Download - 9 August 2013 - · 421 Elizabeth Mitchell Drive ... 2 Newsletter Week 3, ... with their baby on occasions seemed an eerie reflection of her father-in-law


Newsletter 23

9 August 2013

PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE 421 Elizabeth Mitchell Drive Thurgoona NSW 2640 Telephone: (02) 6049 3402 Facsimile: (02) 6049 3490 Email: [email protected]

ALBURY 421 Elizabeth Mitchell Drive Thurgoona NSW 2640 Telephone: (02) 6049 3400 Facsimile: (02) 6049 3490 Email: [email protected]

WODONGA 34 Ellen McDonald Drive Baranduda VIC 3690 Telephone: (02) 6049 3480 Facsimile: (02) 6020 9125 Email: [email protected]



6049 3485

From the Principal

FAME! – Well done and Congratulations! This week it is absolutely fitting that I begin my section of the newsletter by sending out to all cast and crew of FAME, a message of congratulations! Last week’s performances were tremendous and very well received by the audiences on both nights. By listening to the accompaniment and the songs themselves, it was apparent to me that this was no straight-forward show; FAME was a very challenging show technically and I was enormously proud of the outcomes produced last week by Trinity students and staff!

Well done to everyone involved! The show on each night just got better and better and I hope that all students involved will remember for a long time and with a great deal of satisfaction their involvement in and contribution to Trinity’s version of FAME!

Again, I especially thank the staff involved in directing and producing the show – Mr Glenn Mancer, Mr Geoff Haymes, Mrs Kathy Fletcher and Mr Brett Spokes! Their commitment to this activity and all the students involved in it was fantastic – thanks to all mentioned and the other staff who assisted in other capacities!

Trinity shines so brightly on these occasions. As ever, I felt an enormous sense of pride in this year’s production and I look forward to more outstanding productions in the future!

2 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Next week the Trial HSC examinations begin for our Year 12 students. These exams form a very important part of the formal assessment schedule as well as giving the students vital examination practice as they begin to prepare for the public HSC exams which commence early in Term 4. I take this opportunity to wish the Year 12 students all the very best as they complete these exams. All Year 12 students should well and truly be in a solid revision and study programme, not only for the trial exams but on an on-going basis as they prepare for the HSC exams in a couple of months’ time.

Once again, I encourage our students to work with their teachers in all of this. Teachers of HSC subjects are keen to provide extra support and feedback to their students and know that this is an important element which can often lead to significant improvements in the content knowledge and skills required for more successful outcomes. Good luck to all of our Year 12 students! I look forward to hearing of their successes via their trial HSC exams in the weeks ahead. Resilience – some tips for parents and families! Below is an article which was forwarded to me via a colleague from another school recently. I share it with the College community hoping that its key messages may positively influence parenting within Trinity families. The temptation to chuck it all in when things go wrong or get tough is too often a characteristic of school-aged children. It is difficult for them to find the reserves to struggle on, it is too easy to blame someone or something else for a mistake or a weakness. At Trinity, we know that we are working with great kids but we also expect them to make mistakes from time-to-time. In fact, we know that these can often provide the most powerful lessons in life and that they can learn so much from certain mistakes. We don’t encourage them to make mistakes of course, but we are OK when they do and work with them to accept responsibility for their actions, and to be resilient and to ‘get back on the bike’ and to get on with things! I hope that some parents might find something of interest in this article.

Teaching fortitude in family life. Parenting itself is a veritable school of fortitude: the 200 things you do every day before 9am when there are small children in the house, the sleep deprivation a nursing mum endures, midnight vigil for a sick child, the second job to make the school fees… every family has its own success stories. One mum was describing how she raised six children of her own, and a seventh adopted, all while mail sorting on night shift for sixteen years! Impressive. John Paul II’s memories of his own father, ‘He never had to be tough on me because he was so tough on himself’, remind us how parental heroism can be in reach of mums and dads, and of the immeasurable good that results from parental example.

Yet our own lack of fortitude can also frustrate the natural process. We can schedule our weekly golf game so it impedes family relationships; we can allow the list of repairs around the house to become a standing joke; we can justify habitual crankiness with children even though we all know in our heart, as one parent reflected, ‘The more you are grumpy, the more he forgets, but the more I praise him, the more he remembers.’

3 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Consider this true story: ‘I was treating a lady, and she broke into tears after telling me it was her fortieth birthday coming up. “I have been married for 15 years but I cannot talk to my husband. He watches television each night. I need to talk but his attitude is ‘What is there to talk about?’” There is a real danger that we put comfortable limits on how we put ourselves out. Author Jim Stenson insists that the best thing we can do for children is to give them the example of striving always to improve ourselves.

Sometimes also, parents develop a default setting, behaving as they saw their own parents behave, for better and also for worse. One mother was reflecting how her husband’s anger with their baby on occasions seemed an eerie reflection of her father-in-law’s personality. Your children are likely to grow into adulthood uncannily like, perhaps uncomfortably like, you.

In a sense children do raise themselves; they model themselves constantly on those to whom they have the greatest exposure. Parents therefore need to manage the influence of friends and peer groups. We must manage the voices talking to our children when those voices are unhealthy. Young people will imitate anyone (and sometimes even anything) they spend time with, even virtually or in their imaginations. The bottom line is that we become like those we associate with.

A selection of successful strategies:

Be positive. Give failures a positive spin. See mistakes are learning opportunities. Martin Seligman argues, ‘Children need to fail. They need to feel sad, anxious, and angry…. Strong emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and anger exist for a purpose: they galvanise you into action to change yourself or your world, and by doing so to terminate the negative emotion… When we impulsively protect our children from failure, we deprive them of learning the skills (of persistence).’

Don’t find someone to blame. Blame doesn’t solve problems. It is a clumsy effort to force someone else to admit guilt, but in the process it blinds us to our own failings and complicates corrections.

Seek to understand. It may have been a mystic who first said, ‘Put love and you will find love’, but it was a mystic who understood human beings. Put love means to listen without judging; apologise for the times you didn’t listen, jumped to conclusions, or raked up past mistakes.

Avoid correction by nagging, sarcasm, lectures, or the cold shoulder. Hear the child out, re-evaluate your conclusions and if you still need to correct, give clear reasons, make the correction calmly and help the child to mend the consequences of actions.

Be encouraging. A parent who gives lots of encouragement gives an important background message of trust in the young person’s good intentions, and confidence that present difficulties will pass. Don’t allow a small matter to escalate.

Remember that your child loves you even when he or she says the most hurtful things. Don’t take the harshness personally. Your reassuring love is important, all the more

4 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

important when there is a show of rejecting it. Try to understand what is taking away your child’s peace.

Never, never, put your son or daughter into a corner with words like: ‘If you get a bad report then find somewhere else to live.’ Things said in the heat of a moment can too easily be regretted in the years that follow. Show self-control.

The calmer the better! Parents who show self-control keep the line of communication open and model the behaviour they want their child to adopt. But if you do lose your temper, find it before bedtime. Apologise for your part in the fracas. And then listen.

Remember: hard lessons can be the best lessons.

‘No’ is a loving word.

Source: Institute of Advanced Family Studies, Internatinonal University of Catalonia

e-MEF program.

Steven O’Connor Principal

From the Deputy Principal

Parent/Teacher Interviews:

Junior School Albury interviews will be conducted on Monday 12 August, 3.30-6pm and 7-8pm and Tuesday 13 August, 3.30-5.30pm. The booking code is ZUB58

Junior School Wodonga interviews will be conducted on Monday 12 August, 3.30-6pm and Tuesday 13 August, 3.30-5.30pm. The booking code is ZUB58

Years 7-10 will be held on Wednesday 28 August, 3.30-8pm. The booking code is 5PYS4

The online booking system is now available and open for parents to make bookings. Please use the code supplied and follow the steps outlined; a link to the booking service is available from the College website

Peter O’Neill Deputy Principal

5 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

From the Director of Studies

Parents of Year 10 Students: It was lovely to see so many parents with their sons and daughters this Tuesday night at the Subject Information Evening. It is an exciting time for Year 10 students as they give thought to the subjects that will engage them over the next two years. It is no exaggeration to suggest that the teachers would give many salespeople a run for their money in their quest to sell the merits of their specialist subject! Please contact me at the College if you have any queries about the process of subject selection, and a reminder to Year 10 students to return their green selection forms by Monday of next week.

Parents of Year 8 Students: Year 8 students are preparing for the Year 9 2014 Subject Information Evening from 7pm Monday 12 August in the Multi-Purpose Hall. The students have enjoyed experiences across many different subjects over the last two years and this is their first opportunity to pursue their

interests in the choice of elective subjects. Students have received information booklets that outline the key elements of the courses on offer. Parents are most cordially invited to attend the evening with their son or daughter and talk to teachers who will be keen to provide information about their specialist subjects.

Year 12 Trial HSC Exams: The focus of our Year 12 students is firmly on the Trial Examination which commences Wednesday 14 August. For all students, these exams figure as significant assessment items that will assist in determining the assessment component of their final HSC mark. The students are busy honing their study schedule in order to maximise their results in this important set of exams. The students have received the timetable for the examinations, and this is also available via the College website.

The first of these exams is the English Area of Study paper which is completed by all students of Advanced and Standard English on Wednesday 14 August. For this first Trial paper only, the students will be travelling to the Wodonga campus and completing the exam at this venue. On this day, students will travel to school by their usual means and will be taken to Wodonga in the College buses. They will be accompanied by Mr O’Neill, Mr Thomas and Ms Armstrong. This is in order to familiarise the students with the Wodonga site as they will complete all of their HSC exams there. The completion of HSC exams at the Wodonga campus has taken place over the last couple of years and students have been overwhelmingly positive in their comments about the venue; they found the quiet setting very conducive to the sort of concentration and focus that the exams require.

If you have any queries about the Subject Information Evenings, or about the Trial HSC Examination, please contact Ms Kym Armstrong at the College.

Kym Armstrong Director of Studies

6 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

From the College Chaplain

‘Love Each other’ Putting others first is a basic pillar of Christian community. It’s an instruction that is written time and time again in the New Testament. For example, ‘Be devoted to each other like a loving family. Excel in showing respect for each other’ (Romans 12:10). Loving those who buy you presents and laugh at your jokes is easy, but Jesus actually tells us to love those who look down on us and would scorn our attempts at friendship too. The Gospel of Matthew tells us ‘love your enemies’ (Matt: 5:44).

So before you start casting derogatory remarks, look at life from their point of view. You may need to simply accept that people come in all shapes and sizes, from all sorts of backgrounds, with all sorts of baggage. Again and again, Jesus met people that His fellow religious types had written off, but He didn’t brush them aside – he had compassion on them. And it’s his design for us as a community to do the same – with God’s love planted deep in our soul, we trust that he will bring about the compassion within us, even for those we wouldn’t otherwise give a second thought. We’re not saying that this will be easy. In fact you will probably need some assistance – but remember God’s help is only a prayer away.

Rev Lee Weissel College Chaplain

From the Junior School

Junior School Awards Congratulations to students who received Junior School Awards this week for making a significant difference inside and outside the classroom: Callum Cooper (1KS) Charlotte Coysh (1KS) Zoey Ong (1TO) Swann Tara (1TO) Jonah Adams (2TC) Abby Gully (2TC) Ben Van Der Veeke (2TC) Emma Hope (2TD) Anna Larwill (2TD) Penny McEachern (3SO) Angus McDonald (3SO) Marilla Modra (4CS) Mantej Singh (4CS) Lucy McDonnell (4CS) Abbey Dicketts (4NP) Summer Hudson-Halford (4NP) Lexie Shannon (4NP) Zahlia Hutchinson (6KW) Esther Dionysius (6KW) Jake McGrath (6KW) Josh Jones (6NC) Jennifer Reid (6NC) Baxter Bright (KDP) Chantelle Beath (KDP) Penelope Alker-Jones (KKH) Frances Campbell (KKH) Charlie Piltz (KKH ) Amelia Williams (KMC) Tom Zhang (KMC)

Deputy Principal’s Awards Congratulations to the following students who received Deputy Principal’s Awards in recognition of excellent application to studies, community service and positive behaviour:

7 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Student Class No. Student Class No. Chantelle Beath KDP 1st Angus McDonald 3SO 1st Harry Daggett KDP 1st Ben Sampson 3SO 1st Kit Senini KDP 1st Drew Brndusic 3SO 1st Thais Murray KDP 1st Milani Gow 3SO 1st Amelia Russell KKH 1st Penny McEachern 3SO 1st Amelie Schubert KKH 1st Litia Rawaqa 3SO 1st Analise Hutchins KKH 1st Zac Aldred 3SO 1st Ayisha Spokes KKH 1st Amy Auwardt 4CS 1st Emmet Whitehead KKH 1st Ava Flower 4CS 1st Finnian Pidd KKH 1st Byron Bridges 4CS 1st Nathaniel Maclay KKH 1st Courtney Fagence 4CS 1st Phinn Morey KKH 1st Halle Baker 4CS 1st Taylah Way KKH 1s Lucy McDonnell 4CS 1st Thomas Newman KKH 1st Rosie Bradford 4CS 2nd William Kirk KKH 1st Zac Bonetti 4CS 1st Bree Vandersluis-Christie 1TO 1st Evie Nelson 4NP 2nd Gabrielle Brndusic 1TO 1st Kate Vickers 4NP 1st Tahlia O’Sullivan 2EH 1st Aaron Smith 5JH 1st William Gould 2EH 1st Aiyana Warren 5JH 1st Ariel Hudson-Halford 2TC 1st Carlee Ryder 5JH 1st Milo Flower 2TC 1st Finlay Campbell 5JH 1st Amelie Scott 2TD 1st Jake Salan 5JH 1st Daiken Mansell 2TD 1st Macca Hallows 5JH 1st Heidi Gay 2TD 1st Ryley Miller 5JH 1st Abigail Awdjew 3SO 1st Vicke Baziotis 5JH 1st Alanna Phegan 3SO 1st Jack Anderson 6KW 1st Lions Club Junior Speech Giving Finals Congratulations to Angus Brown, Amy Auwardt, Jarni Nehme and Isabel Delcour (Baranduda) for competing in the Lions Club Junior Speech Giving Competition on Monday evening at the Thurgoona Golf Club.

Our students performed their speeches beautifully to a crowded audience of family and friends. The children were strong in their ability to deliver their speeches from memory. I was very impressed with their ability to articulate and emphasis there main points with the use of tone and pause.

Angus and Isabel were challenged further by being required to deliver a one minute impromptu speech after ten minutes of preparation time – a fine effort indeed. We can all be very proud of them.

Chris O’Loan Head of Junior School

8 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

From the Wodonga Campus

Junior School Awards Congratulations to students who have received Junior School awards for making a significant difference inside and outside the classrooms:

Name No. of Merits

Name No. of Merits

Lucinda Frantti (Prep) 75 Isaac Delcour (Yr 1) 105 Sari Lyons (Yr 1) 75 Maeve Boyle (Yr 2/3) 45 Isaac Delcour (Yr 1) 90 Paris Morgan (Yr 2/3) 75 Lucy Pirkola (Yr 1) 75 Lily Brunec (Yr 4-6) 30 Lucy Elderfield (Yr 1) 75 Sarah Chase (Yr 4-4) 45 Zoe Hague (Yr 1) 45 Gabriella Toal (Yr 4-6) 45 Adam Smith (Yr 1) 30 Shelby Vincent (Yr 4-6) 45 Lauren Brawn (Yr 1) 75 Blaynee House (Yr 4-6) 75 Chad Klippel (Yr 1) 45 Elissa Vincent (Yr 4-6) 75 Eloise Kersten (Yr 1) 45 Campbell Clarke (Yr 4-6) 75 Mark Baker (Yr 1) 45 Ella Baker (Yr 4-6) 90 Adam Smith (Yr 1) 45 Jacqueline Halligan (Yr 4-6) 90 Lucy Pirkola (Yr 1) 90 Regan Jeffs (Yr 4-6) 90 Roy Costello (Yr 1) 45 Isabelle Delcour (Yr 4-6) 90 Tygalilly Clark (Yr 1) 30 Mackensey House (Yr 4-6) 90 Lucy Elderfield (Yr 1) 90 Jacqueline Halligan (Yr 4-6) 105 Lauren Brawn (Yr 1) 90

Deputy Principal Awards Congratulations to the following students who have received Deputy Principal’s Awards in recognition of excellent application to studies, community service and positive behaviour: Student Class No. Student Class No. William Clarke Prep 1 Lillian Mumbler Yr 2/3 1 Ivana Lyons Prep 1 Lochlan Clarke Yr 2/3 1 Harrison Kurtzer Yr 1 1 Hogan Locke Yr 2/3 1 Cassie Pausic Yr 1 1 Tyla Pratt Yr 2/3 1 Riley Koetsveld Yr 1 1 Eva Geerling Yr 4-6 1 Indriel Dudenas Yr 1 1 Sophie Shiels Yr 4-6 1 Sara Halligan Yr 1 1 Roy Costello Yr 1 1

Simon Fairall

Campus Coordinator

9 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Junior School SRC

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected by their class peers to represent them on the Junior School SRC for Semester 2:

PCG Elected Representatives PCG Elected Representatives 2TC Talissa Salan and Milo Flower 2TD Tahlia O’Sullivan and Daiken Mansell 3SO Paige Shirley and Jack Dale-Webb 3JT Imogen Murray and Conor Willis 4CS Rosie Bradford and Alexander Jacobs 4NP Ella Trevaskis and Sharni White 5JH Sidney White and Tom Summerfield 5SM Bridget Brown and Alexandra Freire 6NC Perri Inskip 6KW Chloe Vickers

From the Science Department

National Science Week in week 4 from the Monday 12 to

Friday 16 August is an annual celebration of science in Australia. Students from Kinder to year 12 will join in to enjoy and explore the wonders of this event.

Prepare your mind for one of the biggest science events of the year at Trinity. For five days we’re transforming Trinity into a nucleus of science. There are questions that will challenge your perceptions of the world, hands-on activities to puzzle over, startling demonstrations and inspiring science shows.


Play with liquid magnets Handle dry ice and watch it boil

Find out how to clean elephant’s teeth See the digestive system of a skeleton light up with luminol

See liquid nitrogen freeze flowers and make semiconductors levitate See smarties creating picture perfect art with detergent

Feel 30 thousand volts flow around your body See volcanoes explode with ash and lava

Solve riddles to win prizes Grow amazing crystals

Plus more…

Normal science classes are cancelled!

You will be scared… You will be amazed…!

10 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Sports News

Congratulations to Madison Peters from Year 7 who won the North East District Golf Association School Girls Championship held at the Black Bull Golf Course in Yarrawonga last weekend. Additionally, in July she was runner up in the U16 Girls division of the Stuart Appleby Junior Golf tournament held at Yarrawonga.

We wish Madison all the best when she next competes in the inaugural Thurgoona Country Club Junior Tournament, to be held on 30 September and look forward to hearing of her future successes in the near future.

Madison and her family would like to extend their thanks to the staff and students of Trinity for their continual support and encouragement.

‘Trinity Fireworks’ who recently completed in slippery, cold conditions at a Rand Netball Carnival

Nash Clark

Head of Sport

11 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

From the Careers Office

Information related to careers can be accessed via our weekly career newsletter. These newsletters are emailed weekly to students in Years 10-12. If parents also would like to receive the newsletters by email, along with information about careers events, please email me: [email protected].

These newsletters can also be accessed via the Careers link on the Trinity Anglican College webpage.

Careers Department subscriptions The Trinity Careers Department subscribes to various career information providers, one of which is MHSCareers. This service provides the NSW and Victorian newsletters that are accessible via the Newsletters link on the Careers page of the Trinity website and emailed to students in Years 10-12. As part of this subscription, students and parents have access to a website. Go to and then login with: student or parent and the password: mhs2013.

Kathy Fletcher Careers Advisor

Library News

Premier’s Reading Challenge Years 3-6

Less than four weeks to go until the end of the challenge. All books need to be entered by Thursday, 22 August. Keep reading

Mrs Trebilcock College Librarian

French News

Un embarras de richesse! It is not often that we have so many French native speakers available to talk with our students and help them to polish their French language and their self-confidence! Baptiste in Year 9 classes and Jean-Baptiste in Year 10 have been lively and interesting students in their year groups. Their work with Year 11 and Year 12 French students in regular visits to class, has been an enormous help as we approach the HSC Trials and Final Oral Interviews.

Jean-Baptiste came in after hours to help with a Joint Schools HSC afternoon hosted by Trinity on Monday 29th July and was an excellent group leader in some activities. Thanks are due also to the President of the local Alliance Française, Jean-Yves Théron, who came to help with the activities. All those who attended in the library gained a great deal from the experience and their French skills were polished to a high sheen by the end of the session!

12 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Ten years ago, Cedric Blottiaux, a Rotary exchange student, arrived from Lens in the north of France and worked with us in Trinity. His parting gift at that time was the French flag which still lives in the French room. To my personal great delight he arrived again to help our HSC and Year 11 students – he and his girlfriend, Anabelle have now found work managing a property near Tumbarumba! They

were generous with their time and energy with our students and all benefited enormously.

It is easy to feel that French is all verbs and hard work – it has been a great injection of energy to have so many French people here to remind us of the real reason for studying a language: the fun of meeting interesting new people and having the skills to get to know them properly.

The Trinity Chocolate Challenge The month of August is French chocolate month – all French students from Years 7 to 10 are in fierce contention for the prizes offered for progress in Language Perfect. There are prizes for each year group, prizes for each class and spot prizes for progress. The competition ends 31 August at 5pm. All students are having Language Perfect as weekly homework, and many are going well above and beyond the set work as they challenge each other!

Mme Bennett Head of Languages

Art Exhibition and Acquisitive Art Award

Trinity College is pleased to announce it has established the Trinity College Art Exhibition and Acquisitive Art Award to be held from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September, 2013.

This inaugural event will in-corporate a $2000 Acquisitive Art Award and an $800 Emerging Artist Award with an emphasis on selecting a variety of genres to reinforce the importance of the arts in our educational and collegial life.

We already have secured the enthusiastic support of key figures in our regional arts community. Former Director of Albury Art Gallery, Audray Banfield, will be our independent curator and former Director of the Flying Fruit Fly Circus and Murray Arts, Mr Chris Pidd, has joined our Art Exhibition Committee of Management.

13 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

We will officially open the Trinity College Art Exhibition and Acquisitive Art Award and announce the prize winners at a Gala Opening Night on Friday, 13 September. The evening will be a celebration of the arts with an opportunity to view and purchase artworks, mingle with others on our distinguished guest list and enjoy live music and a selection of our region’s best food and wine.

Entries close on Friday, 23 August so pick up a flier at the front office and let your friends know.

Request for Donations

The Clarke family (Zoe, 6NC & Fletcher, 3JT) are off to Bali in the September school holidays.

On our last visit we took over many donated children’s clothing for some of the poorer Balinese villages and made their day! In each of the children’s classes a box has been left for families to donate “grown out of” clothes to this worthwhile cause.

As the weather is mostly hot and humid in Bali, summer clothes would be appreciated. They must be in good condition. We appreciate your support to this initiative!

Any questions, please phone Michelle on: 6021 3333.

After School Care News

Vacation Care booking forms for the September/October school holidays are now available from the front office or After School Care. The programme caters for up to 30 students per day so you will need to get your booking forms in early.

Bookings cannot be accepted until all forms have been completed and returned by Friday, 20 September.

Stace Thompson After School Care and Vacation Care Coordinator

14 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

6049 3440 Uniform Shop

New microfiber sports shorts are now available in sizes suitable for K/P through to Year 12. These are another option, but won’t replace, the current sports shorts.

Cathy Katsoolis Uniform Shop Manager

P & F News

Fathers’ Day

Fathers’ Day Stall 2013 – Albury Campus

The Annual Fathers’ Day Stall for the Junior School will be held on Wednesday, 28 August, from 9 to 11.30am. Gifts will range from $1 - $10.

We are seeking volunteers to assist on the day with the stall. If you feel you can help in any capacity, please contact Megan Salan on 6026 2494 or Michelle Densley on 6025 0553 or email [email protected]

To ensure there are enough gifts for all the Dads or special person, we are asking for donations of gifts for the stall. If you are stumped for ideas, the following donations can be left: Boxed Chocolates or Share Packs, Liquorice, Lollies, Bathroom Gift Sets/Deodorants, Gardening Tools/Gloves, Mugs, Car Air Fresheners/Cleaning Products, Crossword Puzzles/Sudoku, Golf Balls & Tees, Sporting Equipment, Tools, Notepad & Pens, Gloves, Socks, Scarves, Hats and Keyrings.

Donations, large or small, will be greatly appreciated (no nuts or sharp objects please). Donations can be left in your child’s Classroom or at the Front Office with Jenny McMillan before Tuesday, 27 August.

On the day of the stall can you please ensure you send your child to school with a carry bag and an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, the amount of money enclosed and how many gifts are to be purchased. Please note, a maximum of 2 gifts per child may be purchased. Thank you.

The Fathers’ Day Stall Committee

Uniform Shop Operating Hours During School Terms Mondays 8:30 – 10:00 am 2:30 – 4:30 pm Cathy Katsoolis

Tuesdays Closed

Wednesdays 8:30 – 10:00 am 2:30 – 4:30 pm Cathy Katsoolis Thursdays 8:30 – 10:00 am 2:30 – 6:00 pm Cathy Katsoolis

Fridays Closed

15 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Canteen News

Thank you to volunteers Jenny Moyle, Ellen Uniacke and Lyndal Jordan.

We have expanded our Menu recently and the new items are being very well received! Every day, in addition to the standard menu items, there is also Hotdogs @ $3, Chicken Schnitzel Rolls @ $5 and Cheeseburgers @ $5. On Tuesdays there is pasta Bolognese @ $4 and Sushi is still available on Wednesdays @ $3.

Junior School students should place their lunch orders via the classroom baskets. I also encourage Senior students to order where possible to avoid disappointment! Roster Week 4, Term 3

Month Day Helper

August Monday 12 Volunteer needed

August Tuesday 13 Volunteer needed

August Wednesday 14 Ellen Uniacke

August Thursday 15 Volunteer needed

August Friday 16 Volunteer needed

Margaret Cochrane Canteen Manager

Gates and Fence at Albury Campus

The College community should be aware that the new fence and gates have been installed and commissioned at the Albury campus. The gates will automatically close at 7pm unless there is an event on at the College and the gates are programmed to stay open for this. The main exit gate will open automatically when vehicles stop in front of it over the “exit here” marking. These gates and fences provide a greater level of safety and security for the College.

Greg Davis Business Manager

Please remember to complete and return your

Re-Enrolment Forms for 2014. These are to be

handed in to the class teacher for Junior School

students and the Pastoral Care Tutor for Senior

School students. Due date for return is

Monday 19 August 2013.

16 Newsletter Week 3, Term 3 Week Ending 9 August 2013

Trinity Car Raffle

You too could be a winner!

First Prize Ford Fiesta LX

Five Door Hatch 1.6L, Automatic Transmission, Model 17051VA,

Alloy Wheels, Inc 12 months Registration, 3rd Party Insurance,

Drive away (Value $20,274) The car is available for viewing at

Blacklocks Ford or by request through the P and F.

Second Prize $4000 Travel Voucher


Third Prize $500 Fuel

Dean Street Caltex

Can you display the car outside your business or sell raffle tickets for a day? Please contact Susan Collins 6021 5842, [email protected] or Kaz and Jenny at the College Front Office.

Can you help sell

raffle tickets?

Please leave your

name at the office

and we will be in


Each family is encouraged to sell a minimum of one book of 20 tickets at $5 each. Extra books are available and when you return your sold booklets your name will go into the draw for our weekly prize of a $20 iTunes gift card.

Additional books of tickets available from the College


Bring in your sold raffle

books and go in the draw to win a weekly prize of a

$20 iTunes voucher!