Download - 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools

Page 1: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


The Rossford Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 19, 2017 at

the Indian Hills – Board Room, 401 Glenwood Road, Rossford, Ohio. President Dawn

Burks called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge to the flag. The

following members answered roll call: Sharon Belkofer, Tiffany Densic, Jackie

Huffman, Kent Murphree, and Dawn Burks.

109-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education adopt the

accompanying agenda as presented and adjusted and also approve the consent

agenda, with any exceptions noted, for its regular meeting of June 19, 2017.

Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 15 and the Special

Meeting of May 22, 2017.

Approval of the bills paid for the month of May, 2017.

In addition to the Investment Report and the Reconciliation Report for the month

of May, 2017, the Board of Education reviewed the following reports from the


Financial Report by Fund

Approve appropriation modifications and transfers

Monthly Revenue and Expenses for the current fiscal year plus the most recent

two fiscal years

Monthly Revenue and Expenses for the current calendar year plus the most

recent two calendar years

Monthly Revenue as compared to the monthly revenue for the last five years

Monthly Expenditures as compared to the monthly expenditures for the last five


Revenue vs. Expenditures for the current fiscal year

Revenue vs. Expenditures for the current calendar year

Approve temporary appropriations in the amount of fifty (50) percent of fiscal

year 2017 ending appropriations and appropriations modifications for June 2017

Approve revised NWOi3 supplemental contracts approved May 15, 2017, for

Rachel Hood, Scott Dorn, and Carrie Rathsack effective the 2017-2018 school

year; should be effective the 2016-2017 school year

Page 2: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Rescind 5 days extended time issued to Tricia Hastings, Reading Specialist,

effective the 2016-2017 school year

Approve FMLA for Maria Pratt, Gifted Education Teacher, from approximately

April 19 through December 2017

Approve Rossford Public Library’s Estimate of Revenues for the 2018 budget


Page 3: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


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Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


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Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors

Superintendent Creps presented Karagyn Durco, Kaitlyn Clark, Regan Clay, and

Ireland Hutchins with certificates of commendation for their accomplishments in track

and field.

Principals’, Directors’, and Supervisors’ Monthly Reports

Reports were provided under separate cover for High School, Junior High, Eagle Point,

Glenwood, Building and Grounds, Communications, Curriculum, Special Services,

Food Service, Technology, and Transportation.

Superintendent’s and Board President’s Report

A. Third Grade Reading Guarantee

Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum, Testing, and Intervention, provided

information on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee program.

110-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve a certificated

one-year limited contract for Shari Meyers as a School Psychologist effective the

2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-A-1-a. Kent Murphree

seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President declared

the motion carried.

Page 6: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


111-17 Kent Murphree moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve a certificated

one-year limited contract for Jessica Witulski as a Choral Director effective the

2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-A-1-b. Sharon Belkofer

seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President declared

the motion carried.

112-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve extended time

listed below effective the 2017-2018 school year (per Article 12, Section H), as

presented under Exhibit 8-A-2.

Rebecca Katz 10 days extended time per diem rate (minimum of 5 days with 5 additional discretionary days)

Shari Meyers 10 days extended time per diem rate (minimum of 5 days with 5 additional discretionary days)

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

113-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education accept the retirement

resignation of Kell Shaffer, Rossford Junior High School Cleaner, effective

August 1, 2017, as presented under Exhibit 8-B-1. Jackie Huffman seconded the

motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President declared the motion


114-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education accept the resignation

of Audrey Gilbert, Cook/Cashier at Eagle Point Elementary School, effective the

end of the 2016-2017 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-B-2. Sharon

Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President

declared the motion carried.

115-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the

employment of Donna Perkins, cook/cashier at Eagle Point Elementary School,

effective August 21, 2017; Faye Cashen, Amanda Schuler, and Ron Westfall for

summer bus cleaning; and Janice Swartz, substitute Transportation Office

Coordinator, effective June 21, 2017, as presented under Exhibit 8-B-3-a. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Page 7: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


116-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the

employment of 2016-2017 seasonal employees listed below, as presented under

Exhibit 8-B-3-b.

Cody Orr Rossford High School $10/hour

Ethan Wagner Administrative Offices at Indian Hills $10/hour

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

117-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education accept the resignation of

Todd Rehberg, Boys’ Varsity Soccer Coach, as presented under Exhibit 8-C-1.

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

118-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the

supplemental contract effective the 2016-2017 school year, as presented under

Exhibit 8-C-2-a.

Tricia Hastings Reading Specialist $2,774

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

119-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the following

supplemental contracts effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under

Exhibit 8-C-2-b.

Erik Keller Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Bob Abbey Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Dave Roth Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Jamie Clay Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Troy Adams Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Chris Busching Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Rob Hunter Freshman Football $4,360.00

Chris Jones Freshman Football $4,360.00

Stephanie Shultz Assistant Cheerleader Advisor $3,171.00

Shane Strausbaugh High School Site Manager $5,549.00

Page 8: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

120-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with Northern Buckeye Education Council/North West Ohio Computer

Association for Rent-a-Tech Services effective the 2017-2018 school year, as

presented under Exhibit 8-D. Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,

all members voted yes and the President declared the motion carried.

121-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with Northern Buckeye Education Council/North West Ohio Computer

Association for Technical Services effective the 2017-2018 school year, as

presented under Exhibit 8-E. Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call,

all members voted yes and the President declared the motion carried.

122-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education enter into an agreement

with the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West for Gifted Instructional

Services effective May 8 through August 15, 2017, as presented under Exhibit 8-F.

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

123-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve payment to the

National School Boards Association for their National Connection Fees for the

period of July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018, as presented under Exhibit 8-G.

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

124-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education adopt the resolution

authorizing continued membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-H. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Page 9: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


125-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education proudly certify the list of

2017 graduates of Rossford High School as having successfully completed the

requirements for graduation of the Rossford Exempted Village Schools and the

State of Ohio, and do authorize Mr. Tony Brashear, Rossford High School

Principal, to make final approval of those successfully completing the

requirements for graduation, as presented under Exhibit 8-I:

Page 10: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Kent Murfree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

126-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with the Wood County Educational Service Center for Consortium Services

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-J. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

127-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with the Wood County Educational Service Center for Specialized Services

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-K. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

128-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with the WSOS Community Action for the Early Childhood Educational program

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-L. Sharon

Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President

declared the motion carried.

129-17 Kent Murphree moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the high school

handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 9-A.

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

130-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the junior high

school handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit

9-B. Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and

the President declared the motion carried.

131-17 Kent Murphree moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the elementary

handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 9-C.

Jackie Huffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Page 11: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


132-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the preschool

handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 9-D.

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.





Kent Murphree—Facilities – Meeting to discuss vendors – update in

August by Architects.

Sharon Belkofer – Proposed Legislation

Federal - cutting Education Budget by 47%

State - Instruction in cursive – Ag values possibly reduced


Correspondence – None

Nice Job Notes – There were 5 Nice Job Notes sent this past month.

133-17 Sharon Belkofer moved that the Rossford Board of Education move into executive

session under Ohio Sunshine Law ORC Section 121.22 at 7:32 p.m. to discuss

personnel employment. Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all

members voted yes and the President declared the motion carried.

The Board returned from executive session at 8:09 p.m.


Special meeting June 26, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.

Page 12: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


The Rossford Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 19, 2017 at

the Indian Hills – Board Room, 401 Glenwood Road, Rossford, Ohio. President Dawn

Burks called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Pledge to the flag. The

following members answered roll call: Sharon Belkofer, Tiffany Densic, Jackie

Huffman, Kent Murphree, and Dawn Burks.

109-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education adopt the

accompanying agenda as presented and adjusted and also approve the consent

agenda, with any exceptions noted, for its regular meeting of June 19, 2017.

Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 15 and the Special

Meeting of May 22, 2017.

Approval of the bills paid for the month of May, 2017.

In addition to the Investment Report and the Reconciliation Report for the month

of May, 2017, the Board of Education reviewed the following reports from the


Financial Report by Fund

Approve appropriation modifications and transfers

Monthly Revenue and Expenses for the current fiscal year plus the most recent

two fiscal years

Monthly Revenue and Expenses for the current calendar year plus the most

recent two calendar years

Monthly Revenue as compared to the monthly revenue for the last five years

Monthly Expenditures as compared to the monthly expenditures for the last five


Revenue vs. Expenditures for the current fiscal year

Revenue vs. Expenditures for the current calendar year

Approve temporary appropriations in the amount of fifty (50) percent of fiscal

year 2017 ending appropriations and appropriations modifications for June 2017

Approve revised NWOi3 supplemental contracts approved May 15, 2017, for

Rachel Hood, Scott Dorn, and Carrie Rathsack effective the 2017-2018 school

year; should be effective the 2016-2017 school year

Page 13: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Rescind 5 days extended time issued to Tricia Hastings, Reading Specialist,

effective the 2016-2017 school year

Approve FMLA for Maria Pratt, Gifted Education Teacher, from approximately

April 19 through December 2017

Approve Rossford Public Library’s Estimate of Revenues for the 2018 budget


Page 14: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


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Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Page 16: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors

Superintendent Creps presented Karagyn Durco, Kaitlyn Clark, Regan Clay, and

Ireland Hutchins with certificates of commendation for their accomplishments in track

and field.

Principals’, Directors’, and Supervisors’ Monthly Reports

Reports were provided under separate cover for High School, Junior High, Eagle Point,

Glenwood, Building and Grounds, Communications, Curriculum, Special Services,

Food Service, Technology, and Transportation.

Superintendent’s and Board President’s Report

A. Third Grade Reading Guarantee

Jason Smith, Director of Curriculum, Testing, and Intervention, provided

information on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee program.

110-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve a certificated

one-year limited contract for Shari Meyers as a School Psychologist effective the

2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-A-1-a. Kent Murphree

seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President declared

the motion carried.

Page 17: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


111-17 Kent Murphree moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve a certificated

one-year limited contract for Jessica Witulski as a Choral Director effective the

2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-A-1-b. Sharon Belkofer

seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President declared

the motion carried.

112-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve extended time

listed below effective the 2017-2018 school year (per Article 12, Section H), as

presented under Exhibit 8-A-2.

Rebecca Katz 10 days extended time per diem rate (minimum of 5 days with 5 additional discretionary days)

Shari Meyers 10 days extended time per diem rate (minimum of 5 days with 5 additional discretionary days)

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

113-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education accept the retirement

resignation of Kell Shaffer, Rossford Junior High School Cleaner, effective

August 1, 2017, as presented under Exhibit 8-B-1. Jackie Huffman seconded the

motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President declared the motion


114-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education accept the resignation

of Audrey Gilbert, Cook/Cashier at Eagle Point Elementary School, effective the

end of the 2016-2017 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-B-2. Sharon

Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President

declared the motion carried.

115-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the

employment of Donna Perkins, cook/cashier at Eagle Point Elementary School,

effective August 21, 2017; Faye Cashen, Amanda Schuler, and Ron Westfall for

summer bus cleaning; and Janice Swartz, substitute Transportation Office

Coordinator, effective June 21, 2017, as presented under Exhibit 8-B-3-a. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Page 18: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


116-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the

employment of 2016-2017 seasonal employees listed below, as presented under

Exhibit 8-B-3-b.

Cody Orr Rossford High School $10/hour

Ethan Wagner Administrative Offices at Indian Hills $10/hour

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

117-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education accept the resignation of

Todd Rehberg, Boys’ Varsity Soccer Coach, as presented under Exhibit 8-C-1.

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

118-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the

supplemental contract effective the 2016-2017 school year, as presented under

Exhibit 8-C-2-a.

Tricia Hastings Reading Specialist $2,774

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

119-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the following

supplemental contracts effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under

Exhibit 8-C-2-b.

Erik Keller Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Bob Abbey Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Dave Roth Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Jamie Clay Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Troy Adams Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Chris Busching Assistant Varsity Football $3,699.33 (prorated)

Rob Hunter Freshman Football $4,360.00

Chris Jones Freshman Football $4,360.00

Stephanie Shultz Assistant Cheerleader Advisor $3,171.00

Shane Strausbaugh High School Site Manager $5,549.00

Page 19: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

120-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with Northern Buckeye Education Council/North West Ohio Computer

Association for Rent-a-Tech Services effective the 2017-2018 school year, as

presented under Exhibit 8-D. Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,

all members voted yes and the President declared the motion carried.

121-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with Northern Buckeye Education Council/North West Ohio Computer

Association for Technical Services effective the 2017-2018 school year, as

presented under Exhibit 8-E. Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call,

all members voted yes and the President declared the motion carried.

122-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education enter into an agreement

with the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West for Gifted Instructional

Services effective May 8 through August 15, 2017, as presented under Exhibit 8-F.

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

123-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve payment to the

National School Boards Association for their National Connection Fees for the

period of July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018, as presented under Exhibit 8-G.

Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

124-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education adopt the resolution

authorizing continued membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-H. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Page 20: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


125-17 Tiffany Densic moved that the Rossford Board of Education proudly certify the list of

2017 graduates of Rossford High School as having successfully completed the

requirements for graduation of the Rossford Exempted Village Schools and the

State of Ohio, and do authorize Mr. Tony Brashear, Rossford High School

Principal, to make final approval of those successfully completing the

requirements for graduation, as presented under Exhibit 8-I:

Page 21: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


Kent Murfree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

126-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with the Wood County Educational Service Center for Consortium Services

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-J. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

127-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with the Wood County Educational Service Center for Specialized Services

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-K. Kent

Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

128-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the agreement

with the WSOS Community Action for the Early Childhood Educational program

effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 8-L. Sharon

Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the President

declared the motion carried.

129-17 Kent Murphree moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the high school

handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 9-A.

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

130-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the junior high

school handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit

9-B. Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and

the President declared the motion carried.

131-17 Kent Murphree moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the elementary

handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 9-C.

Jackie Huffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.

Page 22: 76 OFFICIAL RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS - Rossford Schools


Minutes of: Regular Rossford Board of Education Meeting

Held on: Monday, June 19, 2017


132-17 Jackie Huffman moved that the Rossford Board of Education approve the preschool

handbook effective the 2017-2018 school year, as presented under Exhibit 9-D.

Sharon Belkofer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all members voted yes and the

President declared the motion carried.





Kent Murphree—Facilities – Meeting to discuss vendors – update in

August by Architects.

Sharon Belkofer – Proposed Legislation

Federal - cutting Education Budget by 47%

State - Instruction in cursive – Ag values possibly reduced


Correspondence – None

Nice Job Notes – There were 5 Nice Job Notes sent this past month.

133-17 Sharon Belkofer moved that the Rossford Board of Education move into executive

session under Ohio Sunshine Law ORC Section 121.22 at 7:32 p.m. to discuss

personnel employment. Kent Murphree seconded the motion. Upon roll call, all

members voted yes and the President declared the motion carried.

The Board returned from executive session at 8:09 p.m.


Special meeting June 26, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.

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