall thethe childrenchildren..VolunteersVolunteers visitvisit ParichayParichay regularlyregularly mostlymostly onon weekendsweekends..

• A non-formal education center, Bal Vikas Kendra, was the firstthing to come up as a part of the project. About 150 childrenhave benefited from this program till date.

•• GyanGyan GangaGanga isis aa projectproject whichwhich hashas startedstarted fromfrom learning'slearning's atatParichayParichay.. ThisThis projectproject isis focusedfocused onon childrenchildren whowho areare

mentallymentally retardedretarded.. ThisThis mentalmental rehabilitationrehabilitation centercenter wouldwould bebesupportingsupporting childrenchildren whowho areare inin andand aroundaround thethe communitycommunity atatBhajanpuraBhajanpura..

TheThe projectproject isis atat initialinitial stagestage wherewhere aa surveysurvey isis

conductedconducted andand thethe enrollmentenrollment ofof childrenchildren isis takingtaking placeplace..

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At ParichayAt ParichayAt ParichayAt Parichay

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