Download - benefits of chickoo By Allah Dad Khan

  1. 1. 8. Health benefits Of Chickoo By Allah Dad Khan
  2. 2. History Sapodilla is believed to have originated in the Central American rain forests, probably in Mexico and Belize. It has now spread across the tropical belt and is being commercially grown in a large scale in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Malaysia. Sapodilla grows naturally in coastal Yucatan in the Petenes mangroves eco-region, where it is a subdominant plant species. This plant was introduced to the Philippines during the Spanish colonization. The sapodilla tree grows fast and is resistant to the wind and drought hence making it suitable to withstand dry arid regions with scanty rains. However, in order to get a good fruit yield, irrigation is necessary during the summer season.
  3. 3. Chikoo Sapodilla or sapota (chikoo) is composes of soft, easily digestible pulp made of simple sugars like fructose and sucrose.Sapota is a tropical evergreen, fruit-bearing tree belongs to the family of Sapotaceae, in the genus: Manilkara. Scientific name: Manilkara zapota. Sapota fruits. Note for rusty grey raw fruits. Sapote thought to have originated in the central American rain forests, probably in Mexico and Belize. Today, its cultivation has spread all over the tropical belt and is being grown as a major commercial crop in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Malaysia. The tree is one of fast growing, wind and drought resistant, and it flourishes well even under dry arid regions receiving scanty rains. However, water irrigation during summer would results in good fruit yields
  4. 4. Nutrients In Chickoo Chickoo is abundant in fructose and sucrose. It is good source of dietary fiber. Rich in calories, provides about 83 calories per 100 grams. Contains tannins, the polyphenolic antioxidants. Chickoo contains a number of minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and potassium as well as the Vitamins A, C, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid and folate.
  5. 5. Prevent Constipation The dietary fiber prevents constipation and also binds to the toxins and eliminates them from the body thus protecting against colon cancer
  6. 6. Prevent Diarrehea Chickoo is a good anti diarrheal, hemostatic and is useful in piles because of the tannin content.
  7. 7. Good for Heart The magnesium, calcium and phosphorus keep the bones strong while the magnesium benefits the heart and blood vessels
  8. 8. Diuretic The fruit is a diuretic and prevents kidney disease
  9. 9. Regulate blood Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure and promote healthy circulation.
  10. 10. Prevent Anemia Folate and iron help to prevent anemia.
  11. 11. Strengthen Intestine Chickoo strengthens the intestines and improves their performance.
  12. 12. Prevent diarrhea A decoction of the bark is good for fevers and diarrhea.
  13. 13. Improve sting and bite The ground seeds are applied as a paste to alleviate sings and bites.
  14. 14. Treat Dysentery Tea made of the bark also treats dysentery while the leaves are useful in treating cough, colds and diarrhea.
  15. 15. Laxative Sapodilla is a good source of dietary fiber, which makes it a bulk laxative. The fiber content in the fruit provides relief in case of constipation and also helps in protecting the mucous membrane of the colon from cancer causing toxins by firmly binding to them.
  16. 16. Good in pregnancy Sapodilla is helpful during pregnancy as it prevents cases of morning sickness. It boosts the function of electrolytes in the nervous system.
  17. 17. Prevents sign of aging Even though the vitamin C content in chickoos is not as high as it is in guavas or oranges, it still is a rich source of the vital nutrient. Signs of ageing like wrinkles can take longer to appear if you include such fruits daily in your diet.
  18. 18. Prevents cancer: Chickoo has a high amount of antioxidants along with vitamin C that prevents damage to your cells from carcinogens. It also improves your immunity which too helps preventing cancer. Read more about what you can eat to prevent cancer.
  19. 19. Protects kidney diseases: It provides protection against other kidney diseases as well. The seeds of the Chikoo is also good for health as it works as a diuretic and helps in removing the kidney as well as bladder stones.
  20. 20. Aids Digestion : Like most fruits and vegetables, chickoo is also good for your digestion as it contains dietary fibre. A 100g serving of chickoo contains 5g of fibre, and if you eat it everyday it is unlikely that youll suffer from constipation or any other digestive problem.
  21. 21. Good for eyes: Chikoo is good for eyes as it is a good source of Vitamin A which naturally aids in improving the eye vision.