Download - A list of useable deities for the (A)D&D game. By Shane “Alzrius” … · 2006. 10. 9. · A list of useable deities for the (A)D&D game. By Shane “Alzrius” O’Connor Special

  • A list of useable deities for the (A)D&D game.

    By Shane “Alzrius” O’Connor

    Special thanks to Ryan and Static for help with this list! I couldn’t have done it without you guys! Andextra special thanks to Clueless, for her tireless work on the technical aspects of formatting andposting this online.

    What follows is a listing of the myriad deities of the (Advanced) Dungeons & Dragons game. Whilebasic information about the various deities is listed, this work is primarily intended to be a reference,and not a replacement, for the various products that describe these deities.

    What this list is

    Each entry on this list is broken down into the following format:

    Name:This is the deity’s name as it appears in various products. If the deity has another name that itis listed under in a product, then that name appears after the deity’s primary name in parenthesis.Which name is the deity’s primary name is judged by which name appears in the most products.Note that minor aliases (such as, for example, those found in the “Aliases” listing inFaiths & Avatars)aren’t listed in this way.

    Rank:This is the deity’s ranking as to what type of god they are. The listings, in ascending order, areQuasi-deity, Hero God, Demigod, Lesser deity, Intermediate deity, Greater deity, and Overdeity. Incases where a deity’s divine ranking is unknown, they are simply listed as “divine level unknown”,though if there are any products that list a divine rank for that deity, that rank is used instead. Whereproducts give differing divine ranks for the same deity, the rank listed first here is the one from themost recent product, and the secondary rank from the older product is listed after a slash mark. Thispattern holds true if there are multiple listings for a deity from various products (or if a single producthas multiple listings for the same deity from different times). Note that no divine rank is listed twicefor a single deity. That is, if a deity was given a rank of Greater deity in one product, then switchedto Intermediate deity in a later product, only to even more recently have been published as aGreater deity again, their listing here would only reflect being a Greater deity now and anIntermediate deity previously.

    Note that in cases where a later product gives a deity’s rank from the distant past, said rank will belisted after earlier products that weren’t set back as far. For example, Selune is listed as being aLesser deity in theForgotten Realms Adventuresbook. However, she is listed as being a Greaterdeity in theArcane Age: Empire of Netherilboxed set, which was released later. Since the latterproduct is set in a time before the former product, the Greater deity listing is listed after the Lesserdeity listing. Hence, the listing of multiple divine ranks may be understood as a record of how thedeity’s power has waxed and waned over time (this assumes that, unless otherwise mentioned,, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 1

  • newer products represent the passage of time).

    It is also worth noting that the Third EditionDeities & Demigodsholds that Quasi-deity and Hero Godare two different terms for the same divine rank. However, although this product remains the mostrecent product to speak of these ranks, that stance contradicts myriad earlier products from alleditions of the Dungeons & Dragons game. As such, this list holds to earlier works in terms ofQuasi-deities and Hero Gods being separate ranks (with the latter higher than the former). Similarly,some First Edition and Second Edition works give deities the ranks of “Major God” and “Minor God”.These have been understood here to mean Greater deity and Intermediate deity, respectively, andare listed as such.

    Alignment:This is the deity’s alignment. Note that, as with rank, the alignment from the most recentproduct is given as the primary alignment. Differing alignments from previous products are given inparenthesis, and multiple differing alignments are each listed separately in order of their productlisting. As with divine rank, this may be assumed to represent changes in the deity’s alignment overtime. As with divine ranks, no alignment is listed more than once for a deity.

    Note that some deities do not have alignments (such as Overdeities, or deities from theLand of Fateboxed set). Because this was done intentionally, these deities have an alignment listing of “N/A”. Inother cases where a deity simply was not given an alignment in their listing, it is listed here as “notlisted”.

    Portfolio:This is the deity’s area of control; what they are god of. Unlike rank and alignment, noattempt has been made to segregate differences in the deity’s portfolio where various products listdiffering portfolios. This is done to present the most holistic view possible of what the deityrepresents.

    In some instances, the deity listed did not have an entry explicitly defining exactly what its portfoliois. In this case, the deity’s entry was combed to determine what it was god of, and this was listed inits Portfolio line here. When this happened, it is delineated by the first word in the Portfolio entry notbeginning with a capital letter. In a small number of instances, no portfolio could be determined.When this occurred, the Portfolio line here reads “not listed”.

    Sources:These are the products in which the deity has a listing. The products here are listed inorder of release, with the most recent products being listed first. While every effort was made to tryand be comprehensive, it is understood that there are many other sources that could have beenlisted for many deities. “Sources” is understood here to mean all relevant books, magazines, websitecontent, etc.

    Since this list is for the (Advanced) Dungeons & Dragons game, all the sources here are eitherfirst-party or second-party. First-party means that they are printed by the owners of the (A)D&Dgame (TSR Inc., and later Wizards of the Coast Inc., which later became a subsidiary of HasbroInc.). Second-party is materials for the (A)D&D game that were made by another company, but withpermission. Second-party materials usually still have the (Advanced) Dungeons & Dragons logo on, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 2

  • them. Examples of companies that have produced second-party materials are Judges Guild, KenzerCo., and Paizo Publishing. A special case worth noting is theCall of Cthulhu d20game by Wizards ofthe Coast. Although not a Dungeons & Dragons product, Appendix One is specifically called out asbeing in reference to the D&D game. Since that Appendix (and its web enhancement) is listed underthat banner, the deities there are included here.

    No third-party works are referenced in this list. Third-party here is understood to be works that,although they may be compatible with the (A)D&D game, were not approved by the company thatowns said game. Examples of third-party materials are the Role Aids line by Mayfair Games, andmyriad d20 products by various publishers. Note that even (A)D&D materials that were licensed toanother company are treated as third-party here, such as the Ravenloft line from Sword & SorceryStudios, or the Dragonlance line from Sovereign Press. This also includes works from official fanwebsites.

    What this list is not

    The following is what this list does not cover:

    Forces:Forces are non-sentient powers that can nonetheless grant divine spells. Forces includethings like Fire, Nature, and the Sun.

    Philosophies:Philosophies are an abstract ideology, usually about how sentient beings shouldconduct themselves. Although philosophies are not gods, believing in a philosophy to the point offaith can result in receiving divine spells.

    No divinity:Third Edition states that clerics need not worship gods at all, but still gain spells. Whilethey could come from an above-listed source, there is room to understand that the cleric may begranting themselves spells from faith alone (this is the case with the Mystics of the Third EditionRevisedDragonlance Campaign Setting).

    Religions:In some cases, there are listings of a religion that provide very little (if any) informationabout the deity they serve. As such entries provide nothing about the deity itself, they are notincluded here.

    Non-divine entities:Some entities are not gods, but have the ability to grant divine spells. Inprevious editions of the (A)D&D game, these included (but were not limited to) Abyssal Lords,Archomentals, and others. Third Edition has remained somewhat unclear if such powers are stillable to grant spells themselves. “Non-divine entities” includes Immortals (from Mystara and itsrelated settings), although products that listed Immortals in terms of being deities (e.g.Warriors ofHeaven, and a few issues ofDragon Magazine) are used in this list. In instances of there being anon-divine figure in one source that is presented as divine in another, the non-divine listing is notcited as a source (e.g. Dahak is not listed as a god in the First EditionDeities & Demigods, but is inSandstorm. As such, no entry for the First EditionDeities & Demigodsis given in Dahak’s listinghere)., Sep 22, 2006 : Page 3

  • “Referenced” deities:This list is only meant to include deities that have enough informationpresented about them to be useful in a campaign. There are many other deities that are onlyobliquely referenced, and these have not been included here. For example, the adventureDeadGodsmakes mention of a goddess of love and wisdom named Tomeri. However, no otherinformation about her is presented, and thus, she is not listed here.

    A'GallamiullLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: XvartsSources: White Dwarf magazine #42 - "Inhuman Gods part IV"

    AarthDemigodAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: knowledge, Lankhmar and surrounding landsSources: City of Adventure (Second Edition), Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Lankhmar

    AasterinianDemigoddess/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: invention, Learning, play, pleasureSources: Defenders of the Faith, Draconomicon (Third Edition),, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround

    AbbathorIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: evil, GreedSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #58 - "The Gods of the Dwarves", Faiths &Pantheons,, Monster Mythology, OnHallowed Ground

    AdadIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: Rain, storms, strengthSources: Dragon magazine #329 - "Mesopotamian Mythos"

    Aegir (Aeger)Intermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral Evil (Chaotic Evil) (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: Sea, storms, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 4

  • Sources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods& Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground

    Aengristdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: order and law in the frostfell, safety in the frostfellSources: Frostburn

    Aerdrie FaenyaIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Good (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: Air, avariels, avians, fertility, Rain, weatherSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #60 - "The Gods of the Elves", Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    AffluxLesser deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: death, Inquiry, necromancySources: Libris Mortis

    AgniIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic Good (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: Fire, lightning, messagesSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (SecondEdition), On Hallowed Ground

    Ahrimandivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: anger, death, disease, fear, hateSources: Dragon magazine #12 - "The Persian Mythos", Dragon magazine #288 - "Four Faces ofDeath"

    AhtoGreater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Seas, watersSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, On Hallowed Ground,Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 5

  • Ahura Mazda (Ohrmazd)divine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #12 - "The Persian Mythos"

    Aizen-Myoodivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: Love, sexual passion changed into desire or enlightenmentSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    AkadiGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: air elementalists, Elemental air, flying creatures, movement, speedSources: Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition),On Hallowed Ground

    Al'AkbarDemigodAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: dignity, duty, faithfulness, GuadianshipSources:, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer,Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, Warriors of Heaven

    Al'KalimDemigodAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: growing things, life, PreservationSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Al-Ishtusdivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: desert-dwelling vermin, monstrous humanoid raiders and marauders of the wasteSources: Sandstorm

    AlaGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: death, Earth, fertility, LoveSources: Dragon magazine #191 - "An African Genesis", Dragon magazine #27 - "The Mythos ofAfrica in Dungeons & Dragons", Sep 22, 2006 : Page 6

  • Aladantledivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: BeautySources: The Unknown Gods

    Alathrien DruannaDemigoddessAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: Conjurations, Geometric magic, Rune magicSources: Dragon magazine #251 - "Magic of the Seldarine", Warriors of Heaven

    Alinahdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: The moonSources: The Unknown Gods

    All-Loving, TheGreater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: benevolenceSources: White Dwarf magazine #55 - "The Gods of the Shapelings"

    AlliturLesser deityAlignment: Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: Ethics and proprietySources:, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer,Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Temple ofElemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    Alobal LorfirilDemigodAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Hedonism, magic, mirth, revelrySources: Races of the Wild

    AlphatiaIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: artistry, PacifismSources: Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 7

  • Altuadivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Honor, nobilitySources: Complete Warrior

    AluvanLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: death, ghosts, guarding and protecting soulsSources: Ghostwalk

    Ama-Tsu-MaraIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Blacksmithing and weapon making, blacksmiths, weaponsSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    Amaterasu (Amaterasu Omikami) (Amerterasu)Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Light, sunSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos",Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Amatsu-MikaboshiIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: evilSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground

    AmaunatorGreater deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Bureaucracy, contracts, law, order, rulership, the sunSources: Arcane Age: The Empire of Netheril, Faiths & Avatars, Lost Empires of Faerun, OnHallowed Ground

    Ambatdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: pottery and woodworking, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 8

  • Sources: Dragon magazine #29 - "The Mythos of Oceania in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Amida-Nyoraidivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Amoradivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: LoveSources: Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities"

    Amsetdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: The southSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Anansedivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Ashante warriors, craftsmen, messengers, Spider people, spiders, ugly peopleSources: Dragon magazine #215 - "The Deities of Africa"

    AngharradhGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: birth, defense, fertility, planting, Spring, wisdomSources: Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons

    AnhurLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: conflict, physical prowess, Rain, storms, thunder, WarSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Faiths & Pantheons, Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes,Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Powers & Pantheons, Warriors of Heaven

    Aniudivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: TimeSources: The Unknown Gods, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 9

  • AnnamGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: fertility, Giants, knowledge, magic, philosophySources: Complete Divine, Defenders of the Faith, Giantcraft,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    AnsharLesser deityAlignment: Neutral Evil (Chaotic Evil)Portfolio: Darkness, nightSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Sandstorm

    Antumdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    Anu (An) (El)Greater deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Sky, the Babylonian pantheonSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos",Dragon magazine #329 - "Mesopotamian Mythos", On Hallowed Ground, Sandstorm

    AnubisLesser deityAlignment: Lawful Neutral (Lawful Good)Portfolio: death, guardian of dead gods, Judgement, the deadSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, On Hallowed Ground, Sandstorm

    AoOverdeityAlignment: N/APortfolio: Creation of deities, maintenance of cosmic balanceSources: Faiths & Avatars, On Hallowed Ground

    Aosdivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 10

  • Portfolio: WealthSources: Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities"

    AoskarGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: PortalsSources: On Hallowed Ground

    ApepDemigodAlignment: Neutral Evil (Chaotic Evil)Portfolio: chaos, evil, Fire, serpentsSources: Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Sandstorm

    Apeshdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: Greed and evilSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    AphroditeIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Beauty, LoveSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors ofHeaven

    ApolloIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: archery, healing, Light, music, prophecy, sunSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), OnHallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    ApshaiDemigodAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: InsectsSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, On Hallowed Ground, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 11

  • Apsudivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    Araleth LetheranilLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Light, starlight, twilightSources: Dragon magazine #155 - "The Elfin Gods", Dragon magazine #236 - "The SeldarineRevisited"

    Arawaidivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: abundance, fertility, plant lifeSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    Arawn (Donn)Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful Evil (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: Life and death, the deadSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground

    Ardvi Sura Anahitadivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: fertility, The strong, undefiled watersSources: Dragon magazine #12 - "The Persian Mythos"

    AresIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: battle, killing, strife, WarSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), OnHallowed Ground

    Argenadivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: The moon, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 12

  • Sources: Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities"

    AriochGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: chaos, evilSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    ArtemisIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Neutral)Portfolio: childbirth, dance, Hunting, moon, wild beastsSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors ofHeaven

    ArvoreenIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: defense, duty, halfling warriors, protection, vigilance, WarSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #171 - "Defenders of the Hearth", Dragonmagazine #59 - "The Gods of the Halflings", Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Races of the Wild, Warriors of Heaven

    Asase Yadivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Beauty, childbirth, Earth, fidelity, nature, tree, water spiritsSources: Dragon magazine #215 - "The Deities of Africa"

    AsclepiusIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful Good (Neutral Good)Portfolio: Healing and medicineSources: Age of Heroes, Dragon magazine #153 - "Following in Their Footsteps"

    AslakGreater deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: UldrasSources: Dragon magazine #119 - "The Uldra"

    Aslan, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 13

  • Lesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Lions, strong beastsSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity"

    AsteriusLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: merchants, TradeSources: Warriors of Heaven

    AstilaborLesser deity/Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: Acquisitiveness, status, WealthSources: Cult of the Dragon, Draconomicon (Second Edition), Draconomicon (Third Edition)

    Asuradivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Ateadivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #20 - "The Mythos of Polynesia in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Athena (Athene)Greater deity/Intermediate deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: civilization, combat, crafts, War, wisdomSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), OnHallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    AtroaLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: east wind, renewal, SpringSources: Dragon magazine #263 - "The Oeridian Lesser Gods",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Temple of Elemental, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 14

  • Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    AtruaghinGreater deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Fire, peace, truthSources: Warriors of Heaven

    AtzanteotlGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: corruption (especially of nobility and entire societies), DecaySources: Dragon magazine #315 - "Hollow World: Sundering Ka"

    AulashaDemigoddessAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: books, grief, LearningSources: Races of Destiny

    Auppenserdivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Enlightenment, psionics, serenitySources: Lost Empires of Faerun

    Aureondivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Lore and magicSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    AurilLesser deity/DemigoddessAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Cold, winterSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons,Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), Frostburn, OnHallowed Ground

    AvaniGreater deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: magic, reason, sun, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 15

  • Sources: Birthright Campaign Setting, On Hallowed Ground

    Aventernusdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: justice and fair practices, the application of strength in the assistance of the weak, theaventiSources: Stormwrack

    Ayadivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: The dawnSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    Ayailladivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: good sky creatures, LightSources: Book of Exalted Deeds

    Ayudivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: The windsSources: The Unknown Gods

    AzathothGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: chaosSources: Call of Cthulhu d20, Deities & Demigods (First Edition)

    Azor'alqHero GodAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: courage, Light, purity, strengthSources:, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Blood of Heroes", Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth"

    Azuldivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: moisture, Rain, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 16

  • Sources: Maztica Campaign Set, Sandstorm

    AzuthLesser deity/DemigodAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: energy, mages, magic users, monks (Shining Hand), spellcasters in general, WizardsSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons,Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    Bachontoidivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Red wisdom, sagesSources: The Unknown Gods

    Baervan WildwandererIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: adventure, forest gnomes, Forests, nature, thieves, travelSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #61 - "The Gods of the Gnomes", Faiths &Pantheons, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    Bahamut (Xymor)Lesser deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: enlightened justice, Good dragons, wind, wisdomSources: Complete Divine, Cult of the Dragon, Defenders of the Faith, Deities & Demigods (ThirdEdition), Draconomicon (Second Edition) (as Xymor), Draconomicon (Third Edition),, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    BahgtruLesser deity/Intermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Lawful Evil)Portfolio: brute strength, combat, Loyalty, stupiditySources: Dragon magazine #62 - "The Gods of the Orcs", Faiths & Pantheons,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround

    Baladivine level unknownAlignment: N/A, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 17

  • Portfolio: musicSources: Land of Fate

    BaladorLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: fraternity, protection, WerebearsSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Balder (Baldur)Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Beauty, charisma, Light, music, poetry, rebirthSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), OnHallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Balinordivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Hunting and animal lifeSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    Balordivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: The FomorSources: Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities"

    Bandorackdivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Feline animalsSources: The Unknown Gods

    BaneGreater deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: fear, hatred, strife, tyrannySources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons,Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround

    Baphomet, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 18

  • Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: battle, minotaurs, vengeanceSources: Giantcraft, Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Baravar CloakshadowLesser deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Neutral)Portfolio: deceptions, hatred of goblinoids, Illusions, protection, traps, wardsSources: Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Bargrivyek (Bagrivyek)Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral Evil (Lawful Evil)Portfolio: Cooperation, territorySources:, Monster Mythology, OnHallowed Ground

    Baron Samedidivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: ancestral knowledge, cemeteries, death, eroticismSources: Dragon magazine #288 - "Four Faces of Death"

    BastLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Cats, pleasure, pleasure seekers, protection, punishment, vengeanceSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), OnHallowed Ground, Sandstorm, Warriors of Heaven

    Battle Ragerdivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: battle, berserking, chaos, courageSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Bear, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: nature, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 19

  • Sources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    BelenusIntermediate deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: heat, Light, sunSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    BelinikIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: battle, fear, feudsSources: Birthright Campaign Setting, On Hallowed Ground

    Belit-Sheridivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    BeltarLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: deep caves, Malice, pitsSources: Complete Divine, Dragon magazine #89 - "Gods of the Suel Pantheon",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Scarlet Brotherhood,The Temple of Elemental Evil

    Ben-HadarDemigodAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: WaterSources: Warriors of Heaven

    BenekanderDemigodAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: RestraintSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Bentendivine level unknownAlignment: not listed, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 20

  • Portfolio: literature and music, Luck, the seaSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    BeoryGreater deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: nature, Oerth mother, RainSources:,, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", On Hallowed Ground, Player's Guide to Greyhawk, TheTemple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    BereiLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: agriculture, family, HomeSources:, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer,Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Temple ofElemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    BernaDemigoddessAlignment: Chaotic Neutral (Neutral)Portfolio: Passion and forgiveness (formerly hatred and vendettas)Sources:, The Scarlet Brotherhood

    Berronar TruesilverIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: faithfulness, familial love, healing, Home, honesty, Loyalty, marriage, oaths, obligations,protector of dwarven children, records, Safety, the dwarven family, truthSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #58 - "The Gods of the Dwarves", Faiths &Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    BesLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Neutral (Neutral)Portfolio: Luck, music, protectingSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors ofHeaven

    Beshaba, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 21

  • Intermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: accidents, bad luck, betrayal, misfortune, Random mischief, treacherySources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons,Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround

    BesparrDemigodAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: HorsesSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity"

    Beytnorndivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: TreesSources: The Unknown Gods

    BhaalIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Assasination, death, especially violent or ritual death, murder, violenceSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Forgotten RealmsAdventures, Lost Empires of Faerun, On Hallowed Ground

    Bishamondivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: LuckSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    BlereddLesser deityAlignment: Neutral (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: Metal, miners, mines, smithsSources: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player'sGuide to Greyhawk, The Temple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    Bleskutadivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: AmbitionSources: Dragon magazine #24 - "Choir Practice at the First Church of Lawful Evil (Orthodox): The, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 22

  • Ramifications of Alignment"

    BlibdoolpoolpIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: Darkness, insanity, Kuo-toas, revengeSources: Complete Divine, Defenders of the Faith, Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragonmagazine #342 - “Spellcraft: Alien Blessings”,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Stormwrack

    BlizzardDemigodAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: SurvivalSources: Dragon magazine #223 - "Primal Rage"

    Blood Queen, TheIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Domination, oppressionSources: Night Below

    Bloodstained Goddivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    BoccobGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: arcane knowledge, balance, foreknowledge, foresight, magic, neutrality, noninterventionSources: Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine #338 - "CoreBeliefs: Boccob", Dragon magazine #70 - "The Deities & Demigods of the World of Greyhawk",Greyhawk Adventures,, LivingGreyhawk Gazetteer, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", On Hallowed Ground,Player's Guide to Greyhawk, Player's Handbook (Third Edition Revised), Player's Handbook (ThirdEdition), The Temple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    Boldreidivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Community, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 23

  • Sources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    Bondorrdivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: SwordsSources: The Unknown Gods

    BragiIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: eloquence, music, poetry, songSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors ofHeaven

    Brahman (Brahama)Greater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: EverythingSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    BralmLesser deityAlignment: Neutral (Lawful Neutral) (Lawful Evil)Portfolio: industriousness, industry, InsectsSources: Complete Divine, Dragon magazine #92 - "Gods of the Suel Pantheon",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Scarlet Brotherhood,The Temple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    BranchalaIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic Good (Neutral Good)Portfolio: bards, Beauty, Forests, music, poetrySources: Dragonlance Adventures, Dragonlance Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    BrandobarisLesser deity/DemigodAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: adventurers, adventuring, halfling rogues, Stealth, thievery, thievesSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #171 - "Defenders of the Hearth", Dragonmagazine #59 - "The Gods of the Halflings", Faiths & Pantheons,, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 24

  •, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Races of the Wild

    Braz-Kazendivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: SmokeSources: The Unknown Gods

    BreekaIntermediate deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Living thingsSources:, The Scarlet Brotherhood

    BrigantiaIntermediate deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Rivers and livestockSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Brigit (Git)Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Good (Neutral)Portfolio: Fire, poetrySources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    BrihaspatiIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: wisdom, worshipSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Bugaldivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: RainSources: Dragon magazine #29 - "The Mythos of Oceania in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Bukeradivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Desert Mountains, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 25

  • Sources: The Unknown Gods

    Bumbadivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: animal spirits, Fire, law, planets, stars, teachingSources: Dragon magazine #215 - "The Deities of Africa"

    Bunosi & Kafisidivine levels unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #29 - "The Mythos of Oceania in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Cagn (Mantis) (Kaggen)divine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: birds, Insects, mantis men, mischief, snake men (nagas)Sources: Dragon magazine #215 - "The Deities of Africa"

    CairbreLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Good (Neutral Good)Portfolio: bards, musicSources: Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha DeDanann"

    Calitha StarbrowLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: oceans, Sea elvesSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Callarduran SmoothhandsIntermediate deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: Earth, mining, protection, secrecy, Stone, the svirfneblin, the UnderdarkSources: Complete Divine, Defenders of the Faith, Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Races of Stone, Warriors of Heaven

    Camaxtli (Camatli)Greater deityAlignment: Neutral, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 26

  • Portfolio: FateSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities"

    Camazotz (Tezcat) (Zotzilaha) (Zotz)Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: Bats, evil, the underworld, vampiresSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity",, The Scarlet Brotherhood

    CaoimhinDemigodAlignment: Neutral (Chaotic Good)Portfolio: Food, shy friendshipSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    CarratriatuhDemigodAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: GreenmenSources: White Dwarf magazine #41 - "Inhuman Gods part III"

    CasDemigodAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Spite, vengeanceSources: Heroes of Horror

    CegiluneLesser deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: hags, Larvae, The moonSources: Dragon #345 - "The Ecology of the Annis Hag", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    CelestianIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: astronomy, space, stars, wanderers, wanderingSources: Complete Divine, Dragon magazine #68 - "The Deities & Demigods of the World ofGreyhawk", Greyhawk Adventures,,Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", On Hallowed Ground,Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Temple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 27

  • CenteotlIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: agriculture, illness, painSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Cerunnosdivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: natureSources: Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann"

    Ch'eng HuangDemigodsAlignment: usually Lawful and/or GoodPortfolio: Specific localitySources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Chaavdivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: delight, Enjoyment, pleasureSources: Book of Exalted Deeds

    Chalchihuitlicue (Chalchiuhtlicue)Intermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: children, Flowing water, life, LoveSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Chameleondivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Patience and changeSources: Dragon magazine #191 - "An African Genesis"

    Champion, TheGreater deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Courage, battle, and martial skillSources: White Dwarf magazine #55 - "The Gods of the Shapelings"

    Chan, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 28

  • DemigoddessAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: AirSources: Warriors of Heaven

    ChaniudIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Laws, order, structureSources: Ghostwalk

    Chao Kung MingDemigodAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: WarSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    CharmalaineHero GoddessAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Keen senses and narrow escapesSources:, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Blood of Heroes", Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth"

    Chaugnar FaugnDemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: feasting on sacrificesSources: Call of Cthulhu d20

    Chauntea (Jannath)Greater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: agriculture, elements, farmers, Forests, gardeners, plants cultivated by humans, summer,the sea and sea creatures, wild animals, wild natureSources: Arcane Age: The Empire of Netheril (as Jannath), Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earthdivinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten RealmsCampaign Setting (Third Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Cheldivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #29 - "The Mythos of Oceania in Dungeons & Dragons", Sep 22, 2006 : Page 29

  • ChemoshIntermediate deityAlignment: Neutral Evil (Lawful Evil)Portfolio: death, murder, undead, undeathSources: Dragonlance Adventures, Dragonlance Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround

    Chi Sung-Tzu (Yu Shih)Greater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: RainSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Chih-Chiang Fyu-YaDemigodAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Archers, archerySources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Chih-NiiIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Love, Spinning and weavingSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    ChislevIntermediate deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: animals, beasts, nature, wildernessSources: Dragonlance Adventures, Dragonlance Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    Chitza-AtlanDemigodAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Centaurs, guarding the underworld, the deadSources:

    Chronepsis (Null)Lesser deity/Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral (Lawful Neutral), Sep 22, 2006 : Page 30

  • Portfolio: death, fatalism, Fate, final judgement, judgment, the dead exhaustionSources: Cult of the Dragon (as Null), Defenders of the Faith, Draconomicon (Second Edition) (asNull), Draconomicon (Third Edition),,Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Chung KuelIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Truth and testingSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (SecondEdition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Ciandivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: fighter-thievesSources: Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann"

    Cilborithdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: ElvesSources: The Unknown Gods

    Clangeddin SilverbeardIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: battle, bravery, honor in battle, valor, WarSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #58 - "The Gods of the Dwarves", Faiths &Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Cloud KingDemigodAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Clouds, weatherSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Coddler, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: aspirations, dreams, Restful sleepSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 31

  • Confuser of Ways, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: deceit, Lies, mischiefSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Corellon LarethianGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: arts and crafts, bards, Elves, magic, music, poetry, poets, War, warriors, woodlandsSources: Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition),Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Player's Handbook (Third EditionRevised), Player's Handbook (Third Edition), Races of the Wild, Warriors of Heaven

    Corethdivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: natureSources: Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities"

    Coriptisdivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: battleSources: The Unknown Gods

    Corrnodivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: The thiefSources: The Unknown Gods

    Corrupter, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Envy, injustice, jealousySources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    CoyoteLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: crafts, knowledge, thievery, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 32

  • Sources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Creator of Strifedivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: Discord, foul weather, misfortuneSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Cromdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Crondussadivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: EaglesSources: The Unknown Gods

    CronusGreater deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Sinister ambitionSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground

    Cthugha (Cthuga)DemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: FireSources: Call of Cthulhu d20, Deities & Demigods (First Edition)

    CthulhuDemigod/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: WaterSources: Call of Cthulhu d20, Deities & Demigods (First Edition)

    Cu ChulainDemigodAlignment: not listedPortfolio: WarSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 33

  • CuiraecenLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: battle, stormsSources: Birthright Campaign Setting, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    CybeleGreater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: The earthSources: Dragon magazine #133 - "The Imperial Gods"

    CyndorLesser deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: continuity, infinity, TimeSources: Complete Divine,, LivingGreyhawk Gazetteer, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk,Polyhedron magazine #140 - "Powers That Be: Cyndor", Warriors of Heaven

    CyricGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: death, deception, illusion, intrigue, Lies, murder, strife, the dead, tyrannySources: Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten RealmsCampaign Setting (Third Edition), On Hallowed Ground

    CyrrollaleeIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: crafts (especially weaving and needlework), Friendship, honesty, hospitality, protection,the hearth, the home, trustSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #171 - "Defenders of the Hearth", Dragonmagazine #59 - "The Gods of the Halflings", Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Races of the Wild, Warriors of Heaven

    Cyrulliadivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: Harmony/goodnessSources: Dragon magazine #24 - "Choir Practice at the First Church of Lawful Evil (Orthodox): TheRamifications of Alignment", Sep 22, 2006 : Page 34

  • Dacrondivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: craftsmenSources: The Unknown Gods

    DaernHero GoddessAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: Defense and fortificationSources:, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Blood of Heroes", Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide toGreyhawk

    Dagandivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: CornSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    Daghdha (Dagda)Greater deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Chaotic Good) (Neutral)Portfolio: authority, Crops, rulership, weatherSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore(Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Dahakdivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: not listedSources: Sandstorm

    Daidlindivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: The sea's flora and faunaSources: Otherlands

    DaikokuLesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Luck, Wealth, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 35

  • Sources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Dainichi-Nyoraidivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    DakarnokDemigodAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: causing destruction and havoc among demihumans and humans (especially gnomes),subservience to KurtulmakSources: Dragon magazine #63 - "The Humanoids"

    Dallah ThaunIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: acquisition of wealth, death, guile, Halflings, secrets, thieves and roguesSources: Races of the Wild

    DaltLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: doors, enclosures, keys, locks, PortalsSources:, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer,Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The ScarletBrotherhood, Warriors of Heaven

    DamaranDemigodAlignment: Neutral Evil (Neutral)Portfolio: Vermin and cowardiceSources:, The Scarlet Brotherhood

    DamhLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: celebrations, dance, songSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Danann (Danaan) (Danu)divine level unknownAlignment: Neutral Good (Neutral), Sep 22, 2006 : Page 36

  • Portfolio: magic, motherhoodSources: Dragon magazine #102 - "Valley of the Earth Mother", Dragon magazine #283 -"Do-It-Yourself Deities", Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann"

    DaoudHero GodAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: clarity, Humility, immediacySources:, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Blood of Heroes", Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth"

    Dar-Marn-CamacLesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: bodachsSources: White Dwarf magazine #39 - "Inhuman Gods part I"

    DaragorLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: bloodlust, Marauding beasts, painSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Darahl FirecloakDemigod/Lesser deityAlignment: Lawful Neutral (Lawful Good)Portfolio: Earth and Flame phenomena, Earth/Fire magicSources: Dragon magazine #251 - "Magic of the Seldarine", Warriors of Heaven

    Daramulundivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #19 - "The Mythos of Australia in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Dark GodIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Cold, Decay, enfeeblement, Eternal darkness, paralysisSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Dark One, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful Evil, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 37

  • Portfolio: Darkness, dusk, nightSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    DarnizhaanLesser deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: EarthSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition)

    Dazhbogdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: sunSources: Dragon magazine #290 - "Red Sails: Bright Sun, Mother Earth"

    Dead Master Thievesdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: The Thieves' GuildSources: City of Adventure (Second Edition), Lankhmar

    DeathIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: deathSources: City of Adventure (Second Edition), Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Lankhmar,Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Death & Kaizukidivine levels unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #27 - "The Mythos of Africa in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Death Cronedivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: death, death magic, taking soulsSources: Dragon magazine #290 - "Red Sails: Bright Sun, Mother Earth"

    Deep DuerraDemigoddessAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: conquest, duergar psionicists, duergar warriors, expansion, psionics, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 38

  • Sources: Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons

    Deep SashelasIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: creation, knowledge, music, oceans, Sea elves, underwater and sea elven beauty, watermagicSources: Complete Divine, Defenders of the Faith, Deities & Demigods (First Edition), DemihumanDeities, Faiths & Pantheons,, MonsterMythology, On Hallowed Ground, Races of the Wild, Stormwrack, Warriors of Heaven

    DellebLesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: intellect, reason, study, written loreSources: Complete Divine, Dragon magazine #263 - "The Oeridian Lesser Gods",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Temple of ElementalEvil, Warriors of Heaven

    DemeterLesser deity/Intermediate deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: agricultureSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors ofHeaven

    DemogorgonLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: Domination, Energy drainSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Demyuritasdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: EstheticsSources: Dragon magazine #24 - "Choir Practice at the First Church of Lawful Evil (Orthodox): TheRamifications of Alignment"

    DeneirLesser deity/DemigodAlignment: Neutral Good, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 39

  • Portfolio: cartography, Glyphs, images, literacy, literature, pictorial and literary art, scribesSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons,Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    DennariLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Earth, liberation, sufferingSources: Deities & Demigods (Third Edition)

    Devidivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: energySources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Devourer, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Destructive power of natureSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    DiancastraDemigoddessAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: impudence, pleasure, Trickery, witSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Diancecht (Dian Cecht) (Dioncecht)Intermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Lawful Good)Portfolio: Medicine and healingSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore(Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    DiinkarazanDemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: vengeanceSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Diirinka, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 40

  • Intermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: cruelty, Derro, knowledge, magic, savantsSources: Complete Divine, Defenders of the Faith,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround

    DionysusIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: fertility, madness, mirth, theater, wineSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors ofHeaven

    DiulannaLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: determination, WillpowerSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Divis ImperatorDemigodsAlignment: VariedPortfolio: any Roman-style ruler or government. Caligula: Insanity, armies, Augustus: The Empireand the emperors; by extension, beneficent rulers. Hadrian: Travelers., cuckolded husbands.Vespasian: Generals, evil, good order, history and historians, military matters. Antoninus Pius:Peace, murderers. Claudius: Sages, poisonersSources: Dragon magazine #133 - "The Imperial Gods"

    DjaeaGreater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: growth, WorldsSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Djanggawul, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #19 - "The Mythos of Australia in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Djunggundivine level unknown, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 41

  • Alignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #19 - "The Mythos of Australia in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Dol Arrahdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Honorable combat, self-sacrifice, sunlightSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    Dol Dorndivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: bodily strength, martial training, WarSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    DonblasGreater deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Justice, lawSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition)

    Dongodivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: lightning, the Songhay tribeSources: Dragon magazine #27 - "The Mythos of Africa in Dungeons & Dragons"

    Dorakdivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: peaceSources: The Unknown Gods

    DoresainDemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: ghouls, necromancySources: Libris Mortis

    DracanishLesser deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: death, endings, finality, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 42

  • Sources: Ghostwalk

    Dragon Kings, TheDemigodsAlignment: variesPortfolio: Sea and rainSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    DruagaLesser deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Baatezu summoning, devilsSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Sandstorm

    Dugmaren BrightmantleLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Good (Neutral Good)Portfolio: discovery, invention, ScholarshipSources: Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    DukagshDemigodAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: cultural, mental, military excellence, spiritual, The scro, with focus on their physicalSources: Dragon magazine annual #1 - "Campaign Classics: The Scro"

    DumathoinIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: Buried wealth, Earth, gems, guardian of the dead, mining, mountain dwarves, ores,secrets, shield dwarves, the earth's riches, underground explorationSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #58 - "The Gods of the Dwarves", Faiths &Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Dumuzi (Tammuz) (Athtar)divine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: Light, VegetationSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    Dunatis, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 43

  • Lesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Mountains, peaksSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, On Hallowed Ground,Warriors of Heaven

    DurannLesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Honor, righteousness, truthSources: Ghostwalk

    DuthilaLesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: abundance, Autumn, HuntingSources: Races of the Wild

    Dyrantrildivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: AlchemySources: The Unknown Gods

    EachthighernLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: healing, Loyalty, protectionSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    EadroIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Locathahs, merfolk, oceans, SeasSources: Complete Divine, Defenders of the Faith, Deities & Demigods (First Edition),, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround, Stormwrack, Warriors of Heaven

    EaniusGreater deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: animals, growth, lifeSources: Ghostwalk, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 44

  • EarthIntermediate deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Food, life, natureSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Earth Dragon, TheDemigodAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Earth, hidden treasures, weatherSources:, Slavers

    EbisuLesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Luck, workSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Ehadivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: windSources: Maztica Campaign Set

    Ehlonna (Ehlenestra)Intermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: fertility, flora and fauna, Forests, meadows, woodlandsSources: Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine #68 - "The Deities& Demigods of the World of Greyhawk", Greyhawk Adventures,, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", On Hallowed Ground, Player's Guide to Greyhawk,Player's Handbook (Third Edition Revised), Player's Handbook (Third Edition), The Temple ofElemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    EihortDemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: spawningSources: Call of Cthulhu d20

    EilistraeeLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Good, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 45

  • Portfolio: Beauty, dance, Hunting, moonlight, song, swordworkSources: Demihuman Deities, Drow of the Underdark, Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten RealmsCampaign Setting (Third Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Eirdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: healingSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    EiryndulIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Elves, forest dwellers, mischiefSources: Warriors of Heaven

    EldathLesser deity/DemigoddessAlignment: Neutral Good (Neutral)Portfolio: druid groves, peace, pools, Quiet places, springs, stillness, streams, waterfallsSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths & Pantheons,Forgotten Realms Adventures, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven

    Elder Elemental GodGreater deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: elements, magicSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Elebrin LiothielIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: gardens orchards, harvest, natureSources: Races of the Wild

    Elelatardivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: South windSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Elephantdivine level unknown, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 46

  • Alignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: strengthSources: Dragon magazine #191 - "An African Genesis"

    ElisharIntermediate deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Light, Positive energy, prophecySources: Deities & Demigods (Third Edition)

    EloeleLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Neutral (Chaotic Evil)Portfolio: Darkness, night, thievesSources: Birthright Campaign Setting, On Hallowed Ground

    EmmantiensienIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: deep and hidden, magic, Treants, TreesSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Emperor of Scorndivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Bigotry, hateSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Enki (Ea)Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Lawful Neutral (Lawful Good)Portfolio: Fresh water, oceans, rivers, wisdomSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #329 - "Mesopotamian Mythos", OnHallowed Ground, Sandstorm

    Enlil (Marduk)Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: Air, Atmosphere, law, order, storms, WarSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos",Dragon magazine #329 - "Mesopotamian Mythos", On Hallowed Ground, Sandstorm, Warriors ofHeaven

    Ennugi, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 47

  • divine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: IrrigationSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos"

    EostreIntermediate deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: Life and rebirthSources: Dragon magazine #263 - "Hearth & Sword"

    Eqnidivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: EarthSources: The Unknown Gods

    Erbindivine level variableAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: vengeanceSources:

    ErebusLesser deityAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Darkness, Lies, night, shadowsSources: Dragon magazine #322 - "Lord of Darkness"

    Ereshkigal (Irkalla) (Mot)Intermediate deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: death, Netherworld, sterility, the deadSources: Dragon magazine #16 - "Near Eastern Mythos", Dragon magazine #329 - "MesopotamianMythos"

    Erevan IlesereIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: change, mischief, roguesSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #60 - "The Gods of the Elves", Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 48

  • ErikGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Forests, Hunting, natureSources: Birthright Campaign Setting, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Eriondivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: DogsSources: The Unknown Gods

    ErisGreater deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: DiscordSources: Dragon magazine #133 - "The Imperial Gods"

    ErivatiusDemigodAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Aging, deathSources: Dungeon magazine #123 - "Quicksilver Hourglass"

    ErythnulIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Chaotic Neutral)Portfolio: Envy, fear, hate, Malice, panic, slaughter, uglinessSources: Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine #71 - "The Deities& Demigods of the World of Greyhawk",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", On Hallowed Ground, Player's Guide to Greyhawk,Player's Handbook (Third Edition Revised), Player's Handbook (Third Edition), The Temple ofElemental Evil

    EshebalaLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: charm, cunning, Greed, VanitySources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    EshowdowDemigodAlignment: Chaotic Evil, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 49

  • Portfolio: cowardice, destruction, fear, ignominy, revenge, shadowsSources: Powers & Pantheons

    EshuLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: Chance, messengers, travelers, TrickerySources: Dragon magazine #191 - "An African Genesis", Dragon magazine #27 - "The Mythos ofAfrica in Dungeons & Dragons"

    EssyllissDemigodAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: LizardfolkSources: Serpent Kingdoms

    Estannadivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: family, Hearth, HomeSources: Book of Exalted Deeds

    Eternal Lantern, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: dawn, Day, Light, sunSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Eternal Light, TheGreater deityAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: hope, knowledge, leadership, life, order, reasonSources: Dragon magazine #340 - "The Eternal Light"

    Evening GloryLesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Beauty, immortality through undeath, LoveSources: Libris Mortis

    Eye Openerdivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: wisdom, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 50

  • Sources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Faluzure (Null)Lesser deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral Evil (Lawful Evil)Portfolio: death and the dead, Decay, energy draining, exhaustion, necromancy, the taking of life,undead, undeathSources: Cult of the Dragon (as Null), Defenders of the Faith, Draconomicon (Second Edition) (asNull), Draconomicon (Third Edition),,Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground

    Fate Scribedivine level unknownAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Fate, prophecy, TimeSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Father Dagon and Mother HydraDemigodsAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: deep ones, Water, worship of CthulhuSources: Call of Cthulhu d20

    FaunusDemigodAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: forest creatures, Hedonism, natureSources: Warriors of Heaven

    Fei Lien & Feng PoDemigodsAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: windSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Feninvadivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: BloodSources: The Unknown Gods

    Fenmarel MestarineLesser deity, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 51

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Chaotic Good)Portfolio: Feral elves, isolation and isolationists, outcasts, scapegoats, wild elvesSources: Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons,, Monster Mythology, On HallowedGround

    FerrixLesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: curiosity, Hunting, playSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    FharlanghnIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: distance, Horizons, roads, travelSources: Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine #68 - "The Deities& Demigods of the World of Greyhawk", Greyhawk Adventures,, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", On Hallowed Ground, Player's Guide to Greyhawk,Player's Handbook (Third Edition Revised), Player's Handbook (Third Edition), The Temple ofElemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    FileetDemigoddessAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: aviansSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity"

    Finder WyvernspurDemigodAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: Cycle of life (rot to rebirth), saurials, transformation of artSources: Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), Powers &Pantheons, Warriors of Heaven

    FionnghualaDemigoddessAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: communication, sorority, SwanmaysSources: Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Fire (Hastsezini)Intermediate deity/Lesser deity, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 52

  • Alignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: destruction, FireSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Firffuffl'nnbDemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: NorkersSources: White Dwarf magazine #42 - "Inhuman Gods part IV"

    Flandal SteelskinIntermediate deity/DemigodAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: armoring, metalworking, mining, physical fitness, smithing, weaponsmithingSources: Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #61 - "The Gods of the Gnomes", Faiths &Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Flaymaster, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: Cold, hurt, pain, tortureSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Forgotten God, TheDemigodAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: The yikariaSources: Dragon magazine #241 - "The Roof of the World"

    ForsetiIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral (Lawful Good)Portfolio: Justice, lawSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Gods, Demi-Gods& Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    FortuboLesser deityAlignment: Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: dwarves, guardianship, metals, Mountains, StoneSources: Dragon magazine #88 - "Gods of the Suel Pantheon",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Scarlet Brotherhood,, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 53

  • The Temple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    Founder, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Lawful NeutralPortfolio: cities, law, orderSources: Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign Setting

    Frantilladivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: FlyingSources: The Unknown Gods

    FreyGreater deity/Intermediate deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: abundance, agriculture, Elves, fairyland, fertility, harvest, Horses, peace, Rain, sun,sunshineSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#110 - "For Better or Norse: II", Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods& Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    FreyaIntermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Chaotic Neutral) (Chaotic Good)Portfolio: fertility, human fertility, Love, magic, omens, passion, the dead, VanitySources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#110 - "For Better or Norse: II", Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods& Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    FriggaGreater deity/Intermediate deityAlignment: Neutral (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: Atmosphere, birth, domestic life, fertility, Love, marriage, Sky, weatherSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition), Dragon magazine#283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), OnHallowed Ground

    Fu HsingIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic GoodPortfolio: Happiness and joySources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 54

  • Fudo-Myoodivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Fugen-Bosatsudivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Fujindivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: The windsSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Fukurokujodivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: LuckSources: Dragon magazine #13 - "The Japanese Mythos"

    Furies, TheLesser deitiesAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: JusticeSources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground

    Fury, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Passion driven to madnessSources: Eberron Campaign Setting

    Gabijadivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Hearth, Home, the family and its animalsSources: Dragon magazine #290 - "Red Sails: Bright Sun, Mother Earth"

    Gadhelyn, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 55

  • Hero GodAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: feasting, Hunting, Independence, outlawrySources:, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Blood of Heroes", Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth"

    GaeaGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Earth, fertility, health, prophecySources: Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    Gaerdal IronhandLesser deityAlignment: Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral)Portfolio: combat, martial defense, protection, vigilanceSources: Demihuman Deities, Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

    GaknulakDemigodAlignment: Lawful Evil (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: protection, Stealth, traps, TrickerySources:, Monster Mythology, OnHallowed Ground

    GalaedrosGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: nature, woodSources: Ghostwalk

    GaragosDemigodAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: destruction, plunder, skill-at-arms, WarSources: Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), Powers &Pantheons

    GargauthDemigodAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: betrayal, cruelty, ill council, political corruption, political puppetmasters, powerbrokers,, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 56

  • powermongers, self-serving advisersSources: Faiths & Pantheons, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Third Edition), Powers &Pantheons

    Garl GlittergoldGreater deityAlignment: Neutral Good (Lawful Good)Portfolio: adventurers, bards, defending soldiers, fine-smithing and lapidary, gemcutting, gems,Gnomes, humor, illusion, jewelrymaking, miners, protection, rogues, smithing, smiths, Trickery, witSources: Complete Divine, Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Deities & Demigods (Third Edition),Demihuman Deities, Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities", Faiths & Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 -"Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Player's Handbook (Third EditionRevised), Player's Handbook (Third Edition), Races of Stone, Warriors of Heaven

    GaryxLesser deity/Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: destruction, Fire, fire-using dragons, renewalSources: Cult of the Dragon, Draconomicon (Second Edition), Draconomicon (Third Edition)

    Gauna (Gawa) (Gamab) (Gaunab)divine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: assassination, bad weather, cannibalism, chaos, death, disease, evilSources: Dragon magazine #215 - "The Deities of Africa"

    GebLesser deity/Intermediate deity/Greater deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: mineral resources, miners, mines, The earthSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Faiths & Pantheons, Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore (Second Edition), On HallowedGround, Powers & Pantheons, Warriors of Heaven

    Gelf DarkhearthIntermediate deityAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: Entropy, revengeSources: Races of Stone

    Gendwar ArgrimHero GodAlignment: Lawful Neutral, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 57

  • Portfolio: Fatalism and obsessionSources:, Living Greyhawk Journalno. 3 - "Blood of Heroes", Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth"

    GerdaLesser deityAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: Agriculture and beautySources: Dragon magazine #110 - "For Better or Norse: I"

    GeshtaiLesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Lakes, rivers, streams, wellsSources: Complete Divine,,, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, LivingGreyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, Stormwrack, The Temple ofElemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven

    GgorulluzgDemigodAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: bullywugs, swampsSources: White Dwarf magazine #39 - "Inhuman Gods part I"

    GhaunadaurLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: all things subterranean, jellies, Oozes, outcasts, rebels, ropers, slimesSources: Demihuman Deities, Drow of the Underdark, Faiths & Pantheons, Lords of Madness

    Gidjadivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Dragon magazine #19 - "The Mythos of Australia in Dungeons & Dragons"

    GileanGreater deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: balance, freedom, knowledge, Learning, watchfulnessSources: Dragonlance Adventures, Dragonlance Campaign Setting (Third Edition), On HallowedGround, Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 58

  • Gilgameshdivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: not listedSources: Sandstorm

    GilgeamDemigod/Intermediate deityAlignment: Lawful EvilPortfolio: athletic prowess, battle, cities, strength, the land of Unther, the skySources: Lost Empires of Faerun, Powers & Pantheons

    GirruLesser deityAlignment: Lawful GoodPortfolio: FireSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Sandstorm, Warriors of Heaven

    GlaakiDemigodAlignment: Chaotic NeutralPortfolio: evil dreams, undead servitorsSources: Call of Cthulhu d20

    GlautruDemigodAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Fate, Life and death, prophecySources: Races of Destiny

    Glutton, TheLesser deityAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: Disaster, GreedSources: Races of Stone

    God of Pestilence, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral EvilPortfolio: Sickness and diseaseSources: The Complete Book of Necromancers

    God of Suffering, Thedivine level unknown, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 59

  • Alignment: Neutral GoodPortfolio: compassion, Endurance, madness, painSources: The Complete Book of Necromancers

    God of the Deaddivine level unknownAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: opposition to undead, the deadSources: The Complete Book of Necromancers

    Goddess of Murder, Thedivine level unknownAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: unnatural and premeditated killingSources: The Complete Book of Necromancers

    Goddess of the Jade Petticoatdivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: not listedSources: Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes

    Gods of LankhmarIntermediate deities/DemigodsAlignment: Chaotic Evil (Neutral Evil)Portfolio: LankhmarSources: City of Adventure (Second Edition), Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Lankhmar,Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Gods of TroubleIntermediate deities/Lesser deitiesAlignment: Chaotic EvilPortfolio: Chaotic actions, evil fateSources: City of Adventure (Second Edition), Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Lankhmar,Legends & Lore (Second Edition)

    Goibhniu (Goibhnie) (Goibniu)Intermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: Neutral (Neutral Good)Portfolio: healing, Manufacture of weapons and armor, smithing, smithworkSources: Deities & Demigods (First Edition), Dragon magazine #283 - "Do-It-Yourself Deities",Dragon magazine #65 - "Tuatha De Danann", Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes, Legends & Lore(Second Edition), On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven, Sep 22, 2006 : Page 60

  • Goloddivine level unknownAlignment: not listedPortfolio: Evil/deathSources: Dragon magazine #24 - "Choir Practice at the First Church of Lawful Evil (Orthodox): TheRamifications of Alignment"

    GondIntermediate deity/Lesser deityAlignment: NeutralPortfolio: Artifice, blacksmiths, construction, craft, smithworkSources: Dragon magazine #54 - "Down-to-earth divinity", Faiths & Avatars, Faiths &