Download - Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    Abortion and Subsequent Pre-termBirth: Update 2012

    Byron C. Calhoun, !, "AC#$, "ACS, BAByron C. Calhoun, !, "AC#$, "ACS, BA

    Pro%essor and &i'e Chair, #bstetri's and $yne'olo(yPro%essor and &i'e Chair, #bstetri's and $yne'olo(y

    )est &ir(inia Uni*ersity-Charleston)est &ir(inia Uni*ersity-CharlestonCharleston, )&, USACharleston, )&, USA

    "ebruary, 2012"ebruary, 2012

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    +here are no 'ommer'ial produ'ts+here are no 'ommer'ial produ'ts

    mentioned in this le'ture nor is supportmentioned in this le'ture nor is support

     bein( supplied by any *endor, a(en'y, or bein( supplied by any *endor, a(en'y, or(o*ernmental (ranta(ent.(o*ernmental (ranta(ent.

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    ntrodu'tion#b/e'ti*es ntrodu'tion#b/e'ti*es

    . "requen'y o% P+B. "requen'y o% P+B

    . orbidity o% P+B. orbidity o% P+B

    &. e*ie important re'ent studies&. e*ie important re'ent studies

    &. atest Studies 2003-2011&. atest Studies 2003-2011 &. US So'ietal 'osts o% abortion&. US So'ietal 'osts o% abortion

    &. "uture issues in abortion and P+B&. "uture issues in abortion and P+B

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    . "requen'y 4 Costs

    n'iden'e o% preterm deli*ery is 56 year in USn'iden'e o% preterm deli*ery is 56 year in US

    Births a*era(e 7-8 millionyear in U.S.Births a*era(e 7-8 millionyear in U.S.

    +here%ore, 130-280,000 birthsyear in US+here%ore, 130-280,000 birthsyear in US +he *ery preterm births 923 ee;s< in'lude+he *ery preterm births 923 ee;s< in'lude

    appro=imately 16 births or 70,000-80,000 births annuallyappro=imately 16 births or 70,000-80,000 births annually

    ndu'ed abortion is asso'iated ith >?1.2ndu'ed abortion is asso'iated ith >?1.2 billion (US)billion (US) toto

    health 'osts annuallyhealth 'osts annually11

    11Calhoun BC, Shadi(ian @, ooney B. ndu'ed abortion: 'ost 'onsequen'es o%Calhoun BC, Shadi(ian @, ooney B. ndu'ed abortion: 'ost 'onsequen'es o%

    an attributable ris; %or preterm birth and its impa't on in%ormed 'onsent andan attributable ris; %or preterm birth and its impa't on in%ormed 'onsent and

    medi'al malpra'ti'e. epro ed 200D2 910

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    . orbidity o% Preterm Birth

    &ery lo-birth 9&B)< ei(ht 'osts 23 times 9< term&ery lo-birth 9&B)< ei(ht 'osts 23 times 9< term 9?230,185 *ersus ?E,307

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    Pre*ious Studies Continued

    Sin(le G, ColaiHy ++, Fimmerman B,Sin(le G, ColaiHy ++, Fimmerman B,

    orriss "G. Abortion and the ris; o% subsequentorriss "G. Abortion and the ris; o% subsequent

     preterm birth: A systemati' re*ie ith meta- preterm birth: A systemati' re*ie ith meta-analyses. repro ed 200ED8:ED-103.analyses. repro ed 200ED8:ED-103.55

    Shah PS, Fao . ndu'ed termination o% pre(nan'yShah PS, Fao . ndu'ed termination o% pre(nan'y

    and lo birthei(ht and preterm birth: aand lo birthei(ht and preterm birth: a

    systemati' re*ie and meta-analysis. B#$systemati' re*ie and meta-analysis. B#$200E115:182D-1882.200E115:182D-1882.BB

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Sin(le, et al


    eta-analyses o% literature 1EED-200eta-analyses o% literature 1EED-200

    Pro-abortion 4 pro-li%e authorsPro-abortion 4 pro-li%e authors

    ,3E1 titles, 78E abstra'ts, 170 papers,3E1 titles, 78E abstra'ts, 170 papers 70 abortion 4 25 SAB papers in'luded70 abortion 4 25 SAB papers in'luded

    AnalyHed data %rom 12 indu'ed and E SAB papersAnalyHed data %rom 12 indu'ed and E SAB papers

    !emonstrated 586 in'reased ris; ith sin(le!emonstrated 586 in'reased ris; ith sin(leabortion %or *ery preterm birth 72 ee;sabortion %or *ery preterm birth 72 ee;s

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Sin(le, et al


    12 studies used to 'al'ulate 'ommon #Is12 studies used to 'al'ulate 'ommon #Is

    %or indu'ed abortion%or indu'ed abortion

    1 indu'ed abortion 1.2D # K1.07-1.83L1 indu'ed abortion 1.2D # K1.07-1.83L

    in'reased ris; preterm birth 7 ee;sin'reased ris; preterm birth 7 ee;s

    > 1 indu'ed abortion 1.D1 # K1.21-1.DL> 1 indu'ed abortion 1.D1 # K1.21-1.DL

    in'reased ris; preterm birth 7 ee;sin'reased ris; preterm birth 7 ee;s

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Sin(le, et al


    8 studies a*ailable %or 'ommon #Is %or8 studies a*ailable %or 'ommon #Is %or

    indu'ed abortion 72 ee;sindu'ed abortion 72 ee;s

    Common # 1.58 K1.73-1.E1LCommon # 1.58 K1.73-1.E1L

    n'reased *ery preterm deli*ery rate o% 586n'reased *ery preterm deli*ery rate o% 586

    Similar to other literatureIs %indin(sSimilar to other literatureIs %indin(s

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Sin(le, et al


    12 studies a*ailable %or 'ommon # ith12 studies a*ailable %or 'ommon # ith

    SABIs %or preterm deli*ery 7 ee;sSABIs %or preterm deli*ery 7 ee;s

    1 SAB 1.87 # K1.0D-1.55L1 SAB 1.87 # K1.0D-1.55L

    > 1 SAB 2.2 # K1.E3-2.31L> 1 SAB 2.2 # K1.E3-2.31L

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Shah, et al 200E

    S'reened 378 papersS'reened 378 papers

    @='luded 5D %or la'; dataob/e'ti*e@='luded 5D %or la'; dataob/e'ti*e

    5E 'itations retrie*ed5E 'itations retrie*ed

    72 e='luded72 e='luded

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Shah, et al 200E: 72 e='luded studies

    @='lusions@='lusions studies no neonatal out'omes studies no neonatal out'omes

    reported 'ombined SABabortions reported 'ombined SABabortions D no 'omparison (roupD no 'omparison (roup

    8 reports re*ies8 reports re*ies

    7 reported &B) and B) only7 reported &B) and B) only

    2 studies spe'i%i' population only2 studies spe'i%i' population only 2 studies pre*iously published data2 studies pre*iously published data

    1 dupli'ation publi'ation1 dupli'ation publi'ation

    1data not a*ailable1data not a*ailable

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Shah, et al 200E: 7 in'luded studies

    13 studies ith o Birth )ei(ht 9B)

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Shah, et al 200E: 13 B) Studies

     Jo abortion *s 1 +AB Jo abortion *s 1 +AB

    13 studies13 studies

    230,D2E patients230,D2E patients # 1.7D K1.20-1.D2L# 1.7D K1.20-1.D2L

     Jo abortions *s > 1 Jo abortions *s > 1

    D studies o% 13D studies o% 13

    8E,78 patients8E,78 patients 1.2 K1.8D-2.08L1.2 K1.8D-2.08L

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Shah, et al 200E: 22 P+B Studies

     Jo abortion *s 1 +AB Jo abortion *s 1 +AB

    22 studies22 studies

    253,7E patients253,7E patients # 1.75 K1.28-1.D0L# 1.75 K1.28-1.D0L

     Jo abortions *s > 1 Jo abortions *s > 1

    studies o% 22 studies o% 22

    1D3,821 patients1D3,821 patients 1.E7 K1.73-2.1L1.E7 K1.73-2.1L

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    eta-analysis by Shah, et al 200E: 7 S$A Studies

     Jo abortion *s 1 +AB Jo abortion *s 1 +AB

    7 studies7 studies

    73,37D patients73,37D patients # 0.3 K0.5E-1.0EL# 0.3 K0.5E-1.0EL

     Jo abortions *s > 1 Jo abortions *s > 1

    2 studies o% 72 studies o% 7

    7D,822 patients7D,822 patients 1.05 K0.38-1.77L1.05 K0.38-1.77L

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    2011: another busy year %or preterm birth

    and abortion studies 9no 12 studies<

    • 7 ne interestin( studies on preterm birth7 ne interestin( studies on preterm birth

    and abortionand abortion3-103-10

    • 1 data based lin;ed1 data based lin;ed33

    • 2 'ohort studies2 'ohort studiesE-10E-10

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    !i enHo, et al3

    • ulti'enter, obser*ational, retrospe'ti*e andulti'enter, obser*ational, retrospe'ti*e and

    'ross-se'tional study in E 'enters in taly'ross-se'tional study in E 'enters in taly

    e'ords lin;ed to out'omese'ords lin;ed to out'omes• Poer analysis done prior %ound needed 5,000Poer analysis done prior %ound needed 5,000

    omen to determine a di%%eren'e in preterm birthomen to determine a di%%eren'e in preterm birth

    9baseline P+B rate D6

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    !i enHo, et al3

    • 1D *ariables e*aluated as 'o-%a'tors1D *ariables e*aluated as 'o-%a'tors

    • n'luded B, a(e, medi'al 'omorbidities,n'luded B, a(e, medi'al 'omorbidities,

    toba''o abuse, pre*ious 'esarean se'tion,toba''o abuse, pre*ious 'esarean se'tion,

    and abortionand abortion

    • !id not separate out hen abortions!id not separate out hen abortions

    o''urred or numbers o% abortionso''urred or numbers o% abortions

    • ulti*ariate analysisulti*ariate analysis

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    !i enHo, et al3

    • # in'reased ris; preterm birth 1.ED8# in'reased ris; preterm birth 1.ED8

    91.152-7.23D< ith pre*ious abortion91.152-7.23D< ith pre*ious abortion

    • Also %ound in the study in'reased ris; ith:Also %ound in the study in'reased ris; ith:• B >2D # 1.552 91.077-2.552D # 1.552 91.077-2.55<

    • Pre*ious 'esarean # 2.E08 91.55-.E10

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    !i enHo, et al3

    • Con'lusions:Con'lusions:

    • Positi*esPositi*es• ar(e, lin;ed data base ith poermulti*ariatear(e, lin;ed data base ith poermulti*ariate


    • "ound in'reased P+B ris; in"ound in'reased P+B ris; in ALL ALL patients ith patients ith

     pre*ious abortions as separate %a'tor  pre*ious abortions as separate %a'tor 

    •  Je(ati*es Je(ati*es• !id not separate out abortion timin(!id not separate out abortion timin(

    • !id not do analysis %or multiple abortions!id not do analysis %or multiple abortions

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • Cohort studyCohort study

    • 8 years %rom anuary 2005-!e'ember 200E8 years %rom anuary 2005-!e'ember 200E

    • nter*ie based ith deli*ery out'omesnter*ie based ith deli*ery out'omes

    • 13,727 omen 91E,D2 inter*ieed

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • !i*ided into 7 'omparison (roups:!i*ided into 7 'omparison (roups:

    •  Julliparous omen ith 1 or more %irst Julliparous omen ith 1 or more %irst

    trimester medi'al abortions 9me%epristone

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • ,83 ith 'omplete %ollo up in abortion,83 ith 'omplete %ollo up in abortion

    (roup out o% ori(inal ,DD3 9E3.E6

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • n no abortion (roup there ere 772n no abortion (roup there ere 772

    spontaneous abortions 77210,D85 or 7.1D6spontaneous abortions 77210,D85 or 7.1D6

    • n the abortion (roup there ere:n the abortion (roup there ere:• 1,5E one medi'al abortion 1,5E,8539286

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • # 1.8 91.1-1.3< preterm birth ith 1# 1.8 91.1-1.3< preterm birth ith 1

    sur(i'al abortionsur(i'al abortion

    • # 1.52 91.2-7.82< preterm birth# 1.52 91.2-7.82< preterm birth >> 77sur(i'al abortions 9dose e%%e't

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • # 1.07 90.D7-1.57< no in'rease ris; o% preterm birth ith# 1.07 90.D7-1.57< no in'rease ris; o% preterm birth ith

    medi'al abortions 'ompared to no abortionsmedi'al abortions 'ompared to no abortions

    • Goe*er, buried in arti'le %ound 20.76 o% patients needed aGoe*er, buried in arti'le %ound 20.76 o% patients needed a

     post-abortion su'tion 'uretta(e post-abortion su'tion 'uretta(e

    • # 1.5E 91.02-7.15< preterm birth ris; in omen ith# 1.5E 91.02-7.15< preterm birth ris; in omen ith

    medi'al abortion ee;smedi'al abortion ee;s with curettage!with curettage!

    •  AND AND ris; %or 72 ee; deli*ery # as 7.51 91.87-8.E7

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    • Con'lusions:Con'lusions:• Positi*esPositi*es

    ar(e (roup o% patients 913,727

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    •  Je(ati*es Je(ati*es

    • !id not share most startlin( %indin(s re(ardin(!id not share most startlin( %indin(s re(ardin(

    abortion in this paper abortion in this paper • # 1.8 91.1-1.3< preterm birth ith 1 sur(i'al# 1.8 91.1-1.3< preterm birth ith 1 sur(i'al


    • # 1.52 91.2-7.82< preterm birth# 1.52 91.2-7.82< preterm birth >> 7 sur(i'al7 sur(i'al

    abortions 9dose e%%e't

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    iao, et alE

    •  Je(ati*es 'ontinued Je(ati*es 'ontinued•

    need %or 'uretta(e in 206 medi'al abortionsneed %or 'uretta(e in 206 medi'al abortions• # 1.5E 91.02-7.15< preterm birth ris; in omen ith medi'al# 1.5E 91.02-7.15< preterm birth ris; in omen ith medi'al

    abortion ee;sabortion ee;s with curettage!with curettage!

    •  AND AND ris; %or 72 ee; deli*ery # as 7.51 91.87-8.E7

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    Almedia et al10

    • Abstra't only in @n(lish 9Portu(uese %romAbstra't only in @n(lish 9Portu(uese %rom


  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    &. So'ietal Costs o% Abortion11

    Child bornM?1.8 million 9US< bene%it to so'ietyChild bornM?1.8 million 9US< bene%it to so'iety Child aborted-?200,000 9US< 'ost to so'ietyChild aborted-?200,000 9US< 'ost to so'iety

    Child bornM?200,000 9US< input into treasuryChild bornM?200,000 9US< input into treasury Child abortedM?72,000 9US< 'ost to treasuryChild abortedM?72,000 9US< 'ost to treasury

    1111"in(er , Garden G. So'ietal 'osts o% abortion. "o'us on "amily, "o'us on So'ial ssues,"in(er , Garden G. So'ietal 'osts o% abortion. "o'us on "amily, "o'us on So'ial ssues,

    )orld*ie and Culture, September 22, 200D.)orld*ie and Culture, September 22, 200D.


  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    &. "uture ssues: iability and

    n%ormed Consent

    alpra'ti'e 'osts 'ontinue to s;y-ro';etalpra'ti'e 'osts 'ontinue to s;y-ro';et

    edian dama(e aard %or 'hildbirth:edian dama(e aard %or 'hildbirth:

    >?2 million 9US< beteen 1EE8-2000>?2 million 9US< beteen 1EE8-20001212

    alpra'ti'e premiums rat'het up 706-D06year in USalpra'ti'e premiums rat'het up 706-D06year in US

    atest )ashin(ton Supreme Court 912200E< stru';atest )ashin(ton Supreme Court 912200E< stru';don malpra'ti'e 'aps-opens hole tort problem updon malpra'ti'e 'aps-opens hole tort problem upa(aina(ain

    1212Fimmerman , #ster C. Assi(nin( liability: insurersI missteps helpedFimmerman , #ster C. Assi(nin( liability: insurersI missteps helped pro*o;e malpra'ti'e N'risisO. )all St 2002 une 28:A1. pro*o;e malpra'ti'e N'risisO. )all St 2002 une 28:A1.

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    uestions re(ardin( Abortion and

    Publi' Gealth

    Gas patient had an abortion prior to in'identGas patient had an abortion prior to in'ident pre(nan'yQ pre(nan'yQ

    Go many abortions did patient ha*eQGo many abortions did patient ha*eQ !ose response!ose response

    )as patient in%ormed o% in'reased P+B ris; ith)as patient in%ormed o% in'reased P+B ris; ith pre*ious abortionQ Parti'ularly ethni' ris;s. pre*ious abortionQ Parti'ularly ethni' ris;s.

    )as patient in%ormed o% P+B ris; abortion ith)as patient in%ormed o% P+B ris; abortion ith'erebral palsy ris;Q'erebral palsy ris;Q

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012


    Abortion and P+B

    n'rease aareness o% s'ien'e, ris;, 'ostsn'rease aareness o% s'ien'e, ris;, 'osts

    Publish papers do'umentin( ;non ris;sPublish papers do'umentin( ;non ris;s

    @mphasiHe ris; been ;non %or many years@mphasiHe ris; been ;non %or many years

    @n'oura(e poli'y ma;ers to address@n'oura(e poli'y ma;ers to address

    !e*elop strate(ies to de'rease abortions!e*elop strate(ies to de'rease abortions

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    ndu'ed abortion in'reases P+B rates substantially in latest lar(endu'ed abortion in'reases P+B rates substantially in latest lar(estudiesmeta analysesstudiesmeta analyses

    @thni' in%luen'e 'ompounds the dama(e in Bla';s@thni' in%luen'e 'ompounds the dama(e in Bla';s  Jo 12 studies no ith statisti'al si(ni%i'an'e 9"ebruary, 2012

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    &oi'e ail: 708-733-1DEE&oi'e ail: 708-733-1DEE

    "a=: 708-733-2E1D"a=: 708-733-2E1D

    @mail: byron.'alhounR'am'.or(@mail: byron.'alhounR'am'.or(

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    11Calhoun BCCalhoun BC,, Shadi(ian @, ooney B. ndu'ed abortion: 'ost 'onsequen'es o% anShadi(ian @, ooney B. ndu'ed abortion: 'ost 'onsequen'es o% an

    attributable ris; %or preterm birth and its impa't on in%ormed 'onsent andattributable ris; %or preterm birth and its impa't on in%ormed 'onsent and

    medi'al malpra'ti'e. epro ed 200D2 910

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    55Sin(le G, ColaiHy ++, Fimmerman B, orriss "G. Abortion andSin(le G, ColaiHy ++, Fimmerman B, orriss "G. Abortion and

    the ris; o% subsequent preterm birth: A systemati' re*ie ith meta-the ris; o% subsequent preterm birth: A systemati' re*ie ith meta-

    analyses. repro ed 200ED8:ED-103.analyses. repro ed 200ED8:ED-103.

    Shah PS, Fao . ndu'ed termination o% pre(nan'y and lo birthei(htShah PS, Fao . ndu'ed termination o% pre(nan'y and lo birthei(htand preterm birth: a systemati' re*ie and meta-analysis. B#$and preterm birth: a systemati' re*ie and meta-analysis. B#$


  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    33!i enHo $C, $iardia , osati A, Cleri'i $, +orri'elli , Petra(lia ".!i enHo $C, $iardia , osati A, Cleri'i $, +orri'elli , Petra(lia ".atnernal ris; %a'tors %or preterm birth: a 'ountry-based populationatnernal ris; %a'tors %or preterm birth: a 'ountry-based populationanalysis. @ur #B$J epro Bio 20111DE:782-785analysis. @ur #B$J epro Bio 20111DE:782-785

    EEiao G, )eu , !uan , $e , Fhou , Fen( ). epeated medi'aliao G, )eu , !uan , $e , Fhou , Fen( ). epeated medi'alabortions and the ris; o% preterm birth in the subsequent pre(nan'y.abortions and the ris; o% preterm birth in the subsequent pre(nan'y.Ar'h $yne'ol #bstet 2011238:DE-D35.Ar'h $yne'ol #bstet 2011238:DE-D35.

  • 8/17/2019 Abortion and Subsequent Pre-Term Birth, 2012



    1010Almeda ", et al. Sur*i*al and ris; %a'tors %or neonatal mortality in aAlmeda ", et al. Sur*i*al and ris; %a'tors %or neonatal mortality in a

    'ohort o% *ery lo birth ei(ht in%ants in the southern re(ion o% Sao'ohort o% *ery lo birth ei(ht in%ants in the southern re(ion o% Sao

    Paulo 'ity, BraHil Cad Saude Publi'a 2011:2 95