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 A Call to Salvation A Call to SalvationFrom the BOSSFrom the BOSS

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The wisdom of the world would haveThe wisdom of the world would haveus to believe that all the religions ofus to believe that all the religions of

the world are basically the same, thatthe world are basically the same, thatallall roads lead to heaven, regardlessroads lead to heaven, regardlessof what orof what or whomwhom we believe in. But iswe believe in. But isthis true?this true?

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Jesus said, Jesus said, I am the way and theI am the way and thetruth and the life.truth and the life. No one comes toNo one comes to

the Father except through methe Father except through me." John  ." John  14:614:6

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 Acts 4:12 says  Acts 4:12 says Salvation is found  in  Salvation is found  in  no on e elseno on e else, for ther e is no other  , for ther e is no other  

n ame und er  heaven given to men byn ame und er  heaven given to men bywhi ch we must be saved whi ch we must be saved ."."

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Today, my friends, I must be veryToday, my friends, I must be veryblunt. If you do not have Jesus inblunt. If you do not have Jesus inyour heart, you cannot be saved!your heart, you cannot be saved!

Without Jesus, there is no Salvation.Without Jesus, there is no Salvation.Period. I'm sorry! But somebody hasPeriod. I'm sorry! But somebody hasto love you enough to tell you, andto love you enough to tell you, andtoday, I am committed to telling youtoday, I am committed to telling youthat truth.that truth.

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 But, But, you say, you say, Im already aIm already aChristian! I was raised in a ChristianChristian! I was raised in a Christian

home. We arent Buddhist, Muslim,home. We arent Buddhist, Muslim,Jewish or HinduJewish or Hindu   and we go toand we go tochurch, therefore we are Christianschurch, therefore we are Christians!!

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Did you know the Bible doesnt sayDid you know the Bible doesnt say  anywhere!anywhere!   that you can earnthat you can earn

Heaven and eternal life byHeaven and eternal life by callingcallingyourself a Christian?yourself a Christian?

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  Okay,Okay, you answer, you answer, but I went tobut I went toChristian school. I attendedChristian school. I attended

Catechism classes (or Sunday schoolCatechism classes (or Sunday schoolclasses) all my life. I wear a crossclasses) all my life. I wear a crossaround my neck!around my neck!

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Thats cool, but did you know theThats cool, but did you know theBible doesnt say that you get to goBible doesnt say that you get to go

to Heaven and have eternal life byto Heaven and have eternal life bygoing to church, Catechism, Sabbathgoing to church, Catechism, Sabbathor Sunday school classes or byor Sunday school classes or bywearing a cross around your neck?wearing a cross around your neck?

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 Well . . . I read the bible and I  Well . . . I read the bible and I prayeveryday!prayeveryday!

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ImIm r eallyr eally glad you do!  And since youglad you do!  And since youdo, you will alr eady know that thedo, you will alr eady know that theBible doesnt say you can get toBible doesnt say you can get toHeaven and have eter nal life thr oughHeaven and have eter nal life thr oughpray er  and Bible study  al one!pray er  and Bibl e study  al one!

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 Okay. But I love God! Okay. But I love God!

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Thats terrific. But did you know that theThats terrific. But did you know that the19 terrorists who flew the airplanes into19 terrorists who flew the airplanes intothe World Trade Center and the Pentagonthe World Trade Center and the Pentagonon Sept. 11, 2001, alsoon Sept. 11, 2001, also saidsaid they lovedthey loved


Did you know that the Bible doesnt sayDid you know that the Bible doesnt sayanythinganything about getting to Heaven andabout getting to Heaven andobtaining eternal life through your love forobtaining eternal life through your love forGod alone?God alone?

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 But someone told me once that if I  But someone told me once that if I believe that Jesus Christ is the son ofbelieve that Jesus Christ is the son ofGod, I can go to Heaven and haveGod, I can go to Heaven and haveeternal lifeeternal life

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May I again be blunt? The Bible says thatMay I again be blunt? The Bible says thateveneven DEMONS DEMONS believe Jesus Christ is thebelieve Jesus Christ is theSon of God (James 2:19), and that S  AT AN Son of God (James 2:19), and that S  AT AN himself believes Jesus is the Son of God!himself believes Jesus is the Son of God!

The Bible says that Jesus has prepared anThe Bible says that Jesus has prepared aneternal lake of fire for the devil and hiseternal lake of fire for the devil and hisangels (Matt 25:41)! Theirangels (Matt 25:41)! Their beliefbelief in Jesusin Jesus

certainly isnt going to bringcertainly isnt going to bring themthem eternaleternallife in Heaven!life in Heaven!

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 But I have kept But I have kept all all of the Tenof the TenCommandments my entire l ife!Commandments my entire l ife!

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That's great! But did you know theThat's great! But did you know theBible doesnt say that keeping theBible doesnt say that keeping theTen Commandments will earn youTen Commandments will earn youeternal life? My friends, it simply isnteternal life? My friends, it simply isntin the Book!in the Book!

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Lets consider the story of Nicodemus for aLets consider the story of Nicodemus for amoment. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, amoment. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, astrictstrict observer of the law. He memorizedobserver of the law. He memorized

the Scripture, sang the Scripture andthe Scripture, sang the Scripture andtaught from the Word of God in thetaught from the Word of God in theSynagogue every Sabbath. One wouldSynagogue every Sabbath. One wouldhave thought that when Nicodemus camehave thought that when Nicodemus came

to Jesus, the Lord would have patted himto Jesus, the Lord would have patted himon the back and said, Well done, Nick!on the back and said, Well done, Nick!Heaven awaits you!Heaven awaits you!

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But thatBut that isn tisn t what the Lord s ai d to N i codemus atwhat the Lord s ai d to N i codemus atall. Ins tead, He tells N i codemus that un less he is  all. Ins tead, He tells N i codemus that un less he is  born of water an d the Spi ri t, heborn of water an d the Spi ri t, he cann otcann ot en ter theen ter theKin gdom of God.Kin gdom of God.

He told N i codemus , He told N i codemus , YOU MUST BE BORN AGAINYOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN(John 3:3). What does this mean to you? It means  (John 3:3). What does this mean to you? It means  you mus t be born again to go to heaven an d haveyou mus t be born again to go to heaven an d haveetern al li fe!etern al li fe!

So what does  i t mean to be born again ?So what does  i t mean to be born again ?

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It means that youIt means that you mustmust give Jesusgive Jesus all all of your heart andof your heart and all all of your l ife. Itsof your l ife. Itsthat simpl e! If you have never donethat simpl e! If you have never doneso, then you are not saved. ( Again,so, then you are not saved. ( Again,Im sorry! But somebodyIm sorry! But somebody hashas to l oveto l oveyou enough to tell you.)you enough to tell you.)

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''LoveLove the Lord yourthe Lord your GodGod withwith allall youryourheart and withheart and with allall your soul and withyour soul and with allallyour strength and withyour strength and with allall your mind' your mind' 

Luke 10:27Luke 10:27

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The Word of God never changes! You mustThe Word of God never changes! You mustgive Godgive God all all of your heart andof your heart and all all of yourof yourl ife. This means Jesusl ife. This means Jesus mustmust be the Lord ofbe the Lord ofyour l ife.your l ife.

It means that you make Him your LordIt means that you make Him your Lordand Savior, you Boss! If you have neverand Savior, you Boss! If you have nevermade Him Boss of your l ife, then you aremade Him Boss of your l ife, then you are

not saved. It is that simpl e.not saved. It is that simpl e.

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  But I prayed that Salvation prayer atBut I prayed that Salvation prayer ata crusade and I answered an altara crusade and I answered an altarcall at my church once!call at my church once!

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Thats great! But did you know that the BibleThats great! But did you know that the Bibledoesnt say anywhere that praying a prayer willdoesnt say anywhere that praying a prayer willget you to Heaven?get you to Heaven?

Sure, the prayer is important, but did you giveSure, the prayer is important, but did you giveHim all of your heart and all of your life when youHim all of your heart and all of your life when youprayed the prayer? Did you make Him Boss ofprayed the prayer? Did you make Him Boss ofyour life? Or was it just some sort of fireyour life? Or was it just some sort of fireinsurance that gave you confidence to live yourinsurance that gave you confidence to live yourlife as you pleased without the fear of going tolife as you pleased without the fear of going to


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Can I tell you something? It simply doesntCan I tell you something? It simply doesntwork that way. It is an  ALL or NOTHINGwork that way. It is an  ALL or NOTHINGrelationship with God. Either you give Himrelationship with God. Either you give Him

all of you heart and all of your life, and youall of you heart and all of your life, and youmake Him Boss over your life,make Him Boss over your life, oror youreyoureNOT saved! ( And somebody must love youNOT saved! ( And somebody must love youenough to tell you the truth.)enough to tell you the truth.)

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My friends, now is the time to check up onMy friends, now is the time to check up onyourselves! Today is YOUR day ofyourselves! Today is YOUR day ofSalvation. In just a moment, Im going toSalvation. In just a moment, Im going to

give you the opportunity to become rightgive you the opportunity to become rightwith God, to give Him all of your heart andwith God, to give Him all of your heart andall of your life, and to obtain the assuranceall of your life, and to obtain the assuranceof life eternal in Heaven.of life eternal in Heaven.

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Today isToday is your your day of Salvation!day of Salvation!

If you ar e r eady to r eceive Jesus Chr istIf you ar e r eady to r eceive Jesus Chr ist

now, as your  Lor d and Savior , as your  now, as your  Lor d and Savior , as your  Boss, to give Him all of your hear t and allBoss, to give Him all of your hear t and allof your life now. Please just say, Thatsof your life now. Please just say, Thatsme! You have just descr ibed me, and Imme! You have just descr ibed me, and Im

r eady to go all the way with Jesus!r eady to go all the way with Jesus!

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Please repeat this prayer out loudPlease repeat this prayer out loudsincerelysincerely and from your heartand from your heart::

Father in heaven,Father in heaven,I come to you in the name of Jesus.I come to you in the name of Jesus.I believe that Jesus is your onlyI believe that Jesus is your onlybegotten Son.begotten Son.

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I believe that His name is the onlyI believe that His name is the onlyname on heaven and earth by whichname on heaven and earth by whichI can be saved.I can be saved.

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I believe that you sent Him for me.I believe that you sent Him for me.I believe that He died for me.I believe that He died for me.I believe that His blood covers all ofI believe that His blood covers all ofmy sins .my sins .

 And I repent and turn away And I repent and turn away

from my evil past.from my evil past.

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Lord Jesus, I give you now ,Lord Jesus, I give you now , All of my heart , All of my heart , And all of my life. And all of my life.

I make you Boss of my life,I make you Boss of my life,From now on I'm doing things your way!From now on I'm doing things your way!Come into my life now Lord Jesus andCome into my life now Lord Jesus and

Fill me with your Spirit .Fill me with your Spirit .I am ready to be changed by you. Make meI am ready to be changed by you. Make mea new creation!a new creation!

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Let it now be known ,Let it now be known ,That I am a Christian!That I am a Christian!Let it now be known ,Let it now be known ,

That I am bornThat I am born--again!again!I am saved ,I am saved ,I've got the victory!I've got the victory!I am free,I am free,

I am alive forevermore!I am alive forevermore!Heading for heaven !Heading for heaven !Denying hell !Denying hell !

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Let it now be known ,Let it now be known ,That I am a child of God .That I am a child of God .Thank you Jesus !Thank you Jesus !

Thank you Lord !Thank you Lord !Fill me now with your Holy Spirit .Fill me now with your Holy Spirit .Make my life a testament ,Make my life a testament ,To your saving grace.To your saving grace.

In Jesus Mighty NameIn Jesus Mighty Name Amen Amen

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Psalm 118:21Psalm 118:21

I will give you thanks, for You answered me; You have become my salvation

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You are saved!You are saved!

Welcome to the family of God!Welcome to the family of God!