Download - A Special Message from Mrs Jain · Dear Pisces Class, I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am keeping well too – I have been busy keeping myself occupied by doing a variety

Page 1: A Special Message from Mrs Jain · Dear Pisces Class, I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am keeping well too – I have been busy keeping myself occupied by doing a variety

A Message to Year 5

Dear Year 5,

We miss you all so much and hope you are all keeping safe and healthy.

Think of this as a challenge to test the different ways to learn and relax at home and all the things you can

do with your families to ensure you are making the most of this situation. It’s not the usual way of school

but take the time to enjoy yourself as much as you can. We cannot wait to hear all the interesting stories of

the things you have been up to. Enjoy all the lovely messages we have written for you. We cannot wait to

see you all!

Hello Leo Class

It’s been a long time and I cannot express how much I miss

seeing your happy, smiling faces each day. Hopefully, you have

all enjoyed the Easter Break along with the beautiful, sunny

weather. I have been spending lots of quality time with my

family and trying to get into a routine outside of school. We

have been doing lots of things together such as painting,

playing board games, exercising and learning new cooking

skills. Something positive to come out of this has been the re-

covery of my foot injury; by looking at my pictures you can see

I have now started to exercise to keep myself fit. I have also

painted a number of abstract art canvases using a variety of

acrylic paints. I love the way colour can change my mood and

brighten up my home. Why don’t you have a go at producing

something colorful for our class? I would love to see some of

your masterpieces. Enjoy, relax and as I always say ‘Chill’ and

‘Be positive’. Stay in and stay safe. Hope to see you all soon.

A Special Message from Mrs Jain

Using my creative skills to produce

art work.

Using my PE skills to stay fit

Practice makes perfect when playing board games.

Page 2: A Special Message from Mrs Jain · Dear Pisces Class, I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am keeping well too – I have been busy keeping myself occupied by doing a variety

A Special Challenge from Mrs Jain

Have a look at these examples of reflected letters also known as water images. Can you

find the correct reflection for each letter group.

A Special Message from Miss Kharbanda

Dear Pisces Class,

I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am keeping well too – I

have been busy keeping myself occupied by doing a variety of things.

I have been cleaning every single day – there are so many more spi-

ders in my house than ever before! Exercise is also important – I have

been going on daily bike rides (making sure I follow the government

guidelines of only 1 hour of exercise) around the neighbourhood. I

am particularly finding riding up the hill on my road tricky but I am

persevering and trying my best.

I have also been using the trampoline in the garden to practice my

somersaults! I could be in the Olympics soon. I have also gone back

to old hobbies that have been put on hold, such as playing the guitar,

practicing my monopoly skills and re-reading old books.

I have also refined my cooking and baking skills by baking bread and

trying out other recipes. I recently made garlic dough balls in the style

of Pizza Express and they tasted delicious.

I miss all of you– especially our end of the day sessions listening to

Jon Bon Jovi!

Take care

Practicing a Beatles song.

Baking dough balls in the style of

Pizza Express.

Trampoline skills!

Page 3: A Special Message from Mrs Jain · Dear Pisces Class, I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am keeping well too – I have been busy keeping myself occupied by doing a variety

Special Challenge from Miss Kharbanda

Have a go at solving this number puzzle– What

number am I? CLUE: Inverse

A Special Message from Miss Rodrigues

I hope you are all safe and healthy. I miss each and every one of you

every single day! You bring me more joy and happiness than any of you

can imagine, and I hope we are together again soon.

School is important but so is your health. Take care of yourself and each

other (from a safe distance of course). And, no matter what happens this

year, be proud of yourself, your resilience, and your ability to adapt to

extreme circumstances. I am proud of each and every one of you.

Busy baking bread!

Plank Challenge

Can you beat my 90 seconds time?

Page 4: A Special Message from Mrs Jain · Dear Pisces Class, I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am keeping well too – I have been busy keeping myself occupied by doing a variety

STAY POSITIVE, TEST NEGATIVE Students don't panic, This lockdown may not seem real, But the earth has begun to heal! It's only a passing phase, The pandemic won't last, Stay home, stay safe, Soon it will be a thing of the past. Hone your skills, read a book, Exercise in plenty, help mom cook, Look up old photographs, Sing songs, old & new, And if you don't know the lyrics, Make up a few! Have faith and hope, For we will see this through, Lift up your spirits, And fight the COVID blue. So let's stay home and not wander on the streets To help the world get back on its feet. I promise you will see your friends and teachers soon, If not May, then hopefully in June! Stay safe and see you soon, Miss Rodrigues

Here’s a Little Poem to Brighten your Spirits!

A Special Message from Mrs Hashabeiki & Mrs Tridevi

Hi Year 5

Hope you are all safe and healthy. We are thinking of

you all almost everyday, and the memories of your

smiles, interesting questions and fantastic learning bring

us joy during this time.

Miss you all