






A THE Sir:



Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulf ill/nent of the Requirements for

the Degree of




August, 1971


97) Mo. 143


Appreciation is expressed to Dr. Doris A. Horton,

Professor of Physical Education, for her invaluable

assistance, guidance and patience and to Dr. Margaret

Wilson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of

Health, Physical Education and Recreation for Women, and

Dr. I4ary Cv;ens, Professor of Physical Education, Texas

Tech University for their suggestions in regard to the


Appreciation is also expressed to the volleyball

players who served as subjects for the study. The writer

wishes to extend special thanks to those persons who

assisted in data collection.







Statement of the Problem 2

Definition of Terms 2


History and Development of Power

Volleyball 4

Evolution of the Forearm Pass 6

Relevant Perceptual-Motor Factors in

Blocking-Striking Skills 9

Sujnmary 11


Report of the Pilot Studies 12

Development and Description of the Serve

Receive Test 17

Selection of Subjects 20

Procedures tor Data Collection 21

Statistical Procedures 22

IV. FlUDll.'l-S A:TD i:a'ERPRl'TATIONS 24

DeGcriptive Statistics 24

Reliability Estimates 24

Ccr;pari£cn of Skill Levels and Directions

of Kovon.ent 27 i i i


Conclusions 30

Discussion 30

Recommendations for Further Study 30






1. Descriptive Statistics 25

2. Reliability Estimates 25

3. Analysis of Variance for Comparison of Skill Levels and Directions of Movement 28

4. Raw Data, Lateral Right Movement 40

5. Raw Data, Lateral Left Movement 41

6. Raw Data, Straight Forward Movement 42



1. Physical Arrangements for Collection of Pilot Study Data 14

2. Floor Target for Scoring the Serve Receive 18

3. Performance Curves Based on Mean Scores of Beginning and Advanced Players for Three Directions of Movement 26

4. Rope Target Used in Pilot Studies 37

5. Volleyball Projector 38

6. Physical Arrangements for Collection of Thesis Data 39




Volleyball has developed from a haphazard slap-ball

recreational game to a highly skilled competitive sport

with international recognition and acceptance. The past

ten or fifteen years have seen a tremendous rise of

interest in volleyball for both men and women.

A minimum of scientific study has been done on

analysis of pov;er volleyball skills and techniques of

play. Many teams have skilled players that are very

competent in setting and spiking the volleyball; however,

the skill of effectively passing the volleyball to the

setter has not been as well developed. Furthermore, a

number of players appear to be able to pass the ball with

more accuracy when moving straight forv/ard as compared

to moving left or right in order to contact the ball.

This first pass is considered by many experts to be the

key to the entire game. Every player on a team must

execute this task adequately in order that the setter

and spiker perform, well. This study evolved from an

interest in defining characteristics of good performance

of the serve receive.

statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study was to compare performances

of the forearm pass when direction of movement was varied

in receiving the serve in volleyball.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the follow­

ing questions:

1. Is there a difference in the accuracy of the

forearm pass when moving laterally left as compared to

moving laterally right and straight toward the ball prior

to contact?

2. Do beginners and advanced players differ in the

degree of accuracy with which they can place the serve


Definition of Term.s

The following definitions were utilized in this


1. Forearm pass - a pass executed V7ith arms extended

so that the volleyball is given impetus with the inside

of the forearms,

2. Lateral right - a movement originating from a

distance of five feet left of the point of contact with

the ball. The subject executed the pass with her left

shoulder toward the'volleyball net.

3. Lateral left - a movement originating from a

distance of five feet right of the point of contact with

the ball. The subject executed the pass with her right

shoulder toward the volleyball net.

4. Straight forward - a movement originating from

a distance of five feet behind the point of contact with

the ball. During execution of the pass the subject had

her shoulders parallel with the net.

5. Serve receive - first contact with the ball by

the receiving team.

6. Beginning players - female subjects enrolled in

a beginning volleyball class in the Department of Health,

Physical Education and Recreation for Women, Texas Tech

University, Lubbock, Texas.

7. Advanced players - female subjects who had a

minimum of three years competitive experience in the

United States Volleyball Association or in the Division

for Girls and V7omen's Sports collegiate competition.

8. Point of contact - a point thirteen feet from

the right sideline and nine feet from the endline to

which the serve was directed.



This chapter contains a resum^ of the history of

power volleyball. Also included is a report of the

development of the forearm pass, and a brief review of

relevant perceptual-motor factors in blocking-striking


History and Developm.ent of Power Volleyball

The game of volleyball has undergone extensive

change since its origin in 1895. When William G. Morgan

invented the game at the Holyoke, Massachusetts, YMCA, he

wanted a game less strenuous than basketball for older

businessmen. Taking parts from various activities, he

developed a game that is enjoyed both as a recreational

leisure time activity and as a highly skilled competitive

game whose players spend hours in practice.

The orgaiiization responsible for the early advance­

ment of volleyball has been the YMCA. It acted as the

governing body during the first years of volleyball. YMCA

leaders took volleyball with them to many foreign countries

where the garre became an established sport.

The first separate rulebook for volleyball was pub­

lished in 1916 (38). More organizations joined the


athletic league of YMCA's of North America. A national

tournament was held in 1922, with 27 teams from 11 states

competing. World Wars I and II strengthened the develop­

ment of volleyball in Europe (37). It was used in the

physical training of servicemen, and servicemen also

played volleyball as a recreational game in Europe.

The first published rules for girls and women

appeared in 1926. A current set of rules is published

annually by the Division for Girls and Women's Sports.

The United States Volleyball Association was founded

in 1928. This organization published a set of rules and

furnished the necessary leadership and cooperation to

further develop the game. The International Volleyball

Federation was founded in Paris in 1947. International

competition began in 1949. Also in 1949, the United

States Volleyball Association sponsored the first national

collegiate tournament and the first national women's open

tournament (25).

Volleyball was established in the Pan American Games

in 1955. In 1957, volleyball became an official Olympic

sport. Both rr.en' 3 and wcrr.en' s teams competed in the

Olympic Games in Japan in 1964 (25) .

The past decade has seen many changes in the game of

volleyball. Interpretations of rules have been a major

factor in the change. Welch (38) attributes this to the

United States Volleyball Association's adoption of the

principal features of the rules of the International

Volleyball Federation (FIVE) and the United States'

acceptance of interpretations by leading referees from

other nations.

The first set of rules prohibited letting the ball

come to rest in the hands, but various interpretations of

this rule have created confusion and controversy. Accord­

ing to Welch (38) the overhand pass was used in 80 percent

of the service receptions in 1960. Current rulings of

"holding" have brought about a different technique of

receiving the serve, and that is with the use of the

forearm pass.

Evolution of the Forearm Pass

Initially, the forearm pass was used primarily as a

recovery shot. Also called the dig or bump pass, it was

used as a defensive tactic to receive a hard driven spike,

to play the ex-rerrtely low balls, or to reach a ball that

otherwise could not be played. Burton (38) contended

that the forearm par.s is more than just a recovery shot,

and that it can be used offensively as well as defensively.

He stated that many coaches consider the tv/o-arm forearm

bounce pass to be the most efficient pass.

Experts in volleyball agree that the proper technique

of ball handling is the most important aspect of the game.

McManama and Shondell (24) stated that ball handling

accounts for one-half to two-thirds of both offensive and

defensive play in volleyball. Cherebetiu (7) noted that

the forearm pass which was formerly used in rare instances

and was considered inefficient has become a very important

technical element because of its precision and the minimum

amount of effort required to execute it.

Considering the extreme importance of being able to

control the ball, McManama and Shondell (25) listed the

forearm pass in beginning ball handling fundamentals.

Use of the forearm pass in receiving the serve, playing

hard driven spikes, and passing a ball that could not

legally be handled by the overhand pass was recommended.

They stated that the forearm pass is used well over 50

percent of the time in international competition. A

player can greatly increase the area of court coverage

by competent use of the forearm pass.

While most authors generally agreed as to the proper

body position for execution of the pass, there

were some different opinions. Volleyball experts stated

that centering the ball in front of the body should result

in a better pass. Authorities varied in their description


of arm and hand position prior to execution of the fore­

arm pass. One position suggested that the radial side of

the forearm contact the ball to execute the pass. Others,

perhaps the majority, described the soft part of the

forearm as the proper area with which to contact the ball.

A number of descriptions have been given as to the

body position for the forearm pass. The following review

comments on the trajectory of the ball after contact.

The forearm pass should be played so that it comes

straight down toward the setter. Reviews of passing

tests reveal that researchers have used various vertical

heights in their definitions of good forearm pass per­

formance. The French and Cooper (15), Russell and Lang

(30), and Mohr and Haverstick (26) passing tests had a

minimum vertical height of seven and one-half feet. The

Brady (4) volley test height was eleven feet six inches.

Trotter (37) suggested a good pass should attain a height

of ten to twelve feet. Scates and Ward (31) and Bunn (5)

indicated a twelve foot height as their preference. Scates

and V7ard (31) also designated a spot two to four feet from

the net m the center front court position as the place to

direct the pass. In a test by Liba and Stauff (22),

subjects scored better if their pass attained a height of

thirteen feet or more, Laveaga (20) suggested a height of

fifteen feet or more, Boyden, Burton and Odeneal (3)

stated that the pass should be four or five feet back of

the center of the net.

While the preceding studies help to define the fore­

arm pass, more information is needed to define specifically

those motor components facilitating skilled execution of

the pass. Apparently the evolution of volleyball from

leisure, recreationally orientated activity to highly com­

petitive, skilled sport occurred so rapidly that new

techniques and skills developed prior to knowledge of the

fundamentals involved. Although little empirical evidence

enumerating factors essential for skilled performance of

the forearm pass is available, some general as well as

specific perceptual-motor elements inherent in the skill

are known.

Relevant Perceptual-Motor Factors in Blocking-Striking Skills

Behavioral scientists tend to agree that learning a

motor skill, i.e., a sequence of responses required by a

specific task, requires many factors. An important com­

ponent of skilled movements is a reasonably exact duplica­

tion of force integrated into the cornplex action from

trial to trial (9). Tasks in athletics require that the

performier have an accurate perception of the amount of

force required to give a desired impetus.


Cratty (9) indicated that the ability to perform

sports skills effectively is often dependent upon the

ability to make accurate judgements about the movements

of objects in space. Many activities, primarily those

which involve catching, throwing, and striking balls,

require perceptual factors as well as motor factors.

Scientific knowledge is relatively recent in the

area of perception. Singer (33) and Cratty (9) stated

that psychologists recognize that perception is an impor­

tant factor in learning motor skills,

Spiegel (34) suggested that little empirical knowl­

edge is available regarding the nature of occular tracking;

however, dynamic contour perception is facilitated by

exposure to a fixed target prior to movement. This is

related to accuracy of visual tracking. According to

Hartley (1), visual receptors relate to externality at

various distances. He said that relations between space,

vision and movement are very intimate.

Cratty (9) suggested that more accurate kinesthetic

awareness occurs v/hen tasks v/hich require hand-eye

coordination occur in front of the body between the waist

and the shoulder level. Hartley (1) reported that the

accuracy of free-positioning movement is somewhat better

below the subject's shoulder level than at or above

shoulder level.


Cratty (9) reported a study in which the speed of an

object moving from left to right was as accurately judged

as the speed of an object moving from right to left.

While judgement of speed may be equal right or left, the

capacity to move to intercept a moving object may vary

with sidedness.


Power volleyball has undergone extensive change in

the past decade. Perhaps the main factor in this change

has been the acceptance of rules interpretation by

officials from other countries. This has brought about

the use of the forearm pass which was once used primarily

as a recovery shot, but is now an integral part of the

offensive game and has received little scientific study.

Little empirical knowledge concerning skilled per­

formance of the forearm pass is available; however, some

general and specific perceptual-motor elements inherent

in striking-blocking skills are known. Some of these

factors are: (1) a subject is more accurate when per­

forming tasks that occur in front of the body between the

waist and the shoulder level, (2) a subject can judge

the speed of an object moving from left to right as

accurately as when the object moves from right to left,

(3) dynamic contour perception is facilitated by exposure

to a fixed target prior to movement.



This chapter contains a report of the pilot studies

and a description of special equipment developed for use

in this study. Procedures for obtaining and analyzing

the data are also included.

Report of the Pilot Studies

A pilot study was made to determine the number of

trials needed for consistency of performance of the serve

receive, to ascertain the direction and distances subjects

were to move, to develop satisfactory procedures for

scoring each trial of the serve receive, and to evaluate

the mechanical performance of the volleyball projector.

Five females who were members of the Andrews High

School Volleyball 'B' Team, Andrews, Texas, and who had

limited competitive playing experience were subjects for

the first pilot study. The subjects were volunteers.

The method of projecting the volleyball was a machine

that had been constructed to project a volleyball and

deliver it to the subject. The volleyball projector was

made available by the Research Laboratory, Department of

Health, Physical Education and Recreation for Women,



Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, A photograph of

the ball projector appears in Figure 5 in the Appendix.

Three directions of movement were selected for study.

These directions were: movement laterally to the right,

movement laterally to the left, and movement diagonally

to the right. These directions were used to advance the

subject to the point of contact with the ball. The dis­

tance of each movement was five feet.

The point of contact with the ball was defined as a

p>oint thirteen feet from the right sideline and nine feet

from the endline. This point was chosen following obser­

vation of many teams, seven years of coaching and playing

experience, and noting that many serves were made to this

general area of the playing court.

Figure 1 on the following page shows the physical

arrangements used to obtain the data for the first pilot

study. The photograph shows the ball projector, the

volleyball net, the rope target, and a subject positioned

at the point of contact.

In order to score the trials, a fifteen by fifteen

foot rope target, developed to define ball trajectory in

the vertical and horizontal planes, was constructed. Two

standards were set fifteen feet apart and extended upward

so that the highest rope could be placed fifteen feet

above the floor. Ropes stretched horizontally were placed


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at two foot intervals downward to a height of five feet

above the floor. Ropes were also attached to the top

rope and were suspended vertically downward to the five

foot level. These vertical ropes were placed at three

foot intervals. The rope target was placed half-way

between the point of contact and the net and was located

seven and one-half feet from each sideline. Each space

in the target was assigned a number of points, and the

scoring system is illustrated in Figure 4 in the Appendix.

The volleyball projector was placed in serving posi­

tion. Three assistants were used—an operator of the

volleyball projector; a scorer; and a person to retrieve

and return the volleyball to the volleyball projector.

The scorer was placed on a table to position her more

advantageously as she scored each trial.

Preceding the test, the subjects were told to assume

that they were in a game situation with a four-two court

position. They were instructed to receive the serve and

pass it to the center front position using a forearm pass.

The subjects moved a distance of five feet either later­

ally right, laterally left, or diagonally right toward the

point of contact wrien the ball was projected. Each sub­

ject performed sixteen trials in each of the three

directions. Each path of movement was taped on the floor.


Data were analyzed to determine reliability estimates.

The obtained intraclass correlation coefficients for the

average of sixteen trials were .89 for lateral right, .80

for lateral left, and .30 for diagonal right.

Following the pilot study the following changes were


1. The volleyball projector was modified and


2. Landing points were marked to determine a landing

pattern and to assist in developing a floor target.

3. The number of directions of movement was increased

from three to five. The two directions added to the study

were movement diagonally left and movement straight for­


4. The number of trials was decreased to fourteen.

5. A further study was planned with subjects of a

different skill level.

For the second pilot study the physical arrangements

were identical to the first study. One additional assist­

ant was used to mark the landing points of the ball on the


Subjects for the second study were five adult females.

They had a minimum of three years competitive experience

in United States Volleyball Association or in the Division


for Girls* and Women's Sports collegiate competition.

Results of the second study indicated the following:

1. The number of directions moved should be reduced

to three because of a fatigue factor.

2. The number of trials should be increased to

twenty for higher reliability, since the average intra­

class coefficients for fourteen trials were .63 for lateral

right, .76 for straight forward, .64 for diagonal left, .45

for lateral left, and .49 for diagonal right,

3. A floor target for measuring accuracy of the

serve receive should be developed or selected.

Development and Description of the Serve Receive Test

A fan-shaped floor target similar to those made by

Duke (10) and McHaney (23) was developed. A minimum

vertical height was established at twelve feet. Figure 2

on the following page shows the floor target specifications

The shaded area in Figure 2 indicates the preferred

landing area. The center of the preferred landing area

was fifteen feet from each sideline and three and one-half

feet from the net. The preferred landing area cell was

five feet in depth and the cell extended ten degrees right

and ten degrees left of a line connecting the point of

contact and the center of the preferred landing area.


Fig. 2.—Floor Target for Scoring the Serve Receive. The numbers appearing in the upper left corner are the composite scores for that cell.


Total width of the cell was twenty degrees. This area

was defined on the basis of the pilot study. To obtain

the depth score, the target was also marked beginning at

the point of contact with arcs five feet apart. This

area was also defined by the plotting of pilot study

landing points and reference to tests developed by Duke

(10) and McHaney (23).

To score lateral deviations the center cell was

assigned the number six, and each ten degree deviation

right or left was assigned descending numbers from five

through two from the center of the target outward. To

score force deviations the center cell was assigned the

number four and each five foot arc above and below the

center cell was assigned descending numbers three and

two outward from the target center. Each trial was scored

by summing the depth and lateral deviation score.

A rope twelve feet high was stretched across the

court. It was placed twelve feet from the point of con­

tact and nine feet from the net. This placement was

chosen because the ball was contacted approximately one

and one-half feet above the floor; therefore, the rope

was moved one and one-half feet nearer the net to position

it midway in the ball's trajectory. A vertical height of

twelve feet was selected as the minimum height a pass


could attain and still allow the setter sufficient time

to position herself to execute a set.

The subject's point of contact with the ball remained

at thirteen feet from the right sideline and nine feet

from the endline. The three movement directions were

laterally right and left and straight forward to the point

of contact. The circled numbers in Figure 2 designate

the starting position for each movement direction. These

instructions were given to each subject: "When moving

laterally right, keep the left shoulder to the net during

execution of the pass; when moving laterally left, keep

the right shoulder to the net during execution of the

pass; when moving straight, keep the shoulders parallel

with the net during execution of the pass," Subjects

were instructed to keep the shoulder placement in order

to standardize the execution of the movement. The

starting position for each direction was five feet from

the point of contact as shown in Figure 2,

Selection of Subjects

Two groups of subjects were selected. The beginning

group was composed of eiar.t females in a beginning volley­

ball class in the Department of Health, Physical Education

and Recreation for Women, Texas Tech University, Lubbock,

Texas. The advanced group was composed of selected


members of the Texas Tech University Varsity Volleyball

Team and selected adults making a total of eight subjects

with a minimum of three years competitive experience with

United States Volleyball Association and/or the Division

for Girls and Women's Sports,

Procedures for Data Collection

The floor was marked according to specifications in

Figure 2, A rope was stretched across the court twelve

feet from the point of contact. This rope was attached

to two standards placed outside the court. The rope was

colored blue to facilitate the scorer in determining if

the volleyball passed over the rope. A rope was also

stretched across the center of the court at net height

with ropes hanging vertically down to each side of the

preferred landing area to assist the subjects in making

distance judgm.ents. The preferred landing area was

covered with a strip of white paper taped to the floor.

The same volleyball was used for all trials for all sub­

jects. A designated point v/as marked as the impact point

on one panel of the ball. The ball was placed in the ball

projector so that this point would be contacted each time

the ball was served. This was done to reduce as much as

possible any variance in the flight of the ball.


Three assistants were utilized in the collection of

data. The scorer was positioned on a ladder placed mid­

way and outside of the target area. One assistant operated

the volleyball projector and one assistant retrieved and

returned the volleyball to the projector.

Each subject performed twenty trials for each direc­

tion moved. In the event the projected ball struck the

twelve foot rope, a re-trial was declared.

Four practice trials preceded each direction of move­

ment before data were recorded. The order in which the

subjects performed the tasks was as follows: (1) twenty

trials while moving laterally right with left shoulder to

the net, (2) twenty trials while moving laterally left with

right shoulder to the net, and (3) twenty trials while

moving straight toward the preferred landing area. A

short rest period was given at the end of each twenty


Data were collected on the campus of Texas Tech

University, Lubbock, Texas, in the summer of 1970. The

volleyball court was a facility of the Department of

Health, Physical Education and Recreation for Women.

Statistical Procedures

Data were analyzed using intraclass correlation

techniques to provide reliability estimates. Analysis


of variance procedures were used to make comparisons

between the variables, skill level, and direction of




This chapter contains the results of the analysis of

data obtained from beginning and advanced volleyball

players who executed the serve receive using the forearm

pass. All subjects executed the pass while moving later­

ally right, laterally left and straight forward.

Descriptive Statistics

The basic data used for the analysis appear in

Table 1 on the following page. Means and standard devia­

tions were computed for both skill levels and for the

directions of movement. The means were plotted and

appear in Figure 3, page 26,

Reliability Estimates

Data were analyzed to provide reliability estimates.

Procedures described by Ebel (11) were used to determine

the intraclass correlation coefficients which appear in

Table 2. The values reported are the reliability of the

average of 20 trials. The coefficients obtained for the

directions, lateral left and for straight forward for

beginners were lower than desirable, and indicated a high

degree of variation in performance of the serve receive.





Direction of Movement S'" '' . Standard Means* Deviation

BeqinnincT Subjects

Lateral Right 6.35 1.60

Lateral Left 6.82 .843

Straight 6.77 .830

Advanced Subjects

Lateral Right 7.54 .816

Lateral Left 7.73 .734

Straight 7.61 1.29

*N = 8, Trials = 20



T '. '. Reliability ~ ~ Reliability Beginning ^^^ ^^^f^^^^ , of the Skill Level Average ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Average

Lateral Right .852 Lateral Right .650

Lateral Left .437 Lateral Left ,544

Straight .468 Straight .837

N = 8 for each group



- •



Advanced B e g i n n i n g L a t e r a l L e f t Movement

J: J 1 V n T } 1 •! t ',* *? 7 f Jt 1 '1 '1 2_

Lateral Right Movement -«

U L_ 1 t r T I 5 1 ' • . /X / , J I I I I L.

It ,1 It _ili

S t r a i g h t Forward Ilovement

^ ^ 1 '^ t I 5 I — ^ n It. It

i u . . H- ' • II it 'f .^ L I 1 1 » -

Fig, 3.--Performance Curves Based on Mean Scores of Beginning and Advanced Players for Three Directions of Moverrer.t.


Comparison of Skill Levels and Directions of Movement

Analysis of variance was used to determine if sig­

nificant differences occurred between skill levels and

the three directions of movement. Techniques described

by Kirk (19) were utilized, and data were processed at

the Texas Tech University Computer Center.

The following specific hypotheses were tested, and

the .05 level of significance set for rejection:

1. That advanced volleyball players would be more

accurate m passing the ball to the center front court

position than would beginning players.

2. That accuracy in passing would be greater for

movement in a straight forward position than movement

either laterally right or laterally left.

A summary of the results of the analysis of variance

appears in Table 3. For factor A, skill level, the

obtained F-ratio of 10,12 exceeded the 1,43 required.

Therefore, it cin be stated that advanced volleyball players

are more accurate in passing the ball to the center front

court position than are beginning players.

The F value obtained for factor B, direction of

movement, failed to reach significance. Therefore, the

hypothesis that accuracy in passing would be greater for

movement in a straight forward position than for movement

either laterally right or laterally left v;as rejected.




Source of , Sum of Mean „_p . Variation ^^ Squares Square Katio

A Skill Level

B Direction of Movement

AB Interaction





















*Signifleant at the .05 level



The purposes of the study were to determine if

direction of movement had any influence on accuracy while

using the forearm pass to receive the serve, and to

compare movement of beginning with advanced level players.

Subjects for the study were eight students enrolled

in a beginning volleyball class at Texas Tech University

and eight volleyball players with a minimum of three years

competitive experience. They were all volunteers.

Subjects moved a distance of five feet either later­

ally right, laterally left, or straight forward to execute ^

the serve receive. Each subject performed twenty trials «

in each direction. i J I'

Data were analyzed to provide reliability estimates. ;

Analysis of variance was utilized for comparison of skill

level and directions of movement. Results showed that

advanced players were more accurate than beginning players

in passing the volleyball to the center front position.

Results also showed that there were no significant

differences in performar:ce vjhen subjects moved laterally

right, laterally left, or straight forward to point of

contact with the ball.




Based on the analysis of the data the following

statements seem justified:

1, Direction of movement does not appear to be a

relevant factor in the accuracy of the pass to the center


2. Advanced players are more accurate in placement

of the first pass to the center front court position than

are beginning players.


Different results might have been obtained if advanced

subjects had been actively participating in competitive

volleyball. The low level of performance might be attribu- <f

ted to the relative newness of the forearm pass as a i l~

technique of receiving the serve. I' III

Recommendations for Further Study ij 4

The following recommendations are made for subsequent ij


1, Select subjects from players that are in a current

competitive volleyball season,

2, Increase and vary the distance between the start­

ing position and the point of contact with the ball.

3, Increase the length of the v;arm-up period.


4, Increase the sample size,

5. Increase the number of directions of movement.

I::! v I"


1. Hartley, S, Howard. Principles of Perception. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1958.

2. Bilodeau, Edward A,, ed. Acquisition of Skill. New York: Academic Press, 1966.

3. Boyden, E. Douglas; Burton, Roger G.; and Odeneal, William T. Volleyball Syllabus, Berne, Indiana: United States Volleyball Association, 1964,

4. Brady, George F. "Preliminary Investigation of Volleyball Playing Ability." Research Quarterly, XVI (March, 1945), 14-17.

5.Vi Bunn, John W. Scientific Principles of Coaching. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1955.

6. Chambliss, Gene. "Volleyball Strategy." Midland, Texas, Texas YMCA Tournament, 1967. (Mimeo­graphed. )

7. Cherebetiu, Gabriel. Volleyball Techniques, Hollywood, California: Creative Sports Books, 1969,

8. Coleman, Jim. "Power Volleyball Outline." Depart­ment of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1965. (Mimeographed.)

9. Cratty, Bryant J, Psycholoav and Physical Activity. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.

10. Duke, Susan K. "A Proposed Test for the Volleyball Bump Pass," Paper presented at the T .A.Ii. ?. E. R. 1963 Convention, Brownwood, Texas, December 6, 1968.

11, Ebel, Robert L. "Estimation of the Reliability of RatincTS." Psychometrika, XVI (December, 1951), 407-424.



12. Fleishman, Edwin A. The Structure and Measurement of Physical Fitness. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.

13. Fleishman, Edwin A., and Rich, Simon. "Role of Kinesthetic and Spatial-Visual Abilities in Perceptual-Motor Learning." Journal of Experi­mental Psychology, LXVI (July, 1963), 6-11,

14. Foot, H, C. "Visual Prediction of the Point of Coincidence of Two Moving Targets." Ergonomics, XII (September, 1969), 723-733.

15. French, Esther L., and Cooper, Bernice I. "Achieve­ment Tests in Volleyball for High School Girls," Research Quarterly, VIII (r4ay, 1937), 150-157,

16. Friermood, Harold T. "Volleyball Goes Modern." Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, XXIV (May, 1953), 11,

17. Govatos, Louis A, "Motor Skill Learning." Review of Educational Research, XXXVII (December, 1967), 583-598.

18. Keller, Val. Point, Game, and Match. Hollywood, California: Creative Sports Books, 1968.

19. Kirk, Roger E. Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences. Belmont, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, 1968,

20. Laveaga, Robert E. Volleyball, New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1960.

21. Leibrock, Philip, "Volleyball the Right Way." Scholastic Coach, XXXV (December, 1965), 30-33,

22. Liba, Marie R., and Stauff, Marilyn R. "A Test for the Volleyball Pass." Research Quarterly, XXXIV (March, 1963), 56-63.

23. McHaney, Rita J. "A Proposed Skill Test for the Forearm Set in Volleyball." Unpublished paper, Texas Tech University, May, 1969,


24. McManama, Jerre, and Shondell, Don. "Teaching Volleyball Fundamentals." Journal of Health. Physical Education, and Recreation. XL (March. 1969), 43^56^:

2^" • Volleyball. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1971.

26. Mohr, Dorothy R., and Haverstick, Martha J. "Rela­tionship Between Height, Jumping Ability, and Agility to Volleyball Skill." Research Quar­terly, XXVII (March, 1956), 74-78.

27. Odeneal, William T., and Wilson, Harry W. Beginning Volleyball. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1962,

28. Oxendine, Joseph B. Psychology of Motor Learning, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968,

29. Rock, Irvin. The Nature of Perceptual Adaptation. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1966.

30. Russell, Naomi, and Lange, Elizabeth. "Achievement Tests in Volleyball for Junior High School Girls," Research Quarterly. XI (December, 1940), 33-41,

31. Scates, Allen E,, and Ward, Jane. Volleyball. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1969.

32. Shondell, Donald S,, ed. Official Volleyball Guide, Berne, Indiana: United States Volleyball Association, 1970.

33. Singer, Robert N. Motor Legrning and Human Perfor­mance, New York: The Macmillian Company, 1968,

34- Spigel, Irwin M., ed. Readings in the Study of Visually Perceived Movement. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1965.

35. Thigpen, Janet. Pov/er Volleyball for Girls and Women. Dubuque, lov/a : William C. Brown Company, 1967.

36. Travers, Robert M. W. "Perceptual Learning." Review of Educational Researcli, XXA'V'II (December, 1967), 599-617,


37. Trotter, Betty Jane. Volleyball for Girls and Women, New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1965.

38. Welch, J. Edmund, ed. How to Play and Teach Volley­ball. New York: Association Press, 1960.

39. Welch, J. Edmund. "The Chest Pass is Dead." Athletic Journal, XLVIII (December, 1967), 24-25, 41-42.

I " l!i ("I

jii « J It


Rope Target Used in Pilot Studies

Volleyball Projector

Physical Arrangements for Collection of Thesis Data

Raw Data Tables


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Fig. 4.—Rope Target Used in Pilot Studies.

Target located 7^ feet from each sideline and 10^ feet from the volleyball net.

The vertical and lateral deviation scores \7ere summed to constitute a single trial score. The numbers in the upper left corner of the cells are composite scores.


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