Download - A U T U M N 2 Valley Views


Dates for the Diary

Valley Views

Firstly, my thanks to all those parents who have taken the time to

complete the recent parent survey. Your views are really important

to us and it has been extremely useful to read the feedback to

celebrate all that is working well and further improve our practice

in certain areas. We have also recently run a similar survey with all

the pupils and some aspects of their feedback will be discussed with

the School Council in the coming months to once again Improve on

Our Previous Best.

After the half-term break, the first Parent-Governor Forum will

take place where the focus will be on school development priorities

and Valley’s performance in the 2017 national tests. The second

forum will take place later in January where the focus will be on

the school’s new sex and relationships policy. These forums are

another great way of gaining a better understanding of the day-to-

day running of the school and an opportunity to offer your views

on school life. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

October 20th

Break up for the

Half-Term holiday

November 2nd

Parent –Governor


2.30pm & 7pm

A U T U M N 2

Many congratulations go to

three very sporty members of

our school community. Just

incase they were not getting

enough sport at school,

Matilda, Joe and Finlay

recently took part in a junior

triathlon event at Hever

Castle. They all performed

exceptionally well and were

great ambassadors for the

school. There’s now talk of

starting our very own Valley

Triathlon Team to participate

in future events. Well done to

all three!

Triathlon Success

First day back for

pupils after the

half-term break

October 31st



Don’t Miss the Deadline A gentle reminder to all Year 6 parents that the deadline for

submitting your secondary school admission form is

October 31st. As of last Thursday, only one third of parents

in Bromley had submitted their form. Now that the

majority of Open Evenings for local secondary schools have

taken place, it’s decision time on the preferences you would

like to make for your child’s secondary school.

National Offer Day is 1st March 2018.

Good luck to you all in the preferences you make.

Topmarks Holiday Club

Topmark Sport’s Ofsted Outstanding rated holiday club will

once again run Monday to Friday through the half-term break.

Book early to avoid disappointment as the club got very busy in

the summer holidays.

CSAT MAT Update I am delighted to announce that our application to

enter into a formal multi-academy trust partnership

with Connect Schools Academy Trust was approved

last Thursday by the DfE’s Headteacher Board.

The school’s legal team will now work on the

transition process with the view to formally

converting into the Trust on 1st January 2018. Many classes have their own parental

Whatsapp Group. These should only be

used to communicate key dates and

information about forthcoming school

events. Parents are kindly reminded that

social media should not be used to discuss

pupils’ behaviour or incidences that have

occurred at school. Parents are asked to

follow the steps that are clearly set out in

the Working Together Policy if they wish

to discuss any aspect of their child’s

education with school staff.

Parents are reminded that the playground gates are

locked at 9.05am and 3.50pm each morning and

afternoon to secure the site for pupils. The

adventure playground, playbus and den area should

not be accessed before or after school.

Securing the School Site



Sporting Year gets Underway

Key Autumn Term Dates


23rd – 27th – Half-Term week

30th – INSET Day (school not open to pupils)

31st – Secondary School Application Deadline


2nd – Parent Governor Forum 2.30pm and 7.00pm

10th – PTA Discos 5.30pm & 6.45pm

14th – Parent Teacher Consultations 3.50 – 7.00pm

16th – Parent Teacher Consultations 3.50 – 6.00pm


The sporting year has got off to a good start. The Key Stage 1 football team were in action a few

weeks back in the Bromley Schools Tournament and came second overall. The school’s High 5

netball team competed in their tournament last week and came fourth and the Year 6 Boys’

football team narrowly lost to Oak Lodge in their first league match of the season. After half-term,

the school swimming and cross country teams will be in action along with the first cup football

matches being played.



Name It! Parents are reminded that all items of school uniform

and PE kit should be named. Name labels can be

ordered from Graduates but simply writing your child’s

initials and class name on a label will also help return

items of clothing to their rightful owners. The school

does not currently have lost property bins so it’s

essential that all items of clothing are named.

Thank you.



One of the first jobs for the School Council was to vote

for this year’s chosen charity. A shortlist of three

charities was decided upon and this was taken back to

the classes for all pupils to cast their vote. This year, as

a school, we will support the work of Unicef.

Throughout the year, the pupils will learn more about

this charity in their PHSCE lessons as well as hosting

many fundraising opportunities. In last week’s harvest

assemblies the pupils spoke about the wide ranging

work of Unicef and parents also heard some thought-

provoking poems from members of Year 6 on their

hopes and dreams for the future.

Valley staff would like to wish all of our

families who are celebrating Diwali a

happy and joyous time during the period

of festivities. We thoroughly enjoyed

celebrating this festival as a school

community yesterday with a whole-

school assembly and special Diwali

themed lunch.

Happy Diwali

If you are struggling to clear your child of nits and head lice

there is a company in the area who professionally clear nit

and head lice infestations for you. They use revolutionary

technology to clear in 2 appointments, 7 days apart. They

work in an entirely natural way, without a chemical or

product in sight and they guarantee what they do. They are

called The Hairforce – Lice Assassins. Telephone number 0208 249 7381

or email [email protected].



World Food Festival

Thank you to all the families who brought along a dish to share at this year’s World Food

Festival. It was another outstanding success with dishes from around the British Isles and the

four corners of the world reflecting once again the rich cultural diversity of the school. A

special THANK YOU to Mrs Anderson and the PTA for taking the lead on organising this

year’s event.

Much work has been done over the past twelve

months to increase general attendance at Valley.

For the last academic year, we achieved on

overall attendance rate of 96.4% so a big thank

you to all those pupils who attended school

regularly. Having compared last year’s statistics

with the National picture, we have a small

number of pupils who are persistently absent

from school i.e their attendance falls below 90%.

This year, we will have an increased focus on

those pupils whose attendance begins to fall

below 93%. More information will be included

in the updated Attendance and Punctuality

Factsheet which will be published after half-


Persistent Absenteeism Bikeability

Congratulations go to many members of Year 6

who successfully passed Levels 1 and 2 of their

Bikeability course recently. The two-day course

takes our young cyclists out and about on local

roads to teach them about pedestrian awareness

and important aspects of road safety. A special

mentioned goes to Marcus, Louise, Max, Lucy

who were awarded Star Cyclists during the




Hope and Dreams

Deeya Sydamah 6FA

Scars may stay, but stars will make way,

Together we will fly, but never will; we die.

Let’s bring back morality and leave our reality,

Let’s stop all the war, a free world will soar.

Give people shelter; we must be a helper,

We can conquer the earth, whatever we are worth.

Stand up for our rights, whether we’re black or white.

Let’s unite in joy, the world will not annoy.

We shall never feel poor, but we shall always soar.

Let’s stop all this black floating in the air,

but instead bring back the love we share.

Get rid of all this war and let’s open a brand new door.

No matter how rich, no matter how poor, we should never

ever ditch and listen to the law.

Our hopes will never die, our dreams will never lie.

As long as we’re together, as long as forever,

We will sing our songs and always stay strong.

Year 6 Poems shared at last week’s Harvest Assembly

My dream world is a world of calm

A world of hope and peace

No hear of polluting

Only a hand by your side through tough times

All worries would be set aside

Nothing to be worried about here

To have a happy childhood

One to treasure forever

There would be no more sad stories

Only happy ones to tell

With fresh water and food for everyone

this would be the world of my dreams

By Oliver Carey



Hopes and Dreams

Marcus Stebbing 6FA

Dreaming and hoping is always good,

Never be a foolish person living in the woods.

Find a shelter, make it your own, invite your friends to your home.

Be conceited, never be blighted,

Enjoy what you do, just be you.

Love, be loved and never ever doubt it.

Terrorism, death, it’s not a joke, be careful when trying to hide under a


Fight together conquer the world, destroy evil and turn it curled.

Respect others, black or white,

Never be happy about saying lets fight.

Forget about war complaints and bring back the united alliance.

Meditate, appreciate and always bring peace to the world.

Bring peace, let war cease and always bring peace to the world.

I hope and dream that no-one is mean

I hope and dream that there's no war

to be seen

I hope and dream that everyone's water is clean

I hope and dream that the world is serene

This may not seem a lot but not everyone has got the

things I have so my hope and dream goes to all the

children of the world.

By: Fjona Myselaj and Lira Mehmed