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A2 Advanced Portfolio Research Analysing Film Posters

Page 2: A2 advanced portfolio research analysing film posters

Credits of actors etc. that where involved in the making of the film. They easy to read but not too big that they take the attention away from the rest of the poster

The movie title being in red could represent blood, as the film is quite gruesome.

The image represents the two sides of the film; the all nice sunny girls in bikinis and the other side of terror, darkness and fear.

The film poster uses little innuendos to get the attention of passer bys, they use the phase “Double the D’S” which is a reference to girls bra sizes.

The poster uses sex “image of woman in bikini” to attract the attention of passer bys.

Page 3: A2 advanced portfolio research analysing film posters

The posters uses the fact that it has the same producers as Hangover which was a similar genre as Project x. They also use this as Hangover was one of the best film of 2009 and was a major hit.

They cleverly uses the tag line “The party you’ve only dreamed about” to give an indication to the audience that it involves a major party.

The main picture represents the 3 boys reputation at school, because there outcasts, this shows that even

The use of the fonts and colours give you the idea that the film could 0be horror or a thriller, by doing this it changes your perspective of the film which relates to the story of the film as it changes the average person perspective on a average party.

Page 4: A2 advanced portfolio research analysing film posters

“the wolf pack is back” indicates that this film will have the same characters as before and may even be similar

The tag line “Bangkok has them now” suggest that they may get lost in Bangkok.

The mike Tyson tattoo relates back to the first film where mike Tyson was in it, this can also relate to the fact it could be similar to the first film

By the room looking like it has been trashed could show that something happened the night before that they wont remember because they where drunk.

By there being a monkey could relate to the film being unconventional.

Page 5: A2 advanced portfolio research analysing film posters

The use of 3 pulled out teeth are used to indicate it’s the 3rd film and also shows the goriness of the film. Also on the poster it says “he's pulling out all the stops” to correspond with the 3 pulled out teeth.

The W is made bigger and sharper than the rest of the title to look similar to a pitch fork to represent torture in the film.

It could also represent the devil’s pitch fork. This can also represent torture as the devil is seen to torture his victim.

The use of the saw shaped object represent the main theme of the film.