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Page 1: A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation October 2013 From Travis

A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation October 2013

Judson Memorial Bapt ist Church

From Travis…

Sometime a few weeks ago while driving south on highway 61 I experienced a sudden release of anxiety, stress, & foreboding; they just flew out the window and sank to the bottom of Lake Pepin, I suppose. I would describe this experience as a feeling of finding home; not just the satisfaction of having a physical location but a holistic sense of peace.

I mention this to lift up the healing and “whole-ing” capacity of Judson; do not doubt for a minute “the wonder working power” of this congregation. This sense of wholeness has provided me the clarity to sit down and begin the theological reconstruction process with you. (It has also prevented me, on two occasions, from purchasing books I already own!)

Your level of interest and engagement in this process has astonished me. I sensed from the worship committee retreat that we were on the same page, but not to this degree ☺. As we proceed, I invite you to journal about your own personal beliefs, hopes and dreams. Note the changes, the stones in the road, the new insights, the old memories. If you’re not a journaling type then what about writing a poem or song, creating a work of art, or making a story to help you define your beliefs & experiences. And if those activities aren’t for you, then how about sharing your journey with me over a cup of coffee? Remember it is okay to say I don’t know, to cherish muddled beliefs, or say I’m gonna need some time to chew on that.

Also, always keep in mind the goal of this process is not to end up with all the answers by June but to develop some clarity on who we are, to shed off layers that no longer fit, and to add some new outfits of thought that look stunning on us. The goal is to find home, peace and wholeness.

Furthermore (I try to resist but I just love using that word), I’ve created a blog, to track the sermons and as an initial vehicle for interaction.

Blessings on the road to wholeness.

Inside this Issue…

Worship / Mission of the Month / Yoga Information ................................. 2-3

Adult Education / Caregivers meeting/ Music Series .................................. 4-5

Update on Capital Projects / The Gathering / Great TRUST Auction .......... 6-7

TRUST / Parish Visitor Training / Knitting Group ...................................... 8-9

Month in Review ...................................................................................... 10-11

Centennial 2014 Capital Campaign ................................................... back page

NEW MEMBER CLASSES New Member Classes will be held during Second Hour on Sundays October 13th and 20th and a dinner

tba. Classes will last approximately one hour each session and will cover topics concerning your faith journey, Judson history, the people of Judson and how Judson functions. If you are interested in joining Judson or would like to know more about Judson please see the pastor and indicate your desire.

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October Worship at Judson …work out your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling, for it is God who is all the while effectually

at work in you… Philippians 2:12-13, Amplified Version

We often talk about Judson's DNA characteristics, highlighting three of them: Inclusive, Relational, and Creative. Yes, these three at the core of who we are as a church, and how we experience our faith. However, Judson's DNA is more than that. For a complete picture of who we are and what we aspire to be, consider all 11 of the DNA descriptors. A graphic of all 11 are on the bulletin board in the atrium.

In the center of the graphic is the descriptor "Seekers, Spiritual Journey." Our worship theme this church year--"Faith Seeking Understanding"--speaks to each of us seekers, who are on a spiritual journey, both individually and collectively as a church. October promises to offer steps on that spiritual journey of "Faith Seeking Understanding."

October 6 - 7th Sunday of Kingdomtide Pastor Travis Norvell will give the sermon, entitled, "When We Talk about Hope." Martha Whiteaker is worship leader. Clay Gustafson is liturgist. Travis will lead Time with Children. It is Blessing of the Animals Sunday. Scott Ulring will sing a Noah song. The children will lead us in "All God's Critters." All animals are welcome; pictures of animals, stuffed animals and puppets are welcome, too. Travis says, "I feel like I know some of the animals better this year, so I am looking forward to it." This is also our Sunday for collecting for the Starfish Ministry.

October 13 - Observance of Michaelmas and communion Pastor Norvell's sermon is entitled, "Michaelmas: Simple Gifts." We will have communion on the second Sunday this month. Lynne Hesse is the worship leader. Travis will lead Time with Children. There will be Worship and Wonder for the children. Also, the "Shower of Stoles" is at Judson starting on the 13th. See the beauty and read the stories of the stoles displayed around the sanctuary. The Judson choir will provide the music.

October 20 - 9th Sunday of Kingdomtide Pastor Nadean Bishop is giving the sermon. Nadean's place in Judson is so special--she has been such a blessing to Judson in the past, and we look forward to her preaching on the 20th. Dave Zumeta is liturgist. Terry Larkin is worship leader. Brett Gershon will lead Time with Children. The "Shower of Stoles" will continue, including an open house from noon till 2:00; invite friends and neighbors to stop by to see the display. The Judson choir will provide the music.

October 27 - Reformation Sunday Pastor Norvell's sermon is entitled "Accepting That You Are Accepted." Laura O'Halloran will be liturgist. Barbara York will be worship leader. Char Engen will lead Time with Children. There will be Worship and Wonder. The Judson choir will provide the music. Let us join together in October, seekers on our spiritual journeys: it will be a blessing.

The Pastoral Relations committee includes the following people: Cindy Clague, Pam Joern, Jackie Thureson, Jerry Larsen, Dave Zumeta . Feel free to speak with any of the these people to share ideas, concerns or thanks.

Articles for the next issue of the Judson

Messenger can be submitted to

[email protected]. The

deadline is the 20th of each month for the

following month. For hardcopy submissions

see any editor listed on the address page.

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Jon Odell to speak at the Humphrey Institute on October 3 at 7 pm Jon will be giving the McNaron Lecture at the Humphrey Institute Jonathan Odell's talk focusing on the driving

narratives into which he was born as a white male in 1950’s Mississippi, specifically the cultural storylines of being

a man, being white and being a fundamentalist Christian; as well as how these narratives shaped, confounded and

threatened membership in his Mississippi tribe.

Jonathan Odell / [email protected]

Mission of the Month for October

World Mission Offering of American Baptist Churches USA Thousands of years ago, Abraham was called to be a blessing not only to his family and descendants, but God also promised “all the families on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:3b) This was the same promise that brought Adoniram and Ann Judson to Burma (now Myanmar) in 1813, two centuries ago. Today, we have the opportunity to claim that promise too.

Our gifts to the World Mission Offering support Joel Hoefle and Trish Magal, members of our congregation who serve in Myanmar and Thailand making peace and bringing transformation within communities and between groups who are in conflict with each other, and also bringing love and empowerment to girls, many of whom have been trafficked. Our contributions also support more than 1,800 long-term and short-term missionaries in more than 70 countries. See

You are invited to “Embrace the Cause” of helping people come to know about the life and love of Jesus, grow in their relationship with God, and change their worlds through the power of the Spirit.

You can make a check out to Judson and put “World Mission Offering” in the memo line, put cash in an envelope which you’ll find in the pews, or donate online at You can give to the general offering or designate that your gifts go to Joel and Trish’s work.

YOGA Class Starts Thursday, October 3rd

Monica Lewis's yoga class will start October 3rd. Monica has been studying yoga for ten years and has been teaching since January, 2008. Her approach to teaching is intentional and focused, yet light-hearted and lots of fun. The class starts with a brief centering and ends with a wonderful relaxation. In between the focus is on alignment and connection with our bodies and hearts. The pace is moderate.

Men, women, and all levels are welcome. New members should come 10 - 15 minutes early. Bring mats and props if you have them. Extras will be available. Class is held in the Ann Judson room. Enter the church through the arcade entrance. Cost is $12/class. Don't miss this opportunity to join a great group of people in exploring the connections between your body, spirit, mind and each other.

For more information or to let Monica know you will be attending, please call her at 612-789-8349 or email at [email protected]

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CAREGIVERS' SUPPORT GROUP WILL MEET TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH The Caregivers' Support Group will meet on Tuesday, October 8, at 1:30 p.m. in the Ann Judson Room. This meeting is for those who care for a parent, a spouse, or another person. Pat McLaughlin (TRUST Parish Nurse) and George Burbie will lead the discussion. If you have any questions, please call Pat at the TRUST office (612-822-2394), or George (651-688-2338).

Starfish Ministry

We have been working with Bethlehem Church on the Starfish Ministry for a little over two years now. We need three things to help with the ministry: money, volunteers and prayer. Judson Church has pledged to help with a monthly monetary donation as well as volunteers. However at this point in time our funds are getting low. If you would like to help out with a special offering (our usually offering time is the first Sunday of the month) you can send a check to the church or put a check or cash in the collection on Sunday. Please make sure to mark it as being for Starfish. Thank you for your generosity and God bless you.

Adult Education for October Dreaming Your Future

Are there parts of your life that are calling for a change – work, family relationships, spiritual quest, the pace of your life? We invite you to join us for a 4-week Judson Adult Education Forum to dream your future and make a tangible, workable plan that brings you greater fulfillment and happiness.

Join Kate Brady and Katherine Barton, fellow-seekers, who will share with you their experience from taking the class “Reinventing Your Future,” taught by educator, architect, and internationally recognized expert on creativity, Jerry Allan. Katherine and Kate will share with you some of the most helpful steps and insights from their own work to dream their futures. The conversations focus on:

♦ Week 1: (Sunday, September 22 – 11 a.m. to noon)

• What has brought you happiness and fulfillment in your life?

• What roadblocks do you have to create a future you want?

• What are the rules you have about your life?

♦ Week 2: (Sunday, September 29 – 11 a.m. to noon)

• Goal buddies – what’s your goal?

♦ Week 3: (Sunday, October 6 – 11 a.m. to noon)

• Mapping or excelling your plan

♦ Week 4: (Sunday, October 13 – 11 a.m. to noon)

• Share your story

Jerry Allan will be teaching his class, "Launching Your Future," on Friday, November 1 from 9 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the College of Continuing Education, University of Minnesota. He is a brilliant, creative thinker. It is the best deal in town at $65 for the session.

October 20th, Travis will be reflecting on the weddings he has been doing of late.

On October 27th, Julie Neraas will begin a three part series called "Stages of Faith" based on a course she taught at St. Kate's. She will provide an opportunity for deepening theological reflection begun in Kate's series on Dreaming Your Future incorporating opportunities for participants to begin to identify points in their lives when faith or theology took a turn. We will have opportunity to connect our own faith development with life passages and be mindful of what impacts faith development.

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So far this fiscal year we have given a total of $4,292.28. This includes:

$ 205 to Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists $ 120 to Joyce Food Shelf

$ 415 to One Great Hour of Sharing

$2,592 to Starfish Ministry

$ 800 to Team Thailand

$ 50 to TRUST

$ 75 to Youth Homeless

210 lbs food donated thru August – Joyce Food Shelves

A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation Page 5 October 2013

Sunday, October 20 is “THINK THREE" Sunday

Please bring three (3) items for Joyce Food Shelf on Sunday, October 20th. NEW ITEMS NEEDED: Dried fruit and dried beans, boxed dinners (like Hamburger Helper, etc.), coffee, tea, paper products, shampoo and conditioner, and toothpaste. Also, boxed cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, and canned and bottled juices are always welcome. There are baskets at the back of the sanctuary and in the foyer for your items. Monetary donations are always very much appreciated. Please designate "Joyce Food Shelf" on your check or on the offering envelope. Thank you and Think Three on Sunday, October 20th!

Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 4 pm:

"Requiem" by John Rutter

The Judson Choir and small orchestra will perform the Requiem in the sanctuary.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 7:30 pm:

Lou & Peter Berryman

Writers and Performers of original songs.

Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 7 pm:

Sara Thomsen Solstice Concert

Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 9:30 am:

Barbary Coast Dixieland Band at our service

Sunday, March 22, 2014 at 4 pm:

Minneapolis Trombone Choir concert

Saturday, April 5, 2014:

Dinner and a Show

Contribution Income

(includes: Pledges, Givers of Record and

Loose Offering) as of 9-22-13

Actual amount $ 64,796.71

Budgeted Amount $ 63,128.82

Difference $ 1,667.89

The Hogwarts express is on

track 9 3/4, are you aboard?

The highly anticipated Har-

ry Potter themed Hallow-

een party is being planned

for Oct. 25th from 5:30 to

8:00. We are looking for people to play a part in this

epic event. If you are interested or have questions

please contact- Gretchen at

[email protected] or (612) 870-1204

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We have completed four tasks to improve the church's property.

1. HVAC engineering report from Q&S Engineering - this report identifies and evaluates options for addressing heating, ventilating and air conditioning needs in the Preschool and church offices.

2. Concrete replacement and masonry repair by Hage Construction, Inc. - the arcade entrance, the two west Harriet Ave entrances and the 41st Street entrance next to the alley have all been repaired with new concrete walkways. Limestone at two of the entrances has also been repaired. Hage provides a 25 year warranty on their concrete.

3. Asbestos abatement by Robinson Environmental Services - the old gravity furnace and duct work with asbestos and basement tile floor containing asbestos have been safely removed at the house next to the church.

4. Furnace and air conditioning installation by Uptown Heating Plumbing & Cooling - a new high efficiency (98% AFUE) furnace and high efficiency air conditioner (17 SEER) have been installed at the house next to the church. Uptown provides a 12 year bumper-to-bumper warranty meaning if anything goes wrong, it is fixed at no charge to the church for the next 12 years. The only things we pay for are the furnace and humidifier filters that we replace.

We have paid for these tasks out of the church's savings. Our hope is that the congregation will replenish the savings account with donations to the Capital Campaign.

Tasks yet to be done: roof repair, electrical upgrades, fluid cooler repair, HVAC upgrade to the Preschool wing, stained glass window repair. Extensive repairs to our rental house to prepare for a city inspection around October 10 are almost completed. If you have questions, please contact Ron Cottone, Project Manager or Bob Nelson, Chair of Property.

Thank you, Ron Cottone


What is The Gathering? The Gathering is an enjoyable place for individuals who are experiencing early- to mid-stage memory loss to come together for fellowship and stimulating activities while giving respite to caregivers who desire a break. Trained volunteers provide all the activities.

The Gathering participants and volunteers meets the first through fourth Thursdays of each month at Bethlehem Church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a day of fun and companionship. Judson volunteers are: Barb Balcom, Don Maronde, Margaret Mason, Jane Ann Nelson, and Kathy Urbaniak. The next volunteer training is Monday, October 7, from 8:30-

12:30 at Lyngblomsten in St. Paul. We are in need of more volunteers at Bethlehem. Please talk to any of the Judson volunteers for more information about The Gathering at Bethlehem. For the privacy of those attending, please no drop-in visitors.

The Gathering’s Lyngblomsten staff provides professional support and training. Anyone who is interested in finding out more about The Gathering, or for brochures, please call Betsy Hoffman, The Gathering Assistant Coordinator, at 651.414.5291. Gathering sites have available openings. Please, let your faith community, neighbors, family and friends know of this opportunity. You can also refer them to HYPERLINK ""

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9/1/2013 55 9/15/2013 119 9/29/2013 tbd

9/8/2013 117 9/22/2013 107 99 1/2 Average for September so far



Judson youth are continuing their efforts to help the homeless youth of the Twin Cities with a focus on back to

school items. For kids without a stable home the struggle to attend school on a regular basis can be daunting.

We are hoping to make it a little easier by collecting the items needed in today's schools. Backpacks, pens,

pencils, flash drives, etc. Sunday there will be items at the back of the sanctuary that can be purchased and

donated. Thank you all for the great response last month!

Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:00 PM

Lake Harriet Methodist Church 4901 Chowen Avenue S. MPLS

$20 for adults in advance or with reservations $15 for seniors 65+ and youth under 10 - $5

$25 at the door For reservations, call 612-827-6159 or

email trustinc @

Proceeds support the programs and ministries of TRUST - Meals on Wheels, Chore Program, Parish Nursing, CoAM Life Enrichment, Tours & Grocery Transportation, TRUST Youth, Trusty Salers, Prayer

Shawl Ministry, Loaves & Fishes, Grief Coalition and more.



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TRUSTworthy News Did you know:

TRUST, Inc. is a nonprofit, interfaith coalition of Minneapolis congregations that has served the needs of seniors, families, and youth of Minneapolis since 1970. Initially consisting of eight congregations, TRUST now has a membership of 18, representing nine different denominations. With TRUST member congregations, CoAM supporting congregations and the churches represented in the South Minneapolis Coalition for Grief Support, 45 churches gather with TRUST to do “good works” in the community. The original mission of TRUST was for the congregations to join in a common effort of service to others, with that service being open to all and transcending historical denominational differences. They created a consortium of congregations to provide human services in the community, doing together what no individual congregation could do alone and providing these services across racial and economic lines and physical barriers.

The partner congregations of TRUST have a proven record of working together to meet the needs of the community. Volunteer recruitment from the coalition’s members and the community and disbursement of those volunteers to meet community needs are TRUST’s strengths. In 2010, almost 3,000 volunteers gave over 23,000 hours of service through TRUST programs.

CPR Class “For Friends and Family”

Presented by Allina

Monday, October 7

At 7 pm

Cost $15 per person

Each person has a manikin. Easy.

No Test. Learn about AED.

Please make reservation at 612-824-0761—Mayflower Church

Interfaith Parish Visitor Training

Faith communities are a place to nurture and grow the “gift to care” that dwells in all of us. Parish Visitors offer an intentional way for individuals to extend the love of Christ through a ministry of listening, care giving and practical support.

A Parish Visitor is a layperson who is available as a listening and supportive friend through visits, phone calls, conversations at church, at work and in the neighborhood. Parish Visitor relationships can vary in time from a brief ministry of one or two conversations to regular visits over several years.

This is a chance to have core training in the role of lay ministry including compassionate listening, grief and loss. Join us for this two=part series with opportunities for continuing topics and support. To register please call 612-312-3400. The sessions will be held on Tuesday, October 1 & 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (located at 4100 Lyndale Ave S). The cost is $25 per person. Congregational care will help to substisize $10 and we will try to help with the rest. Please let the office know.


Greetings! Our next meeting of the will be held Saturday, October

12, at 1 pm. Betty Wedekind has generously offered to host the meeting. Please let Betty know if you will attend. See you then. Margaret Buystedt

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Month in Review.

Gracie Jones and Grady O'Halloran Our Oldest and youngest members

The participants in the Kickball game at Fuller Park on Rally Sunday.

The Blessing of the spoons before

digging into the Gutter Sundae.

The food table with all the casseroles

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The Frozen T-Shirt contest at Fuller Park on Rally Sunday

Margaret Mason and Josh Holloway playing foosball at Fuller Park.

The Knitting group meeting at Kathy Urbaniak's Home.

Mac Chatfield receiving the Silver Lamb

trophy for the best hot dish at the Rally

Sunday Picnic.

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A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation October 2013

Published monthly by

Judson Memorial Baptist Church

Rev. G. Travis Norvell, Pastor

[email protected]

Brett Gershon, Children & Youth Coordinator

[email protected]

John De Haan, Director of Music

[email protected]

Jim Wentink, Organist

[email protected]

Eileen McLaughlin, Office Manager

[email protected]

Office: 612-822-0649

Fax: 612-822-8055

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 am--3 pm

Editor: Eileen McLaughlin

The Messenger NON-PROFIT ORG.





Judson Memorial Baptist Church 4101 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

is Coming Soon!

“Centennial 2014” is the name of our soon-to-be-launched capital campaign. The name reflects the centennial of our beautiful building; the purpose is to fund critical maintenance and improvements so we can hand our church building on to future generations.

The plan, approved at the July 14, 2013 business meeting, is to raise $250,000 over 3 years. This money will be used to fund these tasks:

1. Engineering analysis & evaluation by Rebecca Ellis of Q&S Engineering for upgrading HVAC in the Judson Preschool. Completed.

2. Replace concrete at four entryways. Hage Construction, Inc. Completed.

3. Asbestos abatement of furnace, duct work and tile floor at the house at 4117 Harriet Ave. Completed.

4. Installation of new furnace and air conditioning at the house at 4117 Harriet Ave. Completed.

5. Replace roof over south end of Ann Judson Room. Taking bids. To be completed before cold weather sets in.

6. Electrical upgrades to electrical system in the church. Planned for this winter.

7. Replace coil in fluid cooler to restore air conditioning in the church. Planned for next April.

8. Upgrade HVAC in Preschool. Planned for 2014.

9. Stained glass window repair. Planned for 2014 or 2015.

You’ll be receiving a letter in the next few days, asking you to contribute to this effort. Please give this your thoughtful consideration. It is important to maintain our beloved centennial building, as this is intimately connected to the capability of accomplishing our mission and goals of ministry.

Craig M. Wiester

Centennial 2014 Chair