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Date of issue: July 4 , 2007

Australian Auto Trade Fair takes the initiative in

testing new markets

Queensland event attracts quality local and interstate buyers

By staging its fir st -ever Queensland showcase, the 2007 Australian Auto Trade Fair (AATF)

reinforced its commitment to the future of the national automotive industry by testing a

new market.

The move north wa s ma d e in resp onse to d em a nd from the loc a l industry wh ich ha d

never hosted a m a jor a uto trad e eve nt of its ow n, sa id Ga ry Fitz- Roy, CEO of Expertise

Events, organiser of the show.

We felt it wa s just as imp orta nt to ta ke the initia tive and g o to a n emerging m a rket tha t

has long -term potential and service the needs of a sector of the industry that might not

norma lly ha ve the op p ortunity to att end the Fa ir, he sa id.

The inaugural Queensland Fair, held at the Brisbane Exhibition Centre, South Bank,attracted a strong representation of interstate and New Zealand auto repairers while

buyers from the host state accounted for 76 per cent of Fair visitors.

Ma ny ind ustry me mb ers ma d e the ir first d irec t c onta c t w ith sup p liers a t the eve nt,

said Mr Fitz -Roy.

The Motor Trades Association of Queensland and the Institute o f Automotive Mechanical

Engineers were key supporters of the event. Mr Aviars Blums, Chief Executive Officer of theMTAQ opened the Fair on Friday, June 15.

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We received a great level of support and enthusiasm from the Queensland automotive

repair indu stry fo r the Brisb a ne eve nt , sa id Mr Fitz- Roy.

Preliminary exhibitor fee d ba c k sug gests a signific a nt level o f b usiness wa s written d uring

the Fair, which also attests to the qua lity of att end ee s this yea r, he sa id. Som e exhib ito rs

immediately booked f or Syd ne y s AATF in 2008.

The Fair was ve ry suc c essful for us. The peo p le who c ame were in the market for our new

tools and the y ac tua lly bought . We re looking forwa rd to Sydney in 2008. Carlo

Tartaglia, Paintmax

We had p rett y goo d sa les off the stand and there have been pretty good follow - up sales,

to o. We have b oo ked fo r Sydney in 2008. Srecko Kralj, Toptul Australia

"We met so many great people who were genuinely interested in safety in their workplace,and had fun with them all with our Brea thalyser giveaw ay c om pe tition. We ve had a

positive response to our post - event e - mail follow - up with many attendees booking safety

audits. - David Dunster, Advanced Safety Systems Australia

The Fair was a showcase of the latest local and internationa l trends with exhibitors

displaying products and services for crash repair, under car, workshop equipment and

services, performance equipment and services, after -market parts and workshop software.

Local exhibitors were complemented by international repre sentation from China,

Taiwan, Singapore, Italy, New Zealand and the USA.

Education proved to be a popular component of the Fair with visitors keen to take

advantage of the series of Industry Insight talks and sessions at the Product Demo Theatre.

The Industry Insight seminars focused on skills development and the latest innovations in

automotive repair. Industry members could engage in discussion with their peers anddiscover better solutions to streamline workshop and business efficiency, ultimately

inc reasing profits. The presentations included:

Modern Engine Management Technology - Andrew Martin, Regional Technical

Specialist, Bosch Australia;

Trends and New Innovations in Performance Engine Management Re - tuning -Lachlan

Riddel, Technical Director, Chi pTorque Performance; and

Collision Energy Management - Learn the changing technologies and emerging

products in collision repair by Richard Pratt, I -Car Australia.

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Visitors seized the opportunity to network with industry colleagues at the Friday night dr inks

event held for the first time this year. The chance to win a trip to the Lexmark Indy 300 was

an added incentive to visit the Fair and the lucky winner is looking forward to watching the

pure power of the Champ Cars in October this year.

The re is re ally no better way to assess new auto technology than at a venue full of

custom -made displays where you can compare the competition and learn about new

develop me nts in the right environme nt, sa id Mr Fitz- Roy.

Expertise is now turning its attention to the 2008 event which will be held at the Sydney

Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, June 13 -15. It will be the on ly a uto trad e exhib ition

held in Australia ne xt yea r so we a ntic ipa te it will b e one of ou r b igg est show s eve r, sa id

Mr Fitz -Roy. For more info rmation, please contact AATF Exhibition Managers, Ross Hannan,

tel: 9542 7516 or Claudia Steiner, tel: 02 9542 7514.

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Maggie McPhillips Jacka Media & Public Relations Consultant

p: 02 9452 7575 d: 02 9452 7580 f: 02 9975 3707

e: [email protected] www. expertise e vents .