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Abbreviations used by some contributors

MC = mental cause theory

A = agency theory

H = henneneutictheory

PS = practical syllogism

D = principle of determinism

PAP = principle of alternative possibilities

C = conditional (statement, analysis)

S = supplementation thesis

LC = linguistic condition

BI = basic intuition

AP = authoritative positivist (consideration)

Index of names

Abelson, R. 17,24,25,28,29,30, 37

Aber, J.W. 283 Achilles, 332 Achinstein, P. 16 Adorno, Th.W. 220,221 Aischylos, 311 Alchourr6n, C.E. 127n., 129,130,

132n., 134n. Almasi, M. 255,258 Alston, W.16, 18, 28n. Althusser, L. 220, 228 Anscombe, G.E.M. 15,45,83,95 Apel, K.-O. 17,29,214,215,221 Aqvist, L. BIn. Aristotle, 1, 14,74,78,102,130,

253,298,309,316,321,342 Armstrong, D.M. 67 Arrow, K.J. 179, 338 Asimov, Isaac, 280 Attali, J. 312 Audi, R. 36n. Aune,B.16,26,93-96 Austin,J.L. 36n., 82, 85-87, 89,

90,93,94,108,108n., 109, 117,140-142,146

Ayer, A. 74 Ayers, M. 86-90, 92

Babbage, C. 302

Bachelard, G. 232 Bachtin, M.M. 237 Bacon, F. 342 Baczko, B. 259 Baldwin, E. 321 Barry, B. 167 Barth, K. 279 Barthes, R. 230 Bartuschat, W. 193,202 Bayes, T.337,338,341 Beauchamp, T.L. 298 Beck, L.W. 187 Becker, L.C. 179 Beckermann, A. 33, 37 Bell, K.R. 179n. Benn, S.1. 166,167 Bennett, J. 38 Bentham,J.117, 134, 140-142,

146,159-161 Berdiaev, N. 279 Berg, P. 283,310 Berger, P. 13,225 Bergson, H. 224 Berleant, A. 315 Bernard, C. 302,331 Bernoulli, D. 299, 300, 341 Bernstein, RJ. 221n. Bessis, M. 296 Blackstone, W.T. 177 Blankenburg, W. 226n. Bloch, E. 154, 262

354 Index a/names

Blumenfeld, D. 75,76 Blumer, H. 226n. Bobbio,N.127n., 142 Bohatec, J. 187 Bohr, N. 281 Bourdieu, P. 236 Boyce-Gibson, A. 73 Bradley, M.C. 84 Braithwaite, R.B. 339, 341 Bramhall, D.F. 75, 85, 93, 96,

101 Brand, G. 230n. Brandt, R. 29, 36n. Braybrooke, D. 163 Breggin, P. 293 Brock, D.W. 159 Broekman, J.M. 228 Bronaugh, R.N. 97 Brown, L. 283 Brzozowski, S. 247n. Buber, M. 279 Buczkowski, P. 245n. Bukarin, N.J. 262n. Bulygin, E. 5, 127n., 130, 132n.,

134n., 135n. Burt, C. 306,308 Bush, G.P. 279

Cailahan,D. 283,298,308,310, 314, 315,316,317

Camus, A. 324 Candlish, S. 77 Capella,J.R.127n. Care, N. 17 Castaneda, H.N. 132 Chargaff, E. 289 Chisholm, R. 17,20,31,80,

92-94 Churchland, P. 33, 36n. Churchman, C.W. 339 Cicourel, A. 226, 226n.

Cildress, J.F. 298 Clark,B.167 Clark, E.M. 299 Cline, M. 287 Cohen, C. 310, 314 Cohen, R.S. 187 Cohen, S. 283 Collingwood, R.G. 167 Compte, A. 302, 315, 318, 320 Condorcet, MJ. 299,338 Cornides, Th. 134n. Cournand, A. 307 Crombie, A.C. 328 Cunoc, 262n.

Dallmayr, F.R. 220n" Daniels, N. 167, 172 Danielson, P. 179 Danley, J.R. 179 Danto, A. 2, 16,32,66 Darwin, Ch. 281, 301, 307, 312,

315 Davidson, D. 2,3,15,16,18,26,

28-37,45,46,48-52,58-62, 62n.,63,64,65,67,68,69,83, 87,89,90,95

Davis, B. 308,315 Davis, L. 46 Denham, MJ. 298 Dennett, D. 28n., 67-69 Descartes, R. 1,3,4,50,59,60,

221,327 Dewey, J. 321 Dicey,A.v.112,112n. Dilthey, W. 62n. Dray, W. 15, 17,24,29,33,50 Dubislaw, W. 128 Duhem,P.280,324,330,336 Durkheim, E. 225 Dusing, K. 207,208 Dworkin, R.M. 116, 166n., 117n.,

118, 123n., 127, 144-149, 154, 159,166,167,175-177

Eban, A. 319 Ebbinghaus,J.187 Einstein, A. 280,281 Elias, N. 229n. Elster, J. 299 Engelhardt, H.T., Jr. 283,298,

316,317 Engels, F. 244,252,253,262 Epicur,313 Erikson, E.H. 237

Fagot, A.M. 5,8,9 Faust, 308 Feinberg,J. 36n., 154-159, 167n. Feyerabend, P. 230 Fichte,J.G.188 Finetti, B. de, 334, 339 Finnis, J .M. 117n., 123n., 142 Fitzgerald, R. 154 Flaubert, G. 223 Flew, A.G.N. 79 Fodor, J. 16, 28n. Foley, R. 102 Fcpllesdal, D. 309 Forschner,M.206 Foucault, M. 230,236 Fox, B. 286 Frankel, C. 167 Frankfurt, H.-G. 74-77,80,

96-102 Freud, S. 28n., 321,331,336 Frings, M. 222 Fromm, E. 315 Fuller, L. 109n., 123n. Fullinwider, R.K. 167

Index of names 355

Gadamer, H.-G. 11, 62n., 221, 222n.

Galilei, G. 288, 302, 339 Garfmkel, H. 226, 226n., 235 Gean, W.D. 27-29,30,32,33 GeWen, A. 222n., 225 Gewirth, A. 177 Gibbard, A. 179 Gingerich, 0.315 Gintis, H. 167 Glover, J. 77, 81 Goffman, E. 237 Golding, M. 135n. Goldman, A.H. 177 Goldman, A.1. 16,18,21,31,32,

46,95 Goldmann, L. 220 Gotesky, R. 167 Gould, C.C. 154 Gouldner, A.W. 226 Gramsci, A. 228, 251,262 Grathoff, R. 222n., 226, 227,

229n., 235 Green, T.H. 167 Gregor,M.187 Grice, G.R. 172 Gros, G. 323 Grothendieck, A. 279 Gupta, R.K. 201 Gurwitsch, A. 224 Guttmacher, A.F. 316

Haag, K. 127n. Habermas, J. 9, 221,230,236,280 Hacker, P.M.S. 116n., 117n., 137n. Hagerstrom, A.A.T. 187 Hammerich, K. 229n. Hanson, W.H. 134n. Hare, R.M. 132n., 135,285 Harre, R. 38 Harris, Z.S. 316

356 Index afnames

Hart, H.L.A. 36n., 107n., 117, 117n., 123n., 135-137, 137n., 138-140, 140n., 141-146, 149,159,160,165,175

Hastings, J.W. 317 Haworth, L.L. 163 Hayflich, L. 306 Hedenius, I. 136, 148 Hegedus, A. 258, 259, 260 Hegel, G.W.F. 8, 167,188,212,

213,223,236,326,335,337 Hegeler,A.187 Heidegger, M. 3,4,11,220, 220n.,

222, 222n., 224, 228, 229, 233 Heisenberg, W. 281 Held, V. 179 Heller, A. 154,228, 228n., 233,

236,256,259 Hempel, C.G. 29, 32, 51 Henrich, D. 187 Henry, M. 223 Hill, T.,Jr.155 Hindess, B. 232 Hippocrates, 292, 295, 307 Hobbes,T. 74, 75,85,96,177 Hochfeld, J. 264 Hollis, M. 38 Holmes, R.L. 179 Holmgren, M. 163n. Hook, S. 154 Horkheimer, M. 220 Hume, D. 3,17,21,45,49,50,52,

74,78,96 Husser!, E. 3,6,219-221, 221n.,

222,224-228, 228n., 229-232, 234,236

Huxley, A. 291 Hyppolite, J. 220

Illich, I. 280,289 Ilting, K.-H. 214

Inhaber, H. 293 Inwagen, P. van, 76 10,311 Iribadjakov, N. 268

Jackson, D.A. 308 Jacob, F. 323 Jacquard, A. 298 James, G.C. 157 James, W. 74 Jaubert, A. 281 Jay,M.221n. Jeffrey, R. 99, 102,339 Joas, H. 228n. Johnson, C.E. 304 Jones, H.E. 203 Jcprgensen, J. 128

Kalecki, M. 264, 264n. Kalinowski, G. 130 Kant, I. 3, 6,166,167,187-196,

230,291,300,304,321,322, 335

Kass, L. 310 Kaufmann, A.S. 154 Kaul, N. 179n. Kautsky, K.H. 262n. Kearns, T.R. 160 Kelsen, H. 113,114,115,116,

117n., 118, 134, 135, 135n., 136,143

Kennedy, J.F. 288 Kenny, A.J.P. 15,45,74,77,78,

81,82,83,84,87,90,92 Kern, I. 221 Kiefer, T. 117n. Kierkegaard, S. 220 Kim,J.24,29,36n. Kisker, P.K. 226n. Klein, M. 229n.

Kluckhohn, C. 316 Kmita, J. 263n. Kohlberg, L. 319, 321 Kolakowski, L. 228,251,252,253,

256,259,260, 260n., 271 Kosik, K. 228, 233, 251,254,255 Kowalik, T. 262n., 266 Kozyr-Kowalski, S. 264 Kristeva, J. 237 Kroeber, A.L. 316 Kuhn, H. 222n. Kuhn,T.230,236,332 Kurylov, A.K. 270

Ladosz, J. 264 Lakatos, I. 330,331 Landesman, C. 17 Landgrebe, L. 222n., 236 Lange, O. 262, 263, 263n., 264,

264n., 265, 265n., 266,271 Laslett, P. 108n. Lazlo, E. 167 Leavenworth, M. 335 Lefevbre, H. 233 Lehrer, K. 92, 93, 94, 95 Leibniz, C.W. 206 Leithausser, Th. 234,236 Lenin, V.I. 246,247,248,253 Levinas, E. 222 Levison, A. 29 Levi-Strauss, C. 222 Levy-Leblond, J .-M. 281 Lewin, A.Y. 28n. Lewis, C.I. 132 Lewontin, R.C. 322 Lindley, D.V. 305 Locke,J.l77 L6with, K. 154 Luckmann,Th.13,225,226 Lukacs, C. 14,220,228, 228n.,

229,234,247, 247n., 248, 249, 251,260,261,262

Index of names 357

Luria, S. 305 Lyons, D. 123n., 154, 155, 160,

161-166, 166n., 179 Lyssenko, T.D. 339

MacCallum, C. 179n. MacCormick,N.157, 160, 177 Mackie, J.L. 167, 1 77, 1 79 Macpherson, T. 154 Maimonide, J. 292 Makinson, D. 134n. Malcolm, N. 17,50,53 Mallet, S. 283 Malthus, R. 282 Marcuse, H. 220 Margeneau,H.317 Maritain, J. 279 Markovic,M. 254,255,256 Markus, C. 228 Markus, M. 258, 259, 260 Marshall, C. 112n., 160 Martin,R.5,6,17,23,33,153,

160,177,178 Marx,K.1,6, 7,10,12-14,154,

219-221,223-225,227-230, 232-236,237, 237n., 238, 243, 243n., 244-248,250-255, 258-262,264-272,331

Maslow, A. 315 Masters, J.C. 304 Mathes, J. 226n. Mayo, B. 80, 157 McCloskey, H.J. 154 McFall, J.A. 286 McIntyre, A. 299 McShea, R. 321 Mead, C.H. 225, 226,237 Meadows, D.L. 282 Medawar, P .B. 291,308 Melden, A.I. 15, 17,24,26,30,34,


358 Index a/names

Merleau-Ponty, M. 220, 221,222, 222n., 223, 226, 227,237, 237n.

Merton, R.K. 307 Mesland, D. 327 Metraux, A. 239 Meyer,M.307 Michelman, F.1. 167 Milgram, S. 304 Mill, J.S. 102,160-165,300 Milne, A.1.M. 167 Mine, A. 282,286 Mokre,J.127n. Molesworth, C. 75 Monod,J.285,287,324,

326-332,336,338 Moodie, G.C. 112n. Moore, G.E. 85,335 Morawski, S. 260n. Moraze, C. 295 Moritz, M. 131 Moses, R. 293 Munitz, M.K. 117n. Murdoch,J.315 Murphy,J.G.167,202,204

Nader, R. 293 Narveson, J. 159 Nathan, N.M.L. 283 Natanson,M. 222n., 225, 226 Neely, W. 101 Nelkin, D. 281,324 Nelson, W.N.157, 167 Nesbitt, W. 77 Newell, A. 28n. Newton, I. 280 Nickel, J .W. 153, 160, 177,178,

179n. Nielsen, K. 154, 172, 175n. Nietzsche, F. 232,312,313,323 Nino, C.S. 136

Nirenberg, J.S. 310 Nora, S. 282,286 Nordenfelt, L. 16,23,37,38, 38n. Nowak, L. 5, 10, 243n., 245n. Nowell-Smith, P.H. 86 Nozick, R. 154,166,167,175,


Oberdieck, H. 113n. Oedipus, 290 Ofstad, H. 73 O'Neill, J. 237n., 238 O'Neill, O. 179

Paci,E.227 Packard, V. 291 Parsons, T. 225 Passmore, J. 279 Pasteur, L. 302 Pato(!ka, J. 228 Paton, H.J. 187, 198 PaZanin, A. 228,236 Pazner, E.A. 180 Pears, D.F. 16,33,52,86,90,91,

92 Peters, R.S. 15, 17, 24, 45 Petrovic, G. 228,258 Piaget, J. 321 Piccone, P. 227 Pichler, J. 175n., 178n. P~to,100,101,132,292,296,

300,334 Plessner, H. 222n. Poincare, H. 306, 307, 334, 337 Popper, K. 11,301,307,322,326,

329,330,332-335,340 Porn,l. 29, 37,38 Prezetacznik, F. 154 Prometheus, 308, 311 Psathas, G. 220n., 226, 226n.

Putnam, H, 67,68 Pygmalion, 311

Quetelet, A. 316 Quichotte, Don 335 Quine, W.v.O. 62n., 330 Quinlan, K. 283, 286

Rainko, S. 269 Ramsey, J.T. 310 Rankin,N.80 Rasmussen, L.L. 282 Rawls, J. 6, 154, 159, 166-175,


305,321,335 Raz, J. 5, 116n., 117n., 136, 137n.,

138n., 141, 146 Reboul, o. 211,212 Regan, D.H. 177 Regan, T. 157 Reich, K. 187 Reichenbach, H. 132, 132n. Reisinger, L. 134n. Richards, D.A.J. 177 Ricoeur,P.222,238 Roche, M. 226 R6dig,J.130 Roe,A.287 Rogers, A.R. 315 Rolando, C. 328 Rollin, B.E. 196,197 Rose,H.280 Rose, S. 280 Ross, A. 127n., 128, 130, 136,

142,143,148 Rossv~r, V. 5,6 Roszak, T. 280 Rousseau, J.1. 166,230,279 Rovatti, A. 227, 228 Royer,P.323

Index of names 359

Rudner, R. 339, 340 Russell, B. 281 Rutstein, D.D. 305 Ryan, C.C. 179 Ryle, G. 1,3,4,15,26,29,45

Sacks, o. 328 Sartre, J.P. 220,223,224,227,

317,320 Sauvy, A. 295 Scanlon, T.M. 163,179 Schaff, A. 228,269-271 Schopenhauer, A. 318 Schedler, G. 154 Scheffler, S. 179 Scheler, M. 221n., 222, 222n.,

224 Schiller, M. 160 Schmidt, A. 220 Schmucker,J.187 Schreiber, R. 130 Schreiner,H.127n. SchUtz, A. 224-227,229,231,

232,234-236 Schutze, F. 226n. Secord, P. 38 Sellars, W. 16,26,29,30 Shaffer, J. 36n. Shalgi, M. 198, 199,202 Shenoy, P. 175n. Sheptulin, A. 267 Sherwood, M. 28n. Shiner, R.A. 172 Shockley, A.A. 287 Sichel, B.A. 154 Silber, J.R. 195,196,202,212,

213 Simon, H. 28n. Simpson, D.D. 117n., 323 Sinsheimer, H. 310, 312 Sisson, J. 175n.

360 Index of names

Sisyphos,324 Skinner, Q. 17,23,315 Smith, A. 283 Snare, F. 172 Socrates, 204 de Solla Price, J. 288 Sophokles, 290 Spengler, O. 281 Spiegelberg, H. 167 Sp~oza,B.l,3,4,14,285,290

Springborg, P. 154 Sprondel, W. 222n., 226,227,235 Srubar, I. 236 Stalin,J.249,250,251,252,253,

254,256,262,266,268 Stegmiiller, W. 29,321 Stent, G.S. 321 Stich, S.P. 288,290,308,309,

313,314 Stojanovic, S. 258 Stoutland,F.2,3,17-20,23,29,

31-33,49,55,60,63,65,83 Strasser, S. 223,237 Strauss, A. 237 Stroup, T. 89 Summerlin, S. 306 Supek, R. 251 Szabo, I. 154 Szasz, T. 280

Tadic, L. 154 Tammelo,1.127n. Tarski, A. 130,329 Taylor, C. 2, 15, 17,30,37,38,56 Taylor, D. 33 Taylor, R. 17,20,26,31,33,34 Taylor, Theodore, B. 291 Thalberg, I. 16,20,21,29,36,86,

87 Theunissen, M. 222n., 237n. Thorn, R.340

St. Thomas, 304 Thomson, J.J. 179 Tiles, J .E. 4, 9, 10 1 Tiles, M. 103 Tolman, R.C. 28n. Tonelli, G. 187 Tordai, Z. 260 Toulmin, S. 17 Tran Duc Thao, 220 Tran</>y, K.E. 154 Tuomela, R. 2, 3, 16, 18, 19,22,

24,26-28, 28n., 29-35, 36n., 37,38, 38n., 67,87

Turner, M. 28n., 46 Turner, R. 237

Vadja, M. 228, 228n. Valery, P. 331 Van Horn, A.J. 299 Vellucci, A.E. 293 Verhoog, H. 342 Vilmos, S. 256,259 Volosinov, V.N. 237

Wade, T. 287 Wagner, H. 127n. Waldenfels, B. 5,6, 14, 220n.,

228,237,238 Walker, O.S. 99 Walter, E. 322 Ward, K. 209-212 Warga, E. 264 Wasserstrom, R. 155 Watson, G. 99-101 Watson, P. 292 Weber, M. 224,226,229,232,

237 We~berger, O. 127n., 129, 130, 134n. Wellbank, J.H. 167 Wellman, C. 179n.

White, M. 79-81,97 Wiatr, J. 265 Wiggins, D. 84 Williame, R. 226,227 Williams, C.J.F. 89 Williams, G. 108n. Williams, T.C.189-193, 198-202 Winch,P.15,45 Wilson, E.O. 285,308,317-320,

322-324,329,331,332,336 Wittgenstein, L. 1,3,4, 15, 17,

45,46,60,62n.,229,230 Wolff, R.P. 167 Wolheim, R. 108n. Wood, A.W. 209-211 Woodfield, A. 31

Index of names 361

Wolff, R.P. 200, 201, 204-206, 214,215

Wright, G.H. von, 2,3,4,17, 22-25,29-31,33,35,38, 45,46,50, 52-57,58n., 59-62, 62n., 63, 65, 66-69,128-132

Yolton, J. 77 Young,R.89,97,157 Yovel, Y. 207,208,209

Zaner, R.M. 225 Zecchi, s. 220n. Zuckerman, AJ. 307

Index of subjects

Ability, 5, 11,67, 73 ff. voluntary, 93, 96 f. vs possibility, 93,96 f.

Action-explanations, 2 ff., 15 ff. because-of-, 36n., 48 f. causal, 15, 21 causal theory of, 47 f. conclusive teleological, 23 f. intentional, 47,53 f. intentional-teleological,36,

36n., 37 f., 38n. means-end purposive, 25 nomological, 15 reason, 36n. reason·terminating, 25 teleological, 16, 18 f., 21 , 23 ff.,

36 f. Actions

agency theory of, 16 f., 20 f., 23, 35 f.

anthropology of, 4, 12 behavior in, 19 f. complex, 12 f. consequences of, 55 deli berate, 16 determined, 4 descriptions of, 14 explanation of, 2 ff., 15 ff. external determinants of, 58n. free, 4,12 f.

freedom of, 98 generic means -, 27 goal-theory of, 17 habitual, 16 hermeneu tic theory of, 16 f.,

21 ff. individual constitution of, 5 intention in, 18,20 f. intention of, 18,21 intentionality of, 3, 28n., 46,

54 internal determinants of, 58n. language of, 267 meaning of, 6 mental cause theory of, 16 ff.,

26 ff. moral vs immoral, 198 f. nature of human, 15 Neo-Wittgensteinian theory of,

17 nomological theory of, 36n. non-causal theory of, 17, 24 ff. non-intentional, 16 oblique theory of, 33, 51 f. origin of, 6 philosophy of, 1 f., 45 purposive-causal theory of, 16, 26,

30 f., 33 ff., 36n., 37 rationalization of, 28 sci en tific, 8 f.

simple, 12 simple intentional, 16 social,237 social constitution of,S social philosophy of, 6 theory of, i, 11 f., 15 volition theory of, 34

Acts basic,66 non·basic, 65 f.

Actualism, 88,97 Adjudication

constitutional, 157 moral,119 theory of, 116 f.

Agency moral,200 rational, 200

Alienation, 260, 270 of life, 223 ontological, 223

Alltag, 229 ff., 229n. vs History, 233

Analysis conditional, 85 ff.

Anthropological school, 259 Anthropology, 2, 222 Argument

evaluative, 124 incompatibilist, 85 justificatory, 161 logical connection, 27,30,49 f.,

56 f., 59 f., 63 moral, 119, 119n., 123 f. nomological,36n. The Chisholm-Lehrer, 92 ff.

Attitudes actualist, 97 conative, 36 f., 86 conative pro-, 92 doxastic, 36 f. global character of, 59 f. justifying, 58 f.

Index of subjects 363

mental,3 natural,234 non-intentional, 3

Autonomy, 190 ff., 200 ff., 204 ff.

Behavior ascriptions of, 61 f. in actions, 19 intentional, 2,46 ff. intentionality of, 22, 58 f. mere,46 f., 53 f., 57 ff. non-intentionalisticalIy under-

stood,23 understanding, 21

Behaviorism, 60 existential, 1

Benefits undeniable, 157 f.

Bioethics, 283,298 Biology, 283, 315, 323

evolutionary, 323 socio-, 317, 321, 323, 327

Biosociology, 320 Budapest school, 259

Capacities emotional, 97

Causality, 19 f., 32 f., 47 ff. agent, 37 cybernetic, 35 will as, 201

Causation, 43 ff. agent, 36 f. final,35 Humean, 45, 49 f., 52 nomic, 45,49 f. oblique theory of, 63 ff. ordinary, 36 purposive, 31, 35 f., 36n. purposive event-, 35 singular, 32

364 Index a/subjects

Cause event-, 36n. final,37 Humean, 17,21 mental, 2 f., 16 non-Humean, 35 purposively, 35

Cause theory mental, 2,16 ff., 26 ff.

Chains wayward causal, 19,35

Choice methodology of rational, 299

Circle hermeneutic, 62n.

Claims, 154 ff. have, 155 justifiable, 157 make, 155 valid, 154 ff.

Cognition theory of, 253

Communication, 214 f. and interaction, 236 ff. - situation, 7 ff.

Compatibilism, 74 ff., 102 Concepts

dispositive, 145 Conclusiveness

logical, 23 f. Conditionals

causal, 87,90,96 genuine, 91 material, 89 f. pseudo, 86, 89 ff. real,92 subordinate, 91 true, 91

Congruence between intentionality and mere

behavior, 64 ff. Consciousness

false, 7,247

moral,208 revolu tionary, 246, 248

Contract theory, 166 ff. Critical Theory vide Frankfurt


Deduction, 197 Descriptions

of events, 49 ff. vs criticism, 238

Determinism, 73 f., 76,78,81 ff. metaphysical, 90

Development ergodic, 263 harmonius - of the world, 296 scientific - technological, 288

Dispositions to behave, 60

Doxa the despised, 231

Dualism mind and body, 3 f.

Ego transcendental, 220

Element counterfactual, 65

Empiricism, 2, 231 Environmen t

deterioration of, 288 preservation of, 289

Epicurianism, 313 Epistemology,2 f., 46, 60 Epoche, 227 f. Equality

principle of, 270 f. Equilibrium

method of reflective, 172, 174 Equivalence

logical,90 Equivocation, 95

Ethics, 2, 279, 281,292,294,321, 324 bio-, 283, 298 evo1u tionary, 316 foundation of, 282,324,331 general principle of, 315 meta-, 279 of knowledge, 326 f., 330 f. of science, 303 of scientific activity, 8 f. rational, 317 scientific, 315,317 f., 320, 331 utilitarian, 328 m' science, 331 f., 336, 338

Ethnomethodology, 226,235 Evaluation

principle of, 189 Evolutionism, 335 Evil

problem of, 211 f. Execution

principle of, 189 Existentialism, 317,320,343

Factors initiating, 86

Formula universal, 191 f.

Frankfurt School, 62 n., 220 f., 221n.

Freedom, 77,201 f., 204, 212, 214 negative view of, 78 ff. of action, 98 of will, 6, 33, 98 positive view of, 81 to act, 87, 98

Functionalism, 68 ff. conceptual 26 f., 30, 67 f. token, 68

Game, 8

Index of subjects 365

Goods highest, 206 ff. primary, 168, 173

Hermeneutics, 11 ff., 62n., 221 f. non-causal, 2

Hexeis, 102 History, 254

hermeneutic theory of, 11 f. laws of, 10 f., 13, 246 ff. meaning of, 268 of socialism, 256 philosophy of, 10 f., 13,209,

224 scientific theory of, 244 vs common sense world, 233

Holism, 1 Human rights

declaration of, 292

Idealism non-Marxian, 253 objective, 252 transcendental, 232 vs materialism, 252

Ideology criticism of, 238 legal positivism as, 142 f. scientific, 280

Idioms causal,27

Imperative authoritative, 134 categorical, 6,188 ff. social,7

Inclination dispositional,38

Incompatibilism, 74 ff. Indeterminism

physical, 83 Indexicality, 235

366 Index of subjects

Indifference liberty of, 74,77 ff., 96

Individualism, 237 Intentionality, 3,19,22,31,37,

46 ff. higher-order, 6 multilevel, 6 f. object-directed,3 of behavior, 22 two-level, 6 f.

Intentions, 2 f., 7, 12, 28n., 35 determinants of, 58n. in actions, 18,20 ff., 35 of actions, 18,21 social, 120 f.

Interaction and communication, 236 ff.

Interest basic, 158 principle, 154 ff. specific, 157 - theories, 154 ff.

Interpretation theory of, 11

Intuition basic, III ff.

Justice principles of, 168 f. theory of, 6

Justification, 146 f. of rights, 153 ff. subject of, 172 vs explanation, 63, 65

Knowledge ethics of, 326 f., 330 f. intrinsic vs instrumental value


Language of actions, 267 of macrostructures, 267 theory of, 11

Laws philosophy of, 107 physical, 33, 64 practical, 109, 109n. predictive theory of, 140 psychological, 32 f. science of, 135 social, 244, 248 sociological,255 teleological, 197, 199 theoretical, 109 want-action, 36n. universal, 190, 193 f., 196,201

Laws causal, 32, 50 ff., 61 ff. covering, 32 f., 50 ff., 61 f., 64,

68 deterministic, 61 ideology of, 116 legal, 109 logical, 128 makers vs appliers, 122 moral, 109, 190 ff. natural, 73, 80, 84,191 f., 197 nature of, 5,107 ff. of history, 10 f., 13, 246 ff.

Lebenswelt, 225, 228, 230, 230n., 231,236 f. ontology of, 231 f. und AI/tag, 229 ff., 229n.

Lekton norm-, 132n.

Leninism, 246 ff. Liberty, 332

equal basic, 174 f. of indifference, 74, 77 ff., 96 ofscience,301 ff. of spontaneity, 74, 76 ff., 96,


Life real process of, 232 - welt, vide Lebenswelt

Linguistic condition (LC), 110 ff. Locomotions, 28n. Logic

atheoretical,131n. deontic, 127 ff. of normative propositions,

128 ff. of norms, 128 ff.

Lukacsism, 248

Macrostructures language of, 267

Man as social animal, 219 essence of, 255 existence of, 255

Marxism, 1,10,13 f., 154,219 ff., 243 ff., 317

Mask character, 236

Materialism historical, 245n., 246 f., 249,

251,254,259 ff. identity, 52, 67· neopraxistic, 252 scientific, 318 token, 52, 68 traditional,252 vs idealism, 252

Meaning historical, 11, 14 of action, 8, 12 of attitude terms, 68 of history, 268

Mechanisms mental,83

Messianism social, 244,260 ff.

Metaethics, 279

Index of subjects 367

Metaphysics,2 f., 46, 60 of the individual, 223

Methodology Marxian, 243n. of rational choice, 299

Mind object-dependence of, 4

Mind and Body - dualism, 3 philosophy of, 2

Monism anomolous,52

Moral, 323 f. biological foundations of, 319 - universals, 315 f.

Morality vs expedience, 161 f. Motivation

- system, 100

Nature confidence in, 213 philosophy of, 315 return to, 289 f. system of, 192

Necessity, 197 historical, 254 f., 261 logical, 57,84,92

Needs theory of, 154

Negligence, 78 Neodarwinism, 319 f., 324 f., 329 Norms, 127 ff.

legal,133 -lekton, 132n. logic of, 128 ff. moral,158 Rechtssatz vs. Rechts-, 13 ff.

Noumenon homo, 199 f., 202, 206

Objectivism, 231

368 Index a/subjects

ethical, 206 in science, 227

Ontology of lifeworld vide Lebenswelt social, 260

Order dynamic, 133 legal, 133

Phenomenology, 219 ff. dialogical,237

Philosophy analytic,1 f.,45 f.,62n.,67,

108 natural, 323 of action, 1 ff., 45 ff. of history, 10 f., 13, 204, 224 oflanguage, 2, 219 of law, 107 of mind and body, 2 social, 2, 219 ff., 243 ff.

Physics, 283 Pollution, 289

atomic -, 294 Positivism, 280,325,328

- fight, 221 legal, 123, 127, 140, 140n.,

142 ff. Possibility,S, 11,28,67,73 ff.

principle of alternative -ies, 73 Praxism, 251,261

neo-, 251 ff. Predicates

purely legal, 109 semi-legal, 110

Principles Difference, 173 distributional, 163 general - of ethics, 315 interest, 156 f. legal, 156 moral, 156, 190

of Equal Basic Liberties, 174 of equality, 270 f. of evaluation, 189 of execution, 189

Privileges legal, 157

Progress, 335 ambiguous character of, 289 f. moral, 335 of science, 329 possibility of historical, 209 scientific, 287 f., 295,300,330 technical, 280, 289 technological, 290, 298

Prohairesis, 102 Propositions

logic of normative, 128 ff. normative, 127 ff.

Psychology, 28n., 70, 103, 226n. nomological reason -,33 stimulus-response, 15 - used as torture, 292

Rationality, 197,210 Realism

legal, 136 Reality

manyfold vs excellent, 232 Reanimation, 286 Reasons

executive, 122 practical, 212

Recognition rule of, 137n., 137 ff.

Reductionism, 96, 141 Reference

explicit, 65 implicit, 65

Relevance and the typical, 235 ff.

Research classified -, 311

Responsibility,S, 11, 36n., 73 ff., 120,200

Rights basic, 159, 168 basic moral, 153, 157,160,163,

167,169,173 f., 177 f. constitutional, 153, 160 declaration of, 292 human, 153, 163 justification of, 153 ff. legal, 156 ff. manifesto, 156 moral, 156 ff. natural, 159, 170

Rights political, 174 principle of human, 6 specific, 157 subsidiary, 171

Rules, 161 kg~,112,136,146

linguistic, 7 mor~, 156 of recognition, 137n., 137 ff. valid,138

Rulings authoritative, 118 ff.

Science and ethics, 282 and society, 282 aristo-, 279 ethical control of, 284 ethical limits to, 308 ethics of, 303 f. experimental, 330 factual vs normative, 135

Science ide~s of, 342 - indicators, 302 insufficient, 293 legal, 134 f.

Index of subjects 369

modern, 327 mor~ problems of,S normative code of, 307 objectivism in, 227 oflaw, 135

Science utilitarian vs pure, 302 utility of, 302, 313 f. vs ethics, 331,336,338 vs moral, 285

Scientism, 279, 285 Sentences

deontic, 127 ff. elliptic, 133 genuine vs spurious legal, 136 iso, 135 ought-, 135, 139

Socialism, 246, 250, 257 f., 265, 270 history of, 256

Society basic structure of, 168 ff.

Sociobiology, 317,321,323,327 Sociology

bio-, 320 reflexive, 226 wild,239

Solipsism /Jasein-, 222 transcendent~, 220, 224, 231

Spinozism, 290 Spontaneity, 78

liberty of, 74, 76 ff., 96,101 Stage

deliberative vs executive, 119 ff. pure executive, 121 f.

Stalinism, 249 ff., 262,266 Stance

design, 69 intentional, 69 physic~, 69

Statements can-,80

370 Index of subjects

conditional, 96 deontic, 141 dispositional, 95 external vs internal, 136 ff. legal, 109 ff., 127 ff. practical, 141

States separateness of, 117

Statism, 258 Stoicism, 290,313 Structuralism, 220, 236 Structures

universal, 232 Subjectivism, 195 Syllogisms

practical, 23 f., 27 f., 34, 56 ff., 58n., 59, 61 f., 165

Systems legal, 114 motivation, 100 valuational, 100

Technicism, 231 Technology

scientific -,295 Teleology, 6, 13

in history, 11 - theory, 2

Thesis The supplementation, 88 ff.

Translation indeterminacy of radical, 62n.

Truth, 323 f., 342 scientific, 281 scientific criterions of, 281

Trying, 34, 55,66,86 f. Turing machine programs, 67

Understanding behavior, 21, 57 f.

Universality moral, 197,213

Universalizing, 236 Universe

order of -,290,315 Utilitarianism, 159 ff., 3 13 f.

classical, 305,334 rule, 161

Values action-guiding moral,S

Volition second-order, 98 ff.

Wantings, 34 f., 96 ff. extrinsic, 34, 38 intrinsic, 34, 38

Wanton, 100 Will, 199,207

adequacy of, 83 as causality, 201 free, 98, 203 freedom of, 6, 33,98 moral, 200 ff. rational, 190. 199 ff. self-legislating, 203 weakness of, 101 f.

Wille vs Willkiir, 203 f., 212 World

common sense, vise Alltagswelt life-, vide Lebenswelt