Download - A warm welcome to Squirrel Class! - Mudeford Infants ... · A warm welcome to Year 2! Owl Class Teacher: ... Your child may not be with their class teacher for English or ... (Resourceful)


A warm welcome to Year 2!Owl Class Teacher: Miss Cheeseman

Owl Class Teaching assistant: Mrs Chandler

Badger Class Teacher: Mrs Shale

Badger Class Teaching assistant: Mrs de Souza

Year 2 Volunteer – ‘Old’ Mr Churchill

General information

Newsletters are emailed every Friday and are always available from the school website. Any other letters will be given to children to put in their bookbags. Please check these every day.

PE will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please make sure your child has trainers for the beginning of Summer term.

Any brief messages can be given to the teacher during early morning work at 8:45. Otherwise, please make an appointment if you wish to discuss in more detail any issues or concerns.

Any reply slips should be posted in the Red Post box outside Miss Cheeseman’s classroom.

General Information continued…

Please write in the going home book in the morning if your child is being picked up by someone else at the end of the school day.

Please name all clothes that are worn in school including hats and coats. Also please try to name water bottles.

Show and tell will be on Fridays related to learning only.

Children can volunteer to do an assembly with a friend about something they find particularly interesting. Letters will go home at least a week in advance so you have time to prepare.

We are always looking for parents to be involved in the school eg school governors, friends, reading and counting card volunteers

Day Early morning activity Activity in school Items required from home


Have a go writing books New books given out in Read Write Inc Read Write Inc. book and spellings

Tuesday Handwriting PE PE Kit


Maths Make sure home school reading books are changed regularly



Homework marking

School reading records reviewed

Homework folders

Reading record



School newsletter emailed

Homework given out


Year 2 Timetable of activities in

school and items required from home


Homework Your child will generally receive homework on a weekly basis except for

during holidays. It will be based around literacy, maths or topic work. It is not compulsory.

Your child will be given spellings on a regular basis. They will have an opportunity to learn these in school as well as at home.

As well as set homework, your child will have a counting card with learn its and again these will be assessed at least half termly.

Every time we begin a new topic you will be given a home learning topic map with ideas on how to extend your child’s learning outside of school.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and will need to be in by the

following Wednesday at the latest in order to be marked.


Children will be taught through fun and engaging topics throughout the year.

Please let us know if you can help or share ideas about the topics with the class.

There will be occasional educational visits throughout the year as well as visitors coming to share their expertise. We will try at all times to keep costs to a minimum. We can only run trips with the help of volunteers.

Your child may not be with their class teacher for English or maths, as we will be putting them with children of similar ability across the year group and across the school.


We expect children to follow the class agreement that is drawn up at the start of the academic year.

There is a procedure for reminding children of how to behave at school and each class follows a traffic light system.

If there are concerns over your child’s behaviour then you will be informed and we ask your full support with helping to put it right.

The main behavioural concerns are related to attitude to learning (focus and attention-active listening throughout school).

How Read Write Inc works in school

Children are continually assessed and put into groups according to the stage they are at across the school. This is so that we meet the needs of the individual as effectively as possible.

They will receive the programme 4 days a week in smaller than class size groups.

The lessons will incorporate the learning of reading, spelling and writing.

On the Friday your child will learn writing skills

Reading at home Depending on which Read Write inc group your child is in, they may

receive the book they are reading at school to practise with at home. They cannot receive a new book until the old one is returned so please make sure they remain in your child’s book bag.

We strongly encourage you to choose a school book from the Year 1 corridor. It is preferable that you choose the same colour level as the Read Write Inc. book that your child is on. There is a variation in levels of challenge within each colour box so please feel free to be selective. They are designed to help build confidence.

Every child will have a reading record please use as appropriate. Please support your child by occasionally referring to the targets when reading.

If your child is in Rainbow group it is essential they continue practising to read a range of genres.

Reading Records will be checked on Fridays.

Please read with your child in some way for at least 5- 10 minutes on a daily basis.

New Library Access Arrangements

A letter has been emailed to you about new arrangements for changing library books

Children can change books more regularly

Opportunities to share a book with your child

Quiet area for home learning, spelling, practising counting cards, red word reading

Visiting guest readers, reading challenges

The opening hours will be 8.30am to 8.45am and 3pm to 3.30pm every day

Should you not be able to attend at any point during the week there will be an opportunity for your child to visit the library during the school week to change their book.

Red words A letter has been emailed to you about red word (common exception word) spellings.

One area that we have identified as proving a challenge for some children is their spelling so we have designed an approach which we feel will help the children to have more fun as well as greater success.

We will introduce two red words a week for children to read and spell. Children will have their own red word folder which also contains a range of games and activities that you may like to try.

Little and often is likely to be the best way, for example practising as you’re eating breakfast or walking to school every day. There is no right or wrong way to use these words, you could practice singing them or drawing them, they could be stuck on the fridge or the bathroom door, used to play games or as flashcards We would love to hear of any activities that you have particularly enjoyed or found helpful as well as any other suggestions that you may have tried. Please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher if you would also like a list of further activities.

If you find that your child can already read and spell the words then please carry on with any others from their red word card that they may be less confident with.

Big Maths

•A teaching method that makes Maths progress in Early Years easy and fun for children and for teachers

•Ensures progression within the context of child’s play, self discovery and personal learning journey

•C – Counting

•L- “Learn its”

•I- Its Nothing New

•C- Calculating


Focus is on core skills

Mon-Tue- Weds

Big Maths – Number & Calculation

Thur- Fri

Big Think – Shape space & Measure including real-life problem solving

Counting Cards

•Counting cards have been updated to tie in with new curriculum.

• These need to be known INSTANTLY without ANY hesitation when answering

• I Please let us know if you are able to help assess counting cards for Year 2 pupils.


As you may be aware at the end of Year Two all children are required to take an assessment in Reading, Writing and Maths.

These must take place in the month of May. Please do not go on holiday during this time.

The children are not made aware that they are taking tests and often parents haven’t even realised the tests are taking place!

Nearer the time you will be invited to a meeting where you will be able to see sample papers and what is expected of the children.

The information from the assessments is used to support teacher assessments and is passed to the Junior school.

Never heard before


Heard - not sure of meaning


Know what it means: give a simple definition or an example




present tensepast tenseSingularPlural

Learning to learnOne of the key strengths in our Foundation Stage learning is the level of independence children have in their learning. We want to continue to foster and develop that independence throughout their time here. Therefore it is essential that we teach children how to be good learners and what attributes and attitudes you need to have in order to be successful.

Francesca Fox (Resourceful)

Olly Owl (Reflective)

Michelle Meerkat (Reasoning)

Tommy Tortoise (Resilient)

Danny Dog (Responsible)

Learning to learn Report Year 2

Learning Culture

Extent to which this has been demonstrated








I can …

Get on with it

Ask for help when


Go and get things

to help me



SCHOOLS AWARD Mudeford Infants School

We have currently achieved our ‘Recognition of


The Rights Respecting Schools Award

“The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA)

is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-

discrimination and participation. The RRSA seeks to put

the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart

of a school’s ethos and culture to improve well-being and

develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full

potential. A rights-respecting school is a community where

children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected,

protected and promoted. Young people and the school

community learn about children’s rights by putting them into

practice every day.” (UNICEF)

A Rights Respecting School is...

…Where young people gain self-esteem by learning about

the rights they have from birth and build from there.

• I learn about my rights

• I feel included

• My self-esteem rises

• I can begin to think about others

and their rights

• I learn to negotiate

• My language and thinking skills

are extended

.Everyone learns to use

the language of rights

and respect.

Adults and young people

model rights-respecting

behaviour and


Young people draw up a charter for their class based

on the CRC. They respect the charter because

they have a sense of ownership

It’s a school where...

Students and adults learn to work in partnership

• Pupil involvement at the heart

of everything we do and how we

develop as a school

• Steering group

• School Council

• The power of peer education

Thank you for coming!

Children can continue to access espresso from home. Username: student10939

Password: mudeford

Every child has their own purple mash login which the school has paid for, children are using these in computing lessons and you will be receiving a copy of your child’s log in details so that they can also access purple mash from home

Please make sure that you have read the letter that came home about pupil premium to check if you may be eligible.

Please feel free to ask any questions.