Download - 863 青年基金 (2002AA639540) 近岸纳污海域高光谱现场探测系统 验收汇报

  • 863(2002AA639540) [email protected]

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  • 2002112003520036200452004820049

  • 8632002AA639540-Version.2.320044863NASAJGOFS--


  • -CDOM-

  • 200485F030m

  • Rrs490nm

  • 2004914F12

  • : "Chuanmin Hu" : "Ma Xiaoxin" : "shang sl" ; "li yan" : Re: Re: Re: : 20041020 1:35Xiaoxin:These are pretty encouraging results. We can discuss the details later.For now may I push you to write two papers from your work. I know it isperhaps difficult for you, so I have prepared some rough outlines at: need to fill in the blanks - you have to learn how to write this. Youmay search for the literature for the background, and this file may helpyou a bit: me know what you think,ChuanminOn Mon, 18 Oct 2004, Ma Xiaoxin wrote:> > .doc.doc

  • 200211CDOM

  • Marine Chemistry, accepted

  • rrs()adg(440)aph(440)MODIS412nm443nm551nmU(412)/U(443)U(443)/U(551)


  • This is a nice effort. But it might not be easy to be published in a popular journal like Applied Optics at the current stage. However its not bad to try. I suggest its title be Refining of MODIS algorithm for China coastal waters. -Zhongping Lee


  • 1):
  • (Lee et al., 1999)--

  • CTD2005

  • 312004e-mailIOCCG32-3 IOCCGZhongping Lee

  • 20 5123NASA4520055

  • -SeaBASS->
