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  • 8/2/2019 A Critical Analysis of the Double Transit Theory


    A Critical Analysis of The Double Transit Theory- By Chandra Hari

    Two series of articles have appeared in `The Astrological Magazine' in 1985:

    ? The first series Three Stages of a Prediction by the Preceptor Sri KN. Rao

    was concluded in the August 1985 issue.

    ? The second series Broad Timing of Marriage by a number of disciples

    appeared in the June 1986 issue.

    Oral Traditional Secret

    The following description can be seen on page 631 of the Astrological Magazine,

    August 1985.

    "I was lucky that an old astrologer on his way to a pilgrimage spot had come to

    me to help him cast a horoscope and, in return, like a true Satwik Brahmin, he

    taught, he should give to me something as a parting gift. He repeatedly told me,

    "nothing in the world can happen unless Saturn and Jupiter plan it out. You

    cannot even produce a child without their blessing". I hope I have proven the

    theory of the old pandit satisfactorily in this paper.

    But let me once again make it clear that my mother, who would outlined the

    whole theory for me because she herself learnt it from an old Andhra Brahmin of

    Masulipatnam more than 60 years ago, told me to work out for more details after

    casting the horoscope correctly and give predictions not merely on the transit of

    these planets but also on the basis of Saptamsa and Mahadasa, sub -dasa, sub-

    sub-dasa and wherever necessary work even on the Sookshma dasa..."

    The theory in nutshell

    The theory can be applied on any bh for predicting or timing the manifestation

    of the respective signification-like the birth of children from the fifth house or the

    event of marriage from the seventh house. The salient features of the theory are:

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    Saturn is the primary approver of the heavenly administration.

    To quote the disciples in the context of marriage i.e. VIIth house:

    "Saturn unites the bride and the bride groom. Saturn in consultation with Jupiter

    proposes how and when to tie the conjugal knot. So they influence both the bride

    and the bridegroom".

    Technique of prediction can be well understood from the IInd series of papers

    beginning with 'Broad Timing of Marriage-I'.

    Saturn should have aspected within one to two and a half years of a marriage:

    (a) Lagna or Lagna lord representing the marriageable bride or bridegroom.

    (b) The VIIth house or the VIIth lord, which represent the husband or wife.

    Saturn therefore must have covered one aspect each from (a) and (b)

    above, which means before anyone's marriage Saturn should have aspected:

    (1) Lagna and the VIIth house or VIIth lord

    (2) Lagna lord and the VIIth house or VIIth lord.

    (1) Role of Jupiter

    Apply the same principle as for Saturn to Jupiter's transit but within a year

    generally, sometimes fifteen months.

    (2) Author's claim

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    "?At the end of each article in the summary and conclusions we will prove the

    Supra-Scientific Validity of Hindu astrology by establishing that the principles we

    have arrived at are applicable to more than 80% cases straight away. In physical

    sciences when 60% results are obtained it is accepted as valid research. In

    astrology when we attain much higher percentage we still are open to

    accusation, because no one tolerates a failed prediction..."

    Critical examination of the Theory

    For illustrating the discrepancy let us consider the first example of Pt. Jawaharlal

    Nehru in detail (A.M. June 1986 Page 483) (Marriage took place in February

    1916 only even though in those days marriageable age was very low like say, 22-

    28 or even 18-25)

    Data of Ephemeris

    Saturn (T)*

    (1) Moved into Gemini on 20 June 1914

    (2) Became retrograde on 16 October 1914

    (3) Became direct on 27 February 1915

    (4) Became retrograde on 30 October 1915

    (5) Became direct on 12 March 1916

    *(T)-means "in transit"

    During first retrogression from 16.10.1914 Saturn (T) as well as, Jupiter (T)

    placed in Capricorn satisfied the conditions of the theory but marriage didn't took

    place during the year that followed. Why?

    At the time of marriage, Saturn (T) was in Gemini and retrogression, which

    began on 30.10.1915, was used to explain the event. Also in the case of Jupiter,

    transit across Aquarius/ Pisces was used. So at the time of event, both Saturn

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    and Jupiter in transit had to influence 8 out of 12 houses by occupation and

    aspects, to fulfill the conditions of the theory.

    Now consider the earlier period in which Saturn (T) was in Taurus.

    Data of Ephemeris: Saturn (T)

    (1) Moves into Taurus on 7 May 1912

    (2) Retrograde on 17 Sept 1912

    (3) Direct on 29 January 1913

    (4) Retrograde on 02 October 1913

    (5) Direct on 12 February 1914.

    From 7th may 1912, Saturn (T) occupying Taurus aspected the Lagna of groom

    and by virtue of retrogression aspected from Aries the seventh house during: (1)

    September 1912 to 29 January 1913 and (2) 2nd October 1913 to 12 February


    During the period (1) of retrogression, Jupiter aspected both the Lagna and VIIth

    lord by moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Thus the above period or the one-year that followed was quite appropriate for marriage. But nothing happened.


    During period (2) of retrogression, 2.10.1913 to 12.02.1914 Jupiter moved from

    Sagittarius to Capricorn and satisfied the conditions. But again, there was no

    marriage in the following year.

    From the above discussion it is apparent that in the case of Saturn (T), if we

    consider any span of 2.5 to 2 years or even less, (within which there will be

    obviously retrogression and probably transit also) for any possible occupancy of

    any two parameters at least one of them will fall under the influence of Saturn (T)

    in almost all cases. This is because during such a span of time Saturn (T)

    influences 8 out of 12 houses.

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    In the case of Jupiter, similar is the situation, if we consider any span of one-

    year or even slightly less.

    Anomaly described above is visible in all examples and hence the hypothesis is

    not valid. Situation may differ slightly due to clustering.

    Other related points are:

    (1) The condition of marriageable age has no relevance.

    (2) The failure of the theory is implicit in the fact that it is not applicable to the

    horoscopes of twins.

    (3) Jupiter according to the authors sometimes takes 15 months to fulfill the

    conditions. This is due to clustering of factors and can be mathematically

    explained. It must be noted here that the average tenancy of Jupiter in a house is

    only 361 days. Authors have found this period, which is less than a year as

    insufficient for their theory. Requirement of 15 months emerged from the need for

    a transit of Jupiter into another sign or retrogression so that influence can be

    located over the preceding sign - in short for bringing in another four houses.

    The above points can be made clearer using the theory of probability.

    Mathematical analogy

    There are two sets of parameters (2 each) in our problem, signifying the bride

    and the groom. Mathematically the problem is distributions of 2 balls in 12 boxes

    out of which 8 are under the Saturn Saturnine influence i.e. say the 8 are


    For simplicity, we will take the maximum occupancy of the significators in one

    box as one. The probability that both the balls will falls in the 8 marked boxes.

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    = 8C2 .4Co = 28 -------------> (A)

    12 C2 66

    With maximum occupancy as one two significators can form 66 configurations in

    12 boxes out of which in 28 both significators will be under the influence of


    The probability of finding only one in the marked boxes

    = 2. 8C1. 4C1 = 32 ----------------------------> (B)

    12C2 66

    In 32 out of 66 cases only one will be under the Saturn influence.

    The probability of finding both the balls out of the 8 marked boxes.

    = 8Co. 4C2 = 66 --------------------------> (C)

    12 C2 66

    From results (A) and (b) the total probability of finding at least one of thesignificators in 8 houses influenced by Saturn

    = 32 + 28 = 60

    66 66 66

    I.e. in 60 out of the possible 66 cases. That is more than 90%. This is the result

    that the authors have got using the collected data. Same is the case with Jupiter

    (T). This analysis is applicable to the 2 each significators of both the bride as wellas groom.

    Relative placement of Saturn (T) and Jupiter (T) as well as clustering of

    significators can influence the result to some extent. In some clustered cases, the

    relative placement of Jupiter (T) and Saturn (T) compensate for clustering.

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    Also when we collect samples randomly, we do not collect one each of all

    possible configurations. Configurations represented by (A) and (B) collected in

    plenty can take the result to 100%. In a set of randomly collected data the

    influence of cases represented by (c) will be quite negligible.

    Against the above scientific analysis and observations, it will be interesting to

    note the conclusions of the authors on page484 of the June issue:

    ''...(c) We are prepared to accept any challenge from anyone in an open

    technical debate to demonstrate the near-infallibility of our research.

    (d) Our percentage in 27 months is 97.5% success, soaring beyond the

    theory of probability.

    (e) If only a period of nine months is taken, even then we do not fall below


    (f) We shall use 100 horoscopes in this paper though we have tested our

    research on more than a thousand by now..."

    From the analysis given using the probability theory it is evident that the

    above hypothesis of "Double-transit" may appear true in all horoscopes for

    all times if we use two or more than two significators, As such the empirical

    substantiation on 1000 horoscopes is nothing but a deceptive outcome of the

    awry research. With this kind of reports it is better not to claim any 'Supra

    - Scientific' validity for Hindu astrology.

    The students of astrology can have a very valuable lesson from the series

    of articles discussed above:

    " Hi-fi language, challenging tones & quotations from old Pandits neednot reflect the Scientific Content."

    The above discussion can be applied to the article 'Close timing of Marriage

    III' (December 1986 issue of A.M.) to disprove the same. All the four rules

    given on page 931 lose its validity.

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